HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-10-3, Page 1letleat• Go wo- Go dsrnith Hall! • etea.earOlra "g"OlZrXtet-e-at WATCHES, - CLOCKS, -a, JEWE.LRY,- SILVERWARE,- -,AND SPECTACLES. a. UNEQUAMED VALUE. aarPereonallittention given to:repairing of watohes,oloalcs andjewelry: ' 0. REIOHENBAOH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL. ...3100110110=111 LEG -Ale. 1,:t opx !fatiKup8re°mNe 'OBoutIrtrNitiottearr'yPSuoblliic- Conveyanoei ornmt3aione&c. Money to ' tOos.n. Offloein Panson's Block, Exeter. 1:1E.. OOLLIS, ,BarristerSoheitor, Gonveyancer, Etc ' 'E. ' I XETER, ONT. 0 Moogarawell's13look ilall's old office.) ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. Money to Loan- at fowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. liENTAL. 1:1 L. BILLINGS, apsilisTwxsT, OPEICIE: over ,Q,srEILISDasak Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extra,ction. fJ KINSMAN ;DENTIST.L.D.S Barnwell% Block, Illain-St, Exeter, Extracts Teeth wftboutpain by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all. other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zuaroa on last Thursda yin each month: MEDICAL T W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 . p. S,Graduate.VictoriaTaniversity.Offica tudiresidenee,DorcationLaboics.torv,Exeber RYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. TAB. J. A. ROLLIN b, M.0. P. S -Li' 0. Offioe,Main fi..alseter,Ont.Residen cc houser eoently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. .1 F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., I I• Graduate Trinity 'University, Tor- onto ; Fel. Trin. Med. sehool, Toronto ; Grad. Am Inst.. Craniology; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Member Col. P. S., Ont. - Dashwood. Ont. AUCTIONEERS. TIENEY'EjL/3.E.A;•Licensed Alia- eaStephen, and AteGilli- ars,/ Totisi?nnseheryfeTiaaresoonduotodatmoderate rates. Office -At ost-offioe,Crediton,Ont. TON GILL, Auctioneer for the PJ Townships a Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne and the Village of Exeter. AU sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this °Moe. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY Sl7RG EONS, anduates of the Ontario Veterinary College °strum : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ATONE/ TO LOANA.T 6 AND 6+ -LV-IL per oent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies reprasented. L.H. DICESON, Earrister,Exeter, INSURANCE. rpHE LONDON MUTUAL • -L FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAN .1.0 a. Head Office, London, Ont, After 00 years of •successful business, still oontinees to offer the owners of farm nroperty andprivate residencies, either on buildings or • contents.the most favorable proteotion in ease of loss or damage by fire or lightning, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company oan afford to writo. 42,243 poll: cies in force ls t San ,1889. Assets 8378,209 54 in cash in bank. Government depost, Debea - tures and Premium. Notes, JAIIES Grater, President ; D. 0. Mc DONALD, Manager. DAVID jAGIITES, Agent for Bxeter and vie:in:ea, THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURAbTOE CO . Established.in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. comaany has been over Eighteen Ceara iniucioesaftil operation in Western On- t ario,andsontinues to insure againstloss or damage bp Wire B uildings,klerohau dise Alan afaoteries,andall otherdescriptionsoffinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the • optioaof insuring on the Premium Note or a ash System . Daring the pastten years this Company ha s issued 57,006 Policies , cov-erin a property ,o thee, moo nt of It 40,872,038 ;and paid int oss ee a lone es/09,7.52,6 0 Aseeties et1an6o.o0.00, comet:lb./1g o f Cash n ttenk,GovoriamontD °posit ,an cl the unsea- 1 easedi'remiuni Notes onhandandin force., 3, W WAranon Id D. Prosidet t 0. tI.irAmon, Secretary. J.B. litroicas,tnopeotor. CHAS; NELL Agonttor timeterandvioinity, CENTRA• L Barber Shop FANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop Saving and Hair c u aging in the lateet style of the art, tvery attentio paid to outtieg Ladies and Children's Hafr HAND lifJ.RON "HEW TO LET THE CHIPFALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XVII. NO, 5. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSbAl MORNING, OCT'll 3r(I, 1889. OciA0.11111MIMISCOSCOI.W.'",” ...ettcrammitIVARIMMASUSSAMOCC • NTOTIOE. -- Notice is hereby given, that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' Lists Act of 1889 by his honor, the judze of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Tpten E/luiville on the 12th of 0o- tober at 10 o'clock a. rn.,to hear ana aetorm- ino the several oomplaints of errors and omis- sions in the voters' list of the muMeipalite of lasborne, for 1889. All pet sons liming business et the Court are, required to attead at the said time and plaoe. G. W. lIOLDIAN, DateclSopt, 29,1899. (Mork of Usbornic ()TICE. Notice is hereby •given, that a Court vrill be held. porsuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Aot of 1889 by his honor, the judge pf the County Court of the ()minty of FIuron,ftt the Town Nall, Exeter, on •holOth of Ootobor, at eleven n'elook mete hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the voters' 118± of the municipality of Ex- eter, for 1889. All persons having busibess at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. • • .141- i003115Tp, , Dated Sept. 29,1889. Clerk of Exeter. 01210E, Notioe is hereby given, that a Couh will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Aot of 1889 by his honor, the judge of. the County Court of the County of Huron, at - the Town Bali, Crediton, on the llth of Ooto- bet, at 10 o'clock a,M., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the voters' list of ,tho municipality of Stephen, for 1889. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at tha said time and ;ilium. • O. Pli.OUTY, Dated Sent. 29, 1889. Clerk of Stephen VOTIOE TO CREDITORS. -.`11 Notice is hereby given in pursuance of SEC. THIRTY-SIX of` °HAP. ONE HUN- DRED and TEN of the Revised Statutes of Ontario A. D 1887, that all creditors and other persons having claims agaicst the estate. of William Giles Chambers, late of the town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron,. Province of Ontario.. farmer, who died on or about the 4th day of July, A. D., 1889, are herebyrequired to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned adminis- trator of che said deceased or to HENRY EILBER, Crediton P. 0., on or before January let, A, D., 1800, their ohristian names and sur- names, addresses and description, the fal 1 par- ticulars of their Maims, it statement of their accoun s„ and • the aature of the seourities (if any) held by them, And tbe said adminis- trator will after the Pint day of January. LL, D., 1890, distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among tno parties entitled- thereto, having regard only to claims of whjoh notice shall have been given as above required, and the said administrator 'will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any Person of jtvh ose claim notice shalt not have been received by him at the time of such dis- tribution. ' Dated this 17th day of September, A. D., 1889. EDMUND CHAMBERS, OreditonP.o. Administrator. NSTA.IN; i-e4D Men to take orders for Nursery Stook, on Sal- ary or Comimssion. I can make a successful S E S Al A 1•T ot aieyone4hoevill work apd follow my in- structions. Well furnish handsome outfit free and pay year salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. G.ARHAM. Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. S 11-4iPTE MBER —A T— DOUPES' STORE. • B1G DRIVES. Seersucker acts., per yard and up Prints Cottons Muslins 4 Shirtings Dress goods 7 Teas • 7 lb. 4 a a C C 11 it 0 C Be not deceived by egg peddlers. • You cannot well afford to lose 2 cents per' cloz. on eggs. Bring them to headquarters where you get the 'best prices. NEW FALL GOODS,- BEST VALUE IN CANADA COME AND • SEE. House and lot for sale cheap. DOITPE & CO3 ICIRICTON. • --STONEIVIAN Jewelry Store EI.EliSALL, ONT. IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY • Watches, • Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, • Spectacle's, Stationery, , • School Books Fancy Goods, 1Viusica1 Instrunaents. A full line of Spauldings Bats and balls on band We make it specialty of Watch and J ewelry repairing -All work guaranteed Our Motto -Neat, Prompt and liable, J. 0 re, Stonentart, IIENSALL, ONT. FROM BAD TO WORSE. ' Scrofula leade to consumption. From threeto six bottles of 13arclook Blood tets trill cure scrotala, salt rheum, el-yell/e- late boile, ientiplee, blotches, tettrs, shingles, eitald head, More 'eye, and all skin affeotions bY cleansing the eyeteni and removing all impure maitat that oaueee bad blood, ' Children Co for Pitcher's Castor ANIal UAL MEETIN G ,101 -tat wIaratie•st. SON Publisher,, and, reoprietor • of tbe West Iluron Teachers' Association. The Aesociation islet in the Model School, Goderich, Sept. 19th, at 1:30 p, on, the President, Inspector Tom, In the chair. The minutes, of the last eession at Exeter weee read and approved. alessre. Robt Park, G. W, Holman and T, H. Alton were ,appointed a business committee for the siession. On accotint- of many ,teaebers being ab- sent at the fair it was thought advisable to, adjourn. It was Moved by T. H. Alton', Seeonded by H. 13estoltam that -the aeeoena- tiou adjourn. until 7 p, in. This motion • was °furled and the meeting adjourned. ,• *perinea anteened. • The Inetitiefeemet at 7 'Ea ni. The min- utes of the previous; session were adopted. /-• The fallowing aoMmittees were appoiuted - Nis :-Resolution-Mesots. Park, , Duff, Gratit and Miss Burrows. ' Aedit----aleesrs. W. H. Johnston and E. Brevaa., • ,Qeestion Drawer -Messrs. A. J. Moore, ,B. A., Geo. Sheppard,. H. 1 Strang,11...A., Re R. Rossi, and.Miss ,T. 'Cowart.' _Roll „Cell showed 70 teachers. present. The,lereeiclent then delivered bis address, entitled, "Our Theaddrese which • . displayed careful peeparation, was well re- ceive& .Aniong 'themost prominent points touctied upon were the facts thatthe st11314 of teachers exceeaihg the dettaind,in many -instances, waiare only the salary was son. sidered the survival of the fittest did not generally prevail. The teachers' week was not only of individual concern but was of vast importance to -the state • It would be an improvement upon, the present system - to have the school year begin at Midsum- mer instead of at New Year, s and to have five trusties in rpral districts instead of three. It was not advisable to urge s hole ars to leave whoa after completing the fourth olass course, but suolt should be en.. courage& to remain and engage in the' higher wort, excepting in case of those who wished to -take a teachers' course or other higher examination work ; such should at. tend High &hoot Mr. W. H. Johnston was then intro- duced and gave a report' of the work done at the late Provincial Teas:bare' Associa, tion. He experienced much benefit from his attend- nos, and said that there were hopeful -signs of a closer relationship be- tween the public sehool teachers and the inspectors. On motion of G. W. Holtnan, 'seconded by G. Shepard, Mr.; Johnston received the thanks of the Assooietion, and his ex- penses were ordered to'be paid. Mr. Robt Park 'then tdok up "Public. School Text Books," confining his remake's to a condemnation' of ttlica---publia-noho; history and geography, both of which le found after a fair .trial to be utterly un- suitable for the purposes for ehi, h they were intended. • The geography contained a mass of advice to the teacher that the pupils should not be onmpelled to pay for. In the history the language .was not suit. able and it was necessary to make a litera- ture lesson out of eaoh paragraph before the pupils could comprebena its Meaning, Mr. R. E. Brown thought the geography oontained too much for the 'prescribed course mnd thought it might' be reduced one half. • Mr. H. I. Strang bad pronounced hie opinion previonsly that the history was not suitable text book and was of the same mind lat. He had