HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-23, Page 10sae 1 The Wir ham Advance -`l ea, Thursday, January 233, 1975 SELL ir aer ire Rion: 1,111011111111111111.111111.111.111MININIF For Sale TECO OIL BURNER with circu- lating fan. Phone 357-1463. MIXED GRAIN. Phone 523-9369. Snowmobiles Livestock For Sale Notice To Creditors Wanted NEARLY NEW, Jayco truck cap (camper), fits most pick-ups. Phone 357-3227. WARM UP winter by having an Olympic wood burning fireplace installed in yoo...• home with field stone, rock facing or brick facing. Average installation takes about three days. Approximate cost for fireplace, chimney, facings and installation is $1,200. Phone 335- 3124 or 335-3963 for free estimate. ALLAN'S ALUMINUM Winter- Special on trill C 200 slider or D.H. up to 60 U.I. Now is the time to order your basement storm windows and save. Example - old price $27.27, winter special $21.87, in- stalled and guaranteed. You save $5.40. Good only to February 28, 1975. Phone 392-6065. Clip this ad out for future reference. • 9-16-23-30 JAMES SCHILL MARKET GAR- DEN, RR 2, Teeswater has for sale cabbage, carrots, turnips and onions at very reasonable prices. Sauerkraut 20 cents per lb., red potatoes 8 cents per lb. rrb Mar.6 SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac- turers of odd size wooden sash for house and barn. Located on High- way 87 at Gorrie. Phone 335-3963. Evenings: 335-3124, 335-3202. . rrb BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb YOU ARE WELCOME to browse in Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham where they have a large display of gifts forall occa sions. rrb WINE -MAKING accessories available at Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham, 357-3631. rrb Wanted To Buy OLD FASHIONED wicker chair. Phone 335-3093. . • CHEST OF DRAWERS. Phone 887-6633. 16-23 PETS FEMALE DOG, good with chil- dren. Phone 357-1463. Real Estate RETIREMENT HOUSE. One bedroom, brick bungalow, three- piece beth, kitchen, double living room, good basement. Phone Brussels 887-6672. TWO STOREY, insul brick pouse, on large corner lot close todown- town, three bedrooms, living room, separate dining room, large modern kitchen, two bath- rooms, large driveway. Phone Charlie Lee, 357-1383. 23-30-6 THREE BEDROOM house in Wingham. Phone 357-2123. 23-30 WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM Two storey solid brick, well situ- ated,, seven room home in Wing - ham. Oil furnace, kitchen cup- boards, large lot, selling to settle an estate. One and a half storey frame house, three bedrooms, small barn with steel roof, town water in house, 1/2 -acre of land, situated in Lucknow. This property is being sold to settle an estate. 48 -acre farm situated on paved highway, approximately five acres of bush, balance is choice arable land, ample water supply. Several other properties for sale in Wingham. 1974 SKI -D00 TNT, 340 c.c., like new, low mileage. Phone 357- 3155. 1975 SKI -D00 Olympic, 340, tac and speedometer. Phone 887-6872. 1973 JOHN DEER JDX 4 and 1971 Ski -Doo TNT. Phone 528-2322 Lucknow. Help Wanted HURON COUNTY Public Li- brary requires supervisor for Wingham Branch to work 30 -hour week. To be responsible for branch supervision. Position open February 1, 1975. Apply in writing to Mr. W. Partridge, Huron County Public Library, 60' Lighthouse St., Goderich, N7A 4A4. 23-30 PERMANENT HELP wanted for local poultry farm. No experi- ence necessary. Applicants must be willing to accept responsibi- lity. Excellent fringe benefits available. Contact Don McKinley at 357-2928 or 357-2448. DEPENDABLE PERSON who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 in a year, plus bonus. Contact customers in the Wingham area. Limited auto travel. We train. Airmail G. W. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petro- leum, P.O. Box, 789, Ft. Worth, Tx. FULLER BRUSH CO. To buy or sell our products Call 1-296-4646 D. Wight, RR 2, Thedford, Ontario. Territories are now open in Huron and Bruce. $3.00 to $5.00 per hour. 23-30-6 BABYSITTER in my home weekdays, two small children. Phone 357-3206. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE , LEARN HAIRDRESSING — for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland' Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ORGANIST and choir leader for Angl%an Church. Duties and sal- ary to be negotiated. Apply to the Rector, Box 297, Wingham. rrb SALES PERSONNEL wanted to sell Watkins Products in Tees - water, Wingham, Lucknow, Brussels and surrounding town- ships. Full time or part-time. Earning potential unlimited. Phone 392-6065. rrb PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES • REQUIRED ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Can you spare two hours a day? Do you want to bank a substantial amount of money each month? We have openings in the Motor Club Field with High Guaranteed new and renewal commissions. Contact Regional Supervisor, Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred St., Wing - ham, phone 357-1383. 