The Exeter Times, 1889-10-10, Page 6JAVA S ANGLIN G Ak'F •
An Old Tree'elor's Story of the ettellnOy URA
JUB Crab Diener.
"Monks s abound in the island of Java" "This seems to be a ear of duels," said How to control man is a 'nice but not a.
laid an old eastern traveler. " for shootin ,Dr. Morrison, of fibe Firs"+ Methodist, church, dU Uulb problem. The average man,,' and it
them ie looked upon as the womb hind of to an Atlanta i' Journal' reporter, "but :I is lolly to waste time on one below average
vandalism, and they do very little damage, notice there's far more duels than blood. lc intelligence anti culture, is mentally and
rarely injuring the orope on the farm and reminds me of a fatuous duel fought in Ken- morally amenable to improvement, He is a
living chiefly onwild Traits. There it), how- buoley in ISA wen -meaning, pig-headed, thoughtless ores.
ever, a species of large ape there'tlaat is not "Bill Bowman was a noted preacher who tate, but he is feet -lose, loyal and responsive
wholly a vegetarian. He le aboub the elze lived near Milieraburg. Se was a typioal to g000d influence. Civilization has made'
of a small champat•zse, and when full grown Aentuokian, tall, angular, and muscular. man a warring animal, aggressive and dem•
his dark face is encircled With a bushy white Like Sam Jones, he always said what he sneering. It was once a measurement of
gy gting physical strength between man and man,
ex Tessio lupi giving like a that
of a ia wetllkno In t of a revival mea now it is a 'measurement of brain against
o expression s ion, udioroualy that of a lit- R' wn desperado ams into the church
tit old mon, Be ie not at all wild, and he and began making a disturbance, with brain. Men, since time began, baneheard
seems to have aome idea of practical joking, eyes fiaehinee with indignation Bili Bowman themselves and that for which they, stood
which leads eine oeoasionally to descend to arose, and in a ringing voice publicly reprov- reviled and abused,
Men are used to opposition. Antagonism
the lower boughs of a high tree in the even• ed the desperado, who at once retired from
Mg, and hold out hie paw in apparent friend the ohnreb, spurs them on, rouses the fight. Antagon-'
lineae to any one who happens to be near. A "The next morning the desperado sent a ism only hastens the evil it woald divert,
parson who is nob familiar with the queer challenge to Bowman to fight him a duel, Men are unused to kindness' Admiration
brute's trick is apt to suppose that the mon. Bateman aooePted the challenge, sad there tickles them and praise bewilders: them.
The man who goes to battle mighty in the
key desires to shake kis hand and goes under was no four oolumn newspaper oorresp on -
the tree for the purpose of meeting the talar donee, no railroad tripe to an adjoining State, armor of hie wrath is laid low when his i
cable advance baif-way. He is fortunate it nethingbut two little notes—one a challenge enemy bums incense instead of powder.
he escapes aalap on the face. At all events and the other an acceptance-- and then all
ow the goy. Mr, Row limn Downed: a
11ran is a ciubboru Anhual, but Can be
conquered -by 'ilomaut.
The' foundation of matrimonial comfort
the paw is withdrawn before the human was ready for the fight. The town was ter• must be laid at the very beginning. < No -
fingers touch it and the ape, sitting a few rileiy excited, for such a'thiut.act a: preacher whore is delay so dangerous. Solomonto
feet above the range of a nines spring, fighting a duel had never been heard of be- whom we are indebted never asap a wiser
scratches hie ribs and gibbers insultin 1 fore. thing than "Whose ruleth his spirit is
The long tail ie sometims lowered instead " Old Bill Bowman being the ebaIlenged greater than he who taketh the city:" Con
of the hand and then the chancsa of the man had the choice of weapons, He eeleot- erquently a quick and exacting or a jealous,
creature dealing a malicious stroke are great- ed a half bushel of Isiah potatoes as big selfish or silly woman must lose the day and
ly increased, for the caudal appendage is ex • as bis fiat for each man, and stipulated that pet up with an irritable and indifferent hue•
tremely lithe and flexible and as of as much his opponent must stand fifteen, and only band. Praise at the right time and for the
service to ite owner as a fifth limb. one potato at a time to be taken from the right thing is the secret of power over a
"It is a noticeable thing about thesetails measure. Tee town was wild with delighb, mthrown th This
pindie, however,
1 or s in ot to ie
that they are nearly always scarred at the for' everybody knew thatBill Bowman could y
extremity and frequently bear wounds quite throw with hie berg mascular arms as °hunks. Ib must be opportune and delicate
fresh and still bleeding. The monkeys use atraighb and almost se swift as a rife could ly minced and seasoned. One does not fish
their tails as fishing lines, and with them send a bullet singing toward the target, for drabs with a quarter of beef. Just as
catch the Drabs that infest the coasts of the "The desperado was furious at being thus muck as a crab van grasp at one time is the
island. These crabs are aboub the size of freshly laeuited, and made an indignant rule.
