HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-9-19, Page 5mEAP OPP$OPPPP 13007'S AND SHOES, Sioecral. FOR ALL AT I i with pleasure that we announce to oer meny 'Patrons that we have made 1111 WO:010hIl YiruTgaelTri,tr'i:ii!Lcs'ate,s'tviii`E13-17,t-' 'Efave jest receivedlt large new stock of all kiwis of gee and coarse boots audshoee for the fall and winter trade. Bought of the hest and leading inanufacturing houses in the Dominion, which I will eell at elight advance on cost prices leave also pet art addition to my store on aceennt of the increase of iny last years' business, so that now I have the largest and best assorted stock ever offered in &meal before, In fine shoes I keep SiEDS, sizes and E. and D. widths. Some special cheap lines : Wonienecloth slippers 25e. and upwards carpet 40 " leather " 50 " Oxford ties " 60 " opera te 75 " huffbas " $1.00 4 4 • Baby shoes `c 20 " Wigwams men, women and ehildrens' at cost prices to clear them met. Aubbere of all eizus, MDR, WORM and childrense I have also oh 'hend a huge stock of hand made long boots, coarse and fine well seasoned for the fall trade,made of first - material and by first-class workmen. 'Those who are troubled with corps and bunions can get them ° cured by leaving their °viler with tile. No fit no aale. Re- pairing neatly done and promptly attended to,. Cotne,one come all and examine my goods ,before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that you can save money by dealing with me. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods. No trouble to show goods. , Stand. opposite Reynolds hotel. •. DISTRICT DOINQS. Mitchell has a floating debt of $10',0110. Mitchell's rate of aaxation this year is two cities on the dollar: The libe ' suit' of Mr. Geo. Moir against the St. Marys Argus has been vrithdrawo, Mr. D.loie having been fur- nished the name of the Writer: Mr. W. B. Harrison, has severed his connection with the St. Marys Argus end has accepted a situation in De- troit Miss Clench. of Se Marys left last week to resume her position of music- al instructor in a leading oollege in North Carolina. One 25c. bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator has done Me a great deal of good, and you will pleaire send me a a dollar bottle. -Mrs. Rosa Wilson C4th. Little Charley, a on of Jonas Thorn- tonof McKillop, tp., met with an accident on the 4th inst. by which one ot his arms was broken above the wrist. • The epeople of Parkhill. just after the defeatpf the water -works by-law, are again agitating the matter. The promoters have good pluck. Oven -Bros_ of McGillieray tp. trash- ed on die farm of Mr. H. Thompson, cif the Ridahripla and McGillivray town - tine, 1,500 bus. of oats from 9 re m. till 4:30p. m. Mr. John Turner, .of McGillieray, who had one of his fingers cut nearly off some time ago while working at Ips binder, has not yet been able to resume work. The voters of Sarnia have an oppor- tunity to vote upon two by.lawa, one for the expenditure of $8.300 for the extension of Water -works system, and one a fire alarmaystein for the town Mr, H. Miller, of McGillivray, ar- rived Friday last from Scotland with four thoroughbred Clydesdale horses. Mr. Miller imports And keeps nothing but the best. • • During the storm on Sunday, Mr. John MacDonald, of the 12th eon. W st Williams, had his large barn and out- buildings struck by lightning and • totally destroyed, With all this year's crop. The Massey Mfg. Co. of Toronto, are willing to establish a branch of their manufactory in London and employ 150 hands providing the city offer eufficient inducement. I find Everest's Cough Syrup excel- lent remedy and can beartily reoom- • med it. -P. B. Rossenberry, L. D. S., Arkona. Mr. H. Ovens, of the 2nd con. Nie- Gillivrayshot adartze eagle on the 15th con. of London Township, one day last week. It was of the bald-headed spe- cies. and measured 7 ft. 6 in. from • tip to tip. - Me. L. Reid of McGillivray, whee engaged at a threshing on ruiseday of last week, was -accidentally stabbed in the hand with a pitch fork. The • wouno, though not serious, prevented Mr. Reid from working for a Short thee). The ratepayers of' St Marys are "setting up" a great bowl because their taxes have been raised to ale mills on the dollar. This seems high, • but consider what there is to show for • this increase, electric light, new brid- ges and the Maxwell works. Archy