HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-09, Page 14MAU WHOMA iVIIMee-Tinmes, nand" , J U 8, 1475
iP L
biy sic . Imore hockey�' Be Aus
rua teams busy
WILT— F011owiang a
OMNI vacation, Howick
Ws* bug with hockey
One again last week as
rilitie#►Med. to the finish to de-
Ifinlinift the wieners.
,eothtbition action, the East
H wleikT*ea defeated the East
O* Atniior Girls 5-4 in an
O'Clit400 game. West Howick Pee
Wei went down to defeat at the
bklingla of the Palmerston team;
afore of that game was 6-3. And
KUrtzvilte defeated Fordwich 10-
a; 'Iso in an exhibition game.
,! . The East Howick Squirts sent
ti Kurtzville team on its way, to the
1 tune of 15-0, and Fordwich Old -
i :timers defeated the Belmore-
• Wroxeter oldies 8-4.
Intermediate competition saw
Howick team meet its Waterloo
( as they did battle with Platts-
i ville; resulting score of that
s 7-2
ELMORE — On December 16
elmore Squirts defeated Kurtz-
ville by a score of The goal -
getters were Allan Kieffer 5, Dan
Kennedy 2, Brenda Chambers- 1
and Larry Fischer 1.
On December. 23 Brussels lost
to the Belmore Squirts, by a score
of 6-0. Players scoring goals were
Allan Kieffer 2, Dan Kennedy 2,
Brenda Chambers 1 and Grant
Harkness 1.
The Belmore Squirts won over
East Howick by a score of 8-6.
Allan Kieffer got five goals,
Larry Fischer 1, Jeff Harper 1,
and Keith Rutherford 1.
At Watford on Sunday the Bel -
more PeeWees took part in the
Silver Stick Tournament. After
playing overtime Belmore was
defeated by Parkhill 5-4. Scoring
were Don Busby 2, Larry
O'Malley 1, and Kenton Schaefer
3 game wa .
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Millar of
Edmonton, Alberta, spent New .
. Year's at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George E. Walker.
I —Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt
. returned to their home after -holi-
daying for the past two weeks
with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Dirstein and family of Ajax,
Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaunt
. of Chatham were guests at the
same home Christmas Day.
• —Hume Foxton of Toronto
visited Saturday with his aunt,
Mrs. Norma Bender, and other
relatives in the community.
-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas.Walk-
er of Ottawa . spent a few days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
1. George E. Walker.
Holiday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Murray, Minnie
like wWingham, Canada
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton has and acre of wheat, oats, barley heft to celsius readings, and os of,
/received a most interesting letter and lupins. They export the seeds duly lst this year we have 4°gone
from Mr. and Mrs. Eric Poole of of thelatter for stock food said to metric". No more miles, gallons,
Wingham, New South Wales, be very high in protein. We also inches, now it's all Idlo netre$,
Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Poole passed through lots off sheep and litres, kilograms, etc. Alright for
visited with Mrs. MacNaughton cattle statiens. It has been - a the young but harder for us to ad -
and other Wingham families in particularly good rainf year just.
1972 and since that time there has everywhere this year, so I do feel tnfflation has risen to an unbe-
been an annual exchange off we saw the country looking at its lie~vable level. in the last two
Christmas cards and letters. best. Wildlife was more evident years, since the Labor Govt.
Although we have carried also. We saw kangaroos, rabbits, came into power. They are
Stories of the Wingham "down emus, foxes and wild pigs, and backed by the unions (which are
under" in the past, this particular many kinds of birds. In all we communist led) so wage claims
letter provides such a graphic covered just on 8,000 miles in just
Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Marr of Kitchener, Mrs. Charles
Bushfield of London and Brian
Murray of Alvinston.
—Miss Kathy Pattison has re-
turned to *flaterloo University
after spending Christmas Vaca-
tion with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Pattison, and Jim, and
with friends in Willowdale.
—A very happy occasion took
place on January 4 when family
members, neighbors and rela-
tives called on Mrs.' Allan Pat-
tison, who was celebrating her
birthday, to wish her many happy
returns of the day and good
health and happiness for years to
come. •
—Miss Bertha Walker of
Walkerton was a New Year's
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.George E. Walker.
