HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-11-28, Page 7m�
gy each ..famous makers as
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Trouble Gift Sets $3.79
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Flash Bulbs
2 Pouches
Reg. $5.00
Boxed Christmas Cards
Christmas Gift Wrap
Scotch Tape
(Reg. to $2.00)
with the
the piano,
The -secretary* MX*. Ross
Him, read the report of the
'Prete Meeting and gave the
treasurer** **Pert Corr
dence hnduded ate
Film shown at
McIntosh UCW
...10RE, The McIntosh
United Clurch Women warts held
November 19 at that home of Mrs.
Gordon Wright. The preside*,
Mrs. Robert 1rlmeas, opened
the meeting with a poem, odic
Mrs. Eldon. Renwick was
charge of devotions. She opened
with a meditation entitled, "A,
Safe Retreat". Mrs. Oliver
Dustow read the scripture,
Peelle 9i. Devotions closed with
the hymn, "Jesus Loves Even
The minutes were read and air
proved. The roll call, a current
event, was answered by 10
members and one visitor. The
offering was received and deli-
cated. It was decided to send; a:
donation to the Ontario School for
the Blind in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Mac Inglis was in charge
of the study and introduced .the
film, "Heritage for the Future",
telling of how the United Church,
of Canada will celebrate its 50th
anniversary in 1975. Rev. Lake♦
showed the film. The film closed
with the singing of the hymn,
"The Church's One Foundation";
1rs Inglis, on behalf of the
)oldies, thanked Mr. Lake.
The Mizpah benediction was
recited in unison. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Elmer Haskins
and Mrs.. Robert Harkness.
invitation to attead thea
Program of the 'Children's ate.
Society, . derkh, was received
an the usuald t o1may.
was being ate,
A letter from the Candi,
Heart rusd was read and K
agreed tt a canvasskapso
all households ceilidh*.
Mrs, Norman Coultas and Ml's.
Alice /roes were appointed to
pr `pare euldWichei bevero
age for lug' for the trappers
club at 1000 pan. on; November
A colerhittee wai armed to
arrange the menu for the CO p
.banquet to be held DeCeMber. d,
'for 150giilests. They are Mrs. Stan
,,Hopper, Mrs., ClarenceHama
and ' Mrs. Lawrence Taylor;
The branch gave a donationto
the Hi -C, to help in sem a
delegate to the Toc Alpha Can,
The i6ttb annual convention of
the Women's Institute will be
held in Central United Church,
Stratford, on Ncmber 27 and
28, the theme being on nutrition,
"You Are What You Eat". Mrs.
Norman Coultes was appointed
as delegate to attend.
Resolutions were discussed and
it was agreed to leave the voting
delegates to use their own discre-
The Christmas meeting Is to
take the form of a pof luck supper
to be held in the Women'sti-
tute Hall, on December 10 at 7
p.m. All members, husbands and
friends are invited; Please take
note of the change of date.
Mrs. John Kerr was convener
of the program with the theme,
"Canada Is a Melting Pot of All
.Nations". The roll call, a
Canadian place and its nation-
ality was answered. Alison
Roberts favored with folk songs,
accompanying herself on her
Mrs. Kerr spoke on Unicef,
(United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund). It
Install Mrs. W. Rintoul
asChalmers WMS pres.
CHURCH — Mrs. 'Vie,
tor Erf gave tO�ieof the
month, The Opening of the Seab
from Revelations 6, at the
Chalmers Women's Missiozrany
Society, Nov. 20 at Whitechurch,
held at the home of Mrs. Wallace
The first seal reveals a white
horse with a rider going forth to
conquer. This rider of the white
horse will bring a peace of short
duration followed by war, famine
and death.
The second seal shows a red
horse moulted with rider with a
• state of open arms, when state
rises against ..state and nation
against nation.
The third seal has a black horse
and denotes famine and a time of
lamentation and moa ning.. The
two main cereals are dealt out by
weight and sold at famine prices
with wheat and barley being
The fourth seal shows a horse
pale as a corpse with riders,
Death and Hell, following. The
seal produced a combination of
pestilence and death.
The fifth seal reveals bloody
persecution. Everything which is
not in harmony with the teaching
and spirit of the Bible must be
In the sixth seal, the conflict
between good and evil, God and
Satan, is illustrated. God is deal-
ing judicially with the world and
the time has come for people to
get on their knees, repent and get
n it.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to S%
right with God and sing the hymn
"Jesus Lover of My Soul".
The meeting also saw Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt install the follow -
trig officers: Mrs. William Rin-
toul, president; Mrs. Don Ross,
first vice president; Mrs. Dawson
Craig, secretary; and Mrs.
