HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-24, Page 1TIINNOMERNairairairMINNINNIZEOSIZIWINatii1111401
o1dsmith Hall!
liErPersonalattention given to, repairing of
wat °lies. °looks and jeW elrY
Opposite Poet Office, PARK EIILL,
a. DICKSON , Barrister, Si:a-
▪ . citorof Supreme Court,NotaryPublic
COnVeyanoex CIDIalniS4BiOnr .840 . Money to
cein Fans cn's Block, Exeter,
Earrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.
OfficeSamwelPsBloek Ball's old office.)
-12-4 .
!Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
zekcittey to Loan at Lowest Rates of
_1..1. •
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SamwelPs Block, Main -et, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth vrithoutpain,
by gtving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zontoz on last Thursc19,yin
each month:
T W. RktOWNING M. D., M. C
ti . P. S ,G raduate Victoria:Univers ity.Office
enclyeeidence,Dorciniorlathoratove.Exe ter
ELYNDMAN, coroner for the
a County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carlin& store, Exeter.
rill. J. A.ROLLINb, M.O. P. S
0. 0 nice , Main Se,Exeter,Ont.Residen
ce non nereeently occupied by P. McPhillips,
y F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M.,
-1--A,! Graduate Trinity University, Tor -
lento; Fel. Trin. Med. school, Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst., Craniology; Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Heniber Col. P. S.,
•OffiCiez Dashwood. Ont. .
T_TENEY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
c-11- tioneer f or Etay,Stophen, and
wray:Townships. Saiesconduetedatmoderate
rates. office—Atreat-office,Crediton,Ont.
TOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the
e1 Townships of Stephen, ECa,y and Ushorne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
gaduates of the Ontario Veterinary College
O regon: One door South of Town Hall.
percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companiesreprs seuted.
'CANADA.. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 00 years o' successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residenees, either on buildings or
contents , the most favorable protection in Case
.0f loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates
upon melt liberal terms, that no other respect -
ante company can afford to write. 42,24l poll:
mes in force 1st Jan „len. Assets $378,209.54
in cash in bank. Government depost, Debeu -
tures and Premium Notes, JAMES GRANT.
President ; D. C. IVIet-mg.u.o, Manager, DAVID
I jugs Asent for Exeter and vicinity
wATEB,Loo muTuAL
Established in 1863
This ciemeany has been over Highteen
e atli in uooesettii operation in Western Ou-
t ario,andJontinuee to inenre aga,instloss or
damage by G" ire uildings,Morenan tli so Mali
ufeeitorioe,e,iid ill otherzlesoriptiouaoflinsur-
- -.sable property, Cntencline insurers have the
kptionof tusuein e °Abbe Premium, NOte or
,,, Clash 8ystem
During the past ton years this Company
hastesuect 17,096 Policies, ooverin p property
o theamountof 340,872,038 ;and paid inloss-
ea alone 3709,752,00
AssetS, SH.76,1.00.00 , consisting of Cash
n dank, GoVernnientDenosit,and the unass-
ocieedPrenitnInNottieonhandandin forte. j,
W Wareners. °tide tt CI 112, Taxx,on ,
Secretary, 3%0. Hoenits,tnepeeler• , OALS:
NELL Agenttor eixoteraticrvicinitv
Barber Shop
V.ANSON'S Bil0(3.1.
A, Hastings, Prop
•Sttting and Flair cuttingib the 'pleat Style
Of the Att.
Iivoq at telitlie 'Paid t d4ititig
Lad/& (inei Oftildrett's Nair.
VOL.-, XVII. NO. ' 7.
.A.:1\T 'II :ED
Nen to tube orders fer Nursery Stook, on Sal-
ary or Cominission. I can make a succeseful
S T., NI A N-
ot anyone who will work and follow my hi-
struetions. Will furnieh handsome outfit free
and pay your salary or commission every
week, 'Write for tertns at once.
