HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-10-10, Page 15.16
• •
of suggeetionGood I*ouelmeqlngo
sakt that heath%
aMPWrIetMl— reduced by Spy coat if
and Ifsaastripping is pa around
and doors and if all.
the around Windows, 40E4". and w
is incidoste of wJl11qr.0.0
Wore eported, A peike Insulationis ottical,
MI4 et of lawn Three to foie inches Of
ono fiber insulation or its
aad ow into is recommended, for eXterior
poolMer the Pm*. wall*. Andoixinchesarthe same
Satothir incident 'vandals is suggested for top -floor ceiHs
the *truith of leen', Or' ettle flOOra, *The insulation
visit Toronto inexpensively ... you
can discover the fabulous world at the
Science Centre, and enjoy Torontos
many unique ettritetions. The Lord'
Slmcoe is *kering* 2 night special
tisPn's Oar droP1)1/3g. • helps prevent loss of befit into an
a manhole cover on it. In a third unheated ,
throuth ' 700 can roll out insulation bats or
9 _subject to adventernistra. • under intensive.' hwestiotien. matedid, If the floor is flathecl,
iteth%0 Chief Monier told the someone exPerienced can raise a
for two at totid,cost of $69,90, window. *11 three`.. SON are *tweed 'loose" inanlation
.tiOn. It includes deluxe
accommodation, dinner at Advance -Times that there have few floorboards and nistilatorn
See' your travel agent or contact alt:
150 King Street West, Toronto.
Telephone: 362-1844. . . •
Openiiodtw Berkeley InternetionetHotele Ltd.
,ziuows pay tor themselves 111
theIOrd Siincee, Where- Arthur -Woe attacked*: he fuel *twinge, •
hospitality tried. to get ont, Of his larin trent Many doctors recommend
Flee MOO 01404borne;.,Therf ,r110047t1: turning the therinostat down for
• 6:000:40,, to health reasons. In addition each
r •
*.iitivoitinge7 ..ThenaeWaS energy. At night, you can loWeil'
' .reported. miesing. earlier the themoStat by live or even' 10'
***kali* thab.ie'Srele AsOk ikt the- degiFees.
OPENING FAIR --A hest of clii;Oltaties vves on hand for
. .
the opening of the Howick Fall Fair. The preildent of the
Howick .Agricultural Society, Elmer Harding, weltomed.
• , /
. • , . , ,
t . ,
. ,
the guests and Other .clignitaries to a very ouseaostoi
heldamid perfect fall weather. AgoOd crowd mode too
worthwhile fortheorganizers.• . IStaff
TeHowick Agrri19.farsal°°1dah77 cal and
• new era last Weekend *um it Then, W. N. Wa4e Trophy, for
adopted the new Howick Com. the beet student ^ essay, went to
muni Centre as the new Owe_ Peggy Schneider of RR 1, Ford -
for its annual tall fair. wic.h • J
For the past 115 years, the fair In tlieivomen's division, Mrs.
has • alternated between the Dan McInnes. of Blyth was
villages of Fordwich and-Gorrie. awarded the prizes fOrliest roe.% •
Now, with -the facilities. of the and Viketialiles and Mrs. Joanne
• Community Centre, the. fair has Mawirsr.tin'voferraO,rxditowreeh t•
talinew'ditnenSiOns. 6est, �f bola and
participation,by both Howick and showed _
TurnberrY Central Schools, • bottled seeds; wirs. Eva ffeisspet,
larger displays and more exhibi- of Wroxeter the best sewing and
tors than in the past, all helped needlework; Mrs. 'Len Wilson,
- make the lair a great succes& the best plants and flowers. -
Saturday's 'activities began •
with a' parade from Howick
• Central School to the community . as1.11,.% a WI
Centre, followed by the official aigialLWRIU1 WW
opening 'performed by Huron LAKELET — Mrs. Lyle 1.
• 2County Warden William Elston. • Murray was the hostess',,for
One of the features of the USY oto meeting Women's '
of. the Fair con- N34044,1)44 Thursday iening
rit.Nanci. Brent, with'Ir member* and four
daughter of Mr. and visitors present. The roll call was
. John Brent of Wroxeter. Mr. “The year you joined via., and
,and 'Mrs. Norman Harding of one highlight of your years as a
Fordwich were presented with an member”.
lionorable Service diploma by Mrs. • Harold Wallace is the
the Society, in appreciation of delegate to Guelph Area coriven-
their many years of service on tion, November 25 and 26 to he
the.Pair Board as well as in the held in Binge.man Park Lodge, in
community....Kitchener. '\
In the school fair competition, A letter was read from Path -
Diane Shelley of RR 2, Gorrie, head Midlothian in Scotland for
won the prizes for best beef calf an exchange program which will
and showmanship. Karen Mc- be done another year.