examined the geography from a public school 'testohers' standpoint at well as lie could, and was fully satisfied that it was not the book that was required. Mr. R. It. Ross agreed with what had been said in condemnation ofboth books. • Mr. G. W. Holman thought it was idle to talk here unless the•AesOciation took prompt and vigorous action, and again by resolution place on reeoid its entire disap- proval of beth books. Re would recoca- mend. that bothbooks be revised and all between the covers in each of them left put. • . Mr. G. Tom thought the thief value of the history was the series of questions at the end of each:chapter. Mr. 5 J. Latta thought both books' de- served it fair trial before condemnation was passed, • , Mr. R. Beacham was not experienced but he thought, the geography superior to the old ohe in some respects, but its maps were deficient both to number and execu- tion. Ee condemned the history. • Thia discession proved very lively and interesting but it was one.sicled,nearly all the teachers speaking atronely against, the two books in question. There • is every reason for this for the teachers as it whole think that there is too mnah imposition praotioed upon the public and themselves; by the continual changing of text boOks, The Association then adjourned to meet at 9 a. m. FRIDAY, SHPT. 20. The Assoolation met pursuant to adjourn. ment. The minutes of the last Session were read and adopted. The first subjeot called for discussioti was "Type Questions in Arithmetio," width, in the absence of those intended to take it up, was introduced by G. W. Hot - may, who said that in a great many In. etances too rancli time was ooneutned in method, when the resalt wee the main thing sought. He did not think it wee right for examiners to set up a etanderds As long as it could be ;men that ptipils bad an intelligent conception of the principles involved it was SLIffielent The discussion theft bemire general and wns falcon part in by A. J. Moore, B. A., H. I. Strang, B. A.. G. Sheppard, R. E. l3rown, F. Turner, A. Sheppard, and others. Several good methods of solution were given, and tho dieenssion proved profitable ined Interesting, The main point adduced VMS that arithmetio should be taught not only for its commercial vain° in calcula- tion but for ita value in mental drill. Mr. IL 1, Strang, B. A., then introdnoed A dismission on "Written Examinations '' and eddreseeci the Awtell/tams at aotne length, commending on the whole their eeeeubseee, panne bet employed too ex- tensively. The discussion wee fuether continued by Messrs. Brown, Richardson, said 13eaoham, all speaking in lava of stunt examittations When conducted, judieiously. Jam first speaker was Mr. S.' P. Halts, B. next ei called. A., who said that the papers eat at the re- cent exammetions Oa the' whole were very fear, witb, the exoeption Of the Phystes for third clasa, andgmograpley for elecOnd olass, Both of these' papeis were dif0.eul and en- tirely be,youd the,.`cotirse expected to be covarea by 'eandidatee for those: °manilla. dons. Botaey, he thought was it little too much under the 'control • of the presiding' 'examiner, who sometimes did not eelect a yeti suitable specimen for the praotioal woer1kr. ,G, W.. Ido'hiian who was the next on yeere, • Greenway. A ditcussion on Entrance and Teachers' 'Examinations was the t in A, M. Wilson lost it valuable colt last week. Wm. Holm started on a tour to British Coln cable for Ins heel th, A number of young men left here ior the lumber camps hist l\fondej- Bev. Stobles, of Crecliton. is Visiting in this vicinity, areles laasidson hat; boon re-ougaged in Behool No., 13, at an advanced salary. Tie Harvest Houle in Cameo church last week was a aecided Burmese, Proceeds, a70, Mr. Moses Mewson. has rented one of J. T. Wilseues heavies for R term of,foor this itibject, thought Lat an improvement ear, John Grieve hati beaght out, Mr. 