E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
00t1013t Toronto, Ont.
In the !natter of Ann COtol late of the
village of Exeter' in the county of Huron,
widow deceased. '
Notice is hereby given purmant to the pro -
'visions of the 'Revised Statutes of Ontario,
chapter 110, Section 35. that all creditors and
others having claims n,gaiust the estate of Ann
Cottel, late of the village of Exeter. in the
County of Huron, widow deceased who died on
or about the 23r0 (ley of September, A. D..1880,
at the said. village of Exeter, aro hereby re-
quired to deliver or send by post prepaid to
.Tose ph Peart or John Cottle,the administrators
of the said deceased at Exeter P. 0., or to the
undersigned, on or before the 1st day of
December, 1889, their ohtistian anclsurnamos
addresses and descriptions with full particulars
of their accounts or Maims and the nature of
the securities (it any) held by them.
And further take notice that after the said
1st day of Deeember,3889, the Administrators
ef the said deceased Ann Cottle will proceed
to distlibute the assets of the said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they then
shall have had notice and that they will not
be responsible for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person or persons of -whose
Claims they shall not then have hadnotice.
R. H. CO.LI,INS, Exeter. Ont.,
Solicitor for the said Administrators.
Dated 17th October, 1889.
Th Henail Iller
1110 best grades of Roller flour
wholesale and retail.
Cook & Reith,
Hensel', Oct. 15th, 1889.
Our fall and winter goods. Just
what you need. First-class goods and
And a host of other things.
Tea 7c, per Th up. First-class
Japan tea at .25c per
Jewelry Store
• Spectacle's,
School Books,
Fancy Goods,
Musical Instruments
A fall line of Spaulding
Bats and balls on hand
We make a epecialty of Watch and
J e welry repairing— A II work guaranteed
Our Motto -,--Neat, Prompt and re-
. 0 , Stoneman,
Luniber For Sale!
ABOUT 16,000 YET.
zr0H11 WUXI% et SON
P111)116hOr. k qua rxoprietor
Short Items of News,
Ressel Toplet, a Collins Bay School
teacher, was killed by a train at Napanee.
(t)r:e.ree thousand miners, in Lord Londen-
berry's colliery in Druhara, have struck
The King of Portugal died on Saturday,
and his on succeeds him with the title o
Oarlos I.
1± 00 proposed to present
Cleary with $10.000 ou the day whoa he
reoeivee the
•A tidal wave on September llth weehed
away several Japanese villages and drowned
thousands of people. .
The Sultan a Zanzibar haBgeven
promise in writing, that all children born
in his dominions after January ist shell be
The jury retuned a yeeerdict of "not
guilty" Saterday in the Hioice poisening
case, and Mrs White and her 'nephew were
at onne discharged •
Patrick Baley, of West Garafraxe, • who
inflicted several wounds Cm Miss Ellie, with
a knife, was sentenced at Guelph on Satur-
day to three years' imprisonment.
In order to make the (retell time that the
fast steamers are now making flOYOES the
Atlantic- 400 tons of coal per day are re-
Patrick Halley, found guilty of stabbin
Miss Ellis. of Garafrax, with intent to d
her bodily harm, has been sentenced t
three years imprisonment in the Penitenti
Success in life is the result of push and
energy. If the blood is impure and slug-
gish, both body and mind lack vigor. To
cleanse and vitalize the blood and impart
new life to the system, nothing eine has
such a marvelous effect as Avet's Sarsapa-
The coroner's jury. at St John, in the
ease of Catherine H. McRae, wife of Rev.
