HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-8-22, Page 5DISTRICT DOIDAT A proolarnatign lute heen i the mayor of Stratford resin dogs to be muzzled between and Sept, 15. On Aug 19e -Mr, SeVsmill in the village Of le'the strewed by fire between12 and Stinday moreing, Lo, $5, sated for $1,500. The Maple Leaf, oF Guelph eci the 13ruseel8 club at last Thursday for a purse of $50, g the Band Tournament Clo The score was ;--Maple Lea, sels, 4, An accident occurred at Br Man„ Wednesday morning, spected citizen named Jolla formerly of Clinton, while on t was struck by a passing engine dantk killed. (Merles £�. McKerlie, a youn er, about twenty-two years of • ing on lot twelve in the first con of Westminster, attempted to life Friday night about ten o'cl shooting himself through the He ia still living but will likel Mr. Wm. Aiken, of St. Mar • returned after a 16 months' soj the dark continent, among th nibals. Messrs. Humphris, and May, formerly of St, Mary all doing remarkably well, an • the place very much. Charles M, McKerlie, a young • of Westemnister, non of Mr. W Kerrie, lot 11, con. 1, of the township, who resides about th four miles from Nilestown, whil ing to his father. Friday last, 1 doorway, suddenly drew a re and pointing it at his heart, w warning fired. The bullet e his lung, and he died shortly wards. • Mr. Jesse Snyder, of lots 4 a lat con. of Colborne, tested two •hels each of the "Surprise" and field" wheata, The crop was thr last week,when the result was 6 of "Surprise" and, 42 bus. 'Gar This is a paying result in quantit the quality iS equally satisfectory The death of George Shipley, occurred at his home in Carliel other day at the ripe age of 86 Deceased was one of the oldes most highly respected pioneers o section, having lived at Carlisl nearly sixty years. By patient to energy he had gathered togeth comfortable fortune, and he lea family of honored and influe children to naourn hirn. An old man named Smith, worked at one time as hos tier for homes Powell, of Parknfil, wa poor health for some time, an order was obtained the other d admit him to the HOUSEI of Re Strathroy, He accordingly left P hill last Tuesday by the Strat stage, driven by Mr. C. Fairba On the way to Strathroy he bee seriously ill, and died in the s I before reaching Strathroy. The residence at Carlingford, of Mr. Hugh. Thomson, late of Nissouri, was last Monday the scene of an interest- • ing event; being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Miss Maggie'Thonison, who, before her appointment to an important pasition in the Provincial Model School, Ottawa, was a wall - known East Middlesex teacher, and Mr. R. H. Cowley, B. A., master of the Ottawa Model School. Dr. G. F. blunter; formerly of' St. Marya, now of Holly, Mich., has been awarded by the courts a verdict of $10,000 against the villageof Holly for injures received about three yearly ago. He MS returning home one dark night when he ran into a capstan ! which had been used for moving build. • ings and had not been removed from the street. His carriage was over- turned and he sustained such injuries which will make him a cripple for life. Clinton is to be lighted with 10 elec- tric lamps under an agreement with • the Oakes Organ Co., the light to be of 2000 candle power and in -use 300 nights ; the company to !Ripply parties in tovvn who want similar lights at a rate not exceeding 22 cents a night, other lights required by the tovvn to be supplied at the same rate • lights to be in running order by the 15th of Sept. On Thursday, while John, son of Mr George Elogg, of Ekfrid, was drawing a load of hay off the farm of Widow Blue, on the Longvvoode road, the horses made a sudden start and ran away, jumping over the road, • fences and ditches and running into the fence on the opposite side of the road. In crossing one of the ditches the tongue of the waggon broke and got cauglit in the ground, throwing the young man forward upon the hard ground and injuring him Most serious- ssued by iring Aug. 15 1 Wee de - 1 o'clock 000; in- , defeat owel on even by minittee, 10; Bros- oacl view A re - Joslyn, he track and in - g farm - age, liv- cess ion