HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-10, Page 5CHEAP • The .east Middlesex Teachers' Meso-' BOOTS e1ND to de s dation meets at Lucen on Friday, Sep, d.V &J S 13. At'1'horndale the other day the Con POR ALL' AT servatives applied to add 34 names to the voters' list, and Judge Davis allow- ed 10• The Reformers asked to have 11/131 17, and the Judge allowed 16. aweek while Mrs, 0, One day last U , ¶XTthh_fl'afl. sed T Soolli, of Biddulph, was engaged in renderingfat on the stove, it toot ire, and while endeavoring to get the pot Have just received a large new stuck of all kinds of fine and coarse boots audshoes for the fall and winter trade. Bought of the best and leading manufacturing houses in the Dominion, which I will sell at slight adv �enee on eost;prices, Have also put an ac- .ition to my store on eocount of the increase af, my last years' business; so that now I have the 'largest and best assorted stock eyes offered in Hensall before, In fine shoes I keep sizes, e sizes and E. and D. widths. Some special cheap lines Womens' cloth slippers 25c. and upwards " carpet 40 " " " leather " 50 " " Oxford ties " 60 " opera to " 75 " " buffbals e! $1.00 " " Baby ehoes 20 .i cc Wigwams men, women and ahildrens' at cost prices to clear them out. Rubbers of all sizes, men, women and childrens'. I have also on hand a large stock of hand made long boots, coarse tnid fine well seasoner! for the fall trade, made of first- cless material and by first-class workmen. Those who are troubled with corns and bunions can get thein cured by leaving their.order with me. No fit no sale. Re. pairing neatly done and promptly attended to. Come one come all acid examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that you can save money by dealing g with me. arm produce taken in exchange for goods. No trouble to show goods. Stand opposite Reynolds hotel DISTRICT DOINGS. Mrs, Nugent, wife of the Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Mitchell, is dead. Rev. Mr. Jansen has declined the call to the Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church. The Goderich High School pupils de- bated imperial federation the other day, the negative won. Mr. John Jones, of McGillivary, is at present seriously ill at Turtle Moun- tain, Man. Mr. David Sproat, Tuokersmith, was apeonited Collector of taxes for 1889 at a salary of $90, bonds $12,000. Mr. John Hamilton has purchased the Carr farm on the 13th con. West McGillivray. The price paid was $3,- 500 for 100 acres. Mr. Bdvvard Holland, 7th con. Mc- Gillivray, had a field of oats which yielded 55 bus. to the acre. 1 Mr. Robb. Todd, brother of A. M. Todd, of Clinton, died at h;s home in Woodstock the other day, at the age ot 23 year. Mr. Campbell has assumed the re- sponsibilities of poatmaster ofGoderioh and now a contest is on as to wbom shall receive the clerkship of that town. The death is announced of Mrs. Ross, of Nissouri, at the age of 82 years. Deceased came to Canada from Scotland 46 years ago, and had resi- ded in Nissouri ever since. The population of Windsor is now 10.058, an increase of 914 in one year. No oity or town in Canada can show such a record, according to population. Roderick Casey, of Biddulph, was fined $1 and costa by Squire Peters Monday morning for assaulting Ed ward Bowers. The costs amounted to $13.- 50. A propostteon was last week made to the Parkhill people by the Reliance Electric Light Company to introduce their system of lighting in that town. Their offer was rejected. Mr. Win Kelly, of the township of Morris. died on Tuesday after an Ill- ness of a few days. .Dysentery was the complaint. He was highly re- epected. A mammoth potato was this year grown by Mr. Arch. Moelurphy, of Komoka, which measured 81 inches long and 10 inches round. It weighed two pounds, During the past week no less than sixteen cars of cheese have been ship• ped from Listowel station for the European markets. The purchasers, Messrs. Ballantyne, '1d.aoharen and Caswell, paid fully $40,000 to factory men for the cheese. Theeommittee appointed by the Council at the last meeting to have the mill pond, Wingham, cleaned out have let the contract of cleaning out I00 feet along the river bed to John Elder, Jas. Angus and Wm Stewart for the sum of $280. A couple of hundred dolla+s were taken from the speculative young farmers at the Kirkton fair on Friday last by the fakirs with their '°nut shell racket," Will these gullible youths ever learn not to challenge a man at his own game. Mr. George Pearn ey, of Southwold, met with a painful accident last Satur- day. While watering stook at the trough he was kicked in the back by a colt. With the assistance of 111r. Lumley he was able to go to the house. One day last Week a daughter of Mr. Johri Morrison, concession 4, .dare• moat fell on a large darning needle which was sticking in her dress, the result being that the