HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-09-05, Page 10U' TIME MORE =AN DOMES ES Strikei and lock -outs in the first rib; Months of this year have lost workers 5,205,060 man- ceing to a report from thO federaldepartment of labor. Dininit the same period last year the ;ire was only 2,040,410. Mari were 575 strikes and lock - in. the fit six months of , The: normally high loss of work- ing time has been blamed on the Itreasing pressure for higher wages and. cost -of -living clauses brought on by inflated food and other prices. 0--0-0 ' VANDALS ATTACK POLICEMAN'S CAR For the second time this year Con8table Donald McDonnell of Clinton has found windows smashed in his personal car. On both occasions the vehicle was parked Outside the town's police office while the constable was on night duty. The latest incident occurred Wednesday night of last week and this time the windshield and rear window of the car were broken. In July Constable McFadden, also of the Clinton police, had 13 windows smashed by rocks at his home while he was out on duty. His wife and family were at home at the time of the attack. 0-0-0 STAFF CHANGES AT CONESTOGA At a press conference in Kit- chener on :Friday afternoon it was announced that several changes in the staff of Conestoga College will be made: The college president, Dr. Kenneth Hunter, said, that all former senior ad- ministrators have been appointed to new positions. Dr. Hunter as- sumed: his post only two weeks ago. He succeeds James Church who resigned. The staff shuffle follows unrest among the faculty last winter and the appointment of a board of in- quiry to determine the causes of friction. 0-0--0 DAIRY PRINCESS . The ; Ontario .Daily Princess SIX MILLIONTH CUSTOMER Heather Ireland, a visitor to the Stratford Festival from Van- couver, was totally surprised when. she was presented with a lifetime pass at the theatre on Friday evening. It turned out that she was the six millionth person, to purchase admission since the opening of the festival several years ago. a-0--0 IN FOURTH PLACE A Seaforth golfer, Ken Doig, emerged from the Canadian Amateur Golf championships in Winnipeg in fourth place. He racked up a 289 aggregate. The winner, Doug Roxburgh scored a 280; Gary Cowan was second with 284 and an American, Charles Gibson, had a 28?. The Ontario team of which Ken Doig was a member, finished in third place in the competition. o—o--o ACCUSED RAPIST IS ARRESTED Donald Harry Everingham, 28, of Toronto, has been arrested and charged with abduction, rape and attempted murder following an attack on an eight-year-old girl in the Meaford area on Aug. 26 The youngster was abducted from the rear of her Meaford area home and was found four hours later in a field some miles away. When found the child was naked and one of her own stock- ings was knotted about her neck in an apparent attempt to strangle her: Police have said that it appears that a fall of rain stretched the stocking enough to save her life. • As th°e, girl recovered in the Owen Sound Hospital she was able to give an accurate descrip- tion . on the man and the car he was driving. Everingham ap- peared in court on Tuesday to answer the charges. 0-0--0 BEEF MAY BE SCARCE Lyall McLachlan, of Food Systems, Agriculture Canada, told a southwestern beef day at Ridgetown last week that Cana- dians may find themselves short of beef winthin two or three was ,acoVvriecl: at .the GNE last' years.: The speaker ,referred to a financial crisis which faces the „; Si*fs,1g3'Pold, . da producers .of beef calves, He said Trask of Fergus, who carrie�fie . that highgcosts.ofproduction may ,colors of the ;Wellington County 'force. many farmers in the cow - entry. . The competition included calf business to liquidate their 36 counties. and districtsacross operations this all. the province. Don't Send Up Smoke Signals Place an ad in Crossroads for HEAP BIG RESULTS ONE AD IN CROSSROADS COVERS THE CIRCULATION AREA OF THE LISTOWEL BANNER WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES and MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE Trout fishing in Yukon is highlighted, at the Trout Fishing Derby held the third week in June at Tagish Lake, 60 miles southeast of Whitehorse, Anbesoi is a handy first aid treatment for the relief of denture pain. It cools. soothes and helps prevent infection. And puts the smile back on your face. Anbesol First aid for your mouth. AFTER A BRIEF BREAK while the concrete used'in the construction of the new stand- pipe set, workers