HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-17, Page 16a da-----Octob�r 17. 1974— SOWS ZWIAPPSAIS JOHN *OWN Oa Oct. 1$,1811., Abellittiodot Jobs Brow riided Pony, Va., ad fried skim. Ho woo to do* itod 0 , and it's only lust begun ..• .Even atour.49fh. We hope to meet new friends on Tuesday, Oct. 15 to Saturckw, Oct 26 WINDOW SHOP OUR FR/ STORES. SHOP i!IllELY FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. • OWN GREENHOUSE — The Filsinger greenhouse is actually a practical hobby. The building is used to provide the family with fresh fruits and vegetables all year round and to start vegetables for the family garden in the spring. GOUI.DING FURNITURE,- ARTHUR RUN WITH THE BOYS — The chickens at Filsinger's, run in a natural environment complete with roosters.' The flocks are small, get lots of exercise and their eggs sell for about a 10 per cent premium price, ert I no. ey9 GROWS SUPPLEMENT — This rich vitamin, protein and supplement is grown in a process called. Hydroponics. Mr. Filsinger .grows the grain and other seeds in a water solution instead of soil for about eight days then it is fed to cattle and poultry. a" YOUNGSTERS INTERESTED — The youngsters of the Ayton area love to visit the Filsinger farm and see the animals in very natural settings. These chicks start in small brooding houses then are moved to large spacious hen houses. Growing by nature (C'entinUed from front. page) growing urban demand for all that Filsinger raises. About three-quarters of it goes to retail- ers and the balance is sold direct- ly to consumers tlutugh the store at the farm. This outlet wihis built in connection with the cold stor- age ,facilities in 1964 and now handles a wide range of health foodiand related equipment such as juice eXtractots.. Naturally produced beef, chickens, and eggs command a very flight price premium, per- hapS five to 10 per cent. However, the apples generally cost the con - *tuna. no. more. Filainger elabo- rates, "Only about 30 per cent of My. apples can be absorbed by the .11ealth food outlets. The rest is sold to area supermarkets so 1 must compete with all other apples for price." But can he compete with other growers for. yield? "Definitely yes. There may be a decline in the early years of changeover to the* natural approach, but in the • long run, yields are compar- able." • He continues, "In fact, produc- tion costs are often lower. As you build a healthier soil, you pro- duce healthier plants and ani- mals needing less chemicals, less medication, living longer, and producing more efficiently." Alvin Filsinger's approach to agriculture is very simple — healthy soil makes healthy plants and animals, and in turn, healthy people. He understands the soil and treats it with respect. lie doesn't claim to have all the an- swers, but in today's rapidly changing world, he does take the time to raise some very interest- ing questions. ICrossroct Published every Wednesaay as the big, action cross-country s ction in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -Times and The Mount Forest Confederate. Wenger Bros. Limited, publishers, Box 390, Wingham, Barry Wenger, Pres. Robert 0. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. Display and Classified ad deadline— Tuesday, week prior to publication date. REpRESENTATIVES Canadian Community Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Newspaper Assoc., &lite 51, 127 George St., 2iticor St., West, , Oakville 884-0184 Toteeto 962-400 • ECUMENICAL COUNCIL On Oct 11, 1962, 2,700 Catholic and Protestant pre- lates and observers met as Pope JOlin XXIII opened the Second' Vatican Ecumenical Council in St. Peter's Basffida, Rome. • a OUR FRONT -WHEEL DRIVE MAY NOT GETTING THROUGH RAIN AND SNOW AND ICE BUT IT DOES MAKE IT POSSIBLE As proof, the Fiat 128 has won the Canadian International 'Winter -Rally three years in a row. Outrunning Vega, Datsun, Toyota, and Volkswagen over 1,000 miles of treacherous ice and snow. And along with front -wheel drive -And a list ipf features that golrOm se1f-adutig front Oisd brakes to allnindepetident Suspension, itc.alaqtoft, kit, you nfore'lig oom than'a Cadillac Eldorado Yet, it still gets you the kind of gas mileage �u would expect from a small car.• The Fiat 128 .is available in 2 -door, 4 -door, and station wagon models. And we suggest you see it soon. If it can plow through to victory in the wilds of midwinter Canada, think of the job it can do getting*the wife and kids to the supermarket. The biggest selling car in Europe: COMMUNITY MOTORS Service to All Imports 49 Gordon St., Guelph, Phone 821-0910 *4t4 0/1/0(04 '94ed ' frotie kie yea -6 tiei ibbe 0,4 ,ees. 4 opett Cb4. 1904 4941$31) e 44.41. ONLY ONE? — This fig tree in the Filsinger greenhouse is a source of pride. It is probably the only fig tree in Canada and is almost certain to be the only one in a private green- hOutit type setting. • INDUSTRIES 6:00:# C6 • 060/0:s4:4) 00: 6). chao:tio. .9:::„.*eollsle. tieeeZ4 Pec,,,,, 4,0,4%, s .e.,,, - i i.ii:::: . ,..,,c74, . ak 11., 4p/c v ,f-'41 Cep el' t 11) 14961 t34 `) (11. /... 00 ** - 4.. 7).0„,,efo, —. 0...6** e„ ev/k,,,tat ,. h,e, op 4:PS't Vfe&ileiv 1? 44.? th tip 0# '141/ ' qe/ feiVesa ' W0e. 17 ' Peki et - #0,k, - '11471/0 ifii26:ic 1;94 a* 9-94456:44:: e ekto, , -v/4 **/.14:6‘ 4,0„,, oZseaes,i49::::::/1)::6:1:11'01:::;:ift!)6,4,1,14,:(3:44)°?kebiltf.607/2114:f too II" tOrlis,"10/4?,.%)04,:°00'06204/60,14> /yo 0 /4,4 ,,N/es? Ovt4 - i Stitfriv 16tIt A ,i1,$�N 61 dANASA glumei Ilalorovita &�w, Pefm• deka, Ow& 4.