Donald McRae, who died from eating
poisoned candy received through the post
office, has returned a verdict of wilful -
murder against William J. McDonald,
who is acetified of having mailed the calmly,
The Canadian Pacific Railway exhibition
car has been refitted throughout, and will
leave on Wednesday for a tour of the prin-
cipal towns through Ontario, The grains
and grasses, products of Manitoba and the
Northwest., are , exeeptionally fine, and
there are many new features never shown
A Chicago paper says one of the most
gigantic truate ever organized in the United
States is about to ba formed. It is the
coraulete monopoly of the entire trade in
barbed and ordinary wire by a few firms
The head of the mcnopolyis Mr WashMirt
of Washburn Maui& Co., of Worcester,
The writ for the election in West Lamb -
ton to fill the vacancy in the Ontario Legis -
lathe° caueed by the death of the late Hon.
Timothy Blair Pardee has been leaned,
The nomination takes place on the llth of
November, and the election on the 18th, a
week later.
Boston, Mas.'Oet. 17—Three cases of
small-pox—the first in Boston for over a
year—were discovered in an Italian family
here. A young xnau and two young women
have the disease, while two children display
its syntptome. There are seven or eight
other familes in the house, and it is feared
other cases will be developed.
At Point Edward on Saturday last as
Mrs. A. Morrison was looking down into
a well, 12 feet in depth, which a man was
engaged in cleaning out, she lost her bal-
ance and tell in, injuring her back consider-
ably, bruising her head, disolating ono of
her fingers and knocking nearly all her
teeth out. The injuries received are of a
serious nature,.
Shipments of live stock from Montreal port
for the week ended October loth were
Per Warwick to Glasgow, 545 cattte ; Lake
Ontario to Liverpool, 333 cattle, 1,187
sheep ; Carthaginian to Liverpool, 435
cattle, 1,590 sheep; Alvah to Bristol, 163
cattle; Cremona to Aberdeeu, 552 cattle ;
Ponieraniau to Glasgow, 622 cattle •, Mich.
to Aberdeen, 893 cattle ; total, 3,542 cattle,
2,777 sheep.
The Ontario Medical Council on Saturday
considered the case of Dr, Washington,
who is charged with unpiofessional conduct
in the way of advertising etc. Several
medical men gave evidence to show that
the advertising methods of Washington
are not inaccordance with the code ethics
of the profession, and one witness was
callerl for the defence. The e0110e11 ad-
journed in the afternoon. Its decisions on
ths cases considered will be made known in
a Neek or two.
The annual report of the Proviecial
Board of Health for last;year'whioh has
just been issued, sta,tes that abundant evi-
dence has been fernished of the beneficial
results of the diffusion of sanitary infor-
mation by the Board and the education of
the people in regard to the best means of
preventiug or Emiting the spread of
epidemic cootngione diseneesi. Tho work of
the orgauilation of looal health anthoritiee
goes bravely on. There are at pi esent no
leee than 520 local boards of health and
350 medical health OffiCaR in Ontario,
Hillsdale, Mich. Oct, 17.—A nsysleriotia
murder ocouved about throe miles suuth of
Reading, tine county, nt abont 9 o'elock
last night Frank Brown, aged About 40,
was called to the docw by some one and shot
dead, the bell entering above bis lett eye
and killing him instantly, Hie wife, who
was alone with him, ran to a neighbor's tmd
gave the a1arta. She= tell but very little
about the affair. Tracke were tonna of a
person in the roadwalking toward Reading,
a light rain having fallen early in the even.
Cherry, 131itterniit, Ash, Elm
and Maple isninber. •a
Nt.p6pIlly AtdoaPt6ct f°r Cial)incb tlesr: ItbY
W. C4. IG
Thn Detroit I`evre Pre8s says :—"The
mitoms officers at Port Hurori are havieg
ots of fun endeavoring to carry out the
lien labor 'law. For yeare and ;years
amide, has gent over hundreds of hardy
voodsmen who have foinid ready employ-
-nett in the 'ember •woods of Northern
liehigan, but the °diet has il(one forbh to
etit gtop to their impo.tation,5)14 in eon.,
equenee tlio boys are tamed back, A stilt
as also been connneneed against N. ett 13.
tills of Marysville, tot employing 0itneditui
abet' in their Mille, Last Saturday
mnily frorn Seotland Attempted to past
of t I/frron under conth p
ract with in
Imueon, They too have been turned
13utees.—Mr. John Keefe has bought
100 acres cf near Dublin, the price paid
being 04,300, Tack waa an:obliging roan
and a good neighbor, and our loss will be
their gain.
