HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-16, Page 8AthilakCejniftea, ThUraday, January 16, 1675 For Sale ALLAN'S ALUMINUM Winter Special on mill C 200 slider. or D.H. up to 60 U.I. Now is the time to order your basement storm windows and save. Example - old mice 627.27, winter special $21.87, in- stalled and guaranteed. You save $5.40. Good only to February 28, 1975. Phone 392-6065. Clip this ad out for future reference. 9-16-23-30 VEAL CALVES for sale, cut and wrapped to your specification. $1.00 per lb. Phone Walkerton 1-881-0469. - 946 TROPICAL FISH. Special this week only, small Neons, Zebras, common Guppies, four for $1.00. Large assortment of exotic trot* cal fish and aquatic plants. New fish arriving weekly. THE FISH BOWL, Lucknow, 528-2018. FREEZERS. Woods 221/2 cu. ft., Kelvinator 27 cu. ft. now in stock. Stainton's Hardware, Wingham. SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac- turers of odd size wooden sash for house and barn. Located on High- way 87 at Gerrie. Phone 335-3963. Evenings: 335-3124, 335-3202. rrb BERG STABLE cleaners and stabling. Bunk feederkand water bowls. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Ilolyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb YOU AREWELCOME to browse' in Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham where they have a large display of gifts for all occa- , sions. rrb* WINE -MAKING accessories available at Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham, 357-3631. rrb 7/ 7 1973 JOHN_DEERE JDX snow- mobile; excellent condition. Phone 357-3008 atter six. , INTRODUCING the Aspidistra quality used books plus leather and other, hand -made goods, MainStreet, Lucknow, inside the Tack Shack. 9-16 WESTINGHOUSE four -burner range, timer and rotisserie, white,- 36 inch, excellent condi- tion; wooden baby crib, good con- dition; patterned Axminster -type rug, excellent condition, used only three months; three large milk cans in good condition. Phone 335-6150. BEEF by the quarter or half, cut and wrapped, approx. 110 pounds to a quarter. Phone 357-3048. PORTABLE MAYTAG dryer, avocado, three years old, A-1 con- dition. Phone Alex Craig, 357- 1438. . JAMES SCHILL MARKET GAR- DEN, RR 2, Teeswater has for sale cabbage, carrots, turnips and. onions- at very reasonable prices. Sauerkraut 20 cents per lb., red potatoes 8 cents per lb. rrb Mar.6 Wanted To Buy CHEST OF DRAWERS. Phone 887-6633. 16-23 Livestock For Sale GOOD TRAINED riding horses and brood mares. Contact Hans Kulle, RR 2, Lucknow. 16-23 Found A RING has been turned in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Owner may obtain by identifying sante. Help Wanted PERMANENT HELP wanted for local poultry farm. No experi- ence necessary. Applicants must be willing to accept responsibi- lity. Excellent fringe benefits available. Contact Don McKinley at 357-2928 or 357-2448. RELIABLE BABY SITTER in our home from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 335-6134. FULL-TIME HELP required on dairy farm. Experienced in milk- ing and handling equipment. Wages according to experience. Contact Canada Farm Labor Pool, 14 Talbot Street, Cayuga, Ontario, telephone 416-772-3397. 9-16 INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE LEARN HAIRDRESSING — for more information on this career write, phone or visit K -W SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, 407 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, 745-5641. Lodging available. rrb ORGANIST and choir leader for Anglican Church. Duties and sal- ary to be negotiated. Apply to the Rector, Box 297, Wingham. rrb SALES PERSONNEL wanted t6 sell Watkins Products in Zees - water, Wingham, Lucknow, Brussels and surrounding -town- ships. Full time or part-time. Earning. potential '.unlimited. Phone 39i-6065. rrb rSTODEIVTVPPORIIIIiIITIIES FOR' YOUTH Proposals for routine building improvements on Huron Hfstoric Jail. Such projects would provide summer employment. For de- tails call P. Carroll, Chairman, 524-9189 Goderich, evenings. PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE • ASSOCIATION Can you spare two hours a day? Do you want to bank a substantial amount of money each month? We have openings in the Motor Club Field with High Guaranteed new and renewal commissions. Contact Regional Supervisor, Charlie Lee, .22 Alfred St., Wing - ham, phone 357-1383. 