HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-16, Page 6ti • r. Ines, h, Joauary 11 1Mii f�afur.s from The World of Women Mrs. Bruce Agla heads Vrdwich afternoon unit FORDWICH — Mrs. Bruce Asia was elected president of the afternoon unit of the United Church Women when its first meeting of the new year was held in the Sunday School room on Thursday of last week. Other officers are: secretary, Mrs. Crosby Sotheran; treasurer, Mrs. Wray Cooper; social conveners, Mrs. Parker Eurig and Mrs. Bert Wylie; pianist, Miss Violet Bes- wetherick; work committee, Mrs. G. Pittendreigh; MrS. Eurig, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Cars- well, Miss McElwain, Mrs. Verna V Galbraith and Mrs. A. Stinson. The worship service was con- vened by Mrs. George Pitten- dreigh and Mrs. John Topham, on the theme "In The Beginning". Mrs. Pittendreigh read Genesis, t chapter 1, and gave a meditation on "Memories Carried into the New Year", closing with a prayer for the new year by Edna Jacques. '[ Mrs. Topham read from Luke's Gospel and continued with a meditation for the four seasons F interspersed with suitable hymns. The program was presented,by F Mrs. Crosby Sotheran, 'Mrs. Clarence Carswell and Mrs. Bert Wylie. Mrs. Sotheran read "The Church of Tomorrow" from 5 Combo . and Mrs. Carswell and Mrs. Wylie read articles from Mandate. S; Mrs. Agla presided for the business period. The roll call was answered with " 'Turning a New Leaf" and thank you notes were read from Mrs. A. Kelly, Mrs. Louttit, Mrs. Rorsburgh and the_ Huron County Children's Aid Society. The group received an • MATERNITY WEAR at the SEPARATE SMOPPE Main Corner Clinton eOpen 1-6 Closed Weds. i• vitation to meet with the even- ing unit on February 12 at 7:30. The Presbyterial will be held in Listowel Trinity U'ted Church later in February. Mrs. Agla closed the meeting with a hymn and prayer. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Lorne Kelly and Mrs. Jack Wilson. Pro-life group to sponsor dance An executive meeting of The Voice of the Unborn, the Wing - ham Pro -Life group, was held op Monday, January 6. The minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer's report were pre- sented and approved. Plans were discussed for a dance sponsored by the Pro -Life group to be held in Wingham on February 8. More details will be publicized when plans are com- plete. The first annual meeting of this organization is tentatively scheduled for the. first week of April. Rev. K. Hawthorn, co- chairman, will be in charge of the meeting. A report from the ,nominating committee. stated ' that all of the present executive, excluding chairmen, have agreed to stand for office for another term. Two speaking engagements are scheduled for Wingham and Au- burn in the near future. These presentations include a slide and tape talk by I)r. and Mrs. J. C. Wilke, .entitled "Abortion — How -it is". A4*/00Y.440 —Mr. and Mrs. wtimer Thompson of Margaret, Mani- toba, spent the holidays with Mrs. 'Thompson's sister, Mrs. Rena McLean of Bristol Terrace. Mrs. 'Dorothy Ryan of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. M. Elliott, and with other members of her family. GORRIE UNITED CHURCH Go ye therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19 4 L St. Pain's Church "(ANGLICAN) WINGHAM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. HARRY BRYDGES, Organist - and Choir Leader eww��w+w+++wwwwtY�11Ara, w�1r1�1wwww �rw! JANUARY 19 Epiphany 2 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion (Parish breakfast) 11:00 a.m.