HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-02, Page 9Complete Collision Repgirs and Poififing Towing Service Radiator Cleaning and • °Repairs SiD ADAMS Proprietor WINGHAM, t3FlTi. Res. 357.1174 Bus. 357.1102 .� r !tendedfor The Brownie drsv •program 001 MoodaY. Mrk, J. Kaufman- helped '11*, Brownlee make it eolorNI Twelve Nye. Ctas book. EachBrownie Wrote '0 010004 she would do wt. ch of there daYstOr4. etlsluther good turn ited'thought* of helping someone,T books were °decorated with Christn las cards. Cheryl Malts received her Housekeeping BOPand Vol McGregor her C.raft dge. At the dory of the meeting, Brown Owl gave each • Brownlow Christmas ,gift. . We want to express our thanks to the drivers who are taking some of the Brownies home after the meeting. i 4cin to Cn r linCetingotibe MellIteah Vaned Iotolt Church Women was. held in the eburehblOMMent with II in Steil. 1 dance. The president, urs. �I. Robert : Harkness, opeaed the‘ gifts from meeting with* poem °The Key t0 l Christmas ,w 1 • Devotions were condweted by Mrs. David and opened with the singing n Cano upon the Midnight Clear". The_ Christ- mas Story from St, wins. read vette by verse by':several different ladies, followed by the singing of "Away in a Mate". A Christmas meditation, "A Time for Remembering" was read by Mrs. Harper and the devotions were closed with the singing of "Silent Night" .and a prayer. The minutes were read and ap- proved. Mrs. Everett Dustow was in charge of the .program and conducted a very lively carol - sing including "Hina the Herald Angels Sing", "0 Come All Ye Faithful", "Joy to the` World" and "While Shepherds Watched". Mrs. Dustow closed the program od with a poem, "The. Old w Storm". The president read several re- ports .and business letters, The bills were presented and passed. Year-end reports for all offices were presented. Mrs. Everett Dustow, chairman of the nominating committee presented the slate of "officers for 1975. They are as follo*s: President, Wilm Dustow; vice-president, Alice Mawhinney; recording secre- tary, Mary C. Renwick; treas- urer, Betty Darling; manse, Ellen Inglis; corresponding secretary, Mary A. Renwick; finance, Betty Darling; social functions, Helene Haskins; press, Mary C. Renwick; missionary, Sally Harper; community, Alice Mawhinney; prograth, Grace Busby; stewardship, Hilda Dustow; Official Board, Wilma. Dustow; supply and welfare, Grace Busby; quilting, Laurin Wright; literature, Ellen Inglis. A Christmas story "The Gift of the Magi" was read by Mrs. Walter 'Renwick. Mrs. Elmer Haskins presented Rev. and Mrs. • Lake with a lovely poinsettia. for ANDY'S REFRIGERATION LTD. PHONE 357.3484 • WINGHAM. 24 Hour Emergency Service Radio Dispatched YOUR TYLER DEALER Bulk Tanks, Walk -Ins, Air Conditioning, Pres REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF APPLIANCES PETERS. MACEWAN General Insurance Real Estate Broker 38 St. David St., Goderich Phone 524=9531 HAVE YOU? Been looking for o break in life. Well we have it. One and a half storey frame home, thi;ee bedroor, living room and kit- chen, all on main floor. Upstairs unfinished yet room for two more bedrooms if desired. This home is situated ona double lot in the Village of Lucknow on the bank of the nine mile river with good fishing in your own back yard. Also a small barn on the said property. This horne hasino plumbing or furnace but for $12,000.00 who would complain. Act today. AREAL BUY This 100 acre farm is located two and a half miles from Listowel ;consisting of a three bedroom two storey brick home, modern plumbing and oil furnace, large steel, born,also approved gravel pit. This farm 'is now operating as a boarding home for horoughbred horses. A great buy at $110,000.00. • OTS OF LOTS We have just listed a number of good building Tots in Lucknow. Priced from $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 each. Act fast and get the ick of the crop. • WE WOULD APRECIAT` E HAVING YOUR PROPERTY LISTED Ross and Phyllis Hoggart • R.R. $;°Wingham Phone 3574692 rvice FLOWERS AUTOMOTIVE . Wedding Arrangements . Cut flowers . Plants . Flowers by Wire Service LEWIS FLOWERS 135 Frances Phone 357=3880 INSURANCE For your INSURANCE See or Call iiVitt1AM S. REED ; 64 Victoria St., 351-2174 4 r POOLS/ ETC. Swimming Pools Above and Below Ground Complete Line of Pool Chemicals ARMSTRONG CHEMICALS Box S6 Walkerton cE.Modavisa Ltd. Your Automatic Car Wash Centre Transmission Repairs Expert Repairs to All Makes and Models of Cars and Trucks - PHONE 357-2841 WINGHAM SUNOCO SERVICE LICENSED MI C1JANLC,.: UNDERCOATING & RUSTPROOFING COMPLETE CAR &- TRUCK SERVICE Prop. Ken Leigh. PHONE 357-1554 NiGHT 357-3585 ELECTRICAL BURKE ELECTRICElectrical Contractors Motor Rewind and Sales Household Appliances Josephine St. ' 357-2450 Emergency Service - See. • the Yellow Pages Pletch Electric Wingham INDUSTRIAL or COMMERCIAL WIRING Also Rural and Domestic Phone 357.1589 "FIRE HURTS" said the