HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-24, Page 6CHAP rER III
The difdculty WhiOh OW ley ia Staseart's
patit Wae tO %ermine a meeting betweeu
Kingsford and the laps:tame Motor at the
latteret home. Steeeto e heel latiown Knots -
ford waa a peer Bonier to Men ; but they lead
not correepooded 'time Gladys' lover had
gime out to South Africea a year ago in order
to ovary out some investigations on behalf
Of a propmed goedoototog oonmixty.
thought over the matter te long tut e, and
one or two days had already nested be-
fore he could find oub a means.
He was so conadowe of late Own
ulterior designs, that he soughe fr some
excuse to invite Stanton Kingdom to hie
hoe° on the names, en exouso that would
sound natural and mettemonfacis even ether
the long interval ceased by his rivulet
voyage to the Cape, Ib did not etrke him
eill he bad wanted some thue in tdeviehig
various futile plans that 11; would be the
most naturel, and, indeed, friendly, thing to
invite Kingeford to his house for a night,
just because they bad not peen mole other
tor ao long. Re laughed at himsell for his
own stupidity, and, lattetily seizing pen and
ink, wrote all A friendly note to Kingeford,
who, he had alreann learnt, was in rooms
near his fiancee's house in Kensington, to
which Gladys had returned from the mum
my. The anawer came in a. day or two,
and was of a very cordial nature. Some-
how or other Sbaeitart felt a little embalmed
of the pare he was planing, but, bevitog
begun tbe game, did not like to draw back,
He sent Raphael with a nete to Amida
Sanaa, to say that be wished him to oome
and dine with him ou the following Tueseloy
evening., when he expected Kingstord would
be staying the night at his house. He did
not tell the oherulnfaced page that he ex-
pected a vieitor to sleep the night on that
occasion; he did not wish the boy to think
anything extraordinary was to happen.
On Tueaday evening Stanton Kingsford
arrived in time for an eight -Moloch dinner,
at which he was introduced to a quiet little
man a sorriewhatforeign appearance, wee,
Stassart whispered to him, was an bleatern
savant sent over on a scientific illation from
the Japanese Government. The quiet little
man ieed meant a short dire in the Cape
Colony, and proved a moat interesting men
panion. He, too, like Kingsford, knew
something about the gold and diamond mines
"I have some rather interesting specimens
of mineral ores," he Temarked casually dur-
ing dinner to Kbagsford ; "I think you might
like to see them. I should like your opinion
upon their value." '
"By all means," answered Kingsford. I
should be very glad to see them. Where
are they ?"
MI will show them to you if you will come
over to my house after dinner," answered
the Japanese; "it is only a f ew minutes'
walk from here."
"Will you come, Stmeart i" asked the
young man of his host.
"Oh I yes of course, if you care to see
thetie epeenmens," answered Stassart. "And
perhaps, Doctor, yeo will give us a cup of
coffee in Japanese fashion, and then we
need not wait for it here," he added.
"With pleasure," replied the doctor.
So, dinner being oyer, the two young men
went out with Atnida Same, Steuart first;
telling Raphael that he need not welt, and
that he was to call him at half -past eight
tune morning. Arrived at the dootor's
house, they examined note curious sped.
mens of minerals and some Came diamonds
of peculiar purity and brilliancy, and then
went to the study where Steuart/ had first
been initiated into the strange discovery
that was to effect his whole life. Lonegivg
on luxurious divans, Stalwart and Klugeforcl
sipped their coffee, amoked their cigars, ,and
listened with interest to an account that
Araida SEM& was giving them of some re,
cent experiments upon hypnotic subjects in
"What you tell us is most interesting,
Doctor," said Kingsford. "I wish I could
tee mum of these experiments performed."
"Nothing more easy," answered Amide,
Sama. -could do them myeelf here, if I
only had a willing subject. Will not me
of you two friends sacrifice himself for the
other ?" he athed, with a smile, as if he
were desirous of complying with his guests,
"Well," remarked Stamm% as if hesita-
ting, "if you promiee Itot to make nte do
anything very ridiculous while I am under
your inflame°, I would. not mind obliging
Kingsford's curiosity."
"Very good, then," said the doctor. "Lie
down on the divan."
He then made a few ordinary mesmeric
messes, and of course as Steuart was a per
featly willing subject, soon pub him into a
state of mesmeric coma, in which conditime
be made him repeatpoeme in Japanese and
Hindustani, answer queatione of which in
his normal state he could not poesibly know
Ike answers, and do several other acts fam-
iliar enough to those sognaloted with the
tricks of ordinary mesmerists, but quite new
to Kingsford. Then, releasing the young
men from his fuffitence, ha asked Kingsford
it he else would like to be hypnotised.
"If you like," answered he, readily
enough; "but do you think I am a good
tubjeoe ?"
" That depends entirely on yourself,"
autwered Amide. "If you trust yourself
to me, and do not attempe to think or exer-
cise any volition, I have no doubt lean hyp.
ratan you."
