HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-03-13, Page 104
The repair of the Lower Town
dam became an issue at town
council meeting again when Art
Clark of A. W. Clark and AS -
Sedates of VVingham presented a
report to council members at the
Monday, meeting.
The report was in relation to
application for a rebuilding
permit to the Ministry of Natural
Resources to authorize town
council to start procedures. Mr.
Clark explained the Ministry
spokesman had set down three
conditions to be fulfilled prior to
approval of the permit. He said
the Ministry wants "some
assurance that the discharge
capacity will be the same or
somewhat better than what it was
.. that's easy to do. The second,
he wanted some assurance "that
the same thing is not going to
happen again." This latter condi-
tion was greeted with laughter by
council members, but Mr. Clark
explained that the Ministry con-
sidered the original damage to be
caused by a "management prob-
"That, perhaps, would not be
too much of a problem," Mr.
Clark added, "but now comes the
crunch. The Ministry wants full
engineering drawings and the
whole bit. This drives theproject
above and beyond council's
wildest dreams."
Mr. Clark explained "the plans
are easy to come up with, but the
actual construction process ... I
wouldn't want to hazard a guess.
'the sky's the limit. We can „meet
Town police
busyin 1974
There were 93 business
premises found insecure in 1974
by members of the Wingham
town police. This rather unset-
- fling -•-statistic was presehtedc-tre
Wingham town council as part of
the Wingham Police Department
annual report for 1974, compiled
by Chief Robert F. Wittig and
presented to council by William
Harris, chairman .of the Police
Committee. Councillor Harris
underlined this particular statis-
tic as "rather interesting; but..."
and explained that each such
incident necessitated notifying
the owners of the business
premises of the fact and making
efforts to secure the premises
once more.
In the report Chief Wittig also
presented statistics on regular
police activities in 1974, including
1,358 occurrences and complaints
attended to by the police, 277
summonses issued, 16 persons
arrested, six -cars stolen and re- E
covered and 515 parking tickets
issued. Property damage due.to
traffic accidents was reported as
$42,780 in 116 accidents over the
year. The department also re-
covered $10,312.63 of $10,696.40
worth of property stolen during
the conditions as far as I'm con-
cerned, but the construction •pro-
cesslmay be out of sight.. In order
to get approved 'plans, the con-
struction will cost us a fortune.
That's in a nutshell what I'm tell-
ing you."
Council members' seemed
flabbergasted by the ramifica-
tions of Mr. Clark's report. An
almost unanimous viewpoint on
the matter was puts forward by
Councillor Jack Bateson; "They
won't do anything towards help-
ing to restore it, yet they want all
the say on how it's going to be
done. That's ridiculous!"
Town council must apply for
and receive the rebuilding permit
from the Ministry of Natural Re-
sources under the regulations of
the Lakes and Rivers Act.
Failure to do so, Councillor
Angus Mowbray explained, could
result inheavy fines if town coun-
cil were to. proceed with the
repairs without a permit.
Several alternatives were dis-
cussed, including application to
Huron -Bruce MPP Murray
Gaunt for assistance. Several
councillors suggested the possi-
bility of once more applying to
the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority on the issue. Councillor
Mowbray elcplained that the
Authority "said they wouldn't do
it this year because if we went
ahead with what we're doing, we
just bypassed any chance of
budgeting. They would have to
wait until next year at the
earliest if they were going to do
As it stands, the Authoirl�
ceived authorization from
members to negotiate Wittt
ham on ownership of the 1
rehabilitation of the area
"mutually acceptable" ,cam„
elusion. Accordingeto the mtbt
of authorization at the annual meeting, howev', to
Authority "will not guaraptee tie;
reconstruction of the dat t "
Council members were in-
formed that the Autho ;ty' hlls
suggested a feasibility study on
the possibility of replaces e
dam with a by-pass systeM of
ponds. The cost of the study' 41100.
was estimated .at $17 00NR'nf
which Wngham would pay
cent; if an agreement whore
reached between- the Authority
and the council.
