HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-17, Page 5CHEAP This year Stratford paya a rate of 22 BOOTS a6V D to • o �f`ini is on the+ $, Neil, $ r Mr. lZioh, veil, of Biddulph, has. 3� rented his farm and has obtained a FOR R ALL , AT situation in St, IVfsrys« 9. G�'exeloh, �aosall Have just received a large new stook of all kinds of fine and coarse boots andshoes for the fall and winter trade. Bought of the best and leading manufacturing houses in the Dominion, which T will sell at slight advance on cost pricea. Have also put an addition to my store on acoonnt of the inorease of my last years' business, so that nese 1 have the largest and best assorted sack eyes offered in Efensall before. In Mae shoes T keep sizes, "sizes and E. and D. widths, Same special cheap lines : Womeus' cloth slippers 25o. and upwards " carpet 40 sa it " leather " 50 " `e Oxford ties " 60 ' opera to " 75 " buff bale " $1.00 c` .4c 13eby shoes 'G 20 it Wigwams hien, women and childrens' at cost prices to clear them out. Rubbers dell sizes, [tion, women and childrens'. I have also on hand 'a largo stools of hand made long boots, coarse and fine well seasoned for the fall trade; macre of first- class material and by first-class workmen. '.'hose who are troubled with corns and bunions canget them cured by leaving their order with me. No fit no sale, Re pairing neatly clone find promptly attended to. Come one come all and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that you can save money by dealing with me. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods.. N`o trouble to show goods. • Stand opposite Reynolds hotel. DISTRICT DOINGS. Science Hill post office township of Blanshard, has now a daily mail. Mr. E. Sceli has sold his 100 .acre farm on the 15th concession of London township to Mr. Arthur O'Neil, the price being $4,000. A company has been organized in Blanshard for the erection of a cheese factory at McIntyre's corners. Among the wonders East Nissouri boasts of is Master Thurlow, a short, chunkylad of 13 summers, who has sported a moustache for five years, and shaves as regular as a futl-grown " man.. Mr. Thomas Crone, a farmer at Pros- pect Hill, township or Blanshard, ss geared suddenly on Thursday last, 1*axing his affairs in a badly mixed up state. Mr. Wm. Skelton, a well-known and prosperous farmer, residing on lot 41, con. 4, North Easthope, died on Wednesday, after a five weeks' illness, aged 65 years. It is reported that Rev. Father Gahan, late of St. Thomas, will be ap. !pointed to the parish of Mount Carmel, Stephen tp., In succession to the late Father Kelly. EYEREsT s Cough Syrup is the best in the country. -Duncan Pursell, Forest P. 0. Mr. H. A. and R. S. Graham, sons of Mr. W. 11. Graham, of St. Marys. who have been in Vancouver, British Co- lumbia. tor the past twenty months returned on Tuesday. The new firm of Hess Bros. & Co be- gan operations a Listowel last week, after a three -months' shut dowu, and have already between fifty and sixty of the old employes at work. On Monday Rev. Dr. Kilroy perform- ed the marriage ceremony at St. Joseph's Church, Stratford., uniting Mr. C. Mo Ilharge, merthant, of thatcity, to Miss Maggie Carroll, daughter of Mr,„E'. Carroll, of Dublin. Mr. James :Wallis, of Blanshard, had au auction sale last week, which netted him the handsome sum of $1,957. Mr. W still retains sufficient stock otall kinds to amply supply a hundred acre farm. The death occurred on Thursday last. of Samuel Crawford, at his residence, on .the West Boundary of Blanshard. Deceased was an old and highly re- spected resident of the townsip, and had recently returned from Ireland, where he went for the benefit of his health. The anniversary on Wednesday of' the great fire at Chicago was celebrated by the 150,000 wage workers there by subscribing tor the World's Fair stock. The total amount subscribed is about $300.000. While Richard, a son of Mr. T. Dickens, of Biddulph, was using a jackknife the other day, it slipped, in - Rioting an ugly wound about three long and two inches deep on his thigh. It req cared several stitches to close the