HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-11-21, Page 17WATEI WELL Oil NG ILY DAVID ws NAVIN JUST ec o . HIGH-PPAISUltil ROTARY `Al it. TO `8VIN FASTICK IRVIC* l OM ,C Fri OsI 'e in Onto* Facet' !t* Our W! ft • Xxorialt Provincial Gomm** ** s* +satyr(* MoolornRaRitV .00 PorOwiSit WHO* Strict Memo $s lowirolimisotat Rs+1lslstion r. DAVIDSON WELL „ yingomm �3 i 1'l400 DRILLING L,iW. sox 4r4 s+►,asataal� c �r 9srsns elm THROUGH FOUR GENORATIONS :Glendale .Pyramid .Marlette .Bendix *large selection of double -wide and single -wide models on display. *fast, efficient delivery and set up by professional servicemen. *low prices assured by our volume buying and easy purchase pians. MOBILIFE CENTRE 4166 KING ST. E. R.R. 3, KITCHENER No. 8 Hwy. between Hwy. 401 and Kitchener 653-5788 MU CANAL First of tin U.S. nuorallida wilivrwars, U Erie officially opened ori.' c gill Smiley Don't Send up Smoke $ viols Place an ad in Crossroad.S for HEAP BIG RESULTS ONE AD IN CROSSROADS COVERS THE CIRCULATION AREA OF THE LISTOWEL BANNER WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES and MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE A bits.d fes, ons*. est item shows a maliekof d in "catching sow out" as t phrase ,goes. It is one ,of to Pass plant aspects of the man character, but at the sue* tjflie has given. ;R :g,, of pleasure, over the , the human race. Theeare. ,ia nothing people eltdOY more than somebody else's feet of clay. How we all secretly re- joice, if not openly, awn a cabi- net minister is caught With a blonde who is not his wife, a prominent jud8e is nailed on an impaired driving charge, or a teacher is discovered nul't ing marijuana in his -her www boxes. Disgusting, and definitely not Christian, but it's fun. I've been a victim myself. Sent . out a questionnaire to elementary school teachers of English 'lest year. There was one spelli. g error in it, and I didn't do it, a secretary did. But about 50 per cent of ,the questionnaires 're- turned had the mistake circled, and some gleeful little remark attached. Now, it's my turn. I have before me a list of novels and plays Gent out by the Educational Com- munications Authority, a fairly Service Dfr�ct ZIP ELECTRIC LET US UPDATE YOUR PRESENT ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND EQUIP 01T, .q '" Call Brussels 887-9469 WAYNE GRUBE Al's Collision Service Phone 351-2206 Conc. 2, Morris Twp. Repair and Refinishing Enamel and Laquer Rust Repair Frame 8 Body Work ON CARS & TRUCKS If Repairable We Do It CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY REACHES 30,000 READERS ARCTIC CAT Nothing runs like o cat PiF LAWN & SPORTS EQUIPMENT LISTOWEL 291.2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service What We Sell" Over 30,000 readers weekly HADCO Well Drilling & Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells Sulphur Free Wells Deepening& Repairing Caissons -Ea rthboring Elevator Shafts A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY bttger Rental Equipment Ftor Any Job ELMIRA 669-3761 ST. MARYS 2844702 W. D. `BILL' MAY STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire WINGHAM 357-3280 armemememime PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Harriston, 338-3422 GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES i ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. Sape'diii `i $ R E nA.r. f. ;Eur ri .323.1580 323.204. 25B MA N .'MEET • r,C,,NT 'LWEONTAP' .r. and feaJIc� tai wm TIRE CENTRE lir Josephine St. WINGHAM Ph. 357-3733 Are your best bet! Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway '/, Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS' -- Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 12 Noon CROSSROADS WANT AD CALL 357-2320 211-1660 323-1551 POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE Sales and expert repairs to all small engines STEVE, MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 INSURANCE auto fire life liability - income tax prepared -loans arranged - representative for seven trust companies Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887.6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency ain/on FACTORY OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL 4. et the raiMey track . IN BLYTH WOOL Md lATtER ''1 . . 