HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-09, Page 4Pale 2—The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Januanry 9, 1975
Whitechurch News
day guests with his
Little Lyle Willis, while playing were Wednesday
Jandzi off
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. sister, Mrs. , o
Victor Emerson on Tuesday last, Milverton. Gra-
arm above the wrist.
had the misfortune to break his • Mr. and Mrs. ev Kay,
ham and Wendy spent Ilitong.ay in
We are pleased to report that Guelph and in Kitchener with hisand sister,
Russel Chapman returned home mother, Mrs.. Kay
a week ago from Victoria Hos- Miss Gale Kay.
pital where he had undergone eye Mr. and Mrs.. Dalton Shultz
surgwere holiday guests with their
�• Mrs. Tom McMtpllen�'
The community was sorry last daughter,
week to bid farewell to Mr. and and Mr. McMullen of St.
Mrs. Dave Parrish, who had Catharines. their
�son,y also visited
Leonard Shultz
operated the former Doris Willits with
store for a year. They won for and Mrs. Schultz of Tillsonburg
themselves many friends here and other friends at Niagara
with their courteous service and
friendliness. On Tuesday we wel- We are sorry to report that
come the new storekeepers, Mr. Mrs. Bessie Mulliss is a patient at
and Mrs. Steve Helesic of Goder- Wingham and District Hospital.
ich and wish them success and This c� and Mrs. tends
happiness while they sojourn sympathy
Gibb and family in the passing
Mr.and Mrs. Elmer King of last week of his father at Clinton.
Brussels were Sunday visitors The funeral was held there on
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emer- Saturday.
son. Quite a few of the congregation
After spending the holiday at n side and Whitechurch ac -
his home here Bev Kay returned cepted the invitation of Mr. and
Sunday evening to resume Mrs. Bev Kay and family to visit
studies at Knox. College, Toronto. at the manse on Boxing Day.
Callers during the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson,
season on Mr. and Mrs. George Darlene, Sharon and Brenda are
Fisher, Wingham, were Silbio spending holidays with Mr. and
Martini of Douglas" Point, Jack . Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Holt of Gananoque and Walter LucknowMr. and were Sunday callers on
. Bill Porteous of
James of � London.
•Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Darlene, Sharon and Brenda Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans,
were Sunday evening guests with Linda, Larry and Lisa of Erin
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald were Saturday visitors with his
and family of St. Helens. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill$ raps.
Mr. and .Mrs. George Fisher Weekend guests with Mr `and
' Mrs. George Fisher Afere Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Lougheed, Cheryl,
Lori Jane and Andrew, Randy
Dear and Dru Chillingworth, all
of Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Fisher, Teddy and Timmy, Don
Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Fisher, Lonnie, Lori Joan and
Lee of Ayton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
that a Gibson, Rhonda, Bil}ie and
after hour. V Gregory, Whitechurch; Mr. and
need no longer embarrass you.
Just use OraFix Denture Adhesive.
It gives you a tight seal
1 sts hour
t+• I' � Mrs. Bob Dawson and Cindy,
The seal
of confidence:'
Campbellford; Mr. and Mrs.
Carman Machan and Ross of
Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. , Bob
Estey, Waterloo.
For More Particulars Call
AN QLD SIGHT greets the eve of a New Year as two horses and buggies await their Amish
(Staff Photo)
pwners in the alley behind -Jack Hayes' store.
Belgrave PersonaiNotes
Mr. and Mrs. Harman Mitchell
of Rothsay and Norman Keating
of Wingham visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby,
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of
London, Mrs. Laura Johnston,
Miiael McNall of Toronto and
Mrs. Hilda Roberts of"" Listowel
spent Christmas Day at the_home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch and
family of London.
Boxing Day. guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby
were Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Arm-
strong of Thorndale, Mr. and
Mrs. Gibson Armstrong of Lon-
don, Mr: and. Mrs. Jack Arm-
strong of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Roberts and Mrs. Hilda
Special virus CCM at'
confined cable easrly
more susceptible to some Vacc t the proVanis are
W befog
ar' cattle are lthh 1 'herds'
sty$. � � . .. Y
diseases, iVet and because' l vaeclne
Accord to the Ontario Mills- a an cause abortion if ad..
try of ,Agriculture and Food feted to, Pregnant cows or
veterinary services brad feed* auifn„i�441s In co �e
cattle . n t with►
can become ectad by the VIM . Win' g awsp't'l ey should be
of IBR (infectious Bovinegu �� a veterinarian. . .
tracheitis) at anyti�nle, but they mould also, lata tried
y .to
are more likely to get it hi the cure least Are*
"The IBR virus is usually
spread by direct contact between
animals," Dr. W. S. Bulmer of
the Ministry's veterinary ser-
vices branch at Guelph, 'said.
