HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-10, Page 21WATER WELL ..0.1 IYDR We HAV 'J�- CHA$D 1 .I $$ 'AMY �U, TO PROVIDE IYSN PASTIft $*RVI OM ,C411T01411101 Frio ktininons Ainwiiners* Onto* 'PSI S, Winfi!e Ms b r foorgosnion Oil 'DAVIDSON WELL 1AN.IHt ewes; DRILLING LTD. 34,;::: SATI IED COSTO•Villitssage 11MRTHROUGH FOUi NATIONS 'ATTENTION FARMERS SAVE$.$$onyour Feed Costs Get the facts on the new "MODERN MILL" way of building your .own feed rations right on the farm. IMproved "computer" blends and mixes ingredi- ents' smoothly at id accurately. Contact us now and take advantage of our booked shipment, and save; you will buy direct from (Ontario distributor. - ,MODERN FEED .SYSTEMS Newton, Ontario Call (Collect) : 595-8182 YAMAHA NN LARRY'S CYCLE WORLD Walkerton 081=0984 Across from the Brewers' 'Reatoil Outlet Commodore Canada Whei;youboboy,o, - Lokeahuriit ;Mobileonrs you "get what you ask for" Also Seep Don for all leisure time trailers DON McPHAIL MOTORS 338-3422 Harriston W. D. 'BILL' MAY` STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto- Life- Fire WINGHAM 357-3280 See Our Display At: 490 - 10th Ave., Hanover Robert Foreman, Manager 364-2450 Floyd A. Allard Res. 364.3704 TRIAN ' LE TIRE Distr ut rs Ltd. ales and Retail PASSENGER FARM TRUCK On the farm service Phone 291.2521 LISTOWEL October calendar of events Oet.10Northern. Stocker and Feeder Cattle Salt, 10 aim., I ; Oet. 11. * '12 Erin Fall Y'air, , • y 11 -- Ontario Swine A.1. Asteciatieu Unit, official o i- Woodstock; Oct. 12 -14 - N ood Friar, Norwood; Oct. 12-14, - Rockton World's rah*, Hwy. $, midway between Galt and Dom; Oct. 17—Northern Stocker and feeder Cattle Sale, /1 morn.,,South River; Oct, 17 . S1 — Ottawa Winter Fair, Lanadc one Park, Ottawa; Oct. 17 - 18 — Dairy Sympo' slum, University of Guelph; Oet. 17 - "Agriculture in the Whirlpool of Change" --- OAC Centennial Symposium, Univer- sity of Guelph; Oct. 21.-- Northern Stocker and Feeder Cattle Sale, 11 a,m., Little Current; Oct. 24.October Station-Test- ed tation-Teated Boar Sale; 8 p.m., R.O.P. Boar Test Station, New Dundee. TIM* to csteh. ;up on some to the , From the ridiculous, • Letter from old Mend Cadin, of the Nord Leader, Newcastle, I►t.B• "Dear Bill: Are you going te the (newspaper) convention 1* Toronto JulY 34477 i have 'a,rehOlre at the Sheraton, but Aida went. be going; you could use the other bed, Perhaps you know` i .Americans ll be there,and pec- 2 expect about ' delta Speakers will include Pierre; Trudeau,, Nelson Rockefeller, and Father McLaughlin, the priest who is a speech writer for Richard Nixon.'.' Well, thanks, George. It woutd; have been sublime. The Sheraton:, is a luxury hotel, In other wordO they charge too much. But 1 cer- tainly wouldn't . have minded Hes Wanted • LICENSED MECHANIC Hourly Rate. Top :Money for Good Man. $4.50 Per Hour to Start Plus Bonus. LISTOWEL CHRYSLER DODGE 291.4350 could chan seeing some of the old weekly, edi- AndI ' , ' what's t .of it. I'd haverather enjoyed knocking around with Flower Boy, Rocky and the good Father. Alas, 'twits not to be. 'Thanks cs to our magnjf;cent postal service, I received your letter about Aug. 4th. And my, my, what a lot of changes have taken place Since that convention. Pierre, after a sally into the streets where the common people are, is safely back In his ivory tower, or crystal palace, scoffing at any -sugges- tions that he. do something about inflation. Nelson Rockefeller is now Vice - President of the United States. And I hope Father McLaughlin hung onto a parish. For he sure is out of a job as a speech writer for you -know -who. That I didn't make that conven- tion fills me with a deep sense of frustration. If I'd been able to get even one of that illustrious trio alone for a moment, I might have been able to change the whole course of history: Providing I had a club in my hand. Well, thanks again, George. (George Cadogan is a modern Don Quixote who is idealistic and afraid of nothing. At present he is galloping, lance at the full tilt, against a monstrous windmill, K. C. Irving, who practically owns the times.) And give my love to EIda and ,the kids and°the grafi. Hang in there and slug it out With oki R.O. It seems the New Brim w ckers are after me .this year, dust the other slay 1 got a phone , «1 a Saturday morning, from Gordian Fairgrieves, publisher of ' Hartland (N.B.) 'Observer. I didn't even snarl at him, .thengh . was 9 a.m. our time, and I'm not the best of compagy,at that hour on a Saturday morning, my day to sleep in. He soft -talked me, that nun. It took me 'aa couple of minutes to realize it, as 1 Was still groggy from watching the late, late show. I have an orgy every. Friday night, because I don't have to work on Saturday. 