take his ock by head. y die. y's, has ournjn e can- Stagey '8, are d like farmer flh Mc. above ree or e talk. n thb volver ithout ntered after. tiel 5 bus- "Gar- eskied 0 bus. field." y, and Esq., e the years. t and f that e for Rand er a WM ntial who Mr. s in e an ay to fuge, ark- hroy nks. awe tage The Dorchester Township Thistle Inspector Is making things lively for some of those who are not attending to the cutting of the thistles. la some instances, says a correspondent, it is quite a hardship. A couple of farmers came before one of the most dignified J. P.'s in the country on Friday after- noon and were fined $5 and coats, amounting to $8.85, and $8.25 re. spectively. A widow, who had her • thistlea out once during the season, and supposed everything was all right, was also mulcted in one of the above named sums. Were the same author. Pity exercised in other murncipalitiesit • would be to the advantage of the farmers and colintry generally. Vety interesting event vvas cele- brated quietly at the residence Mrs. J. G. A men t, of eaforth, on Wednes- day. This was the marriage of Mrs. Ameht's second daughter, Kate, to Mr. Robert °bates, of London formerly of Einnville. The ceremony was per- forzned by Rev, A. D. McDonald, who returned from his holidays for the occalnon, and was witn °stied by a select company of the reistives of the con- • treeting parties. He hes seleeted ts his life parther a roost werthy arld estimable young lady, and if MS horde is hot bright and his career in lire id not prospetous it will not be her fault We haste pleastire in Milting with the many Merida of Mr. and Mrs. Coates in wishing them tz long pleasant and proeperous veyage over life's turbid Waterti, Oeneral. The Second crop belletin issued by Manitoba Government places the aye Yield at fourteen buthels to the acre. .13inee 1800 the population of Europe just doubled itself, Then the popnla was 175000,000 M 1830, 210,000,000 1860, 289)000,000; ip 2880, 831,000,0 in 1888, 350,000,000, TheDetroit Free Press takes great fenn met of the fact that 36 hours have oltiP since there was a murder in Miohig Chicago detectivea, on the other he think they are in luck if they pass a ni without having to investigate a fre murder, The original "Old Blaclt Joe died at Holly K. J. on Thursdev in the /it cabin where he has lived for yetirEL proper mine was josepls Queen and Se w undoubtedly the oldest man m the Sta being 712, He was born in , Virginia 1777. The fact is recorded in fad characters its the old family 13ible. At the I. 0. 0. Grand Lodge meeting at Brantfoid last week, the following report of the Grand Treasurer was submitted '- which showed receipts, haeleding a balance of $9,026.40 in July, 1888, amounting to 018,418,84. The expenditures amounted to 08,003.47, leaving a balance of 010,114,- 87. • Dodge, No, 121, 1, 0, 0. F. of Ailsa Craig, complains thet Ivy Lodge, No. 90, of Pn arkhill, has on 'flora than one occasio 'violated clause 12, Constitution of Sub. onlinatee, and claims tbe initiation and degree fees of canclidetes initiated by eaid lodge (Ivy) who were residents of the territory of Saxon Lodge. The nominations for the officers to be elected at the next session of the Grand Lodge were: For grandmaster, John Ormiaton, Gananoque for deputy grand master, P. E Fitzpatrick Hamilton ; grand wardens, Past Grand Rev T W Jolliffe, Brantford; Rev Jas H Simpoon, Brimfield ; Joseph Oliver, Toronto; W H Hoyle Carrington; Dr .1 L G McCarthy, Barrie ; Turner, Chatham ; W Bushell, Windsor; J A Young, Thames. ford; J F O'Neil, Point Edward; A W Cameron, Ottawa Meaford; grand secretary, J B King, Toronto; grand i treasurer, Wm Badenash, Toronto; grand representative, Hy Robertson, Collingwood. A meeting of the Grand Lodge of the I 0 F, held at Kingeton last week, the following officers were elected z-ttigh Chief Ranger, Mr. Patterson, Q 0, Port Perry; High vice - Chief Ranger, W R !dickey, Bothwell ; High Secretary, J 13 Halkett, Ottawa ; High Treasurer, T G Davey, London ; High Physioian, Dr George H Groves, Carleton; High Counsellor, J janaiesen, Almonte ; High Auditors, D Rose and I) Millar, Toronto. The capita tax was plaoed