HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-8-22, Page 7Cleanse the systems. 71T NOW With that most renal,* medicine—Paine's Celery Compound. it purifies the blood, cures Constipation, and regulates; the and hide eye, eirootually cleans, ing-1 he system of all waste and dead matter, Paid&1s Celery :-0 ` eaTi o .f lid aombines true 'nerve tonic and strengthening qualities, reviving the energies and spirits. "I have been troubled for some years With a Complication of dlflloulties. After trying va- rious remedies, and not finding relief, I tried Paine's Celery Compound. lidera taking one tull bottle the long troublesome symptoms be. Kan to subside, ani'. I clan truly say now, that I Teo like a ,gely man, Digestion: has improved, en 1 I have gained tel pounds in weight since 1 hate;oommenoed takingtlle Compound. MO t1sTCs T„Anes, Z'elchvllle, Vt. $L00. Six for $5,00. At Druggists, WCLLS, Bionnnusoat & Co„ Moawnasr• ommoNo CAN Y tiYt:� A Dress, OP n Coot, Any Color Feathers, athers, G®g Yarns, Rags, eta TEN CENTS end in many other ways SAVE Money, and make things look like NEW,; by using DIAMOND DYES. The work is easy, simple, quick the colors the BEST and FASTEST known. Ask for DIAMOND DYES and take. no other. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only xo Cents. A CO 'l K BO,_;;, K FREE By mail to any lady sending us her post office address. Wells, Richardson & Co., Montreal. THE BEST BAKING POWDER -t- IS 4- MsLAREN'S, REHIRE. Ci Mod No Alurn. Nothing Injurious RETAILED PARTNERE. EARTH & CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES. Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley 011ers,Steam let Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind Mills, Cream Separ- ators, Dalry and Laundry Utensils. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL.. CHADIECK'S SPOOL COTTON .For Hance and Jliacleine the. HAS RU SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATHERDWD STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sareple, Ladies' and all other kinds. I,IE1itest and StrolK'est In the World. L EVELEMGII & CO. MONTREAL, Soleitirs, for alio Dominion HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. EAL. Notre Dame St., one of the most central and elegantly furnished Hotels lathe City. .Accommodation for 400 guests. rates: C IT WOODRUFF, $R to $S per day. t.3. V r Y V Manager. PEA n s'Me Ars ior Canada,. J. PALMER & SOU Wholesale Imp'tra of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, 1743 NOTRE DUE 3T., MONTREAL *SOAP.* DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY, Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This ie a Perfect Fricttiort� RECKITT'$ BLUE: THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS 'Wrapping, .Maaillo, A. ALL NEWS, SIZES AND DC7 WEIGHTS TO ORDER 21 DeBros0les St. MILLS ?Mining. 13.4. 0** rST.91%13 ID Egr ZTHE eREAT STRENGTH GIVE PERFECT Foon fog THE SICK �l1 ARMING be. UTRITICLSOEVERAGE POWERFUL gINVIGORATOR MACKINAC. The Most Dofght4al SUMMER TOUR '7 Voided Steamer*. Low Retail. 'Dux Tripe par weak Botwoen ,DE11QI1' AND iMACKINAC A riot .ttvory Wook Bay Between', DETROrr AND CLEVELAND gill) :or ou? eof y, plafut',..,,�..o %�i�rizi;l:ly, 9lt, usfl'afieti, CertIa1) fill 70n,•°i,'ntarc. 14'ailod lino. t,t. a11 liV. Ne a. AdT,a SEVENTY THOUSAND 1N A DAY. Ilrooklyu oda the Largest Bread Bakery is the World. 1 Broadooklbakexyn y can btheoastworof ld, npavingays thetheNla_rgeetew inrIn York ” Mail and Express." It is owned by John H. Shultz. Twenty- seven years ago Mr. Shultz began ae a baker in a email way. He hada small More ,high he superintended himself, one horse and wagon to deliver the bread. Now he has a manager, several bookoopers, 350 bakers, engineers, and drivers, and men employed in other ways. Ile has 105 wag - one to deliver the bread when made and 125 home. ' " We make on au average 70, 000 loaves of bread a day. Oa Satnrda we make more thantnis, beoauee breed h to be ',ought for Sunday. To make bh bread it takes 