HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-9-12, Page 5CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES( FOR ALL AT Have just received a large new steek of all kinds of fine aitd coarse boots ands/toot, for the fall and winter trade, Bought of the best ana loading manufaoturing houses in the Dominion, which I will sell a,t, slight acleance on cost prices. 1 -lave also put an ad\litions to my store on acoount of the inoreaseof my last yea's' business, so that now., have the largest and best asaorted stook eyer offered in Hensall before. In fine shoes I keep sizes, sizes and E. and D, widths. Some special cheap lines : Womens' cloth slippers 25c. and upwards " carpet " 40 " leather " 50 • 4' Oxford ties " 60 " opera to " 75 buff bals " $1,00 Baby shoes 20 Wigwams men, womee and childrene' at cost prices M clear them ont. Rubbees of all sizes, men, wonaen and children'. • I have also on hand a lasge stock of baud made long boots, coarse and fine well seasoned for the fall trade made of first- olass material and by first-class workmen. Those who are troubled with corns and bunions eau get them cured by leaving their order with me. No fit no sale. Re. pairing neatly done and promptly attended to. Come one come all and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that you can save money by dealing with me. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods, No trouble to show goods. Stand opposite Reynolds hotel. • DISTRICT DOINGS. }Myth village has engaged the servi- ces of a night watchman. A McGillivray fernier. threshed 392 bushels of barley off 7 acres; or a yield ot 56 bus. to the acre. Mr. Samuel Hicks, of the 2nd con. of Usborne, sold his young stallion last week, to Henry & Co. of St. Mar; s, for the handsome sum of $300. Chas Currie of Parkhill, carried off the majority Of prizes at the athletic games in Philadelphia last vveek. He • also carried off a $70 prize at Ridge - t Mr. Wm. Morfitt has rented Leslie Ironside's farrn, near Granton, for a terra of years and W. D. Stanley has rented the farm that Ur. Morfitt va- cates. It it now expected that the Electric light will be in working order in St. Marys by Exhibition day the 24th of this month. 4 One 25c. bottle of Everest's Liver ,-"tRegulator has done me a great deal of „ good, andyou will please send me a a dollar bottle.—Mrs, Rosa Wilson, 04th. Mr. Richard Nerl, of the 7tti con, or McG-illivray, whose barn was struck by lightning and destroyed, will give up farming and sell out on account of ill heal th. Mrs. J. Petfield, of London, a former resident of Clinton, died at, the resi- dence of C. Benford, ['email, on Wednesday, where she went for change of air_ R. Roto, proprietor of the Listowel brewery, has been made an offer by an English syndicate for the purchase of two-thirds interest in his brewery. $15,000, we believe, was the figure named. •• Alfred Smith, of St. Marys, while trying to stop a runaway horse on the towntine between Blanshard and Nis - some. the other day, was •thrown with terrible force down an embankment and badly injured internally. Four years ago I was not able to sleep in bed, being troubled with catarrh, and I tried almost everyihing without obtaining permanent relief, until I tried Mustard's Catarrh Spool - fie, four bottles effeetinga cure.—Geo. • Webster, Forest P. 0. We regret to learn that Mrs. Wheli- hen, vvite of Mr P. Whelihan registrar • of South Perth, is at the time of •writ- ing, lying dangerous ill, so much so that but little hope of her recovery is entertained. • Dr. C. P. Clark, son of James Clark of St. Marys, has been appointed Pro- fessor of chemistry in the Medical De- • partment of Niagara University, Buffa- • lo, N. Y. Dr. Clark is a graduate of Toronto University in both science and medicine. A meeting of K.ncardine ratepayers on Thursday un ossiously adopted a resolution reqnesting the nouncil to submit a by-law granting $7,000 and exemption from taxation for ten years to a firm who propose establishing a stove factory there. An appeal to the (Aunty judge has been entered against the whole of the Blanahard Voter's List on the ground ' that the letters "M. F." have been omitted to be placed after the iaames es ordered by statute. Mr. W. Rutledge of the Bayfield line had a horee seriously injured by get. • Ling its limbs entangled in a barb wire •fiance. Mr. Rittledee will have about ') 100 tons of hay off 50 acres of ground, He has sold 40 tons and will self about 25 tons more as soon as he can got at it. Blyth Standard ;—(' the other day there was wheeled into the brick kiln • 19,000 brick in nine hours by John Taman and Jos. Cembie and set in the kiln by Chas. Fraser. Are there three other men in the county can do that? If so, let us hear from then)' The Parkhill Review complains of the dnst in that