cutup. EvEREST's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, c&c.,-the statements of scores who have tried it. 25o. per bottle, for sale by all druggists. Mr. Samuel Harris, of the 5th con , Ribbert bad six sheep killed outright by, dogs on Monday morning about daylight; and one more was so badly worried that it had to be killed, and three others so badly damaged that they may not at all recover. St. Marys recently adopted a system of electric lighting, and inview of which some mischievous persons have coin- ” amenced war upon the old and honored street larope. The Council at its last nteetfng passed a .notion issuing a re- ward of $10 for the apprehension of the guilty parties. Mr. Richard Hedy, an oid resident of London township, died the other day from injuries received by a kick from :a,horse, lie was one of the founders of the Granton Agricultural Society, aid for years after a director also. He was 70 years of age land leaves a Wife and five children. The ioommercial committee of the St- Marys Board ofTr,'tde have reported in favor of making Wednesday and Saturday regular' market days, they Alfie recommend that traders bb not al. lowed to purchase any article of pros duce on those days till noon and that none esidentbutehersare to beoherged a license of *25, and no meat is to be Fold oni the market in less gaattlitles t iarl One quarter, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor The average attendance at the Clin- ton public soliool since mid -summer has been 414. Mrs. Crowley has rented her 100 acre farm' pear Lruean to Air. B. klodgins, for a terra of five years for the sum of of $225 per annum. Isaac Cody, a Well-known Caradoo farmer, died from heart disease sucl• denly white patching horses in a field the other day. Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the country' --I speak from experience, -S. C.• Pollock, Capt. Militia, Forest P, O. Mr. W. Robertson of the Clinton pop works, while at Blyth last weeps, his horses jammed him against a post, breaking his collar bone. teacher, at Mr.Musgrove, A. Ci. usgrove, t Whitechurch, is temporarily disabled, the cause being an - affection of the throat, and has for the time•being been compelled to relinquish teaching Mr Cluff has rented the Glavin farm in Biddulph which 'contains 91 acres, at rental of $180. This is considered' very low, but as the times are Very bad the price is considered fair. Wednesday the 11 -year old son of Mr Rooney of West Oxford, was at school as usual, and he and another boy were swinging and when going quite high he sail not to go any high. er. Ile then fell out of the swing, striking bis head and shoulder. He was picked up insensible and died next morning, The Northern Fair of Middlesex County was held at Ailsa Craig 'i'hurs- day'and Friday, Beautitul weather and a large number of entries made. it a:very successtul •and enjoyable affair indeed,. and specially was this so in the horse ring. The racing was fast, close and exciting. Attendance principal day 4,000. The cost of education in St Marys, for the collegiate and Public schools for the current year $11,000, and this sum does not include the separate school and one or two private institut- ions. Few towns in Canada of the samep p o ulation bear a heavier burden than St, Marys. No doubt the collegi• ate is a pretty costly institution, but it is claimed, that the advantages ac- cruing to the town.fiom its existence in our, midst are fully commensurate with the outlay. On Thursday last an old settler of the township of Buddulph joined the great majority in the person of Thomas Quigley a native of Tipperary, Ireland at the age of 84 years. He cense ' to this country in "184.2, and settledon the 5th concession ofBiddulph, whale he lived up to the time of his death. Deceased was father of Rev. Thomas Quigley. of Fletcher; Messrs. John and Patrick Quigley, and Mrs. John Mc9loghlin, of Biddulph. The barns and other outbuildings belonging to James McCordic, reeve of Bosanquet, together with their contents were burned on Tuesday night. Among the property destroyed were four horses, harness, buggies, implements, straw, hay and this year's