HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-31, Page 11in the
damage. Department Inv
gotors:' suspect 'that en ner
heated resistor in a, fitiorescent
.ilght caused the fire.,
• Firemen were celled to the
town's diunp behind Canadian
Tire olt Josephine St. on Saturday
andSunday after someone set
plies •of Wives there on fire. In
another incident fire officials
report that they were• celled out
to similar fireln le/aVOSIOled near
the public school on John St. on
Monday evening. It is sispected
'that youths , from illith, school
were respOOsble for ;setting the
• €uitaits
Resident Partner
Ileside• rce.
4-H alsoisooloors
are guests
GOUJE histtt sadt;04* sP,I:telhw°4ibes:nfolitt
Oralsor for its Ocie -
which was convenod
by the'committee 001 Educatien
and u1tura1 Activities.
Piro. W. :Thornton,
aPened the meeting In the UrItiat
form. She then Welcomed the 41
Club girls SO 'their leaders who
have Just completed the project,
Club Girt Entertaint7;
The Actlevenient *Day icor the
Gordo area will be held at
'114/wick Central ,School on.
• November 2* °
Betty Anne Brown. 01 einGerrie
Club 11 then presented the
,Connentaryfor an exhibit en-
titled - "A (Nide to Fortelle);
'lids *as followed
:Brenda Thornton Of Club I who
,4conimentext on their exhibit,
Grooming Guide". • -
Bltia-ltaidell'oClitb 11 then
mented on an exhibit of. fancy
sanOriches.• , •
The Oris were • thanked for
• their effOrts and compllpnented
on their work, -
During. the business period it
was decided to contribute -further
to extra dishes for. tho•,110Wick
• Community Centre: •
vormOuni Purflilt 4-
• Deir''ffedan, rimer Stetett. -
Ing and brakes int radio
-12 1111014111 CAILO
on comity -y4 automatic
*ORD 'Ordain smoor
11110460, V-11, automatic,
•`1"O'ler.:$0!Finlf and radlo
wHi‘E.pocilioRgots;iirettosy inswing *ate' lint* on .Johrt, St., neerthe" riew'stand-
pipe, other workers are hay preparing the WaterSystanlacontrolShack,,The building will
Keuse tOonew'POirri, Water Vvorkimetering:sYsteirtencleonlootthe radio controls for
Pilt;'hotpiteintid•pnlice,t0/4-wiiy.rncliosysterp.' ',(Statt Photo).
Met ht.
cliurth Sunday �vesthig with an
attendance ot19,
The meeting opened with the
hymn, "Faith of Our leathers"
and Wed de Boor, who was ,in
charge et the meethig, led in
prayer and spoke co the topic*
Scripture was read by Marty
Young •
Following the worship portion,
a lively disthesion followedonthe
25 MadiU stu
14 1
.pi yirsg
• .,,,r,„„ntieve F. E. Madill
• Secondoiry School students are aludeatato
• more than 2,200 students the me.
twois the province who are ui*ll tke
Participating in a stok market Afto ti
"game" in on * :petit/4 is
Wilfrid Laurier University . *Wee who
al •
Bonnie, Gail
Sunday. with friends at Bi
TheemPioYee8 of A* The they NO:visa with the latter'8 -Moon thelordwi Nursing
y, Mrs.Doug Vi Mitt lig 41t COO:14
and TueSdaymorningtheileft • Mr; and Mrs. Jack Welsh of
from Toronto ' Internatletial, unealer vhsitedsuadaY'/*itkmrs.
Airport ‘: for SaSkatoon, whereGibson "with,' Mr;
catutdiati /tumuli Bankof Coin- sister,. , Eunice Harris and -Home.
