HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-04-17, Page 5CANADIAN MAPLE 8VRVP Over three-quarters of Canadian maple syrup and Maple sugar are pr yin the, prov- ince of Webec, Ontario and New. Brunswick supply the balance. Healing .0 is t; Shrinks Piles ,Exxigiivelkeinnosubsasee moven Ro tank hienithrflookis god Mak damaged tussle. A renowned res<eartih insjitute hes found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. h relieves itching (and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. 1n case utter cast, while' gently relieving pilin, . actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many Months. All this was accomplished with a healing substance (Bio -Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dync is offered in oint- ment and. suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. yeri 1. members of numn Ater, ,Oder. of the Eastern Star, of Wingham, entertained recently at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Horne, Lueknow;• Brook- haven Nursing Homo, Wingl3am; and Huronview, cl114011. Valen- tine and. Easter themes were fea, turcil throout the programs .whish consisted of orchestra, sing_albngs, solos and skits. Treats were taken to the three places and were very much ap- preciated by the residents. —Mrs. Jean Aitchison has spent the past month with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gauthier of Shan- non, Quebec, Mt. and Mrs. A. G. Aitchison of Seeley's Bay and Mrs. Winn Fowler of Malton. —Mrs, Elsie Webb and' Frank H. Howson have returned home after spending the winter in Florida. • —Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Patrick Street, and Miss Annie Kennedy of ' Frances Street were Mrs. Annetta Jantzi and Mrs. Eliza- beth Clockman of Milverton. —A large number of Wingham and area residents attended the Belmore Maple Syrup Festival on Saturday. Noxzema Spray Deodorant Mcleans Toothpaste ,a, Shampoo 7.9 0,. • Family Size 19 10 oz. • 100 m1. .99 x1.19 1 J&J No More Tangles Creme Rinse 7 oz. 1.1 9 Spray SOI 14 o,. $1.3 Smiles 'n'Chuckles - Boxed 12 oz.' Ch�c�lates ,..P:-4r4j' r ' rrCentresChey • TRIANGLE oiBCOUNT PATf4'T MED/C/#15 • COSAEY7CS • TOBACCOS Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six "HE LIVES" they sang with joy, and the grades five and six students of East Wawanosh Public School gave their all in this Easter message at the school assembly last Wednes Slate presented at WI meeting LAKELET -- The monthly meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Wallace on Tuesday, April 18. Mrs. Derril Hallman presided. The roll call was answered by the payment of fees. A basket of fruit was to be sent to Mrs. Gadke. Due to the officers' con- ference at the end of the month the May meeting will be held on May 8 at the home of Mrs. Howitt. Committee conveners gave reports. Mrs. Howitt gave the report of the nominating com- mittee and the slate of officers for 1975-76 was as follows: Past president, Mrs. Derril Hallman; president, Mrs. Harold Wallace; vice-president, Mrs. Emmerson Ferguson; sec. -treasurer, Mrs. Lyle Murray; assistant, Mrs. Percy Huth; district director, Mrs. Derril Hallman; alternate, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques; branch directors, Mrs. Howitt, Mrs. Henry Hohnstein, Mrs. Clifford Hallman; public relation officer and press reporter, Mrs. 1:'ercy Huth' curator, Mrs. Arnold Gadke; auditors, Mrs. Gordon. Wright, Mrs. Kelly Crowe. Nominating Committee, Mrs. O. Howitt, Mrs. Arnold Gadke and Mrs. Charlie Scott. A program planning meeting will be held at Mrs. Wallace's April 17 at 2 p.m. Delegates to the district annual will be named at the May meeting. SMIS YOUR �g FASHION CENTRE Cords Denims Chambray Gingham & Plaid Shirts Cord & Denim Jackets nrolfir r.11=1* NEMO (HAR(:F_X Children's LEVIS CORDS Now Available OPEN DAILY 9:00-6:00 CLOSED MONDAY FRIDAYS TILL 9:00 "j.evis for Me"... Exclusively for Girls, at Sandys Listowel Mount Forest Walkerton Hanover Fergus Orangeville day. The song was prefaced by a choral recitation of "The Creation" by the 32 students. Miss Merle Wilson returned as Whitechurch WI president. ITECHURCH—Miss Merle Wilson was returned as president of the Women's Institute when members gathered at the Com- munity .Memorial Hall for a pot luck dinner and annual meeting on Monday. Past president is Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Other officers are: first vice- president, Mrs. Russel McGuire; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. George Fisher; assistant, Mrs. Victor Emerson; district direc- tor, Mrs. William Evans; alter- nate, Mrs. Emerson; public rela- tions officer, Mrs. William Rin- toul; branch directors, Mrs. R. Gaunt, Mrs. James Currie, Mrs. Fred Tiffin; pianists, Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Mission in labor relotions .