HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-08-29, Page 10� jorie Procter
on cattrrday from
to the British Isles. She
mat by her uncle and aunt,
Mtn, Co. ad Smithson of
who baht her to
ons qday.
Mr. and L Carman Farrier,
Conlin and Carol dnd
. Farrier Spent a
few days with Mrs. Nelson Hig-
Mr, and tended the • William Gow atR
h wedding mini
versary of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs:, Jack
Ladd Of Goderich.
Michael Wales of.London spent
tilt. weekend with hi;
c lre'nta, Mr, and Mrs,
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gow of
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Al llendri
and family of Bolton were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Cow,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Procter
returned home on Friday night
from a five-day Polar Bearbus
tour to Maoeonee•
Mrs. John McKee and , and
Mrs. Jack McKee of Montreal
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. HaroldProcter and Miss
Margaret' Curtis. Mrs. John Mc-
Kee remained for a couple of
weeks with her sisters.
Rev, ,lobe Roberts had charge
of', the service again in Knox
United Church following his holi-
days. A men's choir sang two
numbers. Sunday School will
resume at .10:15 air*. next Sun-
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Anderson,
Doreen and Sheila have returned
ba►rne from a camping holiday on
Georgian Bay
WO Ruth Ann notch and Mies
Wanda Lee of Durham Isitit en
Saturday ems' by Plann from
Toronto International Ajtrport for
a tom' of the British Isles and.
other parts M Ems,
Mr, rand `Mre. Koala Spieran of
Florida and Mr. mind Mrs, Harold
Keyes of Atwood visited on Satur-
day with Mfrs. Amelia Brown and
Mr,, d
et �rt}�Johnatoon.��,/
Mr, - . Sam #�: fetch. a:,
David spent the weekend with
Mr,, and Mrs. Norman Rill and
family at'their cottage at Batley
Down Beach, along Lake1 Simco..
Herb Wheeler and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler visited on
Friday with Mrs. J. 8. Townsend
at her cottage -at Point Clarke:
Mrs Goldie Wheeler of London
visited on Saturday with Mrs.
Herb eifr.
Mr. and Miriii. Alex Stylets of
'ftonto spent the weekend with
Mra . Cori McGill.
Mai Martha Armstrong of
Windsor spent a week with Mr.
and Mrs. Willard' Armstro.S,.
Mrs. Robert Campbell. and
Mrs. Harold Agar of Seaforth
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Willard Armstrong,
Mrs., Jessie Larnont o
ktoosomin, Sask., Mr. and Mrs,
George Lamont and Elaine of
Fleming, Sask., who have been
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. James
Lamont returned home together
last Thursday. Dale Lamont.
accompanied them for a two-
week vacation.
Mir. and Mrs. • Wayne Minick,
Eddie and Cathy of Kitchener
spent the week holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence` Hanna.
Cards of Thanks
Thanks to the very best. To
Doctors McGregor and Hanlon,
for their excellent care and daily
visits, to the nurses in intensive
care unit, to my wonderful
relatives; friends and neighbors
.for their lovely gifts, flowers,
cards and visits. A very special
' thanks to a great mother who
stayed with the family while I
was in the hospital. Thanks again
to the very best.
Milly Lewis
The Canadian 'Radio -Television Commission announces
the fottowing decision effective Juiy 31' 19'4.
•Dseisiem CRTC 74471.
WINGHAIN, • ONT.. • 7205677
Application by Raymond R. Gowdy. representing a company, to
be incorporated for a broadcasting licence -for a cable televis-
ion undertaking to serve Wingham, -Ont.
D clsion:.,
,he Comi issioe' 'issues a licence expiring March 31, 1977 'sub=
het to conditions to •be Specified `therein.. This term will enable
..the Comm lssion,:to consider;reriswal of t is Ii+ einceAet the same
lire is renewal` of Other f Gene es in this region .
