HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-01-02, Page 1By WUms Okea3lie-
TrIStaelJohti MCCSPA Of Ansa
Craig and O'' Kiefer of Blue-
vale, who PerVed, Un the Huron
Perth qty
Separate &hoot Board for
past sic• years, were WOO
Wednesday, Dee. 18 prior to their
retirement. At a meetinghold in
Grand Bend the two trustees,`who
have been on the county, board
since it was formed in 1989 were°
each presented with a gift.
Ted Geoffrey of Zurich, who
presented the gift to Mr, Kieffer,
said he had done an outstanding
job for the board. In reply Mr.
Kieffer thanked the board and
asked for the same support for
his successor, William Kinaban.
Donald Crowley, in presenting
Mr. McCann with his gift said,
"There can't be a more honest
guy around. He says what he
thinks. He has done a good job for
the board."' In reply Mr. McCann
se Of ibe firstyear as rted t{t the lookout for
tougone for all° t Mi .el ldren p'� on the roof of St
With' ono ;9uPerlmiten 'yrs '•
Made, ! �: T eBeab,'s: Umbi ng, Clinton,
lid wished ; boardawl; the contract for
eheat inn • future,:' aallin :J cupboards at St.
',icer by eg e+ eph's ,S !oil in Clinton for
Pat Carty of StratfordwN► SIC
not at the,meeting, has served forThe r tion of Mrs. Sharyn
SIX years and will be ae' ,oven, principal's relief at
by Ronald Marcy. Gordon Saered Hit School in Wingham
St. Marys who has serves' 0 :r Was accepted, effective Decem-
years, will be succeeded bher 31.
O'D rowsky,
Ted Geoffrey, chairman the, j'`
maintenance committee, ofii S� T � •qUt�. '
'•linin ton
lineal how8, was spent at tbefi
19 schools in System in kef.04, Nonorod by
Ing them up to date, such 45 2'04
repairs, painting, drainage w prlr`:: MosonlcLodge
Therequest by St. J '
pariah, Sratford, was granted to' 3t ; A history -making event took
use St. Michael's School for a.
peace recently in Teeswater
COR (Christ in Others ROreaLla Retreat)Masonic Lodge When Perry
the weekend of April 4, 4 .and d% Pennington was presented with a
The police in Goderich will be, 5o -year Pmt Master's jewel, an
ent whi`ili,"rarely takes place.
e gathering was well at-
ded by Grand Lodge officers,
t -and present, as well as other
embers, ° -District Deputies
m Kincardine .and Tiverton;
ed Benstead, Past Matter of
chmopd Bill Ledge; eight Past
tars,, representing different
es from London; including R.
Pennington, Past Master of
seh e; Jack Goodall,
Master of •' ham Lode, as
h-well:as a number of Past Masters
and members of the Wingham
"<< Messages of congratulations
'were read from as far away as
Neepawa, . Manitoba; Toronto;
Pert Huron; Petrone and Lon -
In his -reply, Mr. Pennington
stated that it was the first such
honor he had received - and that
suitable wow were difficult to
find. He thanked everyone and
said he was very grateful that he
i- been emnitted.to see _this
men orable day, He wished
� t t
mbinbers of the `lodge the
din l� ani of the season and
heal and prosperity in the years
to come.
THE HOSPITAL. STAFF entertains with Christmas carols many activities at that Institution to help cheer those who
in the lobby o! Wingham and District Hospital as part of the are hospitalized -durin .the festive season.
CHRISTMAS GIFTS are presented by nursing assistant
students Lynn Turner, Gwen Dennie, Krista.Stewart, Carol
Walker, Katherine Rueger and Alice Valkenburg to Mrs.
Chambers' and Mrs. M. Grant, director of nursing.
(Staff Photo)
WIDE-EYED PATIENTS Matthew French, held by nurse
Ars. Adams, and Sean Murphy in the arms of his mother,
ianne, start o • nin •,004ts resented to the • diatrics ward
floor supervisor, receives the rest of the gifts from Rosalie
Hackett, ,Karen •Mac,Phee, Nancy Smith and Beveri • Bur -
Barber ' Shop°
is sold to
Bryan Martin
A change of business ownership
took place last week which ter-
minates the services of , one of
Wingham's veteran business-
men. Bill Henderson has sold -his
Josephine Street barbering busi-
ness to Bryan Martin of Wing -
ham, who took over December 27.
