HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-30, Page 17Long w By POROTIIIY 5T, JOHN JACKSON Certified Master Grapl oanalyst Dear Dorothy: A I'm over 50, and young for p e • • 1 N t+' oints S iarpmind mroae.. to ley e. w nt to ,et a selling job and Ii blow y cape U ties. I've had a lot ul experi- ence, and yet M7 age is the barrier. f feel the need to go go goi S.C. Pre-ScaSo Free Pool 11 Take advantage of this sale. Get in the swim with a 'World Famous Hallmark -Fiberglas" Pool'. Backed by the most daring Fiberglas Guarantee. A full 15 years in writing! ... Against chipping, cracking, peeling, rotting, mildew, rusting,or tearing apart. Pool heaters normaliy cost $475 and up. Guarantee yourself Spring installation at Wi'nte'r prices! And, a Free pool heater. Offer Ends February 2 8, 19 75 W FOR A CALL NESIWATE FREE 'fuel hook-up extra Gerhardt Pool Contractors R.R. 1, Ayton 665-7643 Your Hallmark Pool Builder . Registered Tracemark'Owens-Corning hear Age drlscri urination can be .beat. You've got the qua.Ilifica titins to, do it. rIf your age is a, barrier, your mired is not. It's needle sharp, seen in the long points on the n. You're outgoing and friendly, seen in the slant of your writing, and you lave people seen in the large lower loops. Then, that long, strong t crossing is the magnet' that draws others to you and to your way of thinking. You're a natural in sales and the envy of any hopeful salesperson. You know your own mind and can make intelligent deci- sions, seen in the blunt word endings and other strokes. Yet, you've enough give to yield when you see it will ben- efit your cause. Why not watch for the ads which plead for experience? Sometimes businesses will beg for seasoned applicants, then state an age group which couldn't possibly fill the bill. So, as you apply for your job, sell your background. Sell yourself. Forget your age. You may have to write it down, but businesses don't al- ways have to adhere to it. Keep up your appearance and your handwriting says that you have good taste. If you need to diet, do it. Light- weights can break job bar- riers better than, heavy- weights. Act mature and reli- able — but don't act your age. D.J. 1!;&i.e-taadit Z-gro • There are a lot of questions floating around in the -. nariY depths of my mind, and occasion- ally one floats to the surface. It is Usually slapped down by someone (my wife?), or just given a good shot of Raid, and lies over on its side and expires. But recently, the questions have been boiling up like bubbles in a thundermug. I felt I should share them with my long-suffer- ing readers, and among the six of us, we might be able to come UP with some answers. (By the way, if you don't know what a thunder - mug is, ask yotVlum. Your Dad would be too shy to explain.) They are not exactly burning questions, but they do create a small smoulder, from time to time. Why are so many men addicted to hairy appendages to their cra- niums these days? I can under- stand any chap growing. a beard to hide a weak chin. I can under- stand any young man trying to grow a beard. It's part of growing up. But why all these Fu Manchu moustaches? They add nothing whatever to a face that has no character, and they detract from one that does. I'm,.glad I'm not a girl. It must be revolting to kiss a young man and wind up with a mouthful of hair. When I got back to England from prison camp, I had a beau- tiful handlebar job which had taken me ninemonths of constant upsweeping to achieve. It carpe off 20 minutes after I'd looked up my first old girl friend. She said it was like kissing a cow's ear. Blunt but honest, she was. And why do all those older guys; o are skin -bald for the 13i11 ami ey Hair -,raising questions first two- ,' irds of their skulls, insist on growing those long, greasy, forlorn ringlets at the backs of their heads, falling down over their collars? They fool no- body. It doesn't make them look more virile. It merely makes them look scruffy, and silly. They remind me of the guys who used to comb carefully across a completely naked pate eight strands of long hair from their sideburns. Why not face it, chaps? If