"Very well, then," answered Kingsford,
with a laugh, "I will put mysell entirely In
your hands. 'And he resigned himself to the
dootor's influence.
lb was soon done. Aided by the young
manes unempeceing confidence, Amide
Same osse him into a complete hypootio
lethargy, and obtained entire mastery
over hie will. Kingsford lay motionless
and appareutly lifeless on the couch. Then
tiredly turning to Stemware, the doctor bade
him lie down also, east him likewise into a
Mame, and in a few momenta stood thortglat.
fully before these two young men, so com-
pletely under his power, their volition von
untarily surrendered 130 111*,
"113 *Mena most be tereating experiment,"
he remarked to himself.
Re made a few more motional with bis
limas, then ooneentrated the Whole force
of his powerful will upon his two subjects.
No visible Mange took place. Ottly, tater
a few temente of evIdently great effort on
the part of the dootor, a Might tremor *hook
the ironic ot Stetson% tlaen mnimunicebed
half te the body of Kingsford. Both men
eimulMiteouely drew a deep breath. Then
all was till. Amide Same Mil back exhahst-
ed Mien hie divan, and gree 13 drops of per.
epiration doted upon his fere& acl. A silence
AC of e6t+th reigned throttghtii the room,
After a 'able the Japanese rase up, and
plathvbia hanci opt; Kleginerd'a fotehead,
etroltea it gently, ae a num% would eetObhe
And. The eyes opened, and the
young men set up.
" beetor," he asked eagerly, " it
done 1"
o , ate__ .0 woonmenieweenemiewommetwetweeteememeneemememenantwo
11.4-' li ogeoporserse,motaiitilyr1 ell!,,,, uzerifrogo,ad Id, eazezutesettbfloore. too ewe,et. ho t' h—hove4ficletl,o--; A in to, el ee de a nY I ,:iterot,d.:31„.274 :pot:lir oti,litel.ms siaelaveosr' tpohg'ateollethoztai4on 43.tileitheitteoffi.olttaidtiottthete oorwdbhodecturiht ato diuteouhti to 4intue lupt/; :ittepide.
. A
. .
Lt zne see. We were ooing to °home a oetehy, Ueele jones lent us them blue Prt'letle4k ee"ehge' het 'It. ' the" 1)e ee ger. oleo et pitayer oho c4ied with ivitwy' , or
m ring, were we net ? '' . , t . yoo ordy yeetetemyee met erked Mlee Mere; winuratien ef cliettuoll Moral greedenee 117 tot me ask you, than, to rgoomber the kc Look in thic mirror," wca tho weever, tliTuilgi'L owea:In ituaTeertee. 17eernatguogkeiityquine; ttYnt.telee' mwohehir reetne:er'ril"irThe "e4ititeett°. udo‘Tlek'l/e; pTripl, t., 4;11M°Ieh;,r wiai?t, 11114.eleef111,613etiuPile ulatott tt4 :Ivrea 4,:t.eoefrtol'ithrei:::::: 1:til: owew"eewne°e". Willa.
inbabited by the pert -one -My of Steinerte rem ir diepentieble moompaniment of metrimozatel
" Mee will see." Kingsford's bodY, mew. fora end Miss 'M. ereay the. hed oilmen t,OAD fony, • , , .neoatov. Now 4 ecerna to wo w worship opirit And in triitti you
must w,r0bip awl,
and women et the glette, ' Teen he towed brippeueen the dim before, Glecire looked at Yhhoe)readnt tmgetit.111.1:e,ettet'oi,e7dletht.ttlihdt ieelriovee,eoline; dihnt.:rtPletYt t:idtementeatnor innehataanutteat hlehysvthe, ethcereleeivea eolit ditsetuleibeatembuy!ohutt, otttreds
,tiloewspeir:: fit,khueteruschtotatnorcit'lgetVeauttietheet 01).1. bilelostteendedi.7114°.01 is the tddrteh tool yto line Min, to du then Mud of thing," ' ' can °WI love hie friend', if theh friend heuell totem or :law, it, tor, and in ipeoed mho.
tills morning to, tht !hitch „ why, tot did " Well, yeeterdey, yoet know, ' Steettont 'him at the every dew pointa ef :dntY.,. end
lee4diettioPrno'hatid adolT1%0', 411-itliuest6l'enfa;n7ateraidielfleaefe911 lute: glee yestertien. Whee hen made you Bo Yinf °died him an cid eleit Mine beceuee he Work, and interest, 'hhd then only if the rtettuhtdogng,Ii4nc4sPiniretrar)bryietit'h. rfre Zeilliirnensell7f
only sent us a pair ot Ave•Ehillitig 'MIEN and touch be a liftipg And beepleing one.