1r BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523=9373 IIARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER . -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330 OUR $ Phone 356-2802 A.H. BOWMAN MFG. LTD. METAL FABRICATING ATWOOD - ONTARIO Also Metered Concrete Mobile Service Farm Dead Stock Service ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. At this time we cannot pay for dead farm stock FREE PICK-UP CALL 356-2257 Out of Town Call ZENITH 70650 sacred cow with the Ministry of Education. The Authority wants . department' heads to tick off a list of the books most used by stu- dents. in our high. schools, wig a view to buying the movi $ghta to the 20 most popular,so that lbs , can be video-taped and made available on a wide basis. Maud, able pian. It was when I started to scan the list Haat f thought it must be put-on. I rechecked the ac- companying letter. No, it was real, it was .official. I looked over the last, a; fairly comprehensive one of most of the literature used in Or Nigh school, and started ticking off the ob- vious ones; Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Death of a Salesman, Huck Finn, The. Great Gatsby. Everything, in order. Then I turned to Page 2 of the list and nearly fell off my chair. I. came to two conclusions. Either the chap who had dictated the list had failed to proof-read it, or the secretary who had finished Page 1 and gone out and had a large liquid lunch before tackling Page 2. Dori Quixote came out as Don uuiote. This must be an animal story about a coyote called Don. r R.R. t 3 TRAILER LSALEs 5- RENT H1rY.1� E USTOMEL . Starcraft e Jayco y+. .roma • Glendale Open 6 days, closed Wed. Satisfaction ales ervice 3 mileseast of Listowel on Hwy.86 Ph.291-115$ Commodore Canada When you buy o Lakehurst Mobile Homo you "get what you ask for" Arso See Don for all leisure time trailers DON McPHAIL MOTORS 338-3422 Harriston TRIAN Distr LE TIRE rs Ltd. W of es Ie and Retail PASSENGER - FARM TRUCK On the farm service Phone 291 2521 LISTOWEL PLAN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOWI Increase the resale value of your car or truck with COMPLETE PROTECTION HOUGHTON .411,110011N, '110011M. 517 1 1 th Ave., Hanover 41 11 Les at 364-2832lA ' MUST TO PREVENT RUST" Ely Broom must be twirling 14 her 1piaVOen the moon,teal* her nuittlateent Wuthering rrrH5 Witheringdeecribed as r�� , Thomas Hardy will be having a s .es seizure Wbe reaps thtat Ms great Teas the irlrbervilles has a new title: Tse. •of the D'Umbery es. D'Umber.:tla n what? Myatt*, A s!�fiction ,. The , a new life as' he' Ct>ari. The Luck of G r Coffey has ,been transformed Lack of Ginger Coffey. Probably eine sort of rationing. A fines western novel, The Ox Bow Incident, bas changed shape. It is now the Ox Boxfnci- dent, a rather square tittle, if I may .say sok A Grade a standard, To KW a Mockingbird, has become To Kill a ocking Bird, Can't you. see that bird, just sitting around mocking the old lady who owns it? But perhaps thegreatest blow to Canadian literature and certainly the one that nearly bust a gutin a number of English teachers, was theupdating of that fine, oid.vel about French Canada, Maria Chapdelaine. It is now called Marve Chapdelaine. That is an obvious backlash by some male chauvinist pig to the entire Women's Lib movement. But I'd certainly like to read the new version. I can just see Marve up there, in the Quebec back- woods; bringing in the kindling, worrying about wolves, and having babies under primitive conditions. Poor Marve, It was OK for Marie. She had guts. But Marve doesn't sound as though he could hack it, with: a name like that. I imagine he'll die in child- birth, or -be eaten alive by mos- quitoes, or drop a pot of scalding soupe aux pots on his foot, or something like that. Nov I know this entire column is completely unfair' to the poor guy who made up the list. But I got' so much pleasure from it, purely malicious pleasure, that I couldn't refrain from passing it on. And the sheer joy of it is that it comes from an Educational Au- thority. In capitals, It would be no fun at all if it came from. an illi- terate bookseller. It's interesting to learn that your neighbor is going to have a baby, after 15 years of sterility, or that your Uncle George had an affair in Singapore when he was in the merchant navy, and before he became a church elder. But it's sheer glee when you discover that someone away above ' you in the hierarchy has committed a monstrous boo-boo,_ We all have clay feet, but most of us keep our shoes tightly laced, or at least our socks on. 1 Who coined the expression. "Iron Curtain"? 2. What popular game of today is an outgrowth of an old game called "whist"? 3. What event in U.S. history was labeled "a day which will live in infamy"? 4. What country has the great- est number of daily news- papers? S. By what other three names is a mountain lion .called? 8. Where is North America's only► diamond mine? 7. What immortal poem begins "Once upon a midnight dreary, while 1 pondered, weak and weary ..."? 8. What verse in the Bible's New Testament consists of but two words? 9. What has been the "most exhibited" animal in the world? 