HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-9-5, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. Mr. Thos. Culbert, of Granton, has ' purchased Mr. !The. Casey's farm ,on the 11 th con. of Beidulph, for $6000. EVEREST'S Liver Regulator has prov- ed the, best medicine I ever tried ter impure blood and liver complaint. -John Jones, Hillsboro P. 0. Mr. II. 13. Quarry, of Parkhill, has received his appeitatment as Overseer of Fisheries, his bounds, extending from Blue Poltit, just west of Forest, itp °demo h. Wm Noble, of .Seafen th, Ont., who has lately been confined to the Royal Hospital, Victoria, 13. C., by an attack . (of typhoid fever, i8 now convalescent and receiving the congratulations of friends on his recovery. On most land in Biddulph and Mc- Gillivray townships fall piowing is ren- dered' Impossible on account ot the hard state of the ground. The clay laud is baded very hard. In town and SORIA parts of the country a water fam- ine is feared. A dog owned by 'Thomas ,Cialhane savagely attacked -a little on of Alex. Stewart, of Mifchell, the other day. The brute caught the lad by the lip, and left such an ugly gest) that his cheek badly swelled and one of his eyes turned black. Richard Neil, .4th con, Bidclulph, 11:1S, rented his farm of 100 acres to „Mr L S. Atkinson for a term of years at $290 per annum. Also Mr. 8. Hod- gins has rented 50 acres to Mr. T. Hutcheson of Ustiorne for $135 per an n une; ' On the 20th Sept. Bayfield wit vote on a by law to raise by wry of a loan the sum of two thousand dollars as bonus, and three thousanci dollars as a loan for ten years without interest, to John C. ICalbfleish of Zurich to estab- lish and carry on a sterna roller grist and.a planing mill in that village. On 'Thursday afternoon Mr. Geo. Rumball, of the 13th con. Goderich township met with a painful accident which nearly cost hma the loss of an eye. Ile stooped •down to pass under the waggon rack, and just as he did so a sliver !splintered from the rack and pierced his face just below the eye, alrnost.forcing the eyeball from the socket. I really believe I would not be alive at this tirne had I not used Everest's Liver Regulator. -13. Scouter, Forest P.0 , I know from actual trial tnat Ever- -4 est.'s Cough Syrup is good. A. most drfficult surgical operation was performed on Wednesday last on the person of Mrs Kenyon, of Goderich by four of the county's most popular surgeons, being the removal of two . ovarian cystic tuniore, weighing respec- tively 10 and 15 pounds. The patient is progressing remarkably well, and. the operation is regarded as a most skillful and satisfactory one. ltlesers Cantelon and Steep, of Clin- ton, who are buying apples in Essex and Lambton, were recently offered an advance over cost of 25 .cents barrel on 1000 barrelswhich they had purchased, without further handling, but they refused it evidently believ. ing that they could make more this season. No less than 2,023 boxes of cheese from Pine River, Huron, Melarton, Tiverton and Underwood were slaipp. ed from Kincardine on Friday of last week, having been purchased by Mr 11 0. Foster for Mr. A. P. McLeren, of Stratford, whichi means the distribu- - tion of atleset $12,000 in that comrn- unity, the average price being 9 cents per pound - Mark Lindsay, a young man who re - aides with his parents on their farm, about seven miles west of St. Marys, met with a painful accident on Wednesday afternoon as he was driving a Med of grain into the barn. The horses for sante cause backed up, and Lindsay, fearing an upset, jumped to the ground, breaking his leg in three places. The doctor thinks amputation will be necessary. A well-known resident of Fullerton, in the person of John Campbell, pass- ed over to the great majority on Sunday lest, in the 76th year of his age. Deceased was one of the earliest settlers of the township, and was a quiet, unassuming man and possessed many good qualities, and his death is much lamented. Ue was a native of Scotland, a supporter of the Reform partyand a menthol of the Presby- terian church. IThe remains were buried in Knox church cemetery IVIit- chell, on Tuesday last. Yesterday morning. while James . Bolton, aro of the second line, North Adelaide, was driving .frotn Strithroy home, he met with an accident about three miles from