The'boundary of the area proposed to be served bythe licensee
is generally acceptable but will be more particularly described
(n; he licence.,
-.Out. of the application .to distribute. °distant, FM stations
CKD3-FM Hamilton, Ont.; CFPL-FM London, ,Ont.; CHYM-FM
Kitcheneer,' Ont.; CHFI-FM Toronto, Ont.; CJOY-FM Guelph,
OOnt ; And CFCA-FM on channel 12 is DEFERRED.
The. C•gmnissign notes the applicants plans. fol community
prograreiMp* ilsd'considers that this activity can be a very irn-
.portent'' 'of the service ,being offered to. the community.
Guy Lefebvre,
Director -General of Licensing
Canadian Conseil de la
Radio -Television Radio -Television
Commission Canaadienne
Le Conseil de la Radio -Television cariadienne annonce la decision
suivante qui. prendra effet le '31 juillet 1974:
Mislay CRTC 74271
WINGHAM- (ONT.) - 720567
Demand. presentee par Raymond R. Gowdy representant une
compagnie a constituer en voce d'obtenir une licence de radio -
diffusion afin d'exploiter une entreprise de teiletvision par cable
pour desservir Wingham (Ont.).
Le Conseil accords upe licence expirant le 31 mars 1977 aux
conditions qui y seront mentionnetes. Cette periods permettra
au Conseil d'etudiet le renouvellement de tette licence en
mime temps qua (e renouvellement d'autres licences de la
Las (smites de le region que le titulaire de licence compte
desservir sont acceptables en getneral. Elies seront toutefois
decrites avec plus de precision dans la licence.
Le partial de la demand. en vue de distribuer les stations FM
eloignei.s CKDS-FM Hamilton (Ont.); CFPL-F.M London, Ont).;
CHYM-FM Kitchener (Ont.); CHFI-FM Toronto (Ont.); CJOY-
FM Guelph (Ont.); et CFCA-FM au canal 12 est DIFFEREE.
Le Counseit prend note des projets du requerant relatifs a le
programmation communautaire et considers que ces ectivites
peovent itre une partie tr s important. du service offert a Is
Guy Lefebvre
Le Directeur gim rat
Gestion des politiques de licences
We wish ` to thank all • our
neighbors, friends and relatives
for their visits, treats and cards
sent to Terry while a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital,
and Victoria Hospital, London.
Special thanks to Father Nolan,
Dr, Wilkins, Dr. Ping and Dr.
McGregor, and the nurses on
second floor and all who helped at
the scene of the accident.
Bruce and Rose Marie
' and Terry Anger
Jam oftrtli►
e irrg visit with Mt'* ae
M ,
Mr. and M * B
ShelleyRIO and of Cayuga
reit vii to * with Mr. and
Carl Mcclena .
Hugh McM , .David.
.Put of Watford and
&InG�eSarSe of I,w were`
day p�visit i wjit ! - •� >i nd•
MrsA Weey Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart,\
Mark and. Heather of Lambeth
were Sundaiyvisitor. s with ,Mr.,
and Mrsii. Walter Mott. Susan,
who had been visiting last week
at the Elliott home, returned
home with her parents.
Mrs. Archie Purdon and Mrs.
Walter Elliott, •4-H leaders, will
attend the 4-H training school this
Lori and Lisa Inglis of Earlton
visited last week with their
grandmother, Mrs. Tem Inglis,
Tom and. Betty. On the weekend
their father, Roddy Inglis, and.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Inglis and
family of Earlton came to take
the girls home,
Mr, and Mrs. Don Caesar and
Vickie were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collison
and family of Teeswater. Sandra,
who had been visiting Vickie, .
accompanied them to her home.
Misses Lori and Marilyn
Jamieson visited last week with
I wish to thank the friends and:...
neighbors for their cards, gifts ■ `er '� ""'' `�'!
and visits while a patient in the
Wingham and District Hospital.
A special thank you to the doctors
and staff for their kindness to me.
It was very much appreciated.