CHRISTMAS SONGS by Mr. Bartlett's grade six and seven students are pa
gram at the Wingham Public School Christmas assembly. • (Ste
Christmas cifts, carOIS
� Staff the
cheer hospital patients at Mine
A,oreat bdliday mood was set in dition voluntarily. This . year's Staff
the Witham and District Hos- class held a lake .sale earliear,
es have:
plash • on. hristmas. Eve. as the year to raise the cit y for offii bf a Mi nisb N#�`
patients w a pr es 'en�d
with the gifts.
Christmas gifts and entertained After the presentations, it was
with carols.' s off to gather in the lobby for
The hospital's 22 nursing as- caroling. One, practice warm-up
sistai students presented gifts to there, then on.to;tihe wards to sing
children and adult patients on for the patients. All the nursing
both floors and the reactions assistant students and as many of
were delightful. The children- the hospital\ staff . as. could be
couldn't wait to play With ..th new- spared from their duties joined inar
toys and games. 'The older the traditional cling.,
patients were less exuberant but n , It's no fun to be thehospital
just as pleased. over the holidays, but li"ttle.things
The gift giving is traditional like these make it at least bear -
but the students carry. on the tra-able. .
Names added., to� Iist\of
forty-six years ago and for most Santa parade donations
of that time has owned and
operated his own business. He
and Mrs. Henderson are enjoying
the comforts of their re -modelled
home on Edward Street, but Bill
says he will' . be available, if
needed, for nisi' traffic at the old
Both Mr. and Mrs. Henderson
have contributed much to the life .
of this community, particularly,
through their wide-ranging
mucial talents and their work
with the local Corps of the Salva-
tion .Army.
Grandson of
local couple
dies in fire
A two-year-old Goderich boy,
Christopher McCullough, died
Sunday afternoon when fire
gutted his parents' home at 48
Patrick Street in the Lakeshore
town. Christopher was in the
house with his mother when • the
fire broke out shortly after one
Mrs. McCullough tried to'�res-
cue her son but the dense smoke
forced -her bac k- et igh'
rescue attempt also failed. Mem-
bers of the Goderich police force
and fire officials discovered his
body in the smoke-filled house.
We was pronounced dead 'on ar
rival at hospital.
The Ontario Fire Marshal's of-
fice is investigating the cause of
the fire.
Christopher was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. David McCullough. His
mother is the former Ann Hen-
derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Henderson of Wingham. Mr.
McCullough was at work at the
time of the fire. An older son,
Michael, was visiting with his'
-Holiday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George R. Scott were Mr.
: r 1.1
The Advance -Times is ex-
• periencing some difficulty and
delay in reporting the complete
facts about the Christmas parade
- some weeks ago. We made a
blooper'by failing to notice that
the list of donations was' written
two sides of a sheet of copy paper,
so several names were omitted.
In addition the committee has
now passed on to us the names of
the prize winners:,
General class: -First, Wingham
Figure Skating Club; second,
Wingham Public School; third,
Wingham and District Hospital.,
Commercial: ' First, Estate
Marketing Services and Wax-
-works Boutique and Shirley's
House of Fashion; second, Bea-
ver Lumber; third, Middleton's
Home Furnishings, Triangle Dis-
count and Decor ,Shoppe.
Under 12 years of age: First,
Wingham Day Care Centre; sec-
ond; YACMAR third, Wingham
To be included in the list of
donations are: Dr. Bateman 320
(rather than 310); Lewis Flowers
310; Bateson's Model Dairy $10,
Red Front Grocery $25; Leroy
�' s- Jackson $Z; - 1 - err, -contra
tor, $10; Mowbray Construction
310; Readinan Cleaners 325; Es-
tate Marketing Services and
Waxworks Boutique $15, Jenny
Wren Shoppe $5, Ideal Supply Co.