that town which re- melted fatally... It appears that a gun he was carrying accidently discharged, and the contents passed through the upper part of his thigh and body, gevering sortie of the large arteries. Deceased was one of Adelaide's pi- oneer settlers, and his sudden attd un. timely death is a 'matter of deep re. gret to a'large number of relatives and friends. Will B. Harrison, of the Argus writes :-An article appeared in the St. Thomas . ;Tourer'', of Wednesciay . evening, Alija 21, announcing the mar- riage of W. B. Harrison, of the St. Marys Argus, it ale° appeared in yes- terday's AdVertieer, You are it lib- erty le centraelict, as it ie absolutely without feundation." (Lot -mien Free Press. As Mr W. B. Harrison, or the Argue, called it the Jorernal aloe and requested that notice of his iitgmarriztge bmde, it Would appear that he changed his Mind . The young lady is to be eongratulated.-St. Thom- as eournal. Vacancy in the Registrarship of Beat arid tiOrtil Middlesex, consequent upon the death off.lol. Walker. ha@ 'set office hunter!) all agog, The applicant ate legionrti is however authorite tively effete(' that, Mr. L. E. Shipley; of Lobo, has been redomrneeded by Mr. John Waters, M. P. P. for North Mid- dlesex. It sellbe remembered that Mr, 81-iipley wee fl candidate at the last general election for the Como -sorts, Th opposition to Mr. T, Coughlin.Jt ie also tattled b .t1 0 1- y se w peraume Clengling before the eledtors "If• to knew that the pieta will be trent 1 • Ler Lilts neXL theittrite election'. The Credit system. The Merchants' Convention easetabl ea in Hamilton, paesed the following restate. tine, That in the opieion Of this conveution the credit eystem now prevalent An rend, Ontario is at the root of most of the evils and irritations of legitimate trade to•day ; and that tile propoeea Busieeres Mena' As- sooie,tion ehoulcl carefullyconsider aua suggest a change restricting the term for credit. Hear ! Hear ! Let us hope that some- thing more then resolving will corms out of this eonrention, The credit ystern is au abomination of desolation, It ia bad -root and breech. It fosters extreragence, keeps the poor man poorer, and ruins scores of shopkeepers. A radial remedy is doubtless impossible, bet the suggestien that both wholesale and Mail merchants shoald give greeter inducement for prompt peyment by lacreesing the discount for cash, erg" form- ing it sliding soale'of such discounts, is one that conld be easily carried out, and would certainly hasten the day of "cash" trans-' action. cs. • • • * EATING FRUIT.--SOnlie people are afraid to eat fruit, thinking that fruit and diarrhoea are seways associated, wheo, if they under- stand the true cause of diarrheea they would know that it was caused by eetiug meat, In hot weather mese putrefies very quiokly, and during this process alkaloids ate formed which are very poisonous acting as emetics and 'purgativert, It is true that fruit eateu green or between meals will interfere with digestion and cause bowel troubles ; but use fruit that is perfectly ripe at meal time aud unly beneficial results will follow. Acids prevent calcareous degenerations, keepiag the bones dream, as well as pre- venting the accumulation of earthly mat- ters. Fruit is perfect food when fully ripe, awlif it were in daily use from youth to age there tyoteld be leas gout gall -stones and stone in the bledder.-Canada Health Journa./. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED By proper, 'healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphites, which contains healing and strengthgiving virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Mr. D. D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B., says: "I have been prescribing Scott's Ernuision with geed results. It is espem jelly rueful in persons of consumptive tenaenois." Sold by all druggist, 50 cts. and 81,00. Martiage while drunk is void, according to the ruling of a Wisconsin court. Igwas found that at the time the ceremony was performed the man was under the influence of liquor to such extent as to be unawarmof the nature and consequence of his act, and that he did not knowingly consent to tlie marriage ceremony. The court further found that he had not ratified the marriage contract or recognized its validity in any way