� is UCW theme Theme of the meeting wase "Mission in Labor Relations" when the afternoon unit of the Wingham United Church Women met in the Sunday School room on ° Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Russel Bone and Mrs. Victor Haines were in charge of the worship service with Mrs. Bone also giving the study topic. Mrs. Charles Sewers played a piano solo "The Old Rugged Cross". Mrs. W. Lockwood conducted the business portion of the meet- ing. Mrs. O. Boss reported on the group's quilting projects. They have four quilts to be quilted with the next days set for April 21 and 22. Mrs. Denis Langridge gave the friendship report, listing the card sent to the sick. The group then made arrangements for their visit to Brookhaven on April 23 at 2:15. Mrs: Lockwood announced the sale of anniversary spoons selling for $2.50 each. The local church has contributed $100 toward the youth exchange program, an an- niversary project of the United Church. The Huron -Perth Pres- bytery has selected Miss Marilyn Day of Stratford. The afternoon unit has been in- vited to a social evening at Sac- red Heart Church, Wingham, on April 14 at 8 p.m., also to a UCW meeting at the Whitechurch Unit- ed Church on May 7 at 8:15 p.m. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Slides of MiddleEast Lorne Durnin; program commit- tee, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. Durnin; auditors, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. Rin- toul; sunshine and cheer, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Dave Gibb; delegates to district annual, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Durnin; clippers, Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. Bob Ross; delegate to convention, Mrs. James McInnes; alternates, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Frank ROSS. Conveners of standing commit- tees are: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. John Currie; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Tom Metcalfe; Education and Cultural Activi- ty ties, Mrs. Dan Tiffin; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Farrier; Resolutions, Mrs. McInnes. - Miss Wilson opened the meet- ing with a warm welcome to all 20 present. Secretary Mrs. Fisher red tthe iriitiutes and 'the `finan- cial statement. Correspondence was read, including a letter from Brucelea ---Haven -regarding a month for the Institute to visit the residence. •A donation of $5.00 was sent to Brucelea. It was decided to cater for a wedding on September G. The branch directors in charge of a bus trip had suggested a two-day tour to Manitoulin Island and Sudbury. By a vote, the majority favored a one -day trip. An invitation was received from Lucknow Institute to attend a one -day workshop on Institute procedure at the Lucknow Hall on April 29 from, 10 to 4. Members are asked to take their lunch; tea will be provided. The 4-H Achievement Day will be held May 30 in Lucknow. The district picnic for Bruce South is June 11 at Silver Lake. Roll call was answered by members bringing their house logs and telling what was added this year; or naming a food or utensil used 50 years ago. Sixteen members paid their fees. A good collection of homemade candy was received for the Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Mrs. Bill Evans gave a report .of the district directors' and executive meeting held at Arm - ow. The district annual will be held May 15 in the United Church. Whitechurch branch will be in charge of registration. Each branch is to pay $5.00 to the Luck - now branch for the dinner. The Bruce County rally is Octo- ber 16 at Whitechurch and the Rev. Barry Passmore showed interesting slides of the Middle East and gave an informative commentary when the Wingham Senior Citizens met in the Ar- mouries on Tuesday evening of last week. He gave the group a better understanding of Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan and their problems; The vice-president, Mrs live Lewis, was in charge of the busi- ness. After the slides were shown, song sheets were distributed and everyone enjoyed a singsong Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge and a social tim? followed. The social committee for the. May meeting is Hester Bradhurn, Josephine Brydges, Peg Barrett, Mary Burchill and Mr and Mrs. conn The