The Exeter Times, 1889-10-10, Page 1e7l.ce ce—
Coldsmith .++. Hall!
%Ear Personalattentiou given toll repairing of
ilwatehernolooke and jewelry:
Opposite Poet Office, PARKHIE{L.
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli -
.1 -4 • eitorof Supreme Court,NotaryPublic
onvoyanoei Commiesioner,Sto . Money to
Omoein Eangon'e Block, Exeter
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
3, - ONT.
moetiamwoirs Block IlalPsold o dice. )
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Conveyancers tko, es6c.
11: -Money to Loan at LoWeet Rates of
'OFFICE: over 0,JirElL9SBank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SamtvelPs Mock, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth withoutpain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work bhe best possible. Goes
to Bunion on las t Thursdeyin
each inont h:
T W. BliOWNTNCT M. D., M. 0
V . P .S ,G radnate VictoriatIniversity.Ofece
katdiresidence,DorcinionLaboratoxv.Exe ter
• ELYNDWIAN, coroner for the
County of Buren. 0 ffice, opposite Mr.
e Carling's store, Exeter.
• R J A.. ROLLIN M 0 2.•S
0. offloe,Main Se.Exeter,Ont.Residen
o e hoarier eeently oecepied by P . McPhillips,
r F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M.,
• .1 4 e Graduate Trinity "University, Tor-
onto ; Fel. Trin. Med. Balloon Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst.. Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad.
.Anthropology ; Member Col. P. 8„ • Ont. -
°Mee, Dashwood. Ont.
ENRY BILREB, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for HayeStephen, and McGilli-
er ay:Townships. Sales° on duo ted at moderate
rates. Oftice--AtPost-office.Crediton.Ont.
OEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
Peed the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, ad satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
raduat es of the Ontario Veterinary c elle ge
Canon : One eoor South of TowerHall.
P ublishe r s and Proprietor
-11 Notice is hereby given, that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters'
Lists act of 1889 by his honor, the judge of
the County Court of the Couuty of Huron, at
the Town Hall, Eliraville, on the 12tb of Oc-
tober' at 10 o'clock a, en to hear and determ-
ine the several complaints of errors and OrlaiS—
sions in the voters' list of the municipality of
Usborno, for 1889.
All pe On having bneiness at the Court are
required to attend at the said time and place.
G. W. 11OLMAN,
Dated S {pt. 20,1899. Clore of Usborne-
1/1-0NEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i -
percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
CAN' e.D A .• Head Office, London, Ont.
After 30 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farni property
and private residences, either On buildings or
contents,the most famorable protection in moo
of loss or damage by firo or lightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company eon afford to write. 42,243 poll:
oios in force 1st Jan 0.889. ASSOtS $378,2005
in cash in bank. Government depost, Deben-
• tures and Premium. Notes. jAHES Greene
President ; 0.0. Molicureen , Manager. Davin
JMInes, Agent for Exeter and vieinitv
Noriee is hereby given, that a Court
will be hew. pursuant to the Ontario Voters'
Lists Aot of 1889 by his honor, the judge of
the Couuty Court of the County of Huron, at
the Town Hall, Exeter, on he 10th of October,
at eleven o'clock a. m.,to hear and determme
the severalcopplaints of eerore and omiesione
in the voters lest of tho municipality of Ex-
eter, for 1889.
All persons having business at the Court. are
required to attend at the said time and elem..
Dated Sept. 29,1889. Clerk of Exeter.
-II Natio° is 'hereby given. that a Court
will be held, pursuant es the Ontario 'Voters'
Lists Aot of 1889 by his honor, the judge of
the County Court of the County of Huron, at
the Town Hall, Orediton, on the lith of Octo-
bet, at 10 o'clock a, m., to hear and determine
the several complaints of errors and omiesions
•in the voters' Het of the municipolity of
Stephen, for )889.
All persons having business at the Court aro
required to attend. at the said time and place.
Dated Sept. 29, 1889. Clerk of Stephen
The Blanshard Fair.
The annual fall fair of the above society
was held in Eirkton village on Thursday
arid Friday last. The exhibition was the
moot euceeesful in the anna1s. of the soeiety
and served as great encotirageraent to the
Meet and indefatigable dii actors, and would
seen: like a testimonial of thanks :and ap-
preciation from the public for the recent
and highly successful efforts of the society
in the purchase and completion of one of
the best grounds in the counties of Perth or
Huron. The high board tence surrouuds
eight acres of high and dry land, situated
in the towuship ot Usborne and within a
short disteuee of the lively little village of
Kirkton. A splendid rime track of one-
third of a mile has been made, which is an
improvement in the matter of showing road
and earriege horses, as well as it is of unroll
vale° along the line of speed attractione.
