HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-11-21, Page 81014 For Sale OM 10 FOOT arborite moulded melte , ; one glassfront show case,8'x2'x40"h,$Th; ane 4 foot glass cigar humidor, eliding, front and back doors, 3150. Call 357-302, Wingham. 21-28 19018 l.p. Ski -Doo, good condi- tion, 6200. Phone 357-1068. YOU ARE WELCOME to browse in Daugberty Pro Hardware, Wingham where they have a large display of gifts for all occa- sion*, rrb ANDOR HOUSE Antiques and Gifts, Elora St., Teeswater, 4th house west of Highway 4. Open Sundays November and Decem- ber. WINE -MAKING accessories available at Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wingham, 357-3631. rrb FURNITURE. Stock reduction sale until Saturday, November 330,, 1974. Discounts in price on about 40 living room suites; good bedroom suites; maple and metal kitchen suites; 15 per cent dis- count in price, onsets of occa- sional tables; many gift items on sale, including lamps, pictures, luggage, etc. Godfrey E. Schuett Ltd., Mildmay. SANDERSON'S SASH. Manufac- turersof odd size wooden sash for house and barn. Located on Highway 87 at Gorrie. Phone 335- 3963. Evenings : 335-3124, 335-3202. rrb TWO, 14 inch GM snow tires on rims. Call 357-2373. JAMES SCHILL Market Garden, Rg3, Teeswater, has fresh vege- tables. . Cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, pumpkins, squash; etc. Phone :302-63318. rep Nov. 21 SNOW : TIRES r- Kelly Spring' field.. Now is the time to buy_and have your snow tires installed at Ken's Alignment, Highway 86 west, Wingham. rrb Nov. 28 AQUARIUMS for sale with seven year guarantee. Five gallons Sy; 10 gallon $10; 20 gallon $16; 30 gallon 426. Tremendous savings on complete aquarium kits. Let us help you do your Christmas shopping. La`y-sways available.. THE FISH BOWL, Lucknow, 528-2018. Open Friday evenings. BERG STABLE Cleaners and stabling. Bunk feeders and water bowls.. Lloyd \ Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb BROCCOLI, kohlrabi, cabbage, carrots, turnips, potatoes, onions° and apples. Wingham Market Garden, Highway 86, one mile west of Wingham. Work Wanted EXPERIENCED PAINTER wants painting or other hourly work of any kind. Special price for large or new jobs. Call 335- 6135 after 7 p.m. LADY with one child requires live-in housekeeping and baby- sitting work. Apply to Box 344, Wingham Advance -Times. REASONABLE RATES for sid- ing. Interior work, kitchen cup- boards, etc. Call 357-2117. rrb Cars & Trucks For Sale 1972 PINTO, radio, rear defog- ger, radials, disc brakes, *1,500. Phone 357-3738. 1966 CHEV, %-ton, short box, fleet side, $450. Phone 887-6633 after 6 p.m. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS 2. WI*OXETElr ea Manny st Midway Waren' Mambas sad Listswel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & mon Phase unoro ll'BL 281410 Gttt 335.2316 Livestock For Sale REGISTERED STANDARD bred mare, four years old, trained for driving. John Melton, 357-3145. PULLETS FOR SALE. Quantity of Halve Sex -Link pullets, 20 weeks old end of October. Phone Roe Farms Limited at 356-2211, Atwood, Ont. PUREBRED NEW ZEALAND white and Californian rabbits. Also some wire cages. Phone 357- 3518. 140 LEGHORN FISHER pullets ready to lay, $2.25. Phone 357-1919. ONE CHESTNUT mare, six years old,, broke to harness and saddle; one, 18 -month-old chest- nut colt, good temperament. Phone Gorrie 335-3222 between 6 and 7:30 p.nt. 10 COWS, Shorthorn and Here- ford, due to calf . April. Wildon Robertson, 357-2248. THREE-YEAR-OLD Palomino filly, saddle broken, 15 hands, $250. Phone 357-1418 daytime. Miscellaneous MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657. PIANO AND ORGAN SALES. Piano tuning and repairing. Low- rey and.Thomas organs. Call Hap Swatridge, Wingham, 357-2785. Representing Garnet Farrier. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, FarmLiabi jty, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co-op Agent- . LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 'ANYONE' -Wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to have more cents at the North Huron Credit Union. Ask a'k , it our special deposit account: . rrb IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Pease contact Post Of- fice Box 1135, Wingham: rrb Sales Help Wanted OIL ADDITIVES are a gross market and' in that market WYNN'S has the fastest growth. WYNN'S needs get up and go people to sell their "XTEND" range to auto dealers. Realistic commission insures above aver- age income. Phone St. Clair Dis- tributors, 519-652-3632 or 519-673- 0150, now. ' TEXAS REFINERY CORP. OF CANADA LTD. offers opportunity for high in- come plus regular cash and vaca- tion bonuses, abundant fringe benefits to mature individual in Wingham area. Airmail Presi- dent, Dept. AB, P.O. - Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z6. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, CLINTON We pick up all farm stock free of charge. Three trucks for fast efficient service. License No. 237-C-74 7 Days a Week 24Hours aDay Please Call 402-9111 Due to decreases in meat prices, we are unable to ac- cept any collect calls as of December 16, 1974. We are sorry if this is an inconven- ient* to you but in order to enable us to continue to serve you as we have in the past, w♦ must cut our operating ex- penses. Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. rrb For Rent OFFICE FOR RENT. Double of- fice and storage area, centrally located in Wingham, electric heat, fluorescent fixtures and carpeting, washroom, off-street parking. Phone 357-1411. rrb TWO BEDROOM apartment, re- frigerator and stove supplied; electrically heated, thermostati- cally controlled; a washer and dryer at tenant's disposal. Locat- ed<on Wingham's main street for shopping convenience; free park- ing at the rear of the building. Available December 1. Phone 357-2870 or 357-1015. APARTMENT in Lucknow, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living room, 3 -piece bathroom and laundry room. Available January lst. Phone Lucknow 528- 2174 or 528-3134. SMALL APARTMENT in Luck - now, electrically heated, fur- nished or unfurnished, available immediately. Phone Lucknow 528-2174 or 528-3134. ARTICLES FOR RENT. Dustless floor sanders and rug shampoo- ers. Daugherty Pro Hardware, Vi�ingiam. rrb GOOD, CLEAN, dry warehouse space available, centrally lo- cated in Wingham. Phone 357- 1411. a rrb STORAGE SPACE close to main street. Ideal for boats, canoes; tent trailers, etc. Phone 357-2433. rrb NEWLY DECORATED two bed- room apartment, close to main street. Available December 1. Phone 357-2433. rrb HEATED, newly -decorated apartment. Phone 528-3045. 21-28 SIX'ROOM farht house, modern coniTetriemee4,^ l -oto" road Phone 335-6251. TWO BEDROOM apartment in Wingham: Phone 335-3046 after 4 p.m. UPPER APARTMENT, new, two bedrooms, . refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, carpeted. Utilities included. Adults only. References required. Peter Harrison, 338- 2243. Applications 'APPLICATIONS, sealed and plainly marked, will be received! by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, November 30v 1974, for the position of ,fid Superintendent for the Township of West Wawanosh. APPLICATIONS must be written and provide details e{a to age, education and experience. Duties to commence December 15, 1974. NO application necessarily ac- cepted. Joan C. Armstrong, Clerk, Township of West Wawanosh, RR 2, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2HO. • 21-28 Real Estate For Sale A GOOD OPPORTUNITY for someone to buy a house. Two storey red brick, threebedrooms, etc. Will be sold to the highest bidder. A real good opportunity for a real good buy. For an ap- pointment phone 357-3482. 