town being almost un- bearable, eaused by the ehortage of water for sprinkling purposes. It regrets the defeat of the Vvater.worke bylaw, and is of opthion thet the people of the town generally also rile the day they voted against the scheme. Win, iffeln tyre's barn, situated on lot 6. con, 6, East Zorra, Was destroyed by fire Sunday. It is understood that the fire was caused by a spark from the kitchen chuMnetr. Nearly all the season's crop Was iti the barn at the time. The fire beeurroci early in tho afternoon. POPP Special. It is with pleasure that wo announce to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide-awake, illustrated, farm -magazine, the Amax - Geer FAiteosa, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farm- ers, by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come la and pay up all arroarages on subscription to TIMES and ono year in advance from date, and ten cents additional, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in advance and 12 cents additional. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first-class farm journal. The AsinestoiN FaattsBn, is a large sixteen -page journal, of natioisal circulation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. IC treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights ancl privileges of that vast body clf citizens, the farmers, whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity. • Its highest pur- pose is the elevation and enobling of Agriculture through the higher • and broader education ef men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription prise of the AMBILICA.K FAB - MER is$1.00 per year, and the sub- smiption price of the TIBIES is also $1.00 By taking advantage of this offer, you get both papers for $1.12. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of the house. hold, yr you CAN GET rr MBE. Call and see sample copy. kktk tttk• ti The Blyth School Trustees have been compelled to accept Mies Moffatt's resignation, as they are unable at present to reduce the number of pupils attending the junior depart- nient. Bob Donnelly, of Bidclulph tragedy fame, with his wife, little girl a.nd a 3-months-o1d babe, spent Thursday night in the police cella at St. Thomas. Flueband and wife were picked up in the streets drunk, the woman being the worse of the two. They had been put off a L. and P. S. train. They were given an opportunity to get out of town Friday morning. The Crossley -Hunter revive' meet- ings at Parkhill are being held in the Presbyterian church. Immensecrowds attend each evening and the interest is greatly increasing. A profound re- ligious impression is aroused, and scores have expressed their determin- ation to renounce sin and live Christ- ian lives, nye the Gazette. Mr John Moran, one of Arran's beat known farmers, narrowly escaped death on rhursday from his bull,which became infuriated when he entered the stall in which it was confined to tie it up. The animal gored him In the cheek with oneof its horns, break- ing his jaw and knocked out three of his teeth, and also gashed him severely on one hip. The other day Mr. W. Bawden, ot Goderich township, the well-known cattle dealer, was considerably alarm- ed by realizing that he had lost 9. pock et book containing $700. Where it was lost he did not know, but be was greatly relieved when his wife, who had found it in a pasture field, return- ed it to him. • At the reoent Eligh Court meeting of the A. 0. F. in Toronto, Mr. Wra, Willianas' (of St, Marys) salary as per. mutant secretary was raised from $700 to $1000 per annum. The office of High Court secretary wasabolished, and all duties in ocinnection with the position will in future be performed by Mr. Williams, of St. Marys, the permanent secretary of the Order in Canada. For the convenience of the inhebj tants of the roinity ot Dawson's blacksruith shop. Mitchell Road Blame hard, the Dominion Goiernment have ordered the establishment of a new poi office- The office will be known as Science Hill and will be supplied from St Marys four times a week, Mr. Wm. Datvson will, in all probabili- ty, be postmaster. The Stratford Lacrosse Club went to Seaforth on Tueaday and defeated th e club of that town, thereby winning the district championship. It is al- leged that after the game one of the umpires, W. Malloch, of Clinton, was mobbed and forced to seek safety by hiding afterobeing struck by one of the Seaf orth team. As the train with the Strat ford playera on board was leaving the station the cars were stoned, and W. H. Griffin was assault- ed. During the progress of the Division Court at Clandeboye, on Thursday, two men, natives of'that place, en- gaged in a roguh•and-tumble fight in the court -room. At one time it appeared as if it would become faction- al, several brothers of each man being