HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-03-20, Page 22t{QLLOOD HOTUNE
Hutton portrays
new Ellery Queen
, Hollywood's most recent
portrayer of Ellery Queen,
doesn't interpret the famous
sleuth in quite the way of his
His Ellery Queen, to be in-
troduced March 23 over NBC-
TV, is less suave, less debo-
nair than other Ellery4Queens
have been who, according to
Hutton, were too sophisti-
cated for their own good.
"I've done my Ellery
Queen homework," Hutton
said during a recent lunch in
the Beverly Hills Hotel Polo
. Lounge. "Lee Bowman
played him. And Lee Phillips.
And, as a matter of fact, as
far back as 1935, Donald
Chase played Ellery Queen
on radio.
"And in pictures Ralph
Bellamy played him three
times. George Nadir played
him. William Gargan. But
Queen has never been suc-
cessful in the media - radio,
television or films - when
played with sophistication.
"He was written as sort of a
foppish person, a dandy, and,
commercially, except in
books, he hasn't done well.
"But producers keep trying
to do something with Ellery
Queen, because he's the third
largest selling detective in
literature. So that's been rea-
son enough to use him in a ra-
dio show or movie or what-
"I think we are finally
bringing the right Ellery
Queen to the screen because,
without being false to the
original writers, we've
changed his personality a lit-
"He's absent minded, a lit-
tle left-footed, not quite with
it. Though I'm not playing, El-
lery the way Peter Falk plays
"But there's a very defi-
nitely dichotomy in the char-
acter. I've tried to give him
new dimension."
After being expelled from
two colleges, from one for
bulldozing up a bed of tulips
carrying out the school colors
and from the other for drop-
ping his pants at a formal re-
ception to win a 810 bet, Hut-
ton made his first reputation
in Hollywood playing Joe Col-
lege types.
, His initial major role was
opposite Paula Prentiss in
"Where the Boys Are," a part
he got by going into the char-
acter in the MGM commis-
sary. -
"When I came to Holly-
wood right after getting out of
the Army," Hutton said, "I
didn't know a damned thing
about the business. But I did
learn quickly that 'there are
no _ ten commandments, no
certain approach that will get
you a break in this town.
"Being on the corner at the
right time, figuratively
speaking, will help, but you
have to be the prime> mover
"So what I did was put to-
gether a scene from 'Look
Back in Anger.' My bride and
I had an apartment in Studio
City, and there was a girl
down the way who was an out -
of -work actress, and we did
this scene together.
"We couldn't afford a car,
so we'd schlepp on the bus
with our ironing board and all
our props and go to the vari-
ous studios."
At this point, Jim had no
professional -credits, but he
managed to play his scene for
the right people until he final-
ly won a contract at MGM.
"I had teeth like barbed
wire and no clothes, and I
...gives character
'new dimension'
certainly '' dn't look Holly-
wood leading -man pretty or
New York character actor
ugly," Hutton reminisced.
"And MGM was a,, . ut op
me, II believe, when II got wind
that Joe Pasternak was going
do a picture called `Where
the Boys Are.'
"So II read the book and
along with a friend set up a
si ' ation whereby Joe Pas-
ternak had to notice me.
"I played a little part in the
cow fight in his line
of vision, so there was no way
he could fail to see me. I'd
read the book, I knew the
character Pasternak was
about to cast, a campus cut-
up, and I certainly had that
"That being the case, with
my friend playing the
straight man, I just raised
hell in the commissary, and
the nett thing I knew here
came Joe in his Italian
wedgies, and, after asking
me if I was a grip, he invited
me to his office to talk about a
part. I got it."
By D. C. Williams
Distinguish between AWARE and
what goes on about us, and we are
CONSCIOUS of what we perceive
or feel within ourselves. One may be
CONSCIOUS of fear, but not whol-
ly AWARE of the dangers about
Do not say, "Every so often he
takes a day off to go fishing." Say,
OFTEN) he takes a day off."