7-14-21' WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO • COMMISSION RATE - 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM A two storey brick family home, oil furnace, convenient to schools and downtown, good lot, priced for quick sale. An excellent opportunity to own a well-maintained building on Wingham's main street, cen- trally located, spacious main floor, large basement suitable for living a quarters, reasonably priced. Call for details. .:1 ,i•=p Wanted WandTo Rent THREE. BEDROOM .apillrtn',leait, or horns in good condition re- quired for rent about *wry, 1975. Call Bert Williams, 357-2406. Notice SATURDAY is the 41410:1141, to get your Grey Cup ticket. Tickets are available from any Wingham; Kinsman. PETS ST. BERNARD puppies, Kobi blood lines, sound, massive pups with mantle and splash rough coats. Will deliver. Call Listowel 1-519-291-2763. Card Of Thanks I wish to thank my friends, relatives and neighbors for their many visits, cards and, treats while I was a patient in the hospi- tal. Special thanks to Dr. Mc- Gregor, Dr. Hanlon and nurses on second floor. Also Mr. Larry King. Your kindness will always be remembered. Cathy Barbour We deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness expressed by your cards of sympathy and donations to the Society for Crippled Chil-. dren in memory of our dear father and grandfather, Norman McMinn. Thank -you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. Arnold, Evelyn and Barbara Lillow, Daniel and Mary Strimas The Wingham: Lions would like to thank the people in the Wingham area for their support to the CNIB canvass this year for a total of $1,460.00. The campaign is officially closed, but donations will still be accepted by Lion Frank Madill, Chairman. We would like to thank every- •; ,b one who helped with and attended the! reception held for us on Saturday, November 9. Your kindness will always be remem- bered by us. Nuhn and Joyce Thompson I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for their visits and cards while I was a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy and the nurses 'on second floor. •,; n ;r�► CLEAN FILL accepted at Wing - ham Baptist Church parking lot (no cement or trash). Please phone 357-2084 or 357-2755 even- ings. , rrb Nov. 28 • GOOD USED dresser or chest of drawers. Phone 357-2313 after five p.m. USED KITCHEN cupboards. Phone 357-3099. For Sale Or Rent THREE BEDROOM house lo- cated in Wingham, recently re- decorated throughout, possession December 1. Phone 357 2313 after five p.m. Help Wanted BABYSITTER needed for 21 - year -old. Phone 357-2033. AVON. Need cash for Christmas? If you're ambitious and enthu- siastic you can start earning money immediately as an Avon representative in Turnberry Township. Meet people. Have fun, too. For details contact Mrs. Carolyn. Thompson, RR 2, Sea - forth, 527-0238, SALES PERSONNEL wanted to sell Watkins Products in Tees - water, Wingham, Lucknow, Brussels and surrounding town- ships. Full time or part time. Earning potential unlimited. Phone 392-6065. rrb RECEPTIONIST required by THE HURON COUNTY - BOARD OF EDUCATION at its Administration Centre, Clinton Duties to start as soon as pos- sible to include typing, ma- chine transcription, operation of P.B.X. switchboard and other general office duties. Salary and benefits in accord- ance with current union agreement. Apply in writing by December 2, 1974 to R. B. Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs, The Huron County Hoard of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 21; 28 .1 ROOM AND BOARD for commu- nity college student working in Wingham for one month. Costs paid by , employer. Please call 357-2320. 400 BALES of Timothy hay. Phone 357-2237. Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS *Tran with the experts *Tuition fee tax deductible *Job assistance guaranteed *Weekend training also available NOW, SPECIAL SUMMER TUITION FEES For application and interview write: NATIONAL TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING SCHOOL Box 445 Phone 738-3618 Bobcaygeon, Ontario Toronto Phone 493-6068 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERJCH The Square 524.7661 BEAT THE RUSH! Get that new dress made now at MURIEL'S Sewing Centre In The Country 357-1777 Grant Vincent, My sincere thanks to everyone for all the good wishes sent by telephone, cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in