Ltd. $10, Bill Tiffin, Esso agent,
$10,' Earl's Mobile Lunch 310,
Ernie Merkley and Son, Fulf Oil, _
$5; Bill May, State Farm In-
siirance, $5, 'McDonald's Bridal
Boutique 35, McGill Radio and
TV 35, Marks' Auto Body 315,
Mclntee Real Estate 310, N. D.
Cameron Ltd. 325, Wingham
Fruit Market 32, Bumstead Metal
Fabricating 35, Drs. Ping and
Wilkins 310, Maitland Redi-Mix
$15, Winghamm
Body Shop 310, El -
la's Beauty Lounge $5, Wingha
Drive-in Cleaners $10, Reming-
ton's IGA 310, Finnigan's Gro-
cery 35, Ernie Music Centre
$5, Harkema Transport Lines $25,
Mrs: I. E. Murrey 325, Elliott In-
surance Agency $5, Green's Meat
Market 310, Hamilton's Lunch 35,
Gosling Chev-Olds 35, Shirai De-
partment Store 310, Gemini
Jewellers $10, J. T. Goodall an
R. Campbell $5, Beaver Lumber
35, Adams Hairdressing 32,
Frosty Queen 310; Keil Insurance
$20, Callan Shoes 325, Canadian
Tire 310, Folly Restaurant $5,
Burke Electric 325, Dr. R. Bray
The committee believes. this do-
list includes all who to'the parade fund, but if
anyone has been missed, please
let Don Carter know.
Peanut Drive
grosses $1500
The annual Lions Club Peanut
Drive has grossed about 31,500 in
the town of Wingham. This is
from sales made in the door-to-
door canvass as well as sales of
peanuts and mixed nuts placed in
local business places. -
The Lions are- grateful to all -
who participated in this worth-
while project to send it 'over the
Collision of
sono wmoiles
injures four
The collision of two snow-
mohiles in Teeswater on Dec. 28
resulted in slight injuries to• the
Dale Keller and Morgan,
Joanne and Robert Bregman
were treated for abrasions and
lacerations and then released.
The accident occurred on the
Sue Bellmore started work at
the district office .at the eri+'
October. Mrs. Bellmore of White-
church replaces Janet Sleight -
holm who left for Australia after
one and a halfyears as clerk-
typist. Mrs. Bellinore was :pre-
• viously employed in accounts re-
ceivable at. Spinrite Yarns, List-
istowel. M • .-
Mrs. Elda Nethery and Mrs.
Barbara Bender have been re -
gently' added to the district office
staff as part-time help in the typ-
ing and clerical division.
Warren Knight of Brussels has
joined the Ministry of Natural
Resources as lands technician.
He also started in October but is
not on permanent staff. Mr.
Knight recently completed -a
three-year forest technician
course at Lindsay.
Town police
lay charges
The Wingham town police in-
vestigated a break and enter inci-
dent at the new Senior Citizens'
building under construction on ,
Alfred St. Damages -were -
estimated at about 315.
On Dec. 19 the . manager of the
Lyceum Theatre reported a theft
of 3120. The money was later re-
covered from two juveniles.
An accident on • the corner of
Patrick and Edward Streets at
5:20 p.m. on Dec. 21 caused
damages estimated at over 32,000
to the cars involved. One car
driven `by Dana L. Metcalfe, 359
Francis St., sustained 31,000 in
damages. The second car was
driven by Gary Ament of Blyth
and sustained 31,200 damages. •
Mr. Ament is being charged in
the case.
Three disturbances were in-
vestigated over a four-day
_period - No, charges _were- l id_ in_
the Dec. 21 investigation which
resulted in three 'persons being
ejected from the Canadian
Legion hall or in the Christmas
Eve investigation of a disturb-
ance caused by youths on the
corner of Carling Terrace fend
Patrick St. A. Dec. 22 incident
behind the Manor Hotel resulted
in charges of causing a disturb-
ance laid against William Gordon
Alton of Belgrave.
The polio also investigated
four accidents under $200'
damages and three charges of
possession of liquor outside resi-
-Mr. and Mrs. Kon Bourdon of.
Deep River are spending the
Christmas holiday with her par-
ents Mr, and Mns. William