While Mr. John Treemer was engaged
drawing in mangolde on the Farm of Mr.
Jelin Latta, driving the team at it fast rate,
when he was thrown from the wagon to the
ground, and although badly hort, we are
pleased to say he is nearly all right again.
Ailsa Craig.
Mr. Robert Morton, a farmer living about
a mile east of Ailsa Craig, in McGillivray
• townehip, had hie barn. outbuildings and
coetente, which consisted of over one thous.
and bushels of grain and this season's °top
ot hay, entirely consumed Sunday morn-
ing. Rio son, a child six or seven years old,
•was also lourned to death in the barn. It
eeeins he and his brother, a boy ten years
•old, were playing in the loft of the bath,
and when the fire started the oldest got
down the ladder and called for the other to
eome, but the little fallow could not get
down for the flames, and although the
other child ran for the father, before
he could get there the fismee bad
spread so he oould yet get to his assistance.
The body was found afterwards at the other
end of the barn, terribly mutilated, the
head and lege being entirely burned away.
It is supposed the boys mnst have been
playing with matches, and set fire to the
hay. The loss of property will be heavy,
as the bailuings were only insured for $300,
and the contents for a small amount. The
dead boy was buried Sunday afternoon.
Blanshard Council.
The Council met in the township hall,
MOIntyre's corners, on Monday, Oct..7th.
All the members preeent. the Reeve in the
°Weir. Minutes of last meeting read and
,approved. The following accounts were
passed: Wm. Woods, repairing culvert
'River Road, $7.92; Wm Peocock, gravel
on townline Blausharcl and Eidaulph, road
div, 38, and. tile across road, 517 ; Thomas,
Bugg, damages and culvert 8th con., 610.50;
Ruth Richie, oharity, $7.00; Geo Cooper,
putting in °divert, townitne East Niseoun
and Blansharda1.75; Wm. Woods, gravel,
55.00; John Matte, culvert, and tile Station
road, 54.65; John Howard, gravel and
building roadway base line, 511; Edward
Howard, gravel, 51.40; Geo. E. Spearin,
two culverts on the 4th line and Lower
Sideroad, $3 00; Gerald Spearin repairing_
culvert,*• lower eideroad, $1.6 ; Geo.
Milner, repairing culvert lower sideroad $2;
Wm. Sanburn, damages roadway through
field, 56; Won. Lankin, building bridge on
Base line, 530; Allen Stevens, balance co -
tract on St. Marys road, $35. 61 • Allen
Stevens, contract on Mitchell road, 564;
Allen Stevens, for gravel, 546.55: Wm.
Fulcher, $31 92; Robert Ratcliff, I °pairing
dalvort, Town line Blandshafd and Biddulph
50e. ; Armstrong et Skinner, tile, $1,60;
Robert Moir, grading and culvert, 13th con.,
$13 • Wm. Scott, culvert townline Elan -
shard and Fullerton, 92.50; Robert Mit-
chell, repairing culvert, centre sideroad, 51;
Charles Hyde, gravel and damages, 58.88;
Charles Hyde bridge centre sideroad, 53;
Wm. Mostip, repairing bridge and culvert
8th con., 57.75; Wm. Bugg, gravelling
lower sideroad, $23.75. Council then ad-
journed to meet 1st Monday in November.
A special meeting of the above council was
held on Monday, Oct. 14th. All the
metubers present. The Reeve stated that
the object of the 'netting was to appoint a,
new tax collector, John Anderson having
reeigned, which resignation was laid on the
table and read by the clerk. Moved by Mr.