The hall is large and conveniently situated
and suitably laid -out, affording exhibitors
the utmost accommodation. The directors
deserve much praise,and we should imagine
that the success with which they were this
year attended, would go to slimy that their
enterprise has beeu very • nautili rewarded
and appreciated.
Friday was a pleasant day, though slight
ly oold, and a large number of people from
far and near were present. In every de-
partment the show was up to the most
sanguine •expectations, and would have
done credit to any of the larger and mere
pretentious exhibitions. The display of
ladies' work was iratnense, while in the
root and vegetable classes, the exhibit was
surprisingly large. Fruit formed a less
prominent part thaa i t has other yeare,
There was a good display of grain, the oats
wheat and barley averaging far above the
etandard. The out -door departments were
also well-filied, many first-class specinseps
of stook being on the grounds. There was
O large exhibit of cattle, sheep, and hove
while the horse ring (which by the way is
very large) was inadequate for the number
of animals present. • In the agricultural
general purpose, and roadst er classes it was
difficult for the judges to do all justice, A
better lot of horses one would not wish to
see ; in fact the show ring was a paragon of
excellence. The receipts at the gate ex-
ceeded those of other years by up earde of
$75. • The following successful prize win-
nereltwill receive their money on Saturday
Nov. 2nd. next.
-Brood mare, Thos Worry, Jos White,
Jno Stepeens. Two yr old, Thos Worry.
One yr olcl, Jos White, Jno McCullough.
Foal, Jos White, Jno Stepheos, Thomas
heavy draught horses, 11 D Roy. Brood
mare, Geo Spearin, Wm Essery, W Jamie-
son, Two yr old, Geo Spearin, Jno Reale
wood, W Roger. One yr old, W Cornish,
Chas Wilson. Jut) Hezlewoode Foal, Win
Essery, Jno Kemp, Geo Spearin.
ACF.tcUrairnAL.-Span of agrinultural
horses, Jno lIempieday Creighton. Brood
mare, Chas Wilson, D Brethour. Two „ye
old, Jno Hemp, Alex Roy, F. D. Switzer
One yr old, J W Waodley, Jas Balkwill,
Robt Creery, Foal, Jno Robinson, 1) Bre-
tbour. Chas Wilson.
GENERAL PURTOSE,-Span of horses, J
Levery, 3 W Woe:alley. W Jamieson. Brood
mare, Robb Berry, Jeffrey Pearn, S. Kemp.
Two yr old, Chas Wilson, F. D. Switzer,
Ipeuben Shier. One yr old, J .A Rob.
inson, Nicholas Shier, W Jamieson. Foal,
W Hedge, Chas Wilson, Richd Paynter.
R,oensrens. Span of horses, his Oke,
All Tennent. Brood mare, J A Robinson,
Alex Smith. Two yr old, Sam Horn, 5
Sanders. One yr old, S Sanderse James
Essery. Foal, Alex Smith, J A Robinson.
Single horse in buggy, J H Slack, Mfred
Tennant. • Saddle horse, Rebt Pearson, W
Calatneo-e.--Span of carriage horses, Jas
Essery, J and D Wood. Brood mare, D.
Brethour. Two yr old, Jno Stephens. Jno
McCurdy. • One yr old, Chas Wafton, W
Kirk. Foal, D Bretbour.
Seearrea on TRIOX.-P. St, John, Jas
Juners, (heavy borses)--Janase Bre-
thour, Hibbert ; Hugh Thompson, St.
Marys • William Kydd, Exeter.
OATTLE.-Twonotnemisuun DurtHeet.-
Milch cow, D Creighton, Jno Hooper, W
H Gilt Two yr old, Juo Hooper, D Sin-
clair. Yearling, E and W D Smith, Alex
Roy, Bell calf under One yr, H and W D
Smith, le Ceeightop. Heifer calf under one
yr. H end W D Smith, Alex Roy.
junons.-Cattle.-Thomas Scott, Wil-
liam Lag,
GRADE. -Milch cow, W Roger J flazle
wood. Two yr old heifer, W Boger,
M Leigh. Year old heifer, W flwitzer, Jas
Hazlswood. Efeifee calf under one yr, W
Pridham, Jas Flaxlewood. Steer calf, R
G Radcliffe, Jag Hallowood. Two yr old
steers, Jno Hooper, D Sinclair. One year
old. steers, Jas Hazlewood. Fat cow, H And
W D Smith, W Switzer. Fat steer, John
Hooper, J Delbridge.
