HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-02, Page 201
Wingham Advaunce-Timcnes, Thurs., Jaye ry 2, 1975
Lloyd -Truax a growth oriented company
"We are a growth oriented
company," asserts C. D. Lloya,
president and general manager
of Lloyd -Truax Limited, to des-
cribe future prospects for that
farm. Expenditures of $750,000 for
buildings and machinery in 1974
attest to the fact that the com-
pany is indeed growing.
This past summer a 60,000 -
square -foot ads, i tion in the form
of a distribution warehouse was
m. de to the plant on Cedar
"The change has made it pos-
sable to abandon the old Lloyd -
Truax plant downtown," said Mr.
Lloyd, "and it has substantially
unproved our ability to get pro-
ducts to m rket." The plant
addition has allowed for better
distribution of goods.
The old building had been used
for inventory of finished doors
but the material handling costs
between the two plants had in-
creased excessively. The new
addition includes a finished goods
warehouse and distribution area
and a shipping dock. An invest-
ment in staff relations was also
made in the form of a new lunch
room which is particularly con-
venient for those employees from
Updating equipment is an on-
going process at this plant. Be-
fore the end of the year a whole
new boiler installatign will be
completed which will change the
method of burning fuel waste.
The new method allows for a
more complete combustion of
wood waste material. Black
smoke is therefore minimized
because no fine particles of black
upper floor of the office area,
must be kept dust free and at a
specific temperature range at an
times. the computes does an ac-
counting function% sales analysis
and comprehensive planning pro-
These progressive ganges are
Indicative of the company itself,
for the trade name "Ljoyd
Doors" is the best known in the
carbon are left as residue. The .Canadian door industry: It is
system became necessary to synonymous with quality and
meet the new regulations of the distinction. Lloyd -Truax is the
Ontario Ministry of the Environ- largest panel doer manufacturer
ment. in Canada and among the top half
Also in 1974, and a first for the dozen in flush door manufactur-
aaea, was a full in-house comput- ing.
er installation. The computer C. Lloyd and Son Limited of
room, which is located on the Wingham and R. Truax Son and
DON LLOYD, the executive head of Lloyd -Truax Ltd., stands amid the many rows of
finished wooden doors which are stored in the compenay's new warehousing faiiiitfes. The
company has just completed a rnaito expansion proiect . That prefect saw tie ware-
housing and shipping facilities grow by an estimated 60,000 square feet.
(Staff Kanto),
LLOYD-TRt'AX ! Tre recently uddad about 60,000 square feet of warehousing, shipping
and office space to its Cedar St. plant. The company was one of the first. industries founded
e in Wingham and has been growing continually to meet the needs of the marketplace.
Co. of Walkerton were two
pioneer door manufacturers.
Truax was founded in 1876 and
Lloyd in 1888. Both cempaniee
were familytowned, independent
organizations which competed
with each other in the major
markets. Prior to 1945 interior
doors were manufactured pri-
' marily using panel door construc-
tion. However, war -time needs
and experience brought the
development of superior glue pro-
ducts and resulted in a vastly
expanded Canadian plywood in-
dustry._ Low cost, high quality
birch and fir plywood became
available to door manufacturers.
During the mid 1950's Uoyd
Doors moved to Cedar Avenue to
build a flush door manufacturing
plant. In 1963 the two companies
merged and formed Lloyd -Truax
Limited. Toromont Industries
Limited, which is a Canadian
public holding company, ac-
quired Lloyd -Truax Limited in
The chief raw material used in
the doors is western red cedar
from British Columbia. The
lumber is removed from railway
cars in Wingham and is dried and
sawn into various components.
Here flush doors of all kinds are
manufactured. Components are
also shipped to Walkerton, to the
former Truax factory, in which
panel doors and louvred doors
are manufactured.
In Walkerton new Machinery
has, been installed recently to
change the construction of the
company's panel door product.
The entire Walkerton plant has
been convected to dowel con-
struction whereas. before, a
mortise -and -tenon construction
was used. The new process of
dowelling requires highly auto-
mated machinery. One advan-
tage of this newer method is the
fact that there is less waste of
lumber. "Dowelling also allows
for greater efficiency and a
higher volume of production,"
explained Mr. Uoyd. The daily
output of Lloyd -Truax Limited
exceeds 3,000 doors per day.
The factory employs a variety
of methods 'to ensure efficient
production. All the waste materi-
al is utilized. Scraps are used for
core material for flush doors;
short material is glued together
to make longer pieces. An inter-
nal grading system is used to
grade and mark au the lumber.
The amount of yield that can be
obtained out of a board is impor-
tant and the quality of the board
determines on which production
line it Will be used.
All the lumber is scientifically
dried in the company's -own kilns.
Please turn to Page 9
111111111 HEAT/NG
We were pleased . to have been
part of the expansion at
counted on us to do the plumbing
and heating installations.
LeRoy Jackson
Josephine St. W1NGHAM 357-2904
Quality and Distinction
'Doonvays to
Lloyd Doors
Whether your taste runs to English Manor house styling,or to that
found along the sunny
shores of the Mediterranean, LLOYD DOORS have the door to add
just that extra touch of
cheerful warmth to your home.
Strong design, coupled with graceful, intricate detailing, makes LLOYD DOORS just the
thing to provide new opportunities for decorative expression.
There is a LLOYD DOOR for every purpose, - a door of highest quality a product of
superior workmanship.
- Exterior/Panel Doors with carved or raised panels.
- B folding Wood Doors in Flush or Louvred Design.
- Wood Combination Doors with self -storing aluminum inserts.
- Interior Flush Doors in a wide variety of woods.
- Exterior Flush Doors,- plain or with carved panels or eye -appealing
pp 9
Tight designs.
LLOYD DOORS offer the best value ever
- Manufactured of British Columbia Red Cedar proven over the years the most
durable and lasting wood,
- Modern, scientific equipment ensures uniformly high quality.
- Quantity production, expert craftsmen and nearly 100 years of -experience,
concentrated on doors alone, ensures you a product as fine.as
can be produced.
Lloyd Truax Limited
A member of the Toromont Group
Wingham, Ontario
the the