HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-03-27, Page 18it a One of, their weaker
,mak Wayne and Shuster
pr eTt some topical humor
,y presented their special
laSt ...'Friday evening on the CBC
network. Always making politi-
*US and the CBC the butt of
their jokes, they came up with
more of the same in this hour. But
their main sketch, about a cow-
ardly son of a British officer,
lacked sparkle and was not up to
their usual standard.
Though I have always been
aware that the two boys boast an
excellent supporting cast in all
their shows, it was never quite as
evident as in this show, perhaps
because many good roles fell to
them. They slip easily from one
role to another and prove their
versatility in each. Professional
might be the word to best
describe their supporting cast, as
they provide many entertaining
moments during the Wayne and
Shuster comedy specials.
Caught a glimpse of the Larry
Solway late-night show in Chan-
nel Mast week and wouldn't you
know, my very favorite, Gordon
Sinclair, would be his guest! For
no other reason but that I was too
lazy to change channels, I left it
on to hear the dear boy talk about
his money and his greatest love,
himself. He looked like he had
just come from a rummage sale
and was wearing what he had
bought. And Solway is not exactly
my. -idea of a top-flight inter-
Halfway through the interview,
however, t found myself almost
feeling a bit of fondness for this
pain -in -the -neck friend of mine,
After all these years of bragging
about the fact that he was an
'atheist' and backing into a cor-
ner so many guests that obvious-
ly were no match for his impu-
dence and arrogance, he seems to
be mellowing in his old age. He
never had me fooled; he's always
believed strongly in the Gospel of
Gordon and pinned '-a god -like
image on himself.
But, talking to Solway, he
started rambling about being out
on his boats, sailing off Northern
Ontario and charting his courses.
As he enjoyed the solitude of the
warm quiet summer evenings
and ; watched the stars , as . they
blVoonl Lee
guided him on his course, he felt a
Presence, was aware that the
stars were not in the sky `by
chance' but Divine Hands were
behind this entire creation.
1 found it very hard to believe
that there he was, talking like 11
had never heard him talk before.
Was he finally admitting there
was Someone greater than Sin-
All joking aside, Gordon Sin-
clair has let personal tragedy
make him bitter and cynical
which is no laughing matter but a
reason to feel sorry for him. He
will learn eventually, that no man
is an island. A very clever man
who has seen fame and tasted
success, he has never seemed to
be a happy man. I somehow had
the feeling last week, that the
proud exterior was covering a
very thoughtful roan who, in the
autumn of his years, was trying
to sum up the meaning for his
For Aristotle Onassis, just as
Gordon Sinclair; much meaning
left his life when personal
tragedy struck and claimed his
child, in Onassis' case, a son who
would have- claimed the entire
Onassis fortune and 'shipping
business. When his young son
died in a plane crash two years
ago, part of Onassis died too. He
flew the best surgeons to Europe
to save his life but it was useless.
As Onassis' own health deterior-
ated, he sought the best doctors,
again to no avail, probably be-
cause he had little left to fight for.
Last week, Aristotle Onassis
died in Paris at the age of d9,
ending two years of tragedy, that
began with the death of his son,
many personal problems suf-
fered by his daughter and the
mysterious death last year of his
first wife, Tina. He was buried on
his beloved island, Scorpios, the
bulk of his estate and his business
going to his daughter and only
living heir. His widow, Jacque-
line Bouvier Kennedy, was in
New York when he died and will
no doubt return there to live. His
• life. was spent building a fortune,
which after his death was esti-
mated in the hundreds of
millions, but he died an' empty
shell of a man, with two people
his only close mourners.
The fallowing programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change
Sorry folks! Crossroads has
received no program listings
for Channel 6 beyond Satur-
day. Thus only regularly
scheduled programs appear
for the balance of the week.