'It's a compensation thing from my childhood, when my mother called up the theatre manager and told him not to let me in to the Wednesday afternoon matinee, because ' I was not only ski s . ing school to go, but swiping a, e out of her purse for adnnission.1 was about ten. Anyway, Gordon gets the year's award for sweet-talk and persistence. He invited me, and my wife, and any kids who- were around, to come down to Hart- land for the Rememberance Day weekend. It sounded pretty nice, the way he put it. Servile Dfrectory CROSSROADS DIRECTORY REACHES 30,000 ittA PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Harriston 338-3422 GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES ABC SPORTING GOODS 3"S0 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. Josephine St. WINGHAM Ph. 357-3733 out Pilose 356.2802 A.H. BOWMAN MFG. LTD. METAL FABRICATING ATWOOD-ONTARIO Also Metered Concrete Mobile Service 0001111,.. Sell Your ANTIQUE with a CROWD STOPPER CROSSROADS CALL 357-2320 291-1660 313-1559 TRAILER `EA LLRENT$AA R.R. r 3 • HWY. 86E LISTOWEL . Starcraft . Jayco . Prowler . Glendale Open 6 days, closed Wed. atisf action Sales ervice 3 miles east of Listowel on Hwy. 86 Ph. 291-1158 PLAN YOUR MOTORING FUTURE NOW! Increase the resale value of your car or truck with COMPLETE PROTECTION 517 11 th Ave., Hanover Ca II Les at 364-2832 "A MUST TO PREVENT RUST" ZIP ELECTRIC LET US UPDATE YOUR PRESENT ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT Call Brussels 887-9469 WAYNE GRUBE SOUND SELLING FOR SATISFACTORY RETURNS Serving the People of GORRIE - FORDWICH KURTZVILLE RON SHELLEY Auctioneer R.R.2 PHONE GORRIE 335-3679 ai ton FACTORY ,� NEN OUTLET In Their Original OLD MILL et tw...u.iy tick IN .BLYTH WOOL Ed LEATHER PRODUCTS 4 • .AINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9373 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thurs. 338-3330. Farm Dead Stock Service , ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. At this time we cannot pay for dead farm stock . FREE PICK-UP CACI.356-2257 Out of Town CaII ZENITH 70650 KW/ INSURANCE All Types of Insurance 335-3525 ' 357-2636 OORRIE WINGHAM HADCO ). WAIN drilling & Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow Wells . Sulphur Free Wells Deepening & Repairing Caissons-Earthboring Elevator Shafts A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Mat 1 i rft hi or job � Re +7 ELMIRA 6694761 ST. MARYS 2844702 Al's Collision Servile Phone 351-2206 Conc. 2, Morris Twp. Repair and Refinishing Enamel and Laquer Rust Repair' Frame & Body Work ON CARS 8 TRUCKS If Repairable We Do It NIMMINW INSURANCE auto fire life liability -income tax prepared -loans orronged -representative for seven trust companies Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2241 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency 44 See the EXPERT on Small Engine Equipment Bolens A GOOD YARD AHEAD Toro STEVE MEW Power Lawn Mower Centre across from Harriston Drive -in -Theatre Bus. 338-3616 Res. 336.2717 SINGER ONLY AT SINGER New Singer Elastic Stretch Stitch Sewing Machines Guaranteed Repairs To All Types of Sewing Machines iftS011,SEIMPIG :CENTRE —50Wolfing( Wolfing/ion f l STRATFORD Call 271-8804 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Morning or Afternoon See and try our new AP100 (Anti-Polution 100%) with famous Power Nozzle that picks up lint, hair, dirt and sand with finger-tip ease ELMOR PARRISH R.R. 2, Listowel 291-1479 20, 1M Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203 Located on No. 6 Highway 2 Mile South of Varney e BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS 9e, LUMBER, ETC. HOURS — Mon. to Frt., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 8 atm. to 12 Noon ARCTIC CAT Nothing runs like a cat Pay Lawn & Sports Equipment LISTOWEL 291-2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service Whet We Son" • ,All an after me e n to speak a , Asa Carrot for the tossed the bet that rd be lu disallguishad MiplitlY, One. of their speakers .ln the t bad been Milton Gregg, 'V.C;, , Minister ' of Yom'. Affairs. Crafty devil. Gordon, that , not Milton. He ext led the beauty, of the Maritimes in Novi, the fact Omit our bedroom et hi$ home would have a TV set, and various other allurements,: 1. was tempted. That's why 1 called bin) a devil. A pint weekend in the Matithne s. A change from the drill;: simile. New peOple, new faces, travel. 