—Family Service 9 MEETINGS Thurs., Jan. 16—Altar Guild Meeting at the home of -Mrs. Alice Newton, 2:30 p.m. Mon., Jan. 20—Parish Educational Staff meeting at the home of Don Farnell at 7:30 p.m. i ,1►w�►w�»ww���w�w ww~�w•►�aw�w ►�� 4 HEAR Bob Maclaren Internationally known Evangelist at -the Berean Bible Chapel FROM NOW UNTIL Sunday, January 26 EXCLUDING MONDAY AND SATURDAY Everyone Welcome Home a Mrs. Bradburn gives topic at ACW meeting "Old and young must work to, gether to take their parts in re- juvenating the church and solv- ing our problems in the world today." These words were spoken by Mrs. M. Bradburn as she was in charge off the topic at the January meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church Women, held last week at the rectory. Mrs. Bradburn spoke about the visit to Christ by the three wise men, known as Epiphany in the church today. She said it is a widely -known and well -loved story, especially by children. Mrs. Bradburn spoke of the wise men who brought gifts suit- able for the Persou,,they expected to find—King, Priest and Phy- sician. In Him they realized ful- fillment of their loftiest dreams. She continued by saying people of all ages come to Christ today, seeing in Him the answer to their different needs. The aged come with quiet serenity and trust, knowing "whom they have Be- lieved". Young men, who carry the burdens of work and re- sponsibilities for the future, find strength in the verse, "Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden". Youth, -eager and expectant, wishing to change ways of life and crowd more things into a day, are reminded of their place by the fact that Jesus drew a little child unto Him. Seventeen attended the meet- ing, with president, Mrs. Edith Powell, leading in prayer. Mrs. Alvin Higgins read the story of the wise men's visit from the second chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. Roll . call was answered with a new year quotation and thank -you letters were read. Several cards were signed to send to members who are ill. Mrs. D. Farnell conducted the program for the Least Coin. 'the treasurer's statement was given by Mrs. H. King and Mrs. J. King reported on gifts and cards sent at Christmas. The officers of 1974 were all re -instated. Mrs. Powell gave the bene- diction and tea and cookies were, served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. King, Mrs. V. Coates and Miss M. E. Johnson. Senior citizens hold euchre party WROXETER — Nine tables were in play at the Senior Citizens' euchre party. —Prize winners, for high scores, were Miss Mary Hehn and L. G. Bryce. Holders. of low scores were Mrs. Harvey Reidt and Alex Petrie. Other winners included: lone hand, travelling, Mrs. William Austin; lucky draw, Alex Sproal. The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and Mr. and Mrs: Reg Watson. The next meeting, on January 20, will be the annual meeting. All members are asked to attend to re -join and a welcome will be ex- tended to any new members. New officer's installed for St. Andrew's WMS Mrs. Robert Armstrong was re- elected president of the Women's MissionarySociety of St. And- rew's.Presbyterian Church when that organization met on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. T, A. Currie is the honorary president and past president is Mrs. H. Aitchison. R,,.N}acan candy d,,t'cn, election and n staliatibn oWe, of- fleets for 1975. They include vice- president Mrs. H. Aitchison; sec- retary Mrs. G. Wall; assistant, Mrs. G. Day;' treasurer Mrs. 'G. Fisher; pianist, Mrs. W. Ford; assistant, Mrs. J. Conn; supply secretary, Mrs. T. Currie; press reporter, Mrs. E.'Ritchie; Glad . Tidings secretary, Pv rs. J., Mc- Kague; Home Helpers convener, Mrs. J. .Burchill; literature and library conveners, - Mrs. V. Young, Mrs. H. Gilmour; friend- ship and service convener, Mrs. B. Holmes; social convener, Mrs. W. McKinney; auditors, Miss Leah Currie, Mrs. W. McKinney; Explorers, Mrs. W. Lapp, Mrs. C. Tiffin; nominating committee, Mrs. B. Holmes, Mrs. J.'Burchill, Mrs. James McInnes. The president, Mrs. R. Arm- strong, was in charge of the Meeting and 29 . were present. Mrs. G. Wall opened the meeting' with. devotions . and -prayer wast, 1 ! 