—Holiday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinson, of Scott
Softball team Street were Mr. and Mrs. Ken
fand Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc d of
plans dance _
Hr. and Mrs. Dave Murray,
Hodgkinson and boys of stowel
Following a New Year's party,
the executive and players of Bro-
phy Brothers slow -pitch ball
11 team announced their second
a dance; It will be held Friday,
R .,) -F4:11?,--..0 the 1ing1iam Arm-
ouries and will feature a return
r by popular demand of the Moran
�1 y` Brothers. Band. from 'Walkerton.
a Tickets will be available only
1 from team members.
1 The -proceeds from the dance
' will be held in trust toward sup-
1 porting local Boy .Scouts who
through their achievements have
a qualified for a trip to a world
2 Scout Jamboree in Finland.
:Team sponsor Desmond Bro-
phy, who hosted "the group at his
home for the New Year's party,
b reported a sustained high team
a spirit and- interest following a
p very successful first season.
' . I The team won 21 out of 32
games played last season and
I were eliminated in the league
• I semi-final rounds. Teani mem-
! bers will soon begin spring train-
. ing in preparation for their
second season.
Canada Manpower
!, Centre
In Attendance
J nuary 16, 1975
1;00 p.,rm. to 4:00 p.m.
Minnie Street, spent Sunday in
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
description ' of our Australian under three months. Next winter,
namesake that we reproduce it in all being well, we hope to go up
full. the Queensland coast and up
Dear Mrs. MacNaughton: around the top to Darwin, and •
It is as well we have Christmas -maybe right around. Itis a big
each year, which tends to jog us country.
into remembering loved ones anf Our town has a population of
friends, especially those who are around 3000. The main north
far away. We did so enjoy your coast railway runs through, but
letter. We have reread it many we are eight miles from the main
times, and so have our special Pacific Highway. Our nearest
friends and relatives. Last week town is Laree (Lar -Ree) which is
we heard that two girls from on the highway with a population
Wingham, Canada had been in of about 12,000, and would very
our town, and we were so Ws.- much like to take us over as part
appointed that we did not meet of their area but so far we have
them, as we could have shown resisited. Our symbol is the
thekn around, and generally horseshoe. We have a horseshoe
make them feel welcome. factory here, also an abattoir, a
We have a lovely district, with. tannery, a dairy .factory, and
mountains on one side, and, a about four sawmills, specializing
beautiful river (the Manning) in hardwoods. At one end of our
and within a range of 30 miles main street, facing the river, we
some of the best beaches in the have what is known as Wingham
world. When you know the area, • Brush, which is an area of ,virgin
there are many scenic Spots. I rain forest which has been fenced
don't think we fully appreciated off and kept in its natural state by
it, until we had been abroad. You the early pioneers. It has a couple
tend to see it through different of enormous fig trees which are
eyes then, and appreciate your truly outstanding. Each year
country for what it is. millions of flying foxes (or fruit
We bought a VW Campm`laile, bats) come to the Brush to breed.
which is a' van set out with a bas No effort to rid the Brush of them
stove, fridge, wardrobe, sink, has proved successful, so now
cupboards and bed and a push up they have become a tourist at -
roof. Welad a shake -down cruise traction. We even had a TV docu-
to decide what to take, and what mentary on it called "Jungle in
to leave at home, and the Spring, Main St."
we set out across the continent to We have eight churches of dif-
Western Australia and its capital, ferent denominations and a bowl -
Perth. Our main purpose in going ing club, tennis club, golf club,
was to see -the wildflowers for pony club and swimming pool, as
which they are justly famous. well as a Memorial Servicemen's
There are over 6000 varieties, Club and two hotels and a show
2500 of which are indigenous to ground, where the annual show or
W.A: Each year in Spring they fair is held, also an annual rodeo.
° hold' a wildflower exhibition in We have a stock saleyards on the
Kings Park, Perth, over a four outskirts and a hospital and four
day period. It was in an enormous doctors.
hessian marquee, which shades Our shopping area - is quite
the flowers, yet lets in the light— good; I seldom have to go to
making it a photographer's para- Laree, eight miles away. We also
Bosman have returned to theirs dise. It was beautifully arranged, have a garden nursery, and our
home after spending Christmas '� th, tide hanks . of flowers in- as---dearest:airport is Laree. Ir takes
holidays with their son and natural a setting as possible,_ and about three-quarters of an hour to
family in Naramata, British tapes of bush bird songs playing fly to Sydney (our state capitol)
1.3olumbia. in the background. Down one end, about 220 miles away. Inciden-
Miss Anne Geddes s ' • nt the each specimen was identified tally, when we returned from
New Year holiday with i • nd with its botanical name; and they overseas in '72,_ we found our.
