HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-16, Page 75
The F,•.e null IMju l
e�'n E1 t'w C held
allomart7tha, hOlfla 01 )40,
L.Wf h 14 Pealsantairas
.Jack Higgins wax in'cbarge of the
wap' .service and gave the
meditation, " e to Sita..
The hymn, "Standing at the Por-
tal", was sung and the scripture
lesson Was read by Mrs, Robert
Taylor. Mrs. Ii,* read the
Poem, "God. in "E$ Season".
Following another hymn was a—
read ng'by Mra. Higgins. The col-
lection was received and prayer
was given by Mrs. Murray
Minutes were read and hdopt
ed, The b tum woo, conducted
by leader., Mrs, Murrayugh
04 A committee of Afro, Murray
Scott, Kw • Hobert Taylor and.
Mrs. Lougheed was mined to
help orge a youilig women's
fellowshiP hour.
Mrs. Laura Johnston was in
charge of theam, "A
Christian in Politics" by David
MacDonald, with a good discus-
sion following.
Grace was sung and lunch was
served by. Mrs. Ross Higgins'
group, The February meeting is
to be held at the home of Mrs.
Laura Johnston.
The Huron County Board of Education
is offering a course
in metric measurement
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DON DODDS OF TE ESWATE it, demonstrates the .use of the
new groomer to Dave Ablett, field service co-ordinator and
Herb Clark, recreation supervisor of the Wingham District
office of the Ministry of Natural -Resources as Don Carter of
Lynn Hoy Enterprises looks on. (Staff Photo)
Personal Notes from Whitechurch
Richard Moore, who plays
hockey with Lucknow, PeeWee
team, on Friday evening played
Blyth at Lucknow with a score of
9-3 in favor of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul on
Sunday evening were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Cameron of Lucknow.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Currie were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Allen of .Vaxjo,
Sweden, Mrs. John , Strong,_
Gorrie, Miss Ruth Ellen Currie
and Brian Coultes, London:
Joe Tiffin and 'Joey motored to
Hamilton and spent Saturday and
Sunday there where Joey was
playing hockey with Wingham
All-Star Atom team in return
games with Saltfleet in Saltfleet
arena. Two games were played.
The first game was a tie. The
second game was 4-2 in favor of
Saltfleet. -
Brian Falconer of Sarnia spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mowbray.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Conn were Miss
Earl Caslick, Mr.. and Mrs.
Douglas Conley and Jason of
The 4-H club leaders for the
project ' "Let's Bake. Bread",
Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs.
Archie Purdon, attend the train-
ineschool fins`ri •land Satur-
3�°"at" ROW 1015 lore fh`t `Effie`'
corrimuni(y wishing to attend this
course is asked to contact the
leaders,• Mrs. Elliott, 357-1358, or
Mrs. Purdon, 357-2877, before
March 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin
accompanied Mr. anti- Mrs. Bill
Purdon of West Wawanosh to
London's Victoria Hospital on
Sunday to visit Harris Purdon,, a
patient there. They also called on
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henderson and
1 Armstrong
-47 t
s I ,
Mr. afid Mrs. Charlie Helider-
son of Toronto visited Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and
family were Sunday visitors with
her brother, Paul Moore, Mrs.
Moore and family of Walkerton.
Russel Chapman spent last
week at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, where he had surgery on his
other eye. He expects to be home
on Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson,
Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of
Std Catharines spent the weekend
with Mr. and,Mrs. Victor Emer-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans of
Hamilton were Sunday visitors
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jamie-
Rev. and Mrs. Glen Noble of
Lucknow were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Bev Kay.
Rev. and Mrs. Ure Stewart of
Seaforth attended church service
at Chalmers Presbyterian
Church where he was preacher 60
years ago and visited with. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Mowbray.
Gary Chapman visited Friday
with his father, Russel Chapman,
a patient at Victoria Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. George Webster
were guests Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jamie-
son, W. Wawanosh.
"Resolutions" is theme as
Whitechurch WI meets
WHITECHURCH — "A resolu-
tion may start as one little cob-
web and grow to be a cable of
ideas". This was the motto ex-
plained by Mrs. V. Emerson
when the Women's Institute held
its Resolutions meeting on Mon-
day afternoon of last week at the
home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier.
Mrs. Emerson's first illustra-
t-. )Lssjponar,40 ..„ts.
froth Peri' ire_.k.',
Baptist guests
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Large, chil- •
dren of missionaries, who grew
up in Peru and who are now serv-
ing that Soi th American country
as missionaries, were guests of
the congregation of the Wingham
Baptist Church as worship serv-
ices were held Sunday morning
and evening.
Mr. Large used a three-point
talk to illustrate to members of
his, congregation the things that
can interfere with their Christian
life. He spoke of idols, defining an
idol as anything we count of•more
importance than God. He spoke
of the `fiery darts of the' wicked',
using as his background scrip-
• ture portions of Ephesians, chap-
ter six, and stressing vices like
pride, hypocrisy, dishonesty.
IThirdly, he spoke of the sins of
the flesh, referring to the story of
Eve's temptation by the devil,
Ipride, lust and the desires of the
flesh being her downfall.