head of the needle wee driven clear to the bone and then broke off in the back part of her leg near the knee An old man named Thomas Brown, who lives with his daughter near Listo- wel, attempted suicide recently with an old razor and also a saw. - Neither instruments were sufliciantly sharp to do a cleardob, and he was arrested for failing to carry out what he pro- posed. Ile now languishes in Strat• ford jail, Quite a fracas occurred during the afternoon of the West Nissouri fair. Some sharks were present with a three shell dodge, and atter roping in some of the verdants to the extent of 875, victims tines proceeded to take the sharpers in hand. The latter, however, slipped out of the crowdan�d rats towards an 1lrchatr4, followed by their vic'ttms. They were soon overhauled and re- leived of What loose change they had. outdoors, the old lady had the misfor- tune to scaldher arm. Mrs. P. Kelly, wife of Patr•icltKelly, Reeve, of Blyth, cited at her late real. - deuce on Sunday morning, She had been ailing, for about four years, her trouble being dropsy. Rev. Mr. ,lansen, who vas expected to accept a call to the pastorage of the Presbyterian church, Ailsa Craig, has written to decline the charge, The Rey. Mr. Downie, Church of England incumbent, of Lucan, has returned from his Vacation trip to the Emerald Isle, looking deoinedly inn proved in appearance. • Alexander Morton, Councillor for 51. George's Ward, Goderioh, died on Monday afternoon from congestion of the lungs. Deceased had been for years aprorninent and respected citizen of that place. Two by-laws were submitted atSarnia Monday to a vote of the ratepayers - ono of $3,600 for an extension ot water works and another of $2,000 for put- ting an electric alarm in the town. Both by-laws were carried by large majorities, but only a small vote was polled. The Ridgetown Standard says „--The apple buyers are around now barreling i up iris earlier apples and having them shipped away. All the apples in this vicinity have been sold at good prices •• c. to this year, ranging f m 75 $I per bbl. for early ones; $1.75 per bbl. for choice winter fruit. Some who sold very early did not get quite so good a price. It was mentioned some time ago that Mr. Robert McMordie and Mrs. Montieth, of Kippen, had fallen heir to a considerable fortune by the death of a relative in the old country. The amount was not then known. The New Era is informed that Mr. Mc- Mordie secures £40,000, Mrs. Monteith £20,000 and a son £5,000. Police Magistrate Noble has just completed Lis returns to the Dominion Goyernment for the year ending Sep- tember 30th, 1889. Lt is gleaned from it that there were fifteen summary trials by consent before him, which included larceny, horse stealing, aggravated assaults, felonies and mat. demeanors. The report also includes 150 summary convictions made before him. Mr. Alex. Smith, of Seaforth, deserves special credit for a specimen of his own handiwork in the shape of a ladies' workbox. The box is 9x12 and is composed of about 138 pieces and nine different kinds of wood, which are pearl and Spanish mahogany, bird -eye maple, black ash nut cherry nut, bay wood, lignum vitae, red cedar, sycamore, ahumac and black walnut. Che boa is beautifully finished. A most unfortunate accident occur - ed during the recent exhibition at Walkerton, by which a lady'viditor to the show lost her life. A. horse from Durham, ridden by a jockey named Vallet, bolted in one of the raves, and springing in among the spectators struck Mrs Peter Salter, ofEden Grove near Walkerton, with such voilence that she rolled over s veral times, whilst an infant in her arms was thrown more than twelve feet distant, and picked up with a broken ankle. Mrs. Salter was carried to theQueen's Hotel, and treated with care and skill, but she gradially sank and died the same night- The unfortunate leaves a family of eight children. Special. It is with pleasure that wo: announce to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with'that wide-awako, illustrated, farm.magaiine, the AazEax-- t Fort T' 1tM Rpublisheda I' 1 t7AN M E ,Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 (arm- ors, by which that great ,publication' will be !nailed direct,, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will coino in: and pay up all arrearages on subscription to Toms and one year in advance from date, and 'ten cents additional, and to any new subscriber' who will pay one year in advance and 12 cents additional. This is a grated opportunity to obtain a first-class farm, journal. The AyiuR10AN FARMER is a largo sixteen -page journal, of national circulation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights andprivilegos of that vast body of oibizeras, the farriers, whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity. Ile highest `pur- pose is the elevation and enobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription price of the AMERICAN FAB - MEP. is 81.00 per year, and the sub- scription price of the Times is also $1.00 By taking advantage of this offer you got both papers for $1.12. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription 1 price to you or members of the house- hold, YET You CAN GET IT FREE. Call and see sample copy. is BORN. Reenters -In meter on the 511s. inst. the wife of Edward Roberts of a daughter. el AMIE D. BnaDT-Wnnseen-At Dashwood, on Sat- urday, Sept. 28th, Mr Samuel Bradt, of Parkhill, to Miss Mary Jane Webster, of Exeter. FLavIN-MASenne.-In Obrist church, Forest, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Ed. Flavin, of Forest, to Miss Maty Magurie, of Lel- can. Whitby has contracted for electric light, The Quebec Government will investigate the jury system in vogue in Outwit). Owing to the prevalence of measles the Port Arthur Phbfio schools have been closed. When you need a good, safe laxative a,k your druggist for n box of Ayer's Pills, and you will find that they give rerfect satis- fe.ction. For indigestion, torpid liver, and sick headache their is nothing superior. Leading physioians recommend thorn. Some ti „e ago the Detroit Fent: Pisass offered $3,000 in prizes for the three best serial stories sent in before July 1. The result of this competition has been that Major Joseeh Kirkland, of Chicago, Ill., has taken the drat prize of 51,600. Ilis story is entitled, "The Captain of Company K." Mr. Kirkland is the author of "Zut:y, the Meanest Man in Spring Oouut,y," "Tho McVevs," and other stories. 'The second prize goes to Omaha, Neb., and is taken by Mrs. Eliza W. Peattie. and story is en- titled, "The Judge," The third prize of $500 was awarded to Elbridge S. Brooks, of Boston, Mass. The title of his story is, "The Son of Issichar." Professor Gauthier, of Paris, states that certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in the the tissues, which, if not epeedaly eliminated, produce disease. flyer's Sarsaparilla effects the re, moval of there substances, and thereby preserves health. St, John. N. 13., Oct, 6. -Wm. McDonald clerk in T 13 Barker & Son's wholesale drug establishment, was arrested yesterday emerged with being the person who soot tlte,poisoried candy through tire mail which caused the death of Mrs Mcilae. The police visited Barkoe's warehouse after the arrest, and found boxes corresponding with those in wbich the candy was sent. Mc• Donald hos been in an asyluul, and once attempted suicide. About a year ago he wits employed at private secretary to Mr. O'Shaughnessy, Assistant General'Maneget of . the O. P, R., and was in some part of Quebec or Ontario during the Galt poison• Ott candy oases. There was a cook in our town, Anil she was wond'rous wise, Site bought 1umperia1 Baking Powder And caused her broad to rise ; 'Anel, when tho saw bow 0ico it 4vn, Declar ed with might and Main That Itriporial was the only B. P. She would evor,uso ngain,. Port Reran, Osb 6-A heavy north. easter, with snow, struck Port Huron Sunday, and , (wised emisidorable cltxt'nago lib snipping, About two inches of snow fell, Miflaard's'Lin%nlorlt,oures iplethetin• tis' it)r B ItC h6e1.8 Castoria DIED. PAsurn'SON--In Brockley, Mich, on the 7th inst., Mary Parkinson, releot of the late Thos. Parkinson, and mother of Mr. James Parkinson of Exeter, aged 86 years. SALE REGISTER. TUESDAY, OCT. 22ND, -Farm stook, im• plements, etc., the property of Geo F. Eilber, lot 14, con. 9, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Eilber, Auc. \VEDNESDAY, OCT. 23RD. -Farm stook, implemente, oto., the property of Osear Broderick, lot 17, con. 9, Hay. Salo at 1 o'clock, Ed. Bossenberry, Atm. FRIDAY, OCT. 18. -Farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the property of Wm. Fletcher, lot 17, con 10, Usbarne. Sale at 1 o'clock, H. Brown, Atm. SATURDAY, OCT. 12. -Stock and imple- ments, the property of Henry Reese, Blake. Sale at 3. o'clock, Ed. Bossenberry, Arm. FRIDAY OCT, 25,-Administeratnrs'sale of farm stock and implements etc. and real estate"on lot 5. con 8. Stephen township. Sale et one o'clock p.m. H. EMBER Mao- • •oma CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED By proper, heslthf ul exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Livor Oil Hypophosphites, wheel contains healing and streugthgiviiag virtues of these two valnabie specifics iu their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, 'N. B., says: "I have been prescribing Soott's Emulsion with good results. Itis espec- ially useful la persons of consumptive tendenois." Sold by all druggist, 50 cts. an $1,00._ -- CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. URED. To THE EDITOR: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hope- less.cases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy Fane to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Det. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Ont. 37 Youge street The New Brunswick Government offers $1,000 reward for the discovery of the fiend who sent the candies loaded with strych- nine to Mrs D1rBay. CANNOT FAIL. Mrs. John E. Thompion, of Shelborne, P. 0., writes: -My two children received great benefit from Extract of Wild Straw- berry for diarrhoea and,summor complaint. I gave it according to direction and they soon recovered, 13e sure and get the gen- uine. Thos. Tandy, general freight agent of the Grand Trunk railway, died soddenly at Montreal Friday night. IN MANY FORMS. Dyspepsia assumes many phases, all dis- agreeable to the sufferer, yet it takes no form which two to four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters will not mire. 13. B.13. cures dyspepsia, tones the weak stomach, aids digestion, sharpens the appetite and renovates the entire system. The proprietor of a hotel at Parkhill shot a burglar early Friday morning, but the man got away: TRIED l TESTED I P1OVND I A year ago Inst summer I was troubled with dysentery. T peeeered 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra 'berry and took ac- cording to directions, which coiripletely cured me.--Robt, 111. Green, Lyndhurst, Ont. Die methane cures all looseness of the bowels. Alice. Wallace has been arrested at Tilbury for poisoning her husband on Sept. 9. • Winnipeg wholesale Wren will endeavor to persuade retailers to inereasa their in. se ranee. SEVERELY ATTACKED. I was severely attacked with diarrhasn mid vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought I could not live till morning, Six doses of 13r. Fowler's Willi Strawberry eared rite and I have not had the leaet Symptoms of it since.---3ir6'Alice Hopltins, hneniltou, Ont. A whole block of Imitate/4s `at lliucardine ties binned Feeley. Loss $16.000. A, STEONG FOLLOWING, Many diseases result from neglected con stipation such as siek headache, bad bloody lout hutnor:o, lioartbttrn, 'disxieess and general ill health. 'Prom one • to throe bottles of llitrdnck ;Flood ]Jitters is Oaten - testi til caro coestipittion and all diseases caused by irregularity of the bowels. IIZARIKET BPOATS. EXZWEIs tporrootedat5o'elockp m,'siVednesda.y Rod \Vilest 80 00 to 85 00 Spring Wheat ,. 00 00 to 85.00 Barley r,wt 8 Clover S red Timothy : , Peas Corn r. Sgts Flour p orb b l . n ter ,� Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per bag DrledApplospr b Deese per lb. Turkey por lb 0uok s p e r p r Chlokens por pr Ross ,elressedper10 Beef - Axdonrough, .., dressed . Sheepskins each Calfakina ... 0 60 to 0 70 Wool por tb ... , 018ton10 Flay porton .. ... 0000 to 07 00 tlntonsperbush� ,.. 0 50 to 0 75 Woodpercord .., ... 2 5 to 3 00 ST: MARYS 8 Fall WheatA 80 0 82 Spring Whoat................. ......... .. 0 80 0 82 !tar:ey,.., 0 85 0 40 Oats 0 27 0 28 Clover send 5 50 6 CO Timothy- ..... .... ...........................2 00 3 09 Peas 050050 Eggs..... .:........... ......... ............. ,.... 13 0 15 Butter.., 54 0 15 Potatoes por bag .,.... 40 1 00 Apples per bush.- ........... .......... 055 Wool por ib 20 0 20 Flayperton.................................... 7 (0 8 00 Bran per ton 14 O0 14 00 Shorts '• " 70 00 2000 Oatmeal per bbl... , .., , . 6 00 7 00 24 to 26, ✓60 to 6 00 250 so 090 50 to052 O 40 to 0 00 017 toLI17 15 to 0 10 00 to 666 40 80 $ ic0 1COto150 0 410004 0 05 to "0 05 007 to 08 009to007 0 80 to 0 40 000to025 400 to500 350 to 400 6 00 to 6 00 Osi ••o 00 - - LONDON, wheat, 87e to 92o por bus. Oats, 251c to 27c por bus. Pons, 510 to 58o per bus. Bar- ley, Malting. 48 to 48c per bus. Barley Feed, 3see to 41e per bus Corn, 45o to 4710 per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Oot.10.-Wheat-Spring No. 2.81.00 to$1,01perbus; red win ter, No. 2.331to101 per Manitoba. nitoba. No 1 hard, 993 to 81:_. No. 2, Elio to a to 95e ; PEAS 540 to 57e por hue • OATS 29e to 800 per bus. FL01IIt, extra, $3.75 to 53.80 strong ubakers, 4400 tt o $4.50,x4.25 to $4.30 ; MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, Oct, 9. -Cattle -The market was unusually small to -day, only twelve miloh cows being offered for sale, three calves and eight small pigs. At noon not ono of the cows was sold at the prices asked, which was from $20 to 830 for e poorer class and from $35 to $45 for tho bettor milkers. The latter would give from eight to twelve quarts per day and. the inferior ones from four to six quarts. The calves which were poor. sold at $2, $3 and 85 each, and the little pigs at 82 to 82 50 each CONSUMPTION CUBED Anoldphysician, retired from practice, having had. placedrn his hands toy an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy andperma- neat cure'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical clue for Nervous Debility andall Nervous Com- plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoasee, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering, fellows. Actuatedby bilis motive and a desire to relieve num an suffering, 1 w:.!send free of charge, to all who desireit, this reeipe,in Gernsan,1t'rench or English, withfulldireotiousfcr preparing and using, Sent, mail by a,i lress.ng se ith stamp, naming this cap er.tv..1 , Yoyns 149 Power's Block -scchester 'v F Anviom Tomomuxus.