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.ctionaI meetings are. hekl. •
In Betmore,.S00th. inIos
*The coming of autumn's
'olden dayS,14 heralded in many
weYS_ " frost in the grass,
the chill'of the wind, harvest's
busy squirrels and
sectional meetings of Pres-
byter*/ Societies!
For Maitland Presbyterial
thee Sectional meetings were
held recently in Belmore and in
South IGnloss. Mrs. Roes Wells
Of Lucknow, introduced as
*former teacher and a talented
OW, proved to be a most ef-
fective guest. speaker truly
knowledgeable of her subject, as
she Pleatsantly led her audience to
an understanding of the Jewish
customs, their faith, their rites ,
and sacraments in the syn-
agegUe- Many articles relat-
ing to Jewish life and religion
were on display creating a nave/
dnnen$on of interest and en-
larging the scope of information
and understanding acquired by
the "too. few" in attendance. •
At Helmore Mrs. Shielis was
introduced by, Miss Sadie John-
ston of Lucknow, and at 'South
Kinloes by Mrs. George Suther-
land, Ripley. The meetings were
chaired, by Mrs. Don Robertson,
Kinlougb, and b Mrs. Finlay
MacLeod, Ripley, respectively.
Excellent devotionals were con-.
°ducted .a Teeswate.r group
consisting of Mrs. Armstrong;
Mrs, MacKague. and Mrs. Mac
Donald; and by. Mrs, Geo.
Monison_, Mrs. Orville RoblinsOnt
Mrs, Bourn Burton of Kincar.
dine. Words of welcome were
cOUrteously extended by M.
Ralph Dickson, BelmOre, and by
Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, South Kin -
Sweet voices blended b,aut.
'fully in musical presentatiOns by
five members of the Belmore
Junior Choir, and at South
iCinioss by six ladies in their
interpretation of, "Count Your
Mrs, Finlay MacLeod reported
on her experiences as a delegate
to Kintail Camp in June, re
cognizing it as a worthwhile and
enjoyable respite from-sumMer's
multiple activities.
• Offerings at these meetings
were accepted by Mrs. Bruce
Darling, Mrs. Gordon Weir, Mrs.
Ted Collyer and Mrs. Harold
Austin, and were dedicated by
Mrs. Cameron McAuley, Ripley,
and Mrs. Don Robertson, Kin -
Courtesy remarks were ex-
pressed kindly by Mrs, John
Brush and Mrs. Don Robertson,
With closing prayers reverently
spoken by Mrs, R. Armstrong,
Wingham, and Mrs. J. E. Little,
St. Paul's Church
REV, I. K. HAWTHORN,. Rector
".. and Choir Leader
SuNDAYi NOVEAlifielt
Trinity 21
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'ULGottrilnion •
c.ornnligaN t ili
V? 4
col; ember ,3. 1974
:00a,m.847:30 p.m.
# • • .• • -
Guest Speaker
Special music at the morning service by the
Junior and Senior Choirs. The Belgrave Men's
Chorus will provide the music for the evening
There will be a coffee hour after the
evening seritice where you can meet Roy
I3onisteel. Friends and visitors welcome.
Lueimow, allowing Ulnae inter-
ested to enjoy a social time
together 111 they partook of re-
freshments provided by the hos-
tess group..
Some ponds of business wish*
from these gathering* shout('
hereby be reported: PreshYterial
Treasurer, Mrs. Evan Keith, re-
ported . somewhat increased
givings thus far over that of last
Year and asks all treasurers to
have their contribut,lons in her
hands by December 20, 1974;
Mn, Alvin Mundell read a letter
from a Gulana missionary re -
Westing Popular Mechanics
ftheMorwagBelaardingzinme:r.ethffger.mouan.yp areaattendvailable
Mrs. C. McAuley, in reading a
resume of items resulting from
the 'Synodical Board Meeting in
September, informed that: the
new synodical Life Membership
Secretary is Mrs. M. II. Mee,- 60
Clarke Street West; Leamington,
Ontario; supply money is re-
quested to be in each year by
June 30; at the end of each year
W.M.S. money should be sent
in (0.00 is the limit to be kept as
a working balance); the Glad
Tidings Secretary should send in
all information asked for in June
and October.' Last June, 104
groups did not return informa-
tion. The Glad Tidings Secretary
should readevery communica-
tion she receives, Glad Tidings is
subsidized. The number of sub-
scriptiOns has increased; In
Memoriam donations are avail-
--Miss Margaret Laycock of
Brampton was the guest of Miss
Ulla Taylor of Patrick Street
over the weekend.