9ft�'.s 0 8 by�Mrr . Young. -The meditation- was given in two parts by Mrs. E,4 Day and Mrs. M. Burchill: Mrs. - J. McKague led in prayer. Mrs. Armstrong introduced ,the, new study book'for the year. Her - assistants were Mrs. G. Fisher,. Mrs. T. A. Currie, Mrs. Aitchison and Mrs. Wall. The offering was received by Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Ritchie gave the offertory pray- er. ' rayer.' Mrs. Armstrong took charge of the business session of the meet- ing and Mrs. Wall gave the an- nual report., Mrs. Holmes closed with prayer and a social hour was enjoyed with the social coni- mittee serving refreshments. d lousewi —Photo by Snyder Studio Blue -Thompson vows exchanged. Red and white 'set the holiday theme as Mary Helen Thompson of Wingham and Ronald Robert Blue of Owen Sound exchanged wedding vows in a candlelight service at the Winpham United Church on Saturday, December 28. Rev. Barry Passmore offi- ciated at the double ring cere- mony and Mrs. Donalda David- son of Wingham provided- the or- gan music., The bride is the daughter 9f Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thompson of Wing - ham and the groom is the son of Archie Blue of RR 3, Allenford, and the.'late Mrs.. Muriel Blue. The bride chose a white gown of polyester jersey with a high roll collar, long pleated sleeves and a gathered 'boklite'' to the set-in waistband. The skirts was drape& to a short train. Her headdress was a Juliet cap with a waist, length Veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Nancy Thompson, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Arlene Fear- nall, sister of the grpom, and Kerry Thompson, sister of the bride. All three were identically attired in white -dotted red sata- 'peau with white lace collars and small ruffles at the hemlines. Each wore a headdress of red velvet and white mohair ribbon, and carried a cascadeeshaped bouquet of white chrysanthe- mums and red carnations. Pretty Christmas ceremony for Mullen -Bailey nuptials In a pretty candelight setting surrounded by white carnations and holly, Leslee Anne Bailey of Toronto became the bride of Stephen Joseph Mullen of Woods - lee in a 'pre -Christmas ceremony performed by Rev. Barry Pass- more in the Wingham United Church on Saturday, December 21, at five o'clock. Hap-Swatridge presided at the console of the - church organ and provided tradi- tional and contemporary music for the occasion. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Bailey of RR 3, Wingham. The groom is the son of Mrs. John M. Mullen of Woodslee a`nd the late Mr. Mullen. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor - length gown of ivory figured lace, styled with empire waistline and Juliet sleeves. A Juliet lace head- piece held her shoulder -length ro —Photo by Snyder Studio three -tiered veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of white carnations, red- roses and holly, with burgundy velvet streamers. She also carried a lace handker- chief belonging to her grand- mother. Sandy Howard of Toronto was maid of honor and bridesmaid was Suzanne Platts of Hinsdale, Illinois, cousin of the bride. They were gowned alike in floor -length empire -styled gowns of burgundy polyester crepe with long sleeves and cream colored satin collars and cuffs. They carried bouquets similar to that carried by the bride. Danny Mullen of Woodslee was his brother's best man and guests were ushered by Warren Mullen of Woodslee, brother of the groom, and Peter Fox, cousin of the groom, of Ruthven. A reception followed . at the Howick Comm -unity Centre where a buffet meal was served. Guests were present from Toron- to Hamilton, Woodslee, Amherst - burg, Hinsdale, Boston, Connecti- cut, and Utica, Michigan. The bride's mother wore a floor -length gown of crystal blue polyester crepe and a corsage of white carnations and holly. The groom's mother chose a floor - length gown of pale blue crimp with a similar corsage. For travelling to Calgary, Al- berta, where they will reside, the bride wore a beige pantsuit, burgundy blouse and hat, and brown suede coat with fur collar. Honored guests at the wedding were Mrs. Mary Meldrum, Toronto, grandmother of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fox Sr., grandparents of the groom of ;' - yen, - -. Best man was Ken Blue, brother of the groom.,..Rick Fear- nall, brother-in-law of the groom, and Barry Thompson,., brother of thebride, were ushers. They also were dressed alike in navy blue