Mrs. Agnes McCreight
Centre St., Wingham
WINGHAM ARTIST Guenter Heim waS one of a number of Midviiestern ,Ontario artists
Who took: over a, park °in .$tratford on the weekend for an outdoor art show. The displays
i 'and, Modern inti otter leather crafts and woodwork
. The
featured traditional t�nod painting, n�, P ys a
outdoor show has become a weekly event during the summer and a good number of
toUrists and'restdents have expressed their pleasure at the undertaking, • (Staff Photo)
A "BIG" thank you to all
neighbors, friends, passersby
and especially thebridge crew
for all assistance in our recent
J. L. Hamilton
I wish to thank my relatives
and friends for cards while I Was
a patient in Wingham . and
District Hospital. Special thanks
to the nurses in Pediatrics, Dr.
McGregor and Dr McKim.
Cheryl Deimage
The family of the late Christina
Atripurdon wish to express. their
sincere thanks to all relatives and
friends for the many acts of
kindness, floral tributes and
charitable donations received
during their recent bereavement.
Specialthanks :to Rev. Victor
Wybenga, the . R: A. Currie and
Son Funeral Home, Dr. Corrin,
Dr•,McKinn and the nursing staff
of Wingham and District Hospital
for their tender care. Your
kind less will always be remem-
The Purdon Family
I would lik to take this!
opportunity to my many
kind friends and neighbors for the
cards, treats and flowers sent to
me while a patient in University
Hospital and since coming home.
Your ' kindness and thoughtful-
ness will always be remembered.
Mrs. Bert Johnston
We would like to express our
sincere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbors for their
messages of sympathy, beautiful
floral tributes, and all their.
kindness to us in the loss of a dear
mother. Special thanks to Dr.
Clarke and the nurses who cared
for her at the Wingham and
District Hospital during her
illness. Also thanks to Rev.
Potter, Pastor Fry and the
Arthur funeral Home for all
their help. It was much apprecia-
The McDowell Family
We would like to ettpress our
sincere thanks to all our friends,
neighbors, and relatives for the
benefit dance.
A special thanks to all those
that made it possible. This gift
will always be remembered.
The Haedings
HARNOCK: Once again Bob and
Fran would like. to thank the
thoughtful and generous people,
neighbors, friends, strangers and
relatives of Howick, Minto and
Wallace Townships and Kitchen-
er for the wonderful turnout at
the benefit dance and their very
generous gift. It certainly shows
that country people can ' still
stick together for new and old
neighbors alike when tragedy
strikes. A very special thanks to
all who helped to make the
evening a success, to Jack Mari,
Lorne Mann and family (The
Country Mann's). The donation of
their time and wonderful music
was deeply appreciated. Words
just can't say enough. Thanks
Bob and Fran
RR 1, Gorrie
from Whitechurch
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb and
Murray returned home from
Squaxnish, British Columbia, last
weekend after a month's visit
with their son, Carl Gibb and
Mrs. Gibb. They travelled both
ways by car and never had any
motor or Lire trouble, which gave
a perfect trip.
Mr. and . Mrs. Beverly Kay,
Graham and Wendy of
Kamloops, B.C., moved into the
manse on Friday. Mr. Kay is this
fall entering the ministry* Knox
College, Toronto. Assisting them
to Move in was his brother, Ken.
Kay, of Guelph, accompanied
here by . his. children Lori and
Revd J. Elder; of Oueiph had
charge of the " services ' t
Langside and Chalmers Chir
tires, He introduced Mr. Beverly
Kay, who is to be the student
preacher and be in charge of the
services on Sept. 1. We extend a
welcome from the village to Mr.
and Mrs. Kay and family.
•The United Church congrega-
tion will meet for service in their
church Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. with
service in charge of Mr. Larry
King, student preacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier
visited on Sunday with her
, cousin, Mrs. 'Jack McFarlan and
Mr. McFarlan at Port Dover.