Do not say, I have only a limited
acquaintance with her." Say, "I have
only a SLIGHT acquaintance with
Do not say, "I've got to choose
now between the three girls." Say, "I
MUST choose now AMONG the
three girls."
Dementia. Pronounce di-men-
shi-a, accent second 'syllable.
Picot (embroidery loops). Pro-
nou'nce pee- koe, accent first syllable.
Nascent. Pronounce nass-ent, ac-
cent first syllable.
ONEROUS. Pronounce ahn-er-
us, accent first syllable.
Acclimated. Pronounce a-kligh-
mi-ted (preferred), accent on second
Pidgin English; not "pigeon En-
glish." Biannual (occurring twice a
year). Biennial (occurring every two
years). Seige; "ei." Sieve; "ie." Exec-
utor (legal administrator); observe
the "or," and accent on second syl-
lable: Executer (a performer of some
act); "er," and accent on first syl-
lable. Auger (boring tool). Augur (to
predict). Adamant; "ada." Ade-
quate; "ade."
"Use a word three times and it, is
yours." Let us increase our vocab-
ulary by .mastering one word each
day. Words for this lesson:
AUTONOMOUS; self-governing;
independent. (Accent second syl-
lable). -"This is an autonomous little
IMPALPABLE; that cannot be
felt; intangible. "Her feelings about
the matter are impalpable."
ENDEMIC; native; indigenous;
belonging to a specific area. (Accent
second syllable). "These trees are
endemic to this region."
For the most exclusive wedding
dress's in this area come in and
- meet Mrs. Muriel Elliott on Satur-
day mornings from 9:30 a.m. to
12:00 p.m, - Her years of exper-
, ience in bridal fashions is your
-* assurance of the most up to date
styles and excellence in design
on your most important day.
jj s tvuri TEXTILES E MILL E N- D S
Wallace Avenue'South , Listowel, Ontario Phone 291-2.271
6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11
6:30 Newscope 13
7:00 Canada A.M. 13
Special ,Place 111
7:35 Concern 13
7:40 Canada A.M. 13
8:00 Ontario Schools 11
8:30 Romper Room 13
Magic Roundabout 11
8:45 Ed Allen 11
9:00 Yoga 13
9:15 Ontario Schools 11
.9:30 Pay Cards 13
Mon Ami 8, 10
9:45 Friendly Giant 8, 10
10:00 It's Your Move 13
Ontario Schools 8, 10
10:30 Mr. Dressup 8 and 10
Horoscope Dollars 13
11:00 Sesame Street 8 and 10
Five of A Kiind 11
Ladies' Fare 13
11:30 Let's Talk 13 -
Midday 11
12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13
12:30 News 8 and 10
How to Survive. a Mar-
riage 11
Let's Make a Deal 13
12:45 Movies `Heidi and Pet-
er' 8; 'Cape Fear' 10
1:00 Hollywood Squares 13
Days of Our Lives 11
1:30 Definition 13
The Doctors 11
Canadian Cavalcade 6
2:00 Another World 13
General Hospital 11
2:30 Edge of Night 8 and 10
The Young and The
Restless 11
Alphabet of Life 6
3:00 Juliette 8
Thursday at Three 10
I Saw That 11
Whirls the Good Word 13
That Talk Show 6
3:30 Take Thirty 8 and 10
Truth, Consequences 11
He Knows She Knows 13
4:00 Family Court' 8, 10
Dinah 11
. Flintstones 13
Doctor in The House 6
4:30 Hi Diddle Day 8 and. 10
My Three Sons 13
Hollywood Squares 6
5:00 Hogan's Heroes 8
