HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-08-29, Page 2Wroxeter Personals /Ora. Nora Matt and Harold ceded the graduation exer- cises at Credit Valley School of Nursing, Mississauga, when Heather Moffatt graduated in a clam 01 aoH acether hastbeen�y accepted at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs Roaa Toman attended decoration . services at New Dimdee on Sunday and Mrs. Ivan Sararas of that village returned home with theca for a visit. She is a sister of Mr. Anbesol is a handy first aid treatment for the relief of denture pain. It cools. soothes and helps prevent infection. And puts the smite back on your face. Toman.. Mrs. Clarence Clement, who has been a patient in Wim and District Hospital for the past week, expects to be home soon. Miss Ruth -Ann Oakley, Reg. N., of Toronto spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Millar and her brother Tommy, returned to Toronto with her where be attended the Exhibition and also visited his other sister, Mrs, Pete Shipman, Reg. N., and Mr. Shipman. Mr. and Mrs. • George Gallagher, Leamington, and Mrs. H. McMillan, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Manuel, Seaforth, visited their aunt, Miss Hazel Sparling, on Saturday. Peter and Danny Isabelle, Toronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement. Miss Sandy Isabelle, who was visiting here, returned home with them. Church services will resume in Wroxeter United Church at 10 a.m. Sunday when the new minister, Rev. Wesley Ball, will welcome the congregation. .. onst pated. Chew feen•A-Mitt. It's a chewing gum laxative that's gently effective. And pleasant tasting. It's one laxative evefyone can take. So don't suffer from irregularity, Reach fora gentle lakatsve. • 'faen•,A•,Mint, Nowell 0.0 Feediilnint L AXATIVM .. cwai.,6'v»,ew sows roamer G0' saritee w-'.o*MM}W~ Vee have a good selection of WESTEEL-ROSCO, GRAIN BINS available for immediate :k ' delivery ►Ur prices are on a delivered and we, have erection �dcCs available . tno charge, or Ileto job, for .II da the tom :iu ,a "d � t M 'a. a �i v aq.• d a. a q. 1 r; � rte n 'ft �� .'� - v-- A u# A ; i � i •.arra �._ ;yeti. ,i, N,�ta• :-B ',L, g. bb: 4'a . a � .y'Fk�'.•' 4ty� .Y . 'i,,•1 7. c_.� .9'a'.•g- .a.�J4 n..n.. �i ,"„+ .. ?,f - 1'/Ifs Ana � � ,..r.i�e•., 'i FA SYSTEMS IBERLEY, ONTARIO 3954286. �TT vikriout BvaltOdt 14$110iiaktiGIES involved in the Northern Stocker ' F , r�yya� � 004+*t+���y,�, �'R their'f�' Sake. To au* .buyera '0( fes' catty In •m the hat UK et the Northern Fes' Sale!, the co-ordinating committee has spaced their sales over d, .reasonably long period, of tom. 'VW will note the first Sale held et Wiarton on Thursday, Sept -5 and the Sale ht at. Manitoulin on Monday,. Oct. 21. All sale committees have continued to improve their sale facilities. Theft now along with South River, New Liskeard and Ville Maxie, have covered and sale rings, Ail �; - ve, at least, a covered sale ring or stands. More Im- portant northern beef produce are continuing to improve their • stook through; the use of A.I. or Performance Tested Sires. Summer showerel'have yielded • excellent northern Ontario pastures and so cattle are in gam' The Grey -Bruce Livestock Co- Operative. willhave larger .sales than had been expected. They hive MOO head consigned for each of the first two ogee;. - dot test'7Se " 5, ay,•T ate � 1000 a.m, at Wiarton i Sept;•19, Thursday, 10:00,a.m. at Wiarton; Sept.36, dnes, 1.0;00 m. • at Thessa lonWe; Sepdayt. 26, Thursdaya., '9:20. a.m.. at Manitoulin. (Little • Ctrrrent); -Sept.30,Monday,11:00 a.m. at Amos; Oct 1; Tuesday,. 10:00 a.m. at La Sarre (Dupuy);'' Oct. 1, Tuesday 10:00 a.m. at La 'Sarre (Dupuy);. Oct. 2, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.. at Ville Marie; Oct. 3, Thursday, 11:00 a.m. at New I,askeard•; Oct' 4, Friday, 10:00 a,m. at South River; Oct,. 10, , Thursday,, •10:00.. a,m, at *iarton; Oct. 17, . Tours- day..1i 00' a.m;. at South River; and ;Oct. 21,.Monday, ;1:00.p.m. ►t Manitoulin -(Little Current). 41 nmesommosommismomor ' Seven sizes, in ;stock Over twenty sizes oailobles Cash Discounts for Payment on Delivery ORDER NOW from I:RTE I.N DELIVERY . IMMEDIATELY Erection Equipment Available - No Charge AOR THE BEST PRICES ANYWHERE Call Collect - Walkerton 8814187 both the work of the late POSTER FROM WORLD WAR 1 -This poster and poerrlr Claytn, Duff'of Bluevale, were brought into our office by Jim Walker of Listowel. The ball game rbferred to was a benefit game for the Red Cross during 'World War I, probably in 1915 or 1916. • BLUE 'YALE Gt11tLS..VS. • JAMESTOWN GIRLS • Upon a Summer's evening, • Monday, August twenty-third, A sound of wild and woolly cheers in Bluevale .could be heard: For all the town and countryside had come ,to see the game, Which promised to the winners, victory and deathless fame. The Jamestown girls blew into town 'neat)) Charlie Forrest's wing, j The Bluevale girls rolled up their 