the hard shell crustaoea of the same species protest against each a fight, but Bill Bowman • A woman moat not only hold between
that are offered for sale in our own markets, ensbeted that he was the challenged man sad herself and her lord the velvet shield of
and the apes are their only enemies, had a right to choose hie own weapenb, and silence and patience, but she must encircle
for nobody else on the island nares to eat threatened to denounce the desperado as a his neck with a silken lasso of diplomatic
them. They live in holes several yards award if he failed to Come to time, As speech. Being unused to all flattery and
abovemeses to search for food,the 1 ooshcant cuen e the despthere es no rado redo finally of the box committed to face bbs ible. Don't
fatterht, �a man on he is necessarily
hie ]perso apt appearance.
g ape reaoherr. y• The moment you mike him conscious of
they neeors sheothie r presence y go P good iookayou have developed the. poser or
y p p they "The fight took place on the outskirts of p
back, and the are so uick in' their move- the town. Everybody in Millersburgwas the masher. Assure him tenderly, however,
meatthat the monkey has no chane° `of present' to see the fun.The eeconde ar ane;• that, though not an Apollo, his appearance'
catching them. ` But the animal has a per. ed the two men in position, by the side of auits you. Point, out to himthe weakness
feet passion for crab meat, and bis appetite each being a half bushel measure filled with of other men, 'and fell him how grateful you
mush be gratified at any personal sacrifice. large Irish potatoes as hard as a brick. are for his freedom from such faults:
"Going to a hole into which he has seen a Bill Bowman threw the first potato. It Hold nap before him your ideal as reflected
w himself. It will stir his plastic soul with
crab retreat, he inserts hie tail as far as ib struck his opponent a central shot and flewwil
the vicinity. ich is Any pe eon colncealed lin the went upto the end of into a from the ousandrowd, whieces. A ich h ratUedell of ithe ht tdesire
o titude and be what you eh have painted in him ah mea When
vicinity and watching him at such s moment desperado and his: potato flew wide of the he occasionally drops, gets arose, refuses a
sees the funniest spectacle imaginable. The tall, bony preacher. reasonable request], ., or Domes home late,
esenrlane exrressionstill,
of anxious expectancy month
' every time his opponentl Bowman
watched his stooped foruaeooato Simply look the and don't rail or patients me artyrou , betray ve s no
on has face and antioipatory tears gathering anoter one bib iin the side, leaving a wet feeling save dieapolntment In this sign of his
in his eyes, He never has long to wait, for spot on his clothes, and then scattering itself weakness. .He will be consumed with, re.
Java's crab is very much like the snapping to the four winds of heaven, Old Bill hit the Bret and scramble back bo the .place' of ,the
turtle in its disposition. In a few minutes desperado about five times, and then the Pedestal.
the monkey's mouth closes with a snap, the sixth potato struck him in the short ribs.
teeth are clenched tightly, the eyes shut, knocking the wind completely out of him, The Golden Rod,
and the water that has risen to them trickles and donoling him up on the grass.
down the hairy cheeks. The contortions of "The people werealmoob crazy with laugh- The Bing is here, the royal Golden Rod
the countenance speak of torture heroically ter, bub Bill Bowman looked as sober as if he Marsh'lling his hosts along the dusty
endured; for the animal. has a bite, and he had just finished preaching a funeral sermon. ways.
is waiting for the prey to take a fast hold. The desperado was taken home and pub to In rank and file upepriugiug from .the sod
Then the tail, with the doomed crab clinging bed, and there he stayed for more than a To guard the •roadside through the Sum•
to its tip, is jerked swiftly from the hole, week before he recovered from the effects of mer days.