300 barrels of flour,beside salt, lard, milk, and yeast. This flour i bought in New York. We keep a man on change all the time." The hoar is sifted on the second floor and different grades of bread is made from the various grades of flour. On the ground floor a great deal of space is occupied by the wagons. • There are a few repair•ehops where the wagous are taken when broken. The bread is all made under ground. Work la commenced on the bread at 2 o'clock hi the afternoon. Thie is just mix- ing the dough, All the ingredients are put In a big mixer, which is worked by the en- gine. These mixers hold eight barrels of flour and will mix the dough in eleven minutes. The ovens are all under the street and will hold 250 loaves, and are heated to nearly 600 degrees Fahrenheit. After the bread is baked it is allowed to cool on racks. Then itis placed in boxes of fifty and given to the carmen to deliver. The delivery begins at 2 o'clock in the morning and lute until 10 o'clock. stir He Wanted Vengeance - I had been riding in the same seat with a very plain sort of a man for the last twenty miles, when a oouple boarded our oar at a. junction, and he suddenly uttered .a cuss word as long as my arm. I saw that he was excited by their, advent, and naturally in., quired if he, knew them. "Know 'em ? Why, that woman is my wife 1" he Wooed. "And who's the man q" "It's a feller she's eloping with." " They haven't seen you > yet, and they are nicely caught. How long ago did she eave?" " Three days. :.I'll have a terrible re- enge." "Are you armed ?" "No, I'm too dangerous when I'm armed, and I left my revolver home." "Then you'll swoop down on the man and reek him in two?" "I:orter, I suppose, but when I begin tr woop I don't know where to stop. I might amage a dozen others. My revenge mast o swift and terrible, however." "How do you propose to do'?" "1 dunno. How would you 0' "I ahuuld go for the man without delay." "Yes, that's the proper way, I suppose, ut if I get wild who's to hold me? 1 onoo arted to link a man, broke loose, and final- cleared out a whole town meeting. I ust take blood vengeance, however." " Perhaps if you would show yourself the an would slink off, and the wife return to our bosom," I suggested. "I dunno. If ho would ib would be all glib, but suppiee he tried to bluff me ? That ould make a fiend of me in a moment, and should probably kill everybody in this oar. must have blood, however." "Perhaps you could buy him off," I said moaning it fora stab. "Yes,1mighc, but I guess he'd want more'n ve gob," " Well, do you propose to sit here and let other manwalk off with you rwife Y7'. "No 1 By the canopy of heaven, no 1 I de - and his heart's blood:! Let me think. He's rely solid, isn't he?'' "Yee." "Would probably fight. ?" "I think so." "Don't look as if he would let go for $12 ?" 1 b R d b b at ly m m y ri w I 1 1' an Pu r,No." " Well, I must plan for a deep and lash. ing vengeance. Let me oollecemy thoughts." Ab that moment the woman turned and saw him, and she at once arose and Dame back to the seat. He looked at her with open mouth, and she pointed her finger at him and said : "' Thomas Jefferaou Bailey, you open your yawp on this kyar and I'll make you wish you'dnever been born 1 At the next stop you git off, or my feller will make your heels break your neck 1 I've gone and left you, and that's all there is to it, and 'tain't no nee to bother us. Mind, now, or you'll hear from mel" And she went beck to her seat, and Thomas Jefferson rode some miles without another word, and when a stop was reached he drop- ped off as nimbly as you please. He stood beside the open window until the train mov- ed, and then whispered to me : "I gob off to oolleot my thoughts. Look out for me when 1 turn loose for vengeance 1" —[Detroit Free Press. The white of an egg, with a little water and sugar, is good for children with an irri- table stomach. Apropos of the Royal marriage, it may be added that the two younger Princesses of Wales, Toria and Harry, as they