During the worship service,
IMr. and Mrs. Glenn Scheifele
sang a duet. Mrs. Raymond Neill
played the piano and Doug Thom -
I son presided at the console of the
church organ.
Mr. and Mrs. Large also dis-
played a number of articles from
• Peru, which proved interesting to
-all in attendance.
Trinity ACW
II holds meeting
FORDWICH — Trinity Angli-
can Church Women met at the
Ihome of Mrs. Bruce Armstrong
for the January meeting.
Devotions on the theme of
I"Choosing to Be Holy" was taken
by Mrs. Harold Foster. Mrs-. J.
W. Daunt gave an outline of a kit,
"The Ten Days of World De-
velopment" which she had re-
The roll call, "A New Year's
Resolution" was answered by 19
members. Two readings were
given by Mrs. Peter Browne. The
secretary, read a number of thank
ANN you card's from those who had
received gifts'at Christmas.
• g;,
. Bruce Sothern gave the
s'and a recipe fora happy
II le MCDONALD BUILL year. The president told the
members of a resource day to be
^�s =^T� T 7pE held in Walkerton at a future
1 North St. Winghnm Phone: 357-3650
IA contest was conducted by
Mrs. Donald King and lunch was
served by Mrs. J. Daunt and Miss
..Ethna Foster, assisted by the
tion was an acorn which can grow
to be tree, give shade, be fire-
wood, be a home or be ribs of a
vessel. "Similarly," she said, "A
resolution starts with an idea and
grows." Her second- illustration
.'was that of the inventor who
made terry towelling and showed
it to Queen Victoria who helped
finance the making of towels.
In closing, Mrs. Emerson said,
"A word, a look, a smile or a
frown ,are •all little cobwebs,
pdwwerfti<l±for toed or'evail.'Think
onj ti these►" chnd Treirie'ifber how
these little things can grow into a
cable of ideas."
President Miss Merle Wilson
conducted and opened the meet-
ing which was attended by 20.
The minutes and financial state-
ment were given by the secre-
Afternoon unit
meets in Brussels
BRUSSELS — The afternoon
unit of the United Church Women
held its first meeting of the new
year at the home of Mrs. V.
Hupfer on Tuesday of last week.
There were 13 ladies in attend-
ance with 54,visitations recorded.
The devotional program was
led by Mrs. H. Thomas. A'poem,
"A New Year Lies Ahead",
opened the meeting and the
members joined in singing "How
Firm A Foundation": Mrs.
Thomas offered prayer. The
scripture, from Paul's letter to
Philippians, was read by Mrs. W.
Scholdice and a meditation,_"The
Dawning of A New Day", was
given by Mrs. •Thomas. A hymn
concluded the devotions.
Mrs. H. Sterner read a New
Year's message and thank you
notes were read from ex -mem-
bers who had received remem-
brances at Christmastime. Mrs.
J. Smith .contributed a story en-
titled "A Minor Rebellion on the
Planet of Heaven".
A recommendation that $500 of
the group's allocation be sent to
Haiti Mission will be placed
before the UCW.
Several new members were re-
ceived as the roll was called. The
leader offered prayer and re-
freshments were served.
BELGRAVE — Friends and
neighbors gathered at the Insti-
tute Hall on January 11 to shower
Beverley Burchill with many use-
ful gifts.
Beverley was seated in a lovely
decorated chair, flanked by Ila
and Brenda Burchill and Marie
Ruth Gordon gave two read-
ings, "What's a Man?" and "A
Wife". Everyone joined in a con-
test conducted by Verna Currie,
after which Evelyn Galbraith
read the address.
Beverley thanked everyone for
the many gifts. Mary. Coultes
played the piano while everyone
sang "For She's a Jolly Good
Fellow". •
Lunch was served by Verna
Currie, Evelyn Galbraith, Bar-
bara Taylor and Ruth Gordon.
tary-treasurer, Mrs. George
Fisher, and thank you notes were
read from Miss Annie Kennedy,
Mrs. Earl Caslick, Misses Annie
and Mary Laidlaw. '
Mrs. Fisher exhibited a flying
saucer quilt block which was to
be finished. It was decided to ask
Mrs. Nettie Ross to demonstrate
the making of biscuits at her
home for the February meeting.
Mrs. Bill. Rintoul, Mrs. Lorne
Durnin and Mrs. Farrier were
appointedtto plan a euchre,party.
The e fu e.
The roll call was answered with
a home safety resolution, when
each received her fall "Home and
Country" from the secretary. A
singsong was enjoyed by all and
Mrs. Dan Tiffin played a piano
solo. Current events Were given
by Mrs. Jim Wilson.
Mrs. Elgin Johnston gave a
reading, "Human Nature and
Dumb Creatures", written by
Peter McArthur. This is the story
telling- similarities between
animal and human nature. In
comparison, she told of those who
come late to a movie and cause
others to move before they can be
seated. This, she said, is typical
of the turkey gobbler who, when
preparing to roost, starts his pro-
cedure from the opposite end of
the roost and annoys all the'other
birds as they have to let him pass.
