HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-08-22, Page 7Hal CLASS' IN APPEARANCE 0 fo° 4 4 el WANT LAST YEARS THINGS' TO LOOK LIKE NEW? • LET GIVE THEM A REFRESHER *COURSE. . • OUR DRY CLEANING METHODS WILL RESTORE THEIR BEAUTY.. READNIAN CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR 318 JOSEPIIIINE WINGIIAM moinimir .o,...:6zWNOW2iftnniWR HAIR COLOURING All SHADES LOVING CARE. REG.265 TOOTH PASTE 1,tt, 181V'4, ' MO id.. STICK DEODORANT OLD SPICE REG. 1.50 .89 J & J 7S's BAND AIDS BATH SIZE ZEST tI REG 1.37 .79 3/.99 :TOILET BOWL CLEANER LYSOL 16 oz. .53 TRIANGLE I N T PATE/VI AVID/C/Aef C. • CO 3 -*//7C • TOBA((OS Opal 9 a.m. to 9. p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Sh MIMI 111111111111 or X. ted over M. Vtity• of the othibits and the , R. Rost In Sllow ar*" any direction): Fi * over 5' any direction); M40,041, J. Melding, P. *PC Vairl. arrange/4W Of ennttels for dilling ntaal e P. lki'xs. P. it noaaidion ealloet$43 C. F 109): I. Mory, ra, orsyth, *wog mew Jo which :they first Tersyth, ihird; c Bennett; Pansies for coffee diSe" voiltite flowers, arrange.: were displayed. Them were , MAW* Or pUrPle: C. tall* 11 l'l‘enth "nt T1 and' year, and entries fOtiged 1N/, other Angus, a lisor. mrssitiimin,' MeKagoevidi whi.a, irerYtb; Janet Yieldng, with* was 7 46 from In& syth; three IMMO W n t itrmode""en—Awmcontainrarnmpj, . • exhiK. bitors, up eight from last Axgue; mewing; any Norman; container of accessories suitable for Tante": The judge or the show 'was the variety: J. Denald*On i IL - Fielding X Moglell-,C Forsyth* F ft forty ' , ,. ,. f* Rev. J. W. Siebert of Stratford. log, B. PellaldSen; three...,,,,..1011- arrangemen_ t of perennials not grows and the judge's clerk was Afrs, attwe, saMe color, /erne vararv: over lir': /.. ,E.Mmidell, , L'Iliella f f il ed the social cimtacts; Much in- !Wadi'', T. Coll*, E., Mundell; paradise', an white newerls1.10. gathered at the home of Mr. and terest was evidencedin-the plents pink, red or chteago Peace: 1. eluding wergreens and acces„ Mrs. Aitchison Wallace, Clifford, on Sunday afternoon for a picnic f.sfarifn CI'Otier. ' ' E, Fielding; five ruhlhiture, Off- P. Angus; 4‘Reflections", water Or Olt ' y , Aftenioon tea was owed to a ,ferent colors: X. riel,_._41411,_ part of design: J. Mehl*, 11, ' Fifty rela goodly number and many enjoy- Roses --Peace, 1 U•101"4114 F. E. Voir, Mrs. K. Ifclfsgue; AI/inter — tIvaa and friends for sale table, 'and the nuillerdus Bennett, I. Morrey, Mi Ilichard. sories, suitable for mant,e1: J. . . attendance draws, Mr. Stewart. son; Tee, white er neer:, E. Fielding, /dr*. K. NielCa011e' ' t:t andandt6.! faamitilwirthiviauricloWallathecire • '' .Beettle. WI* the doer Prize, 4' iiitehte, Mrs. Rip 00Y, P.° Anglia; 1110rrey' -"VOW 016% l'hing'T ar* ' ' - ' prior ' ' fraMed Settire.. The (1)4aw of most . Tea, red: Airs, R. Goy, J. 1)eneltl" rangeM'on't fors . zilen °air 4„ departure for. their home. #1. 14* interest was the fnemberahl._ p., son, F. E. Madill; Tea, Yellow: Fielding, F. .g., Madill; l'Autuinn' - , ' to ' Angeles Calif. Maurice has been draw for a Don Vain Painting Mrs, R. Goy, It. Bennetti,, Tea, Festival" arrangement to in.. visiting the past two weeks with During the afternoon -family o # • which was won by Antal A. pink: E. Ritchie, T. CeelleltoMios elude fruit: 1. Morrey,.J. Field- his Parents' * WilSon, Shute'. Street. A.. Henry; Tea, flay other' ColOr: nonsensical creature: The thanks of the officers and Miss