grain. The fire was, no doubt, the work of€an incendiary. Mr. Mocordic has Lad his barns burned before, and there have been several other fires in the vicinity which have not been ac- counted for. A few days ago a flowing well was struck on the farm of 1Tr. Clark, on the 4th con. of tl arwich, south of the ridge. The drill was down 130 feet, when it seemed to strike a cavity and sunk .town. It was withdrawn - and was followed by a great rush of water, which rose m a column over twenty feet. A couple of men with some dif- ficulty held a board over it tor a few moments, when a curious subterranean roaring was heard and the water began toap.urt out of the ground around them. When they let go, : the stream again shot up. The annual meeting of the Wingliam Curling Club the following were elect- ed office -bearers for the current year : 11. W. C. Meyer, Patron : Mrs. John Neeland, Patroness; Joan Inglis, Pres.; S Kent, VicePresident; John Neelands, Sec l'reas.,; J. J.',ttnderson, chaplain; John Inglis, S. Keni. and John Neelands, Corn. of Management; Hugh Miller and Walter Scott, of Toronto, repri sentative members. Mr. John It, Gafr' was elected an honorary member of the club. A singular incident is'reported from Bast Zorra. The family of Mr. Kelly; of That townsh,p, have been afflicted with diphtheria. One of the children died on Wednesday, and another was supp 'sed to have died on Thursday morning. Its coffin was ordered, its grave dug and the time of the funeral set, hut when the coffin arrived from Woodstock' the child was found to be still alive. The sane coffin and grave were used, however, the satneiday, the little one passing away shortly after Old Mr Chantler, the grandfather of this child, was buried on Friday. It is told as a remarlcable'coinnidenoe that his coffin was ordered more than a week before he died. Mitchell Advocate: -,''Some few Sundays ago Rev Mr. Taylor said that he had never been in a paeish whore he received BO little assistance from the male portion of his congregation as he received in Mitchell, and if he was not wanted here all they had to do was to say so and he would go else- where. This was a grear, surprise to all present, as we believe Mr. 'Taylor and his family are highly thought of by nearly every Worshipper in the church, end to prove their loyalty to him a meeting was held soano nights after in the vestry room, when it was decided to present the rev. gentleman with an address, eitpressing Canfidonoe 10 his ministry, and pledging to sup' port him in his parish work. This Wats done and for some reason or other very few Were netted to sign it, and as a result only twerity-fiVe names ware appended thereto out of a emigrate - tion of over throe hundred." opoppo Special. It is with pleasure that we announce to our marry, patrona that we have made arrangementswith, that wide-awake, illustrated; farm -magazine, the Alraltx- CAN Emmen, published ab Fort Wayno, Incl., and read by nearly 200,001) fann- ers, by which that great publication will be mailed direct, I3'REE, to the address of any of our subseribore who will come in and pay up all arroiirages on subscription to Tlstcs and one year in advance from date, and ten cents additional, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in advance and 12 cents additional. This is a grand opportunity to obtain, a first-class farm journal. The AMERICAN FARMER is !t largo sixteen -page journal, of national circulation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture anti the rights endprivilegos of that vast body of citizens, the farmers, whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity. Its highest pur- pose is the elevation and enobling of :Agriculture through the higher and broader education of .nen and women engaged in its pursuits, The regular subscription price of the A1eratemen Yen - area is $1.00 per year, and the sub- seiiptionpriceof the Timms is also $1.00 By taking advantage of this offer you get both papers for $1.12. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house. hold; YET YOU CAN GET IT FREE.' : Call and see sample copy. t t p6 rd It is said that the DominionGove,tnment will likely rebuild the retaining wall at the scene of the reeencRuebec disaster. Oatarrh is in the blood. No erre for this loathsome and dangerous disease is possible until the poison. is thoroughlyeradicated from the system, For this purpose, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best and most economical medicine. Price $1. Six betties. >$5. Worth $5 a bottle. Saturday night an infant was found in a basket on. the doorstep of 189 Simoon street Toronto. The child was a clay or two old. It was taken to the Infant's Homo, and died it, a few hours. A Chinese leper, in a terrible condition has arrived in San. Francisco from New York, where he had beau cooking for the men .working ou the aquednat. MONOPOLIES AND COMBINES. area source of menace to the the public welfare, and should be stamped out. :So should catarrh, "Mr. J. Duncan, Meet - Creek, N. W. T., says: --Nasal' Balm has done' my catarrh gond. mere than all the numerous remedies I had previously tried combined. I' have proved so much that I •believe oue more bottle will completely. cure. SALE REG[STEB. WEDNESDAY OCT.. 231M.-Rorsea and cattle, the property of Chartie Godbolt, lot 10 con. 11, Usborno, sale at oue o'clock. H. Beowis, Ane. TUESDAY OCT. 29TH. -Farm at0ok, the property of Angus McKinnon, tot 30 S. B. Stephen, sale et one o'clock. H. BILBER, Ano. . MoxnAY OcT. 21sT. -Paan stock imple- ments,, to., the property of Jos, :Diller, lot 12, con 18, Hay, sale at one o'clock. E. BOSSENBERitY, Ano, TUESDAY, OOT. 22ND. -Farm stook, im- plements, etc., the property of Geo . F. Eilber, lot 14, con, 9, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Eilber, Auc. WEDNESDAY, .00T. 2Snn.-Farm stock, implements, etc., . the property of Oscar. Broderick, 101 1I, con. 9, Hay. Salo at 1 o'clock, Ed. Bossenberry, Auc. FIIIDAS,•OCT 18. -Farm stook, imple- ments, etc., the property of Win. Fletcher,, lot 17, eon 10, Usborne. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Brown, Anc. FRIDAY OCT, 2, -Adminisleratns' sale of farm stock and implements eto. and real estate on lot 5. con 8. Stephen township Sale itt one o'clock p.m. H. EILBER Ano CONSU)[PI'ION CAN BE CURED By proper, heslthfal exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil llypophoophites, which contains healing and.strengthen/iuo virtues of these. two valuable specifics in their fullest form, t1Ir,,J), D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N, B. , says; "I have been 'prescribing ,.Scott's Emulsion with good results. Itis espec- ially useful is persons of oeousiunptive teudencis," Sold by: all druggist, 50 cts. an 1l1, 00. ' CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To TfrE ED;Toa: Phase in•forin your readers that I have a positive, remedy for the above named ':dis ease. By, its timely use thousands of hope- less eases have been : permanently cured. I shall bo glad to eend two ;bottles'of my remedy rain to any of your readers who leave consumption` if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, D. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Ont. 37 Yonge street CANNOT FAIL. Mrs. John E. Thompson, cf Shelborne, P, 0., writes :-My'two children received great benefit from Extract of Wild Straw- berry for diarrhoea and summer complaint. I gave it according to direction and they soon recovered, -Be sure and get the Boit. Wino, IN MANY FORMS. • Dyspepsia assumes many phases, all' dis, asie+.able to the sufferer, yet it takes no form which two lo four bottles of Btu•dook i3lood Bitters will -riot Mire B. B. T3, cures dyspepsia, tones the weak stomach, aidsdigestion, sharpens the appetite and renovates the entire system. TairiD I TESTED! .1'[R,OVIsD l A year ago lust etttniner I was troubled with dysentery. I procured :Or. Fowler's Extract of Wild Sttit berry and took ate cording to directions, which completely clued Ino.