Mrs. A. Lunn of -Seaforth. • had a stall where you could buy weather had gone from fahren-
the seeds, and books on nature,
seeds, and books on nature, -
WI euchre plants and shrubs. I was in my
element, whilst Eric got some
BELGRAVE — The Women's truly wonderful color slides. We
Institute held a euchre and dance also saw the wild flowers growing
in their natural state of course—a
on Friday evening, December 27 natural garden as far as the eye
in the WI Hall. � � could see, in places. W.A. is a
Winners of the euchre were,
high lady, Mrs. James Hunter; very sandy place, but everything
low lady, Mrs. Leonard James; appears to thrive, especially the
lady's novelty, Mrs. Ross Ander- roses. I have not seen any as good
son • high main Douglas Bruce • anywhere in the world.
lows man, David Fear; man's We went 600 miles north of
novelty, Elmer Bruce. Perth as far as Carnarvon, where
Music for dancing -was supplied we inspected' the space station,
by The Blenders. Lunch was which played a very important
part during the mdhn shots. We
served by the ladies.
Alex Gilmar of' Fawcett, Al-
berta is visiting friends and rela-
tives in the Belmore and Gorrie
Lynn Robertson of RR 3, Walk-'
erton, spent a day during the
holidays with Steven Johann.
Craig and Lesley Harkness of
Richmond Hill spent holidays
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Harkness.
also went down a gold mine in
Kalgoorlie, which was interest-
ing. We saw the Wave Rock at
Ryden, which as its name implies
is a huge 50 -foot rock shaped like
giant curling wave. We walked in
the. giant karri forests at ° Pem-
berton and visited the lighthouse
at Cape Leeuwin. Down south
also of Augusta we saw through
five different and beautifullime-
stone caves. We also called at the
whaling station at Albany. Eric
found it interesting, but it was too
smelly for me. We also saw acres
an You, one an a -
As I complete a long period of public life in this community, first as a town -
councillor and latterly for several years as mayor, member of the Public Utilities
Commission and Hospital Board, I would like to express my appreciation of your
patience, friendship and loyalty.
In addition to the electors of the municipality and their families I would
mention in particular those who have served as councillors and reeves, without
whose co-operation my tasks would have been a great burden.
Particularly appreciated has been the assistonce of the town employees and
those at the P.U.C.
We live in a wonderful community and - with your help - I hope I have con-
tributed something to its development.
My best wishes to the new mayor and council and to all the residbnts of
Wingham. May the coming years bring even more progress than the ones during
which I was privileged to serve you
Dewitt Miler
Mrs. Claire Rainer of Scar-
borough and Mrs. Clarence
Chamney spent the holidays in
the Hawaiian islands.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jones and
Leslie of St. Catharines, Mr. and
Mrs. David Thompson and
Heather of Bowmanville, Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Thompson and Jason
of Waterloo spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Thompson
and Don.
The Gorrie Women's Institute
will meet on the regular date,
January 15, at the home of Mrs.
Martin Scott. Members will
notice the January and February
programs are interchanged.
Come with suggestions for new
projects. Everyone is welcome.
GORRIE -- Rev. Wesley B.
Ball of Gorrie United Church
dedicated a pair of golden candle
holders on Sunday in memory of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Ewart
Whitfield. The holders were
donated by their family.
Two persons were injured
Saturday when their car swerved
off Highway 9, six miles north of
Teeswater, climbed an embark-
ment, turned over and rblled
back -down to the roadway.
The driver, Helen Hammond of
Port E-lgin, -- and a passenger,
Kenneth Snowdon of Wingham,
are in satisfactory condition in
Bruce County Hospital, Walker-
ton. The vehicle was demolished.
—Walkerton Herald -Times
Better than 10 per cent of the
adult population of Goderich is
involved in furthering their .
knowledge at night school pro-
grams held at GDCI.
Approximately 400 people are
registered in the program now
and these combined with the 200
enrolled , in Recreation Board
programs have made it evident
that night school programs are
desired in Goderich.
—Goderich Signal -Star
and strikes are We oar of the
day. The Government bit :Q11
a credit squeeze which sent many
people broke, now people are
losing their jobs, because busi-
ness and industry cannot afford
to pay the wages, A beautiful
country, being ruined!
Well, my dear, the Compli-
ments of the Season. Would love
to hear from you in 1975, 3f you
have the time.
Jean and Eric Poole
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