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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-04-17, Page 21
Did your mother .te. you, what can be your best line cage lelp- mate? No? Well, how about a vacuum cleaner? Many wofiea coaider it their most impot t-�. nt home care ally; it's .found in 97 per cent of all households. Sure, you know all about vacuums from watching your mother, but today's vacuum is a very different appliance from that old vacuum mom contended with. The contemporary vacuum cleaner is an all-purpose time and energy saver that quickly and thoroughly cleans not only carpets and furniture, but every- thing from leafy plants to dirty air conditioner condensers. Mother probably didn't tell you about ..btbe new two -in -one vacuums that combine the -ver- satility of a canister with the deep cleaning ability of an upright; or that new vacuums have a wide range of e'arpet,, height adjust- ments to effectively clean every - Wog from low -nap Iri'itehen car- pet- to thick shags. Sbe may have Inisse4Idling you about the new convenience features like touch control on.off handles, automatic cord reels and the cleaning tool attach- ments designed to take some of the "work" out of housework. Did you -know, for example, that: —A vacuum's long, slim cre- vice tool cleans dustand dirt from fireplaces, hot air registers and the condensers, coils and evaporator pans of humidifiers, air conditioners 'and refrig- erators? —The soft bristles of a dusting brush will clean wicker furniture, books, leafy plants and, bed- springs? —A bout with an upholstery brush will beinefit mattresses, pillows — eVen clothing? And mom probably didn't men- tion that , a canister vacuum's blower pari will moth -proof clos- ets quickly. Today's bride entertains beautl fus 1y • • ENTERTAINING IS PART'OF TODAY'S BRIDE'S PLANS and at-home dining can play a big role. Whether it's simple buffet suppers or lavish meals, the decor of the dining area can successfully set the tone. This sun -filled dining scheme is equally suited for an apartment with a dining -living room combination or a separate dining room in a home or apartment. The sculptured shag carpeting, of soil -hiding nylon sets the color scheme and the mood for your dining pleasure. The walls, covered in fabric, accent the colors.in the carpeting and create a sense of warmth. Wicker furniture, an array of plants and bright yellow dishe% complete the colorful, cheery scheme and the two built-in cabinets create additional storage space and.architectural interest on a flat wall. Consider your lifestyles when choosing dinnerware Who goes with the bride-to-be when she sets out to select her dinnerware to set up housekeep- ing? Traditionally, it was Mother who accompanied her daughter. There is growing evidence today that the prospective bride looks more and more to her husband - to -be in choosing her cookware, flatware, dinnerware and appli- ances. This is probably a good idea because the couple have a better idea of their intended life style and should choose housewares, particularly ,dinnerware, with this in mind. No matter who goes with her, some basic preparation is impor- tant. Because dinnerware is a major investment, careful thought and planning should go _into the decision. Things" other than pattern should be weighed by the couple. The wise bride-to- be will ask many questions in preparation for the actual selec- tion. Will if fit our life style? How •, long will it last? Is iteadily available? What about design? Does its cost fit our budget? Answering your questions It is said.that over 75 per cent of the brides-to-be preselect their cookware and dinnerware. One dinnerware manufacturer believes it has a responsibility to bring the bride-to-be back to the real world in which she will be living. Tl(is means 'asking goes- -Will it fit our life style? Con- sider the type and pattern to suit your way of life and your general style of enteftaining — casual, formal or practical. Imagine using different types and pat- terns — do you want plates with over-all color or basically white' Think about meals served on rimmed or coupe shaped .plates. How easily is it stored? —How long will it last? Check the manufacturer's literature for information concerning chipping, cracking, crazing, staining and fading. Check on its use in the conventional and microwave oven or dishwasher. 