Mrs. Garnet Farrier recently
receivedword that her aunt, Mrs.
Selina Furbur, passed away in
Geriatric Hospital, Mel fort,Sask.
on Aug. 8. Thefuneral was held at
Tisdale Presbyterian Church,
where she had . been a member.
Mrs. Furbur was a sister of Mrs.
Farrier's mother, the, late Mrs.
Gibson Gillespie. Mrs. Furbur
wasa daughter of the late Mr.
• and Mrs. Samuel Peddie; whose
home was east of the 'village on
Highway 86.
Mrs. Victor Emerson on
Tuesday accompanied Mrs.
Francis Gemmell of Ripley, W. I.
;, board director, and Mrs. Frank
,. Maiilden, Bruce, South secretary-
treasurer of Kinlough to Grey
hCouuty l li 'rat. Immo.#`eu Amos
rtit Vr..1,•w.41 123
.,. . ,mem ars .ga ret rom
r• ey East, Grey Centre, Grey
I orthh, Grey Westand Grey South
Districts. e
Miss Jean Simpson of Toronto
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Hugh
Miss Janie Moss of Plattsville
visited Monday with her grand-
• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc-
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick of
Wingham were Sunday evening
visitors with his mother, Mrs.
Earl Caslick.
On Tuesday Ben Moss of Pet -
Police question
three juveniles
Three area juvenile's were
picked up by Wingham police on
August 21, and are being•
questioned following an at-
tempted theft at the Coin Car
Wash on David St. that evening.
Police Chief Jim Miller said the
three boys were taken into
custody after they tried to force
open the coin deposit box at the
car wash. The chief added that
the matter is still under investi-
On Thursday police received a
report that a small truck had
been stolen from Bridge Motors.
Allan Bridge said that he had
been working on the truck the day
before and returned on Thursday
morning and found the truck
missing. Th eshicle was later
located by police but the matter
is still being investigated.
On Saturday evening police
were called to the Manor Hotel
after the owner, Al Watson,
became suspicious about iden-
tification being shown by a youth
on the premises. Const. Ed Daer
said the young man, who twos
indeed under legal drinking age,
had not attempted to order any
liquor but simply wanted to listen
to the hand appearing at the
hotel. The youth left quietly when
police arrived, While in the hotel
police also ejected two other men.
after the owner informed police
that they were barred from the
On August 23, James Alton of
Wingham, was charged with
having liquor in a place other
than his residence pursuant to the
Liquor Control Act after police
found quantities of liquor in his
During the week the police also
laid three speeding charges and
charged one woman with driving
while her licence was under sus-
Chief Miller reported that
police are conducting an investi-
gation following a complaint by a
young girl that a cyclist in town
intentionally . ran her down while
she was walking on Josephine St.
on Sunday. Police did not reveal
the name of the girl involved and
declined to say whether or not
they had any suspects in the case.
68,250, grant
approved for
engineering study
The Honourable Leo Bernier,
minister of natural resources,
announces the approval of a
provincial grant in the amount of
$8,250 to the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority to carry
out a preliminary engineering
study of the Bluevale Darn on the
Little Maitland River at
At present the dam and
reservoir provide recreatign such
as swimming, boating and fishing
in the Conservation Area. The
data is in a state of disrepair.
The study will Inelude an
,astessMent of the structural
condition of the dant" reoom-
rendations for remedial
measures and cost estimates for
the repair •
All member municipalities
have been designated as
benefitting and will be levied the
Autiborlty s share of the cost.
rolia visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben McClenaghan, having
previously been at Beaver
Lumber taking inventory.. He has
been given a promotion in. Beaver
Lumber which will necessitate
his living in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs.'Hgrb Bunter and
Ansodent powder's
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This 40 -page booklet provides details
of the part-time courses offered this fall
at Conestoga's Seven Centres.
of the Tabloid
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copy of The Tabloid, phone the Continuing Education De-
partment of the Clinton Centre.
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