HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-3, Page 7ODD Si4 D where there once was thirty feet of water at -,e— all times. What better proof scald be given A BABY BARB.Cft: Cbrietian science is meld to have gonetquite of the fact that the privilege given to the A 'reporter Obeyed by an Intent Poodigy, out of fashion In Philadelphiss Cheediere millers hue ieeulted in obstructing Jay Gould has an orchid in hie conservatory Shaved by a baby 1 And one of the pretbi the nay at Irvington that is valued at $5;000, re, on of the river and in injuring A plain gold ring was found by a Washing• ton (N.C,) man imbedded in a" large block of roe. An English lady bar 100 $60,000 to be de, voted to the photographing of stars, planate end nebulae. Gen, M. C•Me(ge says that we stall be found by she oeneuu o 1800 to have 67,240,000 people In the United States, "'frightened moue color" is the rates° fashionable shade. It le probably :r littl paler them, the ordinary mouse color. Queen Vtotorie's rooenb vi b Wales. brings out the statietioe that during her the publio interest f The reetriolions upon dumping; :sawdust and refuse into the rve are not sufficient. Strict prohibition le called for, both In the interests of navigation and of the health of the communities along the river. All our rivers should art far as possible be kept pure. Dr, Brown-Sequard, according to a good authority, hart been married three tunes, twloe to Amerioaq girls. He was born on the Island of Mauritius, formerly the Isle of France, a email island 550 miles east of Madagascar and about 2300 from Cape of Good Hope. His, father, Edward Brown - who was a native of Pniledelphla, was en - sit gaged in businees on the island, His reign ot..o weer alt p cants twelve din's mother wan a Frenoh woman named Se• v hand all of h doctor sawlin the light in 1818, Tyguard. The only_ h ,vie been spent hi Ireland, is preliminary Th Alpine oow• bell has bsoome the ragemade in Mauritius rtwas t were ne oPhen he was twenty y o g orators to 8witserland this year and years old he went to Paris to ot,mplebe his enterprising dealers have flooded the barman with Miniature ow -bells in gold, silver and enamel. On August 26, a shark was captured in the Tay near Dundee. It measured four feet in length, forty inches in girth, and 32 inohee from fin to fio, and had a mouth ten atraok with the youthful b inches long, beauty,y ypeofAnglo-Saxon IL'he 1o11 . sn n the Texas. Penitentla eo different, az •he observed, from raise "a"prisoners s and refine Its juin, Airy that of the dark, soft -eyed Persians. Tek- Paying all the costs of food, fuel, shelter and fug 1fnan };our to encil stalk nnd et with ktheechid a d clothing, $08,004 have been turned into the drawing her portrait, which he presented to abate ler this work. the Major, The likeness lean excellent one, An American system of police alarm boxes andshows that the Shah, who has never has been pub up in London. Amman district taken lesson in drawing, has great natural has been served with ib as an experiment, t ilent for that art, which, 11 suooesafel,will probably be repeat. The anooess with whroh the United States ed all over the great city, Government has revived" piracy upon the Taylor's bauble faotory, of Bridgep rb, 0t., high seas has apparently had the effeot of employing 600 girls, shut down indefinitely inspiring certain deecendanbe of the greatest taut week on account of the falling off of the of the pirates of old with the idea of reviving bustle trade caned by Mrs. Cleveland's re- the induatrp of their fathers. A Spanish pudiation of that article of female attire. vessel has been captured by -a band of Riff niratesas o thcrew have been Nearle Paris Exhibition, 100 ave been and though 6 oerried off into elaveryand six of er One hundred and wee held ostensibly to commemorate the re - violation of 1789, not a congress has dealt oommon as collisions ab sea are now, and with that event even in the most remota the name of the 'Riff pirates was as terrible to underwriters as icebergs or foga are in medioal course and take hie degree. The London Daily Telegraph says that at Brighton the child of Major Talbot, a little girl of four years, with a charming Englieb face and long blonde hair, was introduced to the Shah, His imperial Majesty wag greatly fifty years ago snob notion as this were as why' these days. Will the Riff pirates be treated It has been estimated by men of science 1 with as much' forbearance as the United who have investigated the subjeot that the States Governmenb ' pirates by the Great rook of Niagara is being warn away by the Powers t I! not, why not 1 waters at