are affec- tionately called in the family circle, are much of the same mind as their married sister, and that they, greatly prefer English. meu to representatives of any other nation. Now, therefore, that the standard of revolt against the perpetual policy of German unions has been raised it is nob improbable that the example of the Duchess of Fife will be followed by the Princesses Victoria and Mand. Wine is usually fined by means of fuinp- 1ass;; but in natural wine a clear liquid may always be produced by bottling, a cruse being deposited. In Eastern countriee, where the primitive manufacture of wine is atill carried on ae in the days of Noah, the crushed grapes are merely poured into jars and allowed to ferment, the crushed fiuib--or murk—being violently agitated three times aday by means of the hind or a wooden plunger. If a dry wine is required, the husks and Isbalke are left ; if a fruity wine ib needed, they are re- moved; The dry quality of wine is there• fore simply a question of the short or pro• longed maceration of the husks and stalks of the grape in the fermenting wide. The stones need nob be taken into a000unb,aa,even after remaining in the wine may months, they are still unchanged. Natural wine thee produced needs no fining. After ferment, . tion has (fowled, the oontents of the jars are run through a coarse filter, 'and the resuit-a fluid of the consistence of thin pea s sou -ilaeedincarbou soup—is p carboy', and inabout iihree month& time oan be drawn off in a perfectly clear condition, all sediment having been do. posited.. Such is; shortly, the mode of mann, facture of the estobrated Shiraz wine, Which Y011nli i'e,lemitiea a virgin bherry. Dr. Blackwell's t3erm9• r.Cho Rev. Calvin .S, Blackwell preached ab the Central church of Chriet,Chicago,on "The Rulere and the Ruled," taking as his text : " Whence bath this man these things? Whet Is he wisdom that is given unto this man? Ie, nob this she carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph, and are net hie 'listen here with us ? And they were offended with him,"—Mark,' vi., 2-3, ie said : The distinction between the, somebodies " and the "' nobodies " were very marked in the time of Ohrfeb. The unlettered and laboring classes were the "no, bodies," whom it was eupposedlknew nothing and had no rigbte which the scribes, the doctors, and the rulers cared to respect, So the great mass of mankind has to parry not only its own natural burdens, woes, and wants, but it is oppressed by the wrong! of injustice, cruelty, and indignity heaped upon it by the somebodies. Whether a man believes the dogma of the divinity of Christ or not, he oan not deny that. Jesus the oarpenter of Nazareth was the incarnation of oppressed humanity, rieing up to break the yoke of caste, cruelty, and injustice. On that Sabbath day at Nazareth when he, "the carpenter," deliberately walked into the synagogue and with the air of a master took the enroll of the ;prophets into his toil -hardened hand he plaoed himself as the leader of the army of the "masses "' In Its irrepressible conflict with the " class- es." The rmer, were astonished and mad. dened ab his audacity. Were they not the custodians of all authority and thought ? Was he not " the carpenter" whose broth- ers and 'deters they knew to be common working people ? Their eyes blazed with anger, their lids quivered with rage. They loved pelf and power with the same passion bhey hated the poor. The views ` of the rulers of that day were short. They were half blind with passion of self interest. We see through the long vista of 1,800 years of history that most of the world's leaders in action and beechen in thought have come from the oorn•fields and workshops. The patricians have generally lived without toil, indulged wibhoub restraint, while the pie batons have done the world's work—felled its foreete, plowed its fields, built its bridges, navigated its eeas,'explored its continents,' bulit its cities, and fought its battles for liberty. Poverty