"Therefore, cattle confined in
stables -and feedlots get the dis-
ease more frequently."
Although no existing antibiotics
kill, IBR virus and cattle have to
overcome this disease theiti-
selves, the farmer should call a
veterinarian as soon as he notices
symptoms. By administering
intravenous fluids or antibiotics,
the veterinarian can ward off the
bronchopneumonia that some-
times accompanies IBR which is
often fatal.
A cow with IBR frequently
develops an upper respiratory
infection that causes discharges
from the eyes and nose, funs a
temperature of 105 to 108 degrees
F, and suffers weight loss. In
ked with Mr. John were New Year's visitors some cases, inflamMation of the
ton spent the wee n y windpipe may
and Mrs. Jack Van Camp. with Mrs. Gladys Rock of Monk- occur causing
Miss Margery Black of Credi- ton. labored breathing with a "roar -
ton spent the holidays with her Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and ing" sound.
is Mr. and Mrs. William Cheryl of Seaforth spent Friday In addition, IBR sometimes
paren ,
Black. afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. causes abortion in cattle
Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Whalen •Murray Scott. ` eight months pregnant. Although
and. Dale of Timmins, Mr. and Meribeth and Melanie Scott the membranes are often re-- -
Mrs. Dennis Beck and Mark and had their tonsils removed last tained following an IBR -caused
Lynda of Milton visited during week at the Wingham and Dis- abortion, lavoratery examination
the Christmas holidays with Mr. trict Hospital. of the fetus or mother's blood is
and Mrs. Charles Cook. Recent dinner guests with Mr. usually required to identify IBR
Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Willtlyd Armstrong positively as the cause.
Clarence Yuill and Mrs. John were Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mac- Laboratory examination is also
Nixon attended The funeral of Innis of Waterloo, Dyke Maclnnis required to diagnose IBR en -
their uncle, -George Lane of Listo- of Toronto,' Mr. and Mrs. Paul cephalitis, an infrequently-oc-
wel, last Tuesday,. Hodgson, Ballmafad, Mrs. Mil- curring infection of the brain, and
dred Campbell of Egmondville, to confirm a diagnoses of IBR as
Mrs. George Cook, Wes and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Austin of the cause of death in calves.
Annie and Mrs. Telford Cook Seaford}, Mr. and Mrs. David Veterinarians may require
spent New Year's with Mr. and Hanna and family of Kitchener. laboratory examination of dead
Mrs. William McArter of.Brus- Mr. and Mrs,. Robert Hibberd animals or tissue by one of the
of Listowel. - cels• visited on New Year's. Day and Ministry's veterinary 'services
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon and Thursday with ---Mr. and Mrs. laboratories. The clo'Sest one is in
Julie and Jeffrey of London spent family visited on Sunday with Warren 'Zurbrigg, RR 2, Clifford. Guelph.
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bolt, Robert Hibberd attended the Mortality in calves. with IBR
Robert Grasby. Hanover. funeral of Bro: Reg: S. Greenside often approaches 180 per cent:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mr. and Mrs._ Murray in Clifford on Thursday. Those under six weeks old usu-
family visited on Sunday with Lougheed and family spent New Mr. and Mrs. James . Keller, , ally develop severe diarrhea
Mr: and Mrs. Nelson Dusky and Year's with relatives at Stayner. Sharon and Laurie of Kitchener, which often causes a.fatal loss of
LeanneMarie of e 1 Coultes visit
Some trees like Larch and 1,
Maple can tolerate excessive
amounts of water.
New Ham- visited
ed on Ronald Taylor of Guelph, Mr, and body fluids.
. and Mrs. Walter Mrs. Robert Taylor and family To aid in the control of IBR, Dr.
Mrs. Robert Procter and Armes of Seaforth. spent New Year's with Mr. and Bulmer suggested isolating
Maxine, Miss.Marjory Procter of Dale Lougheed, - Barbara . a�.1ac Taylor. ,
baby Mrseci o
burg Sunday with Mr.
�: ; autl -.,° dill, Mho f% . 4091#fi att i'O, '
tea d '1
Jeffery anc Iti hard ' - 'mss T ' Al Wit Niagara Falls feds
Johnstgalfjoondonnoilyis. December 27-30. �' "" " , �:
Frank Procter and Karen spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. The Hi -C held their Christmas
- Larry ,Mayberry of Londesboro. • party at the Lougheed house on
Mrs. Hardy Rinn, Lois and the first line of Morris.