meeting dote is May convention will be held in Owen Sound. The Motto, "Let us build so our descendants will thank us for it," was given by Mrs, Emerson. She suggested that descendants will not thank the people of , White- church for losing the post office, railway and many shops in the village, but will be grateful for hydro, new homes and re- modelled older homes and a good water system_ Mrs. Russel McGuire, Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Emerson gave readings and Mrs. Evans described the gingerbread work on brick and other older houses. Mrs. Emerson conducted a con- test, "Did you ever hear?" • The cancer packages were then distributed. Mrs. Durnin and Mrs. Fred Tiffin will canvass the north street. hc..nk��ering pisp Os tPCO • FOC unit of the 'United,t web heldts eeting in day /I Schoolroom on ThiursaY. 'The zneetia g opened voith quiet music by Miss Violet Beaviettir eriek. The worship and pry. were prelleated byl > Wilson and Mrs. John Topham beside an effective. worship centre of Easter lilies, the open Bible, the cross and lighted candles. The theme of the meeting was "The coming of light after dark- ness". The candles were exting- uished While the reader read of the darkness of Good Friday, then re -lighted when the news of Easter broke with "He Is Risen". The Easter anthem was read in unison. Mrs. William Wilson read and discussed several articles from The New Mandate. Mts. T. McDonald conducts study GORRIE — Mrs. Thomas Mc- Donald was in charge of the study period when the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of . ., Glenns Underwood for' "their April meeting . - Her subject was the beginning rural mission work in Taiwan and India, as well as home missions in Northwestern Saskatchewan and the Peace River, district. Special mention was made of the work in that area of Dr. Margaret Strang and Rev. Malcolm Muth. As the meeting opened, the aim and purpose of the WMS was re- peated, followed by the singing of a hymn. The roll call was an- swered by an item from the Record or Glad Tidings. Following the business period the offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. William Smith. Mrs. Cecil Payne favored the group with a solo, "Reach Out", accompanied by Mrs. Under- wood. Mrs. Burns Stewart read scripture from the fifth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. Mrs. Darling brought the dis- play of books for the members' selection. an on prayer,The roll can was answered with an Vim' thought 21704 a get Wei O:'.hab «feri was' x for Mylt, . An Invitation WM receiver from Trinity AufilkallMO* ladies for April 24. Date for the .41 pe garden party .is Tuesday, Jo le 24, featuring strawberries, Possible. Plans were :folu- i ed to eater to a famitlypalrty in the Fordwich Community Hall on., May 3. Mrs. Agla cl ed with :prayer. Lunch 'hostesses were ��N Ups. C. Carswell, Mrs, Patterson, N. Hard ng and Mrs. V. Gat. braith. The ladies quilted during the afternoon. Bridal shower- LAKELET ower LAKELET — Mrs. John Jacques was hostess for a itis-' cellaneous shower held on Sun- day afternoon at her hone "in honor of Miss Delphine Weber of, Mildmay. Delphine will become the bride of Glen Jacques is May. Approximately 44 relatives and neighbors from as far as St. Thomas, Gode. rich, Clinton, Hawkesville, Monkton, Walker- ton, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Fordwieh and Clifford made the day a success. The bride-to-be received many useful and lovely gifts for .which she thankedeveryone and. lunch was served. SWINGING SEWERS BELGRAVE The meeting opened with the pledge and motto in the arena on April 7 at 4,p.m. The roll call, "Tell what your activites are from your personal analysis chart", was answered in turn. The color for the record book was voted on, and yellow was chosen. Cathy Walker read minutes of the last meeting. Maxine Procter 'discussed styles to suit the figure. Mrs. Clarke Johnston discussed how to choose a blouse. Maxine Procter and Mrs. Johnston discussed the' summary matter. Patsy Sc?tt measured Cathy Walker for practice in taking tneasurements. PRINCESS SHEILA ANDERSON tries to discover why Honora, played by Cheryl Walker, is crying in the grades five and six play at the East Wawanosh Public School assembly last Wednesday. All students took part in the presentation under the direction of their teacher, Miss Cathy Wenger. MURRAY TAYLOR played the king and Kim McDowell was the queen in the grades five and six production at the East Wawanosh Public School assembly last Wednesday. Sheila Anderson was the princess in the play.