HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-16, Page 14. P2- eroaS ds ansa 16, 1975 -- ;t ti all ilial 4 le ill II ill III ill ' WI 111 II CI al 0. iiiiiiiiill al 16 WI 111111 ■ � iiii le at0 III al ■■ al II %4I 111■■■� 1■ I�■ Iii" iill ill■t■• til ■ Iii■ il■��■t hil■■ ill■ iiia " " ■ ■ ill■ ■ 44 4S %Hi 47 ACROSS 1 - Query 4 - Opportunely 10 - United 11 - Male nicknaine 13 - Adolescent 15 -Like 16 - To cut 17 - Indisposed 18 - Aloft 19 - Distinctively hued horse 20 - Careened 22 - ShortenedSpain 23 - Incumbents 25 - Border 26 - Reconnoiter ,27 - Preposition 28 - Nourished 29 - Golf device 30 - One or the other (abb . ) 31 - Zeal 32 - Special time 33 - Circle segment 34 -,Abbreviated, room 35 - Real charm 36 - Top of head M� 38 - Opposed to (abb.) 39 - One of the girls (collaq.) 41 - Maxim 42 - In reference to 43 - Roll up the flag 44 - Tbat is (Latin abb . ) 45 - Wheel part 46 - Infinite 47 - Go astray DOWN 2 - Inflates 3 - Cognizance 1E00 EIEDWOMM M MC1fi70170 © I WOMC 00 0127000 WEAN UM EMU 0 U uN1WUNE L LIU FiiLIIU �L I LUUUW LEEJ UU PM@EU MOM ®©0 EU i OURIAElilel W W UkiI! L tJ[] 1LJfli0 ►Wt'UIJLL3 EU =W© © 1E1 1F1 I� 000EU IA EEO Vera gets If you think you get more mail than you can wade through, then you might - just might - have an idea of what Vera McNichol of Millbank faces. .And not just at Christmas time either. As everybody in the Crossroads area knows, Vera Ernst McNich- ol is many things to many people. She is a noted author, a wise, humble, honest and compassion- ate woman and a clairvoyant of considerable reputation. It is because of her reputation that she is sought out by all kinds of people Those who can't get to see her personally write her let- ters - .and more letters. Despite the time and effort in-. volved, Ms. McNichol answers all her mail. Right now she . is dealing, with correspondence she received in - May 1974. In tha, month alone she received no fewer than 23,983 letters. Unfortunately time and effort isn't all Vera spends in answering her mail. Many of those writing to her for advice or assistance, While. they expect.her to give their wants her undivided attention, do not have the courtesy;, to include return postage for a reply. ' Now eight cents doesn't seem like -much, but when you multiply it by the number ,of letters Vera gets, it adds up. In March 1974 alone, Vera McNich& paid $400 out of her own pocket to answer letters. It isn't exactly peanuts, 4 - Fitted 6 . 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 26 28 29 32 33 35 36 37 40 42 43 45 :.Foot part - Thoroughfare (abb . ) - Punishment - Norse deity - Regarding usefulness - Doubtfully - Aerial train - Thus - To escort - RuralDelrvery - Printer's unit - Bringer of legal action - A standard - Fissures - Plundered - Journeys - Elementary Latin (abb . ) - Debater - Germanium (chem - Misery - Tellurium (chem.) - Argon (chem.) - Thing, in law - Adversary - Iron (chem.) letters! Not that Vera is complaining. In fact this busy little woman is unaware that these bits of infor- mation received in an all -too -rare unsolicited letter from her are being made ,public. On the brighter side, Mrs. McNichol's friends and readers will be pleased to hear that the_ fourth volume of her autobio- graphy, Your Two Cents' Worth, is to be out soon. The third volume of the series, Across Our Kitchen Table (492 pages, which - retails for $5.50), has sold over 9,000 copies since last April. Another . of Mrs. McNichol's books, an early book of miscel- laneous poems, Little Drops of Water, is now sold out, but is to be reprinted soon. Two other earlier books, Reflections of Sunshine and Sunshine and Afterglow, are also sold out:, Besides her books of poetry, in- cluding . Bible. Stories in Verse, and her autobiography, Vera Mc- Nichol has written Reveries of a Pi" leer which is the history of Perth County written especially for the Canadian centennial. Taken from this 612 -page history, the histories of the townships are also available in. separate book-' lets. Anyone wishing more informa- tion about any of Mrs. McNichol's books -can contact her by writing to her at Millbank, Ontario, postal code NOK 1LO. And don't forget that return postage. It's clean am.m..1000w This is the time of the year for "out with the ord, in with the new". 