Berry, seconded by Mr. Johnsou, that the
resignation of John Anderson be accepted
(earned. Mr. Berryasked the question if
it was the intention of the Board to appoint
a collector at this meeting, and being an.
twered in the affirmative, be denounced
such an action, etating that it appeared as
if something underhanded was being done.
The ratepayers were not aware that scab an
officer was wanted, aud he thought that
time should be given to allow all who wished
to apply an equal °DEMOB for the office.
There were many men in the township cap-
able of filling the position. and if the matter
was bit over ior a week thee° men would
apply, Mr. Sinclair :—Are you ready for
the motion. It was then moved by Mr,
seconded by Mr. D. Johnson,
that Mr. Percival Armstrong be appointed
tax collector. Moved in amend met by Mr.
Berry, that the fax collector be not appoint-
ed to -day; but that, another meeting be
milled one week from to.day, and that it he
advertised in the papers that such an officer
is wanted, when applications can be , eceived
and then appoint a man to the position.—
No seconder. Mr. Sieclair did not think
there was time to call another meeting.
Mr. Johnson thought it was getting too
late in the season to call ariothet• meeting.
The .collector should be fulfillipg his duties
now, This WaS his reason for appointing
a, man to -clay although he did not approve
of doing so. Motion carried, The clerk
was instructed to prepare by-law confirna-
ing Mr. Armstrong's n,ppoin talent, °Min.
cil then adjourned to moot on first illoeday
in November. ,
Warns ne of approaching danger, a haelang
cough werns US of ocnniug consumption.
Take time by the foreloek and use Iltigyard'e
Pectoral Balsam, the ertrest, eafest and best
cure for coughs, olds, asthma, hotirsoness,
brotichitis, and all throet and lung troubles,
The West 1.1ambton election is fixed for
November 181h,
Ayer's Pills being convieneut, efficac-
ious, end sc:fe, aro the beet cathartie,
whether on land or sea, in city or country,
For eonstipation, sick headaehe, intligee.
tion, and tOrpid liver, they never
Tryit box of them ; they are et -Igor -coated.
The eonference of the London District of
the Chtoth of &lead Chriet of Latter Day
Sainte was resumed on Saturday morning,
The report of the Oonireittee on Oreden--
Hale was read, showing 2/ delegeles pre-
sent. The London Dish let COMpriges SOtne
19 brimeliee, 800 rime:there, while iu Ontario
theto iS a totelinembershin at tibent 1,200
Members', seattered in London, St, Thetnas
Ohatifamt St Ira "s 1
CouNcir, eouncil met on
Saturday OM. 19t11. —The Reeve, Deputy.
Reeve and all the merabers preeent, Min-
utes react and approved. Xagob Waltz
made application to the Council to have the
Hay swamp drained so thet he may be
able to cultivate his land, --Two indigent
persons Mrs. House and Mr. Curry applied
for charity which was granted. Mrs Kien-
hardt living in Zurich, was on motion by
Ar. Geo. McEwen, Seo by Mr. Awe, ea-
empted from taxation for 1889. The /Col,
lector presented the names 'of J. Johnson
And 0, Solclan as his euretiee for the due
performance of the duties of his offiee and
the Treasurer the names of R; 11. zjelniston
and W. Clupp.—Heved by Mi. Hayrack
see by igr. A. ;llama that the bonds Col -
teeter aud Treasurer be aceepted and that
the Collector have all taxes collected and
paid over to the Treasurer on or before the
lot December next. :Moved by Mr. Hess,
seo by Mr. Geo INIcEwen that all persons
having accounts against the Township of
Hay be requeetea to send them to the Clerk
of the municipality on or before the 2nd
day of Dec. 1889. The following accounts
were passed.—Hart & Co (Toronto) 53.40;
D. S. Campbell Surveyor $8.50 J. White
et Son printing 835'; C. Baird Le Ban road
scraper 66.75 ; D. Palmer cleaning diteh on
Zurich road 98.18; 3, Gellman rep culevrt
51; G. Schellig do 51.75; W. Codwell do
52.50; C. Aldworth do 61 ; T. Brintnell do.