ouch a.rate that in a few thousand years the cataract will work np to Lske Berearavakl, the Pole who tried to avenge Erie. his country's wrongs by shooting at the Czar Alexander II., during that monarch's visit One who Is never busy can never enjoy bo. the Paris exhibition of 1867, .is now a rest ; for ib Implies a relief from precious whitetheaded old convict in the French labour ; and, if our whole time were spent penal settlement of New Caledonia, off the in amusing ourselves, we ebould fiad it coast of He isverytenderly treated more wearisome than the hardest day's bybhe authorities of the place, for hie con• work. dual bas been unexceptionable from the very Eighty pedigree Clydesdales have been first day of his transportation. They allow sold out of a stud in KIrkoudbrightehire to him a room to himself apart from the other a ;commissioner from Saxony, where these prisoners and he is ab liberty to roam about horsee are now in great demand, and the the island, as he pleases Being very fond trade iwith Germany appears likely to in- of flowers, cultivating his little garden in his crewed, considerably. sole employment, and for recreation he reads During the flood at Rookford, W. Ya., a the newspapers and magazine%. young lady who lost ner voice last autumn It is not im omsible that Spain will take stumbled and fell, while escaping from theP P water, and tried to scream for - help. She advantage of the came bulli with 'Mor0000 water, edlately" recovered her voice and - can afforded herby the revival of theRiff pirates, speak as well as ever, and will undertake the conquest of the The Pirates of the BehringSea have not greatest of the once independent Barbary the British Columbian a ries. Shehae long wished to emulate the been able to prevent: sealeqrs from reaping some part at least of French conquest of feeble, ter., ead although the !seal harveab, for' four thousand seven she Is savef very the years of 'peace hundred and fifty sealskins, worth thirty Carliwhich have followed strengthened surrender of the six' thousand dollars, have recently been siderats must et gootrengohened her con - six ' shipped from Victoria to London via' Mont- sun -drily. What good ib would do treeleee- real. eon -dried, ignorant Spain to conquer, tree An armchair which belonged to John leas, sun-dried, ignorant Mor0000 is an ab - Davidson, :shoemaker, b-Davideon,ehoemaker, Kirkoswald, Ayrshire,ebraob question, bub` , once notsubjugated reason the original "Souter Johnnie" of Robbie by the Moore, would • that out Is now in pos• i :na' " Tam O'Shanter,'' too :closely if she thought she could now rasion of Mr. Logan, of Lennoxtown, who in subjugate them and that an extension of married to. a greatgranddaughter of the territory and that unponderable thing called. " Souter," . The chair is made of oak, with Prestige could be gained by such a'war, lint cushions, and is about 130 sense old. Mountains_ seem to be falling on both sides One of the cannon used by the ;American of the world and crushing the poor people colonists in 1763 to defending their settle- who have .nestled is their shadow. The meats from, the attacks of the Indian chief cliffs of Qaebeo, in which Canada's pride Pontiso, is imbedded in the foundation walls centres, and around which her heroin hisbory of the residence of J. Samuel Krause, of clusters, have begun to fall, and have made Bethlehem, Pa., where it was placed by the themselves the grave of many. It will pro oflioers of the: Moravian Church. to prevent bably be at last felt to be necessary to stay young Amerina from firing it off on liberty the olitfe with further masonry, a precaution days.which it is now evident should have been . ; An enormous tarantula invaded a New taken before this calamity made Champlain York police station house a few days ago street a pleoe of fear and threatened the and routed all the officers. Ib was finally very existence of the oity's chief ornament-. killed with a olnb and when measured was From a mere money point of view, unless found to be nine inches in circumference. thisis done a good deal of lower town pro It is supposed that the tarantula got in by pests wuII become : valueless and, without means of some banana': wagons which` were Dufferin:Terraoe, Qaebeo would cease to be housed in the station house yard after a raid Quebec. If the rook cannot be made se - on some fruit peddlere a few days previous•' ours the space under 11 should be cleared of. lye people till it can be taken down. The conditions surrounding the eohool life In a recent interview with ' a newspaper of a cies of young women, three of whom reporter Captain Watkine;,;of the