Webb, of Granton had 'a 'Singular misfortune befall. One of hia horses while ploUghing on Monday !art. fie stauck the animal with the • line which caused:it to stverve tbereby upsetting its mate, twee whioh it fell breaking its Own leg. Mr Webb val. ued the animal at $200. • The following case was tried at Der- •, cheater at the 3rd Divigion Court:- eGrifith vs. Speed and Taylor was an action for the ihotlting of a (bag, which was caught in the ace of destroying sheep. The clog was shot in the 'own. or's yard some six hourti afterwttrds. The plaintiff claimed the dog was worth $35. Verdict for $12 and fell costs. Snnitary Inspector for the • Townshrp of London, has been on a tour of examination through the dlr. ferent cheeee factories and slaughter houses in this municipality, end re. pcitts everything in a fairly cleanly oondition, and luny up to the require - menta of the lave But this same In- epector stiggests that in ease of cheese frietories that they should have their whey tatka removed as far away as possible frOm the teeter,. CiN FARMER, published at Port Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farm- ers by which that great publicetion will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our eubscribers who will come in and pay up all arrearages on eubscription to TIMES and one year in advanee from date, geld ten cents additionel, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in Advance and 12 mute additional. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first-class farm, oe mat The .A.efeenneele F AMMER is a largo sixteen -page journal, of national circulation, whieh ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treats the question of economy in agneultere and the rights and privileges of that vaet body of citizens, the farmers, whose industry is the basis of all inaterial and national prosperity. Its highest pur- pose is the elevation and enobling of Agrioulture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The 'regular subscription price of the AereetioAet FAR- MER is $1.00 per year, and the sub. smiption price of the lames is also $1.00 13y taking advantage of this offer you get both papers for $1.12. From any one number ides can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house- hold, YET YOU CAN GET IT PRE'S. Can and see sample copy. kkk UaboThe Council. The coulee' met an the 7th of Sept. All memberepresent. Minutes af the previous were rep and signed. Mona by J Shier, seo bye;IT Kydd, that sauna Rail and Cam- eron bfe a corn to examine the side line from con" west between lots 5 and 6 and to haVe the same graded if they think neoes- / sary.-Car. Moved by .3" Halls, aeo by T Cameron; that L taunter, Pathmaster div No 8 be paid $5 for getting the thistles cut Ei lot 6 (ion 4, the same being unoccupied and that tbis sum be returned with the non- performance of statute labor against said land. -Car. Moved by J Shier, sec by T Cameron that this, council grant gi5 to the Blanshard and Uaborne Aga Sooiety in view of the extra expenditure incurred this year. Car. Moved by J 1360 by W Kydd that le mills cm the e be levied on the ratable property of the municipality to raise the sum of 82448.37 for local purposes for tlae ourrent year -Car. Moved by T Cameron, see by 3 Shier that It mine on the $ be levied onthe rateable eroperty of the ;mini- eipality to raise $3423 75 for county rate and school equivalent, -Car. Moved by Shier, sec by W Kydd that sixty-six one hundredths of a mill be levied on the rata- ble proebity of the municipality to raise $129e,74 to provide for interest and sinking funds to redeem debentures issued in favor of the 14 H & B RR. -Car Moved by W Xydd, see by T •eiameron that the sums legally required by the several school sec- tion of the township for sehool purposes for the cement:year be levied and entered • on the collet:trees roll and • collected with the other rates -Car. Movedby I Halls, sec by J Shieethat a by law ba drafted legaliz- ing the levying of the aforesaid rates -Car. Moved by W Xydd, see by J Halls that the clerk be hereby instructed to omplete the oolleotor's roll and deliver the same to the collector on or before the 1502 of Oct 1889, providing the collector's bond is found sat- isfactory. -Oar Moved by T Cameron, sec by J Shier that the clerk notify the collect- or to prepare his bonds and lay the same before this council fot