53.12; F. Giblets do 51.87; R. Beek do
56,24; G. Turnbull do 96; C. Heyrock do
$3 ; J. Beek do $1.25 A. Moss gravel 64.
80; R, Taylor do and work on Lake bank
510.94; W. Jennison do 514.48; C. Greb
boarding an indigent 51.75; G. Dircharme
gravel 54.80; S. Rennie rIo l762; 0
Miller making culvert, and grading road $15,
S. Miller making ditch and culvert $6.75 ;
P Sehada wore on road 511 ; M Curtis
making ditch 55; Tel Steinbach grading road
518; N Moss corn on Centre road 5100; F
Schuettler do 6183. 83; R Carlisle do 6246.
06; J Wagner do 5, B. 879.01; G Hess ex-
amining and levelling Zurich drein 57.25:
P Bell, balance on lumber $100.79. The
Council adjourned to meet on Thursday
Dec 5th at 10 a.m.
13RIEPS. —Mr. Henry Scbraider has erect-
ed a new shop on Union street and hoe
commenced the manufacture of boots and
shoes on azInrgescale,-Mr. Michael Finn hes
removed to his handsome residence on.
Queen St. Michael ia an energetic) rtuel
• geed Hattie Mitehell is at
'present visiting in the neighborhood of
Exeter, and is greatly missed in the:village
but it is hoped she will soon be Burk.—Miss
Jennie Hall has reterned from an extended
visit among friends in and around Ilderton
ehe is accompanied by a le dy frieacl Miss
Rall.—Mr. Holtzman is now booming the
tailoring business. He has had to employ
another coat maker, and his genial connzen
anee Atli good manner has attracted all the
fair damsels in the neighborhood. and his
shop is now filled to the door with recruits—
On Friday night of last week a large num-
ber of the young people of this neighbor-
hood assembled in the village and marched
in procession to the iesidencs of Mr. Phillip
Cook to a party given in honor of Miss
Mary Cook prior to her return to her home
in Waterloo. A very enjoyable evening was
spent, when all adjourned to their respec-
tive homec well pleaded with their evenings
St. Marys.
BruErs.—Rev. Dr. Potts of Toronto
preached the Educational sermons in the
Methodist church here. The attendance
both morning and evening was large, and
the sermons the most eloquent over deliver-
ed in the church.—A number of the Hotels
and it few of the business places are lighted
by electricity. Mr. Andrew's jewellry store
has three aro lights.—Guest's block is be
ing refitted, and plate glass front being put
in.—Hr Myers Woollen Mills closed on
Saturday evening, the building being con-
demned, The proprietors are undecided
whether to rebuild in St Marys or move to
Toronto,—Prank Palmer Barrister of Strat-
ford lost a Fax Terrier, while visiting here
on Sunday Mr. Palmer had reftmed
Seventy Five dollars for it. —It is the in-
tention of the Methodist denomination to
build a new Sunday school next year.—Mr,
Finlay, formerly cashier in the Bank of
Montreal, here, but now of that Bank,
Hamilton, was ie town on Saturday.—
Horsham who was brought before the Mag-
istrate on Wednesday last by Richard
Punter, charged with firing the letter's
barn, was acquitted on Saturday, Mr,
•Paynto not being able to produce sufficient
evidence.—While engaged in working the
drop hammer at the Maxwell worke, the
iron \Allah be was handling fell on his foot
0111c -thing it so severer' that he will be laid 1
up for several weeks—X. H. Slack has sold 1
hie Livery buoiness to ,Tatues McLarty, 1
Mr. Slack will be much miesed ih the town
in which be has served the public for the
aast two years—James Dusty reterned
home ou Wedliesday last after it sojourot of
eix:months in the Prairie Province and
North West Territory.—Tho teachers of the
Collegiate Inetituto have engaged Madam
Fry and cowering to entertain the people of
Ste Merya on Saturday evenieg next,—The
geetleznan who had the deekling of the
base ball game between fitchell and St.