suits with white pleated shirts and black bow ties. The bride's mother. wore an emerald green gown of chiffon over acetate, with 'gold accesso- ries. She wore a corsage . of bronze and yellow chrysanthe= mums. The groom's stepmother wore a mint green gown of peau crepe with beige accessories. She wore a corsage of pink carna- tions. An honored guest was the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Thompson of Wingham. Out.of- town guests attending came from Owen Sound, Shallow Lake, Allenford; Thornbury, Kitchener, Milton, Belgrave, Teeswater, Listowel, Fordwich and Langley, B.C. Following the ceremony, there was a reception at the Wingham Legion Hall with music provided by Jim Patterson and fhe Northern Gentlemen. , After a brief wedding trip to Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bluehave taken up residence at RR 3, Allenford. Miss G. Norris welcomed as. B & PW member 4'The Wingham Business and Professional Women's Club held its regular meeting at the Manor Motor Hotel' on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Emerson Shera intro- duced the speaker, Marvin Streich, who spoke on public rela- tions. Mrs. Harry Bateman thanked Mr. Streieh for his inter- esting and humorous talk which was enjoyed by all. The president, Mrs. Albert Rin- toul, and the membership chair- man, Mrs. Marion Scott, wel- comed a new member, Miss G. Norris. Plans were made to have a dessert bridge ' on Wednesday, February 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chamber. Save glass for the glass drive .FORDWICH -- Glass of any description, jars, bottles, sealers, any color will be picked up in Howick Township, the exact date, probably some time in April, to be posted later. The glass will be recycled and proceeds will be used to help send local Scouts to the World Jam- boree in Norway next summer. The drive is sponsored by the 1st Clifford Scouts and Group Com- mittee. Hglp the Scouts in this anti- pollution campaign. ;--Holiday guests of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josef Pd. King and family of RR 2, TeemYitter, were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nicholson, Brampton , Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kirkland, Karah Marie and Emilie Ruth of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. King, Tracey, Tina and Robbie of Teeswater; Brenda King of Walkerton; John Wilton of RR 5, Mildmay; Ronald McKague of RR 2, Wingham.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delmage, Gail and Cheryl; Mrs. Hilda Harris and Mrs. Mabel Moir all of_Wing ham; Mrs. Velma Falconer of RR 2, Teeswater, and Anne and Marie Sande of Tonto. (K iL' )I,1L'I � .,�.k., What have you got to lose? we will help you lose weight FOREVER with the aid of the famous Adelaide Daniels Canadian Family,, Meal Plan. ADELAIDE'4ANIELS Canada's foremost diet authority Founder Director IDEAL- WEIGHT CHART Height Woman Men 6P 100 58". 103 00' 01' 62' 03' 04' 65' 00+ 67' 65' 65' 70' 71' 72- 73' 74- 75' 76' 77' 105 115 111 111) 117 122 123 128 129 134 132 140 136 140 140 151 1114 ' 156 148 '160 162 164 156 168 161 172 .., 178 182 180 190 ... 104 counterweight WINGHAM Maitland Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Hall 213 Josephine Street Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. THEDECOR SHOPPE iephine Streel Wingham NU -LINE INTERIORS CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY (The Name That Recommendations Built) OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE SOFAS, CHAIRS, OFFICE FURNI- TURE, BREAKFAST NOOKS, CAR, TRUCK, AND TRACTOR SEATS, ETC. RE=UPHOLSTERED ALL TYPES OF REFINISHING NEW FURNITURE BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS I am ready to serve you to the best,of my ability and offer you- quality workmanship and de- pendable service. I look forward to servicing the people in the Wingham area TONY Ke KESS 357-2718 Special Sale Top Dr�wer Fashions MAIN STREET MOUNT FOREST 20 ' 50% OFF * Dresses * Long Gowns * Pant Suits * Blouses * Sports Wear * Lounge Wear, etc. Sole starts ,/an. 15 4' sf 4