-13ebt 14. "Breen, Lyndhurst; Ont. This medicine cares n11 looseness of the bowels, SEVERELY ATTACKED, I'rvoe severely attacked with diarrhoea and vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought 1 could not, live till morning. Six doses 0f Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry eared me and I have not had the least Symptoms of 11 11001. -..Mrs Alice Hopkins, Hamilton, Ont. ' A STRONG FOLLOWING, Manyy diseases result from neglected con. stippniiou such tin sick headache, bad blood, foul hunters, heartlairn, rii zusesa Mid general ill health, 'Prom oho to throe bottles or Burdock Blood Bitters is gest-an- teed' to cure oonstipittton and all r'1iaea1ies Cantata by i1 regularity of the bowels. IilAii ET BE DRTS, exn'anit (Corrected atgo'clock p an. Wednesday lied rihovt ,,. 80 CO to 85 00 Spring 'Nu,eat,.. F0 09 to 85 00 barley 40 to 48 Oigver 8 tori .. a 00 to 0 i0 Timothy " .. • 2 50 co 3 00 Eoas • 5o to 9'52 perp 040 to 080 14gss „ 0 17 Go 0 17 l3nttot ... 15 to 90 10 li'loul• pert b l. ,,, 00 t o y 55 Potatoes per Lusliel • 400° to $ 1e0 Applos,por bag 1 0010180 nriedA pplespr b 0 4 t o 0 04. Geese per ib. . 0 05 to 0 00 Turkey per lb 0 07 to 08 Ducksporpr 07 to 007. ❑hickensp©rpt• , 30 to 0 40 !togs,<lroeno:e.rl0 000 00 to 0. SS ISoof .. ,,. 400 toGOQ T3deerough. • 3 00 to 4 00 dresse, 0n0toah09heepsktnsh 0 65to' 00" Caltskins 81 00 to 0 73 Wool perib 0 >8 to 0 10 r'xayperton 0600100700 iipioneaerh 5It 0 5o to 0 75 woodper. cord3 5 to 3 oo sT laAllYs $ Fall Wheat,., 0 80 0 82 Spring Wheat . 0 84 0 82 t3sit+ey ,. 3500. Oats 0 27 028 Glover Seed,.. 0 00 0 00 l'kruothy 2 00 3 09 Peas 0500 o4 }9ggs . ... .. ............... 33 015 Butter 14 0 10 Potatoes per bag 40 1 00 Apples per bush.,......: 0 85 Wool Iter lb 20 0 20 Ray pertuu... ,,,,, ,,, ...... 7 CO 8 00 Bran per ton ..14.00 14 00 shorts' ,r • ..,.20 00 2000 Oatmeal per bbl........,. .... 0 00 7 00 LONDON. Wheat, 87e to 38o per bus. Oats, 2510 to 27e per bus. Peas, 510 to alio per bus. Bar- ley, 01 tilting. 48 to 460 per bus, Barley Feed, Mk. to 41; per bus Corn, 45o to 471c per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Oet. 16. -Wheat -Spring No. 2, 86o to 87a ; per bus; red winter, No, 2. Stie to 87o per bus. Manitoba No 1 hard, 950 to 060: No. 2, 910 to 920.; PEAS 54e to 57c per bus. OATS 29e to 310 per bus. FLOUR, extra, 93.70 to i13.15 Per bbl; straight roller, x4.20 to 84,25 ; s-rong bakers, 94.00 to 94.50.BA1LLDY, No 1, 54e to 550 ; No.2 49e to 50e; No 3, extra 44o, to 45e ; No. 3, 40e to 41e. ylicr 1: ah, ` .;.vas ,icl:, i' a govo tier Oastorla V; hon : i,e was a Child. she nrieii for Cnetors. ima echo booerae .Liss. silo silo eine g to .3Aatoria, 5711eu oho ha.l Children. aco y;avo than.) Cestoria, - 0ONSUhIP1PION CURED Anold physician, retired from practice, having had placedin his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure^of Consumption, 'Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and allthroatand lung affections, also apositive and radical cure for Nervous, Debility andall Nervous' Com. - plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative. powers in ihansands ofoases, has felt ' it his duty to 'run ke 11 known to his suffering follows. :tetni.tedby tuismotive ands, desire te relieve num an suffering; I w_Asend free of charge, to all who desireit, this recipe, in Germs n French or English, with fulldireotions ter In epe,ring and using. Sent , • mail uy ariti rues.ng<w ith stamp, naming this Dapel..P8. t , NOYEp 149 Po*Dor s Bloat* Rcchester ei r ADV1oE TOMOTHERB.-Areyon disturbed ao uightandbroken of your restt, by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Outtine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It'.wille,tlieve the poor 'little sufferer im mediately i.senendupon it, mothers;' there is no mistake about it. It euros Dysentery and Dian:bcea, regulates the Stomach and l;owels,oures.Wind Colic,:sottens the' Gums. reduces fnflammutfon, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Sirs.Win elow's. Soothing Syrup" for children teething is, pleasantto the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists• throughout the world, Prioe twenty-five cents a bottle. Be: sure and askfor"Mss. WINSLOW's. O^hTBiNG a ntir "And - no other intl. M0 TI3E DEAD'. -A person cured of X Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by simple remedy,, will sand a"description of it irnEE to any