Partridge Family 10
Mannix 11
Gilligan's Island 6
Ironside 13
5:30 Partridge Family 8
Dick Van. Dyke 10 Heroes eroes 6
6:00 News 6, 8, 10. 11, 13
6:30 Truth or Consequences 8
The Brady Bunch 13
The Party Game 11
Movie 'World Safari' 6
7:00 The Odd Couple 10
- Lawrence Welk 8
Harry Hibbs 11
Karen 13
7:30 Funny Farm 13
Life and Times of Bar-
ney Miller 10
Movin' On 11
8:00 Carol Burnett 8 and 10
Sts. of San Francisco '13
Movie 'The Rat Race' 6
8:30 You and. Your Income
Tax 11
9:00 Police Surgeon 13
Movie `Stranger Who
Looks Like Me' 11
Rhoda 10
9:30 Bob Newhart 10
Rockford Files 11
Maclear 13
10:00 Mannix 10
Cade's County 13
Global .News Hour 6
10:30 George Hamilton IV
8 and 11
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
Sports Probe 6
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:30 Movie 'Zero Population
Growth' 6
Larry Solway Show 11
11:45 Mery Griffin 8
Policewoman 10
12:00 Movie `Three into Two
Won't Go' 13
Movie `Southern Star' 11
1:40 Concern 13
2.05 Mery Griffin 11
FRI., MAR. 21
6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11
6:30 Galloping Gourmet 13
7:00 Canada A.M. 13
Special Place 11
7:35 Concern 13
7:40 Canada A.M. 13
8:00 Ontario Schools 11
8:30 Romper Room 13
8:45 Ed Allen 11
9:00 Yoga 13
9:15 Ontario Schools 11
9:30 Pay Cards 13
9:30 M -on Ami 8, 10
10:00 It's Your Move 13
Ontario Schools 8, 10
10:30 Mr. Dressup 8 and 10
Horoscope Dollars 13
11:00 Sesame Street 8, 10
Five of A Kind 11
Ladies' Fare 13
11:30 Let's Talk 13
Midday 11
12:00 Cartoons 8, 10, 13
12:30 News 8 and 10
. How to Survive a Mar-
riage 11
Let's Make a Deal 13
12:45 Movies 'The Knack and
How to Get It' 8; The
Snow Queen' 10
1:00 Hollywood Squares 13
Days of Our Lives 11
41:30 Definition 13
The Doctors 11
Canadian Cavalcade 6
2:00 Another World 13
General Hospital 11
2:30 Edge of Night 8 and 10
The Young and The
Restless 11
Alphabet of Life 6
3:00' Juliette 8
Friday at Three 10
Saw That 11
Wats the Good .Word 13
That Talk Show 6
3:30 Take Thirty 8 and 10
Truth, Consequences 11
Hee Knows She Knows 13
The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to mange.
6:30 Some Mothers 10
Sing a Song 13
Jay's Skiing 6
7:00 The Beachcombers 8, 10
Movies 'Hit Lady' 11
'The Story of Jacob and a,
Joseph' 13
My Country 6
7:30 Irish Rovers 8 and 10
The Great Debate 6
8:00 Two
Hour Special) Waltons p 10
8 :30 Shoulder to Shoulder 6
Mannix 11
9:00 Get Christie Love 13
9:30 Doctor at Sea 6
Tommy Banks 11
10:00 Marketplace 8, 10
Window on The World:
Pacific Rim 13
To be announced 6
10:30 Ombudsman 8, 10
Tommy Makem and
Ryan's Fancy 11
11:00 Nat. News 8. 10. 11, 13
The Entertainers 6
11:15 Nation's Business 8, 10
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:30 Alphabet of Life 6
Health Care Today 11-
11:45 Movie 'The American
Guerilla in the Phillip- 4
ines' 8
Movie Review 10
Conversation 13
12:00 Movie 'The Pill Caper'
Basketball 11
12:15 Comedy The Sky's the
Limit' 10
4:00 Fa ,i', , ly Court 8 and 10
Dinah 11
Flintstones 13