present. However, through the efforts of Bailiff Elodgins and others the combatants were quieted and proceed. ingt1 resumed. Subsequr,ntly the principals met at dusk,near the village anti fought desperately to a finish. - M.r. Charles Beer, one of the very oldest of Fullarton's settlers, passed over to the great majority early on Sunday Morning lasts in the rieVen ty- third year or his age. 1 -le had been assisting a neighbor threshing on Thursday,:and he drank so copiously ot &Ad Water, that diarrhcea followed, then cramps of the stomach, and' a -- though everything was done he gradu- ally beeatne worse, until deatla put an end to his sufferings. At one time he was among the wealthiest farmers in the county, but he embarked itt bUsi- nese in Mitchell hy which he lost some $10,000 or $12,000. Medens. 0, C. lercersrms & Co, Gents,—I have mod your MINARD'S LINIMENT Shedeksfully in a seriettS ease of croup in my family. in filet 1 &insider it a remedy no home should be without, ro, Ouxummor, Cape Island, Se Slit Am —That MINARD'S TAXI - MINI' is the standard liniMent et the day, M ul dces just what it is represented to do. PALL PAIR DATES. South Perth, at St, Marys, Sept.24 and 25 Blanshard, at Iiirliton,Oct, 3 and 4 Mitohell. at Mitohell.. , , Sept, 26 and 27 Hilbert, at Staffa........ ,•Sept. 30, Oct 1 Northwestern, at Gocleriche .Sept. 17 to 19 Southern Counties, St. Thomas Sept 24 27 Northern, at Ansa Craig Oot 10 and 11 Biddulph at Granton.....,Septe 13 and 19 Lucan , •Sept. 26 Seaforth,.... . ... .. Sept. 16 and 17 Eseter,... „ ....... ... , , Sept. 23 and 24 Clinton, , , , Sept. 24 to 26 Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff. The manufacture of cloude is Manitoba's last industry. Artificial cloods are to be formed on oold nights by burning piles of straw and thus protect the grain from frost. IT DON'T MATTER. However old, obstinate or chronic: your case may be Burdoelt Blood Bitters has anted so many seemingly incurable eases that it is -sell worth a trial in yowl's. Cases of dyspepsia, scrofula, liver comolaint ect., of twenty-five years' standing Las been curet' by B, B. B. THOROUGHLY TRIED. • Having given Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a thorough trial, I do not hesitate to say that I believe it is the best remedy in existence for all summer cons. plaints, diarrhosa, dysentery, ooliceste. Mas 11, 3. WAIFE, Springfield Ont. A GOOD RECiULATION. Disordered kidneys give rise to rheuma- tism, dropsy, pain in the bault and loins, eto., besides many dangerous complaints affecting the kidneys theme lves, as Bright's disease, uremia, eta. Regulate the eidneye with Burdock Blood Butters, the best diuretic and kidney remedy ever devised. • RELY ON THIS. Deem. Sias,—I have used Dr. Fowler's • Extract of Wild Strawberry for the last three years, and can alwaye rely noon it en a speedy cure for diarrhcea and all summer complaints. I oan recommed it highly and I wish you every enecess•—i1. W Fowimit I CORRUPT SYSTEM. Bad blood may corrupt the entire system and cause serofuluus sores, swellings, ulcers, salt rheum, erysipelas, sore eyes and skin disease as shingles, fetter, eta. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood and cleanses, toner and strengthens the entire system. CONSTANT CARE. Constant care is necessary against unex- pected attacks of summer complaints. No remedy is so well known or succeseful in this class of diseases as Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the house as a safeguard. If yon eould see your own scalp throngn an ordinary magnif.fing glass, you would be amazed at the amount of dust, dandruff, and dead skin thereon aremmlated. The best and most popular preparation for oleasning the scalp is Ayer's Hair Vigor. At the Supreme Court of the I. O. F. • Friday, the most important business done was the adoption ot an amendment urging that the minimum age for candidates for tne juvenile forestry should be twelve years instead of the, was recommeaded by the Committee. With a feeble appetite and impeifeet di- • gestion, it is impossible for the body to secure the requisite amount of nourishment. Aver's Sarsaparilla not only snnulates the • desire for food, but aids the assimilative organs in the formation of good blood. and sound tissue. CONSUMPTION CAN Bei OURED By proper, heslthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Hypophoophites, weich contains healing and strengthgiving virtues of these Iwo valuable specifies in their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac,- N. B., bays: "I have • been prescribing Soott's Emulsion with good results. It is espec- ially useful in persons of consumptive tendeneis." Sold by all druggist, 50 ots. and $1,00. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDTTOR: Please inforna yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thouriands of hope - lees eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. • Respectfully, D. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, Ont. 37 Yonge street tletoseusialsraVIMENNIMILMOON4 TMPORTANT -11- Having done business in Canada for years,our reputation and responsibility is es- tablished, We want three men in your vucin- ity to repres, nt us, to whom exclusive territory will be given. Handsome outtiefreo. Salary and expenses paid weekty. Steady employ- ment the year round_ Write at once for terms. Hardy stook for Canada a specialty. • MAY RIF.' HERS, tiurserymen, • Rochester, N. Y. HAY WANTED. The subsoriber having purchased a new hay press, rs prepared to purchase 2000 tons of first class hay for which highest market price will be paid. All having hay forsale would do well to consult the undersigned before dispos- ing Of it ..TANTS ORE, Exeter• Aug.15. '89 tf FIRST CLASS FARM FOR fishrrecl!IgToW0b)arnac,r:Adiztirichl htirson,111,Pargoef Tiart of purchase m00e3r to remain on Mortgage if desired. Apply at once to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, • Vendor's Solieiters, Exeter. INJugITTA HIGH COURT OF In the matter of lot number fifteen, in the 10th concession of the township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth. Notioo is hereby given that Alexander Boyle, of the Township of Hibbort, in the county of Perth, yeoman, has made an application to the High Court of Justice for Ontario, for it cer- tificate of title t� the above mentioned Proper- ty, underithe "Quieting Titles Aot," atid has -produced evidence wileroby he appears to be the owner thereof in fee exceptii sc thereout and therefrom one acre of land part thereof heretofore convoyed by David Boyle to one George Adair-1.11°141ns by deed, bearing date the 2ricl day of Docerbber, A. D. 1867 and regis- tered in the Rei,istry office for the Smith Riding of the County of Perth on the 19th day of October. A. D.1868 as No.1935, end the same to be free of all encumbrances, wborefort rely other person having or pre- tending to hay% any titic or interest 111 the said land or any part thereof other than the said acro heretofore oonveyed as aforesaid is re- quirecton or before Taesday the 241h daes of septonber neva ensuing tofilo 1 statement of his or her claim verified by affidevit at my chabribers in the Court House in theTownof Godetioh and to Serve a eenY on eeevis D• Diskson Esquire at his office ih tho village of Egeter,,in the OotintY of Huron solicitor tor the said Alexander Boyle and in'thiftinir every Supll olaith will be barred and the title of the Said Alexander I3oyle become absolute and un' feesible :It law :slid in equity subjeet only to Otto reservations reentiened in the 26th seetion of the shid tet, 3. Mitelorefeine Roforee of Settee at Gederiole Detecl this eind doe of' July, A. De1389 114.1MET REPORTS. • # txwkitat Klerrr3otedAt5 o'clock a ,rs, WedtiesdaY .Red Wheat .0. 80 to 0 90 „Spring Weeet 80 10 (9 ..• 4010 48 2760 28 pt. *VII 2 60 oo 3 06 ... 0148 to 0 50 ... 0 40 to 0 60 • 0 12 to 12 ... 14 to 0 id 00 t o 65 •-• 40' b o ... 1 CO to 1 50 ... 0 4 o 0 04 ▪ 09 to 0 06 ... 0 .07 to 06 ... 0 80 to 0 05 ... • 0 00 t o 20 ... 4 00 to 5 00 ... 50 to 4 OG ... 6 00 to 6 00 ... 0 65 to 90 o 50 to 0 70 0 18 to 0 19 0700 to 08 00 oxts CloyepSioct Timothy PeasaPI:31:olantre Perbbl. mag, eobatoes,per brishol A,pples,per bag Dr le d Apple Apr b ueese per lb, Turkey per Ds Duelre per pr chickens per p r Elogs,dressedpers 0 Reef g i'd'e r°drile sgshe rl S heepsk ins each Ossfskins acTisj veretrol nb nmensnerbush .„0 50 bo Woodper cord „. 25 to 3 oo ST: meal's $ Fall Wheats, ...... ...... ... . . • 0 0 91 Spring Wheat ..... . . ....... 0 66 0 os 130°118' eeYr See ....... ..... 58 528075 608 2c408° PTei so..t.h2 00 09 .. ................ ........ . .... . . . 0 J500 00 1530 , 13 11 0 11 PEolt lgiatseroes per bag Wool per lb......„. ... ................... 4200 01 2000 Apples per bnsh...., .. ... ... „,.., • ........ Q 56 Hay pert on... ... . ... ...... .......... 7 Co 8 On Bran per ton ..14 On 1450 Shorts " ". , .... ........... ...... ...2Q 00 20 00 Oatmeal per . 6 GO 7 00 LONDON. Wheat, 87c to 96o per bus. Oats, 27e to 290 per bus. Peas, 45e to 490 per bus. Bar- ley, meeting. 48 to 48e per bus. Barley Feed. 38ie to 45fr per bus Corn, 430 to 4.7.10 per bushel. • TORONTO. Toronto, Sept. 11.—Wheat—Fall No. 2,91 to 91.02 per bus; 'spring, No, 2.98 to 990 per bus. PEAS 581 to 60e per bus. OATS 80o to 32o per bus. FLOUR. extra, 93.80 te 83.85 per bei; straight roller. 94.85 to 94.40; strong balers, 94,0010 95.00. CONEUDIPT1ON CURED An old physician, retired from practice, having had placedin his hands by an East Indian missionary She formula of a sinople vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent oure 'of Consumption. Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat, and lung affections, also ti, positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility anthill Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his stifferingfellows- Actuatedby tuts re otive ands, desire to relieve hum an suffering I send free of ob arge , to all -who d esire this recipe,in German,Frenoh or English, with full direetionsfor preparing and using. Sent mail by addressrng w ith stamp, naming this naper.W. A ,NOTEP 149 Power's Blool• Rceliester N 7 ADVICE TOZ/LoTHERs.—Are you disturbed B4 nightemd broken of your rest by a sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Birs.Wins Low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. 11 willrelieve the poor little sufferer ins mediately Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and 13oweis,oures wind.Coliv, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system . s. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask forillits. WINEILOW's 14"oTELY6 s-^aTrP "Aild no other incl. 1710 THE DEAF.- -A person cured of I_ Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any person who applies to Nicrionsori, 177 McDougal street, New York. Ilyndinall --KEEPS-- Groceries and Confectionery OF THE BEST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAUS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G-. A. HYNDMAN. ruhionallio kin THE BEST YET traE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Overcoatinoafi alTY price ; Suit - lugs at any price; Pantings at any price. ek Ordered Clothiig produced in hoter Gentlemeh 1 letere ;vetir orders eatlY3 for with the best etaff ef Tailors ; the heat Steek of Fine Trinemiegs, fled the 1)081 Cattlegia Town, you are ann..) et atistern, tiom A ,t,T 01411rallt 77,7P,PAS.4CPPSoosopp.^:r.. - rMPS,P1JMP PUMPS. WANT We will hereafter make and keep on hand, a good supply of wooden pumps, which we will sell at usual prices, and guarantee them to 611 the bill with satisfaction, We respectfelly ask a share of your patronage in this line, and we will endeavor to supply you with good pualps, and, promptly, Iron Pu.inps will be ivurnishecl When Desired. Shop one door tenths of Parton's Bleolonnith Shop, Linin -at,, Esoi cis • r...PrlZOLMIZEN111211.11..rmitar=nwdem.-aMnri=.4072.20,1:1=r3=.01921i DR. FOWLERS 'EXT: OF 4. -WILD. TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA holer a Morbus 01—c I C-WV.1-/— RAMPS IARRHCEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. A FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come. You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. . You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's 1'tock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. Seelns black and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. J. PARKINSON. W. TREVETHICK., THIS YEAR'S CUT and PLUG' Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. Sen IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF.ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND 9AIINOT•HARM THE MO:St. . -5.DELICATE CHILD —• EIMPLOYMENT—Hr.117,—_,,N?itegrt Alto SALARY permouth. All EXPENSES advanced. WAGES promptly paid. aLGA N & Co. 306 Go,m---oe St. Cincinnati. CM DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FU r NITU9E AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN CALL AT— IDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-CLASS— Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GlIDLEY, Successor to C. & l. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S 13LOOK 1111, 111111[11116 01111 OUR SPRING STOCK Spadesand Shovels, Fence Wires .A.NNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the -- Very Finest Prices for Cash — We have also on band a full line of— SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Fitc., at Famine Prices. Stoves a,ncl Tinwere of all kinds, always o(1 hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden. Seeds. Eave-troughing Specialty, A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. 111ES _Every DeTartment in th6 Old Bstebbii,5hed lulu; most complete and full of the lates4- mouelties. The French, English and American Millinery caul' be excelled, The stock of Dress Goods • is larger aq cheaper than ever shoNvn. All the best makes of rich By, colored and shoi; silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shad& of every design (both lona and short stems. Fine fattcy zephers, plain zophers. S:teens and Prints in endless yap. iety- A special lot of Swiss 16'mbroideries for Dresse (lovely goods.) Every lady should see our Dress Trin 'flings (which contain all the latestnovelties. Come E and inspect our stook. N. B, --The attention of Dress -makers is speoiall oa_led to the Dress Goods department,. JA1V,CES PlCI{ARD (.4 ter