_ea he actowywas in daily life. yap that "No," thought Arlon, " I am not myself,
but he saw Mama as he aoPeared to others. dou't Been), quite Yourselt to -day; somelww." Ye,t!lerecleeteher ewemei3,tilaetaghehde hhzientlemee*:seweee*re'd melees them mem reeheiemneota be fulfilled
mirror regarding himeelf with his own eyes, ahtenaininded ? Are you guite well'? Yon
la er love, "He nee shown up better since It must tieem to you not thab God only
Much lege oan you Mann to worstaip God 8gputeta thokFe11:43:r;a,ide'oEatesopfiyi:obhaecol 70.ror4aikeiep7r; salhilbor.5e
body was bis , no lamer, All the veorli I am eonlebodY else ; and 1 begin te Wieh I oho.
be °
would think etheete be,Kingeford. Itt evae a wasn't., 1 ulna eaY wernething, Pil say Idp
tV' maed, im, rather maxims to hat He is a vision in ethe aarleness, that He
Shell we sitt down he the Perk a touches you at your higheat and beat, but eaerueladleholiditer onothio h.Ibwerec e,, pctmeoortehhinatiloil,
not well." "Pin not quite the thing litle to. cloy,
strange , idea, ; it even struea him as having
e mioomy• comic oido 0 iie and he laughed Gladys" he meld aloud. "1 had a rename of
that !meetly ennetrok.e 1 haa in Afriete epee, freeh iliffiemetee, ' They were about to do to thee He le e help to the solutions of problems'
Mange. a eubjeto wnich might lead. him. into le a hand hi yours when you sorrow Mone hSEelkrt aorrittahnerl9i17 athoiunt atnedhdorlidettihjaotrtnitI4sar inflyi
in grim amusement .
"Wo MASI) get him back to Your honee," deidottit7oVootafddtriroitenn 'Alia m'w head feeie to face with his own personality, in whioh Not a sun 'Omit ' 'should only touele the p
wheel &assert suddenly found' himeelf Moe of 'desk or henth. or marketwor family.titalfit:;3 porlaOtrnagenotti,ldbuaoppp4lyel:ftLedv,seryowinll mory8'doitaipe;
-room, in hie person."
said the doctor, and then you ea o go to he
" Ohl I'm eo aorry,h said Gladye. "What the jemmy of &Anton Kingeford was ' uu. with US Warenth mei bs.bhe them in its toeing oeieo i gt y, - i,g3e 1 aonodphsholael.1 bo f ygeounddrawwheanboywint:inntge
,under hypnotic influence, and rneohanically rifroiz Tote had had a sunetrohe wheat in you to return to the
strange boy you are r You never tiiict nte seillingith °encoded, 'But) to exolain thin
little ootttege on the torrents down the mountain elide, that heata
Kingsford, in Stassert'a form, was MM. le most unfortmette contretempei 1 •neust ask higher melts the snows and sends them in 0,04,00 a gime plate covered wine partioles of
glory, hut the sun that tieing higher and the word mystery think not that ib is the.
obeyed the doctor's oornmand to get up and
"Didn't I, dear ?" said her Myer. "I Thamee where we fit met Arlon Stemern the earbh Mill lower down and warms the osaihndetl'haneede ft: rrergeura•till:or:pa:1.P Thatth einei981Vineeyi:
and quietly departed without awaking any- "member what; -E Premised you to -day -
had left e, few hours 'before. . There they
placed the aleeping iorm in Stew/axes bed,
them, and proceeded towards the house they dthitriiihikee
vvalk. The two plated • him between
Gladys, Pm 2.1111.141•1)igh3:4.oaugelaneet.loViNe rnelyr Intel:13,11i Rev. E. Eli" 0°Ilief8 °e1131°11 44' the 11114 *tight; eeele to he a Sharer in the "ell' 4" will find their place, The first WAS me
to bobber you about a libi/e
Unitalean ()korai Brookbn 111.Y,
' • daty and teak. And thnother requitemente
roust be fulfilled, too. It must moth Modem mi nytur:trvie yofotterb edudt:oebeolit,riotoiEsfo; (Pnieciens, tanhiele doubtsiastiie
(TO BM CONTIPTABB.) uveasllsoysTuhnutisl hithheoyt baedkiiintwoemwoisortsbfritpliteml. tory. If you will .werohip Goo in spirit and
one in the building. nen Staseert Kings. What was it, dear?' Mr. Collier selected hie text from john that God ehoma be inehiring and liming, the myetery of the mint, !midi are meets of
ford—for we mum give him thie "hbleThe Eubteriuge welched. very well thlf4 iv 1 241 11 God 'is a SPiriti and theY that almoin bleep/m:1mM/, indeed, to .00noeive of
name—returned to the doctor's house till le time, and GlIdlYe nnosnieleuelY answered - worehiplim BIWA worship him in 4:priit ami him as putting one down from the heighta
WAS iiTaa to (Satoh the drat morning train to "You said mei woultil take me to the bet teutb." The preacher mid : ' and entiengilieg him hi the undergeowthe of
London; and arriving in town, took a hien °41and we would ""te a setting for
• This was Mae mower of Jorze when met by dull indifference. And, my • friends, .. that QUeen Viotome as a Trooper.
that lovely Iihnleerley diamond you brottglat
eona to Iningefordes rooms in B.eneington the problem a method ,fla places of woeship. pleb deeerves a worth Worship requires in The Fired Guard Dagen Regiment, e
2 ,
and let him& in with a latchkey whion meThe Samaritane were hatedby the Jews, and you the lire° of high thinge, the recognition which her 11,fejesty has become chief, is not • .