'is being made in the preparation of papers, elates business in Parkhill. Be took oharger Hitherto there had been -a dispo'sition on of, it lest week and inteade to move the part of the examiners to Bet questions, 'and such should be avoided. l'ach family into Parklaill in a short' time, Mr. Thomae Kerr, of Brockville, is vieit The examinations' should be plain, said no in g la dean., ears. A.M. wiisee. He via attempt made to deceive the candidate. • introducinEL new patent wire fence whioh Mr. I, Strang, 13- A. read from the s it great SELVIllg of railt; ana wood. g aegnletions to show the recent chatigee at- fectine future eXaminationa, and referred to the importanee of enforeing °erred spelling, and grammatical construotion as great stress. would be laitJ on these in mark- ing • all subjeets. Candidates were too prone to hurry over the work in it rough way heedless of spelling or grammatical as- • • curacy, and the new method' would tend, to arrest the error, Besides it is deemed wise to follow suoh a strict course, al English is ever to take a high position on the oourse of sttidies for high gratle work, On the while he thought the recent- examinations Kink:tone , Buieta.-Rev. W. 2, Ireland, I. A., vicar of St. Paul's Epiecopal Church, de- livered his farewell sermon in Kirkton on Sunday last. Ab the came he made a few ,very appropriate remarks, giving advice to those he was about to leave. The reverend gentleman takes with him the ..best wishes of bus many friends for his future vrelfars. e -Tho track on the Blanshatd agricultural grounds has been pat in good condition and the followers of Jelin are taking advantage were an improvement on the past, Me. A. 3. Moore, B. A., thought qhe Arithmetic for Seconds and the Algebra fsr Thirds too difficult, and that the ,Hietory • for Thirde, as presorihed by the regulations, • covered too much ground. • Mr. G. W Holman then read it „paper on "The Eleraente Underlying; Ste:mess in Teaching, and l)efects in Our School Sys- tem." Success; in teething was defined as reaching that perfection in training the • intellects of pupils that will best 00DdlleS to mole there useful and -sucoessfal men and women. The principal elements under. lying suceese were enumerated as sympathy, preparation, energy, tact), and discipline. The principal defect 811 onr system as; pointed out was its political. headship. It was witless te expect the people as a whole to heartily ce-operate in cevryhag out ren - lations made by those who hold their' re - of it. -Mr. N. Doupe has been re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 10, Itlanshard, for the ensuing year. -Mr, John Sample in- tends returning from Missoari to live 012 his farm in Ushorne township. -Mr. Jos. Kirk is away for a six weeks' visit to Mani- toba. Wm Robinson accompanied him. Blutville. Rev. W. H. Gana and "Mrs: Gene and family are apending a few days in this lo. eality visiting their many friends. Every- tiody te glad to sae theni, and their smiting faces reef& to inind th pleasant and hanoy events of Mr:Gene's pastoral term on this circuit. The only noticeable change is one more comes to us. Wa extend a hearty w ' ome to little May with the rest. -Our nship fathers are preparing to make it a of little more pleasant ior our town lower tPansible position by the win of part the people only: Athe conclusion of thie villagere anring the freshets in spring and. t paper the Association adjourned until 1:30 fall by opening up and cleaning oat the I covered (1rains.-Worj has been received • ' AFTERNOOSESSION. from Miss Annie Coates, late of this place. N the min. t head dressmaker in a large establishment Alter reading and conforming ntes the auditors presented their report, Tilbury Centre, that she is doing well and likes the town very much. -Mr. Tho.a whatait494s merastE°ti°n-Inf A., and is having a brialr kitchen add" nd Adopted. to" Mao ntsiderrere whieheainatiroveasthe ape , pearanoe of his home very materially. The election of officers was then pro- ceeded with, an on motion of J. Grant, seconded by S. J. Latta, the election was conducted by ballot. The following were announced RS the choice of the convention; President, Thee March; Vice President, Miss A. Barritt; Seoretary and Trask, G. W. Holman, by acclamation ; Directors, Messrs. H. I. Strang, B. A., W. H. John- ston, G. Sheppard, and refisses Burrows and K. Watson. Some time was taken up in discussing the promotion examination soherae, and the questions deposited in the question drawer, after which the following report of the resolution committee was submitted clause by clause and adopted, viz : I. Resolved, That this Aesociation re- affirm it decision condemning the Public Clandeboye. --- Bniars.