at $1 per year. The salary of the High Tretteur- er. was left the same RS last year, $200, the auditors being voted $16 per year. It was proposed to increase the salary of the High Secretary, J. B. Halkett, of Ottawa, from poo to 8800, but after a lengthy discussion it was decided to let it remain at the former figure. ISwas intimated by the Committee that the increase in membership for the year was 45 per cent. Mr Jamieson, MP for North Lanark, was presented with a beautiful gold medal for distinguished services to the Order in engineering the Incorporation 13111 in its various steps through Parliament, • Another, similarly inscribed, will be given so Mr. Dickenson, M P for Carleton. • the rage has tion ; in 00; fort sod AD, nd, ght sh Sullivan, the champioe slugger, haft hoe eentenoed to one piers imprisontilent • an -referee Fitzpatrick fined $200. CONSUMPTION CAN BIS CUBED 13y p!oper, healthful • exercise, Rad the tudicaous uge of Soott's Emulsion of 044, Liver Oil Hypophooplaites, which containg healMg and a trengthgiving virtues of these two valuable epecifics in their fullest form, D, D. McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. 13., saya; "I have been ereecribing Scott's Ensulsion with good results. It is espec- ially motel in persona of eonsuMetive tonclenela. " Sold by all druggist, 50 ots. and 01,00. TO. TIIE DEAR DEPARTED . (Gone eve ZCOT VOit(i0TTOX*) Dear father thou hast loft its, Thy toss wo deeply feel ; 'Tiss God that bath tzereft us, He eau all our sorrows heal. Father thou art OUIY Sleeping; We will meetyou bye and bye ; At the golden antes of Heaven, Up in the deep blue shy, Sisters and brothers heed the warning. He is coming now for as; See him ; yonder in tire kloonaing Crowned with perfeet rich teen sneas , Written, and eotavosal 1)71 his daughter Re" boom, now in Manit0b4z, - TMPORTANT ilaviug done business in Canada for years, our renutation and responsibility is es- tablished. We want three men in, your vin reto merest nt us, te whom exclusive territory will be gems. Handsome outfit free. Sa lary and expenses paid weekly. Steady employ- ment the year round_ Write at once for terms- Herdy stook for Camino, a specialty, M ay Beerranns, nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. HAY WA.NTED. 1-4.4111-0-.• CROWNED OR UNCROWNED The head oranyone suffering from con- stipation. biliousness or despepsia will harbor a sick headache. By regalating the bowels, arousing the torpid liver. im- proving digestion and purifying the blood, Bard's* Blood Bitters bauishes sick head. ache, no matter how severe or obstinate it may be. Six carloads of immigrants arrived in Toro 1 to on Sunday from the Allan Line steamship Parisian, Two oars contained children, who were sent on to Miss Mac- pherson's home in Stratford. The remain- ing new comers went west. SAFE AND RELIABLE. I highly recommed Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for curing cholera, cholera morbus, colic, °ramps, diarrlaosa, dysentery and all summer complaints. It is safe and reliable for children and older persons, -Miss HILMY BNEOKENRIDGE, Heyworth, Qae. The traffic) returns of the 0. P. R. from August 7th to August 14th were :-In 1889, 0312,000; in 1888, 0269,000, showing an increase for 1889 of $43,009. This does not include earnings on the Eastern rail. way. THE OKLA.HOMA BOOM. • Forms and instance of a wild rusli for uncertainty, which is just the opposite the steady boom enjoyed by Burdock Bloo Bitters. Buyers of this medicine get certainty -an unequalled. ren2edy for a diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kid neys and the blood. • It is stqed, in answer to enquiries tha no information has been received respeetin the progress of the negotiations between th Imperial and TJnited States Government relating to the question of reciprocity in th lumber trade. .All correspondence on th subject is being conducted on behalf o Canada by the home authorities. TIMELY WISDOM. Timely wisdom is shown by those wh keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry on hand, It has no equal for cholera cholera Inorbus, diarrhrea, dysentery, colic cramps and all summercomplaints or loose ness of the bOwela. • St Paul, Minn., August 19.