A long and anxious dis till8lOn
of all the possible altenatives
provided no concrete results -At
the meeting. Council deelded;o
proceed . with the plans, side
nothing more could ready
done at the time. •
One injured
in car mishap
One person was injured last
week when a car went off the
road into a ditch and rolled over
on Highway 86, west of the Mait-
land River Bridge, Howick Town-
ship. Driver Antonio Cerqueira of
Kitchener was admitted to the
Wingham and District Hospital
and treated for lacerations to the
hand prior to release. Damage to
the car was estimated at $2,000.
The Wingham detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police
investigated three other acci-
dents last week. A single -car
accident occurred last Wednes-
day on County Road 30, south -of
Highway 97, Grey Township,
when a car driven by Kenneth L.
Kaye of Palmerston left the road
and struck a pole. Damage was
estimated at $400.
Two accidents were investi-
gated by the Wingham OPP on
Friday. A collision .on County
Road 30 at Concession 5-6,
Howick Township, involved
Douglas R. Garter of Bluevale
and Bart Scherpenzeel of RR 1,
Gerrie. Estimated damage was
$1,000. The second accident oc-
curred on Highway 86, east of the
east junction road to Bluevale,
Turnberry Township, when the
car driven by Anita E. Mahe of
RR 1, Bluevale left the south side
of the road and rolled over into a
ditch. Damage was estimated at
MARY BONGERTMAN receives her Tong-avyaited cap
from Mrs. Daisy Connell at the capping ceremony for the
Wingham and District Hospital candy -stripers Monday.
Underground wiring. for
new town subdivisions
A new by-law was given first
reading at a regular meeting of
the Public Utilities Commission
Friday. By-law 101, which will
enter as PUC policy upon final
reading, will make underground
distribution systems madatory
for all new subdivisions in
Wingham and any area serviced
by the Wingham PUC. The by-
law will apply primarily to areas
without overhead electrical dis-
tribution. Costs for the new
systems will be split for a two-
thirds share by the subdivider
and one-third to the PUC. The by-
law isexpected to receive second
and third readings at the next
monthly meeting.
A sub -section of By-law 101 was
presented to Wingham town
council at the Monday meeting.
By-law 101-1 deals specifically
with street lighting, which is a
concern of the council. PUC
representatives at the council
meeting explained they hoped the
entire PVC by-law would heenma
part of the town's new building
regulations when these are com-
pleted. PUC Chairman Roy Ben-
nett explained, however, that the
by-law proposed by the PUC
would become policy whether or
not council decided to incor-
porate it as a town by-law.
In further business at the PUC
meeting, Ken Saxton reported on
a malfunction of the new pump,
requiring the engine to be
returned to Toronto for repairs.
Mr. Saxton explained the prob-
lem stemmed from a faulty bell
housing, resulting in scoring of
the rotor shaft and misalignment.
The new equipment is still under
the manufacturer's warranty.
PUC members also received a
letter from Ontario Hydro in-
forming them that a charge of $20
would be made for requests for
heat loss calculations. The
charge will become effective
April 1 and will be passed on to
electrical contractors requesting
this service.
A computer readout on power
purchased by the Wingham PUC
from Ontario Hydro in 1974 in-
dicated a substantial increase in
costs from 1973. The statistical
breakdown of the figures into
increase due to higher Ontario
Hydro fees and increase due to an
increase ih customers or greater
electrical use by existing cus-
tomers was not provided.
Power purchased in 1974
totalled $314,907 as compared to
1973 figures of $284,522. Total
PUC expenses were $388,958 in
1974, only slightly higher than the
1973 figure of $352,815. kRevenue
for 1974 at $421,620 was sub-
stantially greater than the
$374,556 quoted for 1973. The
Wingham PUC provided 12,-
748,791 kilowatt hours in resi-
dential service and 14,536,239
kilowatt hours in general service,
with a total of 1,290 customers in
Damage Iight
in barn fire
'l'he Wingham Fire Depart-
ment reported one fire call last
Wednesday to Concession 5, lot 12
in Howick Township. The fire in
the barn of John Van deKamp
was started when a heat lamp fell
into the straw. The fire chief esti-
mated the damage at $100.
—Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Estey of Guelph and
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Machan
and Ross of Waterloo.