and, therefore, entered .judgment an- nulling the marriage. • MEN OF EXTRAORDINARY NERVE AND FIRMNESS OF PURPOSE. Amongst men who lee:ve forced their way to fame add fortune, we may name, as an example to all, worthy of imitation, the famous and justly celebrated Thomas H51- loway, better known throughout the "wide, wide world" for his Pills and Ointment. Of these medicines it is not our purpose to spectle-we are not writing puff, but solid plain faots, to show what can be done by great strength of mind ; and that what one man has done another may do, pro- vided that he has the ability and deter- mination to USe it with all his soul I We read of the Great Napoleon, whose ambition was to conquer the world, but Holloway has done something else, for, instead a shedding oceans of humeri - blood, lie has cured his thoueands, and spread great joy among thepoor sons and daughters of affliction by his wonderful Medicines ; and though he does not pre- tend to 'anise the dead," yet he has given strength to the halt and soundness to the lame ; and it be has not "opened the eyes of the blind." he has soothed the pain worn, and comforted those ontbe brink of the grave; and in the four quarters of the globe his preparations eave found their wax -not by the force of the sword, not by the aid of legions, but have been silent- ly borne on the bosom of old oceau in our huge merchant ships to every corner of tho civilized world where suffering man is to be found. But to do all this gigantic work, to am csomplish so wondrous a deed, required mucti thought and much energy, for with- out these combined, this mighty werir could not have been accomplished. And thus he did it. There is a wise eaying, "Dont spare printer's ind," nor vast pilea of the precious metal, gold. He advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized nations --and iyhether you go into France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Denmark, B,assia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Switzer- land -nay, we might say all the kingdoms of the world -and in a thousand tongues they talk of "Holloway's Pills Pee -in a thousatullatiguages they utter "Holloway's Ointment!" We are filled with boundlees wondei and. astonishment that one man, one mind, one head, could plan and de- vise all this and we say that. if one man hike really done so, there must be some wonderful curative properties abaut his Pills and Ointment.- Poet Clos'e Historical Notices. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To TEE EDITOR: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thotteands of hope- less mews have been permanently cared. I shall be glad to send two bottler' of tny remedy mai to any of your reeders who bilge consumption if they will tend me their Express and P. 0. addrese. ResPeetfullY, Da. T. A. SLOCUM Toronto, One 87 Yonge etreet A young Italian who had boon in the habit of Selring bananas to the employes in the Bank of Hamilton, entered that Meth tution on Saturday to silow them a livo tarantula, While dieplaying his pot it es - (taped, aud the clerks mai officials were in a state of great excitemett all day, (melt fearing the bito of the deadly poieonon spider. On Saturday evenhig a searehing perty searelsed every hele and crevice io the batik antt at last uneaethod the beantula and killed km, much to the r:lief of allIt is how on show an one of the local newspaper ollice windows und is in- spected by, thettsa eds. Nelioultaby was sick, we gi.ve ten 'Mal site was a Child;she oriod for Oratorio. Whorl ie tuio kilos. she Meng" to (;astot4..t. gnegave Mee tetereeisr, , . . HambIer. IT DON'T ItiAPTER. However old, obstinate or chronie your case may be Burdock Blood Bitters has cured so maay iseeneingly Moureble alums that it is gell worth a trial inwours, Clseee of dyspepsia, scrofula, Ireer oomplaint ece, of twenty-five years' standing has been ou yeti by B. el. B. naiLuoan. don's rate of ta,ecation will be 19 3-6 ' Flour bite again dropped ten cents a bag in Winnipeg. 'Five yeara ago1 bad a oontsant cough, eight sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and had been given up by nay phyeician. 1 began to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after rising two bottles of this medicine, was completely etheci,"--Anga A. Lewis, Ricard, N. Y. 