were back on the lob this week. The men are wrapping the structure with steel cable which, when the standpipe is finished, will counteract the pressure of the • water on the walls of the water tower. (Staff Photo) Used Car Savings '73 PONTIAC Catalina '71 TOYOTA 2 -Door '71 PONTIAC 2 -Door Hard- top '71 COMET V-8 auotmatic, radio '71 FORD Custom 2 -Door hardtop, V4, automatic, power steering and radio '71 DATSUN '70 DART 4 -Door Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio '70 HORNET 4 -Door, 6 cyl- inder, automatic, radio '69 CHEV. 4 -Door, 6 cylin- der, automatic with radio '68 DODGE 2 -Door Hardtop CRAYtFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTA10 PHOMra 3$1.$$62 child fY4T3 i tA, +;i/ PYs�, J.1 ..•.• urs• p e ou i e i pecti English equivalent. But while English money is interchangable The drinking, song says: in Scotland and Ireland, neither Y L Scottish.= . orYFYrish` mon - : 's ac- ce table is d° theRres� countries. If you want it exchang- ed you have to take it to a bank where you pay a premium. Some time ago an'Irish . visitor was touring Scotland. He went into a shop to make some .purchases, and handed over a Bank. of Ireland ONE POUND note in'payment. But this was refused. "Only Bank of.England or Bank of Scotland notes accepted here." Whereupon he produced a Bank of England FIVE POUND note,.and was given change of four Bank of Scotland ONE POUND notes. Seeing his chance of getting one over on the Scots he said, "I want English money." "I belong to Glasgow, . Dear. old Glasgow town, There's something . the matter with Glasgow For it's going round and round „ But now just to prove that there's nothing the matter with Glasgow that a coat of paint can't put right, BILL BUCHANAN of the Scottish Arts Council has come up with a bright idea. He plans to have bare gable walls in the city covered with king-size murals. Not, I'm told, of the girlie type, underdeveloped 'and overex- posed, but pastoral scenes. And one gable wall will even sport — or `sprout' — a giant thistle. It is hoped to enlist the help of local residents, building firms and businesses in providing the materials. It's even suggested that space be left on one gable wall for aerosol artists and their Glaswegian grafitti — like — better leave that to your imagination. NURSES IN BRITAIN generally seem dissatisfied with their wages. And that goes for Scotland like the rest. Now a Scottish official of the National Union of Public . Employees warns that Scottish nurses are being tempt- ed by the high wages offered in New South Wales. There they expect to earn twice or three times what they receive in the Old Country ... Seems that the Scottish nurses would be taking a "step up" salary wise by agreeing to work "down under". WORLD CUP BLUES Scotland was the only British home countries' side to qualify for the last soccer World Cup series held in Munich earlier this year. They played against Zaire, Brazil (former World' Cup hold- ers) and Yugoslavia. And though they didn't lose a match they failed to qualify for the second round. Their success, and failure brought high. hopes . and sad hearts to Scottish football fans. But now that the receipts from gate money and TV have been counted, it appears that the Scottish Football Association stands to gain nearly a quarter million pounds sterling. The players, too, have earned a sizable bonus for reaching the finals ... Somebody once said, "It matters not if you won or lost but how you played the game." Naive, isn't it, in today's world where it matters most how much you get paid for playing. MONEY MATTERS Scotland and Ireland have their own currency. True, it's the same size, shape and value as its "But Scottish notes are legal tender here," he was told. "Not in my country," he countered and waited till he got his change in the .only universal currency in the British Isles. Quare folk these Celts. HOT POTATO The price of everything's going. u these days. But when.I read recently that one shuugle Goldi ;. Vander potato had chaffed hhnds at FIVE POUNDS sterling (say around $11) I thought.that's ridiculous. But as I . read on I found that there was an even more ridiculous reason for the exorbitant price of the potato. Here's the reason:. Acciden omen i female a. car dries b3r RR1, Fordwleh NOrr011n Beaman, were to Viingham and District *IOW Molting two carcoin- Sion 1.cion Sunday on *Ods OldarOad 154 at Cont' on Mrs. Myrtle Woman, wife of the driver, w,as admitted to hos- pital with an injured left wrist, back and mor head