HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-02, Page 16Page 4—The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., January 2, 11925 New electric f electric urnaces,a increase Wingham's Western Foundry will house the storage bins for Company Limited is now in the raw material, a new control final stages of a - $1.5 million laboratory, and auxilnary mat - dollar expansion program which erial handling equipment was started in January of this An electrical service to handle 'The project has included the increased power demand has y'ti also been added. The company's the installation of two new elec- new sub -station has sufficient tric vertical channel induction furnaces, 'expanded core room capacity to handle the 5,000 to facilities, as well as additional 6,000 kilowatt daily energy office, warehouse and storage demand (approximately equal to space. the Town of Wingham's total Company President Dick Le- present demand). A 650 h.p. Van explained that fully two- diesel generator, capable of pro - thirds of the money spent in the ducing 400 kilowatts of power, program went into the two new has been installed to see the plant furnaces and facilities directly through any power interruption. related to them. The company Even this back-up power source has also made provision for the installation of a third furnace when required in the future. The new melting„ and holding furnaces will be quite an im- provement over the previous "cupola" method of melting. Electricity is now the fuel source for' melting whereas coke, a by- product of coal, was the fuel, source used in the cupola. The president pointed out that envi- ronmentally, the electric fur- . naces are superior, as extensive expenditures for smoke abate- ment equipment would be re- quired to expand the cupola operation any further. Double Production The newly -installed furnaces will increase production to ap- proximately 80 tons per day from a present level of 45 tons. The ,control features available with the furnaces allow. molten metal to be held at all times, which pro- vides flexibility in the pouring times. Don Kennedy, executive vice president, pointed out that with the cupola, once melting had started the metal had to be poured continuously and could only be operated for a period of eight to nine hours. Melting would then cease, the - cupola vould be emptied and repaired, . and the cycle repeated the next - day. The new furnaces will melt at a rate of three tons per hour each, and they act as "holding" or storage units as well. Thus mitten metalwill be available 24 hours' a day. To house the new furnaces, an 8,500 -square -foot building has been added. Including the foun- dation and pits for the new fur- naces, 1,000 cubic yards of con- creW and 150 tons of. reinforcing 1 have been used. As well as e new furnaces, the, ,addition is capable of producing more power than the entire operation used five years ago. Shell Core Mr. Kennedy proudly noted that the foundry now has one of the most up-to-date shell core production facilities in North America for a venture of its size. About 11,000 square feet haye been added or rebuilt in this area. Some of the most modern semi- automatic and automatic core production equipment to be found anywhere has been installed. A "core" is used where a "hollow" type casting must be produced. The management- has also in - un , cleaning. ami\'. in- creased its, shiPP g and inspection space by 7,00 has includeduimtfor square feet, as wellas addingarea well.A nf this" 3,000-sqare feet of office pa e punchgess and a 400 -ton capa- an fact, the new facilities in the city brake press were added this project have increased the physi- Year- cal ePlans have been made to un- cal area of the foundry by almost 50 per cent. prove working conditions in the The addition of the meta lurgi- foundry and equipment orders cal and chemical laboratory will have been placed. - A heating and help to meet the company's short ventilating system to move and long term quality control ob- 300,000 i feet ofair pr minutecuct a jectives. about the capacity of 300 average Sheet Metal Plant home furnace fans. The systen Although no new additions have will also include correspondingi, been made to buildings in the exhaust systems and revamped sheet metal fabricating plant, and additional dust collection systems. The company's head expl ed that upgrading andk.moderniza- tion at the foundcj'ls a continuous chain reaction. Once one part of the facility is made more effici- ent, it puts prepsure ongthe next area of production to increase its handling and output, so that faci- lity has to be improved. There - r forei while the present moiler. nization program is almost corn= plete, the company is already laying plans for new expansion when and where �is necessary. What does this inc . production and refinement of facilities meathe o pa'!! and the community? Mr: teVan said it will enhance the coAn- .- II j y'a e—petiitiVe. oapabilitles la the .in- rke'ce1 The inore sophisticated eontro!a and pro• duction equiprne #t will. allow for better and more consristent qua. lity gray irons which are required to meet customer$° requirements ty_..ad tomorrow. The resi- dent continental that graY'Iron Please turn to Page 5 THIS beat c tion 1 furna syste work are d grid. THIS ELECTRO -MAGNET which can carry up to 1,000 pounds of scrap metal at one time, is part of Western Foun- dry's new-$11million electrical furnace,system.The metal is r, dropped into a large' bucket" which then•transfers it to one of the plant's two tilt nose vertical channel induction fur- naces where the "charge" is melted. (Staff Photo) WESTERN FOUNDRY of Wingham has just com-pleted a Targe expansion at a cost of ap- proximately $11/2 million. Improvements have been made in the moulding area (seen• here) shipping, f'aboratory facilities and the installation of tiree tilt nose vertical channel induction furnaces. The -furnaces, only two of which will go into operation immediately, cost'the company $1 million alone. - - (Staff Photo) ESTERN FOUNDR COMPANY LIMITED IRON CASTINGS * SHEET METAL PARTS WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE: 357-3450 SPECIALIZING IN IRON CASTINGS FOR A VARIETY OF ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS IN NORTH AMERICA * SI-IEET METAL PARTS INCLUDING STEEL SHOWER CABINETS, SPECIALIZED STEEL CABINETRY' WESTERN FOUNDRY COMPANY LIMITED has been associated with Wingh�m---sinci 1901, and today are supptiers of castings to major- markets in North America Representing in North Ameraw Fritz Winter. Eisengiesseri O.H.G. 7., fk WESTERN FOUNDRY COMPANY LIMITED SPONSORS THE WINGHAM IRONMEN JUNIOR "D" HOCKEY TEAM