of surroundings and hum ble birth have often been the badges of nature's noblest noblemen. Shakespeare's father was a butcher. Thomas Moore's a grocer, and Rembrant'a a miller. Ben Franklin' wee a poor printer, Daniel Web- ster and Horaoe Greeley were poor boys from poor farms, and Henry Olay was the millboy of "Hanover slashes," Lincoln was the "rail splitter," and Garfield' was the mule -driver on a tow -path. These and tneusands of other similar facto extract; the stingof mortification out of lowly birth and decorate with honor the- hard workers. for honest though humble livings. The humble occupation and poor parents: ape of Jesus of Nazareth was an offense bo the rich Sadncees and an object of contempt to the ambitions Pharisees.. Eepeoially did` this crop out in Nazareth, his own home. He was one of their own mechanics, and he read out of their own scrolls of prophets, and "they were muoh offended in him." Had he come as a foreigner, with aomething new, as "Theosophy" from the far east, he. would have been saluted as a great man in- stead of being stoned as a pretentione p1e•, beian. Honest, humble, holy men, with Amerioan speech, who preach the old gos- pel of sin and salvation, are to -day rejeoted by the modern "fiunkeyism,"recently crept into our American church life. How certain fashionable religious circles rave over a third- class imported preacher if he only have, an alphabet name parted in the middle and can mouth :his words and assume the air of a head -waiter in an Eoglish hotel 1 Such a preao:or lays great stress on the "service of the church" and but little on the sins of the people. Some people like this and pay for it on the same principle that a keeper of a gambling house pays aderelict policeman to let him alone. That conflict-begunthe day the text wan lettered between "the carpenter," the leader of the common people, and the usurpers of authority and teachers of traditions—has raged with fiercer or fainter distinotneas torose the centuries. Before it venerated traditions' of men .have been largely swept away and she simple troth of the bible, as Goa gives every man the light to see lb, is being established instead. Slavery and serfdom are disappearing before organized armies of educated toilers.- Time, as a fetter for toiling slaves that bound, the man to the master from rising to, setting eun, has given place to an eight-hour day, that de- clares a "jubilee of hours" instead of a "jubi- lee of years.'' The carpenter of'Nersreth will conquer - kluge andanatoh' from the h and of every. tyranny the sword of oppression. He le on the side of the common people. 'Every obtataole whioh hinders rr:ednees and human. Hoy, every fortress whichguardswicked. nese, is being undermined. Wrong is doom. ed. Right will rule this world. If you are on the, side of "the carpenter" your plan is right ; if your purpose is pure year' triumph le oertain. To day you may be, like him and his followers, pushed out of the oity, but to -morrow you will return as victors, The common people, the toiling claseee, never make so great a mistake as when they join in with learned eoribe.—soieuti2o`skep- tics-who reject the carpenter Christ. He were a fool in Nazareth 1,800 years ago, being a meohanio who should join the allele. tical eoribes to stone their own fellow•worker and only true helper and euooeeeful leader. I don't say that certain forma of fashionable so-called religion is the best fries9 of the working man and woman, but I do say that. the Christ and his true ohuroh, composed of his true followers, are the 800 who stand in Thermopolae between oppression and liberty,. between despair and hope. Don't 'Don't oontradiot any one—nothing could be ruder. If yon do not agree with the speakerexpress your opinion, of oonree, bi ut do t with courtesy. Don't attempt to be witty or "smart" at tbe expense of another. Remember always that consideration for other/; la the first oharaoterietio of a lady or gentleman. Don't trim or clean your finger nails in