'whirled around for a couple of seconds to his Irish potato duel.
give ib impetus, and brooght down on the "The old men in Millersburg still balk Dowa from the Sun he comes in royal state,
ground with a crash that breaks the crab's about that celebrated duel, bub it was the His hosts their yellow plumes toes in: the
shell as though ib were a badly guarded head means of breaking up duelling in that sec- air,
at Donnybrook fair. The ape's meal is eery- ion." And all the fields aglow that but so late
ed. He pinks out the meat with his Stood sear and dusty, hot and brown and
claws only interrupting the srjoymenb of The Frenoh Elections. bare.
the repast now andthen to moan un self coin. The results of the first ballot in the French Long live the King to fling abroad his gold
mfserais ton and moisten bis wounded tail elections have inured the present debility In every field and every wayside noolt 1
with his tongue,'$ of the Republic and settled the fate of Hedgerows a -gleaming with his wealth
"'.0.--.Boulangism. There is no room for doubt untold
Golden Rules for the Eyes, that, the re -balloting will largely increase the Along the river's brink and by the brook.
Sit erect in your chair when reading, and already assured for bbs c*of between overnmet,and tev h
as erect when writing as possible. If von prestige of victory will be on the side of the
bend downward
with blood bat the brain onlyou not as well, atidthe
b bo
Republic in the second .contest, and as large
suffer. odThaaame rule should apply to the numbers of those who abstained from voting
use of the microscope. Gab one that will en- in the first inatanoe are pretty sure to oome
out in support of the winning party, this
you to look at things horizontally, not
always vertically. prestige will largely affect the issue, which
Have a reading larep or night use. In read- °a other grounds is nob doubtful, All true
ing"the light should be on the book or paper f s of peof ace n Euro who and all desire the
and the sees in the shade If you have no
prolongation p apo will rejofoe
reads$ lam turn our back tothe li ht and that the strange. coalition between military.
yon mt y read with nb danger to the eyes, ism has failed to disturb the existing order
Hold the book at your focus ; if that be- and eubjsob the country once more to
eines to gab far away gab spegbaclen personal rule. The triumph of the Opp
.Avoid reading by the flickering light of tion would have been a terrible calamity,
the fire. not only to Fraise, itself, bub to all
Avoid straining the eyes by reading in the Europe.. Considering the ioongrnoas Memories.
gloaming, materials of which the Bonlangist party A world of fair and golden light,
Reading in bed is injurious as a rule. It was composed its success ab the polls would Asoft-refrain upon the breeze,
matte admitted, however, that in casae of in all probability have been but the COM- p ,
sleeplessaess, when the mind is inclined to menoement of another struggle between the A little bunch of roses white,
irreconoileable faotions of the ` victorious And all around sweet melodies,
ramble over a bhoneand thoughts a minute, party, a stru le which would have been One Summer day.
to al
steadies the thoughts and conduces nob n likely to culminate in civil war. This How published,
Lost, How 'Restored
1? A balmy nomewith sunshine fair,
Do not read mach in a railway carriage. I particular danger, not at (any time very A few swift-Passinht of theg twilight hours, Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver -
myself away do, however, only in a good great since ez coal, gand the exhibombaions ition o/ of hza A love:word whispered on the air, well's Celebrated incapacity
on the d by excess or
light, and I invariablycarrya readingp Barly in 0R ratio or ince $city inuuced b
good'A dreamy silence o'er the flow: re, early indiscretion,
lamp to hook on behind me. Thousands charaoter and record before the Senatorial One Summer day. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,
people would travel by night rather thanands by Court. may now be oonsidered' past, 01'clearly demonetratee from a thirty years'successful
oouree ' i o a
16 is a natural cones practice, that the alarming
dayif the companies `could onlyace their o s. quenca of the ale roses d in lin" sin I p nn ng consequences of setY-
p instability of the Frenoh character that one y g g g y' abuse may be once
cured,oc in pointingidDec a mobs
way bo the eaClussue use of the electric y A leaden sk`j, one bright warm tear, of ; euro at once simple, oertam and effectual:, by
light. can never know what may happen next. And dead to all save Memory means of which every sufferer, no matter what his
Anthers should: have blank riled paper But as the tree which has withstood a rough Is that which once was passing dear condition may be, may ,sure himself cheaply, pri
instead of blue, and should never strain the blast strikes deeper root, so itmaybe hoped One Summer day 1 vateiy and lectualty.