THE U N I B LOOP E RS from Teeswater got laughs and ap-
plause as they unicycled and cavorted at the Thursday
night Lions' Talent Hunt. Underneath the costumes and
makeup they are: Pat Steward, Sandra and Gail Thornpsc
and Cathy McGlynn.
ick planning meeti
scribed as 'invaluabl
Howick ratepayers, after heat-
earing of the proposed Howick -
ficial plan to be developed tiY
Huron County planner Nick Hill,
have shown their keen interest b3r
offering their views in workshops
during the _past few weeks.
Huron County has an official
plan. for the .entre region but
sought to adapt it tb each Minitel;
pality by giving each .a plan of its
own. Mr. Hill toured the county to
hear how residents felt about how
they would like to see their area
develop. Howick's seminars
began Feb. 4 and concluded
March 11. Topics covered includ-
ed agriculture, natural re-
sources, and development of the
three villages of Gorrie, Ford-
wich and Wroxeter.,
According to Mr. Hill the work-
shops "have been invaluable
They were very, very, lively," he
Mr. Hill summarized this agri-
cultural meeting by saying that
the prevalent attitude was,
"We're getting on with our job.
We're doing okay."'
Most agreed that agriculture in
Howick has a promising future,
although many recognized that
problems facing farmers would
be beyond the scope of the official
Specialization and largerfarm
units were viewed as probable in
the future with more crops for
feed and less animal grazing. A
number of residents however,
saw the high price of land as
slowing down amalgamation of
The present average farm
acreage is 164 acres in Howick.
City people buying farmland
was not viewed as a problem
since many of them rent out their
Opinions varied on whether or
not farmers should be able to
separate pieces of land.
Those who favored selling lots
One week left
in sweepstakes
Beware the Ides of March!
They mean only one more week
of "Sweetheart Sweepstakes",
and one week until that draw for
the grand prize of $250 cash. The
draw will be made on March 24
and entries will be accepted until
that date.
Last week's winners wasted no
time in claiming their prizes . .
an indication of the enthusiasm
the contest has received. For
Mrs. Clayton Baird of RR 2,
Wingham, it's spring decorating
time and thanks to the Decor
Shoppe she has the wallpaper
with which to do it. Bruce Robert-
son of RR 1 Gorrie couldn't be
luckier: he was a winner at the
Ernie King Music Centre. The
third winner last week was Harry
Mulvey of RR 1, Wroxeter, who
received a shopping voucher
from Stainton Hardware.
said that not only would this
represent an economic advant-
age to the farmer but that the
rural population would increase
which historically has declined
over the last 50 years.
One resident commented, "We
sh9.04 encourageReo le to move
the"t9 sod not altow-
ing travail/trees of farm land for
building is 'a mistake. We need
more:people, not Less."
But others said that allowing
severancesfor cottages and
summer homes could be disas-
trous for the farming community.
"City folk complain about the
farm smells." - -
Another comment was, "Other
parts of Ontario are better suited
for countryside cottages than we
are. In Howick we are an agri
cultural community and should
keep it that way."
Even those who favored rural
urbanization stressed the need
for caution in any policy adopted.
Some said that preserving the
natural environment was
necessary since everyone needs a
break from the routine, including
But one answered, "With all
the farmland that is being lost
today, it will be sore to look at the.
natural environment on an empty
Dan Mansell, district super-
visor with the Ministry of Natural
Resources told the gathering that
because of Howick's large areas
of forest cover, the township's
water areas had a good potential
for fishing. �....
Most of the residents ag* ed
that development of . the areas
would be prohibitively expensive
and so Zxisting areas should be
Another resident made the
point, "There is much forest land
in Howick that could be cleared
and cultivated. It. does not
necessarily follow that where
there is a forest the land is un-
suitable for agriculture. Many of
the woodlots in Howick were left
purposely by the pioneers as a
source of fuel."
Most at the meeting concurred
that, "You don't meet your neigh-
bors down on the river. It's
mainly city folk who enjoy a
place by the river."
Opinions were split right down
the middle on the question of
keeping the environment as a
wilderness or developing it as a
cottage resort area.