inerce' were otelite?rtialline. f3ther'mr relaanativesMrstisl7Bill i",,tredwurtn::Gdalliwithedml,"nand
!nort:".-:03n stIoniai.tioests:alid;:'$‘&4'eft,44,,Beil°1‘e." '1),iregivritl.ritir or
inouded and Don too. Mr; 4144 Mrs. Vit were.: miss • k1Harri
Mr. and MrMs.rNsOljrniallYie'Singill•Vlboo°1180,1 MS1:18.13YillVisSotherit°'ranl,YE.1.th 1141. and IkVI:11443":111117f401.4BesPfl-Panlytetlia.:
Mr. and Mrs, :Carl Stewart and
M. and Mrs, Rick Weeds. return.',bonze „,',•Friday from
Mrs' Peler'13°"145 able't9'-:-.4fol:utyr where 111'4
thrdugh the
Mr., and Mr. -Barry, c'Arcey, Walkerton W0144 where she various countries of Central
Jeff and ason and Mr. and Mrs. had been „Confined several days, ,,:4'nericit;:'01)10‘1Wexie0 vitY--
Carl D'Arcey; Lucy, Sharon and Mr. And Mar. Carrot Johnson Congratulations ,c'tongrattilatiOns Mr.:
Bill were Sunday guest attended the road- 'super- 4:,..:!4,!4- ''Glen,Aentley who Were
and Mrs. John Leppington in httendents' banquet Wednesday Married Saturday in. POrdwieh
. • :Gorrie,.. • at Seaford); untreaThuron;
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Miller ;and Little Miss Sandra lifcCleMent. :1:t*veritt Allen of Listowel was a
GarryMister of .Waterloo called retuined home after spendingthe, visitor In the y lla e son
Sunday evening at the hone of, .Pag- couple of week with •.z
'and 'Mrs, Elnket *Uteri 't and Mw.le# 'able to
Alai* tfrC, t.-AtIck0 qSOTie'fir'fil!itst4 v„retunilartill
and '0
Teresa spent Wednesday -Mr. and Mrs, Stan Bride wore iirnOrietliospital Friday and is
Kitchener: weekend visitors with Mr. ad Pjesenitiln the Fordwich Village
Mr. and Mrs. Philpot of Hoch- Mrs, Jack Riddell at undsay. NAkraing
ester, N.Y„. -visited over the Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Johnston
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don spent Sunday with *. and Mrs. ,
Coed* and on Sunday 'morning' Russel Uncle. at El/ovate. Suspect arthritis? Only Your
attended anniversary,services at Mr, and Mrs. George Nuhn of doctor knows for sure. Severe
Atwood Church and visite d with Listowel were Sunday • guests disability can now be prevented .
Mr. Coghtin's mother and father. with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutchi- in about four out of five patients.
Mrs. Jean Wilson spent a few
• days last week in Niagara Falk;
where she attended as a Perth
County delegate to the leadership .
seminar in mathematics which
was held in the Park Motor Hotel.
Mrs. Carl Stewart, Doug and
Greg, and Rick Dickert spent one
day last week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. ROY shnsUons
comnierdirrite.Oui one per
cent •
It is hoped that the avail/MI.0/
of guaranteed loans will tide
farmers over ..the next months
and thus prevent sale or slaugh-
ter of young stock which would
create a real shortage-of-beef:in
coining- years. -
are fin 'toy
tricky •game. Those -team$ have
/lost', up tos8,000, Only one team •
is keeping its head above:water in
the game, making a $4,000Trofit
to date.' ••• • •
The, program, , which involves
almost .100 high schools in the,
province only started about three
• 10 0 (11)FF
(Cash Saks Oady)
$4.95 TO $9.95
• Sale Ends
Nov. 15
participated in four meets in th
past two weeks. On. Oct. 8, the
travelled to Kitchener where the
competed against eleven. schools
The midget girls placed third i
" JUNIORS— On Thursday, Oct.
18, the Madill Mustangs played
against the Listowel Lords on
their division with midget boy
placing third also.. Junior gir
placed sixth while junior boy
placed tenth. The senior boy
placed second with the entir
boys'leam placing third over-all
These teams journeyed to Ex
eter for a dual meet on Oct. 10. F
E. Madill made an excellen
showing and placed first in every
division, with the whole team
placing first over-all.
On Oct. 16, the cross-country
teams vent to Listowel, wher
three schools competed. Midge
girls had a perfect score of ten
placing first over411. Lola Bran
don and Martha Versteeg tied fo
first place, Freda Reinink and
Chris Orien placed third and
fourth respectively.
The junior girls were a close
second to Stratford Northwestern
School. LOuise Monsma finished
first among all junior girls. Deb
bie Adams, Pat Orien, Judy
Adams finished sixth, seventh,
and eighth in the run.
The midget boys placed first
when Gord Kinahan finished
second, Harry Vandiepenbeek
fifth, Shane Pardon sixth, and
Keith lietizger seventh.
junlor boys finished
second, just nine points behind
Stratford N. Western', Anthony
llowald was second, John Rein -
ink third, Puriht .Leillie ninth,
and Keith Nethereleventh.