9-16-23 GOOD TRAINE 4 riding horses and brood mares. Contact Hans Kulle, RR 2, Lucknow. 16-23 HOLSTEIN BULL calves and crossbred suitable for veal. Phone 357-1769. MUSCOVY DUCKS. Phone 357- 3331. Miscellaneous Ili YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent-- LLOYD gent—LLOYD MONTGOMERY ' 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb ' MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr PIANO "AND ORGAN SALES Piano tuning and repairing. Low- rey, Thomas, Yamaha, Orcana organs. A full line of chord organs at Ernie King's. Call Hap Swat - ridge, Wingham 357-2785. rrb TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North .; Huron Credit Union.. Ask about "'tour spe al deposit account. tele- t' phone Wednesdays, 357-2311. rrb For Rent MODERN THREE bedroom, semi-detached home, two baths, carpeting in bedrooms and living room, finished rec. room, stove and fridge supplied. Available early March. Apply to Box 352; Wingham Advance -Times. 23-30 GOOD, CLEAN, dry warehouse space available, centrally -locat- ed in Wingham. Phone 357-1411. rrb ARTICLES FOR RENT. Dustless floor sanders and rug shampoo- ers, Daugherty Pro Hardware,' Wingham. rrb OFFICE FOR RENT. Double of- fice and storage area, centrally located in Wingham, electric heat, fluorescent fixtures and carpeting, washroom, off-street parking. Phone 357-1411. rrb NEWLY RENOVATED, two bed- room apartment, close to main street. Phone 357-2433. rrb HELP WANTED General utility person for the village of Brussels and P.U.C. Commission, who would be required to have some electrical and water experience and general knowledge of village main- tenance. Please give a resume of experience and state salary expected. Applications to be in the Municipal office by February 7, 1975. WM. H. KING, .Clerk -Treasurer, Village of Brussels, Ontario. 23;30 a Help Wanted CLUB STEWARD AT LISTOWEL GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Duties to commence April 1st until October 31st Interested Persons apply in writing to: GORDON WILSON, 380 ELMA ST. E. LISTOWEL, N4W 2E5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK NELSON SHARPIN ALIS, -PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Gerrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Labourer, who died on December 30, 1974, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 8th day of February, 1975. AFTER that date the Execu- trices will proceed' to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 14th day of January, A.D. 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES' Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 23-30-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET MAE MacLEAN ALL PERSONS having..claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Merchant, who died on December 3rd, 1974, are required to file roof of same with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of February, 1975. AFTER that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 17th day of January, 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitots for the Administrator. - 23-30-6 Cars & Trucks 1965 METEOR Montcalm Con- vertiWel,$52,,.Yr&.,, automatic f bucket seats,,floor console, black with red interior, excellent condi- tion. Phone 523-9643. 23-3U 16 OPP CARS, seven 1973 Fords; four 1973 Chevs. ;• four 1972 Dodges; one 1972 Chev.; power brakes and steering, heavy duty police 'equipment. Mighton's Car Sales, four miles west of Durham on Highway 4 next to post yard. Phone Durham 369-3136. 1971 DATSUN, 510, new paint, 49,000 miles, excellent shape, must sell. Phone 887-6872. 1965 MERCURY one -ton, four speed, V-8, good condition, priced reasonably. Neil Riritoul, RR 2, Lucknow, 357-2208. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2. WROXETER on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Tenders Wanted Township of Howick TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for supplying furnace oil for the Municipal shed and diesel fuel for the graders for a two-year period. TENDERS to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent by February, 4, 1975 at 5 p.m. LOWEST or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Carroll Johnson, Township of Howick, Road Superintendent, Fordwich, Ontario. 16-23 Found A RING has been turned in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Owner may obtain by identifying same. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST CODERJCH The Square 524.7661 HORSE, sound, 15.3 hh or over, schooled English. Contact D. Henderson, 61 Fairfax Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario. Lost IN VICINITY of Morris Town- ship, between Bluevale and Wingham, a black and white dog, part Samoyed, part Border Col- lie. If found, please phone 357- 2206. GOLD WRISTWATCH with black leather band, on Josephine Street, Wingham on Friday, January 17. It was a gift and is of sentimental value to »the owner. Contact The Wingham Advance - Times office at 357-2320. 23-30 Notice Township of Howick Re: Snow plowing Neither township nor plowmen will be responsible for -vehicles or mailboxes, etc. left in the way of snowplows. Ratepayers will be responsible for any accidents, or damage to snowplow, caused from snow dumped on roads, or, if it has' to be removed by town- ship equipment, they will be charged. Section 89 (9) of the Highway Traffic Act reads, "no person shall park or stand a vehi- cle on a highway in such manner as to interfere with the move- ment of traffic or the cleaning of snow from the highway." By order of Howick Township Council 16-23 COUNTY APPOINTMENTS Non County Councillors Each year the County Of Huron makes certain appointments to various local boards or commit - .,..tees. At the present time the E;ecutive. Committee is . consid- ering county app intments to each local hospital board. If you are interested in having your name considered for such an appointment, please submit de- tails in writing by, February 3, 1975 to the undersigned. John G. Berry, Administrator, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2 Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clin- ton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation. rrb Jan. (1976) Work Wanted AUTOMATIC saw filing, hand saws and skill saw blades. Roy C. Schmeller, RR 2, Wingham, 357- 1291, a 23-30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DO YOU BELIEVE that life offers more than you have been able to accomplish? Do you believe it's still not too late for a lifetime sales career? One which could mean $10,000 to $15,000 per year? If so, send a brief resume to: Box 350, The Wingham Advance -Times. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ross Orvis, Oil Springs, wish to announce t the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Bonnie Jean to David Arnold Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Butler, RR 1, Petro- lia. The wedding will take place on February 15th, 1975 at 4 o'clock in the Centennary United Church, Oil Springs, with the Rev. Lorenzo Ramirez officiat- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Beninger, Wingham wish to announce the marriage of their oldest daugh- ter, Paula Bertha to Brian Charles Alton, oldest son of°'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alton, Wingham. Wedding to take place on February 1, 1975. Classifieds 357-2320 TOURS TROPICAL TEXAS -19 -day escorted tour to New Orleans and Padre Island, Texas departs Feb. 1. Features 9 -night stay in beau- tiful apartments on the 'beach at Padre Island (Corpus Christi) also visits Mexico, Houston, Dallas and more. Free bro- chures. Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. 14 -DAY Deluxe Florida Tour— Includes transportation, accom- modation, baggage handling, escort service, side trips and ad- missions. Features: St. Petes, Miami, Orlando, St. Augustine and more. Departs Jan. J8 and March 1. No night driving. Free brochures. Fettes Tours, 184 Main St., Mount Forest. WINTER BREAK—Special 9 - night tour to Florida departs March 14. Features 6 nights on beautiful St. Petes beach. Fully escorted with deluxe motor coach transportation and excellent ac- commodation. Reserve while spaee is still available. Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. FLORIDA-NASSAU—=14-day tour departs Feb. 1, includes Dis- neyworld, Busch Gardens, Cape Kennedy and Foster Memorial. Also a delightful 3 -day cruise to Nassau aboard the Bahama Star. All meals, tips and taxes included aboard ship. A complete Florida tour and' island cruise. A few seats remain. Fettes Tours and Travel, 323-1545, Mount Forest. FLORIDA BEACHCOMBER SPECIAL -14 -day Florida tour spends 6 nights in St. Petes on the beach. A relaxing tour with plenty of free time. Some seats remain for Feb. 15 departure. Fettes Tours and Travel, 323-1545 Mount Forest. ALL STAR TOURS . ' The Finest in Motor Coach Escorted Tours FLORIDA TEXAS CIRCLE TOUR—Nashville, Grand Ole Opry, Pensacola (Florida), New Orleans, 'Padre Island, Mexico, San Antonia, Texas. 16 -day tour from $385.00. Leaves January 25th, February 22nd and April 12th. 'FLORIDA RELAXATION HOLI- DAY—Spend 22 days at the world's most famous beach - Daytona. Hotel 'efficiencies in= eluded at Daytona. Many option- al side tours available. 