--Threshing is the order of the day around here tust now, a great number say their grain is turning out a great deal better than they expected. -The fruit crop is almost it complete failure around here this season with the exception of t he pears, potatoes and roots are very poor. -Mr. Joe Dixon has left this place and has gone to the North West where be intends to per manently reside. Joe will be missed around here'especially about tea -meeting time -Mr. Watson, of the fourth line of McGillivray is confined to his bed from a severe attack of summer • complaint. -We are glad to see that our station Agent, Mr Walker • has almost recovered from hie &hoot History as a text book for public accident, a broken foot. He expects to be sal:tools. able to resume duty next week. -Coon • II. That in the opinion of this Amoeba. hunting has struck the town, a large num- tion the authorized public school geography ber has been already killed. Mr. L. Bice, it; unsuitable as a text book for the follow- one of our best sportsmen bas killed seven ing reasons : -1st, the matter is too vol. already, and expects to get a good many umenes eel public sebeet.pepets, end the yet. -Hunting of all kinds appeara to be • s bouk 'too costly ; 2nd, the notes to teaohers fall. Black squirrels and part - good thi should have been omitted, and if necessary ridges are very plentiful. 3. Cunningham published in a separate form ; rd, the and H Shoff were out beating - the bushes 3 maps are deficient in execution and MM. last week and enc.:seeded in bagging four ber, and several good historical maps Partridges and eleven squirrele.-Mr. Ira should have been included, Bice, of the second line of McGillivray has 111. had his three barns. raised ana is putting let, That if high eohool masters and a stone foundation under them. It will be teachers are to examine the work of their own pupils in the 3rd, 2nd aud lot class EL long and an expensive job, but it will add examinations, thenthe public School Leath - greatly to the appearance of the place when era ehould examine the work of their pupils done. -Miss Anderson of 'London bp. is on the entrance examinations, • visiting her eider, Mrs. J. McFadden, of 2nd, That the persons conducting both this place. -The Ulandeboye juvenile foot examinations should be teachers actually ball club is practicing daily and expects to engaged in the work of teaching. • lane thallenges to other clubs soon,-Mre. Votee of thanks; to Goderioli Publio 0 Manning, who his been spending the Sobool 13oard for the use of the Model summer with her mother,, Mrs. L. Bice, School, and to officers of the past year has returned to her houatein Camobellforcl, obeeed the proceedings and the A,ssociation --Donnelly paid the town a visit last week. adjourned te call of Executive. He litte bsen takiug in the Western States Ct. W. Homeee, for the good of his health. A little bird &c. and Treas. Hensell. Buntre,-The Equal Rights Asnooiation of the village of Remain raet the other evening when the following iesolution vale carried. Moved by John Blatchford. sue onded by .TRECO3S Clark: Resolved, that we, the memberti of the Equal Rights A.e- sociation, having ooneidered our relation to the parties existing, deem it expedient, for the tirae being, to put outeelvee as au as- sooiation in communication, 1st, with the central committee of Toronto, then with the different organizations; of the county of Huron, Ittown its the new party of Canada, with a view to definitely organize for posi- tive actiob at the ooming election, and of promottng a county convention with this 00(1 111 view. John Reith, Chairmen. .dl. enander McPherson, Secretary, 110-1-11,0-4/ Woodham. --- Diehard Wight, hart rented a farm on the 8th line of Blanshard.