publio. Keep them in good condition by all !loans, bat all toilet duties should be performed in private, Don't play with your napkin, or your fork or with anything at the table ; when not eating sib with your halide quietly in your lap, At Newport,' "That le Mre. Chameleon of Chicago.,; One thing I admire about het is that She never appears a second season in the same olethee,'' " Well, I ;unwed she was from Chios b for she never shows up a third season with the same huebatnd." cJ Q i J L.C'1 BA 1 T1S Indian PCI!, 41e and XXX Brown Stabil Highest awaras aria olodals ,for Purity sed Excel- lence at Centennial Exhibition; Philadelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, Franco, 1878. TESTIMONIALS- SELECTED: : Prof, El II Croft, Pnblio Aualyet, Toronto, says:—"'t find it to bo perfectly Sound oontaiuing no impurities or adulter- atioLs, and oan strongly reooiumendit as perfectly pure and a very superior malt liquor," John 13 F,dwarcts,Profeseor of chemistry, Montreal, says: "I findtbonl to bo remarkably sounl ayes, brewed from pure,nl alt and hops Rev, P: J. Ed. Page*Professor of Chemistry Laval Uu.ver say, Quebec. says :—"I: have analyzed the Indian Pale ?Ale mannfacture dbyTohnLabatt, London, Ontario and Kaye found it a light ale, o ontaining'but little a.loohol, of a aeli- oioun flavor, an¢ of a very agreeable taste 'and superior' quality, and compares with the best imported ales. T 11:avo also analyzed the porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery, which is of eloellent quality; its flavor is very agreeable ; it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale,. for it is a little rioherIna,loohol, and can be compared advantage- ouely With any imported article. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. MAN V i' ACTUR • ••RS OF Grand, Square Upright PIANOFORTES: The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion: Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Tdeintzman Pianos are noted for. Their Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone,. Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced Scale, The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalogue. ' 1`l,i° � C9s� t and 3 ' ChTice Factory2—West TorontoJunotion: r Kai -t. Vties MARVELOUS EMOR' DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training. Four Books Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cared. Every child and adult greatly heneftted. Great inducements to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham- mond-, the world -famed Specialist in Mind Disease Daniel Green!g�q.f Thoy,,peon the reat Peychol. o J.M.B eStrey,DKD.editorofgihe Scientists dvoeat�¢e,,�11i1�r g� uteha d o tor, the Scientist, one. W W. Astor, Jn ge Gl bspn, Judah P. !Jamin and other. sea et a by sof. A. LOISET$ BPdb h', 7 Fitch Ave., N. Y r' 5e, How<Lost, How Restored Just published, a new editie "f Dr. Culver - well's Celebrated Essay on th radical cure of SrsaMATORRII aio or incapacity induoed by excess or early indiscretion. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,, clearly' demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the Mara ing consequences of self.. abuse may be radically cured • pointing out a mode' of cure at once simple, certain and effeotval, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hie condition inay be, may cure himself cheaply, pri- vately and radically. Asir This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, poet -paid, on receipt of four cents, or two postage stamps.. samples of Mealoine free, Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York Post Offroe Box 450 4g81.1y SBL Solid Bold watch. Sold fo 5 waieh-unt.world.PRBII Bet ff85 watch Inthe world. n=�Perfect timekeeper. War)l, J�./ r meted $eavy SGold (( Hooting Cu,.. Both ladles' , .V7, ' 1'�_ and gents' dseemith works :: �. end eases of email value. �+�' y , One to 'lir iron esehla ''1 r {�' entity can secure ono hoe, `l`�{ together with our large and val- eta -We lino of Ilostsehold � sampler. Th.,, samples. as ..."