1 honestly did try to do this. But it was hopeless. I,got bogged down, right up to the navel, in my first attempt to get rid of the old. 1 decided, as my year-end project, to clean up my writing desk. This may sound simple, a mere 15 minutes of sorting and tidying. But you are not acquain- ted with my writing desk. Perhaps you remember the myth about Hercules cleaning out the Augean stables. They were filled with cattle, hadn't been cleaned in decades and there was a veritable mountain of you - know -what. A formidable task. He did it without even using a pitch -fork. He diverted the flow of two rivers through the stables, and lo! they were cleansed. CROSSROADS Copy for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m., Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. Wanted , To Buy USED PIANO, any condition Phone 291-2297. 2-9-16 For. Sale GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers for sale; also large fully serviced and land- scaped mobile home lots for rent. .. First sideroad west of Stratford on Highway 8, 1/2 mile north. Cry- stal Lake Mobile Homes Court Ltd., RR 5, Stratford. Phone 393- 6121'. tf Notice ATTENTION SKIERS Minto Glen open this"'season Saturday, Sunday, and school holidays 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Flood lit. for night skiing Satur- days 7:30 to 16:30 p.m. New lodge facilities, rentals and run. Down- hill and cross-country skiing, snowmobiling and tobogganing. Special rates on season's tickets for families or clubs. MINTO GLEN SKI CLUB, HARRISTON, Dial 338-2007 or 338-2722. Cork coasters functional, pretty Ey BUROKER & HUNTSIN'i ER Cork coasters are easy to make, prove very functional, and can be decorated to be pretty souvenirs and unusual gift items. If you lift a three -or four -in - inch -square piece of cork you will find it is surprisingly light in weight. It is also an easy substance to cut or slice. When bought in small sheets at a -hobby shop or novelty counter, it is hard to believe that this material originally conies from a live oak tree. A cork tree is green all year round but needs a favorable climate. For some reason, it is only found in great abundance in Portugal, Spain and Algeria. Although the tree (Han live to be three or four hundred years old, it seldom _grows_to more than. 50. feet in -_-- height. And it must be at least 20 years old before the bark° is thick enough to be stripped and' manufactured into the products with which we are so familiar. It is a most versatile light- weight, spongy substance since it does not absorb water very easily and can be com- pressed a great deal while, at the same time, springing back into shape if allowed to be re- leased. History tells us that • the early Romans wore warm cork sandals and the first cork bottle stoppers appeared in the 1600s. Nowadays, cork is used particularly for insulation. It is pressed into "boards" and used as pipe coverings, in cold storage plants, ice cream fac- tories and oil refineries. The buoys on which sailors depend upon as harbor markers are --often mad om-cork,. Soda pop caps are sealed with cork linings and the wine industry, Crossroads Published every Wednesday as the big, action cross-country section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -Times and The Mount Forest Confederate. Wenger Bros. Limited. publishers. Box 390, Wingham. Barry Wenger. Pres. Robert 0 Wenger. Sec-Treas. Display and Classified ad deadline— Tuesday. week prior to publication date REPRESENTATIVES Canadian Community Newspapers Association, Suite 51, 2 Bloor St., West, Toronto 962-4000 Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc . 127 George St . . Oakville 884-0184 rrm ,as well aj makers of vacuum bottles, include cork stoppers in their product manufacture. To make your Own cork coasters, glue a layer of felt to ,the back of a thin, square piece of cork to give it added body. Then decorate it with small shells or very tiny peb- bles that are glued all around the outside perimeter. This makes an attractive border and also serves to- display bright and colorful souvenirs found at the beach or along paths enjoyed on a nature hike. Any standard glass will fit inside this cork holder, and should some ice tea or .carbo- nated beverage spill, the cork can easily be wiped of any spots. On the other hand, hot or cold objects that might stain a finished wood surface, are guaranteed to be_pro- tected