eyes by reading too types, that with each commotion the Republic is u h This lecture should bel in ,the hands of every
she bedroom blinds should be red or grey, being settled more firmly on its foundations. 0 sunlight glad, 0 flow'rets gay, youth and ovary man in the land,
and the head of the bed should be toward During the past ten years. as Mr. Gladstone 0 twittering sangeters blithe and free, Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any nd
recently reminded the. Fconoh themselves, Though golden hours shall hold- their away,
dress, a stamps.
on receipt of four cents, or two
the window, y� g tamps. liamplee of lsledfciue free. Address .
Those ladies who not only scribe but sew menythorny obstacles have stood in the way You ner can give again to ma y' p0sta e e
should not attempt the bleak seam by night. of Frenoh Rapublioaniem, bub the govern• That Summer day 1 THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL ; 00
When you come to an age that suggests meat has at the last met every call made L°IIEY Jeorsox. ,41 Arm Street ItlO1V.,: 'o>rk
the wearing of spectaoles let no felts mod upon it, Atilt has been a the past, so, i6 • post Office Box 450 4.588,1yesty prevent you from getting a pair. If may be hoped, ib will be in the future,
you have only oils eye, au eyeglass will do ; Cheerful Ways of Chinese Physicians,
otherwise it isfolly. As to Mental Shook. �,i ; ane �t��Bnlra sari
Go to the wisest and best optician you Tohen •Bi•Ton , a high militaryman F uioitl sure them-
know of and state your wants and our case The effects of mental shook on the mind darin `sags The London Medical Recorder, 1� selves of i7Yastin
lain] and be assuredyouwill be o incensing permanent bad health of mind•
' y order, gitalitol toot nunhood, from Ic on It
plainly properly has been edifying the world with some re• vitas, etc., ea
fitted. are easily inflicted in the period of infancy, markable illustrations of the system in private diseatiesesent fr a (sealed). DOPerf ctly
Remember that bad spectacles are most early Hie and school life, of which let one which native physicians are held in Chino reliable. Over 30 years' exprionc. Address-..
injuriouo to the ,e es and that good and illustration suffice. A gentleman who for One of them physicians
advertised that he hadGILDED prim Co., TA8tONTO, Canada.'
g y many years was under my observation as. a an infallible remedy for curvature of the LA I .. ro»abiaot better thou ErgoE Oxldo Tn88aq
well-chosen ones are a decided luxus , confirmed mental invalid a strong man in ® E� or Pennyroyal Pfaff: Insures reguiarltyl
y, g• or use of ne g spino, a hunch -back applied to him and Bond for particulars. Melrose
a Clem di Lance airfwith, and, it of many respects, but utterly irreaolube, and asked if he could straighten his back. The ammo Patz, CO., TORONTO Canada.
ear Vises distangee r pair f ne. in the end of disordered mind a#bogebher, doctor undertook to do so,and laced the
Des eequired'hie mental disease from sudden unfortunate patient on his back 012 a fiat ',@ EAA� S FQRCt Danomoothostfaces, heir
distrust, He had in hit childhood ah innate board. He then laced a similar board on "`� otl ,shyest bonns,in 83 to oodaye, Iltogio. Latest dud
The Dentist Would Attend to the Nerve: dread of deepWater and he had at the same p 1 greatest of
.f modern ecianro f Moet icon.
his chest and abdomen and loaded it derfal 1 mud a of the tan. Likn nn outer II So with
time a tutor.for 'whore he,held the warmestISInuiesl, surd, almost instantaneous in action f� 1 Soya with
�{,• with -. heavy weights and stows. The Cabllsltora 1 13.1.1 heads "hnircei I' Ourlons seootoollos, bet
affection, coupled with the most absolute result of thus nova Ortho epic cur er waf positiv6truths. Only genuine article in market, and tortotn
trust and confidence, In a thou htless p fi y to give obooluto Satisfaction..euarantedd. Prloo Si a bdtld,
g that the patient was straightened out so tlr three botflos foras. Iunahbottlolnats ono moat 1. Addrdcs
unhappy thisbffeotually that_ he died 001 the spot. The me IA
with the moment
t10 would break quack claimed hie fee on the ground that A.