--MN, Sohn Abeay is °epode(' mint gib; tveolt,- The Bev. David A. Molt a; quite well again. -A largo oongiegation on Sunday night listened be a special sermon to the young pee le on 'Little Foriese"-The Revs. J. Gteen Path Wm, Penhall will preach at Cooper's Meth- 1 °diet chureh next Sabbath. --The Cooperat tea meeting \VAS bele!. lase Tueeday evening. --The fall wheat fickle in Vile vicinity aro looking ;pito green. Minard'e Liniment for sale everywhere. whispers he has taken in some one 10 Clandeboye, too. -A uumber of the farmers in this vioinity showed it lot of produce, b horse, she, at the Loan fall fair last week th The.,,Moiscns Bank (01(AUTEE:01) BY pA LIAMENT ,1856) Paidno aapitai •$'000,00 IteetPunci 3,00,0a dQi4eo, P. IVOToll'EngaA.N Tlf91iitS.,E80., GmanitALMAttmlas 20 bftn0 in tut, votainlon. Agenei in the Dotninion,U,S,A..and Europe. Exeter Branott, Open evory Iswf al day, from 10 a.. in, to 3 P • in SATURDAYS ,10 tt te 1. p.m. ' 8 Per Cent. perannum allowedf or money on Deposit It escip ts and Savings Dank, R. IL AROITER 141o,no,ger. imax7rmalsoseeamunsuattearestsurzwatanuniumntsamomatudai News Items. The lire at Butte, alontana, caused a loss T$hl,e00140,e0x0ia0a. floods leave (mused elamage to the amount of $500,000, Wm. McIntosh, J. P., general merchant of Alymeahae assigned. No alterations heve been made to the Liman voters' list, as prepared by the town °lee. N. Phippen, Parkhill, was elected president at yesterday's session of the On- tario 'Undertaker's Association. At Winnipeg the movemeat in wheat is gradually increasing. From Six to twelve cars go east daily over the 0. P. R. - The Combination Tee Compete have ten' tered an action for libel against tbe Win- i&peg San, claiming $10,000 damages. considerable portion of the the town of Grand Haven, Mich., was burned yes- terday; lose $1,000.000, •:at The sahooner. Erie Ware wan capsized near Port Binwell on Mouday night end eight men were drowned. Further reports have come from Alaska statitg that 300 miners ort the Upper Aukon were in. danger of starving. Several Winnipeg properties , htive lately thangea hands at figures which havecausecl real estate men there to prick up their ears. On. Thursday evening last Lawrence P., thisd son of Mr. and Mrs, T. Hagerty, of Mitchell, died after a few -days illness from diphtheria, at the age of 15 years. Whinipeg telegram says' nearly all the Ontario tarn:tem who came to Winnipeg on Saturday by the excursion intend locating garsanneta.iilrathtelecsistry8a. sGtrhaelyza. bowls Qf, The Kincardine stove f onndry bv-law, 000 and exemption for ten years, was car- ried on Monday by a majority of 276. - Peter Davis, 1Vh0 is acensed of the inure, - der of Wm. Emery Marraora oa Tburs- deg, Lee been arrested and lodged in jail at Belleville. The police nitiaistrate remanded lhain:Tthyleoerraera'wwaseeak,decrease last week of 744, The total asseeement of Toronto for the coming year is put at $137,230,778 by As- sessment Commissioner Mau,glean an in- crease of over $24,000,000 upon that • of 000 bushels of wheat on passage to Great Britain and the Continent, and as cord - pared with a year ago the amount 'afloat es now 8,700,000 buthels less. . Fred Busselle was arrested at St. Marys on Saturday and beought before the Mayor, charged with burglary. He was committed to Stratford jail to stand his trial at the next assizes. a. young man while at work digging a ditch iu Logan looked up and saw a big black bruin superintending the job. The • youth took to his heels for tlee house, and proenred assudanee to slaughter Mr. Bruin, but after searching for several hours they gave up the chase and the bear escaped. The other evening Miss Quiun, of Parkhill, • while suffering from meatal aheration, attempted to drown herself, jumping from the Mad Creek bridge, Port Huron, into the water. The water was not very deep, but she tried to keep her heed under. Some