sign on the Wingham Rural Fire Brigade float, and the smoke coming from the, old stove on the float wasn't too pleasant either. SANTA'S -WORKSHOP was *portrayed by Kaster's Food Market as part of the Wroxeter " Santa CIauS parade, the Saturday before Christmas/ Christens Service Choirs unite for candlelight service explains gifts of wise men ii ii�iiEC "UR — Tt= ch • of Chalmers Presbyterian, Lang - side Presbyterian and White- church United churches held a candlelight, service under ,the. direction of stu lent minister, Larry King and Bev Kay: Mrs. Don. Ross was the organist, and the Bell Ringers of St. Andrew's -;T ian Church, W tg ern, assisted in the service under the direction of Gordon Leggatt. The Sunday, service was road - .cast QnCR i , ►l rpgram in- cluded � choir slinging of "Angels from the Realms", "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and recita- tion of the prayers, "Come, Thou rector FOOD PIZZA Freshly made to your order from a choice of Mushrooms, Pepperoni and Sausage - 3 Size,-_ -Chicken & Sea Food Dinners - RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN 357-1360 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 RUSTPROOFING Guaranteed RUSTPROOFING FOR New and, Used Cars_ UNG .OLDSLTiX Winghem 357.2323 FUELS BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agent For all your Home and Farm Fuel and Lubricating Needs 357.1032 PLUMBING HEATING. Percy Clark Plumbing Heating and Sheet Metal Contractor PHONE 357-3080 366 Edward St., Wingham Leroy Jackson —Plumbing —Keating —Tinsmithing 1.91 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 CONSTRUCTION Askes Brothers CONSTRUCTION Cottages, Homes 7t$dT4tlYP1s $ Reif ov aI ions Cottages, Homes - dsti $f%eh6vuiions FREE ESTIMATES Ph: 548.2726 Box 122, Luck now FREE Ph: 528-2726 Box Lucknow T. M. & T. CONSTRUCTION General Contractors All types of concrete work Home and farm building • Complete Renovations CALL BOB THOMPSON BLt'E%'ALE, ONTARIO 357-3493 IL‘YE: Expected Jesus" nd "The Prophecies" from Isaiah. "0 r,Jome, 0 Come Emmanuel" w'as followed by sgngs by St. An - dr ww's Bell Bangers, Scriptiire whs read on the birth of Jesus, followed by a drama- tization of the "Birth of Jesus" and the carol, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". The shepherd story was read and a dramatization of The story was presented. The choir sang "While Shep- herds", followed ,by the reading and dramatization of the wise - men's story. "As with Gladness Men of Old" was sung, followed by meditation on "The Cross in Christmas", the carol "Silent Night" and the benediction. The choir and the Bell Ringers sang "Joy to the World". The church was lighted with candelabra loaned by the Flower Shoppe of Wingham. The choirs entered through the aisles carry- ing the lighted candles. ' Seniors enioy festive party WROXETER -- Rev. Wesley Ball was guest speaker at the Senior Citizens' Christmas party held in the community hall. Rev. Ball read the story of the first Christmas from the Bible and then spoke of Some of his work as padre among the prisoners while he was in England. He was intro- duced by Mrs. Harvey Coupland and thanked by Mrs. Lil Galla- her. Other very enjoyable numbers on the program were carol sing- ing with Mrs. Arthur Gibson at the pihno, piano duets by Mr. and Mrs. Art -Gibson with members joining in with singing and mouth organ music by Anderson Gibson with Art Gibson at the piano. Mrs. Harvey Coupland gave a reading, entitled "Greetings", followed by a- comet -prepared --by Mrs. Gallaher and won by Mrs. William .Wright and Anderson Gibson. During a short business meet- ing it was reported that three looms had been purchased. A class for instruction in crafts is planned for Jan. 15, in Kitchener at Lewiscraft. This will be a ohe- day class. Afiy ladies interested Should contact Mrs. Harvey Coupland. A meeting with Mike Barkwell from New Horizons was announced for Dec. 18th. • tr Kea $2A Rhone: 4$2 W MASONDATLEY BROKER/MANAGER! SPACIOUS .btick •horn a on,. nacres well Ionddsoaped 'way property. Out boikitsva in excellent repair. NEW '1 floor aluminum sided 'home in Bluevali; Electrically heat&d, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms,' :excellent decor.: Priced0seil. *** ' Duplex In Beigravo. only three years old in ;tide new conditiog with. ell, conven fences and separate se viPCS. Must be seen to be (pored°. °, ted. **e One floor fraine in g el rave 1 in like new condifhon. WI/I/- fully itt/fully finished bases ent,. elec- tric furnace, . carpeted, pn quiet street with beautiful view, 4 bedrooms, largelot.. *** One floor brick home in Myth: two bedrooms, in like new condition on beautifully land- scaped lot. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Gas station and recreational ' centre on highway 4 showing a nice profit. 