Doctor in The House 6
4:30 Dr. Zonk and the Zun-
kins 8 and 10
My Three Sons 13
Hollywood Squares 6
5:00 Hogan's Heroes 8
Partridge Family 10
Mannix 11
Ironside 13
Gilligan's Island 6
5:30 Partridge Family 8
Dick Van Dyke 10
Hogan's Heroes 6
6:00 News o. 8, 10, 11. 13
6:30 Truth or Consequences 8
The Brady Bunch 13
Party Game 11
Sunshine 6
7:00 Manhunter 10
Maude 8
Swiss Fam. Robinson 13
The Night Stalker 11
Sanford and Son 6
7:30 Movie `Texas Across
The River' 13
Living Faith 8
Hot L Baltixhore d
8:00 All in The Family 8, 10
Police Woman 11
Global Presents 6
8:30 M.A.S.H. 8 and 10
9:00 Hello Number One 8, 10
Special: Liberace 11
The Jeffersons 6
9:30 A Night Out 13
Shh! It's The News 6
10:00 Under 'Attack 8
Tommy Banks 11
Kojak 13
Hawaii Five -O 10
Global News Hour 6
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
Movie `Night Must Fall'
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:30 Larry Solway 11
11:45 Mery Griffin 8
Movie 'The Ugly Ameri-
can' 10
12:00 Movie 'Pancho Villa' 13
Movie 'The Horseman 11
1:15 Movie 'Bridges at Toko-
1:35 Concern 13
2:10 Mery Griffin 11
. SAT., MAR. 22
5:53 Concern 13
6:00 University of the Air 13
Frightenstein 11.
6:30 Waterville Gang 13
7:00 Story Theatre 13
Special Place 11
7:30 Arts 100 13
8:00 Family Finder 13
Ontario Schools 1 1
, - Quelle •Famine 8 •
8:30 Uncle Bobby 13
Les Egregories 8
9:00 La Boite a Surprise 10
Polka Dot . Door 8
9:30 Tree House 13
Frightenstein 8
D'Iberville 10
10:00 Circle Square 13
Nuts 'n Bolts 'n Things
Garner Ted Armstrong
10:30 Hudson Brothers 13
Circle Square 8 and 10
Camera on Canada 11
11:00 Jr. Talent Hour 8
Rocket Robin Hood 10
Cartoons 13
The Church Today 11
11:30 Bewitched 10
Jane Grey 11
Kung Fu 13
12:00 Cartoons 10
. Wrestling 8
12:15 Howie Meeker 10
12:30 Reach for the Top 10
Movie `Country Music 13
The Lively Woman 11
1:00 Gardening with Gwen 8
Wrestling 10 and 11
1:30 Reach for the Top 8
WHA Hockey: Toronto
vs. Houston (taped) 6
2:00 .World. ,Curling 8, 10
College Sports/ 11
2:30 It's Up to Yo 13
3:00 Water World 13
3:30 Bonspiel 11
-Challenging Sea 13
4:00 My Country 6
Sports Roundup 13
4:30 You Really Can 6
Sportsweek 8, 10
Wide Wld. - of Sports 13
5:00 Bugs Bunny 8 and 10
Roller Derby 11
Wrestling 6
6:00 Movie 'Man on a String'
Bin/Ms. TV Bingo 11
News 6, 10, 13
6:30 Movie `Death Squad' 10
Bowling for-tollars 13
Under Attack 11
Goodtime Country 6
7:00 Emergency 13
Going Places 6
7:30 Stompin' Tom 8
Lawrence Welk 11
Shh! It's The News 6
8:00 Hockey: Toronto at
Montreal 8, 10
Movie 'Sara T . . Port -
trait of a Teenage Alco-
holic' 13
Allen Spraggett 6
8:30 Tommy Banks 11
The Number to Call 6
9:30 Wrestling 11
10:00 Movie `Search' 6
Nut', 6
Wrestling 13
10:30 Ceilidh 8 and 10
Movie 'The Detective' 11
11:00 Nat. News 8, 10, 11, 13
11:15 Provincial Affairs 8, 10
11:20 Local News 8, 10, 13
11:45 Movies 'A Walk in The
'Spring Rain' 8; 'Inves-
tigation of a Citizen' 10
12:00 Movie `You'll Like My
Mother' 13; 'Dr. Phibes'