Marys, this team will have the pennant 1111
the lend of the eeason of 1889.---A. J.
Rason 14erchant tailor was married on
Thursday to Miss Maggie Delmage weal
ward. We wish the youug couple all happl.
noes and prosperity.
A collie dog owned by Mr, Richard. Lin.
sea', Southwold, went mad on Saturday,
Ana 'atter biting another dog belonging to
Mr, Barrett, and two or three eo vs, at-
tacked. Miss Edith Vitesituone, i'Phe young
iadytg experienced considerable diffieulty
aghtina oft the hitt°, whieh tore 0110 of
the mits from her band, Fortonately she
(+stoned, the taiiinals teeth, howeter, The
dog Wee flrtO1y driten into A barely Where it
Was Sbni4 Int(' not before it had bitten tattiest
through the wooctwork of the door in ita
OhilcIrort Cry f01
The Wtolsons '8an,
(OriATV=ItEP 10Yr4ttLIAXENT00.50) •
Paid ppeapital ' $9,000,00
Bestrun4Efea. t1001.0"03, X.Co' ntre"a‘l'°°°'Qg
W°I.PEt(3‘1‘4, N TGlIn°*111aAASZ,Dri;k4•0:a
20 brittle h othees ttW POrainiOn.. A genale
'in the Dozninioe,U.S.A. and Bureee. '
• Exeter EitEtnatt, •
OPen every day , frem 10 won. te 3 p.pi
SATI.TBDAYS,10 a.m. te 1 p,
• 3PerCeut.per annum, allewedfoi nioney on
Deposit Receiptsand Savingzillank,
OndliGn OE Busiaress SAan.—Having de-
cided on making a change in bis business,
the undersigned now offers the whole of his
stock amounting to $14,000 (fourteen thou -
and dollars) at cost for oath, The stook is
complete iu every detail end will agora, an
excellent opportunity of buying fell and
winter goods at wholesale prices. Remem-
ber the sale is genuine, ,stook fnli and well
assoited, and prices at poet as one eall will
b. ViTarsArir,Lan.
BRIBES. —Heavy grey frost has prevailed
every night for this last week.—Mr, W. J..
Moffait is having hie stables re-roofed—Mr.
J. Taylor of ffirkton has started a harness
shop here. People will find it to their ad-
vantage to give him a cal) as he ie au extra
good workmarn—Mrs. Robinson is the
guest of her daughter Mrs. T. E. Sandford
of thia place. --At the raffle for a revolver
in G. G. Eseery's shop on Friday eve last,
Mr. Martin Ryan held the lucky ticket.—
Mr. Daniel French came home from Chat-
ham on Saturday. where he had been pack-
ing apples. He reports apples a splended
crop in those parts.
-- •
BRIEFS. —The weather has been fine
lately. Most of the farmers have their fall
grain in and considerable plowing and sow-
ing done -
Mr. Jas. P. Westroan has been engaged
at school No. 7, Stepeen for 1890.
Oar ahem factory shuts down to day
(Thurday) for the season.
Quite a number of our boys left for the
lumber woods, last week. Success hoe's -
A very enjoyable and successful party
was held at Mr. Jas Laurie's Friday even-
ing where a number amused tlaetriselvea
at tripping the light fantastic heel and
While coming from the Parkhill fair,Mr.
John Pollick had an accident befall himself
and buggy. It appears that it young
couple driving rather swiftly, ran into the
rig, upsetting the occupants out and dam-
aging the buggy considerably.