examipetion at its neat naeesing --Car. Moved by W Xydd, secs by T Cameron that T Brimacombe re- ceive $8 for keep of A Carmichael, and •G Ferguton $13.50 for keep of T Rennet. iodig- em I --Car On motion of 3 Shier, 'sec by W Kydd the following orders RAM granted viz :-L Hunter $8, M Olark $2, G Fergu- aon 813 50, T Brimacombe 88. J Hewitt $10, J Polon el 25, E Cornish $1 25, W Bray 07, T Hunkin 76o Abray & Edwards $55, Andrew $2 50, d Sue11$2, E Hewitt $66, el Samwell $26, W Wiseman. $10, Teirkton Ag'l Society $15, Fullerton tp $288. G. W. Homey, Clerk, Rseone S. S. No. 6. -The following are tbe names and pereentage of pupils in each class who made 50 per cent. or over during August:--Ftrru Ceess-E, 13rima. combo, 82. Founen °Less -C. Andrews, 72 ; J. Turnbull, 69; G. Powell, 66. Tamp CLAss-C. Delbridge, 77 ; L. An- drew, 74; G. Miners, 73 ; E Turnbull, 69; W. Hind 68 ; C Brock, 63 ; H Spicer, 59 ; U. Halls, 50. Secoen SR, -E. Smith, 80; F. Miners, 81; A. Hunter. 71 ; El. Johns, 71 ; E. Andrews, 63 ; A. Barrie, 55 ; 0. Powell, 55 ; E. Powell, 60. SECOND Jn.- S. Clements, 90 ;B. Johns, 80: 0. Fran- cis, 62. PART II. --G. Spicer, 88 ; J. Brook 70; L Vail. 70; A. Woods, 60; L. Miners, 63. FIRST Ceess.- W. Frames, 83 ; E. Francie, 80; L. Brook, 76 ; IVI. Bieck, 75; L Miners, 75 ; M• Woods, 73 ; 0. Haw - kine, 73 ;.B. Smith, 60; W. Hunter, 56 : J. Berryhill, 63 ; E Berryhill, 50. Report of the progress of Pupils in S. S. No. 5 Usborne, for the month of August. Second Part, Garnet Frayne, WillieFrayne. Sec, ease, Sila 1VIc0ord, MoDenald. Jr. third Class, Violet Russell, Blanche Westcott. Sr. third class, Ida Weetcott, Leman McCord. Fourth class, Edith Weetoott. Fifth claw, idit Xydd, T. Rus- sell. Conduct, let. Ida Xydd, 2nd, Ida Westoott, arel, Blanche Westooit. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE: of dyspepsia. It ia said he was driven and is kept away by the use of Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. Sold by all CI -m- oors. Forty carloads of sealskins, making three trains, passed through Cheyenne, W T., Tuesday for the east froni San Francisco. The consignmelat is the entire catch of the Alaska Air Compaey for last year, and is borind for Ettgland. The time agreed upon. for delivery at destination is le daye from Sanfrancisece Messes. C. C. 'liar -Amps ce Co• : Gents, -I hove used your elIeTARD'S LINIMENT euccessfully in it serious eas6 of croup in my family. Iii fact I consider it it remedy to home should he without. otmimoRmq, Cape Isleua So See Ate -That MINARD'S TANI- MleNT is the standard Belmont of the day, as it acee just, what it is representea to do. Six cotton mills at Blackburn, FreeTrade, England, bare been closed on account of the trade depression, One farmer at Portage la Prairie, from 11 blIfillefe of wheat down, threshed 235 bete, and many fields will yield from 40 to 50 bus. per aore. Samples show that this, season's grain, is by far the best ever raised in Mane toba the kernel being very plump and color bright. UNRESTRICTED REOIPROCITY niay be of inestimable advantage to Canada or it may be a mere "Ica," as ite opponents pall it, but no one ORD deny that Nasal Balm, has done more for sufferers from catarrh than any other remedy known. Mr. Thos. Rothe, Rochefort, Ont , says :--I hare suf- fered severely from catarrh, and never got any relief until I used Nasal Bahia. I never thought I could find so euro a cure. It is a • pity all afflicted 0,1th, catarrh do not know of and use thie wonderful medicine., Elliott, who was gored by an ox at the Ottawa fair is dead, The Deaf atul Dunab Institute at Belie. ville opens with 240 napile. It is astonishing how rapidly the feeble and debilitated gain strength and vigor when taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, For °what are celled "biolien-down constitutions " nothing elee bits moved so affective as CAS powerful but perfectly safe medicine. ' • A. FACT WORTH REMBERING. err. Jae. Binnie, of Toronto, states that his little baby when three monthold was so bad with summer complaint that under dectorei treatment her life was diepaired of. Four dome of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured her. A. coal oil stove at Sarnia exploded on Saturday last, °abasing a $500 fire. ON THE SURFACE . Skin diseases appear on the surface and are often humiliating to the sufferer from them. From two to three bottles of Bar - Bleed