HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-3, Page 6BOOTS CHEA.Pisesseessasem _s_owassuserets2=vsererete poweitalineekskumecemer The death ie annOunoeci at Mitehell AND units& oflold Mrs, (Dr,)Bowie at the age of 81 hilAW1610 Oars. Mrs, Bevaie and the Doctor were aaletleg the early pioneers FOR ALL AT Wo:oloh Have lust received a large new stock of all laincle of fine and coarse boots and shoes for the fall aid winter trade. Bought of the beet and leading manufacturiug houses in the Dominion, which I will sell at slight advance on cost prices, Eave also put an addition to my store on account of the increase of my last years' business, sothat p,ow ha,ve the largest and best assorted Titre* eyer offered in Hensel' before. LI a fine shoes I keep sizes, Sizes and E. and D, widths.. Some special cheap lines : Womens' cloth slippers 25c. and upwards " carpet " 40 " " leather 50 " Oxford ties 60 " opera to " 75 " " " buff bals " $1.00 Baby sboes " 20 " " Wigwams men, women and childrezite at cost prices to Clear them out. Rubbers of all sizes, men, samisen and childrens'. I have also on hand a laige stock of hand made long boots, coarse and fine well seasoned for the fall trade, made of first- class material and by first.class workmen. Those who are troubled with corns and bunions can get them cured by leaving their order with ine. No fit no sale. Re. pairiog neatly done and promptly attended to. Cense one come all and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that you oan save money by dealing with me. Fa= produce taken in exchange for goods. No trouble to show goods. Stand opposite Reynolds hotel. DISTRICT DOINGS. Bluevale cheese sold at 10 cents for August make. A few days ago Mr W J. Chesney on the Xippen road, had several sheep killed and worrxed by dogs. The Forsyth farm of 150 acres was sold to Mr. Alex. Moneith, for the stun of $7.900. Sandy got one of the beat farms ux Tuokersmith at a very reasonable prxce. A by•law to raise $25.000 to pay off certain indebtedness was voted on at Stratford on Wednesday, and carried by a vote of 58 to 3. Rey. R. Y. Thompson and wife, of • Londesboro, have arrived home from /their trip to Germany and Scotland -4, and report a pleasant voyage home. Mr. Thos. MoClay, of Mitchell was thrown from his buggy the other day and had two ribs broken. His horae took fright at the oars. The Mitchell Recorder complains of the slowness of the promoters in get- ting the electrio lighting system in order. The rumor in Grit circles at Goder- ieh is that Mr F W. Johnston has been appointed to a county judgeship. Well, what of it ? Young Hedgins, who lost a leg at the station; Parkhill, some time ago, is now recovered sufficiently to be out driving. Mr. J. Young has purchased Mr. Harding Stevens' 90 acre farm, let 15, con. 17, Blanshard. Price paid $4,800. Mr. Stephen has gone to Manitoba. Mr. J. J. McNaughton, of the 19 con., East Williams, has eorn growing on his farm, the stalks of which are over 14 ft. in length. blaster Leslie Vivian, of Mitohelli had the misfortune to have one of his legs broken, on Thursday of last week by a kick from a horse. St. Marys taxation for 1889 is 243; mills an the dollar; last year it was 17,as Parkhill taxes this year will be at the rate or 23 6-I0 mills on the dol- lar. Strathroy has accepted the offer of Mr. Thomas Wrong, of Chatham, to put in a combined electric light and gas service. The electric lights will cost 25 cents a night when used. One evening last week Mr. J. Mun- roe 5th con. of McGillivray, had a Yalnable 2 year old colt either wilfully or accidentally shot by parties un. known. Clinton News -Record : The editor of the Mitchell Recorder informs the News-Recorcl tnat he is not an old maid, and that when he sits down., he sits on his brains. The other afternoon little Frank Atkinson, of Alicia Cirstig, while playing around his father's cooper shop after sthool had the index finger of his left hand taken off by a jointing naachine. • Ate American horse buyer shipped from St. Marys station on Thursday fourteen two-year-old fillies, the average price being about $160. Who says raising horses