SHEEP.--Lnicesenue-In this class T.
Cerrelley Ives awarded all the 1st and Sud
prizes, save the 2nd for ram lamb, which
was taken by T H Neil.
Coesevorn, --Rem lamb, j W Stacey.
SOUTHDOWNS,-In this elms Mr. 0. 0,
Switzer, who was the only exhibitor, was
awarded all the prizes,
Sintorsman .1.1.11D OTTORnDOWNS.-Ram,
Sam Doupe. Ono year old ram, fl A.
Switzer. Ram Iamb, Sam Doupe, H A
Switzer. Pair ewes, Sam Donpe, IT A
Switzer. Pair shearlitig °Weis, HA Switzer
1st and 2nd. Pair ewe !tenths, &ennui
Gnenn.---Etves, Jno Copeland, 3. W
Stacey. Shearling ewes, 3 Delbridge, Rd
Delbridgo. Ewe lambs, 3 W Stacey, A
Shier, eat &leen, Thos Currelley let and
A special eines Was undo for Lincoln atid
T Fi Neil, the only exhibitor, was awarded
all • the mizes.
Lenon Butita.-Breeding sow,
jas 1:Eu1mo:id, W Kirk. Bear pig, Geo
(4.1511;reim Bunto.,--Aged boar, nDelbtiage,
Geo Clill. Breeding sow, Rei Delbeidge,
re- Copelatd. Boar pig, ita Delbridge, ist
end- Seer under ono yr, Ild Windage, 1st
and 2tict "
Jueone.--Sheep and IToge-J W Wood
JAjjJj UA.t ley, 5, COrniSh, J Hannah,
Notice is he: oby given in pursuance of
DRED and TEN of the Revised Statutes of
Ontario A. D. 1887, that all creditors end
other persons having claims against the estate.
of William Giles Chambers, late of the town-
ship of Stephen, in the County of Ifurou,
Province of Ontario, farmer, who died on or
about the 4th day of July, A. De 1889, are
herebyrequired to send by pest prepaid or
otherwise deliver to the undersigned adminis-
trator of the said deceased or to HENRY
EILBER,Orediton P. 0., on or before January
1st, A, 0, 1800, their chriatian names and sur-
names, addresses and description, the fat 1 par-
ticulers of their claims, a statement of their
aceoun s, and the eature of the securities (if
any) held by therm And the said adminis-
trator will after the First day of January. A.
D., 1990, distribute the meets of the said de-
ceased among tuo parties entitled thereto,
baying regard only to claims of which notice
shall have been given as above rewired, and
the said administrator will not be liable for
the said assets or any part thereof to any
person of twh ose realm notice shalt not have
been received by him at the time of suoh dis-
Dated this 17th day of September. A. D..1889.
• Credie,traPmlnrbis
The creditors of Samuel Carlisle, late
of the township of Hay in the County of Hu-
ron, farmer, decaged, who diedon °relent the
• loth day of June. Ye. D..1888. and all persons
having claims against the said cleeeased are
in pursuance of lthrepter 110 of tho Revised
Statutes of Ontario 1889, hereby notified and
required to send on 'Or before the 1st dee, of
November, A.D.. 1889, by Post prepaid and
registered or delivered to the undersigned
solicitors for the administrator of the estate
of the said deceased. their ebristian and sur -
mantel], addresses and d,esoriptions, the par-
ticulars of their claims, a statement of their
accounts duly verified by statutory declaration
and the nature of the seeneities (if any) held
by them; and that immediately after the said
1st day of November the assets of the maid de-
ceased will be distributed among the parties
entitled thereto having regftrcl only to the
°Jahns of whieh'not ice snail have been given,
and the said administrator will not be liable
for the said, assets or tiny poet thereof to any
person or pereons of whose (Aims notice shall
not have been received.
.qpe ztliagir(ii'dmintto ,
a ed °eel, 1889. Exeter.
Established in leae.