- -The mem- bers of Cleveland group, U. A. 0. D., wen on a pienie to West St Paul yesterday and partook of ice cream parChased from the proprietor of Steilrel's Park, As a result over one hundred people were poisonea and some are dangeroualy ill, though it is not thought any will die. THE FOUR CARDINAL POINTS. The stomach, the liver, the bowels and the blood are the four cardinal points of health. These Burdock Blood Bitters acts upon to strengthee, regulate. cleanse and purify, thus restoring and maintaining perfect health. B. 13. B. is nature's true tonic and renovator. Since the Bishop of Bipon's response at the dinner of the Artists, Benevolent ;So- artiats may zegard themeelves as the "epicures of the passions," and art as the sunbeam of life." 3 YEARS IN BED, Gentlemen, I tried your Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry aud was perfectly cured from dolmen, 1 was in bed for three years aud alto taking ant bottles 1 was poi featly cured, and now I Would not be without the medicine in the house. -Miss EttrynA Famine, Vereker?, 0. One 'flier° is now a "Dynamociermic 10811 - tate of Paris," where the professors offer to anioath out wrinklee by "Electrolysis." The electricity revivifies the eltia and makea it yoeng again t A BARRED PULL Or MONEY is a good thing to have, but health iza better than Wealth, Preseree your health by eating cookery made With Imperial Oreorti Tartar Baking Postiler. All grooers sell it. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cntc0a The subsoriber having purchased a new hay Press, is prepared to purchase 2000 tons of first class hay for whieh highest market price will be paid. All havine hay forsaie would do well to consult the undersigned before dispos- ing of it. JADIES OEM, Exeter. Aug.15. '89 tf ••••••••••••••••WmPa......•11.0.1000m..M.M111.••••••••••=0mMINIIMINIM• ATOTERS LIST 1889, MUNICI V PeLITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF. Stephen, eounty of Huron. Notioe is being Riven that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in see - tions 5 and 6 of the voters list act, che oopies required by said seottons, to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the amid Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at election for members of the Legislatsre asserably and at munieipal elections; and that said list was posted up at UZY office (at my residence) on the 25th day of July, 1889, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to tithe immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. CHESTER PROUTY, Clerk aTU1Y 25th, 2889. Hay P. '0. °MRS' LIST 1889, MUNICI- PA.LITY OF THE VILLAGE OF Exeter, county of Huron. Notice is hereby given the,Ihave transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned an see - tions 5 and 6 of th s voters list act the copies required by said sections, to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said muntelpali te to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative assembly and atraunielpal elections; and that said list WRS posted up at my office (at the Town Ball) on the 13th day of August1889, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. MICHAEL EAORETT, Clerk, Ang.i8th,18so. Exeter, P. 0, ATOTERS LIST 1889, MIJNIOI. V PALITY 01' TEE TOWNSHIP 01' Usborne, county of Heroin • Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or deiivered to the persons mentioned in sec- tions 5 and 6 of the voters list ant, the copies required by said sections, to be so transmitted or deliver d of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all. persons appearing by the first revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipalite at election for members of the Legislative assembly and at municipal elections; and that said list was posted up at my office (at Elimville) on the 291h day of July, 1889, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected. a coording to law. G. W. HOLMAN, lerk Usborne. July 29th. 1889 Mail Contract. SEALED TENDERS, addres- sed to the Post Master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday. tne 16th August, 1889, for the conveyance of her majesty's 'Wails, on a proposed Ccntraot for four years, six times per week each way, be- tween Da.shsvood and Exeter Railway Station, from ist September next. The conveyance to be made in a vehicle. Printed notices contain- ing further informatiorz as to conditions of Proposed oontraet may be seen and biank forms of 'render may be obtained at the Post Offices of Dashsvood, Exeter. Sarepta and Hay and tit Una office. 