12:50 Movie `Funeral in Ber-
lin' 11
SUN.,11 ►R. 23
6:00 University of the Air 13
Special, Place 11
6:30 Uncle Bobby 13
7:00 Crossroads 11
7:30 Arts 100 13
Dale Harney Magic
Show 11
Niven Miller Sings 8
8:00 Crossroads 13
Church Today 8
Help Someone Today 11
8:30 Niven Millet 13
Ontario Schools 8, 10
1 Believe in Miracles 11
9:00 Day of Discovery 13
Oral Roberts 11
9:30 Rex Humbard 13
Portugese Telejournal
10:00 Italian. Panoram 11
10:30 NFB Presents 10
Hisey House of Song 13
,-.. . Rex . Humbard 8
11:00 Family Finder 10
Church Service 13
Portugal '75 6
11:30 Jr. Talent Hour 10
It Is Written 8
12:00 Talent Showcase 13
People's Church 8
News, Weather, Sots. 11
Domenica Sport 6
12:15 Business Report 11
12:30 Hymn Sing 10
It Is Written 11
1:00 Johnny Lombardi Festi-
val Italiano 6
Focus 8
Roy Jewell 10
Father .Meehan 11
Movie 'A Man. Called
Flintstone' 13
1:30 Country Canada 8, 10
Movie `Huckleberry
Finn' 6
2:00 W orld Curling Cham-
pionships 8, 10
2:30 The Master's Touch 6
Stompin' Tom 10
3:00 Red Fisher 13
Chopper One 11
To You with Love 6
3:30 Curling Countdown 13
Bob Crane 11
Nivea Miller 6
4:00 Untamed World 13
Tiny Talent Time 11
Gospel Singin' Time 6
4:30 Question Period 13
Arts '75 8
Sportsweek 10
Hee Haw 11
Agape 6
5:00 Music to See 8 and 10
6 Million Dollar Man 13
Helpline 6
5:30 Singtime 8
Walt Disney 10
Wild Kingdom 11
6:00 Wildlife Cinema 6
Walt Disney 8
S.W.A.T. 11
Scan 13
Channel 8 Entertainment
THURSDAY, 12:45 p.m. "HEIDI AND PETER" starring Elspeth
Sigmund and Heinrich Gretler. Heidi's crippled friend comes
to visit, making Peter unhappy.
starring Meredith Baxter and Beau Bridges. An adopted girl
searches for her natural mother with the help of a young
man whose parents also gave him up.
starring Ray Brooks and Rita -Tushingham.
SATURDAY, 1:15 a.m.-"BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI" starring Wil-
liam Holden" and Grace Kelly. Personal drama set among
navy carrier -based jet pilots and helicopter rescue teams
during the Korean war.
SATURDAY, 6:00 p.m. -"MAN ON A STRING" starring Chris
George, William Schallert. An ex -policeman, working as a
government undercover agent, lands in the middle of war-
ring monsters when he sets out to sabotage a crime ring.
ring Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Quinn. The beautiful wife
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gradually falls in love with him. -
LLPINES". An. American- naval., 4f ce , stranded after, $1ie '
fall of Bataan, leads bands of na'° vas --in esp riaf
MONDAY, 12:45 p.m. -"SEVEN DAYS' LEAVE" starring tail el
B311 znd Victor Mature. Two soldiers on leave on a musical
TUESDAY, 12:45 p.m: -"A HARD DAY'S NIGHT. The Beatles
travel to London with the grandfather of one of the ,boys
as an uninvited guest.
ring Robert Lansing and John Anderson. A naturalist and his
:.E3istant prevent fishermen from shooting a male killer
whale which followed.his_Aiiinded mate into a cave.
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