HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-24, Page 11nay
Bulk Tanks, "Wrlk4nsAlr, Corolitioning, Praetor*
or competent help withYour J
' perimanerit or
gage . Requirement
tdrlilder andlMome OWner : F
To purchase or renovateto *feat)d:
reduce fnonthlY payments
a; ; 1 easlles t►�l�ri 1 : ;isl ower 91, 4740
� , , � A
Open Men., thrru Frei,, 11.M..to:.30 p m.
After hours or evenings call, Kill Reppt356-2379
Pete Henderson., Kitchener, 579..»5705..
Mrs. Elisabeth *dodo* of
Forder ,#assed away at the
,Gert -Care. Nursing dome),.
laarriston, on October 14 in her
was , In " Ulm,.
P Huron qty,'on October:2,
11386, the daughte+c, of Mr. and
'Mrs. James Lynn. On September
1907 ,. he married Wallet
Edwin Hainstock who Pot-
her' DeceM
a faithfUl,,Member
the Hnuited.Church and sery
women's . organizations :and
leader n
the„Miasion Band,
ock?rn,► yeah.: lived
faith ; d her Masfter,.and was'
toned by , a*mow .
,rS,he leaves` 'te, mourn,
assing ,lone '.dslttgllter, lira;;.
lolert lfxed);. Connell, ,f
Fordwic ud one Son Grr*enly s et
Milton w.o 'granddaughters.
, for is l teman xo
Mrs. Kei '�(Marjorie)..1
Brampton; also six r
Mr Ca 'e'SLy n, !W
Myrtle MacN ightan,
a�►ct. Mrs,. by For stet, Clinton
Thefuneral service was held at
the Moir lruneral Home,Gorrie
Thursday, at 2 p.m. Service vas'
conducted 'by Rev.. Chat" ,.es
Forrest off 4ordwicli ,United
M d
iekr rnetet7
The 'pallbearers were Dewar
Lynn, Windsor; Jack :Brown;
Hanover i'i ray•aCoopei', Bruce
Artong, J m Warred and Dave
Dinsmore of Fordwicha •
, was a l
r*WOW� e wan,
f w ... . orsos aoa,
*WOW Was
ducted at the Turner ars)d
York pet in. Toronto
intermentat Giendale
Al one drop rier second. a dripping hot water tap can
waste about 175 gallons of hot water each month. The
electricity required to heat that water would keep°a
60 -watt bulb burning continuously.
Poor insulation.. •a faulty heating system...inefficient
use of appliances...all cause energy leaks in the home.
This can increase the cost of running a home -and waste
Canada's precious energy resources.
It makes good sense to use electricity and. all forms
of energy wisely. And that includes Stopping those
energy I`eakt .
Ross Higgins; graze areporto
previous meeting and—the
turerrs report. .Correspondence •i :0 1 ;
i luded...agi meal c fironn. C W r►/%!""r�
when. the• 'usual,., donatio was e s v
agreed up*. A 'lett., lwaa read
from the 4-11 club announcing
Achievement D. to be'held'in �= •
Wingham, November 9, The; Dj
Spring • project will be ''What
Shall 1 Wear?" Over 1,300 girls
have taken part in projects:,n
during 1974. All were .urged to The . second soccer match be-
take part in the nu tion work- tween Turnberry and East.
shop,fen propfoods and ;; Wawanosh took place on 'Tues
balanced diets with new ideas to day, October 14. The boys man -
be held November 6 ` at Auburn.: s aged to beat the ,team from East
The County of Huron Ploughing b Wawanosh with a 1-0 score. The
Match banquet will be held girls.rere pot so lucky and had to
November 1 in the WI hall. The concede the game to the East
Institute will cater to the Holstein , Wa.Wanosh eleven (0-1).