perties who saw her jump rescued her. s The number of commitments at the Middlesex county jail for the year, which closed with last month, was, 1,043, the largest for any year in tbe histoey of the institution. In 1883, the number reached 1,000, and that will stand as the second largest number for any one year Richard Curtin was arrested ley Detective Grabatn Monday, on an old charge of breaking into Michael Whalen's house on the Westminister side of Vauxhall bridge, and stealing a number of valuables. A pair of boots amongst the missing property was found on his feet. The officer expects to recover the watch and other property. Sunday the accused hired, it rig at Maker's livery, London, and drove to Luoan. Ile is charged also with ill-using the horae and damaging the buggy, It is said thet Qua. tin has been marriea since the date of the Whalen robbery. Sherbrooke., Q,, Oet. 1. -The famous Donald Morrison ease came before the Bench and Grand Oury this morning. Morrison's plea on the charge of murder was not given. Lawyers for defendant asked for an adjournment until Thurs- day, pleading that they had not tune to consult togeeher, nor had they yet seen the witnesses. An adjournment was • al- lowed until Wednesday, and if cause le shown the case will be fnrtl.per put off until Thursday, The selection of the petit jury, it is expeotedatvill be of great difficulty. Th.) general impression is that Morrisen will be acquitted of murder, but his friends stee not so saugnine on the barge of arson, if that is to be brogght up. Canadian pastor's double life Was rcught to light to light at ()bingo by e polies last Tuesday evening. At -the rmory the teverend gentleinan,Frederiolt . McLeod by natne, walked the fioor of a cen, detainea 'on charges of adnitrY nd. bigamy- In another cell was his al- leged wife, her eyes red with tears , and her balks in her arms. IVar. and Mrs. .11/1v ciLeod - Were :arrested at their borne on arrante sworn out by Mrs, Miry 1110- oLociod, of Centred Economy, 11. S. The mplainant, a pretty blonde, saia thet r MoLeod, married ber two years ago, bile pastor of the Congregational ohurch at Central Economy, • alle was driven osaut of town riot long after that," she id, "On aocoMit of it family matter, e to \al:ay:a:ye iesti°1n1 raCgg" eh Chicago, He titisennii°1 tao: libt7 nolf. h 13141i est nee came from Nova Scotia and lad Parana; for he arrest sworn otit. I hilvs.r6t;let:tt\txmatedalecillar tial obcr t.,91i5.41ontahnsy Mtl. Events'', Forest-T1ear Sie--Pleade send the three bottles of your Cough Syrup; thibp seems to elite me bat that, Westhoover, Gooalsted, P. 0„ Mich, For four yeent lieve been a sufferer of stivetess, kidney said liver cOnaplaiut, ring which tinio T tried /natty doctors d a host of pateut Medicines telthortt teinieg any petinetlea 1. relief, twill I s puretaided to tty Evereet'e Libor golator which offeeted a permanent re. W. V, &ewer*, Werwielt la 0, and took it numbev of prizes. They report a the fair as being it decided success, L The British Grain Trade. eeet London, Sept. 30. -The Mark Lane Ex. press, in its weekly review of the grain trade, says : The deliveries of DPW English wheats are excessive, The averago of prices has fallen 2s 911 below the average of Sept. 1888. The rates of English wheat during the past were 68,062 gra at 29s 1d, agaiDEA 55,056 qrs at 32s 2c1 dining the correspOiad. lig week last year, Foreign Wheap are stronger and prices; have advaneed ad Corn is steady. Flat American is a fraction higher. Barley has 'igen 6d. Beane, peas and rye are firm, At bo -day's market Eng- ieh Wheats were weaS, Foreign maintain he advance. Flout has held et full prices, Oats Were 6d higher. Corn was 3d dearer. Acceding to the C. P. B. officials, the • company will this year draw 1,000 train loads of wheat,esteh sonaleting of twenty care, out of Manitoba. alone, Wo haye geoat country. bad tried many doctors and was given op by them as far gone into consumption bot Was permanently °urea by using Everest's; Cough Syeupa-j, Simpson, Ar- betatdet. 110 co du en ob we Re Oil