HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-17, Page 1eta.
GI -0 TO -
Goldsmith ,4 Hall!
aerPereonalattention given to repairing of
ilwatches,clooks andjewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL.
LB. DICKSON, Barriater, Soli.
• (lacier Supreme Court,NotaryPublic
Clotiveyancec Commissioner ,13to honey to
0111cein Fauson's Block, Exeter.
'Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Bto.
Officegamwell's Block fla1101d office.)
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers&c, &c.
llioney to Loau at Lowest Rates of
0 47 Fie IE : over 0,ArENZ'S Rank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
tiameaelPS Bleck, Mainest, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth witboutpain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
l?ilings au all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zunion on last Thursdayin
each month.
T W. BROWNING M. D., M. (3
e.) • P.8 ,avaduate VietoriaUniversity.Offiee
tna,residenee,DonlinionLaboratoxv, Exeter
EIYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of HurOn. 011floo, opposite Mr.
. Ca)ling's store,Exeter.
TR. J. A. ROLItIti b, M . O. 2.5
-L-• 0. o Mee, Alain S illxoter,Out .Residen
co b. oil serecently occupied by P
11 q
• Graduate Trinity University, Tor-
onto ; Fel. 'Crin. Med. shoo', Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst.. Craniology; Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont.—
office, Dashwood. Ont,
ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Etay,Stephen, and McGilli-
rray.Townships. Selesconducted atmoderate
rthties. 0 Moe—At Post-office,Crediton,Out •
TON GILL, Auctioneer for th,.
Townshine of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
Aduates of the Ontario Veterinary C olleg
OrpreE : One goor South of Town Hall,
per cent, 820,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies reprt sentecl.
CIAN A., Head Office, London, Ont.
After 30 years of sucooseful . business, still
continuos to offer the owners of farm property
and private residenoes, either on buildings or
arontents,tho most favorable protection in case
of loss or damage by fire or lightning; at rates
upon stich liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company eau afford to wrae. 42,243 poli:
cies in force 1st Jan ,1889. Assets $378,209.54
in cash in hank. Government depost, Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. ,LtArns GRANT,
President ;D. C. MoDog.tn, Manager. DAVID
JAquEs, Agent for Exeter andvioinity,
Establishedin 1863.
This comy.any has been over Eighteen
Years intuooessful operation in Western On -
b ario,andsontinuos to insure avails Clogs or
damage by 3ire,Builclings,1Vfarcha3di se,Pian-
ufaotorie tyln dill o tb rdescriptio n Ho flinsur-
able property. Entonding insurers bay° the
optionof insuring° n the Premium Note or
ash System .
During the patten years this Company
ha Ei issued 57,096 Polieies, coverin g property
o thatmountof tt40,872,088 ;and paid inloss-
es alone $709,752,00
AssetS, sh1/76,1.00.00,0O115i5ting of Cash
n thank, G overnmentD opori it ,axi 0 ibo u ass-
eseodPreinturallotesothanditridtn f ()roe, J,
W WACO:nal:1U D.tresiaert 0 .1.).vinort ,
Secretary, /.1.3. Eftroutas,inspactor, MIAS:
SPAM Agentfor Thketerandyloblity,
arber Sho
A Hastings, Prop
Swing and Hair entling in the lateet'iitYlo
of the art.
' Every attenti* paid te etittibg'
Ladies and Children' s
J'011N WUXI% dr SON
Publishers and. Proprietor
Men to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal-
ary or Cominisaion. I can make a successful
ot anyone who will work and follow my in-
structions. Will farnish handsome outfit free
and pay year salary or oommission every
week. Write for terms at once,
E. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
Oot 10 18t Toronto, Ont
In the matter of R. F. CARTER, of
the city of London, Comity of Mid-
dlesex, formerly of the township of
Stephen, in the county of Huron,
Notice is hereby given that the above-nam-
ed R. b' 'Darter has made an assignment to me
of all his estate and effeets, in trustfor the
benefit of all his creditors.