'sleeves-'. and jumped into the A manfrom Phil ° ' :r 1 brave and fearless chap, With a heavy life insurance,. said he'd referee- the scrap: The Jamestown girls were whitewashed first, a cheer went up, blit then It wasn't many minutes till they whitewashed back again It looked l as if a deadlock were destined to Spoil the, fun, . When in the second innings Annie Spence secured a run, That changed the hick for Bluevale, ' Carrie Diluent got one too, • Irene MacEwaii followed suit, before those girls were through The team in middy blouses had their rivals in the air, The Umpire smiled at Jamestown but he got the stony stare. But do not think the Bluevale girls did all the stunts in sight, That Mary Smith, of Jamestown, , as a catcher was a fright. From Greenland% icy mountains to Africa s sunny coast, There's Smiths and Smiths and Smiths and Smiths, a countless host; There's Smiths in Andalusia and there's Smith's in Ceylon's Isle, But catching balls, this Mary Smith has got 'em skinned a mile, And when Miss Elsie Johnston whirled a ball across the plate, The big League pitchers we have • known seemed punk and out-of- date. The batters wildly pawed the air and droppedout one by°•one As little Elsie staked them bullets from a gun. And at the bat she proved her skill as well as with. the .mitt: They're finding' balls in Wingi%aul yet that Elsie' Johnston hit: r f Among the other Johnston gir - belonging to the pippy, • There was Martha, there w Margaret :, and there=, :P e° ti.•` Adeline •u:liiiLt. .. _.e , 'Y'was M .. sailed around the bases th .. f. May Burke' came in behind?, r )• ti*r c with' a whoop of victory; The Miss MdDona1d's {did their ,,. PUBLIC METING THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, &OO P.M. REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE TO CONSIDER AMMENDMENT N0. 9 TO TNF HURON COUNTY OFFICIAL PLAN CONCERNING LOT SIZE STANDARDS. AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a • Thirty-nine prospecting per, mits covering seven million acres in the Northwest Territories have been issued for 1974, an increase of more than 100 per cent over 1973. • .Oh. eerie 44< sial Coup SI ,, ► erti0 044005 meow elm. Mos. `o6wow' tevitire suowma .exact~ lie eAll 114 nNt lass , #W1n 01.4,0 CLIP THESE COUPO Por competepthelp with your Mortgago Requirements 1 r :• Per anent or' Interi mm COMMERCIAL-RES$D,ENTIAL =Bulider and lion ie Owner To .purchase or renovate'to consolidate and '• redriee monthly payments . AL`I THE PROFESSIONALS Listowe#,r 291 p47,40 YOpen Nl an•,thriu`'lrre:, t l a. n. to 43.0 On: Atter :hoiu r$ oreven ngs•call Bill'RoO 356=2319 te:Henderson, Kltchener,,$79-5705 Township of Howicl FOR THE YEAR To the Members of Council, 'Trhsbitat'its And Ratepayers of the Corporation'ot the Township of Howick. �y 6 ialL We have eaatt+insett . "<c Iia dbrporation of the Township of Howick•which are Baton t1i attached' index. Our examinationincluded a general review of the accountin$•procedure and such tests of accounting record* and.other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstencee. Our examination of the books and records of the Intel•-boa:0de reported on etatementa 4.4 to 4'-5 respectively, was 4intited to an examination of the, receipts and,diebursements as =corded in the books of the l,oca7, boards. • • In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly•the financial position of the Corporation of the Town- • ship of Herrick adn its local boards as at December 31, 1973 •and•t'he results=of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. • best, Miss -Payne •prep :out for �• gore ._ But after that, naught they could A do would raise that little score. • For at the bat they.°ld to face MisS Lillian McCall, • While Maymie Messer caught them. out on nearly every ball; They very •seldom got to first for Mary King. was. there, At second,.Mrs. Abram was those. Jamestown girls despair, While Annie Dimenit in the field was one complete surprise, And tanglefoot had nothing on Mayne Stewart for catching flies And when -the Umpire waved his hat and said the' game was through, ' • • • The Bluevale girls had made three runs, the Jamestown girls but tvvo. It's always sad what happens to these reckless Umpire chaps, But while„ the friends and rela- tives were picking up the scraps, Two maidens fair passed through the crowd that hwig upon the fence And gathered in for Red Cross Funds, twelve dollars and some cents. Lakelet r.. Listowel, Ontario March 7, 1974 • License to 4464. STATEME`rr OF REVENUE AND• EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31.19=3 -Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year Expenditure General government , protection to persons and property Transportatiorrtervices , Environmental services • Conservation of health Social and family services • Recreation and community services • Community planning and development Financial expenses Region or county - share of