'The St. Thomas street railway is to be sold to satisfy a mortgage for 03,500. Apples trees M the Ottawa diltrict are blooming for the secontl time this season. THOROUGHLY TRIED. Having given Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a thorough trial, I do ,not hesitete to say that I believe it is tho best remedy ia existence for all summer corn• plaints, diartheear dyeentery, colic, eto. MRS. 11. S. WAIVE, t Springfield Out. Mrs. J, H. McTavish, wife to the late C. P. 11 Lands Commissioner in Winnipeg, died suddenly on llouday. A GOOD REGULATION. Disordered kidneys give rise to ?home. Aisne dropsy, pion iu the batik and, loins, etc, besides txrany dangerous complaints affecting the kidneys theme. Ives, as Bright's disease, uremia, eto. Regulate the eidneye with Burdock Blood Bitters, the best diuretic and kiduey remedy ever devised. Dining the first six mouths of this year 13,626 ounces of gold, worth e250,000 were mined in Nova Scotia.. There is indignation at Port Arthur be., mune a TJuited States tug has been broagilt to supplant a Canadian tug there. CONSTANT CARE. Constant oare ie necessary against unex- pected attacks of summer complaints. No remedy is so well known or succeseful in this elass of ditihases as Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the house as a safeguard. An action for $25,000 has beea commenc- ed at Port Hope against the Grand -Trunk railway on behalf of the three children of Mr, T. D. 14cLean, of Detroit, who was killed at the St. George accident. goese right to the spot," said an old getitlemau, who found great benefit in Ayer's Saraaparilla. He was right. De- rangements of the steutaoh, liver, and kidneys are meet speedily remedied by this medicine than by any other. It reaches the trouble directly. Aeronaut C. E. Slocum 'fell from his balloon Monday at Antwerp N. Y., 150 feet to the ground, breaking no bones but receiving a shook that may prove fatal - The United States Treasury in the last three days has brought nearly 811,000,000 worth of bolds, paying for them about $70,000,000 ten days ago, but has now de- creased to about $42,000,000. A aOltRUPT SYSTEM. Bad blood may corrupt the entire system and cause scrofulous sores, swellings, ulcers. salt rheum, erysipelas, sore eyee and skin diseaseas shingles, fetter. eto. Burdock Blood. Bitters purifies the blood and elerinses, tonee and strengtheas the entire system. • Bev. Father James F. Lennon, who had. charge of Galt Parish for the last three years, died Monday morning from a com. plication of diseases, being the third priest of St. Patrick's church who has died at Galt during the past ten years. RELY ON THIS. Delta Sins, -I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the last three years, and can always rely upon it ea a speedy cure for diartheaa and all summer conmlaints. I can recommed it highly and I wish you every enceese---elits. W FOWLER 12 Oxford St., Toronto. The resources of British Columbia are soou to be made manifest to London capi- telists. Frederic Villiers, the war artist of the Greet/tic, sailed on the Sardinian for Quebec on Saturday to join the Gavernor- peneral of Canada on his tour through the British North Atnerica poseessione. -IMPORTANT Having done business in Canada fox years, our reputation and responsibility is es- tablished. We want three men in your vicin- ity to represrnt us, zo whom exclusive territory will be given. Handsome outfit free. Salary and expenses paid weekly. Steady employ- ment the year round. Write atonce for terms. Hardy stock for Canada a specialty. MAY Breemens, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. AY WANTED. The stibseriber having purchased a new hay press, is prepared to purchase 2000 tons of first class hay for which highest market price will be paid. All having hay formic wpuld clo well to consult the undersigned before dispos- ing of it. JAMES OKR , Exeter. Aug.15. '89 tf TIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, in the township et Usborne. New barn, goodbriek house. Large pert of paroles° money to remain. on Mortgage if desired. Apply at o nee -to ELLIOT a- ELLIOT, Vendor's Solicitors, Exeter. STRAY.Li1D. From the promises of Thos, Smale, Enna vine. on or about the 1511i inst., two ewes. Ono has a split ear and both a broad black stripe across back; rine