Wallace Milligan, treasurer.
Mrs. Rintoul gave the call to
worship and welcomed all to the
meeting. "Jesus Is Our Shep-
herd" was sung. Two remem-
brance readings, "We Are the
Dead" and "Poppies Are for
People", were read by , Mrs.
William Purdoli and Mrs. Don
Ross respectively.
Mrs. Wallace Conn led in
prayer. The roll call was an-
swered by 14 by giving a verse of
the scripture with the word
The minutes and `corres-
pondence were read by the secre-
tary, Mrs. Craig: Mrs. Emerson
read a letter from Rev. Lloyd
Murdock of Dartmouth N.S.
Mrs. Russel Ross read a? letter
from Rev. Bowman concerning
radio broadcasting. The
treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. Milligan.
The closing prayer was given
by Mrs. Rintoul. The Ladies' Aid
was held afterwards with Mrs.
John De Boer again elected
president. Lunch was served by
the hostess, Mrs. Wallace Conn.
The next meeting will be held
December 11 at the home of Mrs.
Bill Evans.
Calvin -Brick group
meets at Coultes home
vember meeting of the Calvin -
Brick United Church Women was
held Wednesday evening, No-
vember 20, at the home of Mrs.
Norman Coultes with an attend-
ance of 10.
Mrs. Gordon McBurney opened
the meeting by asking everyone
to read a Psalm in unison,
which was followed by the sing-
ing of a hymn.
Mrs. Richard Moore, presi-
dent, had charge of the business.
The minutes were read and
adopted. Thank -you notes were
read from Mrs. Marlene Jamie-
son and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson.
The Calvin -Brick congregational
supper is to be held November 30
at 7 p.m. in the basement of Bel -
grave United Church.
It was roved and seconded to
give an additional $5.00 to the Hi
C to help sponsor a delegate to
attend Toc Alpha. By all reports
the travelling basket has one
more stop to make before being
returned to Mrs. Gordon McBur-
ney. The offering was received by
Mrs. Gordon McBurney and
dedicated by Mrs. George Mc-
Mrs. Gordon McBurney then
asked everyone to stand for silent
prayer, followed by everyone re-
peating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs.
John Jamieson gave a reading
entitled "Gifts and Their Pur-
pose", followed by a reading
from Mrs. Donald Dow entitled
"Christmas only a Month Away".
Mrs. Richard Moore read a letter
from the World Mission.
All enjoyed watching a film
strip on India, which showed
some of the things that are being
done over there. The title of the
film strip was "Toward Self Help
in India".
Mrs. McBurney closed the
meeting with the benediction. A
social half-hour followed with
Mrs. Donald Dow's group serving
• any/Wok.
Sr. chheis
will attend
ice follies
,. l a ptR
Ate Owen Sound when the
Mrs. ,
is iOwen SoOnd mal,and
Mss IleePktel and is *shed a
loPeeds/ receveraY 1)7 Me Vow
1,lAskLoner Crinton
WROXt.R —, At the regujar
meeting of the, Senior Citizens
held in* ronunnpdty. halt hore.
it was decidedtoplai nabbue trip to
Kim for rife Ice Follies.
Anyone interested is: asked to
contact Mrs. Oillaher or
Harvey McMichael,
The pr lt, Hrs. Harvey
CettPleede Presided end
the meeting with a poem entitled
"Autumn". Tbe treasure'*.
report was given by William
It w _ to buylooms and
wool rid:get some other crafts
started, A Wile class was alio
suggested. The secretary is to
write to . New Horizons for a
change in , the. budget. The
members thought it better to
cover the floors of the kitten,
hall and washrooms, rather than
buying dra
Them;».. 'p fee is to be
$1.01, to extend from, January to
December. There will be two
meetings per month), the first and
third Mondays.
Harvey McMichael was ap-
pointed to attend to adding more
insurance to 'the hall's coiitents.
The committee ..for the next
meeting, December 2, is Mr. and
Mrs, Alex Petrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson Gibson. The
annual meeting will be held in
What you need right
now is a helping hand...
Be sure to get in . touch
with the Welcome Wagon
hostess. She can help you
get to know your new com-
munity as quickly ad pos-
Phone 357-3275.
The Advance -Times has a box for your letters to Santa. Drop
/ your letters in to the Advance -Times office and they will send
them on to me. After I hove read them they will be published
in the newspaper.
HURRY • Get your letters written. They should be in before
December 12. I get pretty busy the last couple of weeks before
Christmas and like to look after my Christmas mail early.