ThiB'oonl;any has been over Eighteeu
v e ar e in(uomessfu 1 operation. in Western Ou-
t ario,andeonthines to iusuro againetioss or
damage by leire,Builclingseeteecheendise,Mene
ufactorleseendal o blieedeseription softiu
able property. rilt eixdius itleurete breve the
optionofineuringon the Premiere. Note OT
CleshSyetera ,
During the past ben yeave tbie Company
has issued 11,096 Policies cover in g property
o theernountoe 340,872,098 ;and paid inloss-
os alone V/00,752,00
ArisetS, tee1ee,l00,00, 0onatstilig of Cash
II atilt, Geyer nntent D en be it ,an. iltho unarm.
essedl'refuiumNotosonlianclemrlin force. 3,
W WA.tioner IVL D.Pre9tLO1t 0 t12 • T A.vr.on ,
Secretary. 3.0. licruilun,tnepector • GRAS:
NELL A.gentfor Bxeterandvicinitv,
arber Shop,
A, Hastings, Prop
Seving and Hair en tting in the latest style
of the art.
•gvery attontic paid io cutting
Ladies and Children's Hair,
Prints ,
Dress goods
Teas •
nets. per yard and up
5 cc Cc cc .‘
CC 46 4t
(3 41 cc c;
c C
4 "
4 "
7 lb. "
• Be not deceived by egg peddlers. You
eannot well afford. to lose 2 cents per dos.
on eggs. Bring them to headquarters
whore you get the best prices.
SEE, '
Douse and lot for sale cheap.
• DOUPE 85 CO,
elriT StOre
S 'y; er o twaarcei
School Books
Fancy. Goods,
Musical Instruments.
A full liue of Spauldings
Bats and balls on hand
We Make specialty of Watch and
eWelry repairmg—An work guaranteed
Our IVIotte—Xeat, Prompt
'7, 0, Stouexcietz,
FOWLS, --Plymouth. rooks, W G Bissett
Ltd and 21ed. Peir dark brehmae, W G
Bissett, let and 2nd, Pair light brahmas,
Miss 4 Roadhouse, W & 13113:lett. Pair of
black spanisli fowls, W G Bissett, Sohn
Hazlewood. Pair hondans, Geo Bentley,
ltd and 2nd. Pair leghorris, W G. Big -
sett, let and 211(1. Pair game fowls, W G
Bissett, `1st and 2nd. Pair Poland!), W G
Biesett, Geo Bentley. Pair barnyard fowls,
W G Biesett, Geo Bentley, Pair turkeys,
11 Dellaidge, Geo Bentley Pair geese, Jas
Broolee, Reuben bier. Pair ducks, Robt
Ttobin son , Geo Bentley, Hong Kong geese,
H A Switzer. Pencilled flaraburgs, W
Jamieson. l3eatams, W. Kirk,Jas Brooks.
Vunee.--Thos McLaughlin, Farquhar.
Thirt,IMANTS. -Double open earriege, W
Moyee. Roadhouee 4 Brown, Phaeton
with top D hiciLarty Single top buggy,
• W Mayes, Tno Dawe. Single open buggy,
W Moyes, Jno Dawe. Portland cutter, )A7
Moyes,1) 'efoLerty. Pleasure sleigh, Road-
house a Brown. Lumber wagon, 0 Mo-
Larty, Roadhouse & T3rown. Iron beam
plow, & Brethour, 3st aud Stet Pair iron
harrow, jno Robinson. Straw (natter,
Nieholeon & Webster, Jno Robinson.
Gang plow, Jno Robinson. Set horse
shoes, R Horn, Jim Callender, Scuffle; T
M Oubbon. Wooden pump, Jas Swallow,
1st and 2nd. Road cart, T H Tilley.
Gnats -Fall wheat, white, A Shier, D
Brethour. Fall wheat, red, J. W. 'Wood.
ley. F D Switzer. Six -rowed barley, W
Hodge, W PlazIewood. Large oats, J
Lane, J. Urquhart. Common oats, white.
ElOhOla,3 Sher. Common oate, black, D
Brethour. Large peals, W Hodge, W M
Leigh. Minx seed, Hodgert Bros, W Kirk.
Flax in straw, W Kirk, Hodgert Bros.
Timothy seed, j Donee, Ilodgert Bross.
English field beans, R Switzer, A Shier.
Weite garden beano, Thos Hyde, j. Mar-
shall, Indian corn, j Marshall, D Bre-
EXTRAS -Small peas, Hodriert Bros, Geo
Bentley, Indian corn, red, J Marshall,
Coster potatoes, Miss A. Roadhouse.
hien, J Delbriclge, G. Lane. White ole
phanteT 'Urquhart, R Switzer. Rose en-
tatoes, late, J Delbridge, Lewis Kirk. Bose
potatoce, early, j Delbridge, lilies A Road-
house. Butbank seedling, j Delbridge
Collection, three of each kind, J Marshall,
J Delbridge, Sweedish turnips, D Dow,
W Jamiesone Field carrots, P O'Brien, J
Copelaad. Garden carrots, A McCallum,
P O'Brien. Mengel 'wurtzel, red, Wm.