9-16-23 Lost SMALL BEAGLE how/ on De- cember 30, 1974 north east of Lucknow near Village of Lang - side, black, white and tan color, &male, spayed, no collar, named Pebbles. Call collect 1-699-4166. Reward $20. 9-16 For Rent OFFICE FOR RENT. Double of- fice and storage area, centrally located in Wingham, electric heat, fluorescent fixtures and carpeting, washroom, off-street parking. Phone 357-1411. rrb SPRINGING HOLSTEIN heiferARTICLES FOR RENT. Dustless . floor sanders- and rug shampocF Phone357-1947. ers. Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham. • rrb Cars & Trucks GOOD, CLEAN, dry warehouse space available, centrally locat- 1966 CORVAIR, 2 -door. Phone ed in Wingham. Phone 357-1411. 357-1948. 2-9-16 rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2. WROXETER -on Highway SO Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 GOBRIE 3*54314 NEWLY RENOVATED, two bed- room apartment, close to main street. Phone 357-2433. rrb Tenders Wanted Township of Howick TENDERS will be received by thilit'itlersigned for supplying furnace oil for the idunieipal shed and diesel fuel for the graders for a two-year period. . TENDERS to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent by February, 4, 1975 at 5 p.m. LOWEST or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Carroll Johnson, Township of Howick, Road Superintendent, Fordwich, Ontario. 16-23 Miscellaneous TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North Huron Credit Union. Ask about our special deposit account. Tele- phone Wednesdays, 357-2311. rrb PIANO AND ORGAN SALES. Plane tuning and repairing. Low- rey, Thomas, Yamaha, Orcana organs. A full line of chord organs at Ernie King's. Call Hap Swat - ridge, Wingham 357-2785. rrb 'MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent -- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644., rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham. rrb .m•olmm•om.monw•••••••••. Real Estate RETIREMENT HOUSE. One bedroom, brick bungalow, three- piece bath, kitchen, double living room, good basement. \ Phone Brussels 887-6672. TWO STOREY insul brick house, ideally located close to down- town, three bedrooms, living room, separate dining room, large. modern kitchen, two bath- rooms. Phone 357-1383 after 4 p.m. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM Two storey solid brick, well situ- ated, seven room home in Wing - ham. Oil furnace, kitchen cup- boards, large lot, selling to settle an estate. One and a half seorey frame house, three bedrooms, small barn with steel roof, town water in house, 1/2 -acre of land, situated in Lucknow. This property is being sold to settle an estate. 48 -acre farm situated on paved higbway, approximately five acres of bush, balake is choice arable TATA-, ample water tnpply. Several other properties for sale in Wingham. Work Wanted WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home on Carling Terrace. Phone 357-2505. Wanted GOOD HOME wanted for four fe- male puppies, mixed breed, eight weeks old, good with children, will not be large dogs. Phone 357- 3335. Notice WILL DO 'chicken or duck • dress - mg from now on. Large orders welcome. Levi L. Hershberger, RR 1, Wroxeter, second corner north of Wroxeter on Highway 12, first farm east of highway. Township of Howick Re: Snow plowing Neither township nor plowmen will be responsible for vehicles or mailboxes, etc. left in the way of snowplows. Ratepayers will be responsible for any accidents, or damage to snowplow, caused from snow dumped on' roads,, or, if it has to be removed by town- ship equipment, they will be charged. Section 89 (9) of the Highway Traffic Act reads, "no person shall park or stand a vehi- cle on a highway in such manner as to interfere with the move- ment of traffic or the cleaning of snow from the highway." By order of Howick Township Council 16-23 $100.00 , REWARD WITNESS snrWANTEDr2 ., The Ontario Automobile Association will reward any- one who witnessed or has any information leading to the arrest and conviction of a hit and run