1 —Is it readily available? Is it available in open stock? Does the pattern offer an adequate variety of accessory items? Are there cpolt, n'serve pieces? Will the ittvi Flowers set the perfect background for a dream -come -true wedding. We will arrange beautiful _bouquets, corsages, and centre- pieces to accent your color co-ordinated wedding scheme. EVENING APPOINTMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED Frances St. (i LOWER te..- ,• i�� .• WINGHAM n 357-3880 ingspur mot never to ...,about the hittytty AG,CI,f of "keeping Quick now -- true or false? —A carpet can hold its own weight in dirt, yet look clean. —Regular gentle vacuuming helps keep lush, leafy plants healthy and lustrous, —Failure of an air conditioner resulting from a dirty condenser is usually not covered by the war- ranty. —You can demoth closets with Neat tricks! proving that more is less A lot of people think that "less is more." But today, the modern way toclean your home is to do it more often with less effort. Doing little jobs more often keeps them from becoming big jobs — and keeps your home .lookilooking great all, a the time. Food spills on stove tops and counters are cleaned much more easily if you grab a sponge and wipe them right away. Once a spill has hardened, it takes real muscle to get it off. And, cooking your new, creative recipe will be much simpler if you clean your utensils and bowls as you go along. An effortless way to keep your carpet looking great all the time is to clean it two or three times a year. Don't procrastinate be- cause greasy soil in the atmos- phere can cling to the fibers of your carpet and gradually dull it. Today's products spray on in minutes and then the foam does the work, loosening and lifting the greasy soil to the surface where it can Be vacuumed, off easily, about one hour later. It's that simple — ne scrubbing, bending, sponging or machines are required. To avoid that "cluttered" look in your new home,, don't accumu- late. Keep a box around for slightly worn or out -of -style clothes and purge your closet often. Throw, out old newspapers and magazines, too. They're not only dust collectors but fire 'hazards as well: Follow these easy "more is less" . suggestions. You'll have less worry about cleaning your new home and more time for fun in your new life. And, that's the, way it should be. beautiful beginnin a canister vacuum eleanerx All of these statements are frUe but don't throw up you him in disgust if you flunked dna miniquiz. You probably didn't know the answers becauset are just a few of the many �a your mother may never have told' you about running a house. With 94 per cent of this, year's new brides planning to work f di Or part time, according to' Bride's Magazine survey, and t plethora of modern convenience cleaning tools available, house- work is being. relegated to part- time status. That's whyit's more important than ever . before to know all about your home: how to keep it sparkling and running smoky with a minimum of effort. Dear Bride-to-be: MOIR-DA VIDSON FURNITURE IN GORRIE wishes to congratulate you on your happiness and to -introduce you to our BRIDE-TO-BE OFFER. You can simplify and save money for .• that busy time ahead. Order your furnishings now. to he delivered at your convenience when you are ready to set up house keeping. USE OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN What Do We Offer The Bride -To -Be? ... any matching coffee table at 1/2 our every day low price when you purchase any LIVING ROOM OUTFIT with a pair of end tables. ... purchase a BEDROOM SUITE of your choice and receive either: 1) any MATTRESS at 25% off 2) pair of BOUDOIR LAMPS FREE ... purchase a.iiy pair of LIVING ROOM LAMPS and receive a choice of any SWAG LAMP or POLE LAMP at 1/3 off for that finished touch. . . purchase a complete DINING ROOM grouping and re- ceive a KITCHEN TABLE with four chairs of your choice at 1/3 off. "WE SINCERELY STAND BEHIND OUR QUALITY NAME MERCHANDISE 100%" OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON New utt-aiithrnitt 3Jtwttttnrr in Gorrie is the PRICE BEATERS! A WISE BRIDE-TO-BE will ask herself a number of ques- tions when she sets out to buy her dinnerware. Corning Glass Works has prepared a number of questions which prospective brides should consider in choosing dinnerware. pattern be carriedin open stock if the pattern is discontinued, and for how long? —What about design? Will food look appetizing on the pattern you are selecting? Consider colors and styles in your home — your eventual decorating plans. Is the dinnerware easy to handle? Are accessory