has a long tail, in- formation will be rewarded. Thos. SMAGE, nlinwille. IN TELE HIGH couRT In the matter of lot number fifteen, in the 10th concession of the township of Ilibbert, hi the Coerriby of Perth. Notice is hereby given that Alexander Boyle of the Township or Ribbert, in the county of Perth, yeoman, hos made an application to the High Court of Justice for Onetrio.for a onr- tifieate of title to theabove mentioned proper- ty, under$th e "Quieting Titles Aot," and has produced evidence whereby he appears to be the owner thereof in fee exeoptirm thereour and therefrem One acre of lane part t hereof heretofore cOnveyed by Dayid Boyle to One George Adam Dotiglas by deed, boaring date the 2inIdey of December. A. D. 1867 and regis- tered in the Reeistry otrice for the South ltiding elthe County of Perth on the 190, dee ot October, A, D.,1863 as No 1005, etid the same to be freeof all encumbratutes. Wherefore coy other persrat having ot• pre- tetalieg to beve arm title a,intorSLiu th e said hind mit, Dart thered other than the said acre heretofore conveyed no aforesaid is 10- Oii or before Tueklay the 2411, day of bp to ber e ex e ensuing to tile a stetern en t of eo 'hie or her (ilium verified by, affititvrroNy i tat hanibers in the Court Ruse in u n ef rlorleritth and le soryc a copy on Lewis 0. Dickson Esquire at his offico in tho v,illago of' Exeter. in Cl the ount, it of Polloithr for ,the Said Alexendor Doyle r.1 nd ni default e vete melt claim will he barred send the title or the Held Ale:selector become iibmiute and in., feasible at law and in agape" enbteet only to ebe reairvetiops teshrioned in the stall section of the rtitl Ad, ef tremegeoe Referee- er Tie6s at odtri OA, 'Petrel dry of JttlY A, D., 1881) MARKET REPORTS,. - EXETER ' (Corrected at5 o'clock pan, Wedneedso Rod Whoa ... ,.. 80, Spring Wheat 130 Oats Clover S )ed Timothy • • Peas 001•11 ItggS BUtte Flourpereebl Potatoes,pee appiereper bag DriedApplespr b ' 0-0080 per lb. .Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per yr flogs,dressedperl 0 Beef ... Ridesrough, ' • dressed „. Sbeepskins e a e b Calfskins Wool perlb •lartyperton Ogionsnerbush. Wood.? er cord 25 to 800 ST. MARYS Frill WIteat„ ..... ...... .................. Se 80 9 66 Spring Whett, .. . . ........... ..... 80 0 86 Bar,ey .... ........ ...,...., i 0 40 0 60 Oats .. .. , ... . ..... . .. ...... 0 25 0 28 Clover:*ge.e.dTimothy• 2 50 3 00 Pesa.....„., ... . ..... ............, ... . ..... .. . ... Q 55 0 60 Eggs, to 0 80 to 0 85 ••• 40110 es 250 e0 ea to 6 00 ,.. 2 00 ver 3 06 -. 0148 to 0 60 ,.. 0 40 to 0 60 0 12 to u 111 ..14nu034 00 t 0 5 64 25 be 05 ... 1 CO to 1 50 -. 0 410004 .,. 0 00 to 0 06 - 0 07 to 08 .,. 0 50 to 0 85 ... 0 25 to 0 80 6 00 to 0 25 ... 4 00 to 00 3,50 to 405 .. 6 00 to 0 00 _. 0 65 to 00 ... 0 50 to 0 70 o 18 to 0 10 .. 0700 to 06 00 11 0 11 Butter .....,.. ..... .......... 1° 0 10 Potatoes pe'r bag . .. .... 28 0 30 Apples per bush 0(15 Wool perlb.,.„.. ...... ......... ... . . . ....... . . 17 0 iR Ray porton .... . .. .... 7 Co 8 00 Bran per ton.14 00 14 00 Shorts1"' . .. ...20 00 20 00 Oatineal per . e0 7 DO LONDON. 'Moat, 850 to 96o per bus. Oats, 20e to 30e per bus. Peas, 45e to 49e per bus. Bar- ley, Malting. 43i to 48to per bus- Barley Feed, 38io to 45i per bus Cern, 47e to 471e per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Sept. e. -Wheat -Fall No..2,97 to 90e Per bus ; spring, No. 2.96 to 97e per, bus. PE,A8 motto 00eper bus. OATS 32e to 33e per buss FLOUR. extra, $3.05 to 84,00 per bel; straight roller. e4.60 to $4,06 ; stron g bakers, $4,00 to 54.50. CONSUMPTION CURED • An old physician, retired from practice, having haftplacedin his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent oure !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical 011r6 for Nervous Debilityandan Nervous. Com- plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ()teases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Actuatedby 1 ilian otive and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I vi:.+Isend free of charge, to all who desires; this reeipe,in German,French or English, with full directionsfer preparing and using. Sent . mail by addressing w lth stamp, naming this naper,w..s . NOYBR 149 Power'a Moor, Reehester 11 17 , . ADVICE TO .610THE118.