The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-07-11, Page 15DAVIDSON WELL oe WHAM DRILLING LTD. =701 SATr lipCIJSTOMIMS Nag ISO THROW NaitATIONS } ARM. TOWN 0001 COUNTItY HOME QYAMits ICOft . You $1,600. $20,000,11 , , ;If. you coo + ro t ►.pay nt . of $2 If .1�r70 ou' may booin rro .N ;r R A • Il N R .. �.f. t ... 4 .... f.. R' • f. A! .K �, ►�$1,400 ' ,50 You ,. y-. R1 ofla i M R. iR k ,. • R ! 1 b� 1:.1 _ *.., y . 5a ► A • • . N �1. �4 . $4,000 $65 944 you 'rosy . craw �•• fR•R Nf ff: as ;. a, T�., .f Re'R a.R.t♦f •�,y 0: ,02.29 you may - 'Tow .r�t .aal...f R►. ... 11 .!.�. A, i.R.►ArN.1f#;4.$1, oft .'Om above Loans based 15'h percent per annum . 5 Yr, Term. -7.40 Yr. Arnortlza tiort Borrow for any Worthwhile purpose: To Ceitsolldate your debts, fix the car, buy cattie, or p cotfagel F o-.Courfeeei Services-7-f'loa►se Calle 'PALMEIRSTON 3434432 Gerald H Wolfe Representing Arnoki Highrnon Realty. Ltd Kitchener, 1-519-744-625 1 Nfember of'Ontarlo mortgage Brokers' Association ' • !'Hy MUSH AWAY? ENJOY FUN AT HOME '"'; Trpjan All Aluminum Pool *2" thick insulated walls *lifetime warranty *vinyl coping • *does not chip or rust *vermiculite insulated base *safety lanes *deep end filtration 71/2 "free slide with any order taken. July 1st to 15th YOU ARE VERY WELCOME TO SEE OUR POOL ON. DISPLAY be. '.::dk .�:.�t. E..�we rnl i.+. .r S.�r N ��NS Mitchell 348.9948 PHOTO FUN Print filin m neer �vas, am �, ratlike)* Of looked at once, 'ham � bolter ake" B box or two", without thou , of a, fut re critical" need, Negatives and cies, particularly, :: " Oeive special cam. ftints can be -ced re is a negative, and If it can be found when :needed. 1 , of course,to copy old Pietliree and: produce .* new. negative, but it ks asiian ilk that quality of pho tograPbY must deccline'at least tly' with every °genet- � i,�, erre* ation er�'re 1 , Requirement* for aiorage not t . , e� . , ditficul twAll that is.:. needed is a' cool, th'y, and fair- ly , dark place. Negatives should not be stored in iced envelopes if it can be avoided. But, if .t ey must be, then the back, or shiny, side ;should be • against the "emulsion" or dull side of the negative, The dull,or, emulsion, side is the picture, If the dull side is stored to another dull side then you have images rubbing against each other to scratch and otherwise mar any future picture. A very simple filing system that works is to store °noga tives in • glassine and num- beret! envelopes'The order is unmaterial. You ,; can start with No.1 in Your lastgroup of slides or negatives sand your old ones can be up in the 500's or 1,000's. The trick is an alphabetical card index which Is keyed to numbers. Thus, •'you have an index: card which•. says "Betty," or "John," or "Ele- phants" or "Mons. Then, on that card yOu.Ojil have the numbers • of all of the nega- tives you've ever trade of “Betty.,, With your negativesin numerical orde"r you may take envelopes from three or four drawers over a period of 10 years,'but,; they'll tures" . " The 4R r Gar".? t croscd "see Party," °or "see' girls." But it is possible with a single Spi for the week index drawer to ' in a.file negatives or more. • The NM master be used to and color negatives, and . if the numbers oa card are in red, for 1 it will tell you without • it up that there negative. And, itin green then It will be ,aycolor slide "Betty," Of ,curse this, MOOS your slides are filed,, too, numerical order. And look up subject matter to them. Whenou: e ,up . a slide show You dex card ''. bers.which have been W out of the ,files and are now `in projector Magazines!. You Can p?b'cle a slide number on .the Ude* card and taw the& It ia in ashow, and your "Show" card willtellyouwhere to find that Particular transpare % : A. lot of hard work? Not *bit of it, l at indexing : of a negative or :slide file - is a "spare time" winter night_;; which makes it possible to en. • joy your pictures 4 least once a. 1 1 Ile you re putting ems► a' ay. /' Then 'es the day when u need picture in a hurry =` - that ' e of John when he playing with his.rponythat a pony paper wants to use with the picture of him in a football unifoarm. You'll find it under "John," or under "Pony" or both. And even though the origi- nal picture is old, fadedand beaten up because it has been kicked around in drawers you can dig out the negative and make a print which probably is far better than the first one — because now you know more about making pictures. Take a „little time and save a lot of frustration — and have more fun. Are there times novels and tense?x mow there are, Bet Yott AMY remedy * tight feeling sybiclo sometimes tam ? is one formula can give peace of mind. Peat statim -three every day and yoi sha have that peace,. • "And the peace or God, whichpasseib all understand. Ing, shaltkeep ..your:hearts and print Je- 0 r U D 1 1. .Al�lfs ChelMors A AAA Super92 0111011 SAO 327 TIMELESS PHOTO �- Negatives of pictures ' which are timeless because they are just appealing years after being. taken are : the kind that shotijd be filed. This photo of a family pet is an example. A filingsystem is a necessity to preserve valuable -Work, H. RDON GREEN Here is a sillyilittle story whit if it proves nothing else, th point