-Are you disturbed a{ nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttfnr Teeth? If so sone at once and get a bottle of"Mrs,Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will rblieve the pour little sufferer im mediately Depend upon it, mothers ; there is nom1stako about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbeea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, Airs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best Tamale United States, and is for salesby allinhodruggists throughout the sborld. Price twenty-five cents It bottle. Bo sure any askfor''MBs. WimeLOw's F^nTHING n"R1ry "and no other ind. TO THE DEAF.- -A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any person who applies to Nlouoasee, 177 McDougal street, New York A.ST n $ m N'S IM EDUCATION IS A COURSE IN THIS BUStNRSS, Shorthand, English, Penmanship, Gorman Is Eloontion, or Mechanical Dreeing Departments of the Detroit Business University. 'j ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREiI. Ziltl PU�[PS, P_UI�PS, �'UP We will, hereafter make and keep on hand, a good supply of wooden pumps, vel we will sell' at ususl prices, and guarantee them to 6.3 the bill with satisfaction.. We respectfully' ask a share of your patronage in this line, and re will endeavor to supply yon with good .pumps, and promptly. Iron Pumps will be b'urnislaed When Desired. Shop one door south of Pareou's Blacksmith Shop, Multi -et., Exeter. W. TREVETHIC.L, THE BEST YET ! THE CHEA.PEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I D FO LENS GEXT:OFe TRAWBERRY CURES HOLE'r holera Morhus 01....e I RAMPS Overooatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantini s at arty price. IARRIKEA ¥SE TERM AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. AF RT NE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come. You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you sec there is thousands in it. Parkinson's stock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoe., i11 fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See hes black and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake• Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. J. PARKINSON. THIS YEAR'S 1 OUT and PLUG Snriokhig Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE PESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF -ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEETS SYUP AND, N R1 OT•HAR THEMOST.., �p���gpl�g� DELICATEg�pCHILD �^ f irf.0 YWl l5T-3•OCAII:O 'Tavern State s Nele ilev33ro Aero SALARY uerrnoatle.. All EXPENSES advanced. WMOS6 protaptiy unix. SLOAri, &- Co.306 Ge o -,e St. 47anctnnutI. e533, E Do YOU WAYT TO TOBIJY ITU��i. sem.•E AT LOWER RA'I'LS THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN GALL AT- ' ,1 ,a Y' -.ONLY FIRST-CLASS-, ReliableGoods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give UrLd °taking 1n all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & 9, Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK est Crrlg red Clothing pl dloed in Exeter Gi nt1cam0ts 1 loaye your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the beet emelt of Pine 'rimminge, tied the beet Tutting in Town, yen °J atesteraeattiefite. ten, .4r.11iyalr R31 tar011 --OF-- Spad,es and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in aposition to offer to the Public at the- - Very Finest Prices for Cash We have also on hand a full line of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE,-:, Paints, OiIH, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, ;it prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. „ Eave-troughing a Specialty. A call•solicitocl. B I S S E T .d. B d.)1 O S. Ai` Eve: ' ° Devartm en t in the Old Established, is nGW 7i wet complete, and full of the lc les: novelties. The French, English and American Millinery cam. be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger cbe per than ever shown. All the best makes of rich lob Bir colored and sho'i; silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sidi shad. of everydesign both long and short stems. x , � e 5.. Pine fancy ze pliers, lien rollers. Sateons and Prints i12 endless v r p � ,� � 9 Val iety, A special lot of Sl MSS Tilinbroideries for Dress (lovely goods.) *Every lady should see �onr Dress Trio mings (which contain all the 111 test novelties,, �t7TY10 and. ilaspeft oar stool N. f, B. ----The �3 lie tteiatloil , of bless-lllal,ers IS spool °sailed to the Dress Goods 'department. J AMES PICK et