does not pay? As a haven for retired farmers,. St. Marys occupies a prominent position • among her sister towns and villages in Ontario. The recent unparalled jump in the rate of taxation struck them like a born b -she IL • The new Separate school at Bornish, is now comieleted and school is to commepee in it next Monday under the tuition of Miss Valade, of Chatham who holde high teachers!' certificate and strong recommendatione. Mr. Thomas; Simpsen, of Tdoker- emith, has sold hie ferns containing 50 acres to Mr. JoSepti Fisher for $4,000. This doe e not 1001£ as if land had de- preciated much in value in nicker- • smith. • Mre. Baxter, of Parkhill, who has been suffering from a mental affliction for the past year or so, was last week again taken to the London asylure, from Whence she hacl been removed by her husband a short time ago. •'The store of Mr J Perin, of St, Marys was burglarized Friday night., An en- , trance was obtained through a Window in the rear end of the builditig and $6 •in cash, together with a (identity of goods,. stolen. There is no clue to • the thief. Recently while tinsmith in 3. 0. Gilpin's shop, St. Marys, Were Melting Some lead, Mr. R. Ilamilten reedited some very getiere burns on the legs by the hot Metal el:oiling upon him. 1/e has 'been confined Et) the house ever alti0k Chirdreg Cry for Pallor's Castorla this country and the early settlers Both were very much re- spected. Mitt!! Nellie Creighton, deughte behrY Oreighton, of 131anshard, showed three specimens of her needle and is 16 lua ree me ta- pe ter ve, he he st th de na SS t- 1, a 0 of of PPPPOO•PPP • Special. It is with pleasure that we announce to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide-awake, r of illustrated, farm -magazine, the kismet- osue Fomunla published at Fort Wayne, Ind. and read by nearly 200,000 farm- ers, 'by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come in and pay up all arrearages on subscription to Tams and one year in advance from date, and ten cents additional, and to any new subscriber • who will pay one year in advance and 12 cents additional. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first-class farm journal. The AB/mit/CAN' FAIIIIER is a large sixteen -page toutnal, of national circulation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens., the farmers, whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity, Its highest pur- pose is the elevation and enabling of Agriculture through the higher mid broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subsoription price of the AmEnicola FAR - 18 $1.00 per year, and the sub- smiption price of the Teams is luso $1,00 By taking ridvantag,e. of this offer you ge6 both papers for $1,12. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house - o hold; YET YOU CAS GET IT FREE. Call ° an see sarnPlo copy - 11 s Frank -Leslie's Popular 'Mont1;-.1Y;. a Fon DaTOBIne, 1899. A. new serial story, entitled "Heron's Wife," by Etta W. Pierce, is begun in the October number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The color, picturesqueness and e dramatio force of this novelist Inive already given her a reputation as a sort of Ameri- ean Ouicia—a reputation which this latest work from her pen will fully sustain. The literary and artistic features of this tin in - her of the magazine are even more profuse than t usual. Among the illustrated art- icles are, "Horse -racing in Colonial New York," by John Austin Stephens Quaint Old Japanese Town' (Nikko), by Mabel Loomiss Todd; "Cardinal Lavigerie and the Attic/in Slave -trade," by Marc Valletta ; "Climbing the Peak of Teuer. iffe ; " 'Dicken's London," inoluding a pinture of the recently demolished old White Hart Izin, Southwark, the Beene of the first meeting of those two immortals, Mr. Pick- wick and Sam Weller ; "Trout and Sal- mon Fishing," an admirable outdoor, paper, by Ripley Hitchcock' ; "The California Elephant," by U. F. Holder ; and "Simi. City, Iowa," by John H. Patterson. There are short stories by Madeline Vinton Debt - gran, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Virginia Baker, Lucy Efooper, and others, and poems by Douglas Madan and the late F. 8, Sothis. work at the Inciustrial, Toronto, took two firat prizes and a 8000 The honor is enhanced when it known that Miss Crei,ghton is only years of age. Mr. W. El. 