you have a big belly, stick it out and pat it. If you're a baldy, you're a baldy, ,and you wash your hair with a face -cloth. It doesn't seem to bother the ladies. Yul Brynner has been a sex symbol for years. And that Telly Savalas, or whatever his name is, that mean -looking guy on TV (Rojack? Hojak? Wojak?) seems to be on every second pro- gram, bald as an egg, and about the same shape. I remember an elderish lady whose chief delight was putting a needle into people. She was as bald as a billiard ball on top, but, by a clever contrivance of buns and piling -up, she managed to cover it. Or so she thought. In her joky way, one day, while I had my head bent over a book, in my usual scholarly fashion, she scratched my crown and chortled, "My, you're getting a little thin on top." It didn't bother me. I was. If ft had, I could have said something cruel. Like, "O.K., Rapunzel, let down your hair and we'll climb up and have a look at what you've been hiding all these years." I couldn't. But I didn't like the old bat, and it was time someone blunted her needle. So, I stood up, walked around her twice, my eyes glued to her bum, which GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Horriston 338-3422 anion FACTORY OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL et th. roihrey •frock IN BLYTH WOOL and LEATHER PRODUCTS BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9373 TRAILER SALI:s 6• •:� LLRENTALS HWY. 86E LISTOWEL R.R. • 3 . Starcraft . Jayco . Prowler . Glendale Open 6 days, closed Wed. Satisfaction ales ervice 3 miles east of Listowel . on Hwy. 86 Ph. 291.1158 ARCTIC CAT Nothing runs like a cat Plit F LAWN& SPORTS EQUIPMENT LISTOWEL 291.2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service What We Sell" Service (7Ver '30,000 retic every week MAGNETIC t SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates costly lettering Removable when trading or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES SapethZ , rv.rM. la,+�,• TgRE 1w, `- RGncSERv CF SAES E. SERviCE '� 323.1580 • 323-2043 258 MA,N 5TREE T • MOUNT 1 CREST ONTARIO Josephine St. WINGHAM Ph: 357-3733 Box 709, Durham, PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sof., 8 a. Vn. to 12 Noon Drayton WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP FARM EQUIPMENT Sales and Service Portable Welding Equipment ' Custom Machine Work Stabling DRAYTON Res. 638-3008—Shop 638-2295 POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE Sales and expert repairs to all small engines STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 INCOME TAX PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen, - Individuals' Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency *Avoid the.Rush e ctor Tot HADCO Well Drilling 81, Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells Sulphur Free Wells Deepening & Repairing Caissons- E a rth boring Elevator Shafts A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Auger Rental Equipment For Any Job ELMIRA. 669-3761 ST. MARYS 2844702 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a toll for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 CROSSROADS WANT AD CALL 357-2320 291-1660 323-1559 Commodore Canada 119`""" When you "buy a Lakehursf Mobile Home you "get what you ask for" Also See Don for all leisure time trailers DON McPHA1L MOTORS ,338-3422 Harriston W. D. `BILL' MAY STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire ITAT1 •A•M TNTYuANC. WINGHAM 357-3280 • TRIAN a LE TIRE Distr .ut•rs Ltd. W olesle and Retail PASSENGER FARM TRUCK On the form service Phone 291 2521 LISTOWEL AI's Collision Service Phone 351-2206 Conc. 2, Morris Twp. ,Repair and Refinishing Enamel and Laquer Rust Repair Frame & Body Work ON CARS & TRUCKS If Repairable We Do It • looked like the east end of a cow going west, smiled, and said gently, "Yes, my dear, but per- haps it's better to be getting a little thin on top than gargantu- ously thick on the bottom." She scuttled to the coffee urn, eyes atwitter to see of anyone had heard, and shut her mouth for three whole days. I think it was the word 'gargantuously' that flang her. This