driver involved in an auto accident Dec. 24, 1974 in the parking lot of Remington's I.G.A. Store in Wingham. A 1973 Datsun Station Wagon, 'silver grey in color', was parked in the lot and sus- tained approximately $132.50 damage to the left front fen- der and side running light. This hit and run accident oc- curred at approximately 10:30 a.m. the day before Christ - mos. Anyone with any. know- ledge of this acciderit is asked to contact Dick Eskerod, 425 Minnie St., Wingham call 357-1276. BIRTHS JARDINE—At St. Mary's Hospi- tal, Kitchener on Tuesday, January 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jardine, a daughter. KIEFFER—At the Wingham and District Hospital on Thursday, January 9, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kieffer, RR 1, Blue - vale, a son. WATKINS—At Bolton on Mon: day, January 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Les Watkins (Pat Harris), a daughter. DENNY—At the Listowel Memo- rial Hospital on Monday, Janu- ary 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denny, a daughter. READ THE ADVANCE -TIMES glimmommommuunimommisoimmomomonimoomoommoomommuummiiiiig 2 Coming Events ".*: Timillimillmlionimmummiiimmuummimmumwomnimmimmommimmiuminnii BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday night bingo at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 00 calls. Share the wealth and regular games. rrb TOURS FLORIDA BEACHCOMBER SPECIAL -14 -day Florida tour spends 6 nights in St. Petes on the beach. A relaxing tour with plen- ty of free time. Some seats re- main for Feb. 15 departure. Fettes Tours and Travel, 323-1545 Mount Forest. WINTER BREAK—Special 9 - night tour to Florida departs March 14. Features 6 nights on beautiful St. Petes beach. Fully escorted with deluxe motor coach transportation and excellent ac- commodagion. Reserve while space is still available: Fettes Tours, 323-1545, 4iVlount Forest. 14 -DAY FLORIDA tour departs Jan. 18 and March 1. All trans- portation, accommodation, ad- missions, side trips and luggage handling included. Visits Atlantic coast to Miami and Gulf coast to St. Petes. Free brochpres. Re- serve now while space \remains. Pick-ups en route. Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. FLORIDA -NASSAU TOUR -14 days of sightseeing in the sun. Complete Florida tour visits St, Petes, Orlando, St. Augustine and Miami. Also includes a weekend cr4se to Nassau in the Bahamas. Departs Feb. 1. Limited space remaining. Fettes Tours and Travel, 323-1545, Mount Forest. DISCOVER TEXAS—This win- ter join us to a new warm weather spot - Padre Island in Tropical Texas. 19 -day tour de- parts Feb. 10 and features 9 n tghts ih 'beautiful, ato4dOnkinium apartments on the Gulf of Mexi- co. Fully escorted on deluxe motor coach. Fettes Tours, 323- 1545, Mount Forest. EUCHRE Euchre party every Tuesday at Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall, -8 : 30 p.m. rrb ANNUAL • MEETING The annual meeting of the Auxiliary to Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital will be held Mon- day, January 27 at 2 p.m. in the Clinic Building. All annual reports are due in writing. 16-23 PANCAKE SUPPER Pancake Supper at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham on February 11 starting at 5:30 p.m. ONE BEDROOM apartment on John Street, heated, stove and fridge supplied. Available Febru- ary 1. Suitable for one or two people. Phone after six, 357-2750. Help Wanted CLUB STEWARD AT LISTOWEL GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Duties to commence April 1st until October 31st Interested Persons apply in writing to: TWO BEDROOM apartment in Fordwich. Available February 1. Met$4. GORDON WILSON, 380 ELMA ST. E. LISTOWEL, N4W 2E5 A Food Handlers Seminar Will be held in the following locations - Godericlf,- Jan. 1 7 Assessment Office board• room, Gloucester Terrace Exeter, Jan. 28 Ladies Auxtliary Room, South Huron Hospital, Exeter " Seaforth, Jan. 29 Seaforth Community Hospital Board Room, • 24 Centennial Drive, Seaforth Wingham, Jan. 30 Huron County Health Unit Office, Catherine St. Wingham All interested persons are invited to attend this seminar Please contact: HMIS- County Health Unit 524-8301 or 1.800-265-4485 by Jan. 24, 197S EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expec- tant ParentEducatien Classes being held in the following areas: Exeter, commencing Monday, January 13, 1975, Health Unit, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Goderich, com- mencing Tuesday, January 14, 1975, Assessment Office. Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Wingham, commencing Wednes- day, January 15, 1975, Health Unit, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Clinton, Commencing Thursday, January 16, 1975, Health Unit, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is interested please pre -register by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free -or your nearest Health Unit office at the following numbers: Brussels, 887-9331; Clinton, 4,82- 3416; Exeter, 235-1014; Goderith, 524-8301; Seaforth, 527-1243; Wingham, 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are in- vited to attend and participate in the discussions. 31-9-16 3 Card Of Thanks I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all who sent cards or visited me while I was a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Drs. Wilkins and Ping, the nurses on second floor and Capt. and Mrs. Merkin. Gordon Wright The family of the late Paul Swatridge wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relations, friends and neigh- bors'for their kindness and sym- pathy during their recent be- reavement: eS,,peal thanks to Rev. K. B. Passmoie, the S. J. Walker Funeral Home, the pall- bearers and flowerbearers and Unit 1 of the UCW. We will always remember the many floral tributes, gifts of food and expres- sions of sympathy. The very generous donations to the Senior Workshop for the Wingham & DistrictAlentally Retailed will . never be forgotten. Hap, Audrey and Jill Swatridge I wish to thank all 'those who Sent get -well wishes, the nurses on second floor of Wingham and District Hospital and fifth floor in Victoria Hospital, London, Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Ping and Dr. Green and his associates in London, and to the -kitchen help in Wingham and District Hospital for the -deli-. cious Christritas dinner we were served. A sincere thanks for the beautiful sympathy cards sent to us on the tragic death of our grandson, Christopher McCul- lough of Goderich. Special thanks to Captain and Mrs. Murkin, Wingham and Captain Don Copple, Sarnia. Bill and Bertha Henderson We would like to thank those who sent floral tributes, cards -of sympathy and contributions to the Heart Fund, and friends and neighbors who sent baking and assisted us in any way. May we extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. The McQuigge family I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family, friends and neighbors fir their kindness to me while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. Ball, Rev. and Mrs. Sack and Margaret, Dr. Hanlon, Dr. Bolton and nurses on the eighth Boor. Their kindness was deeply appreciated. Irene Edgar Many thanks to many people for Christmas gifts, cards, and good wishes during the festive season, including the UOW of Brucefield, Brucefield United Church and the ladies' auxiliary to Wingham Legion. Special thanks to Rev. McWhinney, our padre. May ,the good Lord bless and keep you all. A. D. Smith, Huronview Bob and Beth Procter wish to express their thanks to all who sent cards and conveyed kind words of sympathy on the recent passing of Beth's dear sister, Mrs. Saltus (Mar orie) Jones. J. S. Ritchie funeral Monday Funeral service was held Mon- day at two o'clock at the R. A. Currie and Son Funeral Home, Wingham, for James Stewart Ritchie of RR 20Wingham. Rev. Robert H. Armstrong officiated and interment followed in Wing - ham Cemetery. Pallbearers were William Thompson, Robert Thompson, Stuart Holloway, Ken- Currie, Don K. CaMeron and Ted Hollo- way. Floral tributes were carried by Ron Foxton, Percy Clark and Lloyd Casemore. 