'Priced to sell. • FOOD FOR THOUGHT • This New Year ROW drive as if you own tbezroad drive • as if youlown the car. WRO.TER -- Rev. WesBall, in his Christmas Sundayinessage - to"' the congregation oT Wroxet er `T United Church, spoke of the gifts first offered to the Christchild by the three wise men and stressed that man still has gifts ,to offer God. Mr. Ball spoke of the rebellious nature of man, making himself something less than his creator, God, intended him to be. He said that many times we are -more aware of scientific happenings than we are of God's presence in our . midst. Emphasizing his statement; he said that Bethle- hem had been aware of the strange sights when Haley's Cornet filled the heavens and when Saturn and Jupiter, met, but on the night of Jesus' birth, the sleeping Bethlehem, missed the magnificent event. Mr. Ball referred to the gifts brought by the wise men: the gold representing material needs;. the frankincense a' man's knowledge and learning; the myrrh, a commonly used em, baling fluid, sigtriifytfig the new life that can be ours if we give our lives as a sacrifice to God. He urged all to lay thea gifts at the feet of Jesus today W The organist,. • rs. Edwin Martin, was accompanied by Miss Janet de Boer at the piano. The choir sang two anthems, "Glory to God" and "Angels We Have Heard on High". Institute .enjoys Christmas dinner GORRIE — Mrs. Glenn John- ston was a most gracious hostess at her home, Wednesday noon, December 18 when the Women's Institute members held a Christ- mas dinner, each member con- tributing to the bountiful repast complete from turkey to mince, pie and ice cream, tarts, etc. Mrs. Norman Wade, now resid- ---Ing---i-n- -Wingham'_ was_ a special guest. Mrs. Wade is a long stand- ing member of the Institute, and it was nice to have her .present. The Institute ladies have been busy catering. On December 9 they catered to the HoWick Lions Club Christmas dinner when their wives and some members of their families were present and on December. 20 to a smorgas- bord dinner at Howick Com- munity Centre for the employees and their wives of the Starcraft Plant in Listowel. i CLAYTON G. HOGG LIITO Real 'Estate Brokerp,4' - Wingham Next to the Poet Office - FORSALE - Twp storey frame asbestos -siding home, kitchen, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 pc. both and 1 pc. bath, new oil fur - nace. Lot 166' x 132', one block off main street; Wingham. Low price with terms available. ****** Two bedroom brick home, newly decorated including broad- loom, on outskirts of Wingham. Located an corner lot 109' x 81'. Many extras. Low price. Two storey, 2 bedroom brick home with large -kitchen, dining room, living room, in excellent condition including broadloom up and down. Located on large lot in Whitechurch. Garage and workshop. Just move in. ****** Three bedroom brick bungalow, modern all the way, located on 1/4 acre lot on highway at Wroxeter. Modern kitchen with appliances, dining room, living room,. sun room, hardwood and broadloom floors. Low taxes. Immediate possession. WANTED, We have sincere clients looking tor rural properties and farms. List today for action. WINGHAM OFFICE 357-1515 EVENINGS JOHN BRENT 335-3391 t FITZSIMM'. NS BROKER REAL ESTATE 176 DIAGONL.L ROAD D 357.1117 WINGHAM, ONTARIO • NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME Over 2000 sq. ft. of luxury living space is oftered plus many extras and built in features not often found in new homes of todoy's high building costs. This property is well worth your _ _ ____early attentiolVand the price is right due to owner being trans- ferred. NEW SPLIT LEVEL HOME Still under construction but nearing completion. This attractive 3 bedroom home offers materials and workmanship of excell- ent quolity. Anyone inspecting this home will be pleasantly sur-, prised to find what the builder is offering in relation to the very realistic purchase price. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Low purchase price makes this bungalow of recent construction an excelleni...Choice for the younger couple about to purchase their first home. Good location, economical heating system and low taxes will olso please the retiring couples who want to have money left for the other luxuries of life at today's highly inflated cost of living. The listed price of $26,500. is open to offer. • A delicious lunch was served by —Mrs. E. Brownlie, Mr. and the committee. The committee Mrs: Lorne Gardner and Murray, for the next public euchre party Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardner all of on Jan. 6th will be Mr. and Mrs. town and Te1Ty Gardner of Lo - Reg Watson and Mr. and Mrs. don spent Christmas Day with James Wilson. Everyone is wel- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parrish and come to theses, _�amllu...aear Dungannon, 100 ACRE FARM Trout stream, pond and river. Modern home and buildirigs. 30 acres tillable, balance bush and reforestation, high terrain, paved read. Pricf $50,000. Ken Duchorms, Representative, 670 Shuter Street, Wingham, Phone 357-2594