BreedersAAssOciation banquet , The following 'made up. the
On November . 1$ at 12 o'clock boys' team: Doug de Boer; 1Vlttr-
noon in the WI hall. ray Fear, Philip Eadie, Robin
A. detailed report was given by F Walker, Ken Quipp, Kevin Mac -
the two delegates, Mrs. Ross . ,Kague; Calvin Quipp, Ray Lewis,
Higgins and Mrs. Stan Hopper ; Bill Rilett, Daniel Heim, Klaas
who attended the Huron County ' Jorritsma, Claire Daw, Neil War -
rally at Brussels: wick, Wayne ten Pas and Mark
Mrs, Stanley Black was con- .,Hopkins.
vener of t ow Canada
with the 4i The girls' team consisted of
theme, " ada Better". r - Sheila Walker, Valerie Peel,
Roll call, "Name a Canadian : Mary Anne Nicholson, Shelley
Tree and 'Its Use", was followed, Alden, Judy Carter, Rosemarie
by a sing -song led by Mrs. Wil- Fear, Susan Chapman, Susie
Bairn Coultes with Mrs. Norman Powell, Denise Walker, Kim Fox-
Coultes accompanying at the .ton, Tini McDonald, Deborah
piano. Mrsri. Norman Coultes con- ... Armstrong, Pam Riley and Lois
ducted a quiz on Canada. Darling.
Mrs. Gorden McBurney gave ° Last Tuesday as well, the
an illustrated address of her son • Grade 1 class went on an exciting
Hugh McBurney's travels since excursion to London Bridge.
Hugh was unable to be there in Under the supervision of. Mr. El -
person. He it stationed near . Nott, science consultant, and
James Bay, received his private Mrs. Lewis, Grade 1 teacher,
license as an air pilot and she -• they learned about the behavior
showed in film 01 the surrounding of animals and birds. While they
forts where he tined. Mrs. were travelling through the bush
Norman Coultes thanked Mrs. they came upon the location of a
McBurney for the fine detailed man-made fort. The boys in
account and lovely colored pie- particular thought it was very ex-
t traordinary. On their return to
It was agreed that the WI would school the children drew pictures
cater to the Co -Op banquet at a of what they saw on their hike.
later date. The cross-country teams for
Collection,. Wais wasreceived, the WI' school are now made up. The
meeting closed,. and • lunch was pupils chosen have worked hard
served by lire, Leonard James, to make the team. They are Doug
Mrs. George Michie and Mrs. de Boer, Philip Eadie, Rick
Dan Hallahan, Brighton, Paul McDougall, Ken
Qttipp, Doug Walker (Senior
boat); Rosemarie Pear, Judy
Carter, Susan Chapman, Valerie
—Rev. Eric . LeDrew of Peel, Karen Armstrong, Tammy
Brussel* United Church con- Matey (Senior girls); Murray
ducted themorning worship no, Maas Jorritsrna, Chris Mc -
* *MO in the Wingluirn United Do ad% Warren Wray, Wayne
thliteli, Rev. Berry Passmore NM Pas, David Eadie (Inter-
*** conducting anniversary mate boys); Wendy Arm -
service in the Brood* church. , Mary Jenkins, Nancy
the iidor ski •quartet, coni- berth*, Lois Darling, Aileen
pr et Mr*. 'Gee Guest, , Arlene Willits (In -
Mr*. iia'" Wardrop, Paul term edlate girls); Lenard
8Vildriagit and Ray Walker, pro.. ;, .' � Steven rk McDougall,
all, Todd
v*pori musk.
ley Campbell,- Bert $$aarda
(Junior boys) and June Stamp-
er, Kendra McKague, Heather
Mcirnnis, Robin Rolm, Karen
Foxton, Erika Stangen - (Junior
Hopefully the, teams will do
well on Thursday, October 24.
Mr: Kerr's Grade 5 class re
cently baked a delicious loaf of
cranberry bread. By popular re-
quest" the recipe appears below.
2' cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
11 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon 'salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup butter or margarine
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
3/4 cup orange juice
1/ cups light raisins
11 cups fresh or frozen cran-
berries, chopped.
Sift flour, sugar, baking pow-
der, salt and baking soda into a
large bowl. Cut in butter until
mixture is crumbly. Add egg,
orange peel and orange juice all
at once; stir just until mixture is
evenly moist. Fold in raisins and
Spoon into a greased 9 x 5 x 3
inch loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees
for 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until
a toothpick inserted in centre
comes out clean. Remove from
pan; cool on a wire rack.