Roger, R Scvitzer. Mengel warzel, yellow
globe, .1' Hazlewood, D Dow. Onions, D
Anderson, Miss A. Roadhouse. Blood
beets, RePaynter, 9ir H Palmy. Cabbage,
Roadhouse ce Brown, 11 Robinson, jr, To-
matoes, j Taylor, A Shier. Cauliflower,
W 11 Taney. Celery, W Jamieson. Miss
RoaAhouse. Citron, round, y7 Boger.
Citron, long, It Delbriclge, J Delbriclge.
Pumkin, Mies K Doupe. Water melon, J-
Ielitzlikrottel, D Brethour..-Musk melon,
11.00allum,'Dr TAIng.
FnuiT.-Northern Spy apple, W Jamie.
e ; Baldwin, W Jamieeon ; Rhode Island
Greeninge W Jamieson. Twenty ounce
pippins, I) Brethour. Golden Russett, W
Jamieson. Spitzeuburgs, W Hazelwood
Yellow Jell flower, 11 Switzer. Collection of
apples, three of each kind, W Jamieson.
Crab Apple, A Brethour, J Maize, Open
lib grapes, any kind, three clusters or over,
Robineon, 11 Robinson jr. Fall pears, W
Jamieson. Winter pears, W Jamieson, J
• Copeland.
DAIRY PRODUOM.-Keg butter 80 pounds
W Roper, J Shier. Five pounds table but-
ter, J W Woodley, Miss K Deem]. Twelve
rounds or upwards dairy made cheese, J
Urquhart, W Roger.
MISORMINEOTIS. Home made bread,
special, P O'Brien, Mrs W Kirk. Home
made Emerge. special Mrs A Dawson, Mrs
S A Shier. bdaple Sugai, John Gou.lev,
Miss M Jamieson. Home-made bread,
Miss M Jamieson, P O'Brien. Homemade
shirting. D Brethour Plaid, all wool
wotnen's wear, A McCallum. Blankets all
wool, Miss Ella Creighton: Mrs D Gra-
hem. 'Union blankets Miss hi Jamieson'
J Shier. Snit Canadian Canadian tweed,
A. Henhs. Honey in sections, W Stone, G
Bentley. Jar strained honey, W Stone,
• Bentley. Extracted honey, W Stone.
Canned peaches, Miss M White, W Hazel-
wood.. • Canned pears, John Capeland, P
O'Brien. Canned plums, Miss IT White,
A MaDallum. Canned Cherries, Miss M
White, Miss .141 Jamieson. Canned
Gooseberries, P O'Brien, R Switzer!
Canned Strawberries, Miss Ella Creighton,
W Roger. Canned raspberries, Miss hf
'Wnite, A. McCallum. Canned Tomatoes,
W Jamieson, Mies M White. Jelly, J
'Maize, Mee M White. Pair Clalfskin boots
• Geo Mills. Pair Gaiters, 0 Mills. Coarse
boots, 0 Mills. 011 (Jreme, Mrs 3 A Shier,
W Jamieson Pencil drawing, T Sawyer,
Miss Al White. 011 painting, J Maize, 11
H Robineon Crystal painting, extra, Mrs
5 A. Shier. Single sett oarriege harness, J
Taylor let and 2od. Double eet harness,
W Furlong, Staylor.
Brethour. Arrasene work, D Brethour.
Gentleman's smoking cap, Miss A Dawson.
Embroidery in lace stitches, M White,
Embroidered slippers Ella Creighton.
Crewel embroideiy, E Hamilton, A Damon.
Chenille work, NI White. Cretonne worlr,
Ella Creighton, hire D Graham. Crochet
work in cotton. M ,Tamieson lst and ancle
Crochet work in wool Mrs 3D GrahameMrs
I Richardson. Kensington erabroidery, M
White. Jewel case and pint:illusion com-
bined Miss A Dawson. Sole pillow,
Miss M Jamieson, Miss Ella Creighton,
Toilet set, A McCallum, MissElyde, Cover.
let, home made, Miss M Jamieson, Miss le
Creighton. Child's dress, hand made Mre
5 A. Shier, Miss 111 Jamieson. Ohild's
clrese, machine made, Mrs S A Shier,. Mist;
hi Welt°. • Berlin wool work, Miss Ella
Creighton, Miss Hyde. Rag mat, Tiodgert
Bros, jno Stewart Home made eareet.