injuries. . Marie Homan of Dwarte, California was admitted with head injuries. Both are In satis- factory condition, A third passenger,. Adeline Ream= of RR 2, Gormley, was transferred . to University.. Hospital' in Iaondon with serious head injuries. Neither Mr, Reaman nor the other driver, Clarence Golley of Wingham were injured, Dam- ages 'hi the accident were set at $850. On Wednesday, August 28, Thelma Archer of RR 1, Moore- town and Kenneth Dettrnan of RR 2, Clifford were involved in a collision on. Concession 18, east of Sideroad 15-10 in Howick Town- ship. Mrs. Archer is reported to. have been injured in the accident but `details about her injuries have not been released. Thecars suffered about $1,500 damage in the two car crash, • On Thursday Nelson Gower of RR 3, Wingham struck a cattle - beast owned by Jack Shiell of RR 3, Wingham. Mr. Gower hit the animal on Concession 10-11, west of East 'Wawanosh Sideroad 33- 34. Damages were estimated at $800 to the Gower car:, Gordon Riley of Londesboro and• Jeffrey Lockridge of Wing - ham were involved in a two car collision on Saturday on Highway 4, north of the Blyth CPR cross- ing.,No one was hurt in the acci- dent but . Opp officers have set damages in the collision at $2,000. On the same' day a Kitchener man, Richard Davis, was in- volved in a single car accident on would turn out to be a "dud" cheque instead. The clerk called the cashier. And the cashier the manager. The manager . called Head Office. And: the reply came back "Cash it." Now Robin Black is five pounds richer. And' the manager comments, "We had to cash it before it sprouted into a teener." Hot ,potato indeed. Robin Black and his brother Sam from Cookstown; North Ireland, were havin,g a celebration drink in a Cookstewn bar in honor of the birth of Sam's second son. Also in the bar was Cookstown con- tractor Gerry Hughes. The chat came round to writing cheques. Somebody said it was perfectly legal to write a cheque on literally, anything. Bets were laid. And .publican Jack Conway produced a Golden Wonder potato. On this Gerry wrote, "PAY ROBIN BLACK FIVE POUNDS." Then he signed it and gave it to Robin ... When Robin presented the "spud" cheque to the bank clerk in Cookstown's Ulster Bank he wondered if it BOB HAWLEY, of Ontario Hydro's property appraisal di- vision, conducted a meeting between Hydro officials and farmers from Turnberry and Morris Twp. In the Brussels Legion Hall on Thursday evening. The meeting was called to explain Hydro's new expropriation compensation policy imammaimuminummumumimiumiummumia • .7 to the men whose farms will be�affected by the BradleyJunction to Seaforth power cdrvIdor. (Staff Photo) • G2 s three spit Concession 'f, west of Huron County Road I? in MorriS Town- ship. Mr. Davis' car ran off the road into a ditch ��yQand struck a tree. Dunlap* We Set at . During the week OPP (eters at the Wingham detachment ° charged four Wilk underthe Liquor Control Mt, laid eight charges and issued 17 warnings under the Highway Traffic Act and conducted 20 investigations resulting in one charge under the Criminal Code. WHI TECH'UR CH Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, Carol, Kimberly and Debbie of King attended EUnira fair and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul on the weekend, re- turning home on Sunday. Gayle Rintoul accempanied them to King and returned to Orangeville on Monday and accompanied Brian home. and Partnors Ch.rt.re4 Atoistiits 121 Jackson ,Street WALKERTON TELEPHONE; Office 11111.11211 Resident Partner B.F. Thomson, C.A.. Residence 181 Rq ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CUNTON Now Playing - "Suga f oot" Coming Next "Buster" HOCKEY! —TEAM SWEATERS —TEAM JACKETS. AND EQUIPMENT CUSTOM CRESTING IN STORE CUSTOM SKATE FITTING for Teams and Individuals REPRESENTATIVE WILL ATTEND GROUP SESSION TOR TEAM JACKETS AND JER • BURROWS SPORTS KINCARDINE 8 29 QUEEN ST 396-3178 �cK Bio HAM AR • at the - AL LIONS POOL, GORRIE SUNDAY,SEPT. 8, 2 p.m, ^ 7 p.rn. BATHTUB RASES - SOAP BOX DERBY SWIMATHON - LOG ROLLING CONTEST ADULTS $3.00 CHILDREN $1.50 PRESCHOOL CHILDREN 50c In case of rain event will be held September 15 PHONE 335.3451 TO ENTER CONTESTS r 1 TCsFe�niitSEPTEMBER IS THE AIME SEAL OUT WINTER EONOLITE INSULATION 5219 Bag 1 FIBERGLASS 1, POURING WOOL INSULATION 1 Pours 33 Ft. $345 3" Thick Bag ' FIBERGLASS BAITS II jHODGINSMCDONALD Abh,NORTN STREET WINGHAM BUILDALL' ALL WIDTHS AND THICKNESSES IN STOCK D�..__ ,e�n.._ Phone 357'x.3650 ASSOCIATE STORE 1