expenditure Education . • Other Miss Elizabeth Stoll returned home from a six-week vacation in Alberta. • Lakelet I 4-H will be starting their club soon, "The Club Girl Entertains". All young ladies aged 12 or over by the first of September are welcome to at- tend. For further information call Mrs. Werner Stoll or Mrs. Lyle Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis returned from a conducted bus tour to Newfoundland and the eastern provinces. A surprise birthday party was held .Wednesday, August 21, for Arnold Baumgarten of Driftwood Beach. Attending were Dr. and Mrs. Morley and daughters of Vulcan, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baumgarten and family of Mit- chell; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baum- garten and family of Howiek; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baumgarten and daughter of Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. A. Baumgarten of Water- loo; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stoll and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Delnerling and Miss Susan Gallo- way of Toronto. . Revenue Taxation Contributions from other governments Other Accumulated net revenue (Menial • amend of the year Analysed as follows: General revenue Special charges Special areas • Police villages STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS for the r aur .nded December 31. 197 3 Vnffaanced capital outlay (Uisespended cipital financing) at the bagienfng of the year Capital outlay cnpitalexoenditure General government Protection to persons end property Transportation services Environmental services Conservellon of health social and family services Recreation and community services Community planning and development Other Transfers to others Opital lb saesUag. Long term liabilities hkurred Contributions front other governments Contributions from lite avenue fund Cgdnilnttb holo reserve funds and reeenee Odle 1<liliibaed (*day i11aespes ed +rm,lW ureal dfathesada they're 1973 y (1,506) • '17,027 • 15,538 • 133,506 • 2,312 • 1,045 8,950 • 357 • 82,973 139,666 287,800 119,019 • _418;231 -- (4,143) (20,921) 1,122 15,656 1972, i - 93,198 • • 14,800 • 13,161 . 193,643 1,531 • 65 • 3,809 41,635 866,002299 132;780 119.31.4 4r_,__, 294,682 .-95,,132 15x7) •.• . 539_ 1973 i nil 32,850 • 35,734 15,400 $3.984 . 15,400 32,550 45,986 G Q7A3h 1 2�..fu.ra.rrr (1,506)_ (14+) • 530 12,261 1972 nil k 26,820 . 10,600 37,E 10,600 26;820 4 37,420 1 nil • besets 10arreal eaaafs Cosh • .Ackopntsi ceivab1e Taxes receivable' • Other current assets Capital outlay to be swiveled la fxtur+e.years Other long tNfw seeds liabilities Curry tihtig hies Temporary loans . Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Net long tern liabilities Reserves end raservs funds Accua,dated est remise (deScit) sad unapplied capital receipt NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1973 • 3 70,733 41,890 • 13,389 • 77,198 29,a10 30,068 20,835 . 77,198 66,000 9,109 200 tot , 3 . 29,003 • A,094- 24,193 1►,098-24,193 e7s4 69,05ti.0 20,065 . 2,735• • 69,050 • 66,000 1. Charges ,four Net lona Term Liabiljiea Total charges for the year for net longterm liabilities were As follows: Principal payments Interest • !__ 7,2527,� The total chargee above were municipality and see included inexpenditureeclassifral ied under nues fthe e appropriate functional headings. 2. Basin of Consolidation The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund and the capital fund of the eunicipslity. Trust fund assets administered by the municipality, amounting to $10r716 have not been consolidated nor'have the assets and liabilities of any local boards of the municipality. 3. Net Long Term Liabilities Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and out- standing at the end of the year amount to $373,190 of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility -for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of Net long tern liabilities at the end of the year 4. Capital may to be Recovera d in hitt ome ee outlay does not representtee • revenues, as it is to be recovered in future eon general unieipsl chargee Ing landowners to on benefitting y alt s198ial the amount of !77,195 Under the sic leave bene: t • ".' , unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may become entitled to a cash payment when they leave the municipality's employment. The liability for these acchauiated days, to the extant thatt have vested and could be taken in cash by an employee On te;l� ind amounted to 52r932 at the end of the year. No provision has been r erode for this liability. 5, 1974. 'rhe do tr this amount $16,2 capital funds of the in 1974 from the tprroo grants and donationsto ,L• I.,. II ltirlf�' ed to complete a community centre in the centre amount to $390,039. Of Odd to December 31, 1973 hos the Toa debenture issue f $175 000 Surty and the balance is to be d capital fund of the eunioi,ity. 4 •