person who applies to NIonousos, 177 McDougal street, New York ASTa. S1NSM ]N EDUCATION IS A COURSE IN TITS BUSTNSSS. shorthand, English, Penmanship, Gorman b Elocution, or ticahanital Drawing Departmonti.of the Detroit Business. University. .''y•ILLDSTRATRD CATALOGU1-1JRITII. ra:hiolodillo THE BEST YET ! I �i r TrIE GHLArEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI. O'vercoatin> 'o at any price ; Surb- ings at any price; Pantings at any price. est Oral rod Clothing piodtioed in Exeter Gentlemc;il 1 leave your orders. only, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the beet Cutting in"'r'own,yen Bre Sure of, atisfac 1811). d,. 47. LL PUMPS, PUMPS, PUMPS a WANT scrrr.rn:�>. Wo will hereafter tnalio and keep on hand, a good supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell at usual prices, and guarantee them to 541 the' hill with satisfaction , Wo respectfully ask a'sliare of your patronage in this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pumps, and promptly. Iroro PUMPS will be k'urnished When Desired. Shop one door south of Parson's Blacksmith Shop, Main..st,, Exeter. �vxvw art a vanaarmaraanneneror ,maaranaa naanaameraramearaanacermaaaanareaar� DR. FOWTLER'S 16RY CURES H W ). holera Morbw OLA C-0-- RAMPS UCRAP S RIKEA ISENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. FOTU,.a ,, �1 t E FOR ALL W. TBEVETHICK.:: THIS YEAR'S CUT and PLUG moking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. It is said that every person has a chance once in this lite time to nlalce a fortune and if they • allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come.You can depend upon it that every person Iurchasin their goods at PARK- NSON'S saves oney by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's .tock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything I usually kept in a first class general. store. See his black and colored Cashmeres at z5 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake. . Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash - Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market . price allowed: for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the, Town Hall, J. PARKINSON. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and.PAQKAGE DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS Ot-•ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND ; CANNOT -HARM THE MOST., DELicATL CHILD LOOO R TraVisln fi PLOEiJ \8 5 $t„te prefer AIeo SALARY p .month, Alll EXPENSES y> advanced. WAGES promptly paid. SLOA N ,.o. az Co. 006 oOe')rge 0 0. Ciueinnatl. ear Do YOU 4' WAIVT TO BTJY FU'; ";STORE AT LOWED, BATES THAN SHAM GOODS AEtE USUALLY SOLD- -41IEN.CALI. AT -- GI.T 'I... ' -ONLY FIRST-CLASS_ �Goods` l� b e At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C, & Ei. Gidley) ODDFBLLOW'S BLOCS yr E!MEI% lin ��k I'1G STILPCIE Spades and Shovels, 1 -Pence Wires s ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the- - Very Finest Prices for Cash -We have also on hand a full line of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. 1alwaysotl hand,•i,t prices that def coni titin Stoves and Tinware of al kinds, « prices y po o . • Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds, Eave-troughing a. Specialty. A call solicited, BISSETT BROS. E� bks; 1i ive "u 'De CC'tinent, in the OlcZ Established is nue) most t complete and full of the fates' novelties. The French English and American � Millrlery calls. be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger al.,- cheaper ,• che11 er' than ever shown. All the best makes 'orich 4 BL., colored andsh& silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sian shad€. of every design (hath long and short stems. Fite ` , i ` - - fancy zephers, ,lain zephel�s, M>atcells and Prints ill e 't � l Embroideries endless l �>w s val iety. A. special lot of Swiss Embroideries for Drage (lovely goods.) Every lady should see oiir Drcis Lin mings (which Contain all the ln(cst novelties. Come ani. inspBect' �'Dilhl e Sl-aO,tClti« n N'. t? tl)11 of UIeSs11]lLlsOri3 is special! Callod to the Dress Goods r OXlGTelf. JANCE P1C RD L�_xater