Miss A. Dawson, D Brethour, Colleetion
paper flowers, D Brethour, Win Atkinson.
Tea Cony, P O'Brien, Miss A Dawson,
Bead work, Miss Ella Creighton, Miss A
Dawson. Drawn work, A. McCallum, Miss
Hyde. Table ivels.nee, Mrs. ,T D Grr ham.
• Rtbbon work, Mrs J Grahein, Jno Cope-
land, Eat, Canedian straw, A Shiet,
Brethour. Pillow shams, Mrs 3' Richard-
son, Miss Hyde. Bast and largetit collec-
tion of ladies' • work, useful,, the woik of
one person, Jonathan Shier, Miss K
Doupe. Novelties that are entirely new aud
original, not specified in above list, Miss
hi Jamieson, Mrs j Richardson.
Senoietre-Darned net quilt, Miss M
Jam1e:3am. Floor mat, W Hodge. Paint-
ing on velvet, Hodgert Bros, Miss A. Road. -
ExTRAS.--Colleetion crochet, • Mien M
White. Top sewed quilt, Miss A Road-
house, • Table drops, Mrs Mills. Farm-
ers' wreath, Mrs. W Kirk.
FLOWERS. -Collection house plants, Rob
Robinson, Wm Atkinson.
The EVIolsons Ban
, ,t0ef ART/311WD 13 'Sr PA 13,TA,33rraN T,1805)
:Paid up Qapital $.100C1,00.
BesOund. 3,000,0Q
Piead Office, Montreal.
0brtoi otet e eainien-:4c:o
Exeter Bretne311/
I Open every lawful day, from 10 a. tn. to 3 p,m,
SATURDAYS, JO a'. in to .1.p. in.
3 l'orOcut.per annum allowedfar 410007 On
'Depocit lieceints and SavingsBanii,
8t. Marys.
Hurgrs, .-Th O Anniversary of the Afetb.
Sunday School, was held on Sunday and
Monday. The Rev. Callen, of Sarnia,
'preached the sermons on Sunday. The
entertainment on Monday evening was a
' great SUOSISSS, The church wee crowded, to
the door. --Charles Robertson, of Chicago,
was in town from Saturday to 'Monday
visiting his parents,- The electrMlight was
turned on on Wednesday evening for the
first time. The incandescent ligbte give
satisfaction, but the are lights will need a
stronger eurrea.
aided on making it change in his business,
the undersigned now offers the whole of his
stock amouuting to 814,000 (fourteen thou.,.
and. dollars) at oast for cash. Tile stock is
complete in every detail and will afford an
excellent opportunity of buying fall and
winter goods at wholesale prices. Remem-
ber the sale is genuine, stook full and well
assotted, and prices at cost, as one call will
D. Witesernamn.
Sreciaxe-Neaton apple; A Kirk, Best
oollection Canedian tweeda and flannels,
W Waterhoese, A A Doupe. Best factory
blankets all wool, A A. Donee, W Water-
EADIRS1 WORL-Shitt, MOW'S fine no-
waehed heed inacie, Miss IC Donee, Miss hi
Jamieson. Shirt, men's fiue unwashed
tnachige made, Miss K Doupe, Miss hi
Waite. Shirt, men's flauuel -hand made,
K Dotme, S A Shier. Darning, specimen
on stocking M White, X Doupe- °minter -
Pane, orocheted, W Jamieson, W Switzer.
Counterpate keitted, M Jamieson 1st end
2nd, Quilt, patchwork online, Woodley,
Miss Hyde. Quilt, netehwork cloth, M.
Jamieson, .T Shim. Quilt, patchwork silk,
Robt Robineon. Quilt, white quilted, It
Dotipe, Quilt, log cabin, JW Woodley,
Miss Hyde, Crazy patehworlc, 13 Hamil-
ton, liodgert Bros. Glovee, fine, hand
made, W JamieSOri, Keitted atooltings,
wool, hand made, Mies- Hyde, Thos Hyde,
Knitted • rocks, wool, bend made, Thos
Hyde, Miss Hyde. Stockina, fancy cotton
A Dawson, Hedged Broe, Button holes,
A McCallum, D Beethour, Ditruecl net,
J Riebitielson. Lainbtegain, fe Hamilton
04 Jetnieeon, Ladies' tInderelothing, ma-
chine media DI White, let and 2nd; Lading'
underclothing, hand made, hi 3ai-6080e, S
A Shier. Point lace, Mrs j D Graham, hi
White' Bonito?) lace, Ella Creighten, J
Graham. Applique work on Satin, A
WEDDING BELLS. -The residence of Mr,
and hirs Martin Thompson of Elineille *as
on Wsdnesday Oct. 2nd. the scene of a very
pleasant incident it being the marriage of
their daughter Martha to Mr. Sydney Snell.