by the &ark. So a set of such coasters will be a wel- comed gift by anyone lucky enough to receive them. (0: That was child's play com- pared to cleaning off my desk, and also I am no Hercules. On each side of my typewriter sits a teetering stack of papers that reaches approximately to my head, when I am sitting at my machine., Huddled between them, like a sparrow between two huge tomcats, squats the typewriter. Occasionally, one of the piles, like a glacier, slides majestically to the floor. My wife picks up the mess, and muttering under her breath, jams it back on the desk. She's forbidden to disturb any- thing there, or even to dust it. That's the main reason the piles are two feet high. I do allow her to dust the front of the desk, where the drawers are. Trouble is, she's so annoyed she piles the stuff back in any old order. This causes a problem when I decide to clear the desk at year's end. I pick up the first letter. It is from a farmer's wife, compli- menting me on my stand for the beef farmer. It is dated 1962. That suggests that the ast time I cleaned my desk wa in 1961. It also poses 'qu ns. What was -my stand on th beef farmer in 1962? I'll bet it was a little sweeter than my attitude towards sirloin steak prices today. Was the letter ever answered? Who knows? So I put it in the stack labelled Who Knows. This turns out to be the biggest of the many piles I lay out on the floor. ' The other piles bear such eso- teric labels as: To Be Dealt With — Sometime; Needs Further Study; Look Into This; Silly Old Cranks; To Be Answered Defi- nitely In The New Year; Compli- mentary : Over The Hill; and so GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC.... SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Harriston 338-3422 ain on FACTORY - OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL .t the ,ed.ey track BLYT H WOOL and LEATHER PRODUCTS ' BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9373 L TRAILER E I SALE& RENT .a► R.R. r 3 W HWY. 86 E LISTOWEL . Starcraft . Jayco P• rowler . Glendale Open 6 days, closed Wed. Satisfacjion ales ervice 3 miles east of -Listowel on Hwy:86 Ph. 291-1158 A ARCTIC CAT_-- - Nothing runs like a cat PAF LAWN A SPORTS EQUIPMENT LISTOWEL 291-2441 Service What We SII" Licensed Mechanic " We O Bill Smile3 p time on. The second largest stack is called Miscellaneous because I don't know where else ,, put these items. Under the last item go such things as: a passport application form ; a bill from the Strand Palace, London, England; a Christmas card from my insur- ance agent; a test for Grade 11; an offer to do the Smiley family tree for only $3.09 (must have been a small family) ; and a re- minder that I am due at veteran's hospital for a chest X-ray (*hick I forgot all about) . 1 have a very definite way of handling these piles. Miscellane- ous I put back on the desk. Over The Hill, which contains anything more than six years old, goes into the wastebasket, as does,Silly Old Cranks, a very slim stack of letters from ridiculous people who, don't agree with me. Needs Further Study goes back on the desk, right on top of Mis- cellaneous. Look Into This goes back on the desk on top of Needs Further Study. Next on the growing pile on the desk goes To Be Dealt With — Sometime. Then I lift the whole pile and slide underneath it, right at the bet nn, if you'll parden the ex- pression, To Re Answered Defi- nitely In The New Year. And theta, carefully and deli- cately, 1 pace on top of the pile the stock labelled Complimen- tary. This contains the .letters 11 have received from those splen- did, intelligent people who. i mire my wife or kids or column. Yes, 1 know they should be thrown out. But surely you wool 't deny a chap a little oint- ment for his ego, any more than you would begrudge an old lady a seat in the chimney corner, where the fire can warm her. The piles beside the typewriter are now only a foot and a half high, and it has taken a day and a half to sort them. This may not seem like progress to you, but Rome wasn't built in a day, as some idiot once remarked. One good thing came out of this year's sorting. I remembered that I had received a letter from Barry Broadfoot, author of Ten Lost Years, a compelling book about the depression. I'd written a column about it. No, I couldn't find his letter. It must have wandered