If you choose, you may substi-
tute cranberries for the raisins to
have an all cranberry bread,
Whole wheat flour may be sub-
stituted for the all-pwpose flour.
This gives the bread a wonderful
"wholesome" flavor.
LAKELET -- Last Thursday
the Debutants held a club party
at the home of Nancy Dernerling.
The meeting was opened with the
441 motto. Achievement Dark
plans were discussed. The rest of
the evening was enjoyed with a
fondue by the girls and their
mothers in a Hallowe'en setting.
They played charades and other
goes ing.games, a .
BLU.EVALE bout 25
neighbors and friends surpriied
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Freiburger on
Saturday, October 19, at . their
new home -ift Bluev-ale ►hehe
ro trey,
moved after retiring from the
farm. Euchre was enjoyed, by -°ell,
Prizes went to Anna Marie
Kieffer, Bill Kieffer, Jack risher,
Marie F eiburger and . Harold
A hitting address was. read •by
Mrs. Jim Shaw and George
Fisher presented them with a
pole lamp and two other small
gifts on behalf of the neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. Freiburger thanked
Lunch was sereeed�by Mrs. Jim
Shaw and ti her helner!s.
Mrs: Miller Davis and Mrs.
Alvin Higgins recently held a
miscellaneous shower at the
former's home when neighbors
and friends gathered to honor
Joan Cruickshank, bride of this
After two contests were en-
joyed, the guest of honor opened
her gifts, assisted by her mother,
Mrs. John Cruickshank, her
grandmother, Mrs. Snell, and
Carol Higgins.
Miss Cruickshank expressed
her thanks and Mrs. Davis served
lunch, assisted by Mrs. David
Penner and Mrs. William Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Baumgarten entertained Mr. and
Mrs. H. Baumgarten and
daughter of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Baumgarten and
daughters from Kitchener, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. Baumgarten and
children of Mitchell, Mr. and
Mrs. Heinz Baumgarten and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Werner
Stoll and family, all of Howick, on
Achievement Day at, the
Howlck Central School will be
November 2. MIS'mothers are
invited. The member - of the
Lakelet clubs thank all the
mothers wiv made their homes
available for te+.
lirn. Patsy:
Minutes: of the
Mtn. Rieharit r di d
ct mat
• sandWic s . Clar e, tolui►
oton disc types
whiles. Jane Stell evade- rol ed
sandwiches; Barbara r.
madechecker*board " sand
nick; Bonnie "Walker . wade
open-faced sandwiches; Mrs.
Moore made pinwheel sand.
. withes and."»Barbara' Muschimadeed
The:1 tt ► meeting was. held at
the home of Cathy walker" " The
roll call *as` an exchange`pf
material for the file Alt gir►a -
swered in `turn'Marilyn p-
bell read the minutes. Mrs..
Moore discussed `the subject
motto and Mrs. Johnston dis-
cussed entertaining.'
Meeting six was held at the
home of Barbara The
roll cell was an idea for an
original party' game. Bonnie
Walker read the minutes.
Mrs. Moore discussed the party
and exhibits for Achievement
Day. Rosemarie Fear and Patty
Shiell demonstrated how to make
Swedish Cakes - (thimble
WHITECHUHCH.--At a recent
meeting of the Servettes, the girls
made the centrepiece and sett the
table. Janet Adams and. Kathy
Putdon made pizza. •
Mrs. Purdon discussed lice
of food and Mrs. Elliott discussed
suggested menus. The leaders
also decorated cupcakes.
Minutes were read by Karen
Mrs. Elliott hosted a meeting of
the club last Saturday. Lori
Purdon opened the meeting and
the roll call was answered by 12
telling one thirst they liked hi a
guest room where they stayed.
The minutes were readby Kathy
Plans were made for the party
to be held in the cotnniurnity hall
on November 11 for the girls'
mothers and offices of Me
Women's Institute.
Mrs. Archie Pardon dikuseed
informal teas acrd Mrs., Mott
discussed formal teas.
Plana were made** Ackle
flied Day, December i, When
Wendy Kay is to be the own.