A meeting of the creditors of the said estate
is hereby convened, and will be held at nlY
(Ace, Creditor', Ont.; on Thnrsday. October 24.
A. D. 1889, at 4 o'clock, p. m , for tho appoint-
ment of Ihspectors, and the giving of direct-
ions with reference to the disposal of the said
estate. All creditors of the said estate are
hereby required to file their claims with me,
duly proven on or before the day of such
meetingas after the 1st December,. A. D.,
1889, 1 shall proceed to distribute the said e. -
tate having regard only to sueh claims as I
shall have notice of, and I will not be respon-
sible for tho assets of the said estate or any
part thereof, to any person or persons whose
claim or elairas shall not have been t led.
Dated 9th October, A. D.,1889
21 Trustee
It Notice is hereby raven in pursuance of
DRED and 'kEN of the Revised Statutes of
Ontario A. D 1887, that all creditors and
other persons having alaims against tho estate.
of William. Giles Chambers, late of the town-
ship of Stephen, in the County of 'Juror'.
Province of Ontario, farmer. who died on or
about the 41h day of July, A. D., 1889, are
hereby required to send by post prepaid or
otherwise deliyer to the undersigned adminis-
trator of the said deeeased or to HENRY
EILBER, Creditor] P. O., on or before January
1st, A, D., 1890, their christiom names and sur-
names, addresses and description, the f all par-
ticulars of their claimsa statement of their
accoun s, and tho nature of the securities (if
any) held by them, And the said adminis-
trator will after the First day of January. A.
D., 1890, distribute the assets of tee said de-
ceased among Otto parties entitled thereto,
• having regard only to claims of which notice
shall have been given as above rectuired, and
the said administrator will not be liable for
the said assets or any pert thereot to any
person of ose laim notice shall not have
been received by him at the time of such dis-
Dated. this 17th clay of September. A. D..1889,
Crediton P. 0,
Our fall and winter goods. Just
what you need. First-class goods and
• And a host of other things.
Tea 7e, per lb tip. Pint -class
Japan tea at 25c per ab.
Jewelry Store
• School Books,
Fancy Goods,
Musical Instruments.
full line of Spauldings
Bats and balls on hand
we make a syecialty of Watch and
ewelry repairing—All work guaranteed
Out Motto—Neat, Prompt and re-
0, it...otoneratarl,,
The dam of Axtel, the latest trotting
wonder, wag Lou, by alaarbrino Boy. She
'cost Williams lose than $150,
has another great hone in Allertten reeord
9:18 in rade against other bones. Allerton
Also is a 13-3Yetittaold. But four hones have
trotted a mile faster than AxteL They are
Maud Se 2:08a ; /ay -10680e, 2:10; Gay,
2:10a ; and St Joboa 2;111 The king of
ttottitig stallione of the age le a dark bay,
and stands 15,2i high,
Wbonl sty diet r 4cc not moan Moray to goo thoin for a
tfroo ofut thou howl theta *tort AnAill, mssa mdloni
00 re. 0(1050 Maclo the d &Ma of Vte, get Litt'SY or NALL,
ING 8101130500nertothr ASO, warmat 0aoeo0g
Se Oro' 11M Wore, &matt It6e4eats othote hem failod 10(10
.00 kon for Apt ufrai 'NO littos 4 dem 00310 4t °Iwo rot
• F.'stt 15 I f MI 1 1
Ithiftad tun Foot OfflOO', It pahtn Uothluf4 for 81.41,.
hod Outo $,641, IEL IL .
• • t
BrRild pa, 37 OttOR, Toronto
St. IVIarys.
Bzunrs.—The ladies of the alethodiet
church gave their annual tea on Friday
evening laet.-11. Billyarcl, formerly maga.
ger of the Bank of Montreal here, is in
town spending a few days.—Eli Birch struck
Ike towu on Tuesday,—A, nety vote on
Park street bridge by law will have to be
taken, so some of the debentures were
issued $100 below.—Mr. Outher's • barn
• on the •8th eon. of 13Ianshard 0748
burned on Monday evg.—The closing game
of the Perth League was played at Strat-
ford on Friday. As Mitchell's battery did
not belong to their town, the game was
played under proteet. At the end of the
third inning all bets oa the game were
declared off. The game which was played
as an exhibition gan-re resulted in a score of
17 to 21 iu favor of Mitchell.