'Stewart Ritchie died suddenly at his home on Saturday; January 11,.in his 59th year. Born in Wing - ham on September 10, 1916, he was a son of the late Tindall Ritchie and Mary Carr. In his early life, he worked with his father in the coal business. Later, E. Wawanosh native dies at Downsview Mrs. Nellie Gordon passed away at the Oakridge Villa Nurs- ing Home, Downsview, Ontario, on Saturday, January 4; in her 91st year. Mrs. Gordon was born in East Wawanosh Township on May 3, 1884, and was the youngest of 14 children of John and Mary Anne Anderson. At the ag4' of 11 she moved with her family to Ware- ham in Osprey Township where she resided until her marriage to John Gordon of nearby Hatherton on July 29, 1912. They moved to Weston at that time and built' the home where Mrs. Gordon lived until an accident in July 1972 resulted in her entering a nursing home. Mr. Gordon passed away in July 1947. Mrs. Gordon was a member of Central United Church in Weston and i" °NORM Cia.Mer of Westonia Rebekah Lodge whose members conducted a memorial service in the funeral home on Monday, January,, She was precleceaSed by all her brothers and sisters and is sur- vived by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Annie Anderson of Listowel, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. - Funeral service was conducted by Rev. John Houston of Central United Church at the Flynn Funeral Residence, Mount Dennis, on Tuesday, January 7. Burial was in Sanctuary Park Cemetery, Weston. Acting as pallbearers were members of ,Weston Oddfellows Lodge, Ernie Dockray and Don Kemaley, as well as nephews, Ross Anderson and Cliff Coultes of Belgrave, Howard Dolphin of Weston and Harold Gordon of Hatherton. Friends and relatives attended from St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, New York, Milton, Guelph?' Hatherton, Lucknow and Bel - grave. he worked for the City of Kit- chener. He retired in April of 1972: Mr. Ritchie was a veteran of World War II, enlisting Novem- ber 6,1942, and being discharged October 19, 1945. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 180, and a member of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Hazel Lewis of Wingham, whom he married in Mount Dennis in 1947; two sons, James Ritchie of RR 3, Wingham and Thomas Ritchie at home; one daughter; Mrs. Thomas (Sharon) Cameron of Belgrave; and three grandchildren. Mrs. Morley Bell dies in hospital Mrs. Morley Bell of Gorrie died Friday, January 10, at the Wing - ham and District Hospital follow- ing a brief illness. She was in her 75th year. Mrs. Bell *as the former Edna Hanna. She was predeceased by her husband in 1972. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Carl (Irene) Dinsmore of Howick Township and Mrs.' Winnifred Ross of Cambridge (Preston); two sons, Max of Howick Township and Harold of Turnberry Township; 15 grand- children and two great grand- children. Also surviving are one sister, Mrs. Irene Bell of Toronto and one brother, Ernest Hanna of Kinloss Township. She was pre- deceased by one sister, Mrs. Martha McKee. The late Mrs. Bell rested at the Moir -Davidson Funeral Home, Gorrie, where service was con- ducted Monday at 2 p.m. by Rev. • Wesley Ball of Gorrie United ,Church where deceased was a member. Temporary entomb- ment took 'W( IW Gorrie Mausoleum with spring burial to follow in Gorrie Cemeterg. In Memoriam MOFFAT: In loving memory of our dear dad and grandfather, Harold Moffat, who passed away January 12, 1967. Thinking of you today, Dad, But then that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday And the day before that too. And we will think of you tomor- row, And each day as they come and go, , We will think of you forever, We, love and miss you so. To know we never said goodbye Will always bring regret, But the hearts that love you dear- ly Are the hearts that won't forget. —Dearly remembered by daughter and son-in-law Dawn and Ken White, and grandchil- dren Randy, Danny, Gail and loria White. Business and Professional Directory Chiropractic Associates HEALTH CENTRE Wingham, Ontario R. Bray, D.C. D. Lee, D.C. 357-1224 LET THE Wingham Advance -Times HELP YOU PHONE 357-2320 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus Ph. 357-1910 Res. Pb. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists HARRISTON Ontario 338-27j2 REID AND PETERSON Chartered Accountants 218 josetihine St., Wingham Ph: 357-1522 J. A. Peterson, C.A. B. W Reid C.A. kr, • •