'Graham and Isis son Jo of St. Marys, who recently lost th fitallions at sea, leave in a then ti for Scotland to make another Inver tion of Clydesdale horses, We ho that Mr. Grahans's pluck wtll be bet rewarded this time than it was last, • It is said that Mr, A. El. Musgro teacher, of W hitechureh, will be t next •Conservative candidate for t Local in East Huron, against t'flone 'rein Gibson," who is again the nom nee Of the Reform party Mr. John McDonalci,a of the 11 oon. Weet committed SU01 last week by cuttinghis throat fro ear to ear. fie had been 111 for son) time, and probably beooming ciespo dent, commit ed the raah act. He w 54 years of age, and was highly respect ed. Mr. Charles Curne, • of Park hil hallenges any man in the world In ontest of putting the 14, 16, 18, 2 nd 221b. shot for $1.000 aside. El eposited $100 with the Toronto Eno ire which will remain there for tw 8 hi a to in tr ha ho 11 th Tb a ye co on th mo th on he sots Wa oth cid gre SIIp OD e spr wri ski the wer als Be Silv Par Per Joh Ren • Isa au tow Per 0 a reeks, at the end of which time if n •arson accepts the challenge he wi 'aim the ohampionship ot the world On Monday, Mr. Wm. Clark of Kin urn,drove his team of rather fraction orses attaclaed to a stone boat to eighbor's for water, and was in • th ot of tying them when they suddenly ecame flegntened and dashed off ragging Mr. Clark with thens. H ustained a severe fracture of th knit, He is at present lying in a recarious condition. Mr. Hiram White, of Brussels, on s way through Guelph for Toronto, n Thursday, lost his purse containing sum of money and notes amounting over $100. Mr. White, on discoier- g his loss after gettrog on board 1:xe ain, returned to the city, and was nded his purae and contents by an nest oab driver who had found it. e received as a reward for his honesty e sum of fifty cents. A lamentable accident happened on ursday morning at Clinton whereby small English boy, aged about 11 ars lost his life. He was taking a uple of horses to the show, riding e and leading another. When near e bridge on the Bayfield road, the ming L., R. Je B. train frightened O horses, and the boy was pulled off, e of the animals tramping on his ad, oausing almost instant death. A young man named Samuel Garten, of Mr. George Garten. of West wariosh, was out 'coon hunting the er evening and met with a bad ac- ent. He had climbed a tree to a at height (over 50 feet) when he ped and fell, breaking one thigh, wrist, and was otherwise bably ained and bruised. The broken st-bone penetrated through the n and stuck into the ground. he London Provincial .Exhibiton, prizes for the best farros in Ontario e awarded as follows --Gold med. —Andrew ViTaechter, South 13ruce ; bert Shortreed, South Wellington; ex medals ---,George Hyde, "Hyde k„' township of North Easthope, th; Wm. Esplini North 13ruce ; n Duncan, North Gray; Peter nie, Nicholas tp., Wellington; ac Fisher Col bourne township, West Con. Bronze medals --John nship of Mornington, county or th. Man3 young children become positively repnlsive with sore eves, sore eare, and scald head. Such afflictions may be speed- ily removed by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Young and old alike experience the wonderful benefits of this medicine. • A STRONG FOLLOWING. Many diseases result from neglected con- stipation such as sick headache, bad blood, °al humors, heartbnos, dizziness and general ill health. From ores to three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters is guaran- teed to curelconstipation and an diseases caused by irregularity of tbe bowels. One of the "Fotinger brothers, of Jessie Ames renoun, died in the penitentiary at Stillwater, Minn., where he was serving a life sentence for complicity in the North- field bank robbery. He had been in prison 13 years. SEVERELY ATTACKED. I was severely attacked with diariliosa and vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought I could not live till morning. Six doses of Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry cured rue and I have not had the least symptoms of it einee.