items designed for multiple use? Is the cup balanced and is the handle large enough for a man to hold comfortably? Does the basic shape of plates, bowls and cups permit safe and easy stacking for storage? —Does cost fit into the budget? Does cost match the use? Does expected life of ware match the cost? If the current budget won't permit two sets of dinnerware, make sure the set selected is suit- able for daily use and for more formal special occasions. too. --How long will it last? Does the dinnerware come with a guarantee or promise? What is the guarantee for replacement if a pattern isdiscontinued? How do you get it replaced — by the store or from the manufacturer? If the prospective bride con- r siders the possible uses to which she will put her dinnerware dur- ing the next five to ten years, she may select a dinnerware that will be best for her — and her family life style. • Fragrance tip... If you have tried many per- fumes and can't seem to find one that lasts on your skin, liquid sachet may be the answer. Most skin sachets have an emollient base, plus a moisturizer to keep skin dewy and fragrance alive. yawn - Yo NEWLYWEDS PRIZE a clock radio, especially Kira * tel time display model. General Electric's M-FM1 dock radio, in attractive soft white, has a 2 -inch time dispiIy_fi easy reading day and night. An adjustable Sleep low the couple doze off to music and wake up at the exact mtaM they Want music or alarm. To doze for 3 minutes 4r,.°3 you can use the adjustable Sleep switch. Modern dfin sift - many special features make this a delight ill the'initial chamber, kitchen or any roomy Do's and Don't's A guide to color using Color can work a wonderful transformation in any room — you.-follow-eotne-of thp.baft. rules that have been discovered about its use. Here are "Color Do's and Don't's" to guide you: • DO USE LIGHT COLORS in a small room. to create an impression of greatter size. DON'T USE TOO MUCH pattern, in any room. This can be distracting and tiring. - - DO PUT EMPHASIS on warm reds and yellovlts in rooms that are windowless or face toward the north- east. - DON'T USE BRIGHT COLOR in large areas, as this will detract from the furnishings. DO HAVE CONTINUING COLOR flow through the douse, aad use harmonious colors in rooms that adjoin. DON'T USE TOO MANY cool blue hues in a north- east room or it •will seem to be cooler. DO MIX LIGHT AND DEEP colors in each room. DON'T USE TOO MUCH red or yellow in a south- west room -with large windows, or it will seem warmer.. DO PAINT THE. CEILING'of a room a deeper color than the walls, if it is very high. This makes it appear lower. The reverse is true, of course,*when you°giant a low-ceilinged room seem to have a high ceilings: DON'T PAINT GLARING architectural features, such as radiators, to contrast with their background.. This will emphasize them. DO REMEMBER COLORS are relative and must be seen together. ' DON'T USE GLOSSY PAINTS on walls and ceilings of living areas, since such surface creates glare. DO STUDY COLOR SWATCHES in both day and. night light; colors often change under artificial light. DON'T HAVE ALL SHINY or all rough -textured fabrics in one room = vary them for visual interest. What's New' ° In Bedding The modern mattress is a' whole new concept. It's bigger than old fashioned mattresses, with kingsize and queensize Models best sellers. Plans are afoot to drop the old double bed, and make the queen - size the staple two -person mat- tress. Modern mattresses have' smooth surfaces — no more tuft- ing buttons to poke the sleeper. ,Extra -thick layers of padding make them softer and more com- fortable. Tickings are prettier and more colorful. Bedroom furniture, linens, and blankets have changed to keep in step with the bigger beds. The footboard is rarely seen today — it looks too massive with the bigger beds. As a . result, head- boards are more elaborate, with built-in bookshelves and elec- trical outlets for reading lights, radios and blankets. Being young is a fault which improves daily. —Sweden Sign UpWith Us.: Will FadA • House Together When you plan on making that big mode to your own home — get the advice, help of experts ... us. DON `HOLST REAL ESTATE Realtors Wingham 357-3840 Wedding Serviettes, Coasters, Doilies and Candles. Crepe Paper Decorations and Centrepieces. Wedding Gift Wrap, Ribbons, Bows and Gift Cards. Thank You Cards and Bride's• Books Sending a Card to the •Bride? Why not the "Ideals" Booklet? It will be Cherished. HARRIS STATIONERY Wigh©m