"Oh I of , muneatiewered Ar
he found M the sub/ that hie changed per- you renumber the diedples were disturbed of divine duty where you see it, the eppree onlY one .01 the moot dietinguished oevalry
"What a fool I WAS to forget it 1
.got ha with you?" Rave 7" to End jeaUS talking even with the Srmari• elation of Godlike,aims and purpoitee. But regiments in tbe German army, bub in mili.
eonality was wearing.
sought to do was, paturally, after the SOMA -
The first thing that Stet/sere Kingaford
" No," Mid Gladys, with considerable tan woman. Lewes part of the Samaritan Ufa (seem,. to worship an that it shall have no taratmo.hpialog initthwoiolel et:III:0%0T wohloeh oofootuler!
surprise, " of course not. I asked you to mountain end nowhere mem . Jeapte repliee
creed that Gild should.be worshipped in then uplifting form, to come as it were to your P el i
.what exaitiug eveats of the evening, to fiad
tahe care of it foe nie, .Sbanton. And I do that time and place are unimportant. This ell smooth and dull and unhelpable..
God with nothing that He an take holdyosfu,
Vreidonavb ielleitMicaairealoani. Teonuter 1 zlotnh e thegra 14t1 Ibleatthtle of
which steed on the hall -table, and proceeded
house onoe before, end then . only in the
sitting room. However, he took a candle
hie bedroom and turn in. Here a practical
difficulty erase for lee had . only been In the
eolleot your thoughts.a little."
of petultence, " that yea • would try
!relish," she added, With aver so alight a touch
"When I am thinking of you, . an which JeBAS speak at. any length about the bads, neither clan you winehipthus. • It MBA
methode of worship. Yet, Christianity has be fielfilled that your eorntnon life be touched.
text is almoste I may say, the only text in could never strike up a friendship on such a Ague% 1870, when there depended for the
began Stassarte wine a loveme air, "I seem
dear," beoormanetwoek ot clifferenb systerne of war- lt, mustrbe fulfilled WM the Much be re -
quietly upstairs till he saw a door "blight.
to forget everything else," . ship. The . gorgeous' ' paraphernalie of the 'cognized as one that 'empires, thimbles these German. eayalry on
raotordniruoatrfed, avert the
for he SEM on the dressingeteble a letter Pretty
le, ajar where the gas was still burning.
Luckily it proved to be his friend's room, Bnt Gladys did not seem to °are for this the ritualietio churohes, all over the world are relations. DMus hope that you all dome etrorniltiir w;"antte
speech. She was becoming rather baaed epen this simpinphrase of Jens, "Ye here to worship Gad, Let tie eee what each I
Cetholia' mess, the solemn performances of Outies into . truer and more comforting impending . emastrophe, ride ttoil)origrotoaonio:
addressed to 'S. Kingsford, mmi ,20 Edith perplexed with her lover's strange manner; mum worship him in spirit and truth." In- one nets and brings. All of us bring conie that singleehanded, firee arrested the al.'
Terrace, Kensington, W., -which set his and besides, Stott:item never Oiled to go in for deed into° Catholic Church so oomplicated sorrow that is no doubt the commonest moat triumphal onward march of the enemy
doubts at rest, and he turned into bed with that hind 01 complimentary trifling Withher. has become the mere system of worship that burden. In some tete pain is still freshand and thus helped to heat ' bark the well. •
the maidservant called him next/ morn- the turn affairs were taking- What woe were only aboub ten priests competent to intensity andlingers as a and and inevitalMe formetion - of •the regiment dates from
a sigh of relief. He slept soundly till Seaesert, too, began to grow uneasy at it wan mad ebout five yee.re ago that there bitter; in others it is worn out of its first uigh overwelnung tide of. advance.wliThhe
ing at eight; then arose, dressed, and this wretched dieorad? and where was it oelebrate • mase as it should be celebrated. loes. If our ' requirements 'Of worehip. he the 21st of 'February, . le15,' . on io
went down to breakfaet. ' On the table he to be found? "Probably Kingsford has k The high church Anglicans preach 'sermon fulfilled that sorrow should be brought veto day King William Frederick the Third is.
found two letters—one in a girl's writing, looked up in his rooms,' he thought, "and ,Mer sermon on the imporbanee of worahip the light of God andits meaning :given to sued an order to the following effect: li /
which he guessed instinctively was from 1 ehall have to go back for it. Anyway, 1 and sacrament, Among the Runlets and proper comfort dimly found. Not so much have determined to raise three' WA. guard ,
Giadye, and another evidenbly from a masein must .find it." Turning to Gladys, he said, the Eastern Church morality itself is sub, in some seirohing and keen analysis, nob so eavalme regiments in place of the existing
line hand. He opened this the first, and penitently : ordinated to a system of worship. Oae is in- much in a nicely wejuated sentiment ' or light, cavalry regiment, and to form them
read the following little note: "I am sorry Pra BO atAPids darling. 1J mined to think thab pregnant aud important phrase, but • because, you grow to fee from the three national cavalry reghnents
"Aug. 20, 1887left it in my rooms. We can call and get Itt differences would arise, one mighe think before worehip is .oyer that here is which' have fought with the army during the
"My dear Stanton,—Just a fine to send on our fray to the City." secessions and sohienut and bitter dile:maims the place in all he world for 'that war, in order, , .not Oak, to give to theme -i-
gen my beat and kindest wishes for your "'All Ogle% Stanton dear," answered would follow on this theme but it has not grief, ' or, if it be one of those menet vinoes to Whioh the regiments belong'.
approaching happiness. l am in a great Gladys, abeerfully. " It won't be much ourl been so. If the hietory of Ceded= worship feelings or smalt disappointments too per 'which they owe their .oright a fresh pt of
harry, but hope to look in and see you in a of our way; and I dropped something out of 1 were written there would be but few sonel, too small to be revealed to any my kindly feelings toward them, and w oh
enclosed as my wedding gift. Your affect. note to -Eva, you know. Did you see it ? difference on account of forms of worship. premien and ibe relief. I say should, ought;
Monate uncle,
day or two. Meanwhile, please accept the My pocket When twee there yesterday—a vends which could be laid to the door of one, here In worship it ishould find He ex- thane deeerve, but also to testify my soak.
