HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-17, Page 121,T, 1gi4' ities declare use gs increasing #t - k..IIC H. WARD Partners chert.r.d iCINIS , 121 Jackssori Street ALKERTON TELEPHONE: Office 081.1211 Resident Partner B.F. Thomson, C.A. Residence 8111-0048 What is.the drug situation in tba Southern Ontario area?' That is * question Wilted of . the ftp regularly. From, the huge quantity seizures }nowng + made, it is 'evident -th_ dr stuatton is rat improving to rite least, in fMct,le worsening. The . RCMP describe the availability' of marijuana as being "abundant". Its quality and origin is as varied as the brand names used to market this illicit commodity. The home- grow- nroduot, that grown here Iz l r 1 . is now available at an al r ' t. gh. Fields or plots of marijuana are scattered in tobacco fields, in marshes, in wooded areas --- anywhere that is not readily accessible and is out of sight, Prices vary from $400.00 per 1b. for "Columbia Gold" to $175.00 for locally grown or the Jamaican product. .. The rapidly increasing trend Used Car Savings '7; N TM0IrT Fury 0 4 - Door Sedan,; .Power Steer- ing and, brakes and radio '72 MONTE CARLO '71 COMET V-8 automatic - radio '71 FORD Custom 2 -Door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering and radio '70 DODGE 4 -Door Sedan '70 VOLKSWAGEN Wagon, automatic '70 HORNET 4 -Door, 6 cyl- inder, automatic, radio '69 FORD Fairlane 4 -Door '68 FORD 2 -Door "68 DATSUN CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 3$7-31142' A.AMILIP: + � •a < 44,444* You have never seen a film quite like this one featuring Red Harper as he becomes a rancher. To the beat of horses hooves, the high tension of a posse in pursuit of an alleged bank robber ... YOU .... will be thrilled at this new film just released ... "THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MOST PEOPLE" -This Sunday night at Huron Men's Chapel. Auburn 8 p.m. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. toward growing marijuana in the area concerns Assistant Com- missioner E. R. Lysyk, Com- manding Officer of the RCMP in the Southern Ontario area very ,,much. In the same way, he is concerned about the increase in preparing chemical drugs locally throughout the same area. It is clearly evident the number of local illicit laboratories is on the increase. Hashish is a stronger deri- vative of the marijuana plant and it can be generally said that it is in ample supply, enough to satisfy the local appetitie. The RCMP Drug Squads throughout Southern Ontario are directing their efforts toward the major traffickers, but these efforts have been insufficient to curb the flow of cannabis due mostly to the . large number of totally unrelated persons engaged in the illicit marketing, growing and importing of , the drug. Marijuana traffickers generally are not regarded by Canadian Courts with the same seriousness as are traffickers in other' illegal drugs Such as heroin and methatnphetamines. Sen- tences handed down for mari- juana trafficking simply have not acted as a deterrent. Turning again to the matter of illicit laboratories operating in. Ontario for the manufacture of methamphetamines (Speed, MDA and LSD), the majority of- _ these laboratories manufacture their product for, marketing in other parts of Canada and other countries more so than for marketing in Ontario. This situ- ation creates little feed -back- to authorities here and makes detection more difficult. Fairly numerous arrests have been made, however. • Concerted efforts of the -RCMP Drug Squads working with a number of foreign agencies have resulted in the upper echelon , of heroin importing organizations being prosecuted. The result ---° street price of heroin in Ontario is up from $75.00 per bundle of -25 capsules' in 1971 to $20:OO. per capsule at present. The concen- tration of heroin addicts seems to be in the. Toronto, ,Ipiilton,. ia- gara Ee a t t op. i o .s , Kitchener areas. Cocaine is rapidly becoming the most popular drug of abuse