Oiby.of; have committed suicide within a few months, Paris, who has been in command of Atlantic wouldsurely form a very Interesting aubjeot eteamehipsior about twenty-five yeare, said:. of biological investigation. That suicide is —" The tremendous and rapid progrenemade matching, everyone known, and that school in the construction of ooean eteamere may be girls are :sensitive is alio well-known. Still, illustrated by thin simple If the first when epidemics" break out, the moat careful steamer which I brought across from Linen note should be taken of the conditions, so pool to New York had been loaded to her that by the collation of fade, the sources of extreme capacity with coal she would not danger may become known. have been able to ours mere than enough. Republica may be ungrateful, but the fuel to supply the City of Paris for one trip United States is doing what it oan to remove across the Atlantic. Under present eondt-, that reproach from ibe skirts. She has, bions each gain of an hour in epoed means indeed, dispensed with the further services a very great increase in the consumption of of Corporal Tanner, the Commissioner of fuel, the diapropertion continually growing Pensions, who, :by giving a pension to every- greater. It would aeeln, therefore, that the Person that applied to him, backed by sof- limit of epoed has been very nearly attained, Solent Republloen interest, managed to in• anises the fuel -carrying oapaoity of the leers. oroase the national debt of the United States ie greatly inoreaeed.. , by some seven millions in oue month. Still, The " Edinburgh Scotsman says " Al- ike has spent no lees than one billion of though the Duke and Dncheee of File remain• dollars upon pensions since the war of the oda home .on Sunday morningafter their wed- re hellion and has upon her pension rolls half ing, in the evening the happy oonple might a million names. have been seen in an ordinary hansom driv The total coal consumption of the world Ing, rapidly.. towards a neighboring village ago. is Bald to amount to upwards of 1,000,000 church for evening service unattended b. hundred weight per hour. Of this gnantiby any unite, the Princess in the uietnese of about 240,000 hundred weight are required Sundaydress with a water root- and p , nd the per hour in order to heat the boilers for Duke n ordinary, not to saysbabby,morning stationery and marina engines, locomotives, attire. They had told, . the driver to wait oto. The production of pig iron absorbs the close of the service, bub the man mite 100,000 hundred weight and that et other understood, and so, the little simple village metals 80,000 hundred weight per hour. cbnroh service over, the Duke an.t hie bride The average hourly consumption of house- sallied forth with the other worshippers. holdodal is reckoned at 200,000 hundred and in the _g loaming of a summer's evening wetgil t, but the total production 1. estimated walked quietly back to their house aorose et 30;000,000 hundred weight to 33,000,000 the park hardly noticed. hundred weight per diem, so there is a A dealer at a Birmingham sale a few days considerable margin, ago gave fifty-seven -guineas for a paok of Canada isn't mush a bad place to live in eerie. The peek is said to be the only one after all. The records of climatic influences of ibe kind In the world. t card Every - d at work woes the One, and wbich go to make apdoially engraved, and -the park comprises the life of the average American anxious and an .exhaustive pictorial history of the prinol- unpleaaant, fall to find anything like a par• pal events of the reign of Queen Anne, down ailel in Canadian hiebory, Is eosins to have to 1706. It includes the victories of Mai 1. been the ancient idea that Canada was a frost borough, the Boa fights of Admiral Benbow,I bitten and move -bound country, bub when it all the various chimps oonne bed with comes down to a question of actual expert. Parliamentary proceedings of the day, and enoe, the muoh•futvored New Yorker pan tell the conclusion of the treaties between En aeries of mach greater proporbion as to the land, ]repos and Spain. The Queen of big .now falls he has seen in that country. Hearts le a very wolf:drawn picture of For floodm, rain and wind storms the United Qoeen Anne herself, and the King of Hearts States hart the preference every time. And represents Prince George of Denmark, her to•day'e telegraph advices tell, of Bnow and husband. The Queen, 01 DIDmonda is Anne heavy free ire foive, y Sophia, , . Q • Queen of Denmark 'the Ween of The water in the river Ottawa le dory tow Clulae is the Princess lloyal of Printery. ; and at present, and the steamer . "Owent" the Qtiedn of. Spade. is he Prime 'as Anne recently ont a' round on. 