—Mrs Alice idopkins, Hamilton, Ont. Last Ally, Stephen Chamberlain, one of the most prominent citizens of Oswego, • disappeared very mysteriously. It wits generally supposed that he was dead and Itis life insurance was paid to his wife. Saturday it became known that Chamber - lam is doing business as a broker in Baltimore, Md, There is no explanation of his strange cooduct. THE POWER OF THE PRESS. Frorci one end of the country to the other the press is making known the wonderful isolative properties of Nasid tam, for catarrh and cold in the head. 15, If Mule roe, Perry Sound, says 1—Nasal Hahn hat no equal as a remedy for cold in the head. 11 18 both opoodily and effective in its ro sults. IN MANY FORMS. Dyspepsia assumes many phases, all dig. agreeable to the sufferes, Vet it takes no forte which two to our bottles of Burdock Blood 'Bitters will not oure. 13. .8. 13, cures dyspepsia, tones the weak stomach, aids digestion, sharpens the appetite and renovatethe entire system. C4NNO1' FAIL Mrs. John 16. Thempeon, of Sbelberne, 0„ writes t --My two children received groat benefit from Extract of Wild StraW- berry for diarrhoea and,sumnier eomplaint, I gave it maims -lite to direction and they soon recoaererl Ba sure and get the gen- nine. IVitiard'a Liniment duties Burns, etc, el A.RRIE D. Hoiertgori—Unals--BY the Rev. T. M Campbell. at the residence of the bride' father, on the 24th., Williatti Remit ton, engineer, of Stratford, to su-ie, daughter of William lire; of St. Marys. Hate—Sueeoe—At the residence of the bridal •father, Olandeboye, on the 17th ult., Thos. Hall, of Lucan, to Cola Sut- ton, daush.ter of Mr. James Sutton, M. D,, of Olandeboye. Murna-Ilneoxs—At the Methodist Parson- age, Varna, by the Rev. John Hutt, Mr. John Muir, section foreman, Seaforth, to Elizabeth Mucks, of the towuship of Stanley. AnarmioNo--HossoN--At the residence of the bride's father, Gerrard street Toronto, on the 201h ult., by the Rev. G. M. Milligan, W. J. Armstrong, M. • D., of Fullerton,to Susie Pillar, fourth daughtey of Benjamin Hobson, Esq. M0Kv.AN--'1nox1Ie.---.A.t the R. C. Church, Parkhill, on Monday, Sept. 23rd, by Rev D. A. McRae, P P., Mr. John McKenna, and Miss Lizzie Tucker, all of 'Parkhill. LAUE/E—CLARKE —At the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. John Grieves, by the Rev. S A. Carriera, on the llth Mr James Laurie to Miss Amanda • Clarke, both of McGillivray. SALE REGISTER: Tuespeg, Oct. 8.—Horses and cattle. the property of Win. Chovvin, lot 0, con 7, ITsborne. Sale at ono o'eloolc, Jas. Oke, auctioneer. Tunsnix, Oct. 8.—Farm, farnt stock and implements, the prorerty of Chris. Willert, lot 22, eon. 12, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. W. Holt, auctioneer. The consciousness of having a remedy at hand for croup, pneumonia, sere throat, and sudden colds, is very consoling to a parent. With a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectonal in the house, one awls, in guch cases, a sanest of security nothing else can give. CONSUMPTION CAN BE OtTRED By proper, healthful exercise, aancl the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphitee, which contains healing and strengthgiving virtues of those two valuable specifies in their fullest form, Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B,, says: "I have been prescribiog Scott's Emulsion with good results. It is espec- ially useful in persone of consamptive tendeitit:" Sold by all druggist, 50 at. an o • CONSUMpTIONa ED. suRE rcuR To TUE DDITORi Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. •By ite timely tole thoueends of hope- less eases have bee ri permanently cuted. I shall be gloat to send two bottles of my remedy PRIM to any of your readers who have consumption if they will fiend me their Exprese and P. 0. address. Permeothilly, Des T. .A, SLOCJUM Termite, Ont, 37 Yeeige street Half Rate Harvest Excursions Will lortve Chicago and Milivalikee via the Gmaneo, Mrpsyn.umni; ct Sr PAM RAITMAY for points in Northert Iowa, Minnesota, Satith and North Dakota, Monlatia, Colo rado, Inas and Nebraska, on August 20, Septembet 10 and 04, and October 8 1889. Tickets acted for return protease withia 30 day3 from ditto of stile* For further informatiota circulars show, • ing rates of fare, maps, and deo address A. V, II, Costemeren, General Pineseoger Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. lEARKET REPORTS. • EXETER (Oorreetedat5 o'cloolf p Wednesdaleij l, Whalet.80 00 to 88 00 Spring Whoa ... SO 00 to 80 00 earley 40 to 48 '2310 25 5 50 to 6 00 „,„ ... 