Bitters will oure rheum, erysipelas, shingles, tetter, nettle rash, eczema, boils, pimples, or blotohes, at the same time re- storing the general bereth. Lulu Maud, B. C.. gas swept by a whirl- eteind on Tuesday last which/did much dam - Mr. Sifton, a London Township farmer, has had several cows ands horse poisoned. The use of calomel far derangements of the liver has ruined mitny a fine constitu- tion. Those who, for similar troubles.lave tried Ayer's Pills testify to their effioacy in thoroughly remedying the malady, without injury to the system. A Calgary disnatoh says Mr Amose Rowe will be an Equal Rights candidate at the next general elections. Martin Burke's lawyers in Winnipeg have received $600 anonymously for their defence of the Cronin suspect. A LINE FROM GLADSTONE. My little son aged two,' was seized with diarrhoea, followed by piles, two doses of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry gave • relief and half ,the bettlecoinoletea a cure. Mrs. J. A. McIntyre, Gledstoue Man This medicine is it specific for all munrner com- plaints of children or adults. An inquest is being held at Chatham on the body of James Wallace, of Port Alma. It is thought he ras poigoned. The .annual meeting of the Dominion Artillery Association will held be at Baker's Point during the last week of the present month. WHEREAS. Whereas much disease is caused by wrong action of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, and whereas Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to mire or relieve dys- pepsia, liver complaint, kidney complaint, dropsy, rheumatism, sioic headache, etc. Tnerefore be resolved, that all sufferere should Use B. B. B. and be 'eestored to healityhe"Halitoba Mennon Fites brutally mal- treated a young girl, and 'were let off with •a fine of 81 each by the chief of the village. AT DEATH'S DOOR.' My little boy had diarrhoea and came very near dying. After the failure of everything we used Dr. Fowler's Ext.act of Wild Straw- berry which caused a quick euro,and I know of two others who were cureby ehe ea= remedy, • FREsmAN C, A.mote Hiller, Ont. Hilman's mill. near Ottawa., and a large quantity of lumber, were burned en Wed- nesday night, causing a loss of nearly $200,- 000. GOOD ADVICE. To be healthy and have lots of life and vim, be careful in diet, take plenty of stem, and regulate the bowels, bile and blood with Burdock Blood Bitters, a sure cure for constipation, biliousness, dyspePeia, all blood humors, eorofula an all broken-ciciwm conditions of the system. Ottawa; Sept. 13 -In an interview yes- terday, Mr. Martin, Attorney -General of Manitoba, told it reporter that the Manito- ba Government intended abolishing French RE an official language on the double score of not supporting a foreign tongue in a British Province and to save expense. As, for Separate Sohools, they would be abolish- ed on the broad principle that no public money should be expended for denomina- ionel pnrimses. • CONSUMPTION CAN 33E CURED By proper, healthful exereise, and the judicious use of Soott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphites, which contains healing and streugthrgiving virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form , • Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B., says: "I have been ,prescribing Soott's Emulsion with good results. It is espec- ially Useful in persons of consumptive tendenois." Sold by all druggist, 60 ole. an $1,00. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDITOR: . Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis. ease. By its timelruse thoueands of hope- less oases have been permanently cured. shall be glad to send ttvo bottles of my remedy erten to any of your readers who have consumption if they • will send me their Exprees and P. O. aadreas, Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Ont, 37 Yonge Street TMPORTANT , Having &me business in: Canada, for years, our reputation and rearionSibility is es- tablished. We want three moil in, yew' vicin- ity to represent us, to whom oral udive territory wilt be given. Handsome outfit free. Salary and expensea paid Weekly. SteadY OmploY- men t th o year rotind. Write at once forlorn -lee Berle stock for Canada a Sp011iallY. MAY Baleunizs, Nurserymen, llochestee,NeY. }JAY WANTED. Tee subseriber having purchased a new hay Incas, re prepared to purohase 2000 tone of first class hay for whiph highest market jerk° Will bo paid. All having hay for sale would do well to consult the undersigned before dispos- ing of it. ;Testes Oen, Exeter. Aug.15, '80 TRAYED, Prom the promisor; of nos, Sthato, nine. vie°. on or about tho 15th inst.. ewe owos. Ono has a split ear and both a bread black stripe across back; one has it long tail. In- forieetion synth') rowardod. e Tiros. eidetic, Elimville. MARKET RitrOATS. ExitTER (Corrected ate o'olook p ext. Wedeoadter Rod Wheat ..'