-Areyou disturbed as nightaud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle orMrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. 51 willrelieve the pour llttle sufferer im mediately Depend upon it, mothers; there is noraistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcee„ regulates the Stomach and Boweie,oures Wind Colic, sottens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chillren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cente a. home. 86 sure and ask for"Mns. Wrnsnow's ano s-itup "and no other ind. • TO THE DEAF.- -A person cured of 1 THE and noises in the head of 28 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it PREE to any person who applies to NecaohsoN, 177 leteDougal street, New York. A. Ilyn dm an --KEEPS-- Groceries and C,onfectionery OF THE REST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. HYNDNIAN. rashionglo 0 0 0 THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET TaEBIGGEST YET Overddatings at any price Suit ins at any pride ; Pantings 'at any price. est Ordered Gliding piodneed in Exeter fletoleteen I leave your orders early, for kvitii die host staff of Tailors ; the beet smelt of Firm Trimmings, and the best, reatieg id Toted, yen ale sure of atiefam, NT ttlIZZato PUMPS; wANT, We will hereafter make and keep on hand, a geed supply of wooaen pumps, which we will sell at usual pricer), and guarautee tbent to Idi the lila with satistaiition. reepectfully ask a share of your patronage he this line, mei we will endeavor to supply yeti with good pumps, and. promptiv. Iron Pumps will be keurnislied When Desired. Shop oee doo., south of Pateou's 131ackernith Shop, Main.-st., Eseter. R. FOWLERS .EXT: OF e °Wic..13 TR WBERRY CURES HOLERA holera Morbus 01-: I Ca.c?. Fl A. M IDS IARRIKEA YSENTERY AND ALL. SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. A FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come, You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You a.re not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Ftocleis new and consists of Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, id'fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See his hla.ck and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake- Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purcha.se ,elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall, J. PARKINSON. .111111•1M•MIMINIM.01. W. TREVETHICK. THI$ YEAR'S rtle CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See To & IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE DESTROYSAND REMOVES WORMS OPALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT4HARM THE MOAT,...I E MePLOYMENe T-hSVViR4t111 Aie?ALARVermet. All 5XPE tSI:i ' navnced,wAtEavrootiyp.d.soA dr Co. ao6 (1e)rue St. Cincinnati. O. DO YOU WANT TO BEY FIRST -CSS FURNITURE' AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN CALL AT-- GIDLEY5S -01 Y FIRST GLASS- _ Reliable (ioods At Prices Lower that so-eal4 led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK 111] 1HE 01111 OUR SPRING STOCK --0E---- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, --Which we are M a position to offer to the Public at the- - Very Finest Prices for Cash -We have also on hand a full line of SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves add Tinware of all kinds, always on hancl, 'at prices thee defy competition. Sewing Machines, 13aby Carria,ges, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing, 24 Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. •MMI1311.•••••••911MbIl0111.00.4•60.6•10LITti li PICA .Every: D&vartinentin the Old Alst67,blished /hC,/,‘" 77743St oornplete, and full of the lates4 novelties. The French, English and American Millinery cater be excelled. TIte stock of Dress Gdods is larger cheflper than ever shown. All the best makcs of rich Bi.., CO i0.1'ed aud el& iI Cheap, Parusols and Sim shadc of elVer y design (both long and short steins? Fine Viil)J)t IS li1l zophers. Soteens and Prints hi endless Yar iety. A special. lot of Swiss Embroideries for Dregso (lovely goods,) Every lady, should see oilr Dress Trin tiri (whioh contain all the latcstliovelties. Come- t apti, itispeof, MU" stock .13 The attention of Dress -makers is speciall(' onlle'd to the Dress Goods department. JAMES PIC A RD, '-eter