started out as a question period, and is turning out to be a piece about hair. Sorry. I've nothing against hair, as such. I'm not one of those back-to- the-brushcut people. Lordy, if someone made 'all my students (male) cut their hair, I'd have to learn their names all over again, and it's already taken me three months to identify the shaggy dogs. In fact, I rather enjoy the mod- ern novels, which state that, "She ran h+er hands through his long, silken hair," just as much as [en- joyed the old novels which stated that, "He ran his hands through her long silken hair." Men's Lib. If you can find some silken hair, which is a lot scarcer' than you think, grab ontd it and run your hands through it. One group I do feel sorry for during this fad is the old-fash- ioned barber. There's no such thing as a young barber. The young ones are all hair stylists. For the old-timers, business is pretty sketchy. Some of them are cutting -so -little hair these days - the odd gray lock here, another there - that they don't even need a broom to sweep the floor. they just use a garden rake. I'm sorry. This started out as a columns of questions about the energy mess, politicians who need a .33 per cent raise in pay and other such, and it wound up as nothing but another of my hairy columns. No wonder my life is such a mess. I can't keep to the trail. I'm like a finely trained deerhound who goes haring off after a hare when he should be pursuing a buck. Q. How can I deal with mildew stains on white linens?.. A. Boil the linens in water in which two tablespoons of bakinsoda have been added for each quart of water. - Q. How can 1, when painting win dow frames, mask the .lass when,1 have no real masking tape on hand? A. Cut a sheet of newspaper to. the size or the window pane, dampen it, and press it tightly against the glass. This 'will do a good job of keeping your glass free of paint spatters. Q. How can 1 remove ink spots from wallpaper? A. Touch lightly with water and apply a blotter, then treat with oxalic acid. If, the color of the paper affected by the acid, touch up these spots with water colors or a wax crayon. t> i pary 30, 1973 ---Page 3 H. GORDON GREEN "-fl Believe it or not when the weatherman told us that we were going to get that last big howler•of a storm, I actually looked for- ward to it. You would have to go back to the days when I was a boy on, the farm to explain a reaction lie that, I suppose. You see I was brought up by parents who be- lieved implicitly in God, oatmeal porridge and what the sociolo- gists now describe as the "Prot- estant Work Ethic". If I interpret the latter term correctly it simply meant that if you were a genuine 'born again' Christian, the one sure way to stay in grace was to work like hell. Except for the Sabbath, idle- ness was just as surely a thing of the Devil as dancing or ,card - playing or the ouija board. But one of the very few times when God apparently forgave you an idle day or two was when He sent you a holy roaring old buzzard of a blizzard. Then it was all right for you to just hibernate. Oh, you milked, and fed the horses, of course, and you made sure that your woodbox was well stacked, but mostly you sat with your sock feet on the oven door and read the Family Herald. Or if you didn't mind wearing the batteries down, you listened to the radio. Sometimes you were quite cot - tent to just crawl away and doz€. Remember that old couch that used to be squeezed in behind the kitchen stove in every farm kit- chen? Remember how wonderful ilwas to stretch out on that, snug as a bug i a rug? How luxurious it felt to curl up there with a book and dog and laugh at the wind howling down the chimney at you? Only trouble was that your old man or your kid brothers would often get in there ahead of you. Sometimes too your mother would be cruel enough to hand the diaper wash up over your face and you'd get caught in the fall- out. Also, at our house there was an unwritten law that the guy who had that coUch also had to lug in the wood which kept it warm, and at our place that was a pretty high price to pay because the woodshed was way out by the backhouse where