—Visitors at the.. home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Gorbhtt of Point •
Clarke during the past week were
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Luttrell of
Fort Frances, Mr andcaltirs.
'Robert Blake of Waterbw"
• and Mrs. Wilfred Arthur, Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell,
• Wingham.
—Ws Gershorn Johnston and
George Grigg. were Sunday
• visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Sudsy, Nov.3-Wethiesday,
Dr. Mariano Di Gangi will be our guest and
will conduct a preaching mission on:
ii:oo a.m. Sunday •r
"Howe You 84ten Converted?"
7:30 p.m. Sunday
"What is Your Goal In Life?"
8:00 p.m. Monday
"Aro You Truly Liberated?"
8:00 p.m. Tuesday
"Did Jesus Ever Rise From
the Dsadr
8:00p.m. Wednesday
"Will Christ Really Com* Again'?"
Thor* win b• Mitt STIJOYperiods in the mornings.
10:00 oart.---Molukry (Psalm 1)"the Way to Happiness"
10100 aon...–Tiueiday tPsito1m 2)1.7Pod't Royal Son
10000m.—Wedtvriday (Psalm 32) "Socrot of Forgiveness"
After the Miday evening service there will be
a film "Wind's of Chong." (On india and Nepal)
On and Wednesday evenings there
ill b.a wrfttin questkn period.
• THE HURON COUNTY Foster ParentiAssoCiattem held its Annual meeting in the Brussels
Legion Hall last Thursday. During the evening Gladwin Westiak0, and Mrs. and Mr.
Ernest Durnin were honored for their service to the organization with a presentation of
service certificates for between five` and 15 years of dedication to the foster parent asso-
ciation. Rev. C. McClennaghan, FPA President Norman Tait and Deputy Warden Jack
McCutcheon represented the association and cOunty. (Staff Photo)
Robert S. Beattie we
Simpson Avenue United
Church, Toronto, was the scene of
a lovely wedding on Saturday,
September 28, at 4:30 o'clock,
when Robert Stewart Beattie of
Mississauga and Susan Mae
MacDougall of Don Mills ex-
changed marriage vows before
Rev. Wesley Morris. Baskets of
white gladioli and daisies formed
the setting and traditional and'
cOntemporarywedding music
was played throughout the tere-
mony. -
The bride is the daughter of
and Mis. IanMeDouga1I.of Don,
/44. ftnt* ARr "are
.. I*, an.'
•thtart, ate OCIP
Given in marriage by her
father, the. bride wore a floor -
length gown of nylon jersey with
a tiny bit of lace trim. The dress
into a graceful chapel train, A
beaded pearl headpiece held her
fingertip illusion veil and 'she
carried a bouquet of white daisies
and yellow roses.
In sleeveless A-line dresses of
light blue, with matching hooded
jackets, were the maid of honor,
Miss {Shirley MacDougall; sister
of the bride, of Don Mills, and the
bridesmaids,. Mrs. Keith Robin-
son, sister of the grand, of New-
market, 'and Mrs. Nedra Mc-
Donald, friend of the bride. They
Atrrieft LiAtaketwo41. white and
yellow daisiesp1910' 113'6 ioilgibi;
Dttnn, and the flower girl, the
groinn's niece, Kimberly Robin-
son of-Newinarket, wore gowns of
similarastYle but in a coral shade.