Murray ,and Mrs. Edith Cart- e on Sunday afternoon with and Mrs. LewiS t
wright of Blyth spent New Year's visited
Day with Mr. and -Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stone
Cartwright and family of Londes- house of London.
boro. Miss Shirley Edgar of Wing-
Ki'Ytiberley and Duane Kue on Stonehousof ham ande Ivis ted . and s. Lewis
Kitchener returned hom
Saturday after spending the with Frank Edgar who is - a
Christmas holidays with . their patient in University Hospital,
grandmother, Mrs. Harry Rinn: London.
Mr. and Mrs. William Steven- Miss Marjorie Procter spent
son, Steven and Scott spent the the Christmas holidays with her
Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Wil- Procter.
cox of Lakeland, Florida. `Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook, Mr.
Miss Lisa Stevenson was a holi- and Mrs. Eldon Cook and family
day visitor with her grand- and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Wingham were New Year's
Stevenson of Tillsonburg. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Camp Cook of Clinton.
and family visited with Mr. and
rlars. Cyril Canning
Mrs. Louis Hayes of Elyria, Ohio Statford nd Mrs. Marjorie
during the Christmas holidays. Sayers of England were holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Henri Auge and visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Louise of Espanola, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
Raymond Van Camp of Bramp- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and
Get started with CO-OP Fuel Oil Service now, and
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What's new at
Dick Roorda led the Christian *pressed the appreciation of the
Reformed tong service on Sun- residents. Following the program
day evening assistedby mem- a and a Mrs.tter was Harveyr
rHoward whaead from t
. and
hers of the congregationhave
vocal duet by Mrs. Van Dyke and, residents ree welcomed to the
Hanover and three new
Mrs. Wieringa.
Shirley McClure and Debbie Home', Mrs. Henderson of Bruce -
Flynn entertained awith
i p field, and Mrs.rs. reight of McKercherWing-
dancing numbers Monday ham
afternoon's activities, with old • "Jamestown.
time music by Marie Flynn,
Lorne Lawson, Norman Speir,
Jerry Collins and Philip Regier.
Helen Fisher and Morgan Dalton
led singing of favorite carols with
three numbers by the rhythm
band and the program finished by
everybody joining hands for Auld
Lang Syne. Many thanks to the
volunteers who helped with the
Ed Stiles of Goderich played an
hour of organ Inquests on Thurs-
day afternoon and accompanied
Mrs. Betty Rogers with vocal
The McQuaid Family of Sea -
forth provided a musical pro-
gram for Thursday evening. This
is a verytalented family -and play
a variety of instruments as well
as step dancing by the girls. Mrs.
Wilfred McQuaid plays piano;
Wilfred, Paul and Anne Marie
violin; Norman and Bernard
electric guitar and Aloysius
The earth is at least four and
one half billion years old.
Shoes anct' handbags cost
. money Now. recoiour them
at home – easily and inex-
pensively. Last year's black
shoes can be red or green
A blue handbag
Make it yellow Instant
Colouring works on leather
and many plastics
Covers completely and lasts
I 2 by 4 plate_
.. .y es..6--& 91
1 -
newly purchased Battle for three
eflleon 1110Io/here04!
For Thee Who Misted Out...
We Still Have a Limited Quantity of
Royal Albert
Cups & Saucers
English bone chin
assorted floral p
Playmate Solid
State Radio
a in Battery or electrically
atterns operated. ONLY $10.95
North Street, Wingham
wilding a "rec room" is easier
1 by Jstrapping
see pages 12-8113
2 by 4
see pages
Stairway ideas Ceiling tiles
see pages 28 & 29 see pages 22 to 25
Strap heating
.ducts and pipes
' see pages 12 & 13
you think!
i I
an y
.see pages 30 & 31 see pages 16 & 17
2 by 2
wall strapping
for exterior
walls, see
pages 10 to 13
barrier, '
see pages
16 & 17.
heating, eta.,
see pages
- 14&15
1 by 3 floor
see pages
26 & 27
Rigid insulation
seQpag9s _
26 & 27
see pages
26 & 27
Baseboard Floor tiles.
see pages 30 & 31 see pages 26 & 27
see pages
18 to 21
see pages
30 & 31
1 by 3 floor
see pages
26 & 27
With the help of this illustration which you will find in the
booklet "YOU REALLY CAN" (available at Hodgins -McDonald),
you can turn a bare cellar into a beautiful rec room, and save '
money by doing it yourself. We have the materials you need...at
the right price!
Decorative "CEILING TILE - 21c ea. (Reg. 29c)
"CARPET" by Armstrong - s4:95 Sq. Yd. with underpad
"PANELING" -Terrific Selection - From $4.9§
Sheet and up