Mr. 'Mansell commented that
through certain examples he has
learned that cottage area
development can lead to the
destruction of the natural en-
Other participants however,
said that Howick has many
scenic areas that could be con-
verted to cottage areas provil lir
stringent guldeliues a
iii advance x- -..., tO ti
tial of the mill ponds for recrea=
tional areas is good. Cleared up
they could be good for boating,
bathing, and fishing. We have a
lot of space in the villages for
seasonal cottages."
Another said, ''If you cluster
cottages in one place they are no
longer quiet _and peaceful. Let's
spread out a little."
Participants in this :workshop . -
said they felt the village should
provide more jobs, although
Gorrie is primarily a. residential
"Gorrie must avoid becoming
purely a residential village. We
must develop the village as a vi-
able, self-contained community,
with house, business, services
and jobs."
Since there is an existing labor
pool that is familiar with agri-
culture in the village, most said
that any new industry that might
be attracted would be farm -re-
Taking into account the rapid
development of southwestern
Ontario in general, many said
that Gorrie will also - grow, and
residents should not, as -in the
WELWOOD pins Patricia Hoggart at the
candy -stripper capping ceremony Monday. Patricia, who
has been a volunteer worker at the Wingham and District
Hospital since last October, also received a cap and
past, expect little to hapFen.
Concern was expressed that the
core business ,district in the
village was too small and resit•
detitial areas • limited future'
But Howick Cowes:,Stec.A�
ltittire of 'farthing
itife fay; M ►reu mat
and, thus, a smallerrural popula-
tion, I don't think the village•busii
ness section will be able to Sup4
port a wide variety of stores.
foresee . basically one grocery
store, one hardware store, one
furniture store, etc. . I don't
think the business area will grow
very much ii the future."
One solution suggested was the
establishment of an agri-
culturally=oriented industrial
park located next to the village.'
Another proposed improve-
ment mentioned during the meet-
ing was the repair of the Gorrie
Dam and adjacent park which
was washed out in the spring,
1974 flood.
Counc. Harold Hyndman who is
also a member of the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
said that repairs were scheduled
for this spring.
One concerned voice was
heard, "We need a senior citi-
zens' home in Gorrie. It is nice to
retire in the community in which
you have lived and not have to
leave to go to a home in a town."
Mr. Hill explained that the
municipal council should request
the Ontario Housing Corporation
Please turn to Page 12
Day Care Centres plans
suffer serious setback.
Plans for the construction of
the new Day Care Centre in
Wingham may be handicapped
by a misunderstanding between
the Ministry of Community and
Social Services and the Town of
Wingham. The problem was ex-
plained ata regular meeting of
Winghanl town council Monday
by Councillor Jack Gillespie,
chairman of the Day Care Com-
Councillor Gillespie said the
Ministry was under the illusion
that the town already owned
property upon which the new
centre would be constructed. The
problem came to light when he
visited the Ministry offices in
Toronto last Friday, he said, and
was informed that the 100 per
cent grant to the town did not
cover lot purchasing costs.
Ministry spokesmen explained
they had assumed the town was
considering construction of the
centre on the lot near the swim-
ming pool and that their repre-
sentatives had been told the town
owned that land.
Councillor Gillespie said the lot
had been considered as the site of
construction, but that no decision
had been made. He said the lot
near the pool is sufficient for
present construction plans but
would not permit any expansion
in the future. The purchase of a
lot for the day care centre was
not covered by the grant allow-
ance, he explained, and would be
the responsibility of the town.
He also explained that the
Ministry had budgeted for an
estimated $13,000 worth of fill for
the lot near the swimming pool
and that he had suggested the
funds might be transferred
toward the purchase of a dif-
ferent lot. The Ministry, he said,
was "toying with that possi-
In other business, council
awarded ha grant of $50 to the
Huron Plowmen's Association
and approved payment of the
town's levy to the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority.
Council also received notice of an
increase in cost of plumbing
permits to $20. Building permit
applications received by council
were referred to the Planning
Board for consideration. Plans to
close the road for construction on
the Victoria St. bridge from June
1 to Sept. 31 were approved.
Council also approved payment
of general accounts totalling $62,-