plxoN, 73oa 805, TOItoJ1m0, On a
his pupils dread of deep water by pitching he had kept his promise ; the bar ain was MK gloY NNN MI'S PREP6fl��TII1NL
p p • g h_.
him into a pool whore they wore acouatomedl that he should straighten his patient's back A preparation that wO!
to bathe together at the;doo eaq art. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR pormaaentlq fermis
t g p s t
There was no actual danger', for the:de th but nothing' had been raid abQl1t his li e j , o i1lous hal; riahoht lnluty to tin skin. `variantod,
the:depth In China, ib appears, the distinction botteeen ss�, - t ornlenontl
was really not groat, the pool was calm, the physicians and surgeons is more sharply PRIVIES � �� ���� ' p
removed in
boycould swim alit to at r
w little, skillful in an mensal defined than with no, and every man of ne frddllo.M edfiyit,warrantell, rllcotoMdayetr'atmen ee
and swimmer, p01T� GO11PIILENCE PILLS 5r • 1 • M oopio
the tabor; a strongt acted to book to his own branch ane whop- bon.
was in the 'mullet himself rendering succor profession, A rich merchant wall strut byi,otntie_amattorotsoliattbddywhethorbcoaaeo iE fe'' m,
and support, The lad was brought to sherd p tenable br CEI PILLS,' "1 31 n goo nam "a..
safe]r encu h hat the mie 6 an arrow, which remained fixed in the tionP noxa 1 c No neer s load 16 the. v month. ahoy cans,
yy g , b chief to the mind wound. The pringi ie person of the plane no 11011;31.'d°atroncmont "O8 Or `three Menthe edicine $5e
was infi#obed beyond repair. The surface r ,insisting • iutrx,toa.
at Was obliterated, and a fixed distrust ing hi beet
advance, out off the ro eetin E1" MP�,E i'' WAFERS �10t°it"srbuoAL
of ttu
In the mind ei the yeuth oras set up tutsvat end of the arrow, leaving the point buried wads tho Alda, dovoto3s' the torn). iiarmfoss., pailnithent
Xi a skillful h ssoio isb oonld have Ilia* r direct warranta.1, VIA Oabox,drsixbdxde.fdr46.
patient's• hotly. On being asked to +�ddxoaal �t�i,tixt+r?ei' Gtz03d'.tl`>@s1aT�tl�vu; ..
eovsted the set of trttot in that outh and °n theI,
•. . 3' + e#brdot it, ho said. that medical etiquette � 2196 7Ciag':Iltreot:'�67est; 's.'obdi1lttzs G2SIi,
could have destroyed i6 meohanicaily,' ho grouifl not alfowhim to Cres ass on a brothot' ��, •x *'d'• TM
Oauld no'bhavo infiktod a mors severe g..if1- Preotionsr's"rovince'the arrowbein inside .. t the __ _ lx for
. .
iu ..nor but more doterminatel Hie len iniii;ae Co11#ori ilio oath+n li h vel b
� , y g the body, the ease wari olearfy one a � , .• 5 lir fi a iia 1a ,
it0 elhet55.--tLongman o Magazine, physician 1 died on Monday,
May it be long ere the great coegneror,°
Shall touch our Galatia Rod with finger's
And he shall bow before his frosty breath
And leave the sullen fields bewailing him. 1, DISCOVERY.
et hie heir he'll leave behind we 'Only Genuine System of Memory Training.
y , j Four Beaks Learned in ono reading.
know, I !Hind wandering cured.
To claim his fields. So set the belle a-rIn , Every child and adult greatly henelitted.
g Great inducements to Correspondence Classes.
Now while he rules and for hie heir and 'so, Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Hata.