A. Henry, F. Vair, Mrs. K. McKague, Wil- mrs. waliace were presented, Li"; ' pictpreit were talten.and Mr. and direttorti goes to the many people Donaldson; Floribunda, red: R. son. w110 belPed in Milny waYs te 'Bennett P , P. Angus:Floribunda melte the sheW one of the m successful held. If the society's secretary migh be permitted to make a comMen Vegetables — Beans, green:• S, Donaldson, Mrs. L. Campbell, E, Ritchie; Beans, yellow: S. Don- • aldson, J. Donaldson, P. Angus; Beets: K. Fieldi4,1Virs, G. Bax. ter, J.' Donaldson; Cabbage; J Donaldson, P. Angus, Mrs. L Campbell; Carrots: P. Angus, C Forsyth, Mrs. G. Baxter; Cu cumbers, slicing: E. Fielding, C Forsyth, M. Grant; Cucumbers pickling: C. Forsyth, Mrs. G Baxter; Corn, sleet: Mrs. Baxter, C. Forsyth; Green Pep per s: P. Angus, E. Fielding, C. Forsyth; Onions, from sets: C. Fo th, P. us, E. • 'fig, Sqiiash: D. Vair, Mrs. G. Baxter, ! os t any other coior:P ,. AngUS, Wil- son, any other type: P, Angus It (perpetual.); GrandifloraE t Mundell. after overhearing the rernar "The horticultural society:mus ,make a lot of money," we woul hasten to say we spend a lot o money to plant and Maintain tb beds at the hospital, the, bank corner, the town hall and othe points within the town of Wing halt'. It costs to have a success flower show, a judge and a prii list. Aside from this the executiv ,finds it a gratifying and reward Ing effort to provide free hortic tural advice, and we are pleas to be able to provide this service to our tosvnspeople. The winnersat the show on Saturday follows: Annuals — Antirrhinum (Snap- dragon):, E. Mundell, E. Nor- man, P. Angus; Asters: T. Cas- lick, Mrs. R. Goy, E. Ritchie; Cosmos, old fashioned: C. For- syth, Mrs. L. Campbell; Cosmos, orange: E. Fielding, E. Ritchie, P. Angus; *Marigolds, large: I. Morrey, R. Bennett, P. Angus; Marigolds, dwarf: Mrs. G. Bax- • °ter, Z. Hopwood, M. Grant; Phlox (perennial): Mrs. L. Campbell, French,,L Morreyr.Petunias, ii„singleamlid.color:IDIThea, E. .(Normak.. Baxtery Pe- tunias, single, tones: E. Norman, M. Grant, Mrs. R. Goy; Petunias, double: P. Angus, R. Bennett, Mrs. R. Goy; Zinnias, giant; Mrs. G. Baxter, D. French, Z. Hop- wood; Zinnias, cactus: Mrs. R. Goy, C. Forsyth, Mrs. K. Mc- Kague; Zinnias, dwarf: S. Don- aldson, J. Donaldson, M. Grant; any other annual: C. Forsyth, M. Grant, P. Angus. Dahlias --Cactus, 1 'bloom: Mrs. K. McKague, E. Norman, E. • Ritchie; Cactus, 3 blooms: C. Forsyth, P. Angus; semi -Cactus, 1 bloom: C. Forsyth, second; semi -Cactus, 3 blooms: Mrs. L. Campbell, I. Morrey, J. Donald- son; Decorative; under 6", 1 bloom: E. Norman, C. Forsyth, E. Ritchie; Decorative, under 6", 3 blooms: E. Ritchie, M. Grant; Decorative, 6" and. over; 1 bloom: P. Angus, J. Donaldson, T. Caslick; Decorative, 6" and over, 3 blooms: M. Grant, C. For. syth; Pompon (Not over 2" dia. 5 blooms: P. Angus, E. Ritchie; any other variety, 3 blooms: Mrs. K. McKague, Mrs. L. Campbell, Plants --African Violet, t double: E. Norman, E. Mundell, d R. Bennett; Coleus: L. Dustow, f D. Connell, Mrs. L. Campbell; e Geranium in bloom; L: DttstOW, M. Cleland; collection three non. ✓ blooming: M. Cleland; Ouse - plant in bloom: D. Connell Mrs. ul L. Campbell, E. Mundell; ,ouse e plant, non -blooming: E. Ritchie,I e M. Wilson, M. Cleland; Cacti: M. Wilson; E. Fielding. Arrangements — MiniatUre roses, (arrangement not over 4" . L. Campbell; Tomatoes, with gifts marking their 45th wedding anniversary. The family = broeticIteliaCilotheirrfathea r a with 45-year rndsvisited