Michael of Wroxeter had the best Mr. Allan, the district presi-
'dairy calf and Donna Harding of dent, was introduced by Mrs.
RR 1, Gorrie, won the Showman- Percy Huth who spoke on the con-
shipaward as well as the Specials ference in Australia this year.
She was thanked by Mrs. Lloyd
Forler and presented with a gift.
mrs, R. wets.. Miss Judith Anne Murray
vi"' played two numbers on the
C•IVSROS miabillign organ. IWrs. E, Ferguson gave the
1.11"1""`11 feature and lunch was served and
WROXETER — T,Itirteen asocial half-hour enjoyed.
members of the local Woinen's •
Institute and one visitor And at
the home of Mrs. Mac A.non
Itssday, October 1, for,. ..thatTmcK IN LE'Y
,- .11iorzs
Overall wmnners in1 '
the sheep
:ceroPetititns were the Emke
of Elanitood. Ihey• were also the
winners orilieZ,Eaten TroPhY.,
Other inCiuded;: goatsMarilyn Holborn, ,
. winners
* a
ide*r• cattle, -Men BR
,Clifford; grain; Silvan Shantz Of
RR 1,.'Elmira. Overall ,wiiMer
the bar* competition was Glenn',
Johnston of ma 1, tirrj�
,\ -Final results lit
cropcom were
Jew*: grain cern, 1
BR 1, Forth** -
Harold Gibson,
barley, Rick . Flaws, 1
vale; mixed grab?* •
Kieffer, Wroxeter. •
2. •
.regu1armeeting Mrs RW�n
Was convener for the nieettit
' :Mrs. R. McMichael, first v1�
president, was in the chair. The
Meeting opened in the tonal
Manner, with the Institute Gide
and the creed.
Roll call was answered by the
ladies bringing something .they
had either grown, sewn or made,
and produced a great variety of
Members were reminded of the
District Rally in Brussels on
October 7. Mrs. R. McMichael
and Mrs. D. Dickison will be the
voting delegates.
There will be a Nutrition
Workshop on November 5 in the
Wroxeter Community Hall.
Ladies of the community are
invited to take part in this work-
shop which will feature good
nutrition from economical foods.
It will begin at 10 a.m. and
conclude at 4 p.m. Ladies are'
asked to bring their own lunch;
coffee will be available.
Mrs. Mac Allan gave the topic
on "Agriculture is the strongest
spoke in the wheel of industry."
Euchre parties for the fall
season will begin on Monday,
October 28. Euchre committees
Were set up till the end of
Mrs, Watson conducted a
ni(ariOry contest won by Mrs.
Ware. Munro,
Following a delicious lunch
SerVid by Mrs. L. Douglas and
L, Van.Velsor, all the 'terns
*SO& as roll call were sold by
QOM. Mrs. C. Sharpin was the
very capable auctioneer.
Members are reminded that
the next meeting will be Family
Night 04 November 5.
The flying car you see above
is a Fiat 124.
The man flying the car is a
Frenchman by the name of Remy
Julienne. Europe's greatest living
stunt driver.
"In my work; if you want
to stay alive, you leave nothing to
"Obviously the car is every-
. thing. Before I drive a car I know
it 100%.The body and suspension
must be extraordinarily strong.
"And mechanically it must
perform with great precision.
It must do exactly what I want,
exactly when I want it.
"Because if lath even one
hundredth pf a.second off, it is
Now, since in Europe there
are 50 different kinds of cars to
choose from, we thought you'd be
interested to know that in the iliore
than 100 films Remy julienne
has made he's done more stunts in
Fiats than in any other car.
And the Fiat he prefers to
drive above all is the Fiat 124.
A family car.
liVAC (Bob) Mcitinle* MP for
gain, was admitted to an Otta-
waliospital about two weeks ago
after suffering what was termed
a "weak spell". After his release
following a week of tests he
described his condition as "dis-
gustingly healthy".
A LITTLE PROTECTION—Even though it was a beautiful
fall day -on Saturday, Glenn Johnston of Gorrie thought it
best to cover his team before they were hitched to the k
wagon for their showing at the Howick Fall Fair.
(Staff Photo)
ALWAYS THERE There is always someone to engrave metal rnementos at a fall fair
and youngsters et Howick on Saturday took full advantage ofthe skills of the fair's resi-
dent engraver. (Staff Photo)