Early in the morning near friends of the
contracting parties gathered to witnees the
ceremony which was performed by the Rev.
W. Penhall at nine o'clook, a. m, biter
which all sat clown to a sumptuous wedd-
ing breakfast and after spending a pleasant
hoar in partakiug of the delicacies so boun
tifully provided the bride and groom left on
O short trip followed by slaowers of rice and
the best wishes of their many friends.
Presents befitting the occaseion were both
numerous and valuable. We join their
many friends in wishing the happy couple
the fullest enjoymeute of married life.
• Usborne Council.
Monthly Report S. S. No, .2.,,Ilay. The
following is the report for September.. The
names are in order of merit : , Fifth --John
Chapin an. Sen. Fourth -Horner Rueaell,
E°041111:e ;Pr:Seale:L. uRCratherisei
Atkinson, Kate Chapman. Second -Mat.
thew Tinney, Alice Gould, Willie Hawkins,
Sen. Second Part -Maim Russell, Beatrice
Warren, Jessie Hawkins, Jinn. Second
Part -Esther Clorbett,, Nellie Gould, Sari*:
Corbett and Ralph Chapman (equaL) First
Part--Beekie Northcott, Ellen Corbett and
arah ey.
Barses.-Mr. Edward Patching, of Cor-
bett, dred Saturday morning of jaundice.
The remains were interred at Brinsley after
a funeral sernaon preached at Corbett by
Rev. S. A. Carreere on Sunday. Mr.
Patching wag au educated man tread has
held important positions of trust, --The
third of the seriee of tea meetings to ail in
removing the debt on the Methodist par-
sonage of the Grand Bend circuit was held
last night at the Bethel church and
another todeighe at the Mount Pleasant
o'nurch.-Mrs. Abram Nichols and Mr. j
Milliken, of Corbett, are still quite ill,
though on the mend. -Mrs. Geo. Towl,
who fell in an apoplectic fit on Monday,
Sept. 23rd„ while milking, is doing well,
but is not yet out of danger.
The Counoil met on the 5th. inst. All
members were present. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and eigued by the Reeve.
Moved by j. Shier seconded by T, Camer-
on that by-laws numbered 6 aud 7 for 1889,
authorizing the levying of the township,
county, Railway and. school rates as now
read a third time, be paseed.-Carried. An
application of Messrs J. Hawkins and J.
Miners to have an old underdrain between
Lots 5 con. 6 and 7, cleanel out, was a
motion of T. Cameron seoonded by W.
Xydd laid over till next meeting. The col-
lectors bond was then duly executed and
presented to the council. Moved hy J.
Halls seconded by W. Kydd that the col
lector's bead be accepted, the same being
satisfactory to this colleen. --Carried.
Moved by I. Sbier seconded by j. Halls it
was resolved to grant the following orders -
.M. Samwell $18. charity ; Thos Small $8.
for rep. and ouvering bridges; W. Gil&llan
$8 75, for a new bridge ; Jno. Allison e107
for a new bridge at.d remcving an old. ono;
W. Moody e2.25for a culvert; R. Bell 87.'25,
gradiug ; R. Bell e5.75, deepening ditch ;
J. Popplestone breaking stone $8.75; J.
McDougall el. 'rep. bridge; Jas. Glenn.
underdrain ea, Thos. Veal, culverts $18.50
On motion of j. Halls seconded by J.
Shier the council adjourned to meet Satur.
Nov. 2nd. at 11 a.m.
G, W. Hoterele. Clerk,
Between 2 and 8 o'clock Friday morning
Mr. Holland, of the Central Hotel was a-
wakened by the raising of a window in the
hall downstairs. Securing his revolver and ,
proceeding down stairs he met a masked
burglar, of whom he asked what was wanted,
The burglar replied with his -revolver, the
bullet lodging one foot from Holland head.
Holland returned the shot without effeot,
and a second shot was fired by the burglar
with no more effeet than the first. Holland
then returned the shot, the bell taleing ef-
fect somewhere about the burglar's neck.
The burglar then fled, leaeing the blood
etaine all along the gill and sidewalk. Theis
is the second attempt this week at burglary,
Mr. Griffith having had $100 worth of
woolen goods stolen from his wateroorn.