Brunrs.—Rev. A. Y. Healey of Blue -
vale was recently visiting friends in this
viciaity.—Miss Sutherby wale her mother
and sister left for Detroit this week where
they intend to reside.—Mr. Latta's stock
sale of Saturday last was a emcees. He
realized therefrom over 41,000.—A num-
ber of the young people of this place as-
eembled at the residence of Mr. Geo. Wren
where awaiting them was anumber of water-
mellons, a quantity of honey and other de-
licacies, After partaking of „these in large
quantities, and being well entertained till a
late hour, they departed to their respective
humes.-2Mr. J. Keefe has purehased
farm near Dublin for $4,600. Four years
ago Mr Keefe rented his father's farm and
has so prospered since then as to be able to
pay most of the above sum at the time of
purchasing, We are sorry to have him
leave, as he was a good and obliging neigh-
WEDDING BEMs. —Tueseay October lath
was a clay of much joy in our village, when
one of Bay's fairest daughters, Miss al aria
. Graybail was united in the sacred bonds
of matrimony with Mr. D. Durstein of
Zurich. The ceremony, which was pev-
formed by Rev. Mr. Ajager of the Evengeli-
cal church, Daehwood, took place at eleven
o'clock a. inat the residence of ,the bride's
father, and was witnessed by a large num-
ber of invited guests—friends of both
contracting partiet., After this part of the
ceremony was performed the joyfal com-
pany took seats around the table,which was
provided with all that is necessary to satisfy
the wants of inner man. It is not necessary
to say that ample justice was done to the
things which were provided by the good
folks of the house. Several hours were
theu spent in harmless amusements after
which tire guests took their departure,
giving their best wishes for the future
happiness of the wedded couple; and from
the mutat useful and costly permeate which
were left behind some idea may be formed
of the high esteem in which the bride is
held. • Mrs. Durstein is a genial good.
hearted young lady and a general ,favorite
with both olu and young and her absence
from our village will be greatly felt.
Blum -s; --The acrtiment of the Lord's
supper was dispensed in the Union Church
last Sabbath, The servioe on Friday was
conducted, by Rev. A. Y. Hartley of Blue -
vale and the Thanksgiving service on ,
Monday by Bev, Dr. 'Ore, of Goderic'h. The
services on both days were well attended.—
Par. Henry Begler and family have removed
to Port Findlay, Algoma, where he has
bought a faun. • His prope.ty here was
bonght by Mr. Alex, Forsyth of Tucker-
emith. •Mr. Henry Snell of Algoma, is
spending a few days visiting friends here.
He speaks very highly of the country,—
The toot -ball club was orgenizecl for the
season. They would like to hear from any
neighboring clubs regarding matches. All
communications sent to A. Scott, Secy.,
will receive due attention.—Mr. Robert
Young has built a tine residence on Queen
etreet which adds considerably to the ap-
internam° of the village.---alr Robt. Beattie,
cam popular operator, who has been with
ela the past seven years has accepted
situation as book-keeper in the Red Mill
Seafortla.--Mr. Frank O'Neil and family
have moved to fiensall where • he has
opened business,—Mr Alex. Mustard hes
renamed from • Algoma, looking all the
better for bis trip.
AOCIDIf NY. —On Saturday last, Bort. a
young son of Mr, Richard Anderson, form-
erly of Usborne, met with a very serious
accident- Eo was riding with his father in
a waggon and while standing in the vehicle
the horses made a sudden jump. The lad
was Drecipitated to the ground, and one of
the wheels passing over his head, injured
and out that ntornber severely. He is in a
preOariolla condition,
BIIIIIIS,--11fr Geo. Stephenson has altnost
completed the erection of it now bank barn,
Your correspondent can safely say tbat it is
one of tho most cohvenient and largest
barns in the county of Huron. The sta.
blang room is most adequate while the
mows and granaries are exeoptionally roomy
Mr. Stephenson has conceived an idea, by
which, during the stormy and unpleasant
days of the Winter months he will not re-
quire to turn his stock ontdoore for water.