The enclosure was a cheque for flee hon. Stalwart bailee, ..and they drove rapidly to its pope tee Rome and the division wee on is not; in the niountain, but 'duet '
" P.S.—When is the • happy day' ?" We can book i . 'las well."
So they we i ;1,and seeing a hansom, and one has its papa at Constantinople, one discussion of worship, and that is ytohuat aGoinodo iTlhheorictrnureogoirmo,
The eastern and weetertechurches separated implying thereby the third element in the Guard Cavalry Regiment during . the war."
faction with thecmtierpeirtiht:shatroordw;baraybgeotcholemsLeiatgni213.;
Here was some old uncle of Kingsford's writ.
dred pounds. Stalwart felt mote perplexed.
mid et e would get out and look for her note
wards EdithTerraeo. Arriving there, Gladye account of doctrineThe next secession w
. a.s in spirit and in truth and bring with . you
Me Church of Eggland and that was on the atmosphere proper for these results, It Po° nepGolai
slecrof fithuesaGaraea.ralTDheragporoanga‘nere
or address to it. It required, of course, e She went into his aitting.room, and herlover character of the popes of the Middle Ages. something whioh cornea from the shrine. Otivalei'llegiment, and a squadron from the
grateful answer ; tut how could he write mama of the avarice and. domineering is fate I fear, all too often, that worship is QineaoseenganeDdrroangs000nf Rtheogiii:::ranlihane 7.8:::::
ing a letter, and forgetting to put any name while Staseare was seeking the diamond,
ruehed upstairs, wondering where that un. England insisted upon ruling her own The mountain'ammk breaks into glory be.
ane? lb really WM rather awkward. He fortunate jewel was to be foundbranch of the Catholic Church. Then comes oauee ib reflects the sun. The quiet pool tuersewfrom the national 'regiments were se.
turned to open the other letter, which mote ' .
"I expect the beggar has looked it up in the climatal; of the Congregationseiste 'and will mirror ewe or moon �r anus, without looted. with special. oare.awtooTrilhollotheci,Those meauneodurateeun
him with a pang of jealousy. et was from his dresuing-oa,se, he thought to himeelf
the Presbyterians, who leave the Murch on them there could be no reflection, ib is true;
Gladys, asking her lover to be erne to acme "Most likely place. One of these keys is sure doctrinal accOurtta, and fittally the ancestors but clouds may sweep above and lightning f
that morning at halfmast eleven, and take to fib ib;" and he pulled out a bunole of keys of moat of you who came to this land that finish may: follow flash, and alt. be mirrored Preference was given to any who had 'served
her into town to shop, and ending: 'iv you from the pocket of the suit he was wearing. they might worship in their own way, and back again. . A thousand things may hurry during the war.
come in good time I will give you—you He soon found the key of the dressing -ease, lame of all our own difference as Unitariansthrough your heart, a dozen thoughts tretey
know what. —Your own loving Gladys." but, alas 1 the diamond was not; there. He arising from a difference of belief. In no hurry through your mind, contradiction Rough Oil the Attorneys -
With such a prospeob in view, the trans- hunted high and low, but could not find it. case from the time of the disputes between may follow conbradlotion and the resole be 'A little 9 yeanold colored boy was called
missing the driver, he ir quired for Miss Mere.
semi•detaohed lzonse in Kensington. Moe lime, she noticed a letter lying open on the an all important role. I think. moor men authors ; and to make them yours ie wor-
hansom, and soon arrived at a pretty little Looking round the room to while away the has the method or form of worship played prayer, not the book's; your song, nob the
formed Bement last no time in setting out
Mime his former love. Be hailed a passing
ruble, and beside it a cheque for 5001„, are ioclined to think, however, that the ship. In the life of Jesus sae bow he found
Meanwhile Gladys had found the note she Rome and Constantimple between the- mere disturbance, if you will have it so.
dropped, and was becoming impatient. eastern and western church' down to now ie your . worehtp, not • the priests'; your
oath ? -.
Judge said to him: .
was objeoted•to by one of the lawyers. The
. . .
"Do you underetand the. nature Of an
11' upon as a veitness in a 'Western °mire and
dythe, and was shown into a quiet morning. which Stassart hadearelesslyleftlyitwabour. main difference between Catholic and Pro it • true that every trouble was listened 1;0 by
room, and cs.ught sight of himself in a mir. not remeraber, to whom the initials J. L S. and women were called upon.to distinguish truth. The lily and the raven were to him
from a relative of .Kingsford's but she did churches are differences of forth. If men when God was worshipped in spirit and in :;,(1)::e:Y,:atiallit:tioettaShed, e'Yeehee1 anctehhrehr .