tie tack from Brant- ford, North Bay, Listowel, FordWieh and Pidmereteht On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips of Port Credit visited at the Wallace home. Maurice and his family left by motor on Tuesday morning. —weekend guests of MF.and Mrs, Har7 Genie were Mrs. George Phillips toid daug,hter of (S ' the: Wingham Masonic Lodge On,‘ Obrktre St; The Avinningt Vancouver. Mrs. Mary Vii- of Belgrave " !ff.f THIS NONSENSICAL creature ,W05 rated &St in IN categotY. in The annual *Wloghani. Horticultural Society's Flower Show. The shOw w0i held Oiri,SaNrckiYaftOneon creature was the product of some mills on the Pt of THIS FLOWER -arrangement not only won first place in its division 'at this year's Horticultural Society Flower Show On Saturday but the all white arrangeinent was also chosen Best in Show by Judge J. W. Siebert of Stratford. The arrangement was entered by Mrs. Fieldin (Stff Photo) I Stock up Now 111 Canadian Pittsburgh Pain 1. 15 1 110DGINS-McDONALD NORTH STREET WINGHAM 1 Phone 3574650 % OFF AA. BUNDALL ASSOCIATE STORE 1 1 J. W. SIEBERT of Stratford was this year's I udge at the annual Wingham Society.Flbwer Show on Saturday. The flowers were ludged before the show public during the afternoon. The displays ran the gamut from simple annual t• o complicated artistic arrangements. Horticultural opened to the plants in pots (Staff Photo) Mr. end Mrs. Otto Burlington, visitedmr. and Stewart Higgins at the Mrs. N.4. liarfray, man visited her sister, ma. Edward Gibson, for a week recently. • Miss Gertrude Hamilton iaurie VanVelsor. FtObert Kincardine, was, a weekend with Mrs, Laurie VanVelser. Mr. •and Airs. Gordon Al)/ne. and daughter,",Saskatoon, Saskachewan Lloyd Sage, Listowel, visited and Mrs. Ross Tymnan. Gordon (Pete) Yeo is a pati London Hospital. His hiends hope he will return home soon better health in • n at • home 01 their daught. Mr. latra".2 Tom shiie, ''0Mit.,r-vatfdr:Mrs. D. D Cambridge, (Galt) and Mr. old • Mrs. S. Clift, Toronto, were weekend goats with the ladies' ent mother; Mrs. Edward Gibson. Recent guests with Mr. and in Mrs. ROBS Toman Were Elgin and Wallace 'roman of Flattsville and Mr. and ih.s. Dan Douglas, Nevi Hamburg resPectivel Burlington, spent Thursday and ' . Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Vern Clark: Dr. and Mrs. M. T -Macfarland, Winnipeg and grandiori, David Imrie of England, Dr. Frank Allan, Boston, Mass, and George Allan, Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Matthews, Cambridge (Preston), spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toman. Mrs. Fraser Pollock and Todd of Bramalekand Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hayes, Brockville, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson, Dundas, spent from Wednesday to Friday with his sisters, Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson. Allan Griffith and Miss Hazel Sparling attended the garden wedding of Miss Linda Hutton, Durham, daughter of Mrs. Louis Hutton, Wingham, to Donald Storrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Storrey, all of Durham on Saturday, August 17, and the reception in Brussels Legion Hall. Terry Higgins, Stratford, is vacationing with his grand- . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins. If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know. which way to turn, call the I.T0 hostess at 357-3275 You'll be glad you did. mg DECOR SINIOPPE will be August 26 to September 3 THE DECOR SUPPE Jo”phint Street Wirightirre