Directly in front of the horse tend cattle
mangers he ha e ttough ereeted which is
tea by enemas of it pipe f t'Ob't a well out side
and id ganged in quantity by taps at the
different trough*. At eaeh stall is a slide
whioh, when pulled back the Cadet( is al-
lowed to drink. The Mea is a good one
and is a diepeneer of considerable anneals.
sary Hugh Oke left here on
Tuesday for Exeter where he will in future
reeute.—out °beetle teeter 'Mt. J. Mtlririty
has sent his resignation to the Directors.
Mr, Murray Etas had Cootrol of the cbeeee
factory for sixteen yeara and has given
thorough satisfaction, Ile will retire from
cheese rnaltiog mid engage in farming he
being the oviner of a farm in. Oxford Cotinty,
The Patrons iI1 bo sorry to learn the Wet -
tiger's intentions ati he was always upright,
000110030 Iola workdet;wen their in.
tereat. •"
• Stephen.
Been:vs.—At the Parkhill fair last week,
Mr. ia, Doyle of thie toweship, obtained
first pri e and diploma for a young stallion,
all the inages considered that he Is a meri-
torious beast.—It la thought that the Rev.
Father Ken edy of London will be Bewailed
to the charge at Mt. Carmel until such time
as the Bishop of Sandwich is PPointed
when the appointment of a successor to
the late Father Kelly will be meas.—The
people M thie township are anxiously await-
ing the result of the trial between the town-
ships of Stephen and McGillivray, re the
Grand Bend Cut, It is coneiderecl that the
McGillivray Council is too obstinate in this
matter and that they require to be brought
to their senses by a proms of law.
Bniors.—klr, Richard Payne had the
misfortune to lose a.fine barn by Bre. The
barn was the finest on the 4th line of Bien-
thard and at the time of the fire, contained
a large quantity of grain, several implements
a thrashing machine and a fine team of
horses. The building is supposed to have
been set on fire. Insurance was carried in
the Blanshard lalutual.—A new rector has
been appointed for St Paul's Episcopal Ch.
and Is expected to ofilaiate for the first time
ou Snnday morning next,—The members of
St. Paul's are consiclering the advisabili•y ef
renovating their claurch with a few fresh
coats of paint, —Dr. Potts of Toronto will
lecture, in the Methodist ohm& Ridden on
Monday next. All are invited, —The
Methodists of this place intend holding
special services and giving a dinner on the
27th. and 28111. inst. Prooemis to he de-
voted to the trust fund of this church.
• Ailsa Craig.
• The Northern Fair closed on Friday and
was the most successful held for years. Tfle
Weather was beautiful, and the eroact was es-
timated at 3,000 to 3,600, There was a
magnificent display in ladies work, dairy
Products, fruit, grain and vegetables- The
live stock exhibits were far ahead of any-
thing iver seen here, every class being full.
The special attractions drew a large crowd
ansi were only finished at 6 o'clock. The
named trot was won by D. .11IcArthur, Ailsa
Craip, D. Maivan, East Williams, second.
The team trot ivas won D. McArthur,
Ailsa Craig. W. Bisselt, Exeter'second,
and A. Tenant, Exeter; third, The run-
ning race was won by D. Shoffe Birr, D•
McArthur Alias Craig, second. During the
progress of this race MeArthur's horse col-
lided with a team belonging to Robt. Juke
son, of London township. Every person
thought Mr. McArthur would be seriously
injured, if not killed. Fortunately, however
no one was hurt and no damage done be-
yond breaking the pole of Mr. Jecleson's
buggy. Ladies riding—alias Maguire, of
McGillivary, took first: Miss Ella Shipley
senond, and Miss Cook, third. During the
progress of this race a young man attempted
to drive across the track and the pole of
his buggy struck Miss Maguire aud threw
her from her horse, but fortunately she too
eseapect without injury and was soon ride-
ing her horse again. The ladies' driving
was won by Mrs. Horn Exeter ; Miss.