50 to 0 63 ... 0 40 to 0 60 015 to Q 16 s4 to 0 14 ... 00 to 5 65 • ... 40 to $ as) ... 1 00 to 60 .„ 0 4 to 004 0 06 to 0 56 ... 0 07 to 08 ... • 0 25 to 0 30 . „ 6 00 t o 0 25 400 to 5 Q0 • 3 50 to 4 06 .., 6 00 to 6 00 ▪ 0 65 to 90 0 50 to 0 70 .., sante 0 lo a. 0700 t09 00 ... 0 50 to 76 ,., 95 t o 8 oo 'ole ' 010Yet S)ed Timothy " Peas Corn Sfigt Buttes Plourperbbl Potatoes,per hu.shel Apples,per bag DriedAppiespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb •Dueks pe r pr (lat.:ikons per pr Hogs eir es sedpe r 0 Reel ... gidesrough, " dressed ., • Sheepskins erica Oalfskins Wool perlb gayper ton Ouionsuerbusla woodeer cord er: nAltys Fall Wheat , 080 082 Spring Wheat ..... ........... 0 80 0 se [3ar.ey............... 0 95 0 40 Oats 0 27 0 28 Clover Seed 5 50 6(0 'Planothy ... 50 3 00 Peas 0 50 0 50 Eggs.....,. .... . ....... . ..... . 33 0 15 Butter .. , 14 .9 16 Potatoes .per bag . Apples per busb.... ..... ...... ........,. ... 005 avoca per lb 20 0 20 nay porton .. 7 CO 8 On Bran per f.en •.11 On 14 00 Shorts " " '• 20 00 20 00 oatmeal per bbl,,...........,....,6 GO 7 00 LONDON. Wheat, 87o to 92o per bus. Oats, 25-e to 27e poi bus. Peas, 510 to se° per bus. Bar- ley, malting. 48 to 48c per bus. Barley Peed, 384o to 41,1- per bus Corn, 4-5e to 471e per bushel. • TORONTO. Toronto, °cal.—Wheat—Spring No. 2, 81.00 to $1.01per bus; red winter, No, 2, $1 tol 00 per bus Manitoba No S hard, 993 to $1 a No. 2,04c to 950; PEAS 51e to 57o per bus. OATS • 29c 10 800 per bus. FLOUR, extras. 83.75 to $9.80 per bel; straight roller. 84.25 to $4.30 ; strong bakers, $4,00 to 84.80. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, Oct, 1.—Cattle--The market was unusually small to -day,. only twelve milch • cows being offered for sale, three calves and eight small pigs. At noon not one of the cows was sold at the prices asked, which was from $20 10 830 for th e poorer class and from $35 to $45 for the better milkers, The latter would give from eight to twelve quarts per day and the inferior ones from four to dr quarts . The cloves which were poor, sold at $2, $3 and $5 eaoh. and the little pigs at $2 to $2 50 each. 00NointiPTTobr CURED An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed= .his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy andperma- nent euro 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and uadioal cure for Nervous Debiiityandall Nervous Com.; plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has bit it his duty bo make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tnis motive and a desire to relieve n um an sufferiner I wal send free of charge, to all who desirelt, this ref:demon Germ an,French or English, with fulidirectious ter preparing and using. Sent , me.il Py adrt'esg ug w ith stamp, naming this nap e NOYES 149 Power's .731oo7e litishester ADVICE TO MOTZERS.—Are you distarbed's.a nightand broken of your rest by a siok child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttins Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for•Ohil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. tvilleolieme the poor little sufferer im mediately lienendupon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbcea, regulates the Stomach and cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preseription of one of the oldest • and best female pbysicians • and • nurses in• the United States, and is for sale by till druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mns. WirisLow's srrun "and no other ind. MO THE DEAF. --A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any person who applies to Nicaoasort, 177 McDougal street, New York reowinweatgefpalanmons...... :A.1•T 173 BE ITS an IN EDUCATION tS A, COURSE IN THE BUSINESS. Shorthand, English, Penmanship, German le Eleention, or wallow arming Departments of the Detroit Business University. riser ILLUsTRATED CATALOGUE Frunt..sa hzi:iylos E-1 rn rk THE BEST YET! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Overcoatings at any price; Suit- ings at any price ; Paintings at any price. est Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter Gentlertion ! leave yonr orders early, Mr with the best statt ot Teilots ; the best stook of Eine Trimmings, and the beet Cutting in Town, you are gide of atisfamt PU--13,TuaigTlfg13—"S • A WANT SUPPLIED. We will hereafter make and keep on hand, a good supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell it usual pikes and guarantee tbern to all the biil with satisfaction We lespectfully ask it share of your patronage iu this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pumps, and promptly. Iron Pumps will be lournished When Desired. Shop due dor south of Parson's Bleoksmith Shop, Main-st., Exeter. • W. TREVETHICK. DR. FOWLERS oEXT: OF e .wiLD, TRAWBERRY • CURES H•LERA holera. Morbus OLal C--estio-^ R M PS IARRIREA YsENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS' IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FO.R CHILDREN OR ADULTS. A FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune.and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come, You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's 1. tock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, CrockeryGlassware, , Tweeds, THIS YEAR'S U CUT and PLUG 3moking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE DaTAFTLysK ;kr,INDDsR 1E141 00 VH VD RWEONROMRS ADULTS sWEET AS SYRUP AND i QANINOT,HARM THE mo,s-r„, . -,. DeL icA-rc ci-uLrn ..,_ E etc co. 306 (tile,wEe St. glineitinati. SA, MPLOYMENT-4-85-4"- Allft— Tint, ' A11104311, preferredi Also SALARY permonth. All EXPENSES aavnuced. WAS promptly psi& SLOAN DO YOU WANT TO BUY FIRST-CILA_SS FU IMRE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD--- e• —THEN OALL AT— GIDLE Y' Boots and Shoes, in fact everythingS usually kept in a first class general store. See his black and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. suit In Exeter made to order at —ONLY FIRST-CLASSL You can,get the cheapest all -wool R ,e lable Goods Parkinson's. Make no mistake- Consult your own interests and examine his At Prices Lower tnat so -cal- , - stock before making your purchase led Cheap Houses can give elsewhere and you will soon save - enough for a fortune. You can do Undertaking in all its better at the Ohea St ore p Casio than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. . PARKINSON. Branches. S. GIDLEY, successor to 0 & Fl. Gidley) • ODDPELLOW'S BLOCK ER1111)1111 Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires •• ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— Very Finest Prices for Cash e—We have also on hand a full line of— SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stove % and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, .13a-bY Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. , Eave-troughing a . Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BFkOS. JAMES PICKA D EV67V Derartment in the Old Established is. naw inost complete, and fall of the lates-4 ThOvelties. The French, English and American Millinery cant, be excelled, The stock of Dress Goods is larger az cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich B1. colored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shadt, of every design (both long and Short stems, Fine fancy zephers, plain zephers. Sateens and Prints in endless var iOt37c A Bpecial lot of Swiss Etttbroideries for Dresso (lovely goods.) Every lady should see our Dress Trin wings (whleh eon:fain all the latest novelties. Come t and inspect our stock, N. B. --The attention of Dress -makers is speciall called it) the Dress Goods department, JAMES FilCICARO, Exeter