. , kipring Wneat"... "" ... )ii3g t0 e 21 2 earl° y .„ ... ... 34 00 40 Oats R.% 2710 28 Clover S )oc4 - - 5 50 to 6 00 Timothy " ... „ ... 2 50 to 303 60 to 0 50 Corn ... 0 40 to 0 60 0 11 to 3 31 Batter ... ... 12 Go 0 13 Floury erbbi .... ,.. 00 t 0 5 60 Petateeteeor bushel .•. ... 40 to $100 Apples,per bag • ... 1 00 to 1 20 DriedApplespr b ... 0 4142004. Oeeee per lb. ONO ••t 0 00 tO 0 00 Turkey per lb ... 0 0710 08 Macke pe r pr... 0 9010 002 - Chickene per pr ... 0 22 to 0 30 Roga,clreseep cierl 0 ... 0 00 to 0 25 Beef - .., ... 4 09 to 5 00 3 50 to 400 ' f dressed ... .., 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepakins each „. 0 65 to 90 0 allskin 0 • ... 0 50 to 0 70 Wool peril) .„ „. 0 18 to 0 10 Bayperton ,.. .„ 0700 to 08 00 Onionenerbus b „, 0 50 to 0 75 Woodper (lord „. ... 25 to Coo '87; ArAtlYEI 8 Pell Wilma_ . .“. , „ ,,, .... .... • .. ..... . 0 55 0 eo Spring Wheat:. ...... ......... .... “...... 0 fel 0 In ear.ey .......,..... ... . ... , ... . ........ . .. ,,.. i 0 e5 0 40 oats . .. . ., ...... . • ....... : ...... ....... ....„ 0 27 0 28 Cllover-deed.,,.............. .......... ..... ...... 5 50 6 140 Thriot117. . . „ .. „ ..„ „,. 2 50 3 00 Peas.. , . . . -. .. . ............... ... ..... ..,......„.... 0 50 0 50 Egge.“. ........„;., .:.'. ........ . ......... - 31 o it Butter ". , El, 013 Potatoes per bag • „.,..,„.„ ..,...„, 40 1 00 Apples per bush ......... ...... ........ ....... 0 55 wool per lb • e0 o 20 leay marten_ „.. ..... .... ................. ... 7 co 8 00 Bran per tau , , „34 on 14 00 elliorte e n „ ,. , 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl....... .. . ... . ..... 3 00 700 LONDON. 'Wheat, 84e to 96o' per bus. Ords, 27e to 29e per bus. Peas, 45040 490 per bus, Bar- ley, NCrating. 48 to 40e per bus. Barley Feed, &lee to 41e per' bus Corn, 40o to 47ee per bushel. • TQRONTO. • Toronto, Sept.11.-Wheat-Fall No. 2,81 to 81.01. per bus ; spring, N0,2. Sltol 01 per bus. PEAS 550 to 58o per bee. OATS 290 to 3te per bus. FLOOR, extra,. 83.80 to 03.85 per bbl; straight roller, 84.35 to 54,40; sarong baker, 54,00 to VAL MONTREAL. IVIontreal, September 16. --At the Point St.. Charles stock yards there was a brisk business done this Morning in butchers' cattle for local use, and not much in cattle for export. as they are for the most part purchase -lin the eountrY before arriving here. Since Saturday los oars of stook were received at these yards, containing 2,122 cattle and seven cap of sheep with 1,200 on board them. The price of the cattle varied Trout 40 to 41e, and, as on the last market day, it ohoice lot would be likely to .bring 4ie per' pound, while the lower grades for local butchers' use variecl front 2eo to Sic) per pound live weight: Sheep for export. 3410 4to per pound, according to the quality. Lambs. $3 to $3.50 each. Hogs. 85 25 to $5 60 Per hundred live weight. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physicianretired from , practice, having had plemedin his hands try an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent mire 'of Consuniption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousaads ofoases, has felt it his duty to ImIko it known to his suffering fellows. A otnatedby t His motive anda ddsireto relieve num an suiferinb, I w2.,Isend free of charge, to all who desireit, this reeine,in Gerinun,Preneh or English, with full directions fcr preparing and using. Sent mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this oaper.W. A Naxos 149 Rover's Rcoheeter N 7 ADVICE TOMOTRERs.-Are you dieter bed as nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once apAl get it bottle of"Mrs.Winslow'S Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teetslit2g. Its value is incalculable. It will calieve the poor little sufferer im mediately eeriend upon it, mothers; there is nomistake about it. It cares Dysentery and Diarrhosa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,ouree Wind Oolie, softens the GUnaft reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole eystem. 