The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-09-05, Page 2iLt4.LIkiajilc4;.-1.ten441- 1 11. .... ::,, • ,44521 4E114 gis.14Lewc.144vv,A 4!1=0 atitViii.0‘,16101444111iki 11-44400. z4u4zA,44._ .wir En44444 t44 v44,4 i02b 444-Sfor- MVii, a5,4 Vt.,14eit a*4* $14404. lovkitn and- ,situ Z-3) riti4444Vir 'Of $L Glii•sistp,., 13* ,vrItowa,kezw.lii_o4 o41-4Q-4To;_oor_ Gr. HR, Lulk the- w Mtr44 tz§ ;o4,11, -Ein4 Apt, .(-14r441. Rugt L.ceivPF4 and 1.741 ccUtiv.c,, iar#Alipto4., 4114 Stt",. vir44:44-,:id§14400,W44:Dilithan4 IkciGord4 Ruff ,and-, farnify wCf9-M and Mrs, 140Cnian Cralgt, anti Jle44lierof The ltlue7_449 Wonlie4s. , In swinatth hot of • 1ommtswirimims-3 AW111411$4 A BgAtiC4A14,CQVC:14, Qr pfq,.. Get quch reit iroat,i0.4p4.aitie,litoadtiaLSP*, t°117.--:#0""letni441,(4, 'PAO*: ea .t „osi#1914-c,iii4ulp4. Feethitteck, five Antic witlillie4164-0 LfZ-MAH.. 01L...t all Runixt. FrasiA_ t7.4- e okaubov, 2, 40 4 p.m. 11144rtia Baigi! k114 12„'D.Ject44., W01110111V Woos_ BSS Eciwigt MaPtttit ge,cret,44,c141cf9..44,M. of ASP144*1f.JL-, SOOSIF.i ha§44.14.440.',N4tb.. Wiita.4*-4 field conipetAienk4111 'VQ.7- vv4Y.141114.4‘.87.444. 44.4,94.1*.14-4Y., intik Pe* cO.N94,. Of ;RA "4,- ,P4141444/14 1vq,W miXeck,,grA44.; Jo!-. Gralkana-W4k-48 Warwick 844*F4f,giFtWW45k wkIPASO RM Miirray- Houst 79: Jokk zwg, sh**447,..74,--Pcni&PrAfkg.,73`. Threctrway: inix4 gr Norman: lignxer,- M, H' ,-924; ReSS„ Veite4 89 GeQ1.4AS,44e0.3--44-JaCk-PtgAllf 86i, Bqt3t FfQs85 G PeaK*94-' 4j3k• G044_1' gilAittl.,$1, clOt80i,Rotti, ,s1.7004 77;--- corliP-e4tokA44.44,e,"9.44PF,4o' qualify for Oleic prl74.7,1noney,s, e .bitt4Paoilg-14044400 4.104 gr#44 at eBri 1&F s*Fir#1,,-.AstqcOur*,-$13Aott, SL.91.461Y)\§ePt..91P-00,0511974* atAgr.t!i_cOurttskPUntrtf4.- SeAOrAtlr, 1 P.ffirSilaP , •Aitittittktmt‘tlwit. 0Y4o431;egglotete@ti.opycktf tglEtt4t ClYcifIR-RATIF Of.) 75111,341114,t,,,,.. • cbt ig* vAsatvepoona, dgittimcitecid bgaws amid we hamee evogtiobr WksaIgiti t er -necgbOtti e v44,9*MAJJ'00eth ge.:c@ti*Oleeiq YVu • TfAfk4,i.,§0t4IN . • ks.lor44416„Lisw-A Ine SP-94.A9K14-PF,-Vtlitmk§.. tht--cogi.p44910,,S.4fl_19.10V7 13401i -..i. A Vq4.9.#:::leY4Clit4.4::Alt.-:. esRiz9nklilitiettl.kTialt4701.1711W"::, fuLPAltroalt...§1W1114.1141.1.4,10.1; (114f.VE0f.,: wignto,9f.-evit divi,1*;PsOvg,Plitv:trAkairti.?,, t1.0.: 1.Q00f:4114.1thes1-.41itik-V44.7cerfiri.7.. - wittA/EktA6ftiefgcleSiviviPieM:amt: recti4m-,757-.§iktr.,,:(141141407.-zioiti SitnitArat,WithilheAW044PAWS, IlittreCOVita;00F4tICk -35A4tarl.P.; ThMitkiA3APAVeStV4301M_ttOttgl: theMIRPOWigik.WerOeiktrMeW 1Y 4t Aillitt;Cireedlear-§TS1MIKOM_,': Sh4t#P4ATALAIOWNilkbegiR 1 12. kV v.:S*41'41i 41Vberz at ,.cer.,4tAfAV411g.'lairgfriinflai.;!. A 0,94T 15 ytIgt44.ggi4V, 1 anSkitylw,F0tirtiockm ut tolla poe,,,Itiwyktjy- tlyclro. oqiciASIS �t the Haf,kon Thursdor,night. The,614411199440-7‘cif fi v4 Ca31g0Arit tilfv1179,9fficii§ atthe4:eclu....0,0f #1e- kiviNrk,:gtiNce t71w;kr9: Pcriy.4.0494kgyat4)9,; Cornrnitte4#.,,-At. the. pii€,On% .471Y4ro-!-s new evropOoligh:.,cofripeogogipti-tactkieyc-,,Afe§n,,exiel, (StftfloRligica:" ' Mr, and Mrs,...liapes,Jacohkof MOverton cal/teck-on Clifford Coultes, on Sunslab Scott Ca-hvIlell of, .1,qadqrt ret4rPe4- 40-111e7.9.11 Mf#1,44.Y.2.449rt. spettOtg., the,sumer; .moaths with,Mri 'and be14- % Mr: and ,Mrs.- Yincent.Maimkof„.. • iLondon„. and -IvanL-.. WheelAir of St!t4A,F4-§PP,4,4-lie-\,tvqPkekwt-, itheigpaen.s MAI! and1 MrPv,.. il(ePnetklArkig-,e*t B*4.-_,44,44.`40§994,-9iP4Fio peill..-so.kne holidays witheik - 4incle and, aunt, Mr,,, and -Mrs,„ Gletin Coates.. W., F.-. Shackleton of -Caledon, 'and, his: I hree. „gr,anddanKhttisksi esp„.., Carolyn, a Shtn.of jnglewood--,yisitpd: 4.0n-Satur4a3cwith-MrS,E4:444#44-,-- Sh#clt,let,on and „-ivizp,, Wager, ScqU ,MaFgayet, HiggLips„ ,of LondoR was a weekeyisitpF with her,- inCither, Mrs...,Roher,t, • Charles„coultes.,..and, Clifford.- 4,Catiltes, ,recehtlyviit4 with.