"Whet would become of You if you should
room while the servant went to announce rho letter she saw at a glance was testant and between the different Proteetant God eaed. lifted 1.1130 explo nation by Ged
his arrival. Staseart looked round the
ror whioh stood above the mantelpiece. belonged. between their own church and mime other Godei care, how muck more his Own trials tate fie of
Although he was, eo to say, in the seam of "It's very good of him, ithouoh, whoever they would mostly hit upon the vete, percep• and sorrOveo however small. To a man in omey would wet me."
"But where eari bible different:tee of forms of worehip as the that mood, ;0 a man with that would' get you?"
his tro.nsformatione, he could hardly repress ib is, to send us such a ntoe wedding -gift,'
more his adored Gisideue and this time she
him very long. Be was about to see once
was gazing at himself, and yet he saw some-
one else. Bub this thought did nob arouble morning."
a dart of surprise as he saw the face of she remarked to herself.
Stanton Iiingeford looking out at him. He
certe.haly seems to have gone wrong
Stassarb hi his shape—appeared with rueful
Stanton be all this time ?" Something main aifit'rence. '
&last Stanton—or, to be more oorreot,
this that this is nob true. Their differences are encouragement. His faith would refteet the
minor differences and have almost never Led glory of his God like some mountain peak
ble enough to interpret the text as itahould mirror the pesos of God as mile mountain
tonerious trouble. 'think thatmen are sena. the blaze of the sun; his heart would
Iwant you to appreciate worship of God was food amd strength and
taithw, the town:dot" testify. .,
lawyers" were the head men in the undesir.
was upou the lawyers and bhe boy was al.
able localiby where all liars go, the laugh
As the audience mew the point that "de
"De lawyers would."
would not remain him. The thought gave looks. He was very ,sorry, quite ashamed beinterpreted and allow that differeut MAU lake the ahadow of the Monde.
will naturally wonhip God in spirit and in ship was not giving and bringing, but ao . ,
him A feeling of exquisite triumph and of of hirneelf, but he must confess he could not trubh in veep different ways, and still wor. oeptiog and carrying away. There would be .
Is y .
still more exquisite anticipation'. But even in remembez where he had pub that diamond, ship in spirit and in truth. I should likeyouMete amidt:Mif
son in giving your gift , it ;TaGottld aMoral Man?I
the midst of' ow victory the timidity of true Would Gladys ' °who with him and choose always to go beneath this mare form Of wor• were not in return you enjoy ehe pleaSure it . Eli Perkins tells this story on Jay Mown :
love made him, for the montane, feel ea nerv. another ?
" Oh I never mind, dear," answered she ship and seek to find the spirit and the truth. gave. So in worship, it le eormal and hollow A Saratoga clergyman, in making parechig .
vas as if he were still the rejected suitor, , If we are to have any feather discussion when you do nob bang away some gladness Calls on the .gueste of the United States
Arlon Siewearle Mee entry of the maidservant though a. Meade of disappobatmenb crossed among Christians, if we are to differ , and from him who is made glad. , And yet ' for Hotel, iteked Glavanni Morosini, Gould's
gave a sudden shook to the -.thoughts that her fair brow. "113 does not matter to.dem, divide again,•let us see to ie•that we do so all thin true though I believe 113 130 be, most old Italian ' partner, if Gould was a moral
were agitating his mind. At her approach he and> perhaps, if we wait a day or two, ie for the good of our aoula and not on account true, 1 oan see the woman coming with her man. ,
could not repreas a sudden etart ; his heart will turn up. We'vvill go for a walk instead, ot whims of taste in matters of worahip, biting Borrow, with her children's starvation "Does Mr, Gould keep the Sabbath ?"
almost stopped beating "Men the girl utter. shall we? We hardly have time, after an, form, ceremony. This muck ought to be behind her, her life made desolete, in one of asked the clergyman. .
ed the common-phoe annommement : to go to the City before lunch, you know. said, but it is.badly said end wrongly under. a deem wave coming to try the experiment •"Gould keep ee the Sab-bath ?" repeated
"Mies Gladys will be ready in a minute." You will lunch with us to-doy, Stanton. etood if we allow worshipto be of no or of worship, oomiog with tears in her heart Morosiat, with an 'Milan . shrug. "Gould
Bat she had hardly lefb the room again 'won't you 7" ehe tad, with a ;tweet miles little importance. Be assuredthat in Europe and lima about her eyes, oiming from tire- keep.ee ' the .Sabbath? Why, Gould he
before the door opened, and Gledys herself thee made the somewhat. dismayed Stamm and America, the whole civilized worlds in some toiling to keep bread and butter in thekeepme anything he lays his hands on. You
appeared, ready dressed for a morning'e feel rather Penitent at the pore he was shore, have not supported worship at an exhouse, with doubting, ' with .unanswered try 'im I"
walk. Arlon for half a aecond hesitated, Playing- pense of hundreds of millione of • money in questions beating on her brain as to why 16 . •
toed then, feeling how foolish it was that in "Yes, &Whim" he answered, eagerly, church and oathedrel and their oeremoey is so and when and how she had deserved , What Would Resta.
hie position of accepted lover he should still "I shall be delighted to do so. Bat won't and servants for no good reason. We, as v.Alderman Dooley—" 01 . robe to mok a
it all, and worship may molly seem to her a,
hove the thoughts and sensations of a de. You let me get you another diamond? 1 body, are just on the edge of the danger of poor consolation. 1 pan see the youth who move that Casey'smotion be ;aid on the
spieed suitor, stepped towards her and, really ought to make amends for my one- corning to regard worship as of too little to all appearance has all the world before belle." Aldermen .Cartey--" An' 01 raise to
()aught her eagerly in his OMB'while his ieesness."
