HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-03-13, Page 4����+�.�*�^,�^ cam, c �,+�,• � DVRACE TImES a#7.::‘%% Give a warm welcome The next two weekends are particularly important ones for all the people in the Town of Wingham, both young and old. Hundreds of young hockey players will be spending a few days with is as they participate in the annual midget tournament, and we who live .here will have an unparalleled opportunity to leave impressions -either good or bad. It would be easy for the disinterested to shrug off the invasion of visiting teams as sornething less than important, because most of our guests will be in their teens. We must not forget, however, that these teen- agers will soon be adults and impressions gained at such an early age can last a life- time. Of particular importance will be the reaction of the young players from the United States and those from the big cities in Ontario. Our way of life is a bit strange to. city kids and we should all be proud to demonstrate that life in small communities is, indeed, "the good life". 'We know of dozens of families in Wing - ham where the welcome to be extended to the visitors is already assured—guaranteed by the amount of effort these local people have already poured into the preparations for the tournament—this year and in the past. The obligation of hospitality rests not only with those who are actively engaged in billeting and entertaining the players, but with all the rest of us as well. From the sales people on the main street, to fans in the arena the image of Wingham will emanate. Let's make sure it is a good one—a frame of mind which projects the word "welcome". It works both ways A recent editorial in The London Free Press takes the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce to task because of its statements be- fore a parliamentary committee which was studyingpolicies to be established in regard to competition in business. The Free Press says, "The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has a peculiar talent for undermining its public credibility when it pronounces on is- sues of the day." The' Chamber spokesman, addressing the committee, had defended the fight of a retailer to "double ticket" merchandize al- ready on his shelves when a price increase is announced. To a point, the criticism of such a practice is justified. The law and public opinion agree that double ticketing consti- tutes a rip-off of the consumer. However, the editorial makes no mention of what should be done when the reverse situation is true. Is the retailer not justified in continuing to charge higher prices on his shelf stock, even though the wholesale price on his next re- placement will be lower? We live in an age of.great change. Public opinion has been cleverly marshalled to the causes of labor movements, form organiza- tions, teachers' groups, senior citizens and native peoples. The one villain in the whole piece seems, invariably to be the business- man. Everything he does has been brought under the harsh light of criticism. His ad- vertising efforts; his percentage of profit, his source of capital funds, his connection with foreign ownership—all have been tainted by the suggestion of underlying crookedness. Virtually. all of the organized groups in our societyhave enough political crunch nowadays to seek and get, in most cases, legal support for their demands. A whole na- tion must wait patiently for a few federal employees to return to work while mails and ° airports and grain shipments jam into total confusion. Massive walkouts in the teaching profession terminate with inflated wage in- creases. But if a businessman seeks to sup- port his retail pricing structure by agree- ment with his neighbor he can expect a visit from the Mounties. Perhaps the image of the businessman as a swindler comes from the exhorbitant profits of a few national and international cartels, where a complex of interlocking business ventures is strong enough to control prices over a vast area. However, it should be borne in mind that most of Canada's business transactions are conducted by small firms which have no opportunity whatever to gain anything more than legiti- mate profits. We have heard some dire warnings in the past few months about what will happen to our society if we are not prepared to pay the inflated prices which are now being charged for basic commodities. We are told that if we are too mean to pay a high price for food all the farmers will leave the land and all our food will have to be imported. The price of oil remains sky high despite the fact that 20 per cent of the world's sea -going tankers are either without a place to unload or are sitting empty without enough business to pay their $20,000 a day upkeep. Have you ever paused to think what would happen if all the small businessmen in the country got so fed up with the risks of invest ment, the multitude of goverment reports, the multi-levels of taxation and the criticism of their fellow -Canadians that they all said with one voice, "The hell with it!" Can you imagine the several millions of Canadians who would be instantly unemployed? Farmers, trade unionists, teachers, pro- fessional people—all are vital to our way of living: But so, too, are the small and medium-sized businesses, carried on year after year by the operators who have the courage to risk their savings and, ap- parently, their reputations. Sure, they are seeking a profit and in doing so they supply the nation with a large part of its prosperity and independence. Sweeping pronouncement Boards of education in both Huron and Bruce Counties experienced a•distinct shock. last week when they learned that the Minis- try of Education had answered with a flat "no" their requests for all dopital spending on the improvement or expansion of -school facilities. Huron had planned to spend $900,000 for renovations at the Exeter public school, needed additions to the Turnberry and Brussels schools and the installation of a mini -computer in the Exeter secondary school The $4.5 million requested by the Bruce board would have been used chiefly to provide for the steady influx of students created by the Douglas Point power pro- f ject—a situation created certainly not by the county board of education, but rather by another sector of the provincial government. Even a dull taxpayer can understand that when money is scarce some curtailment g public spending is advisable. What is truly > ;hocking in this instance is the flat turn -down of all proposals in the two coun- ties, regardless of the needs which exist. You can be sure that members of these boards of education had spent many hours determin- ing what was needed within their counties before the plans were submitted to Queen's Park. How the taxpayers of this province (and this country, as well) would love to expose our administrations in Toronto and Ottawa to the scrutiny of a truly independent audit! How many millions might be chopped out of departmental budgets! Millions are spent on unnecessary and oft -duplicated public rela- tions programs. The little empires which exist within each sector might be trimmed to a sliver in many cases. No, it can't be proved (without an in- dependent auditor) but the tax -paying public has become very sceptical of the way in which funds are so readily available in some quarters and non-existent in others. It ap: pears that the priorities are in need of re-ex- amination. Tenants need protection b t1 u Gs 1 la Within the past week or two a serious situation arose in several apartment ouildings in London and St. Thomas when the buildings' owner failed to pay the gas bill for the properties and the gas company cut off supply of fuel to the tenants. The case is similar to one which occurred in Fergus a few months back when apartments were left without electricity because a landlord had failed to pay on time. Obviously there is need for legislation to 3rotect tenants in such instances. The )ccupants of these apartments, who had paid heir rent, had a right to exact gas and elec- 'tricity, despite the failure of their landlord to meet his obligations. Certainly the suppliers of gas and electricity had the right to enforce collection of their accounts, but the leverage should not have been applied to the tenants who had fulfilled their part of the agreement. A writ of foreclosure on the owners of the buildings would have been more appropri- ate. Old people, children.or those suffering illness could be dangerously affected by ces- sation of energy services in such a situation. It is time they be afforded the protection of the law against such a heartless course of action. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Published at Wingham. Ontario, by Wenger Bros. LI"mited Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer Member Audit Bureau of Circulations !ember — Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. ubscription $10 00 per year. Six months $525 To United States $12.50 Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Return postage guaranteed A page of editorial opinion Letters to the Editor Advance -'Dimes Wingham, Ontario Dear Sir: I would like to take this dppor- tunity to express the thanks of the Brophy Slow Pitch Ball Team to all who in any way had a hand in making a great success of the dance that was held in support of the Scouts by the ;all Team. A special thanks to Brian Conk- wright who spent a lot of his spare time, as he always does, selling tickets for us and coming up with most tickets sold by an individual. It says a lot for the town and its people when so many successful endeavors can be put on with so much participation by so many. It has given the Brophy Ball Team a good feeling to have been able to help in a small way, the young lads from town to reach their goal of going to the World Jamboree at which their outlook in life will be enhanced im- mensely. Finally; I have lived in Wing - ham all of my life and I have had the privilege to meet a very size- able number of young people through sports g,nd other ac- tivities and I think this town should be mighty proud of its young people and with a little helping hand you . will find they will go a long, long way. .Thank you, Desmond Brophy Wingham Advance -Times. Dear Mr. Editor: There is an old cliche which has an application to all of us here in Wingham. That is, "You get the government you deserve". I am writing specifically of our Board of Education representative, who