- , Harold, Buffet of Carsonville„ Mich. Mr„,f JiAdrienne .and•. -Mary. of .Mo,unt, Elgin.spepita Qoupl#„ig day§ -414§f, -joftnvst42PS911dataEvAing vith Mr, and 1VIr.Keith Rock, of - WaitOn., it Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ht4g Rini. visited,...witiv Mrs. Charles .McGavin and,- Mrs... 'Clarence -Iludie at the, Manor Nursing. game at Aeafortlh. Mr" and, Mr4, Alan Scoand AMAERktrii WAR family pi _,Bairria spent Labour, Day, weekend.- with- his- otother,, 31,0421C, Mrs, *Walter .Sectitt, _ — Mr, and Mrs, Alex Nethery, Brenda and,friend of Buplingtqn, visited- on . Sunday with her parents, Mtand Mrs. .ilerson Irwin. MrSAVIae Atkinson of Brandon, Man, and Mrs, Doris. Lovatt. of Souris, Man, have .returned. home after visiting at the twine of Mrs. George Cook , and other , relatives in the vicinity. Take ,advantage Qf &hc onventenc4 of liquid fowling in. a faro mixer w poueed °veil augerr. LPS-bleitad5 into a uniform, contii4teht, feed w ;hake LPS available on 4. hce 1IGei4Z,S1 through a lick whcel., U110114 AC. 01, Hanna spent the- Weckepd-,3et wiArton, Mr p and til40).14,PrFoctegt mkfin,Mvgaget,cuytik:and,-...443.q.. JokEOVIOSAW.-Pf ktIOPtge4.304.iteck ork.Sigiday,withtliCo*AtsrAllrei arty Sykf AlitAt3_14, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph- Logan of Wyoming spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan and Mr. and Mrs. George McGee. Mr. and IVIrs..Barry Logan and Michael of Oakville spent. the weekend at their farm in East Wawanosh Township. Miss Edith Lockhart and Mrs. Mary gainnson. \of Goderich visited on Friday with "' Mrs. rlarence Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hedden, Robert. and Judy of Rensellaer, New ¥ork spent a tew days last week with their aunt, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, Julie and Jeffery of London spent ?he holiday weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Robert i;rasby. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arauttrong k ere .iinday insitors with Mr. .ind Mrs. Robert trra.sby and with )is ii,other, Mrs. Mary Arai- .trong, of WIngharn and District flospaal • Mr. and Nirs. 4 larence )(inn Ind Ca merun attended a wedding reception in Port Colborne on Saturday af ternoon tor Mr. and Mrs. on Learn of Vancouver, ho were recently married. They ,itso wth •Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rezansoil and family of St (" itharines. Mr. ind Mrs. John Mc*. qrniack, Christie and F,,,inzlie of Prangoville, and Mrs, claire Hamer ot Toronto bpent the ooliday ,,P.oeltend wlth then. other, Mrs. Clarence taiainney. 11iriday lits.itor5 with Mrs. Telford Cook were Wir and Mrs. HaroidSieesor of Giarrii& aid Mr. And Mrs. Ale% Nethery of R.Ir and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson and and Mrs. clarence • • , 0 also,mith at the,-saRktiorAW, Mr_f_411.4444,WtAkTeitql*V.W.Air:, and WW1 0114 AfrArPit9tElif4.41,-. weJCUnoark,alk7st.titt-,,busAokkgi,,:fo,.,,- OttaWk$1.40mgh4440. 00.§10,40§cis on -,t11-7,,tic*Mkg.2,DaX.1;iv4S4kenflii-: -OAT L sop anti StItIClik.'"..C' kit ( F jgrax=tionserawatti....1..2., Ra4444,4111. t#Itti.SICIANtilit11.10r***G1.01101314110-., LWPflVSiE 001100q#1,001,111 ,"*.110417-A C(3001titite0403Ntti RENSitik 41,411411,001*-4**40. Look for spectaliy marked liners, under caps of all . bottles up to arid !nctuatrig-tile 300 ml. and 108. oz. size of Coca-Cola and of Fanta Orange and. you could wcrw, siQ1100vOreven $1.0011 CONTEST CLOWSVOTOBERilS; 1974,, • 43x, for cifItaila at driplays of botile.5 of Coca -Cora and of Flnta Urange in the area served by it.J,--`; _ ( ER1 S'TVATFORW ONTARIO, Authorized butter of CocafGotallindef Fanta under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Both („oca-44,,,in anti,Goimare registered trade meals which identtfirohlti the.nrodoct of Cona-Gola Ltd tante i5 aho a reciatdred trademark of Goca.cola Ltd. t 414 IP •0