the wir,}cf ,bad: no mercy at all:— • • But regardless of how you passed the time, it was really de- lightful to be snowbound in those days. It was a gentle time, a time when you could know the full meaning of a family, a recess which the Almighty seemed to have sent so you would have to take time out from rush and care and let your soul catch up with you.' Well, it's not quite the same when a storm hits our jet-pro- pelled world of today. And yet is seems to me that even in the busiest of city streets a heavy snowstorm has a lovely magic to hush the rush and bury the noise of this thing we call Progress. And did you ever notice that lifter we give up trying tado battle with *le storm - after we give up siwearing at the road depart - 1 CROSSWORD + + + By A. C. Gordon •I 1. 3 V. s 6 11 1 9 to It ■� 13 ■ eV ■ e� ■■ 16 • « ■■■•■'e I% •o' ■ " III■ 'a 23 ■x4 % ll•fl ■III111. ■ 30 ■■ It 'l ■■ ■ ■ illy'. ■ Vi 43 yy ■■ ■ Vs Vb 11111 y' ■��� 4e 40 To ill■ Si A C R CfS S 1 - Arctic gulf 3 - Sudden gush 7 Parent 9 - Like better 11 - Antenna 13 - Preposition 14 - Disturbances of the peace 16- Male title of respect 17 - Reconcile 19 - Denoting one of the continents 21 - A bu 1 ld ing e xtenf torte 22 - Ore deposit 23 - Biblical patriarch 27 - Criticizes severely 28 - Wading bird 29 - Formal legal order 3O - A cover 32 - To mimic 33 Powdery substrate 35 - Irregular rotary device 37 - Sudden break 39 - Investigate 42 - Male nickname 44 - Italian provincial capital 45 - Negative 46 - To raise in esteem 47 - Happens again 49 - Doctor's degree 50 - Tyrolean style of singing S1 - Prepoaltlon D OWN 1 - Beginning of .opera. 2 - Makes a summary 3 - Withered 4 - Self-esteem 5 - Amount of assessment 6 - Experiment 7 - Travesty 8 = Male nickname 10 - Printer's unit 12 - Roman 999 - Lubricates 17 - Of a Biblical country 18 - Geometric figure 19 - Was Emits - posed 20 - Wading birds 23 - Ofacereal 24 - To prevent, in law 26 - Spanish hero 2- - Frtar'8 title 31 - Common estimation 34 - To set on end 35 - African capital 16 - 1'ccleslastical headdress 3h To miscarry 40 - Radiograph 41 - French marshal 43 - Ministerial degree 4S - Greek letter 46 - Printer's unit 48 - Thus ment's stupidity, after we give up , trying to shove the car out of the drift, after we give up waiting for a bus, we are apt to become , most human again? We try, to make snowballs, We been tog. laugh and joke with people we never saw before. We walk right down the middle of constipated main street now singing, "Let is snow! Let is snow!" And we quit fretting about. we're going to gelid, me or when. After all, we now have the one perfect excuse for a night on the town. , Our worries are buried along with everything else. Seems to me that for all the changes that have come to our winters since I was a farmboy, the Man Upstairs still likes to send .us a real oldtime obliterat- ing blizzard once in.a while just,to make us give ourselves time ,for our souls to catch up. Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m.,, Wednesday of week prior to pub, lication. For Sale GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers for sale; also large fully serviced and land- scaped mobile home lots for rent. First sideroad west of Stratford on Highway 8, 1/2 mile north. -Cry- stal Lake Mobile Homes Court Ltd.,; RR 5, Stratford. Phone 393- 6121. tf . - -� tWanted CARPENTER wanted by con- tractor for light framing leading to supervisory position. Send resume by mail to Box 351, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham. Notice ATTENTION SKIERS ' Minto Glen open this season Saturday, Sunday and school holidays 10:30 a ‘m. to 5 p.m. Flood lit for night skiing Satur- days 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. New lodge facilities, rentals and run. Down- hill and cross-country skiing, snowmobiling and tobogganing. Special rates on season's tickets for families or dubs MINTO GLEN SKI CLUB, HARRISTON, Dial 338-2007 or 338-2722.' rrm, JOHNSON'S MEN'S WEAR 580,000. STOCK LIQUIDATION SALE Continues until SATURDAY, FEB. 8th 10-50% ..... DISCOUNT Everything in the store marked down for this SALE at Mount Forest 323-2686