Maguire, wend ; and Miss. 1Valzer, third,
• Biddillph Council.
The Council mat pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the Temperance Hall Granton
October 71h 1889. The Reeve mid all the
members preseut. The following accounts
were ordered to be paid.—James Mitchell
gravel treat, $3 50 ; M Ryan gravel sect,
$1 5; bI Moncton gravel acct, $10 60; Ju
Dickeon gravel twat, $5; 0. Sproul plank—
div 2, 50o; J Cooper drawing tile post and
work div 2, $4; J Lewis drawing gravel div
2, 66 ; D alennesy drawing gravel div 2 86;
A Isaac drawing, gravel div 2 $6 ; W At-
lcinson drawing gravel div 2 86; d Boyle 2
days work div 2 $2; S McFalle contract on
sideroad div 2 $47 50; W &tkinson dam-
ages drawing gravel div 2 $5; J Atkinson
drawing plank and work div 2 $3 28 • T
Morkin work on sidoroad div 2 85; 5 G
Ryan bal gravel contract W B div 2, $2 50
T Elston drawing gravel and work div 2, $8;
Davis rep culvert dist 3, $1 50; N W
Powe bal of gratit to ron.dbeat cliv 3, $3; a
Kett lumber acct dm 3, $7 45; W McGee
spikes and stringers div 4, $1 2d; W D
Stanley express charges on rolls and rep,
40o; R Langford grading S R div 5, $1 ; J
Leslie deepening creek aud ditch and rep
culvert div 5, $6 75; 8 Clark plank div 5,
$5 ; Jn Kennedy grading 811 div 5, 8870;
Thurlaw bridge and etouo E B div 5,
$37 87 ; It Riddle approach to bridge
straightening creek E B div 6, $2 50; J
McRoberts rep Reproach and washout S 33
div 6, 500; 0 McRoberte rep culvert 8 13
div 5, 47 50; J Dykes tile drain8 B dip 5,
50c; R Radoliffe ditch N B div 5 50e ; T
Bonn ditching div 4, $4; 3 Atkinson aitoh-
ing div I, 84; 0 Ryan ditching div 1, $6;
Jn Hodgins rep culvert div 1, 82; Meredith
eta Meredith legal services lance Sep, 1887
to date, 819 81 ; Geo Hodgine 1 days work
new roacl div 1, $t; Geo Rama lowering
culvert L 11 div 1, $7 50; B Sceli plank div
1, 015 73. Mr Jae; Hal rigall applied to
have Tnp, Engineer inspect and report on
oertain ditch on lot 23 end 24 COn. 9.
That was, macle Pursuaat to an award of
three fence viewers, with a view of having
the said award reetmeidered, Messrs Harri.
gan, Diginatitand Michell Wore heard on the
matter, when the application was grantod
subject to the advice of the Township
Solioitor. The comma adjourned to moot
in the Coart room Olandeboye, oe atomise,
the 4th day of Nov. at 10 Rana
The Inland Revenue Department has
recently issued a bultetitt of abont thirty
pages, whieli 16 devoted exclusively to the
subject of baking powder, and whittle shows
that the majority of the goods in the
market are adulterated arta unfit for use,
Prof. A. McGill, who hag had charge of
this important work for the government
says that 'Imperial Baking Powder is an
excellent powder." A Word to the sensible
housekeeper should be soffictiont.
Alitant's I.Jinirnott dorm Cola% oto.