Mr. Richard Recly, 88 oia an reepeetecl
farmer on the townline of London and Bid-
dulph, met his deala in a Rudden and un-
expected manner on Saturday last. It ap-
pears that the deceased was driving a span
of horses in tbe wagon, and stepped down
to adjust the ohmic rein, when one of the
anintale kicked him in the abdomen, from
the effeots of which he died the following
Monday. The doomed bad aetainecl the
allotted spat& of life, and. dame to thie
neighbothood some 87 years' ago from the
Gore of Toronto. He weiti it quiet, indus-
trial's man, it good and obliging neighbor,
honest and upright in all his dealing/a and
was highly esteemed by his Many Mends
and acquaintances. The week before the
fatal oecurreeoe he offioiated as one of the
judgee on eheep at Granton fir. His fa -
miller form Will be greatly alleged at thole
gatheringe as he always took a lively in.
forest in agricultural matters behm at one
time a very exteneive and Bucceseful breed-
er of ahem) himetili. The family and
relativehave the sympathy of the coin-
muuity itt their sadden bereavement.
Mr Thee Culbert moved into London
this week, having accepted a eitttetton as
book-keeper itt Jos. Snaith's Apt ()stab-
hin,Evitnatsr, Forest--Teeer
seed me three bottlog of your Cough Syrup;
nothing seems to tine Me but that. ---
Mrf.WesthoMser, Goodly:tad, P. 0,, Mich,
BRIENS.-Bey, Mr. Moir of Woodham 00-
leausPti. e-aRtehveivPaullPSietrvaitoelvszaeerewilbleionng
held at
Freewill this week by Rev. Messrs Penhall
and Down. -Mr. R. B. Henderson'our en-
terprising teaoher has ommenced teaching
O class in Tonics Sol Fa hinsio.-We hope
soon to see an improvement in the sioging
at our church services.-11rs. Jas. Sutherby
has sold herfarm on N. B. Biddulph to
John BrociAlr. of Usborne. The farm con-
tains about 60 epees and the price we un-
derstand is $8,000 --Mr. J. J. Perm has
purchased a fancy driver, and we doubt not,
some of the young ladies are already wish-
ing for snow. -R. Rayocaft and C. Duffield
left last week to build Russel fence in, Einem
Tp. -Mr. G. W. Lingard left for Sarnia on
Monday, he having secured a position as
fireman at the G, T. R, tunnel there. -Mr:
S. Jacques is buildLn!..:....Liew house.
PRIM:CAL.-Miss Tena Hedging is home
from London spending a few weeks with
her parents. --Mr. Saml. Link of Detroit is
visiting friends here. -Mr. Donald Pater-
son of Grand Bend paid Us a flying visit on
Banirs -On. Tnesday last the sporte all '
turned ouhi on a game hunt for the supper.
They bOWeVer had not very great luck, and
the scores were not very large. The two
sides were very evenly matehed and the
victory was won by only 5 points by Geo:
flirtzel's side. --The Creditou make of otreese
has been fully disposed of and has realized
a good. price. The patrons may soon ex-
pect to receive their shares of the boodle. -
We heve jug learned that iJr.R,P. Carter
formerly butcher of ibis place has made au
aseignment for the benefit of his creditors
to Mr. fl. Eilber. This involveg a number
of business men and others of Crecliton mad
irronnding Comatry.--Alr. 31. Either start-,
ed out yesterday calliug at mostly all the
neighboring villages for a day to collect the
insurance assessment of the Hay Co.
For foer years 1 have been a sufferer of
eostivenetts, kidney and liver complaiut,
daring which time T tried many doctors
end it host of patent modieines withoiet
obtaining atiy perrnanent relief, until
was persuaded to try Evereet's Liver
Regulatoe which effected a permanent
Imre. W. P. Stewart, Warwielt P. 0.
Two go ,gs of counterfeiters were stirroend-
ed near Poole, Indiana, on Friday by
'United States officets tight men \vele
e Po TO cW
ot alant°11Bptiota.. Feat
three to six bottle:3 of 13urdoek Blood Bit -
tare will bare scrofula, salt rheum, erysipe-
las, bolis, pimples, blotches, tettrs, shinglee,
scald head, sore eyes, and all sitiri affections
by cleansing the system and romovieg all
impure matter that causes nadb loaf.
Senator Stethford'e 3 leer -old. Satiol
ttotted e mile at Fresno, Clete on' Ftiday,
in 2.181, breaking all recorde for 3eyears
I inid tried teeny doetore and Was giVen
up by them aa fee gone lute coneumption
but ' was permanently eared by using
tvereet's Cott& Syrtip,--3, Simpson, Are