K -W Hospital. It was all much appre- ciated. Bruce Chambers SUB -CONTRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS REQUIRED For homes and subdivisions in the Kincardine and Port Elgin area APPLY ROYAL HOMES LTD. WINGHAM Phone 357-2606 or 396-3787 Thanks I Wish: to ,thank my fes and: naighbell for visit*, cards, gifts. and flowers while 1 Was a patient in Whlgham and District Hospi- tal, Special, thanks to Dr. Leahy, the mum on second floor end to Rev. Robert Armstrong, Mrs. Jerrie Balfour The family of- the late Grace (Hutchenson) Steeintnetz wish to thank all who mit flowers, dona- tions to the . Heart Fund, cards and expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. It was deeply appreciated. Grace and Don Watson and fancily The family ` of the late Mrs. Alma (Casemore) Wray wish to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation for the beautiful floral arrangements, charitable dona- tions, cards and acts of kindness during our time of bereavement. Thanks to the nurses in Ward B at the Wingham and District Hospi- tal and to Dr. Clarke, Rev. B. Passmore and the S. J. Walker Funeral Home. Also to our neigh- bors who helped at our home; Carl, Catherine Casemore and family I would like to thank all those who sent Cards and get -well wishes during my recent stay in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Bruce Penny and the nurses and staff on second floor. Thanks again and. God bless you all. Robert Hibberd I sincerely wish to thank Dr. Ping, Dr. Wilkins, all nurses on second floor, also Captain and Mrs.. 1VMurkin and friends .who visited and sent cards tome while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Mrs. M. Roberts We wish to thank friends, neighbors and relatives who helPed at the time of our fire. Spe- ,Fip1-thanks to all those who at; tended and helped with the bene- . fit dance. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wall and family ROYAL HOMES PRESENTS 3 Br. pre-engineered homes complete with custom fea- tures and ready for occupancy in WINGHAM: FOR INFORMATION and appointment to view in- side of this home, or our fur- nished model in Wingham. PLEASE CALL ROYAL HOMES LTD. 357-2606 or 357-2444 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. FOR THE QUALITY CONSTRUCTION INVOLVED YOU CAN- NOT BEAT THE PRICE! TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH ELECTORS POLLING for the election of a Reeve and Four Councillors for the Township of West Wawanosh will take place on Monday, December 2, 1974 between the hours of 11.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. at the six polling subdivisions in the Township. Poll 1 -Dungannon, Home of Mrs. Annie Bere Poll 2 -Auburn, Huron County Library Building Poll 3 -Township Hall Pail 4 -St. Helen W.I. Hall Poll 5 -Horne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacPherson Poll 6 ---St. Augustine Church Hall AN ADVANCE POLL will be held on Saturday, November 23, 1974, between the hours of 11.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. et the Clerk's .Home, R.R. 2, Lucknow. Ian .National Park in.the Northwest Territories covers ii, miles. and,includes the square Na h► nt River, one of Canada's most spectacular, and Virginia Fiat -twice as bigh as. Mama . 'Thsrts ars t ; 4,400tcanys within pork as violl Hi vast number ot and sulphur hot springs, 71 is not yet accessible PHONE, 35744 • WI HAA' 24 Hour Emergency 5arr'vics Radlo Dispatelacl. YOUR TYLER DEALER Bulk Tanks, Walk-ins Air Conditioning, ` Frown REPAIRS TO ALt. MAKES OF .AI LANCES . . i OMS MILLION DOLLAR FIJND To Protect Mutual Policyholders Kiegetee, Oistsriot October 2Otk,1974 M. O. Demaray, President, .and J. P. chips, Manager, of the HOMO( FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY were among the 150 delegptc representing Mutual insurance Companies throughout the Province of Ontario who attended a two-day Seminar at the 401 Inn in Kingston Ontario. The delegates gav unanimous appmval to set in force a One Million Pallor Trust Fund to protect the