CIIIAN(}13; OF BuSr...rnsa SALE. --Having de
(tided on making s, o flange in Inc badness,
the undersigued now offers the whole of his
stocic amounting to $14,000 (fourteen them, -
and dollars) at cost for oath. The athlete is
complete in every detail and will Mama an
excellent opportunity of buying fall and
winter goods at wholesale prices. Remem-
ber the sale is genuine, stook full and well
assmted, and prioes at cost as one call will
En/M.—Friday night the farm house on
the farm of late W. W. Connor in thia vil-
lage was destroyed by tire: The building
was worth probably $400. No insurance.
This is the third fire on this property with-
in a few years, two dwelling houses and
one barn, and in every case the fire cannot
be amounted for except on the theory of in.
cendiarism.—There died itt this village on
Saturday October 12, Mrs. Erwin, aged 57
years, relict of the late George Erwin. De-
ceased had been ailing for about two years.
For some time past not much hope of her
recovery had been entertained. It is 35
years since she married her late husband
and settled in Bayfield, and she was a most
exempiary wife end. kind mother. She
leaves a grown up family some of whom
still reside here. Mrs. Erwin was a slater
of the Masers. Beacom of Goderich town-
ship, and her mother still eurvives. Burial
took place on Tuesday 15th iust., a very
large following accompanying the remains
to their last resting place. —News Record.
Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Eilber of Zurich spent
Sundayan the village. His many friends wiI
be sorry to hear that Mr: Paul Link is at
present very low,—Mr. and ktra Cable of
Waterloo aye the guests of air. D, Rieder.
Mr. Jno Murster left on Wednesday night
for Elkton alich.—Miss, Skid Judge of
Luean is visiting friends here.—On Monday
last Rio Heuer Judge Doyle held Division
Court in the Tuwn Hall, this was one of the
mostlengthy courts ever held here. The
Dooket was not so heavy, but some of the
cases were very loug especially the Rush
Water Course case.--alessrs Jas Clark ancl
C. Beaver left on. Monday for the north and
aro buying up two carloads of potatoes for
the local demand. The crop in this viciri)v
very small. We. understand the potatoes are
mostly all sold before band—Mr. ,Ino.
Young is busy packing the sunitner's pick-
ling of eggs in bbls ready for shipment.
Our sports who were to the swamps ou
Tuesday were not fortunate enough to se-
cure a deer. -The flax mills started their
indeed worthy of inspeetion.
some return. —IVIesers Wm. Wenzel and I,
all others. The detagn is their own, and is
has been well saved and promiees a hand -
Smith have built a road cart which eclipses
winters melt wort on WLednesdeee the flea
Notes by the way.
The couutry at tho present time is put -
tine on its fall aspect; and it may well be
asked where more landscape and variegated
foliage can be found than in the surround.
ingalistricts at this season of the year? But
soon, if the rathless hand of the woodman
continues, these Canadian beauties will be
no longer, aucl rural autumn scenery will
be robbed of its charms, putt the farming
lands depleted of a large revenue.
THE FALL WORE on the farm has pro -
grossed favorably, and a good deal of plow-
ing has been done already and if anything
like fine weather coutinuew for another
month everything will be ready for winter.
Ten WHE1T where the gr in was sown
in good season and on well prepared ground
it looks promising and already covets the
gvound. Yet there are a great many sickly
pieces which accurding to present appear-
ances will have a hard time to winter
through. The truth is the original organic
or vegetable matter is fast being worn out
of our wheat soils, ana it is the nitrogen
furnished by decaying vegetable matter that
makes the presence of black soil a sign of
fertility. It is true that vegetable matter
is largely carbonaceous, and grain crops
liberally fed with mineral plant food will
find their carbon in the air. Still the hard
est and moat glutinous wheat is always
grown on virgin soil, as it was in Ontario
during the early settlement. To this, at
present, the Manitoba North-West Terri-
tory and Dakota hard spring wheat now
Owes it superiority for milling purposes.
When the soil loses its original stores of ni-
trogenous fertility, the quality of the
North-western e heat will rapidly deteriorate
as that of other wheat.growing motions has
done. The ono way to prevent this and to
increase not only the quantity, but to im-
prove tbe quality of wheat, is to grow clover
largely. Clover is mainly and should be
always feed on the farm where it is grown,
Thus fed, it is toe only crop the farmer can
grow that will absolutely inerease the a-
mount of nitrogen in tee soil. It aeons
reasonable to believe that clover acts as a
ov by its loosening effect otathe eub-
soil, helps to cleconepose air imprisoned in
the soil, and make available for plant food
borne of the nitrogen It do -retains.