11. G. HOPE:IRK, Post Office Laseeotor. Post Cffiee Inspector's Office, Stratford. 12 July, 1889. %.Melet.01SVOIM10.1.111=1101.11040MINarnmilygn,..Y• A COOK BOOK FREE By mall to any lady sending .cs her cost office aeeresst Wells, Richaelsen & Coe Montreal, tineramormannam arnmeoramodunntsansxn CENTRAL rug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- OTS • the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, C LUT1 MARKET' RSFPRTS. Aatilpett:dvi:SeVro:hasow:tikeetdde it57.c:f11.:(r)Eir 8805 tt 0o 00 9900 0 P,ha. Wednesday cirTE" ec 08: oe t y A* Batter *. Plourpernbl Potatoos,per bushel eAnPles,Per bag urindAPplespr b Geese ger in, Turitey par lb Pucks po r pr chickens per pr flogs,dreaaestport o neef Wideerottah, dressed .. Sheepskies e001; alfskies Wool perlb Ilaypertou „ onionenerbush WOOdper cord ,.. 00 t o oo ST: MARYS Pali Wheat e0 90 0 91' Spring Wheat...„..., ,, , ..... „. 0 90 llarioy95 ...... .................. 0 85 0 40 Oats ... ,......... ..... .............. . . . 0 25 0 2i Clover Soe'd ▪ 46 to 48 • 24 to 25 ▪ 50 to 6 00 2 50 to .3 06 0 48 to 0 00 ••• 0 41/ to 0 00 „. 0 11 to U 11 .., 00 t o 5 55 25 t 0 85 .., CO to 0 50 ... 0 4to 004 • 0 06 to 0 06 0 (17 to 08 ... 0 50 to 65 0 2.5 to 0 80 6 Q0 to 0.20 .„ 4 00 to 5 00 ..,0 00 to 000 0 65 o 00 ... 0 50 to 0 711 „. 0 18 to 0 19 0700 00 08 00 0 50 t o 70 , , . 5 60 0 00 Timothy,. .. , .. ... ... ,.. ,. ............ ....,. 2 60 3 09 pENPotiegtatgilet.or..e....s. .. .p. e ... . 1.1.a.g. ._ , .......... ... .... ° IT Oh' Apples per bush .... ,. ......... ,..,..... 1200 000 001502 • Wool peril) Bran per to . - ' .. -.... .A47010°71480 0010°8 nayperton. ..... . . ...... oshaotturtesa.ip'e`r bbi . . ..20 00 20 00 ()"af0s, 29c to Wheat, 85o to 91,600NpDa.rONb..:0. . 00 7 00 BOO per bus. Peas, 48e to 510 per bus. Bar- ley, Malting, 481 to 4* per bus. Barley Feed, 883e to 45i par bus Cern, 450 to 47,1e per bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Aug. 21.-1Vheat --Fall No. 2,07 to 990 per bus' spring, No. 2. 96 to 97a per bus. PEAS 60e to 02c per bus. OATS 82o to 330 per bus. FLOUR. extra, 84.15 to 84.20 per bbl; straight roller. 3'4.60 to 84,65; strong baker5,64,76 to 85.00. COINTSIIIK—*—PlION CUBED Anold physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands py an Batt Indian missionary the formula of a siraple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent oure of consumption, Broncnitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthraa and all throat and hung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands °leases, has felt it his duty to rankeit known to his suffering fellows. Aotuatedby tirismotive ancia desire to relieve hum, an sufferin& w:.,Isend free of eh arge, to all who clesireIt, this reeine,in German,Freneh or English, with full directions fer preparing and using. Sent, mail by addressing sv ith stamp, naming thie paper. w . A . Ronne 149 Power's Bloax. nocheeter N 7 ADVICE TO iitoTEtExte.-.6.re you disturbed as nighteaul broken otyour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If no send at once and get a bottle of"lkirs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It wilireneve the poor little sufferer Ma mediately Depend upon it, mothers; there is nomistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoss., regulates the Stomach and Bowels,cures Wind Colic aottens the Gums. reducesInfle,mmation, and gives tone and energy to the wh olo system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and in the prescription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by al druggista throughout the world, Frio° twenty-flve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mns. Win'snow's ch,oTamo snurre "end no other Ind. mo THE DEAF.