They cirried baskets of white
Charles .Woods of Egmendville featured an empire waistine, and yells* roses.
and Mrs. McMichael of Seaforth, turtleneck collar and long
They also called on Mr. and Mrs: sleeves. A back panel was Rod Cameron of Shricoe was
Fred Bell of plinton. •attached at the shoulderS and fell • best man and guests were
OIcI-fashioned setting for
grandson's wedcling at Doon
In an old-fashioned setting at
Doon Pioneer Village Church,
Virginia May Simondsof London
,became the bride of Edwin Paul
'Elston of Arva on Saturday, Sept-
ember 28. Rev. Carmen Hol-
brough of Beaverton officiated
and John Brighty of Niagara
Falls provided organ music, in-
cluding Bach's "Joy".
Parents of the bride are Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Simonds of
Plattsville. The.groom is the son
. of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Elton of
RR 1, Arva, and the grandson of
Mrs. 'William Elston of Wingham.
Given is marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor -
length gown of satin and lace,
with fitted waistline and hoop
skirt. The lace bodice was styled
with high neckline and long
• sleeves. The satin skirt, edged in
lace, flowed into a chapel train at
the back and separated at the
front to reveal layers of lace. A
crown of pearls held her waist -
length nylon veil and she carried
white daisies and baby's breath.
Miss Jann Dexter of Kitchener
was maid of honor. She wore a
gown which featured a fitted
waistband and slightly gathered
skirt of dark green velvet. The
bodice of pale yellow floral print
*gh neckline and long full
sleeves athered into cuffs.
In s s rly-styled dresses, but
with gold velvet waistbands and
skirts, were the bridesmaids,
Mrs. Joanne Nicolson of Fair-
view, Alberta, sister of the bride,
and Miss Sharon Hofstetter of
Kitchener. They wore matching
velvet bows in their hair.
The flower girl, Laurie Hall-
man of Plattsville, niece' of the
bride, wore a floor -length gown of
pale yellow floral print with
round neckline, short puffed
sleeves and gathered skirt with a
hemline ruffle. A gold velvet rib-
bon tied in a bow at the back and
streamers fell to the hemline. All
attendants raided baskets of yel-
low roses, bronze, yellow and
white daisies.
David Hallman, nephew of the
bride, of Plattsville, was ring mid white Jacket. Her ensemble
bearex. The best man was David was coMpleiiented by a' corsage
Wand of Guelph and ushers were of coral roses. •
Gary and David Elston, brothers For travelling, the bride wore a
of the groom, of Area, They wore coordinated outfit of jacket,
brown tuxedos with black velvet sweater and pants in fall tones.
lapels, white pin -tucked skirts Her corsage was yellowroses and
and black velvet ties. white daisies. –
A reception followed at the Mr. and Mrs. Elston are resi-
Dundee Golf and Country Club. ding in Arva.
The bride's mother wore a dress , Mrs. William Elston of Wing -
of pale green polyester knit with ham was an honored guest at her
long full sleeves and circular grandson's wedding, as was the
skirt falling from a fitted bodice. • bride's grandmother of Toronto.
Her corsage was pink roses. The The wedding cake was made by
groom's mother chose a sleeve- the bride's mother and decorated
less gown with white bodice and by Mrs. Donna Hallinan,sister of
brown skirt and matching brown the bride.
• Ushered by Darryl ,Gibson of St.
Catharines andlteith Robinson of
Guests from Toronto, Exeter,
Kippen, Wingham, Clinton,
Waterloo, Montreal, New-
market, Simcoe and Seaforth
were -received at the reception
width, followed at the Broom and
Stone Club, 1470 Midland Ave.,
Tne bride's mother wore a
floor -length sleeveless gown,
floral patterned in shades of
tha at natcbHecort
sage was ye1kiwkoseian4Att
daisies. .The groom's mother
chose a floor -length gown of tur-
quoisewith a matching overskirt.
She also wore a corsage of yellow
roses and white daisies. •
For travelling, the bride
changed to a brown polyester
safari pantsuit with a yellow cor-
sage. They are residing at 1780
Fowler Drive, Mississauga.
The bride graduated as an
interior decorator.
Froin 4 • 41, * • • * • * •
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