Mrs, Tom Metcalfe gave " a
reading, "New Year's Resolu-
tions", which showed that resolu-
tions planned are usually the ones
Two contests were then con-
ducted by Miss Wilson and Mrs.
Fisher, with Mrs. McInnes and
Mrs. Tom Metcalfe named
The meeting closed with the
singing of the National Anthem
and Institute Grace. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mrs.
Earl Caslick, Mrs. Emerson and
_Mrs. Farrier.
WI meeting
LAKELET — "A good memory
of my home when I was a child"
was the roll call for the January
meeting of the Women's Institute
Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Gordon Wright was hostess for
the meeting presided over by
Mrs. Derril Hallman. Twelve
members and one visitor at-
Discussions included a prize to
be awarded at the Howick Fall
Fair, which was set aside for
further consideration, and the
senior project "Baked in a Pie".
If leaders can be obtained the
project will be carried out.
The motto, 'Be kind and gentle
to the aged -- your time is
coming", was given by Mrs.
Judge. She read a poem "Who
Will Take Grandma?" She closed
with a quotation on mind over
Matter, "If you don't mind — it
doesn't matter".
The roll call for the February
meeting will be "A country I
would like to visit and in what
season". Mrs. Murray and Mrs.
Hallman conducted a penny
auction realizing 87.50. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Wright and
Mrs. forler.
$te war4. s Ip
in charge of meeting*
WHITE ! —Mu-
riel Thom , convener of the
Stew p and Recruiting com-
mittee, was in charge of the
=ting of the' United Church
Women held 'Tuesday afternoon
of last week at the home of Mrs.
New members
transfer to
United Church
Fourteen new members were
received into the membership of
the United Church on Sunday
morning at communion services
conducted by Rev. Barry Pass-
more. All were transfering their
membership from other Ontario
The new members are Mr. and
.Mrs. Carl Ricker, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Robinson, Mr. and Mrs -
Robert Pegg, Mr. and Mrs. Hank
Bos, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Hooft-
man, Mrs. Muriel Thompson and
Earl Thompson.
Mrs. Passmore delivered a
communion meditation and the
choir, under the direction of Hap
Swatridge, sang `Beautiful Savi-
or". Flowers were placed in the
memory Paul
Mrs. H. King
hosts Guild
GORR1E — St. Stephen's Guild
held its January meeting at the
home of Mrs. Harry King.
The meeting was opened With
the Lord's Prayer and devotions
were based on the feeding of the
•five thousand, the story" of which
was read from the New English.
Bible by Mrs. Roland Bennett.
Rev. William B. Parker asked
the Guild to conduct one of the
church services while he is on va-
Mrs. Gerald May and Mrs. Ron
Bennett gave readings pertaining
to the new year. The roll call, a
new year's resolution, was an-
swered by 14 members and the
treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. M. G. Fisher.
The minutes were read and
adopted and it was decided that
members of the executive will
plan thepro ams for the follow -
year. .
auctioned" somb
e ; goods .. ,
donated by members.
Mrs. William Bennett wits in
charge of the 'progranh: Lunch
was served by Mrs. HarryKing
and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman.
Fred Tiffin. She reed a
the church is helping people sly:
other lands, not** by p
but by teaching then flow fn t
things for the vea.
Mrs. Thompson '
meeting with the singing
hymn. Mrs. Russel. Chips
gave a reading and led in prayer.
Following the singing of another
hymn, Mrs, Lorne Duenin read
the scripture, Psalm 121. Wm.
Chapman then recited A MAW
which gave the timely message,
"Take. Timp to Make We More
Mrs. 'Thompson and Mrs. Ds
Gibb spoke on the topic,
for Today", during "which mils
were • read on the sayings
The roll call was answered
eight with
payment of fees; its:
decided to hold meetings the
Wednesday of each month, f
stead of Tuesdays. The met
meeting will be at the .
Mrs. Chapman.
The meeting closed with tit
Mizpah benediction.
WMS meeting
at Simpsiu bsrne
William Simpson opened her
home to the afternoon group .tif
the Women's Missionary .Society
for its January meeting.
• Mrs. Lloyd Felker presided for
the opening exercises :and the
business. The secretary read a
notice of the coming annual
meeting of Maitland Presbyterial
which will be held in St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church on Monday,
January 20, with • sessions at 10
a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. W. D. Campbell had
charge of the program and read
scripture from St. John's Gospel.
She gave a meditation on this
passage and led in prayer.
Members also enjoyed a
presentation, by cassette and
pictures, of "One Hundred Years
Ago Til Now", the story of the life
and work of the first Canadian
Presbyterian missionary to
Taiwan, Rev: G. L. MacKay, and
the development of his work
there. Among the buildings in
Taiwan built in his honor, is
Oxford Coll ea' owned fpr, ,Ox- ,,
ford Cotinfy wfie>re Mr. McKay
was born.
The meeting closed with a short
prayer followed by a social half
hour with Mrs. Simpson and Mrs;
Roy Vogan serving lunch.
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