, ininoetanoe. And not we alone but Mee/erg; him and who is smothering his own misgim say then if thatenotion is laid an the table
whole soul seemed to pour iteelf forth in the "No, 1 would rather you did not—at
the etrong, the handeverkers hags and wearing a brave foe in spite of the
0111 peek .a motion that will knook _Dooley
irnpassionedtkiesehe pressei upon his .dar. least, not bo -day," replied Gladys; for, to among us, uyunso,agel reen who have head• and dernons Of temptation who are fast Metting „motor thee eamth
ling's lips. tell the brubh, she felt a Mile hurt at his body constantly occupied ' gradually draw all the world behind him. I can see the old
It was very strange, but even at this ap. carelessness, and noe quite so eager to make away from statedforme, from a regular este- man trembling at the thoughb that; ,he must
perently quite ordinary preceeding On the a long shopping expedition . that morning, MO11108 of veorehip bemuse they feel no ,ory. die, nertfous," anxious, hiding beneath. the . A Pertinent Question.
,pare of her supposed lover, dome delicate "I think 1 ehould like a wajk in the ing need of there. We have out the thing approved sereniq of age the foam and " Decnot, will you•let me know .how much
sensitiveness, some divine warning of the Perk better. And—and---,1 don't. care down fromadaily service, from service hours queetionhogs of his poor, week feebh. Them 1 ertee you?" e"Oki . met good women, I
beehive of affeotiom seemed in pass over much about diamondanyhow," she added, long to then ghaailit Phenomenon of the all come to worship, you and 1 Perbale• in know you are no in easy demonism/lees, t
Gladeeg mindlike an intuition, unfounded with a little pout, that, to Stassart's enrap modorn 1'W/deters who is complimented on one Mass or the other, and we all cry out to will not charge you . any Ohing , for my
perhaps, but none the less rem!, tared eyes, 'medelier appear more charming the letevity of hie services, It seems to me, knew the secret of the Christ and hew it is treuble.h :" Yee; Unmet all very ,well; but.
She drew beck rather hastily,' and coldly than ever, 'though he wart secretly afredd my friends, that this is another ortreme. we are to worehiP In sidrib and in truth. who le to pay the apotheomme"
returning his salute, remarked, with dome, then the harmony of the proceediems was You have decided that there nen be too How It is we are ' 'to go , aren't
degree of esp,erity, "1 WW2 yen would rt it net unite SO Mate as might; be wished. But mneht beware of arriving at nom at all, into the inonntain and pray and be . .
be so rough, Stanton ; you are guiteepoilhog he thought he had better say no more. about When nothing stands befiween you and your Made strong, hoe, ib is tho hon;whet have yen for me this morning?'e before We
my ht&B. Let us go out for our Walk now. it, and allowed Gladys to lead the way out God but a twenty minute eernion you ere &ewe are to turn to God and then back again aid Blinking, as theletter twarierapproach-
''Why are you in melee hurry to go out,ecn "SOmething imporbanr, 1 *Ippon-eh
of his Moms into the road tower& the held to him by a most molly Mapped threson to death With a brave heart, an utidaunteble
'I have hardly seen you yet Is there any. "How delightful it is to be walking with
, Nor moil oonsider this worehip, et. le not foible. Tiaeae are the frequent demands of "No air; enly * couple of postal (Ards, Once
darling?" expoetalated the aupposed Stanton; Fork,
thing particuler wore*, nor is it liberality in the reenter 'of those Who wish to ,worship. Them .' are of tWern is On inviketion to the meeting hit, .•
inedietely? Why this heive to go ant?' And seeme agee since Isew You beet."
hworice onee more stepped towards her, as if
you want to buy nr. you again, Wedge I" he remarked. wes bent and ceremony, bete a misconception a °unmanly whab we brief& old and yam& the Tairk.Tewk Club, end the other Is frontet
"And yet it ware only yesterday," she an is elastic artd of . a noncontroversitel nature And amv, alae i to ehedain. WeritbiP seenle Wein'
them. What does worship mean ? That' 113rioh and poor,' oomfortahle end starving, your wife ealtieg you te meet her ab the
to embrace hem . sweetie& 'that we toek the Very same walk, Matron ' history proven. What else is it.? leas easy; now to say to ouch men • ancl
Nownore kimes, dim mid Gladys, pheyfielly. It used to be very lonely for me whet; you It impliee, demands an abject of vreviehip. and women, with Mingry °yea) Walling Didn't Need a Tag.