Tent near owe on the whole is poor al.
though the turnip orop has picked top cone
siclerable of late and at the best will not be
above a half yield. There are some very
good fields of mangolds and carrots, but
these are exceptions and not the 'rule,
Potatoes are not half a crop. .
Tnn nem anor ie almost a (to/opiate
failure, and the bulk of the fate:ten are
are buying shipped apples at the varions
towns and villages at frotn '41. 50 to $2 a
barrel. '
• Tun met have picked up since the fall
raint yet they are not it as good:shape ei
they wool(' luau) been had mete rain fallen
earlier to produce 6 more luxuriant growth
of grass, Ab present eattle, are ether low,
which is generally the °its° at this tithe of
the year! The elieeee factoriee have Cleat)
a good business and for their late cheese
they expect to realise eleven dents pet
pound 11 3011 more, The majority of Wink%
are holding on for a rise it wheat, bat no,
cording to• Liverpool. quotations the ten.
&toy is for it fell anpriceee, There le don.
aiderable second atop of (slaver lying otiteut
for seed and net ready to take in. The
erep is not large. •
The Molsons Bank
(0)14,Rwp18ED131? PA RLIAKEN ra, I 8aa)
Feld UP CaPital $%000,(0
ateetrund .„ ..„ 1,00Qa0
Meal Office, afoutreal,
20 brano h Dittoes theme evetninfoM •Agenaie •
in tbe Dominic:gal/a a-A.and Europe..
Exeter 13rano.O., -
Open evert lawful dee', from 10 ft. ni.to3 ,2). 114
SA'.11.1T1IDAYS ,10 a. m . to 1
3 PerCent. per annual allovredfor Ironer( an
Deposit lieeeiptsandSavingsBank. ,
Short Items of' News,
The wheat yield in Ohio this year is
about 37,000,000 bushels.
The Democrats will have it majority of
seven on joint ballot in Montana. _
Aocording to returns reeelved from. all tbe
legislative dietriots in the State of Soeth
Dakota, the Republican majority on joint
ballot will be 125.
Donald Morrison, the Megantie outlaw,
was on Friday sentenced to eighteen years
in penitentiary. It will be remembered
that severel months ago this man defied all
men and the law. •
A. pateut medicine fakir who Was ad-
dressing a crowd. 01 800 men in. Baffalo the
other evening offered $50 to the person
who would give the last i
verse n the
13ible. N a one of the crotvd could tell
what the last verse was,
Disastrous floods prevail in the Depart-
ment of the Jura, Prance. A number of
Midges have been ouried tee ay. Long la
Saulnier, the capital of the department is
inundated and a number of Tillages are de-
lugded by water. The military are actively
engaged in saving2life and property.
A, French statistioian leas just ascertained
that a hutuau being. of either sex, who is
moderate eater and who lives to be 70 years
old, consumes during "tate days of the years
of Ins life" a quantity of food whioh would
fill, twenty mdieary baggage cars. A "good
eater," however, imay require as many as
A subterranean river has just beeit dis-
covered in the department of Lot, France.
The discoverers workecl their way down
stream for a couple of miles through a
sucaession of wonderful grottoes sparkling
with stalactites, They found seven lakes
on their way, and hatitaaaterobt Thirty-eeyen
cascades or rapids. -
A distressing accident happened at
Bloomfield. Ont., Saturday morning. A
bright little boy of some two years, son of
Aaron McDonald, farmer, while playing
about, got hold of a phial containing tooth-
ache remedy aud swallowed a portion of
the mixture, ceasing immediate congestion
of the throat, In less than an hour he
was dead.