has basked in the warm sun of Florida since the month of December. We, and I mean all of us, I feel, are being ripped off by this gentleman, and we have no one to blame for the flagrant lack of re- sponsibility he has shown, but all of us, you and I and the other guy. Why? We did not even attend the nomination meeting; no one con- tested this position. Our apathy, and "let Jack do it" attitude has left us without effective representation since the month of December. Therefore, Jack sure did it for us — in the sunny south. He has now missed at least three monthly meetings, and as he was absent at the inaugural meeting, how was he sworn in? Further- more, by being absent from this first meeting he presumably has escaped being assigned any com- mittee work. The school term being from September to June or ten months, our representative has seen fit to miss ap- , proximately one-third of the ef- fective work period. I wonder, does he get paid if he is not there? If he does get paid, then he is eiv- ing it to the whole County includ- ing his fellow board members. This would sort of spread the hurt around, but makes our sin and lack of responsibility more dif- ficult to bear. We sent the weak Sister for the rest of the Board to carry. We were absent from that alt important nomination meet- ing. We allowed a person to be elected by acclamation who does not even have children in the school system. Does this mean that we do not think too much of our children? I originally said alLof us, how- ever, I must correct that and excuse one class of people. The class of people I refer to is teachers and those employed by therCounty Board of Education. They cannot sit on the board because it would be considered a conflict of interest. Frankly, I feel that there are teachers' and others who are employed by the Board of Education who have firstly, a sense of responsibility, secondly, children who are pre- sently in the school system or have recently left it, thirdly, • some knowledge of teaching and its attendant problems. Of course this is only some of the criteria. There is one more, good business sense, and in that context I can- not fault our present incumbent. Respectfully Yours, Bertrand P. Morin Items from Old Files MARCH 1928 Lela Brooks, the world's champion woman skater, , and Arthur Flack, champion barrel jumper of Canada, will give an exhibition in Wingham Arena next week. The secretary of Huron Pres- bytery has completed the statis- tical record of the Presbytery for 1927. The Presbytery has under its care 39 charges, comprising 75 congregations. Members of., the Women's Missionary Society number 64; there are 8,001 mem ,- bers of -the Sunday Schools and 1,467 are members of the Young People's Societies. Every min- ister belonging to the Presbytery desiring a charge, is provided for, and every Charge is under the care of an ordained minister. Cliff Bricker of Galt, Canada's hope for the Olympic marathon, and nephew of Sheldon Bricker of Fordwich, has received word from the Canadian Olympic Committee that his request for permission to go to Amsterdam in advance of the Canadian team, has been granted. The Presbytery of Maitland met at Molesworth to induct Rev. John A. Pritchard of Williams- burg, Iowa, into the congrega- tions of Molesworth and Gorrie. In, the school championship contests at Galt last week two former Wingham girls played a prominent part. Hazel Lockridge was on the winning relay race team, took first place in the skat- ing race for girls, and Grace Lockridge took second in this race, and first in the couple's race with Jim Robertson. The contract for about eight miles of concrete pavement be- tween Seaforth and. Clinton, on the provincial highway, has been awarded by the provincial De- partment of Highways to W. W. King. The paving of this piece of road will complete the perman- ent roadway from Goderich to -Toronto. C. R. Copeland is representing Wingham L.O.L. 794 at the Grand--* Lodge in Barrie this week. 't tT-0=0 MARCH 1940 At the meeting of Maitland Presbytery in Ethel last week, plans were made fot the ordina- tion of Douglas MacDonald, son of Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Luck - now. . W. H. Gurney and Son have been . awarded a contract of $16,000 by the War Supply Board. Two crews of Bell Telephone men have been busy this past two weeks reconditioning the lines about town. Many new poles have been erected. It is expected that the poles will later be removed from the main street and the Hydro will install the new light- ing standards. So far, Bell Tele- phone and Hydro are co-operat- ing in the use of poles. Over six hundred persons at- tended the showing of the pic- tures of the Royal Visit and the sinking of the Graf Spee in the Town Hall on Tuesday: As was expected, the election -in Huron North will be a two-man contest. At the official nomina- tions, Robert John Deachman, Liberal member for the past five years, was named to carry the Liberal banner and Lewis Elston Cardiff was nominated by the National Conservative party. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jackson left for their new home in London after over 50 years in the jewel- lery business in Brussels. Among enlistments from Bruce County for active service is one man whose name is already en- graved on a war memorial in the county. He is Jack Varros'of?Ches ley who expects to see service in the second war. He served over- seas in 1914-18 and was reported killed in action but a short time ago, he returned to Chesley. In spite of the fact that the-De- partment he-De- partment of Agriculture has withdrawn sponsorship of school fairs, the directors of the Bel - grave School Fair have decided to continue with their work. Stewart Procter has been named president of the board for the coming year, to be assisted by Mrs. Sarah Scott, secretary - treasurer "" 0-0-0 MARCH 1951 J. A. Strong, a native of Howick Township, near Gorrie, has been named to a high post in the con- sular service of the Canadian government. He has been ap- pointed consul -general in Boston, Massachusetts. He is. the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. G. TOEiiY CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN Lenny id an engaging youngster with light brown hair, lovely dark eyes and fair skin dotted with freckles. Just turned nine, he is in excellent health, except for a heart murmur which is considered to be of no consequence. Lenny is a hyperactive boy, always on the go. though he has settled downr'a bit in his present foster home. Before Lenny came into the care of the Children's Aid Society, he had a number of moves. These. combined with his deprived background, have made school difficult for him. Lenny is now in Grade two, still having problems. But he likes school. is bene- fitting from remedial reading and did better last term than ever before. However, he is not expected to be a top achiever. Lenny likes skating and is especially keen on hockey. He learned to swim last summer. A family with other children, older or younger than Lenny by several years, will be ideal for him. Lenny would like to main- tain some contact with a younger brother who has been adopted. To inquire about adopting Lenny, please write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services. Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. For general adoption information consult your local Children's Aid Society. A LIVELY BOY • :,§trqng acid bfothet p Ve,lletstex and John Strong of/ Howick. Rev. George Watt of Shell- brook, Saskatchewan, has ac- cepted a call to Dungannon Unit- ed Church, Port Albert and Crewe circuits. His duties will commence this summer. He will fill the vacancy created by the re- tirement etirement of Rev. James Bright. . A second typesetting machine has been added -to the Advance - Times office, which will create a change in the type face used for the setting of body matter in the newspaper. The chief purpose is to make this newspaper larger as time goes by. Mrs. W. B. McCool, .•Mrs. W. Murray, Mrs. Herb Campbell, Mrs. M. Davis and Mrs. Gordon, Godkin were elected officers of will join 10 cadets 'from across the, liothinicin. Art old McIntyre of the Wingham District High School has been chosen as a member of the group. Burke Dysn, who has had the cold storage and butchering busi- ness in Gorrie for the past year, has gone to Uxbridge tb go into business "there. George Westlake will continue the cold storage and egg grading, station in Gorrie. Whitechurch post office chang- ed owners' on Monday as the of- fice was moved to the store of Fred Newman. Gwen Rutter] was elected president of the Howick Junior Institute. Backing her on the ex- ecutive will be vice-presidents Marjorie Behrns, and Marjorie Toner, secretary -treasurer Aud- the Ladies' Bowling Club at its rey Hastie. meeting this week. 0 — 0 — 0 Sixteen Western Ontario army.r <t t. cadets have been seleieted ton iat- MARCH 1961 tend a special outdoor camp this Members of the Wingham at Banff, Alberta. They Town Council, at their regular meeting, passed a by-law putting into effect a pension plan for town employees: The new plan, `which goes into effect immediately, will mean a five per cent of salary contribution by each employee, with a similar contribution by the town. The, pension will be nor- mallpaid to the employees Y when they retire at age 65. The pension will vary but is guaran- teed at over $80.00 per month for five years. Ken Dettman has resigned his job. as manager of the Lakelet Feed Mill and the mill will be temporarily closed. Another break-in occurred in the village of Fordwich on the weekend, when the hardware store owned by Harry Lohr was broken into and a sum of money taken along with a number of rifle shells. However, someone had a conscience which bothered him for when Mr. Lohr opened for business on Monday morning, money and shells were found be- tween the doors. A new oil furnace has been in- stalled in the Donnybrook United Church. The Howick Junior Farmers and Junior Institute placed first in the half-hour drama competi- tion held in Clinton. They receiv- ed the Merton Keys Trophy for their presentation of "Bobby Sox Brigade". Barry Mulvey won the award for the best actor. About fifteen girls gathered at the home of Marykae Newman when a kitchen shower was held in honor of the approaching mar- riage of Marianne McKibbon. summer • -MRCS MOTAYj(a wtoo, W Th YOuc CAR A 6.000, at COUWPfT it,. " , .. MINS YOU, TAWS JUST A% ESTIMATE,"