nIf you yeant ono very inneh,, Ill gfre you were away. I only had auntie to walk with To us it means a God. Worship le the lietlels, that womielp is that, thisand the . ,
one when we have got , what you proodeen then, and she gem' slowly," ' minded pimplier reeognieion of a bed. You other and not thus and so, is like medic g an Mother—" Yea hey° drawn that donkey
ery nicely, johuny, bub you hone forgotten
me. Shell eve go and get it ?" "Ah ' Mo
,ntag, le wae even more IonMy for Acknowledge the existence d a friend ham algebraic formuda to your ftiend who has arra thing, Mime ie his tail l''' -Johuny—
Arlon felt•bewilderedea shim What had me " aoserered Staseare,, acting up to his time 4* time, if he is absent, because sorne knit a feitatd. It hi well enough and neotes.
he—or. rather. IcAugeford......promieed bie 1 pent. Aud, iodeed, thieremark was pedeot. oitcumeeence recelle him to Your rintmorY, arY "mei& s° know 14 the hist°0 et "et whore are no foes on
..... e " Oh, thitt donkey doeen't A041 Mly mil.
fettle bride 1 It Was rather ewkward that IY td'
oe and lierwas on pretty safe gond if he le present, bemuse Mt a moment,. or 0, meip and of whet amwer the (mien mind
his ignorenece of small details should show bore. Tie thought he had better ineprove day, era neer, he le With you in your buil- Oleo About Ito but that is not all. What
itself so early In the proceeding& However, the ecoasion. "1 eminettmes Mete*, • he neue or in Tout pleitoure. You reoogniae your des* the tormented mhed find, what does The Mime player! ef Remota, -which is the
he determined to pttt the boat lace 00 It he went) on, "that 11 113 had nob been for your friend lumen% he eppeses to your affection the Wok *reek 1)24 and Attune/hag 'heart Eldorado. Of Mete, leave offered a prize of
°mid, end enswered : "01 counte, dear, we dear lettere 1 Mould have gene road," , . or your Mabee by hit intermit in ,your have to sale what may thee/ find. 1 Row 500 Ito the winoei of a tmetoh for the ahem
will Mont at ewe, if you lace." Ild was °bout "Don't talk robbleh, Stanton M gma interest, We isometimee um the word *or. may the, Woretilp, Md. Where, and Will it ehemplottehtte of the world, to be played Itk
tO ASk her where theiy Mould go,, but refieot. Gladyst with a Piewled Mehl laugh, however. shin ati defining teem *nth 0, reiGtien ei. thin. helot Ottid ie this wmEship etil! tho Chrisitiato rtemom at Ontristrims, and Mr; Monsberg,
od tbie wood hetreg an Unseemly forgetful- 4'13, th° wkiY0 you 11,Bd a lebter thie !nominee, The attainments, the kindnese, the good. beho and Succor. .1 can enlY *reit &Way the oelelmeted plover, . will conePete with
Mete To his hortot, she asked the quesbion bad Yt'il net? And a wedding -Present in it, nem all draw from you. your hestnand one ie from MY OM sninttete neW and hid STU ItichiOrin, ill SO.Petereburg, this winter at
herein , too, I Mink," . • . mid to worship meteor, Bat nark min thee remember the prayer Murmured 'Arsena)s, thel4pital of the Ceeeen of the Anillee.
"Well, them let 00 go, But where are you "Oh, yes 1" mid Stariearte "from my mole, eiten here betweet ittoncle there ere eitollee by the tick bed arid tisk you if worship re is elmest oortain that the majority o
going to take me to Moose h." Ire gene Us .5000 , th.oughts, eotornon Warsaw, oonstant efferte there was the .very worship el Owlet, or moderate ketmhiment in the row
"lo choose what 'Pelee asked, upguatded- "Wasn't it elm of him?" mid Glaelyto refeetitig from ere btatt to another, levety. hove it is when you he dragged, smur Minemom, wilt Wo so great that Mr, Clemen
ly eud then. mono halts/ ilmad maned at ehe "lint width of yout moles was it 1You have aew lite of 4114' and action and pleatiope *cerilltte from the street he the golot, man will net he aemo 0 form any inhere°
&aim he displayed. 100 many, Yon knew." ere tottched at teeny. potAtt by the lite of homely hound of 'Griel, and, At the ehadowee coalition with the onommeof the moomen
" MY deem Stantohed mid laie ledylloVe, "MI" 'E 1" thanglib Stlteearb tobieneelf i 'Yanr friend, if it he trite Monde* end lent fall knows the looteest yen aeon NI rem; in This titottion of .tfittigo wiii wont° t
in o eimprieed tone of voice, weurely you "16410 kiioW then before. 1 euppose 1 ,ing, thenyeti will find that higher intereate tome new world her buy and' telt and: t...r.i
. , btttiunitY of tho Goverfireents atue ideation t
wet Moe forgottele I" , mustrneke a tome at ene of thenth uet wes miter' bate room' mid epttiettal intereste. etts0°1" "d it'alwicY 410 cd" and hopes of ell protendere whothet royeli
1 no darling," 'replied the. agent 'Chide demeee" be eeld elated, melting a wild l'We hone 1311100013 or gamblers or. mots owls &trouble were target, Ot have you depeittomt or anarobito