- -A person cured of .1_ Deafness and noises in the head of 28 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FUEE to any person who applies to Nionoesox, 177 McDougal stteet New York. COMSOU=M220.SZEMSTVOMEIMM321 A. Lly_tidmaLi Groceries and Confectionery OF THE REST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley'sfraproved Horse and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. IlYNDMAN. rashionallio 0 THE BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Overcoatings at any price; Suit - nags at any price; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing pioditoed in Exeter Gentlemet 1 108'0 your orders eerly, for with the bed staff ef Tailore ; the beet stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bed Cutting in Town, you are sure of eatieftic- 'dein A. enlott. 'UMP_S, 1)1IMPS, PUMP A WANT SUPPLIED. We veil' hereafter make and keep on hand a good reapply of woodeo pumps, whiela we will sell at usual prices, and guerentee them to fill the bill with setishotion We respectfully ask a shere of your patronage M this line, and we will entlisaY to eupply you with good puleps, and ProlinstlY. Iron Pumps will be lournished When Desired. Shop one door south of Parton's Bleokamith Shop, Main-st., Exoter. w. TliEV.E THICK. otatoomv-,,zomormzooncranr000n=mwrmainuntroosognocazromem_ DR. F WLEFIS THIS YEAR'S °.EXT:l OF TRAAAlitiL ERRY D CURES LERA holey a Mortals 0 La C R A./VIPS IARRIKEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF TI -IE. BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FO.R CHILDREN OR ADULTS. A FOE TUNE FOR ALL CUT and PLUG Snrioking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG arid PACKAGE DasTRoys AND REMOVES WORMS ossnALL KINDS IN CHILDREN ORt ADULTS SWEETAS SYRUP AND-) QANNOT.HARM THE elp.:sta It is said that every personhas EIVIPLOYMENT—h2R4ARe' '7 IG'EersTrutut EXPENSESni.titRtecrep" A. db ,yo. S. et 4L. A wR at Co. ROG Geolrao L. CIncannati.e. DO YOU a' chance once in this liie time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have WANT TO BUY the opportunity again. That time has come, You can depend -upon it that every person FIRST-CILALSS purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's etock is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, —TAN CALI, AT -- Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything1 G-1 LET"'S usually kept in a first class general store. See his black and colored -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all-wooll Reliable Goods Parkinson's. ' — UR NITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN 'SHAM GOODS —ARE USTJALLY SOLD— suit in Exeter made to order at Make no mistake' Consult your I own intereses and examine his At Prices Lower that so-oal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C_ & 8. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S 13LOCK stock before making* your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. J'. PARIiINSON. FiHF OEM OUR SPRING 5 ,mg•••••••••" kilt! oCIE Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARRED AND OTHER MARTS, --Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the -- Very Finest Prices for Cash -We have also 'on lia,nd a full line of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines, Baby Canines, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing on Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. .1- NES ICK Every Department in. the Old Established ie now most com,vlete, and fzill of the latee novelties. The French, English and American Millinery canz be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger a; cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich Br., colored and shot silks, Cheap, Parasols and Sun shad& of every design (both long and short stems. Pine fancy zephers, plain zophers. Sateens and Prints in endless var. iety. A special lot of Swiss Embroideries for Dresser (lovely goods.) Every lady should see., our l)ress Trio minas (which contain all the latest novelties. Come c and inspect our stock. N. 13.--1'he attention of Dress -makers is speciati oalled to the Dress Goods department. • JAMES PICKAR Exeter