in Ontario. This trend has become quite predominant in the past two years. Importers of this par- ticular drug are not of one organization and operate inde- pendently rather than being controlled by a central' organ- ' d`ization. ` Cocaine -originates in South,, Americand comes to Canada either dirt or even via Europe. With today's world of rapid tranpportation and communi- cation methods employed the routes utilized are governed only by the imagination of the im- porter, Distances have shrunk so drastically on a time scale that global treks by importers are quite commonplace. Some of the importers and major traffickers ate highly organized and fall within the term "organized crime". Others are small operators, receiving the contraband through the mail, by freight, or by purchasing it themselves in foreign countries. The profits are enormous as are the risks. On the risk side, not all the risk comes from law en- forcement agencies — there are rip-offs from their own people. Thefts, selling substances held out to be drugs, and informants are some of the hazards a drug trafficker has to face. Certainly the term "honour among thieves" doesn't apply in the drug trafficking world. her ethar, and l amity at. Archie rarde* ism ay "WW1: Mra« Webster *ad Poi W. Wawauieett wire, turday a visitors with Mr. and . Archie Porde! Visitors on to y with. 'Foci',,Zan and Betty o any ,were Afr, and rL MockInglis, M i lir. and Mrs. Gamfoil*, * and M.M. Andre* Gaunt, and with her parents, .Mr, and Mrs.. Adams. Ing 1 at Ottawa was a weekend visitor with Alex Initlio.' Mr. and Mrs. Wallacelldlil Mari .Lou and Molt *pont the weekend 'In, Streetsville and violtodWith their daughters',' ,. Donhelly;. Mr, Donnelly and Angela and Mr. and:Afro. Com;, Mr. and_ldrS,liellson Falconer of Sarnia visited on MoOdaY with Mr, air d..Mrs. Bob Mowbray and with her mother, Mrs. Stacey of Wingham* Lynn, 'who` was in Wingham, returned home with. thein,. , el- *. i' - . . Holiday visitors with Mrs.. Mulliss, Wilford. and :John 'ohn WINGHAM FIRE CHIEF Dave Crothers t : some time to ooflduot tWo. workshops at the Wingham and District Hospital on Wednesday. The chief concentrated on fire'extingtish« ers and explained to members of the hospital staff the.different kindstof extinguishers and the types of fires for which they are used. , (Staff Photo) Hockey mothers to buy crests The Wingham Mothers' Auxi- - liary to Minor Hockey will be buying crests and year bass for ; all minor hockey players for the 1974-75 season'. The Auxiliary members decided at their Oct. 7 meeting that year bars will be presented' to players each year thereafter and will state the. classification of- the boys. The crests will only be given to first year players. Minor Hockey President Ted 'A'Hara attended the meeting and presented the members with some interesting and useful infor- mation. 'The Mothers' Auxiliary agreed that they would help out to the best of .their ability in the minor hockey drive for chocolate bar wrappers. The candy, com- pany began a competition earlier this year which will providee news equipment for minor hockey' `' teams in Canada which collect the "host wrappers.. At present`; e die ' ucts are`. '!riot' � �Y ' P, I tlr Lir Tea TRAwavouvi plans are being made to change , that. Mothers' Auxiliary will be 'pre- senting the.MHA with a cheque at, the next meeting of the minor hockey association. In other business the ladies sounded out Recreation Director Jim Ward about having the iron railing around the MAMH booth closed in to prevent injury to chil- dren who climb on the bars. The Auxiliary's next meeting will be held'at the arena at 8:30, Nov. 4. All interested mothers are asked to come out and support minor hockey through the MAMH. Prix. winnors t W WHITIIICHOSCH oaf. day eve men's lnetitute held * mesh* euchre � ... O _ m y hall.. WY_ _ the rules the p 12table,el . Oasts. Those *nabs yr** lucky .draw, Fred Portor; sont, Fred � 'Mkt; Wk. loodY, • Ross; , Jo Currie. Irene Bowan* AMA Oir and