-:2-7--;-,--,--.-.. - wall es alio watch, we, send Free, and Ones you have kept them In yonhome for 8 months and shown them to thea. oho may have called, chef,• bee omo your own proyortL. Those who write et endo caa he euro .f receiving the Watch.. and Sampler, Wobt,sy all Isms. froight,ota' Address 6tinron els Co., So= 81 . Portlaadslainoe s. Eli i Ela and 'WOtWN can quickly care' them• selves of Wasting. Vitality, Lost lillanbood, from youthful errors, etc., quietly at lions°, Book on all private diseases tent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 yearn' experience, Address GILDED PILL CO., TOEON it'O, Canada. L�pa�aey, `>• our."Rollet for women" to Rafe end always.: ida Wr� reliable: hectorthan.Ergot•Oxide,Tansy or Pennyroyal Pike. Iooero,'rogulaxhy, Send for particulars. Andreas OZY,b1ID PILI, CO., 2'O1E.01E 1!O, Canada. EARDs FORCED on,moothoet:aeon,hair oh bakiest hood., It, to to su days, Dfngio. Latest and greatest achievement of modern science 1 Most won. dollar diteovory or the ego. Like no other preparation! Magical, sure, almost instantaneous in action 1 Boys with Whiskers 1 Bald honde "haired 1" Curious spoetadloo, but positive troths. Only genuine article in market, and certain to give absohrto satisfaction, Guaranteed. Price S1 a bottle, or three bottles for Sal Each bottle leets ono mond,, Address A. DIXON, Box 805, TORONTO, CANADA. �e MADAME/r610VAANNANI'S PREPARATIONS. $UPER;i'LUEItS HAIR A "preparation that will HAIR ar ndhantly0omatt eh arduous hair without iniurI to the skin. warranted. Prlayb�$tle AND BLACKHEADS p��► eI IPLES AND BLACIC@I EADSronomontdti.n ASTI•CORPULENCE PILLS F'ot thoto,00pto whose ombon. ',pcinee- is a matter et Solicitude,'Whether b." tosaso it is, [ mcon.tastable or unloohlwablo-AT FOLKS eANTLpCb CE PILLS.iboo SR lbsafth.Thai istokng,,;cantoinaopoeln,andiovot'lail,hit aid $1: er tbroeBlontid Medicine; 65, COMPLEXION hleaclt 'WAFERS QAVANENACNAL'E-., tla s:it; dovalogthe 06,81, itarmte+a. Pormanont In eimt. n'ntranted- PrIlitt t d,bat, or bix beket hit 515.. Address Z1 tADAIIEE. 0110V'll"NfN'ANX, M ,206 Hing Str'ee""t We'&t Tb*Outgo CDC VT- eP co Ret '4'44 49 4 ®4 o� '4°'°9464 °,P' ° S9 ° o�.so, o. 4°'1. o`o Qe oz.p'`� CA - , to , iSe4C.% coo .s> fin �`oie x,040' �0 e. ;9 � t �ro 19,�' o"'" �� to p`4 Manufaotured only by Thomas Holloway, 8 New Oxford Street, Into S88, Oxford" Street, London. SIT Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots' If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. a A Reward for the Conviction (F DEALERS WHO OFFERa 1NFERIOR OIL OF OtFORE!fl AND SELL I r l �+ o MANUF ACTURE L4RDINE MACHIN'E OIL, Eureka Cylinder, Bolt McColl Bros. & Co., Cutting& Wood Oils. For sale byallleadiIg dealers. Toron Ia I to- BISS.ETT BROas.,Sole Agents, Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS EEOUILLES Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on .all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during tbe last three year l "5oe that you get Peerless. It is only mode by 6.4.140:7 3:0L 11®C.B•W2S .d CO., TORONTO FOE SALE BY JAS. P.ICKARD. Holds ink attoeglt to write S!/Meets paper atmafilling Pen. Penholder' and Inkstand AU in one. • tonET Vim sayy pen or kinder Ink r filled by the atltematie action of Indtd.rubbe1reservotrs I Ithdde tteolf by the ppreaeuro ofwrititg{ tarries lathe Pooket safelyWin not teak 1.fineyMade Smithy. 'shed InniokopIotot 0upe,rlo to66yogre.phkpniettll/with a re.@t. 9amploe,Ioatpa dr *scents, 5 Pens, SI bill, P. O. Stamps tatoom but sliver proferred, A 100p Picture Book sent FREE, Mention thisaper. ,A.. W. HIN'NEX -S�arintouth p f D B0_ u PI LS - SUGAR COATED;., A sone cunt lroa BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, A$o DISEAeto or Tile WT MACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. VIIL'trAaR selt,D.THbnOutni AND PROMPT ill AIMS. AMD FORM A VAIXAOLE MO SIUMDoCtS EL000 BtTTbte IN THE telexile'rr' ASO Wilt Or rltillONiO S M r 'o stahrj _pltswr