Senior boys finished with a per-
fect iteeri, of ten, Bill Bone-
shansher finished first, Carey
PUrdolti second, 'Marvin Morrison
third, and Carl Dore fourth.
s touchdown. After a hard fought
e game the final score was Lords
28, Mustangs 6.
SENIORS — In Senior Football
action, Oct. 18, the Mustangs
defeated the Listowel Lords
Wingham's touchdownswere
scored by Kevin Stuart, Murray
Armstrong, Dave Crowe and
- Keith Raymond. Chris Exel also
t kicked a single point. The entire
offensive team played well as a
The defense, led by Henry
Olechowsld, Gord Black, Allan
Johnston and Rick Foxton,
limitedLlstowel to about 60 yds
total \offense.
The team, as a whole, played
by far its best game of the year,
and look for more to come.
Elvis Presley.
• Richard Elliot 90— The drama
because of the costumes, the way
they acted and what they said.
0 —0 —0
Lori Thompson 9M— I enjoyed
the games and sport activities.
0 0 — 0 ,
Anna Haugh 9D— The enter-
tainment was good.
,Alf ,Iockridge presents' Wing,
barn Tyke captain Paul Mont-
ornery with the Brophy
Bros. ' Trophy during. the '
seasonrend picnic held
tor.the boys\at the ball park ,` •
on Saturday afternoon. in
their first season of play the
Wingharn,s0ad picked up the
WOAA trophy for their divl-
The new grade nine students
were officially welcomed to high
school on Friday October 18 when
"Grade Nine Night" woe held
here at the school.
•A good crowd of "grade
niners" stayed after school and
started off the evening with
games of volleyball and borden-
ball, After crabwalk soccer play-
offs the Drama Club gave an
amuting production starring
Elvis Pressley and Alice Cooper,
dance,/ from the past and a por-
trayal of the first day of school
tl*ougb the years.
The grade nine students parti-
cipated In several relay games
and then they trooped into the
cafeteria for an excellent chicken
Alt in attendance agreed that
they had had a lot of fun and
"Grade Nine Night" was deemed
a SUceess.
A dance honoring the "grade
nit" Will be held a week later,
on Oct. 25, featuring the band
—N. Peel
Editors', note
The School Page has completed
its second edition. We were late
getting started but we hope to
continue with an edition every
week. Any "Letters to the Edi-
tor", poems, short stories or edi-
torials from the student body will
be welcomed. Also, any new
ideas or suggestions would also
be appreciated.
We hope you enjoy reading the
School Page andcontribute to its
—The Editors
"What did you like most about
Grade 9 night?
0-0 — 0
Patti -Lou Irwin 9D— "Elvis
Irene Reuchnecht 9K—
"Drama production of "The
Thirteen Days".
0 0 0
Kim Halide** D R was all
Fran Exel 12C— Elvis Presley.
0 —0 0
Lynne Bridge 98— The game
with the spoon and Elvis Presley.
Mary Ellen Elston SC— The
games with the spoon and Elvis
Gail Prichard 138— The kids
Betty Anne Leahy 128... 1 liked
the drama production, especially
Robin Brent'114110pert Oriatiert of
Canadian Eskimos first began
trading carvings with members
of American whaling parties and
exploratory expeditions in the
19th century.
Exciusive healing subatointe
proven to Adult hemorridoids and
repair damaged those.
kretioWned reseuch institute has
found it unique healing substance
with the ability to shrink hemor-
rhoids painlessly. It relieves itching
and discornfort in minutes and
speeds up healing of the injured,
inflamed tissue.
In Che after cale. whik rntly
relieving pain, SCUM' reduction
(shrinkage) took place.
Most important Skt all—results
were so thorough that thii improve-
ment was maintained over a period
of many months.
All this was accomplished with a
healing substance (Bio -Dyne) which
quickly helps heal injured cells and
stimulates growth of new tissue.
Now Bio -Dyne is offered in obit -
merit and suppository form called
Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug
stores. Satisfaction or your money
For competent help with your Mortgage Requirements
permanent or interim
Builder and Nome Owner
To purchase or renovate, to consolidate and
reduce monthly payments
30 Wallet* Ave. N.., Listowe1,191.4740
Open Mon. thru Fri„ 11 a.m. to 3.30 pars.
After hiours or evenings call Bill Ropy 354.2379
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