TH U RS., MAR. 27
6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11
6:30 Newscope 13
7:00 Canada A.M. 13
Special Place 11
7:35 Concern 13
7:40 Canada A.M. 13
8:00 Ont. Schools 8, 10, 11
8:30 Romper Room 13
Magic Roundabout 11
8:45 Ed Allen 11
Mon Ami 8, 10
9:00 Yoga 13
Friendly Giant 8, 10
9:15 Ont. Schools 8, 10, 11
9:30 Pay Cards 13
10:00 It's Your Move 13
10:30 Mr. Dressup 8 and 10
Horoscope Dollars 13
11:00 Sesame Street 8 and 10
Five of A Kind 11
Ladies' Fare 13
11:30 Let's Talk 13
Midday 11
12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13
12:30 News 8 and 10
How to Survive a Mar-
riage 11
Let's Make a Deal" 13
12:45 Movies 'Long Dark Hall'
8; 'Wild and Wonder -
fun' 10
1:00 Hollywood. Squares 13
Days of Our Lives 11
1:30 Definition 13
The Doctors 11
Canadian Cavalcade 6
2:00 Another World 13
General Hospital 11
2:30 Edge of Night 8 and 10
The Young and The
Restless 11
Alphabet of Life 6 •
3:00 Juliette 8
Thursday at Three 10
I Saw That 11
Whats the Good Nord 13
That Talk Show 6
3:30 Take Thirty 8 and 10
Truth, Consequences 11
He Knows She Knows 13
4:0.0 "Family Court 8, 10
Dinah 11 - •
Flintstones 13
Doctor in The House 6
4:30 Hi Diddle Day 8 and 10
My Three Sons 13
Holywood Squares 6
5:00 Hogan's jleroes 8
Partridge Family 10
Mannix 11
Gilligan's Island 6
Ironside 13
5:30 Partridge Family 8
Dick Van Dyke 10
Hogan's Heroes 6
6:00 News 6, 8, 10. 11, 13
6:30 Truth or Consequences 8
The Brady Bunch 13
The Party Game 11
Movie 'Hallelujah
Trail' 6
7:00 The Odd Couple 10
Lawrence Welk 8
Harry Hibbs 11
Karen 13
7:30 The Happy Prince 13
Barney Miller 10
Movin' On all
8:00 Carol Burnett 8 and 10
Sts of San Francisco 13
8:30 Oral Roberts Special 11
9:00 Police Surgeon 13
Movie 'Murder. and the
Computer' 8
Rhoda 10
9:30 Bob Newhart 10
Rockford Files 11
Maclear 13
10:00 Mannix 10
Cade's County 13
Global News Hour 6
10:30 George Hamilton IV
8 and 11
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
Sports Probe 6
11:20 Local News 8 10, 13
11:30 Movie 'Arrowhead' 6
Larry Solway Show 11
11:45 Mery Griffin 8
Policewoman 10
12:00 Movie 'Woman of the
River' 13
Movie 'A Girl Named
Tamiko' 11
1:30 Concern 13
2:10 Mery Griffin 11
FRI., MAR. 28
, 6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11
6:30 Galloping Gourmet 13
7:00 Canada A.M. 13
Special Place 11
7:35 Concern 13
7:40 Canada A.M. 13‘
8:00 " Ontario Schools 11
8:30 Romper Room 13
8:45 Ed Allen, 11
9:00 Yoga 13
9:15 Ontario Schools 11
9:30 Pay Cards 13
Mon Ami 8, 10
9:45 Friendly Giant 8, -10
10:00 It's Your Move 13
- Ontario Schools 8
Camera Twelve 10
10:30 Mr. Dressup 8 and 10
Horoscope Dollars 13
11:00 Sesame Street 8, 10
Good Friday Service 11
Ladies' Fare 13
11:30 ,Let's Talk 13
12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13
Midday' 11.
12:30 News 8 and 10
How to Survive a Mar-
riage 11
Let's Make a Deal 13
12:45 Movies 'The Ride Back'
8; 'Thunderhead' 10
1:00 Hollywood Squares 13
Days of Our Lives 11
1:30 Definition 13
The Doctors 11
Canadian Cavalcade 6
2:00 Another World 13
General Hospital 11
2:30 Edge of Night 8 and 10
The Young and The
Restless 11
Alphabet of Life 6
3:00 Juliette, 8
Friday at Three 10
I Saw That 11
Whats the Good Word 13
That Talk Show 6
3:30 Take Thirty 8 and 10
Truth, Consequences " 11.
He Knows She Knows 13
4:00 Family Court 8 and 10
Dinah 11
Flintstones 13
Doctor in The House 6
4:30 Dr. Zonk and the Zun-
kins 8 and 10
My Three Sons 13
Hollywood -Squares 6
5:00 Hogan's Heroes 8
`Partridge Family 10
Mannix 11
Ironside 13
Gilligan's Island 6
5:30 Partridge Family • 8
Dick Van Dyke 10
Hogan's Heroes 6
6:00 News 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
b:00 Truth or Consequences 8
The Brady Bunch 13
Party Game 11
Sunshine 6
7:00 Manhunter 10
Maude 8
Swiss Fam. Robinson. 13
The Night Stalker 11
Sanford and Son 6
7:30 Movie: Banacek 13
Chico and The Man '8
Move 'I Love You . , .