On Saturday night some of the boys at-
tempted to play a.smart trick on, one of our
farmers hat it somewhat cibtanged when a
couple of them were compelled, on Monday
' menu/1g, jo put on a gate .they b.aci taken
off, and go and search for the cattle they
had let out, with the proprietor as overseer.
OnFriday rnoon last the ..-zOti"thuilcl-
ing of Mr. W. M. Leigh of Kirkton were
burned to the ground. Mr. Leigh was ;••
the field firing stumps, and his littlee...eour
year old boy, thinking he would !rave a
blaze of his own, set fire to„,..ilie straw •
stack at the barn. After a:de stack was
alt a blaze the little fellbw ran to the
house and told his mother to look at,Ehis
fire. Mr. Leigh was called, and before
anything but stock and a binder could be
removed the barn was envelopecl in the
flames. Mr. Leigh is a heavy loser, as
the building contained the season's crop
as well as the greater number of the
implements. Slight insurance.
conservativ_e_viotory in
Montreal Oct. 18. --The great Ministerial
victory in the county of Richelieu is the
all -absorbing topic. The Liberal Conser-
vatives are jubilant, while the Nationalists "
are correspondingly creetfallen, yet both
parties adniit that Riehelleu's verdict
cannot but have a widespread effect. upon
all corning elections in the Prpvince of
Quebec, whether for the Legislature .or
the Ottawa Parliament...,The Hon, Mr.
Chapleau, Messrs. Bergeron, • M. P.,
Mantel, M. P. P., Vamasse, H. P.', Rain,
M. P., and. other Conservative; workers
arrived f rom the country this ow:zing,
and it is needless to say that their 'recep-
tion was enthueiastic It appears DOW ,
that Mr. Massoe's majority is evenolarger
than reported last evening One of the
polls embraced in the returns had na:been
counted and the aorreet majority is '.now
given at 334, a result never before attained
in the county of Ruthelieu. It has, with-
out doubt. been a farmers' triumph, and
the polling comparisons will go to shove
how unrestricted reciprocity is regarded
by the rurt.1 population of French Canada.
Old canvassers,, whose long experience
make MIMI, wbfelo reliable, say that the
voice of Richelieu will be the voice of the
entire province wheneyer solicited, either ,•
in a local or federal contest. The parish,
of St. Marcel gave the conservative candi-
date in .1887 a majority of 32, which it
now iocreased to bet "rime 60 and 70. lo
St. Louis an Opposition majority of 67 has
been wiped out and a Government niNintity
of 27 secured In Ste, Ann Copt. Labelle's
opponent wee 76 ahead in 1887, while the
present returns ehow 40 majority for the
Conservative side. Substantial gains have
been made all over the country, but theee
quoted are the most important and ..tiliour
most conclusively that the farthere,-of this
prnvince at least, arc satisfied vvith the
prose]] t regi m e . Black of St. 'Tobin
who did tioble work during the fight, says
that the name of Sir Jan MacDonald
is veneeated tunotiest the people of Riche.
Steam Heating cf Pastitenger
The experiMent of heating 'braille by
steatailiati been suceeesfully tostedl by One
Western line --the Ching°, MilWaukee
St, Paul Railway—and now the through
Veetibuled trains of that compauy leaving
Ohicago c4ery day for St. taol and 'Minna-
epolie at 5:30 r. At., and. lowing llitmoaDo,
lis tI 6;50 P. ac„ end t41. Paul at 7:80 P. tr.
for Milweuicee end Chicago, Are systernati.
celly equipped with etenen heatiell tIPParu"-
1118No matter Whet degree Of Cold may exiet
anywhere Along the lino, no von toloporn.
100 of bent is maintained titre:valiant the
interior of the trein, •
tIs ramtliy tutitoesitilm ell lb:renter trite
On the vntletwottYettintig et the Chfotug
"k,t1,1411rth h
provided' with applittneelq t