Mutual Policyholder in the event of financial loss by a member company. The Fund would replace the use of the Prete. Note now o mandatory requirement of the Farm Mutuals, An Ontario Department of Insurance Official, Mr, Martin Crutcher, described theinew plan as the most progressive move by any Insurance Association that he hos seen throughout his career. The Ontario Mutual Insurance Association represents 53 Farm Mutual Com- panies now operpting in the Province of Ontario, • iiminmmmiaisinmiamauima SHORT NOTICE - IMPORMNT Bankrupt Auction OF NEW Furniture It Appliances This Friday - 8:00 p.o., BALL AUCTIONS - BRUSSELS PARTIAL, I�ISTIN - • k Over 130 chesterfield suites (French, colo ial, traditional, modern, Spanish, tub; chestabeds, etc.); many different styles'' kitchen suites, maple dining suites; Spanish dining suites, col- ored fridges, stoves, lovely bedroom suites, 60 cabinet stereos, • component sets, zig zag sewing machines and cabinets. Coffee and end tables, table lamps, pole lamps, rugs, 'carpeting, paintings, odd tables, chairs, beautiful sets of bunk beds, queen size, double, single beds, sets of dishes, pots and pans, radios, recliners and many, many more items too numerous to mention. .NOTE- all items are brand new and must be sold, if you want a new chesterfield suite this is one sale you must attend. Most items are still in the boxes. . Ball Auctions can definitely save you money --. so if you buy elsewhere you are the looser. Sale conducted by BAIL AOCTIONS LTD. Phone 887-9363, Brussels. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of real estate; Ford '/s ton; C.B. radios; ham radio equipment; electronic equipment; old radios and tubes; appliances; old T.V. sets; some building materials; all being sold on instructions from the executor of the STERLING FINLAY ESTATE, GORRIE, Ontario in two sessions both on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Gerrie, Ontario SESSION #1 -- 11:00 a.m. at Finlay Radio & Electric Bldg., Main St., Gone, Ontario. Building materials; refrigerators and parts; ranges; T.V. sets and parts; work bench; display units; shelving; assorted small items and special lots; Ford 1/2 ton (as is, where is): RID BRICK COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND RESIDENCE in main business dis- trict (two, 2 storey red brick wings linked by one storey central structure. Added to the rear is a 2 storey cement block building containing self con- tained living quarters, a warehouse and showroom). This is an ideal income property for the investor or good location and facility for commercial enterprise. Property to be sold at 11:45 a.m. subject to a realistic reserve bid. Terms on the property 10% down with balance due and payable in 30 days. PREVIEW THE PROPERTY BY APPOINTMENT, PNONE, 357.1811 sr 357-1442. PREVIEW MERCHANDISE 9:30 A.M. TILL SALE TIME SESSION #2 -- 2:00 p.m. et Cesenvelty 11.8, Mein St., Garth, Ontario. C.B. radios; 2 Lindsay A27, Raytheon TW42C, Gunset G-12, Gunset 3429; field strength meter, CB / AN. harness A / SM104; 2 Marconi FM (parrs), 2 Motorola FM (ports), 1 mobil antenna. ---Johnson Viking match box; Johnson Valiant receiver; transmitter unit; 3 homibuilt transmitters; tuner multi-elmac PMR7; tuner; power and amplifier tubes; ---Wintrronic circuit ° analyser; Eico signal generator; Linear pattern generator; B/K capacitor analyser; Heath condensor checker; Superior tube tester; Heath - kit VTVM; Eico signal tracer; B/K 1076 T.V. analyst; Stark VTVM; ampli- fier; Heath volt meter; multiplex kit; multitude of old radios and cabinet most of early variety, some of decided interest to the collector. Earliest television (small tube); many old tubes in special lots. PREVIEW SESSION #2 AT COMMUNITY HALL 11:30 A.M. TILL SATE T1M1 AUCTIONEER! JACK ALEXANDER All buyers must register, terms cash, cheques accepted only from those inking necessary arrangements prior to purchase. For further information 357-1011 J. A. Currie. ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Adminitttetdes Vim Ontario 0 4 N