"The King' fa dead 1" we'll cry : "Long mond, the world famed Specialist in Mind Disease
live the Bing I" BDaniel Greeny,afThon peon, thereat Peyohol.
ogiet, J. lhi ua ley, D.a/. editorof the Chrasriarn
ALICE HOWARD MCLAIII}HL1N, ddr000aW .N Y., Richard Proctor, the Scientist,
irons,-*. W.da&ztor, Judge Gibson, Judah P.
gjawln an o hers sent oat free by
rot.. 2LOISBTr. j1, 2rd7 Flfth Ave., N, Y
l ndlan Pa/e .ole and XXX Brown •a teal
1Iihhast awar'ts ant medals for Parity and • Excel•
]encs at Centennial lilxhihition, Philadelphia,
187C; Canada, 1870 ; .Austrialia, 1877 ; and
Paris, Franco, 1578.
Prof,H H Croft, !'u1>ito Analyst, Toronto, says: -•"t find it
to be perfectly sound OOntaiiting no impurities or adulber-
ations,and ran strongly recommend it as perfectly pure and
a v�ry superiormalt liquor;"
John B Edwards, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says:
''Itinclthem to bo remarkably sontn,l ales,' brewed from
puromalt tinct hope•
Rev.]?: J. 111. Page. Professor of Chemistry Laval Un.vor
sity, Quebec, says ;—"I have analyzed the Indian Palo tale
manufactured byJohnLabatt, London, 0ntaxio, and; ll aye
found it a light ale,' containing but littlo alcohol, of a,'deli-
cious haver, and of a very agreeable taste • and superior
quality, and compares with the best imported ales. I hevo
also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the mine brewery,
which is of excellent quality; its flavor is very agreeable ;
it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is a
little richer in alcohol, and can be compared aclvantage- •
ously with any imported article.
3 re
The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion,.
Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use.
The Heintzman Pianos are noted" for
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The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanshirla
Send For Illustrated Catalogue.
Factory:West TOFOIItO.JlsfflCtIOiij<, ; areroonis and Office,
a `•x'sr :+'3eee yxxWl'nzs.:l•i"2 ti•30•
Eater clerk with his face all swollen up
from an angry tooth.
Ah, says a eympabhizing friend, "you
should go to a dentist immediately and have
that tooth pulled out."
"X know I ought," says the sufferer, "but
the fact le I.hven't gob the nerve."
Oh, don't bother about that. The den -
list will find the nerve.'—CLouisvilie Posh
A Deep Joke,
"Chollie, old boy, I gueateda woat deal
of merriment at the palate, last night,"
"Did you, oli fel ?"
°Tread, I ayvraked the conundwum, 'Why
is an inclined plane like a lazy young dog Z' "
"Did they g,ive it up?"
" Yes, and] told them, Choliie, that one
was a elope upand the othab was a slo....
P w
*`Did they laugh I"
"Well,tlollie,I never heard snob laughter
bly life."
>a� j enc o
\\4 ` •e •}��0 `afi .cs$ 4b 45- .65. tip'
� t;eG S 2• a1�¢o DIS, (Z 41;9q
el Itt,Cpl co Di$ 1 •,tire $~ jo k .�fia
�� dot ti�opec5se G,e, etti ati
ei 9
9%' i> 41° y of ties
•teywo �o� �,Sp ��'a ..
� ti Z$z'
� o�a
4t,3 0$���
'S' 1'>' 9g• too
ro< p
zaps .
h ° 04',,,a•
� y w,o 4,c` 4b
g, ro �o; o,�w, o%b, h,
see el' t;4� o�� 'trot ' 0, e'9 y�
tib 2 4v fie. Oa �ti �ti, toe
ee• iS •9'' eeih • en. djal
V e4S'a eV' + t $��.
Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street,
late 538, Oxford Street, London.
ar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots..
If tho address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
xet rfi
or Yard
The Undersigned wishes' to inform the public in general that he keeps
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A. large stock of Hemlock always on hand at mill ; prices. Flooring, Siding
dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash (Doors
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Jas. Willis, IvE in-st
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Livo Stodlc also insured, when in the fields
or On the road in oharge of otvrlor, or servant,
alsomant faoturor of the Improved Surprise
Washer and Wringer'Maohinos. Agent for
Tomb Stones and the `Vatson,Intplomonts,
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E..1s�^f9'';' 1'a,P fi,,r 3 (cr,a } i E v * <. +t{rid All ifM^4 91 1,'^ �:
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liar advantages to beginnord. Stools eomplote, with fast•sefting rpeetalMOl:
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