10. What four U.S. officers were in 1944 the first to wear the five-star insignia of Generals of the Army? 11. What, musically speaking. is a "quaver", 12. How much time does -.the average adult person con- sume in reading his daily newspaper/ ANSWERS 1. Winston Churchill (1874- 1965).2. Contract bridge. 3.The Japanese attack on Pearl Har- bor, lit(wati, December 7, 1941. 4. The U.S.S.R., with 7,967 at latest count. 5. Cougar, pan- ther, and puma. 8. Near Mur- freesboro, Arkansas. 7. "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (1809.49). 8. Joint 11:35, con- sisting of the words, "Jesus wept." 9. The elephant. 10. Generals Henry "Hap" Arnold, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur. and George C. Mar- shall. 11. An eighth -note. 12. About thirty-seven minutes. THE HOLE TOOTH The Natural History Muse- um in Nottingham, England, has a new display - an Ice Age mammoth's tooth, 91 inches long, weighing about eight pounds, which was found, nearby by gravel quarry workers. You Are The Detective You have been working with the police on the activities of a gang of hoodlums that has been terrorizing the 'city for some time, getting away with a good number of robberies and m gam. It has been deter, mined that the gang comprises four men- Ozzie Mullen, Doc Chapmn,, Rory Sullivan,.and Rank Keller. Just a few days ago, the‘police ';succeeded: in ,pin-pobatil g, the gang's hideout, but. ,one ,ofthe detectives,James, nobly attempted to d it on his own, and was shot and killed by of the hoodlums, You are now seated at your desk sifting through the informa- tion: you've inanagedtito collect on the gang. The items shape up this way: . (t) The leader of the tang at onetime played bit roleS on the stage and in TV:dramas. (2) Rory Sullivan, 'about three! weeks .ago,. broached a private scheme for a confidence racket to the gang leader, but the latter gave him a flat refusal, (3) Hank Keller bas two good-looking sisters, one a nightclub singer and the other a fashion model, and the gang leader and Doc Chapman have recently been seen squiring these two girls around town. "(4) The erstwhile actor and the detec- tive's killer have been close pals for a number of years, Gild before they began operations in this city band collaborated in deals ti a town SOO miles f here. ►) Polio**+;..� l....!}! latest sucOO , t e local mead PaYro4 Bank thewkiller ated`on the greater pert of the loot, Ali the grounds that they h of the planning ansftaken.m oat el the risks on :the job. ft'was ,dwi the resultant argument b ► the other members'of the ; that Detective Harry Ames his ill-fated man raid, informaafter weighingtion, nformation, c* you Idller of the detective? • SOLUTION **19f04 MP ss 004:1 4044101 "PRA P 111 - (s) srs otn loss! isenom pori ‘,(tr Poet a? :(p). -PRA all len lit s al,ZZO 'p ".t2) tilnadaD o0O0J03 . .100 ‘(Z) t't*410U l 19 40PROI alll ' 'Vent '.1110A sr usuntirgo GIANT 25s'1 full VHF, :UI ;ontrul SIIOM Copy for Crossroads Ciassi- l' Tieds must be recetve4 b p,m„ ' Wednesday of week prior to pub- lication. For Sale Bayley Sewing Machines SALES -- SERVICE White, Elna, Arrow Universal, Bernina, Omega NEW - USED 805, 10th St., Hanover, Phone 364-3606. N29 GLENDALE MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers for sale; also large fully serviced and land- scaped mobile home lots for rent. First sideroad west of Stratford on Highway 8, 1/2 mile north. Cry- stal Lake Mobile Homes Court Ltd., RR 5, Stratford. Phone 393- 6121. tf NEW FARM BUILDINGS. If you need a new barn, drive shed, an addition or just a new roof, call us. Trust our experience of over 40 years. J. & H. Fleming Limit- ed, Hanover, phone 364-1880. E2 COLUMBIA ,,,t-:14k1111L. •� LARRY'S CYCLE WORLD _.y ... Dependable service good at rotes Walkerton 881-0984 Across from the Brewer's Retail Outlet With Tn NO'S DOWN 9" coxotronieus Full UHF, VHF Brand new in crates _$e WithTrade Wee 'Standrm ci { FREE DELIVERY ' OVER 40 EREO5:'.y .lo choo tti-A is STEREO CONSOLES, -RADIO, DUAL SPEAKER SYSTEM, Fullsize: Record Changer, Walnut Finish. s � 1 9�5 This Week QUAD STEREO AM/FM Radio, 8 -frock player, four air suspended speakers =299" FREE RADIO1 with purchase of any Color TV This WNk FREE RADi01 ONLY ONE 12" Black and White Portable TV. Full UHF, VHF, Instant on Brand New S7995 Only AIM NO WAROWWA NIO T.V. Stereo Furniture 80 Ontario St. STRATFORD OPEN 9A.M. -9P.M. OUT Of TOWN CALL COLLECT 271-6821 HELP WANTED Woodworkers Good opportunities available immed- iately in the following departments. * ROUGH MILL * MACHINE ROOM * ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT * SANDING DEPARTMENT We offer full time employment with top wages and good fringe benefits. Apply in person to ROXTON FURNITURE LTD. 17 Erb St., Elmira, Ont. Phone 669-5181