'Mx s. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleagant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents it bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mns. Wuranow's R^QTRINO frrrillP "and no ,either ind, T0 THE DEAF.- -A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it rain to any person who applieeto Menem:at, 177 McDougal street, New York. 4V41742101180111M104 4MSSIVEMIZIO NOTICE. I hereby forbid any parson harbouring or giving credit to my son William Fink, as I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract. Heivay Preis, Exeter, Sept. 3, '89. rashionablo S1711:1. 0 0 THE BEST 'YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Overcoatings at any price; Suit - ns at any price; Pantings • at any price. t st Ordered. Clothing pi odnOed in Exeter • Gentlemen! leave your orders early, for with the best etaff of Teflon ; the beet stock of Fine Trimmings, and the beet Outtieg in Towe, you are sure of atisfae- tion. A. 07. ONICIA:k A WANT SUPPLIED. We will hereafter maw and keep on hand, c good supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell at usual prices, and aim ante° them to fill the bill with satisfaction We reepeotfelly ask le share of your patronage in this hue, end TO will endeavor to supply you 'with good pumps, ana promptly. Iron Pamps will be teurrnsh.ed When Desired. Sliop oee door route of Parton's. Blacksmith Shop, Mein -se, Exeter. W. TREVE THICK. .EXT: OF TFIAWBERRY CURES Li RA holera. MOrbILS OlLri C Ft AIM PS IARRIKEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS • AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR • CHILDREN OR ADULTS. FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a iortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come, Youcan depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to rnake up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. • Parkinson's 'tock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds,' Boots and Shoes, in fact everything I usually kept in a first class general' store. • See his black and colored I Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake- Consult.yoer own iuterests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do beiter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price ,allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. J. PARKINSON. CUT and PLUG moking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG- and PACKAGE DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM S 0 Ir, ALL. KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEETAS SYRUP AND cANINOT•HARNI THE MOST ---... DSLICATC CHILD -e:-- EMPLOYMENT—MT,A,,VAIRIAMt Abu SALARY permontlt. A11 EXPENSESe advmoced. WAGES promptly pot& SLOAN dc co. 306 Ge.lrEla St. Cin,elbinatl. 0. DO You WANT TO BUY FIRST-CISS FUR NITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE usT.TALLy SOLD—, --THEN OALL AT-- GIDLEY'S- -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertalting in all its Branches. • S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C & S. didley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK Ur HIF11 IE1V116 OUR SPRUNG- STOCK --OF----- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, .BARBED .A.ND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the- _ Finest Prices for Cash Very -We have also on band a full line of-. SHELFand BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of ael kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing a. Specialty. A call solicited. BISSET'T BROS. 011- IVIES.PICIiARD Every DeTartmient in the Old EStabliShed new most complete, and full of th,e novelties. The French, English and. American Millinery cant be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger sz, cheaper than ever shown, All the best naakes of rich colored and slao`t; silks, Cheap. Parasols and SitID shad( of every design (both long and short stems. Fine fancy zephers, plain zephers. Sateens and Prints in endless var iety. A special lot of SWiSf3 Embroideries for Dresse (lovely goods.) Every lady should see our Dress Trip mings (which contain all the latest novelties. Come a and inspect our stock. N. 13. --The attention of Dress -makers is speoi.911 oalled'to the Dress Goods department. JAMES PICKARD, Exeter