HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-31, Page 13opener. The ag1es will most c
Willy to out to avenge
feet in the terve Counties
finals at the hands of the
, We've heard through ths
Welsch* that the. Ir omen
• manager was officiallya year
older on Sunday- Many
returns Doug . . don
1 to buy ;our red Minor
Hooter Club '• ticket. It
offers entrance to all minor
league and beninen games #
The en have tickets avail
able for a, A040 draw which will
be held niontigYAlling the 004
Irofflnen home game of the
mole throughout the season.,
?rickets are available from
players andiro r -
The'first drawis slated for next •
-..frilE.BOYS OPINE ,ININGHAM Tyke -baseball team !WM:
their season end picnlc at the 'ball park on Set t orttaie after'',
noon, Herothit,boyS pOied with their..‘oathes' Pos. Brophy •
and'Et1,001theil after'theliresentation Of the •Brophy ' Bros, •-
teeth- are ',(not ' in order) *Danny
'MAY AT 700 AND Shoop,
PHONE 524.7811
matt rortipti.
April Orem --
Dan Hummers
„CF21,14,71 Suzanne Kim.
RAM West Vivian Del Ilio
Marie Lamont Sally Fath
eague,'iAst to d, ,, ioasts five. eams, Other good doubies were
and vv. lovoed s 317, danke..,
nicks, captained' by boWled by A. Conn 309, E. Laid-
Bety Kennedy; Furies law 307 and L. Newman 005:
(1101111sIrgiand); Darts The Flamingos are ahead with
(Dorothy 00); Rina' Torinos 15 points. Not far behind, though, -
(Him) Jouwsma); Marie's Tin are the Canaries with 11 and the
L' (Marie Henry)and bluebirds with 10. The other
Marie's MUstangs (Marie John- teams , have a little contest of.
sten). After three nights of bowl- their own; the Nightingales have
the Furies are ahead with 16
4, Robins 3 and Wrens 2.
points; Tin Lizzies 14; l)arts 12; 0_0_0
Buicks 9; Mustangs 8; Torinos 4.
Marie Johnston is president of COMMERCIAL LEAGUE
theleague. Secretary is Joan Tif-, Hickey's Hyenas are still in the
fin; reasurer is Peg Harman. top position with 33 points but
Those Who bowled 200or over in right behind them, and threaten -
the three nights were Marilyn ing are Readman's Rhinosrith o
Stewart 250, 211, 295; Mima up, now have 24, and
Newton 230, 229; Marg King' /43; Bears. have 21. In a little contest
Betty Kennedy 237, 214; Peg of their own are Taylor's Tigers
Hain 212, 238; Marie Henry with nine points and O'Hagan's
263; Phyllis Ireland 213, 218, 204. Otters with seven.
High single honors went to Verna Haugh shone for the
Marie Henry, Peg HarMan and ladies, her 233 single and 599
Gladys Stewart and high triples triple were high. For the guys, it
weft rolled by Betty Kennedy, was. Joe Schneider with a 301
Phyllis Ireland and Gladys ' single and Jim Griffith with a 718
Stewart. triple.
0-0-0 Thanks to spares, Connie
Hickey and Stephen Burke.
Shirley Pellett rolled the high
single of 245 as the Wroxeter
league met last week, The ladies' NIGHT LEAGUE
high triple was Ethel 'Mc- Top gal on the totem pole in last
Michael's 571. For the men, it week's session of bowling was
wa$ Mike 'Newton's night. He
, Sharon Skinn. She ccime up with a
carne up with a 285 high single 291 single and a fine 732 triple.
and a triple of 703. Over -200 singles were rolled
Over -200 singles were bowled down the alley by Jean Ring 215
by,Shirley Pellett 245; Ethel Mc -
203, 216; Shirley Wharton 227;
Miehael 218; Ethelene Smith 230;
Beth . Jayne English 211, 248; Shirley
1rBethRiley 203; Shirley
Nicholson 224; Joe Craig 223, 203; Storey 258, 227; Bea Shropshall
246, 202; Linda Walden 203;
°Ii4er Riley 204; Wendell Stam- Jeanette Scott 202, 206; Sharon
per 212, 280, 204; Dick de Boer Skinn 204, 291, 237; Maude
207i Bob McCaughan 204; Bill Schiestel 232; Louise Welwood
Bi‘vii 234,-134; Mike Newton 223,
. Ted Smith 216, 200. 218; Mary Lee 208,233; Susan
Tolton 204; Sylvia Pewtress 212;
0-0-0 Joanne Harrison 214; Lila Hickey
• THURSDAY MIXED 200; Dorothy Bain 225; Joyce
Wayne's W. P.'s have rolled Gardner 208.
their way to the head of the pack Sylvia's Snorkers are way
in Thursday night mixed bowling. ahead in points, at 35. Their near-
Thery now have 25 points followed est rivals are Jayne's Jokers at
cloolely by Layton's Loonies with 24. Things then get a bit interest-
* - Next comes Skinn's ing, with Mary's Mishaps and'
streakers, Brenzil's Boomers Caroline's Kooks tied at 19 and
aim Daugherty's Ding-a-lings all Linda's Loonies 18. Still bringing
with 20 and bringing up the rear up the rear are Muriel's Mules,
lei Keith and the Moffatt Mollies now with 11 points.
with it
on Montgomery, back from a
Week of shooting the bull (moose
that 11) took men's high triple Weekly'euchre
With it 675 total. Gwen Swan led
the ladies We again rolling a 669 BELGRAVE - Eight tables of
trlpi&' euchre were in play at the weekly
in single .,highs, Marg Moffatt euchre held in the community
thteW* 265 and Bruce Machan a rooms last Wednesday eyening
283. Other games 200 and over with winners as follows;
were iolled by Bruce Shinn 280, High lady, Mrs. Pearl Wheeler;
210_,. 204; Holmea 22, low lady, Mrs. Edgar Wightmen;
Luanne Kerr 200; Doug LOW high mart, William Taylor; low
WI; Owen Swan 23e, 214,217; Art man, Mrs. Amos Smith (playing
Clark 210; Audrey Mansell 23t u a man).
94 skated during the day with 69'
skaters going for the AOC ten
hours. Approximately 41,600 was
Throughout the.. day, free
refreshments for the ,skaters
were ,provided by the Etelmore
Women's Institute. The youngest
skaters were Julie Millvey and
Andrea Walker, both both8whilethe •.
oldest skater was Brian Marston...
Peter Inglis had the highest
amount of Moneyplefiged.
A draw' on the Iteimere •
chamber of Commerce xpAi.lt was
won. by Mrs..I. Barbey of North
Bay. ,
After the Fairy ' Ring, the
Brownies were divided into three.
groups. Some Brownies passed
their skipping while others
learned about the compass. The
Tweenies were taught how to
Sarah Bender and Natalie
Campeau received. their Golden
Bars after describing to the
Brownies three things in nature
which interested them, thus com-
pleting their Golden Bar.
Elizabeth Kaufman told about
Brownies in China.
Chew F�en-A-Mint. it's a chewing
And pleasant tasting; les one laxative
everyone can take. So don't softer
from irregularityuRenth fora
iies4Miitt Niteroi