into the Mis- cellaneous or somewhere. But the memory of his letter made me re- member that I'd had at least ten letters from all over the country, and the States, asking where a copy might be obtained. No, I couldn't find these letters either. But the memory of them re- minded me of what Barry Broad - foot wrote in his letter. He's writing another book called The Pioneer Years, and he wondered if I would ask in my column for fISITUS For an original Oil Painting or a Beautiful Grandfather Clock or Wall Clock ONTARIO'S LARGEST CLOCK GALLERY DAVE AUSMA FINE CLOCKS - Hwy. 6, '/z Mile North of Guelph Phone 822-2485 the name of oldtinters who were spry and interesting, so that he could interview them,. So there you are, everybody - Send the,namies of spry, interest- ing oldtbners, of either sex, to Barry Broadfoot, Bare of Double- day Publishers, 1,05 Bond St., To- rento Ont. MSR 1Y3. And the sane people will be happy to vide you with a :copy, of Tent 'ears, , There. My first good deed of 1975, And that'a,;going to cost you, Brother Broadfoot. Crown Royal will do For FARM, TOWN and COUNTRY HOME OWNERS: Cap You Use $1,600. to $20,090.? If you can afford monthly payments of $23.33 you may borrow $43.77 you may borrow $72.94 you may borrow $102.12 you may borrow etc The above Loam basad on 17'/2 % per cont per annum 5 Yr. Term -20 Yr. Amortization Borrow for any worthwhile purpose: To consolidate your debts, fix the car, buy cattle, or a cottage! Fast—Courteous Service—Please Call PALMERSTON 343=3632 ,$1,'oo $3,000 $5.000 $7,000 Gerald H. Wolfe. Representing Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519 744-6251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association MOBILE HOMES DOUBLE -WIDE HOMES .Glendale .Pyramid .Marlette .Bendix *large selection of double -wide and single -wide models on display. *fast, efficient delivery and set up by professional servicemen. *low prices assured by our volu-me buying and easy purchase plans. MOBILIFE CENTRE 4166 KING ST. E. R.R. 3, KITCHENER, No. 8 Hwy. between Hwy. 401 and Kitchener 653-5788 Servie Direcf�ry Over 30,000 reader weekly AI's Collision Service 357-2206 Conc. 2, Morris Twp. Repair and Refinishing Enamel and Laquer Rust Repair Frame & Body Work ON CARS & TRUCKS If Repairable We Dolt SupetaYi. 22411" •RE "~ Illi ;ALE; E. SERviCE J'.. 'MY 323-1580 323-2043 258MA.N STREET . MOu'4T c`RES1 ONTARIc and (teal", TIRE CENTRE Josephine St. WINGHAM Ph. 357-3733 Are your best bet! Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway '% Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mqn. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 12 Noon • Drayton ,.WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP . FARM EQUIPMENT Sales and Service Portable Welding Equipment Custom Machine Work Stabling DRAYTON Res. 638 -3008 ---Shop 638-2295' POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE Sales and expert repairs to all small engines STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 R1 INCOMETAX PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen - Individuals Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887.6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency *Avoid the Rush HADCO Well Drilling A Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells Sulphur Free Wells Deepening & Repairing Caissons-Earthboring Elevators Shafts A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Auger Rental Equipment For -Any Job - ELMIRA 669-3761 ST. MARYS 2844702 s HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a toll for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR N#DS hogs - Tues. beef. - Thurs. 338-3330-- CROSSROADS 38-3330.........,.. CROSSROADS WANT AO cAu 357-2320 201.1660 )23.1559 1.4 COmlmodore Canada • When you buy a Lake'hurst Mobile Home you "get what you ask for" Also See Don for all leisure time trailers DON McPHAIL MOTORS 338-3422 Harriston W. D. `BILLMAY STATE. FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire WINGHAM 357-3280 TR1AN LE TIRE Distr rs Ltd. W olesele and Retail PASSENGER - FARM TRUCK On the farm service Phone 291 1521 ,LISTOWEL Pt AN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOW I Increase the resale value of your car or truck with COMPLETE PROTECTION 517 1 1 th Ave., Hanover Call Les at 364-2832 "A MUST TO PREVENT RUST" 4 • w 6 • 1