1 didn't say no Said I'd let him know. The wife -- you know -- don't know what she has planned. (She was in bed and not inthe mood for consultation, with her broken ribs.) I Was tempted, and 1 std be- fore youu, brethern and 'sistexn, and I admit it. I put out a few feelers, white .the old lady was asleep. Called the travel agency, Yes, I could ,just make it to Fred- ericton and back on the weekend, without losing a day's pay And If everything ran on time. It would only cost inc about three hundred bucks, if Ttook my' wife- And only six or eight hours to write a speech: Notl'bad. Anti free room and hoard down there. Oh, yes, I was tempted. And the good Gordon didn't leave a Stone unturned. Same night there was a telegram, phoned from Toronto, backing up the phone call. Three' days later a letter: "It will be a pleasant break •for you all . , you will enjoy yourselves in our small town of 1,000 people .. obtain enough copy for ten columns- . find out what .New Brunswick is like .. - and also what one of the smallest Legion branches in they province does :on Nov. lith." Well, if it does what most oldie other branches do, after the parade to the cenotaph, I've al- ready been there, Gord. Finally, I faced the Old Battle- axe, laid out -the project. "Don't dt 1al rt iC be. sl ie ss. e. said. "Don't .yowgetnember,.-that we're.having a family reunion at Grandad's that weekend?" I didn't. Sorry, Gord. Sorry, chaps. But I'm still tempted The Last Post in Hartland would be something. The last post at Grandad's is the last post in the fence. Looking back over this column,. I wonder which is the sublime and which is the ridiculous: a bunch of politicians spouting platitudes at the convention, or me sprinting to N.B. to spout some fun to. the Hartland Legion? The stork flew high Three obstetricians ' on board a London to Sydney flight were needed in an emergency when a German woman gave birth to a baby boy while the jumbo jet was flying over Alice Springs. A spokesman for Qantas said the woman was fortunate to have three experts in at- tendance when the emergen- cy arose — both mother and baby were doing fine after the 25,000 -foot -altitude birth. Rent -a -bike in Holland Dutch Railways has intro- duced a rent -a -bike scheme for passengers — for 80 U.S. cents a day travelers can rent bicycles frau lockups at 80 stations around the country. A bicycle factory is supply- ing 3,000 machines for the scheme. Copy for tide moot be aoirro4 by S p Weglisesiley .f week prior es e.r Corning V ROcK $IU P 'Rock 11111 Pal M issOes north Oritogoville preeentsaCovet- cade et Nashville stars,. fM ing G0400 Morgan, Rte' itIns, Ernie Ashworth;lfugh Lear is, 3erry Monday • with Johnny "B", Canada's ,- z omesr, Ohs Can n: attlets, . 13, tram tto 6p.m.POW music fiolowed-.by dance th the pavilwn. Lots of trailer and gip* space, with blok. Adm , �tz .00,�c •.., Years sad under free. ;81.E - dimouint on ticket, :pry to the first 100 campers, and e y to sit, � Ora 300 t � Camping. ► `p night per ear. For f 'nation contact J. Elwood; .519-925-2211. RECREATION GIENDAL,E MOBILE HOMES and Travel Trailers forSale; also large fully serviced and land - seeped mobile home 100 for rent, First sideroad . west of : Stratford on Highway '8, 'h mile north. Crystal Lake Mobile Holmes, Court Ltd., RR 5, ....Stratford. Phalle 393-6121. Real state SAVE 000. Buy l ii vete before its listed. O.n main floor --7* carpeted 'living room, dining room, . front `hall ' and bedroom or den with. t. off ;iilitchen; . upstairs -^�- 3 bed- rooms, sewing roomand F t'- ed��yt, ne' { , .f e garage, large 'treed lot, .near down town Listowel. Phone 291- 3242. For Sale . o SNOW PLOW, 10 ft. "V", 12 ft. wing, pump hoses, lights and con- trols. Best Offer. Lyle Ronald, RR 2, Listowel. 7 CUBIC FT. chest freezer, $185.00; Speed Rueen spin dry washer, $229. Askett Appliance Centre, Palmerston, phone 343.- 3512. 43-3512. 3-10 Bayley Sewing Machines SALES—SERVICE White, Elna, Arrow Universal, Bernina, Omega NEW — USED 805, loth St., Hanover, Phone 364.3806. N 29 GARNET, GRETCH, FENDER, HOHNER, OVATION instru- ments and equipment, electric pianos and organs, stereo compo- nents. Adlam Music Sales, Durham 369-2456. QUALITY, SELECTION, PRICE & ADVICE. TN Miscellaneous NEW FARM BUILDINGS. If you need a new barn, drive shed, an addition or just a new roof, call us. Trust our experience of over 40 years. J. & H. Fleming Limit- ed, Hanover, phone 364-1880. E2 HELP WANTED Woodworkers Good opportunities available immed- iately in the following departments. *ROUGH MILL *MACHINE ROOM *ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT *SANDING DEPARTMENT We offer full time employment with top wages and good fringe benefits. Apply in person to ROXTON FURNITURE LTD. 17 Erb St. Elmira, Ont. Phone 669-5181