Fre four lone hands.Of'' te. Alvin served. was 140 was i erve . ConadoMoopoirofor Cntro , k OUNSELLOR. In Attendance TOWN HALL I141011 October 24,19 74 p.m.to4:00 p.m. tt, WARD UPTIGR ' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 4,Joho C. Ward, C.A. , t. I,istowei R. E, Uptigrove, C.A. (519) 2914040 ENTERTAINERS GORRIE — The Entertainers concluded their 4-H project with a Hallowe'en party at the home of Kathy Bennett, Brenda and Kathy Bennett hosted the party at which the members' mothers were guests. Roll call was "What I learned from this club." They discussed exhibits for Achievement Day, Nov. 2 and set a work meeting for Oct. 19. After the business all enjoyed a buffet lunch. The food was supplied by the Sanderson, Bur- bidge, Gowdy and Thornton families. Susan Edgar and Eliza- beth McCaughan provided the entertainment. 1/2PRICE PLUS 51.00 SHOE SALE (MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S) THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 11 OCTOBER 17, 18, 19 ALL SHOES ARE Marked with size The original and the SALE PRICE far your Easy Personal Selection. ALSO WHILE THEY LAST - SPECIAL RACK OF SHOES POR ALL AGES Al' IELOW COST SALE PRICES ARE 1/2 PRICE PLUS 1.00 A $20.0O shoe is on sale for $11.00 Josephine Sty "HOME OF BETTER SHOES" Wingham 're eor ` �� g edfup�for fast#,.�om,ial�te':��r°serv'ree. • And e've got -f if iY-troie*riiech4.t.ics to handle. ony job. But the best, per -::,we've got plenty'of ports: SO your Cot'II spend its time in the snow;. Not in the shop. Yep; for year after Year perforrmonce, come to Arctic 4� :. Cot. And us. 1 THIS COAT FROM Miller's Ladies' Wear was modelled for a capacity audience at "Autumn Rhapsody" fashion show by Mrs. Jacqueline Rae. The show was sponsored by the Wingham Business and Professional Women's Club and was, from all points of view, a complete success. Acces- sories and,fashiorls for Fall were featured from the stores of local Mer'chants. (Staff Photo) Belmore Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann were guests at the marriage of her nephew, David Emke, to Sarah Shatto on October 12 in Elmwood. Quests at the marriage of John Jacques to Debbie Coyle in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Walkerton, Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness, Jim, Barbara, Gwen and Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness, Linda and Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Awrey of Morriston and George Harkness of Kitchener. The'cere- mony was performed by Rev. Coyle of Sault Ste. Marie, father of the bride. Following the wedding, the Harkriesses at- tended the reception in the Howick Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dustow visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Dick Marvin, Jenny and Peter of Guelph. congratulations to` all the area - winners in the Teeswater ,, Fall Fair. Visitors this weekend with'l'otn Darling were Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler of St. Marys and Miss Isabel Darling of Kitchener, Treatment for one form of arthritis may be dangerous for another i >0. AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER F Lawn ItiSports Equipment We Service What We Sell Hwy. 23 1/2 Mile north of Listowel .29.1-2441 G.W.G. PANTS OVER 700 PAIR ON SALE AT HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING, WINGHAM G.W.G. Scrubbier Reg.$16. SALE PRICE f14.95 G.W.G. Denim Flares R.g.s16.95) SALE PRICE '14.95 G.W.G. Denim R0Il-UpS(R.0$16.95)SALE PRiCE1495 G.W.G. Cowboy Kings R.9.$,16.95 SALE. PkICEs14.95 THESE PANTS ARE ALL FIRSTS AND ARE GUARANTEED UNDERWEAR .«men'./I DRAWERS AND SHIRTS (Seconds) COMBINATIONS (sitcom.) .....:. THERMAL DRAWERS, TOPS (Firsts) FLEECE DRAWERS, TOPS (S.cbnds) Penman's No. 27 SALE $4.00 Ea. SALE $6.O0 Ea. SALE $6.00 Pr. SALE $6.00 Pr. McGREGOR SOCKS (Irregulars) ON SALE :1.00 Pr. WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR HAYESCOMPLETE CLOSING OUT$ALS OFOUR LAD1E3' WEAR DEPT FAMILY CLOTHING 17 0,