The New York Railroad Gazette states
that 3,111 miles ef new railroad were built
in the United States during the year 1889
nie to October. Including Canada and
Mexico the total is 3.750 miles. Five thou-
sand eight hundred miles of railroad are
nose under construction. probably one-
fourth of which will be completed this
WASIIINGToN, Oct. 14, -The cotton re-
turna of Oct. 1 to the Department of Agri-
culture show that the plant is everywhere
late, and fears are expressed that frost may
seriously shorten tho crop. The general
percentage is 81.4 of a full erop prospect,
compared with 79 9 per cent last October.
The general percentage of the condition
of corn is 91.7, against 92 for year 1888.
Potatoes, 77.9, against 86.8 last October;
buckwheat, 90, against 92.1 last year; to-
bacco, 80.7, against 85.7 in 1888, The
preliminary estimate of the yield per acre is
12.8 for wheat; 11.9 for rye, and 22.2 for
William Graham, a florist of Philadelphia
has been awarded a verdict of $25 againgt
the Philadelphia 8c Reading Railroad Com-
pany. Mr. Graham refused to give tip his
ticket on a train until he was provided with
a seat, whereupon an offio4r of the company
arrested him and took him before a magis-
trate, but there dropped the matter Mr.
Graham turned around and steesi the com-
pany with the above result.
Mande S. won the 2. 23 trot at Terre
Haute, Ind., Thursday. Best time, 2.19.
sextell, accompanied by Father John as a
helper, gave an exhibition mile in 2.14.
This is the fastest mile in harness ever
made in Indiana, Axtell started on Friday
to beat the three year old record -2.13a,
and made a mile in 2.12 lowering the re.
cord by 1a,seconds, The track upon tvhinh
he trotted es seven feet over a mile by actual
Bruce Herald :—".A. prominent Saaday
school teacher he town who plat his arras
around a lady to keep her from falling ham
the river, in the rush of the crowd to see
the balloon man come down, was rewarded
for els gallantry by- a box on the ear add
an angry warning not to take liberties
with married women. He won't do it
On Friday, at the residenee of Geo, W.
Trail], near Leatningtou, Mr, Irtvin's eon,
egerl 21, was preparing to go out ellooting.
While loading one of the barrel" of a
double-barreled gun the other barrel whima
bad been previously loaded, was discharged,
tho (=touts passing through the young
trinn's head, killing him instantly.
Early ou Saturday morning last Den Mc-
Leod with his wife, son and two hired men,
Malcolm McKay seta a young tnan named
MeLeod, all of Inverharoe, left there with
two fishing boats, tlae Sweepstake and Htil..
Storni, :for Golden Valley. It was calm
wben they started, but soon tutted stormy,
and it is feared a squall struok them and
capsized their boats, as both boats have
been found badly damaged On shore—the
Sweepstake at Kincardine and the Hail-
etorm below InverhuroM None of the
bodies have yet been found.
The Sooretary of the Whiteehapel Vigi-
lance Committee has received a letter
reigned "jack the Rippera' which roads as
foliates ;---"Whiteehapel Oct. 9, 1589,—
Dear Boss, -4 write you these few lines to
let yen know. ns yo3 are the 110f S of the
Vigilance Committee that the bort job was
not me, You must insew if I was gent foe'
I would not have made suoh a both of it
Never naiad, young many you can keep
your lamps for the 18th oi October. 1 tun
on the job again.. There's new blood
knocking about, or I let you See some.,
Never mind I look ont, nili umu yeulro a
braVa sort, You thought yon had mo ottoe.
in haste, Jinx Tug, Edgerly." Thet
lettor has been planed in the hands of the
John Laidlaw, a farmer ftgea 71 YeArei
dropped dead while going to ha( atotle, neat '
Sparta Fricl.iy.'
When the hair ellottae signs of falling,
begin at ondo to nee Ayer's Hair
This preparation atittlitthetta tho 1MalP3
prothetts the krowth of new hairy reeterek
the uktUral oolot. to grey arid faded ilia,
ttid ret400. it 31t,,liau1 tihtiz".`,41,4