Goodbye' 6 „•
8:00 Alt in The Family 8, 10
Police Woman 11
8:30 Tommy Hunter Special
M.A.S.IJ 10
9:00 Tommy Hunter 10
Baretta 11
The Jeffersons 6
9:30 A Night Out 13
Hot L Baltimore 6
10:00 Barnaby Jones 8
Tommy Banks 11
Kojak 13
Hawaii Five -O 10
Global News Hour 6
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
•Movie The Honkers' 6
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:30 Larry Solway 11
11:45 Mery Griffin 8
Movie 'Deadfall' 10
12:00 Movie `Topaz' 13
Movie 'The Carpetbag-
gers' 11
1:15 Movie 'Matchless' 8
2:05 Concern 13
2:55 Mery Griffin 11
SAT., MAR. 29
5:53 Concern '13
6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11
6:30 Waterville Gang 13
7:00 Story Theatre 13
Special Place 11
7:30 Arts 100 13 ,
8:00 Family Finder 13
• Ontario Schools 11
Quelle Famille 8
8:30 Uncle Bobby 13
Les Egregories 8
9:00 La Boite a Surprise 10
Polka Dot Door 8
9:30 Tree House 13
Frightenstein 8
D'Iberville 10
10:00 Circle Square 13
Nuts 'n Bolts 'n Things
Garner Ted Armstrong
10:30 Hudson Brothers 13
Circle Square 8 and 10
Camera on Canada 11
11:00 Jr. Talent Hour 8 •
Rocket Robin Hood 10
Cartoons 13
The Church Today g11
;11:30 Bewitched 10
Jane Gray 11
Kung Fu 13
12:00 Cartoons 10
Wrestling 8
12:15 Howie Meeker 10
12:30 Reach for the Top 10
Movie Brock's Last
Case' 13
The Lively Woman 11
1:00 Gardening with Gwen 8
Wrestling 10 and 11
1:30 Reach for the Top 8
WHA Hockey: Toronto
vs Vancouver (taped) 6
2:00 ,College Sports 8, 10, 11
2:30 It's Up to You 13
2:00 Water World 13
3:30 Bonspiel 11
Challenging Sea 13
4:00 My Country 6
CBC Sports 8, 10
Wide Wld. of Sports 13
4:30 You Really Can 6
Sportsweek 8, 10
5:00 Bugs Bunny 8 and 10
Roller Derby 11
Wrestling 6'
5:30 Sports Roundup 13
6:00 Movie 'The Things I
Never Said' 8
Mr./Ms. TV Bingo 11
News 6, 10, 13
6:30 Movie 'Hurricane' 10
Bowling for Dollars 13
World Evangelism 11
Goodtime Country 6
7:00 Emergency 13
Movie `Tholse Magnifi-
cent Men in Their Fly-
ing Machines' 6
7:30 Stompin' Torn 8
8:00 Hockey: Boston at To-
ronto 8, 10
Movie `Butterflies Are
Free' 13
10:00 Movie `Walking Tall' 6
Wrestling 13
10:30 Ceilidh 8 and 10 -
Movie 'The Brother-
hood' 11
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
11:16 Provincial Affairs 8; 10
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:45 Movies 'The Mountain'
8; The Sunshine Pat-
riot' 10
12:00 Movie 'A Town Called
Hell' 13
12:30 Movie The Lawyer' 11
Spain prefects
MADRID- The Prado mu-
seum here is Installing a $6
million air purification sys-
Contamination from traf-
fic -choked streets has been
leaking through the Old sys-
tem and deteriorating can-
vases by El Greco, Velasquez
and Goya. - CNS
Channel 6 Enter inment
THURSDAY 6:30 p.n}.-"HALLELUJAH TRAIL" starring Burt
Lancaster, Lee Remick and Jim Hutton. The U.S. cavalry is
ordered to protect a load of whiskey ordered by saloon
owners and. miners, but a temperance leader . decides to put
a stop to it.
THURSDAY 11:30 p.m. -"ARROWHEAD". Set in. the 1800's, a
U.S. cavalry unit's attempts to make ' peace with warring
Apaches leads to treachery. With Charlton Heston, Jack Pal-
ance, Brian Keith, Katy Jurado and Milburn Stone.
FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. -"I LOVE YOU . . . GOODBYE" A sub-
urban housewife, frustrated by the roles of wife and mother,
decides to reject those roles and leaves her family: With
Hope Lange, Earl Holloman.
FRIDAY 11:00 p.m. -"THE HONKERS". In trying to impress his
son and regain his wife, a divorced . rodeo cowboy is con-
stantly distracted by his roving eye. James Coburn, Lois
Nettleton, Slim Pickens.
FLYING MACHINES". The comic adventures of the daring
men who took • to the air in the first planes. With Stuart
Whitman, Sarah Miles, James Fox, Robert 'Morley.
SATURDAY 10:00 p.m.-.-"WALKING,TALL". The story of Buford
Passer, a former Marine and wrestler who, upon returning
to his home' tdwri, finals aitItill' of •corruption.
MAY27TOJUtIE5, 1975
See the 25th Anniversary Madrid Livestock Show
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This tour coincides with a major
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vide an outstanding opportunity to
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lent low priced tour.
1 $550" (Canadian)
Round trip transportation toMadrid via CP Air.
Overnight accommodation for 7 nights.
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Breakfast, dinners and two lunches.
One way tra nsf er to Madrid show.
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One evening Folklore Show.
Twin bed accommodation (single $27 extra)
Send cheque or request for further information to:
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