'a earedueb aimed of Russia. The' knav r Y w Kes w ..aro re.. need b. o e he Parliament bulldln a leading o'li- P at a place o omit t i tibitxns of the d -• , p i?P g gP est, meet engaging little babies in the world ? A " Pall Mall'' reporter thus apostrophizes Nellie Wiok, the baby barber, who the ocher evening shaved five men in twelve minutes and "never turned a hair." It was to see this prodigy that our representative wended hia way to the further and of King'a•road,. Chelsea, and there, at No, $41, made the acquaintance of "Professor" Teddy 'Wicks an] his talented family, the "Champion Sha, ere' of the World;" Yea, for Mrs. Wick and Mr. With, Matter . Wink and Mies Nellie Wiok, all are professed obavers, and Master Teddy Wick, a young shaver of three, is literally pining to become e barber too, and invariably, instate upon latheringthe ouetomera who are about to sit under- ellie's little razor, She Is a sweet faced miohievoue-eyed little bird of four, with hair the color of old gold and eyea as bine as the Neapolitan sky, and with a joy. ons laugh that charms the hearte of all her aoquaintanoee, Her father "Professor" Teddy, is quite a young man, but he has already made a name and earned fame by his shaving feats at the Royal Aquarium, and he proudly informed our representative that he had only been TEAOHING NELLIE TO SHAVE " for six.monthe. " Will she shave me?' asked our represen- baaive,, "Oh, yee, indeed," " And won't opt me 1" "Oertanly not. But you shall see her shave me first if you like. Here eee Nellie, will you shave this gentleman t" The sweet little faoe puckered np, the eyes looked the Pail Mall ' reporter full in the faoe ; then with a little shy, impudent ,mule: "No 1" " Oh, yes, you will ; do shave me.'', pleaded our reporter. "I want to tell all the ladies and gentlemen how °lever you are and -1'11 give you a silver penny to put in your money box." " Your beard is too hard 1" " Ohs never mind tihab—some and try." So away ran the little one, and while her father was STROPPING A Raton (for she is not 'quite up to that yet, al though she possesses a pair of beautiful tortoise shell handled razors, and strenuously objects to using any othera) she put a chair along side of the; shaving chair, clambered into ib, paba towel around our reporter's neck, lathered him, and then struck au attitude while waiting for the reaor, With wonderful dexterity, when she received the tool, she ran ib over our. representa- tive's faoe, atrebohing the ekin tight with her tiny plump fingers, and rounding corners and getting along bho edges of the jaws with all the facility of an old hand. Only coon- 'density did her father aay, "Keep it flat, Nellie," when the little hand had or seemed o ' HAVE SOME DIFFICULTY in getting the razor over our reporter's stiff stubble. The little one's remarks too, were funnily characteristic; "Held your, head over, air, please," " Shave up, sir t"—"Thank you, sir.' " Powder Y" "That's right, sir, thank you." One expected to hear the my voice say " Next 1 "but it didn't. The operation over -and it certainly was a PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY SHAVE " —away the little:fairytrotted, with a laugh, for a romp with her younger and even more ambitions brother. " Do they like shav- ing Y" was asked, to which Mr. Wick re- plied that the children would' cry if not allowed to use"the razor.They have learnt their art upon Mr. Wick's own face, and Nettie: especially used, with spontaneous humor, to ory, . whenever she happened to out her father's faoe, " Ib'e only a "pimple, daddyl' and so laugh away the pain of the wound. But she is an accomplished barber now ; she has shaved "five men inside of twelve minutes, and ib is only real pimples that she over outs now. -[Pail Mall Budget The Demon Steer. George Wilson, a well-known cowboy, tells the following story, says the Cheyenne "Tribcne" : There has roamed on the ranges adjacent to the Platte' and Laramie rivers for these many yearn a maabodon wild steer whose aggressiveness and power make him the dread of every round-np outfit. This com- bative beef bears not a brand, , bub no "rattler": dares appropriate him. The ""demon.'ateer," as .the pugnacious brute is called, knows no fear, and with lowered head, glistening eyed and sonorous bellow will charge upon anything in hie course. Time upon time he has been rounded np with his comparatively 'dooile companions, but he invariably rushee poet, the line riders as if no such obebruotion to hie flight existed. Onoe a'CY" outfit deter- mined to effect the 