28 days. Five departures, from $360.00. FLORIDA COMBINATION HO- LIDAY—Disneyworld, Cypress Gardens, Sea World, Silver Springs, with return routing along coastal states. Ft. Lauder- dale option with Jungle Queen cruise tour of Miami. 14 days, from $259.00. Starting January 18th and leaving every weekend for 13 weeks. FLORIDA ECONOMY HOLI- DAY -12 -day tour for only $239.00. " FLORIDA CIRCLE TOUR—SiI- ' ver Springs, St, Petersburg, Busch Gardens, Disneyworld, Sea World, Ft. Lauderdale, Miaani tour, Jungle Queen cruise, Daytona and St. Augustine. 16 days, from , $320.00. Leaving January 25th, February 22nd and April 12th. 21 -DAY FLORIDA DELUXE TOUR—from $380.00. Three de.= partures. CALIFORNIA & THE GOLDEN WEST—from $500.00. Nine de- partures. For the most experienced motor - coach holidaymakers call All Star Tours. Toll free 1-800-265- 8620. 23-30-6 EUCHRE PARTY Euchre at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham on Thursday, January 23 at 8:30 p.m. Prizes, lunch. Admission 75 cents. TALENT SHOW Wingham Lions Club 4th annual talent show, Wingham Town Hall, Thursday, January 30 at 8 p.m. Tickets at the door. 23-30 THINK METRIC Think metric. This course starts Feb. 29, 8 p.m., at F. E. Madill Secondary School. Phone 357-1800 for more information. CASH BINGO There will be a cash bingo in the Wingham Legion on Wednes- day, January 29. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 8:30 p.m. 15 - $10 games; two "share the wealth"; one special must go $50; jackpot line on six calls $1,180; consolation prize $50. BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday night bingo at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls. Share the wealth and regular games. •e. rrb ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Auxiliary to Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital will be held Mon- day, 4anunry.27 at 2 p.m. in the Clinic Building. All annual reports are due in writing. 16-23 ANNUAL MEETING North Huron Credit Union annual meeting, Friday, Febru- ary 7. Dinner and dance, Bel - grave Women's Institute Hall. Get tickets early. 23-30 EUCHRE Euchre party every Tuesday at Sacred Heart Church Parish Mall, 8:30 p,m. rrb DANCE Dancing at the Wingham Legion, Saturday, January 25. Music by the Nite-Lites. Admis- sion $4.00 per couple. Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over. Gaming Events MEETING CANCELLATION The January meeting of the Association of the Mentally Re- tarded is cancelled. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday night, February 24. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Howick Agricultural Society will be held Thursday, January 23 at 8:30 p.m. in the Howick Commu- nity Centre, BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, January 24th, at 8:30 p.nlr. in Wroxeter Commu- nity Hall. Admission $1. 12 Regu- lar games for $10 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special; Jackpot of $90 on 56 calls; Door & Con- solation Prizes. " WINGHAM BODY SHOP Complete Collision Repairs and PaindOng Towing Service Radiator Cleaning and Repairs SID ADAMS Proprietor WINGHAM, ONT. Res. 357-1171 Bus. 357-1102 IS THERE A FORMULA FOR SUCCESS? Con you begin right now on a career that will let you earn: $10,000 to $15,000 first full year? "e The Answer is "Yes!" Through both boom and recession years, our formula has worked. The earnings above are typical, not exceptional. And dozens and dozens of our people in Sales win advancement, and income of ' = $20,000 to $35,000 You con qualify, Check: O Legal age or over O Willing to travel ( ) Sports minded ( ) Ambitious, looking for a career, not just "work" IA CONSIDER THESE FACTS: We're a half century old organization, with annual income near" a \quarter -billion dollars a year. We are TOP-RATED in our industry. You will be guaranteed 2 weeks training in Toronto then $1,000 a month 'guaranteed immediate earning to' start . . : Proven sales method (to businessmen and professionals, business hours, some rural calls) ... Most of your day spent selling, not "prospecting." YOU CAN ADVANCE faster in Sales! Your commissions build year by year. We keep training you to move up. NO limit on how fast or far you can progress. Cb l ow for a career interview. e. John Pettinger Kincardine, call cfbllect 396-3444 Wed. and Thurs. 9 o. -m. to 7 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Company M/F Business and Professional Directory Chiropractic Associates HEALTH CENTRE Wingham, Ontario R. Bray, D.C. D. Lee, D.C. 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PHONE 357-2320 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-2712 REID AND. PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 Josephine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W. Reid, C.A.