'capture of the big !allow" but after he had gored two horses and soared the wits from half a dozen riders the undertaking was abandoned., This prairie terror only last Beason, in a fit of rage ab those who dared to intrude on the peaceful solitude of the range, charged ab midday into a camp, creating a panic, to which was ideal quietness the clatter incident to the stampede of the fabled bull in the ohina shop. There was a shattering of egni• page and a"disordered flight of the diners. One of these latter was so incensed that, core brary to orders, he Bent a'eix-shooter ball after the maeaive steer, but the micelle flew wide of'ibs mark, Wilson asserts that he will undertake to rove that the demon steer killed a: large ear in a fair fight on the Sybille three years ago, and the cowboys will bet all their arthly belongings that the demon can con- ner any ball in the Territory. The combat. with the bear was a terrific affair. Bruin was forced to the defensive from the firob, nd for a time pluokily met the fearful on- langhte of ,the .fighting steer, jarring the rein forwith blows from hie paws. The otivity of the' steer was marvelous. He laved !round his antagonist' as' the sparrer nnoye file foe, and at nearly every charge an his long, sharp horns into the 'bleeding Ides of the bear with she wicked "swish ' hioh a000lnpanies an effective sword thrust. Wilson thinks the demon steer will die of Id age. The man who attempts his eapbare ken his life in.his hands. a a a to A silver bell has been hung in a tower in the lle t e wh retthe railroad a:nident to the Cs happened, and it will be tolled every day at the hour of the aoaldent, Gen. Boulanger, like a groat many • noted mends superstitious. He to careful tab be gob out of.bed on the left nide, and if hie path it aroused by a blaok pat he does nothing of paltbiaal importance for twenty-four hbure Hie followere recall •that on the da of his eontonoe bo reokloaelywent ander a ladder in front of hie house in Portland plane It is rumored that lie ie a drm believer palmistry, and talks. ,book in. the words of a gypsy Who examined hie hand and told him that his chief ambition weuld one day be asttiefled.. JOHN LABATT'S Indian Pole 4/e and XXX Brawn Bloul Highest awar:is and 1yi®dals for Purity and Excel- lence at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876'; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, Prance, 187$. TESTIMONIALS SIELECTED: Prof. H R Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says :—"Lfind it to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter- atiol.s, and tan strongly recommend it au perfectly pare and a very superior malt liquor," John B Edwards, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says: I And them to be remarirably sound ales, brewed from puremalt and bops: Rev. P: J. i;d, Page. Professor of Chemistry Laval Un,ver" city, Quebec, says ;—"I have analyzed the Indian Pale 2Ale manufactured b YJohn Labatt, London, Qatari°, and h571 found it a lightale, eontaiung but little aleohol of a deli clone flavor, and of a very agreeable taste 'and superior P/ ! .t .3 ..4 quality, and compares with ,the beet inaportad ales, have iirii •ilh also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of thesame brewery, -s.iga y which le of excellent quality; its flavor is vary agreeable ; W it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richer In alcohol, and can be sompared adTantage- ouslywith any imported article. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. eintzman 1VIANIIFAOTIIRE$S OF Grand, Square Upright PIANOFORTES. The. Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion. 'Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Hewt1G1ni n Pianos are noted for Their Pall, Rig, Pure Singing Tone, Tr Finely Regulated Delicate Touch; Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced 'Soak The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalogue. Factory: -West Toronto Junctionae7 1 - ntd ce, THE OF tary EXETER TIDIES MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. Only `Genuine system of Memory Training. Four ,Books Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefitted. Groat inducements to Correspondence Classes. " Prot eotnz, with opinions o! Dr. W A. Hunt.. sond the world famed Speoialist in Mind Disease% D nie'l Greenleaf Tho paotl the t Psyohol. d J. Bait ey, D. editor of the fit, R• Maar Proctor, the &dents% Bone. W.r', JF. udge Gibson, Judah Menlamtn undosec free. by Prof. A.°° i 0I88eTm'1t T Fifth Ave., c.lY. Y How. Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition' of Dr. Culver- wells Celebrated. Essay on the radical cure of sesexerominaA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiioretion. The celebrated author, in this admirable elegy, clearly demonstrates: from a thirty years' enec.eeful. practice, that theelan Pin. consequences nota of A Celt• abuse mit q be radically cured pointing m out a m y P ode a of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, Pri- vately and•radiealiy. i8' This lecture should be in ibe hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of four.oente, or two postage stamps. Crimples of medicine free. Address THE CULVERWELL. MEDICAL CO Poet Office B 41 ox Ann 450 95Street New Nark88.1, a ,c EAlit EN and 'W'O9b2E ' oan r. + N quickly euro them- selves of Wasting 'Vitality,- Lost manhood, from youthful errors, etc., gttiotly at home, Book on all private diseases Bent free (sealed). Perfeotly reliable. Over S0 years' experience. Addreee- GZLDE1 &'ILSs CO., TOk'8,O31PWO, Canada. LAD I Es our "12elief for Women" in eats and always rellablo; bettor- than Ergot, dxldo, Pab,y • Or Pennyroyal Pills, mnemos :rogniarity. Send for perUeuIs a: Address • QITL.DED 2ILL co., tQ1to111TO, Canada. EA RDS FORCED en smoothest blocs, hair on baldest bonito, in SO to so days. 'Maglo.. Latest and grentoet achievement of modern selene 1 Mast won- derful discovery of tho ago. Like no other preparation 1 Maggical, ouzo, almost instantaneous In action 1 Boys with whttlker.l Bald hendd "haired!" Curious spectacles, but posittvetruths. Only genuine articloin market, and certain so giro ebsoluto satisfaction. Guaranteed. Pride el a bottle, or three bottled for S$. Each bottle lasts ono month Address A. DIXON,. Box 806 T0111314%10 CANADA. IAAOAPAEg1 VANBANI`6 POEPARATi0119. ,SUPERFLUOUS @9A1R era neentan ibat wia 'parmsnonil7ram enparauona kw -without lnlury,: th' the Ykitu 'wittnnt&1. rI IDLES AHD BLACKHEADS" vitioeAip [ reiilO to , i Oda gpo lVitrranted. Prltolor SS dayetroasment, 5f.. 9li®1 Iatie®rillt'YCL 6119d G PILLS r Ntiosd embpoptl{ e point in it mattar of liolioitttdc Whether beotase' it id addnaa fnttnblo br iinfaahiounblo—FAT. POLUSn`ald-p. "A.STL FOlPULLNOE PILLS"Iona 15 itt, a month: Oily oenne 15tioknoes;oontefnnopoison,arid Hater'fail Piled 10 one n.h' oo traatmont0 i3 et three:"months tuaditinek:Os. arranted, CO Ii FLEXIONW,FERS° Gt nnixiae't - Illeneh the shin, derider!theform. Mariniots, permanent a n feat Wartanted, Prtao $1 a box. or ti;t ottOit tar p5.. ;Whitens nitAXSA 13:0201r8a81'7111'AE1T, idnll Z,ting Eitroot `!Afoot Toroistfi;, 0a2, dsolszeteitineeduretrzezezratlennotiOntenzaerstatatemee Easy oryiug wrdbwa tail;o a new but band soonest i there ill 110th/fig like *et i aro tortraneplanting.—Lei, GV, l"lolinot, 'ed.' o' co •O ` eebd '?O deb - be o eo OSo. Sib ywi of ,off t,5 03 04',20.0 4e, ao` ' . rOV . t, .1 o X t 5 es ' " e { ' 5' Qe , ea ¢, cti citeel- d d. Asa\e r,poe kcc, dcb tiOSwo 5. pG .C°ie el. 43f9 see V•'t''t`` 2r .13\' « o $ e des .i0 \O° 'V got' $ yfib.*C•62' e tegg rP0 +$.5 intana' ®odes rad ti. cyte see G 4 4°e. 0 o o' G°r6 ,boa v4' e 3 o w o , w • o w, e , o t t0`' ado' eo +► 4'4' 90 dote , $ yo 0;eea le0•6 soca . e, ®o— Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late. 583, Oxford Street, London. oar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Peta- I! the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Exeter Lumber Yar The Undersigned wishes ,to inform the public in general that he keeps —constantly in stook— Al 1 Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A large stock of Hemlock always onhand at mill prices. Flooring, g, Si r'trg dressed—inch, inoh-and-a-quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash D c c 1 S Blindse. , Mouldings and. all Finishing Material, Lath, Vi SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrin kage assured. • A call will bear out the above, THE Jas. 51; OLD E Willis^• ( -- STABLISHk7D t 1 1C' ,ZYl-St H 11 ItJ !J iAN AGENT: Hay Townships Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Insurance Co. A; PURELY FARMERS' COMPANY. Lime Stook alto insured, when in the fields or on the road in ohargo of owner, or servant, aieoniannfaoturor of tho Improved Surprise Washer and Wringer Maohinos. Agent for Tomb Stones and the Watson dImplemente, Uudertakingpromply attended to. G. 1I0LTZMA11/41., Z e1, 0n I ki, tl i"r "ri NO E P,Pu4 EI\r A NF9oE ss.4 Yi Yer,naltent opt: P i 147JJ tient guaranteed. iiralar s Ytfhd ,OSdpenhut Put • - d. I)te Ott liar advanta es tb beginners. Stook complete, with faet•selling speelaltles. O17TVIIC rims. '1Vd summates 'What we mistrals, Wrlto !snowN IiY1 OS.,, lwui aoryrne,ft *tlrehe01618d N. 7¢.:,.,:(T1aia house ig tellable l'