out the infinite 'variety lcurious and unpredictable co plications which . so oftenbes marFiedb iss. Seems that this couple`had been living. a quiet a peaceable `life on a small farm down in. the Bible belt of N Scotia • and • neither seemed have any regrets that drama a high adventure bad passed the by. Lizzie: vias a devout woma t, and a faithfal member of one those awesomely strict churches • which: is so relentless in th pursuit of holiness that sin wool probably be ' extinct in'tha province were it not for th tourists. John .on the other ban lion horses and mulles to re- _,,�kwas a retired seaman who, in uta ; ti rut �� t VA Pis . wife'' : ,;prayers, plac,e:'rt1e,m; . accordin5;�.. persisted in smoking and saying Sperry' New Holland Division of Sperry Rand Corp. in and hiding a bottle of rum in the haymow. But he was a good provider and he ; peeled the potatoes on the Sunday mornings when Lizzie was in church and even though the marriage was a deadlock between saint. and sinner they probably got along quite as well as the couples which are supposed to be compatible, Came this tragic day however when John climbed the ladder into ,his haymow once too often, or maybe he took one rum -snort too many and he slipped off the ladder and•broke his leg. "Well," Lizzie told him after the. leg was in a cast and suitably hoisted, "that's the wages of sin!" It soon 'became . painfully evident however that Lizzie was being punished more than her husband was, because while John was propped up comfortably on the kitchen couch with some back h, that ' old fedora .° of ,.'mine and ay pretend you was me? Maybe that of would work." m_ ' Well it didnbt work. Not at first et .. anyhow. It didn't, work Until John oId remembered that. Lizzie didn't nd ..stroke a pipe. "Come to think of it," John told her, "the ve first No thing he'd do whenI come to that to gate was to life his head and an Laches and Gentlernen . . l !Wye + fr cel traitor i you� fes, sod is for you. NCINGT I AN. N antic es to your car slniply' pulil tree herspa op #c► 4 Ofl 0 Consult. pttar«° sn" ' m. So after sotne desperate apolo- in, gizing to the Lord, Lizzie ,stoked of up her old man's pipe, and just as she was turning green behind the e ' gills, up came the. calf for 'his d ersatz meal. t But that isn't the, end °Of the e story. The tragic part came when nd the word got tiround to the pious brethrendown at -the church}that Siatertajnie ' ,-' .�'�'�. "then . smoking ..the, ,wicked . -weed . not Once, but several times_ And a. pipe at that! Meaning that she had net only been sinful but un- womanly as well! So the minister droppedy soon after and he got Lizzie into the parlour and down on her knees for a little season of prayer about the matter. He. didn't 'kick her out of the church, maybe because of the extenuating cir- cumstances, maybe because John hollered in from his couch in the kitchen that if his Liz got excommunicated he'd kick the. living hell. out of that minister, busted leg or not. Which is a shameful way to talk to a man of God really,. but I think that if I had been sharing John's reading material with him just then I would have been tempted to say amen and hallelujah. Sure sinoking's a sin. But it's not as big a sin as letting a whole hideful of beef rot in the field. • HORSE: POWER If farmers decided to save . ". energy by abandoning their tractors, it would. take 27 mil- I,i11 II 1 ::"" '\\'''' \ \` '` ,''' • ' \ \�' THIS IS THE WORLD OF CARE: Providing nutritious food for school children and pre-schoolers, health ser- vices for the sick, and handicapped, facilities and equipment for basic schooling and technical training, tools and equipment for community endeav- ours. Your support of CARE makes such things possible for millions of individ- uals around the world. One dollar per person each year would doitl CARE -CANADA 63 Sparks OTTAWA (Ont.) KIP 6A6 issues of Playboy generously provided for the occasion by One of the dirty old men of the town; Lizzie had to do all the chores. She had to feed the hens, milk the cow, baby-sit when the old sow went into maternity, and God knows what else. And God seemed to see her safely through all her new trials and tribulations but that of feeding the calf. Now the calf inhabitated the little pasture back of the potato patch and John had no trouble at all when the job was his. He simply went out to the gate with his pail of warm milk -replacer,, called once or twice and lit up his pipe while the calf made up his mind whether he wanted to try another swig of that guck in the pail or not. After all, modern milk -replacer has no more real milk in it than modern ice cream has real cream, and believe it or not it is even less appetizing. So the calf was inclined to be pretty independent at feeding time, but for John he always came eventually. But for Lizzie he wouldn't come at all, and since it was impossible to catch him, it looked for a time as if the calf would die of its own damn foolishness. "I swear to goodness gracious but he's bent on starving to death ! " Lizzie said. Which, with the price of beef going up faster than the price of gas, gave John occasion to do some . of his more serious thinking, and he finally decided that the reason that calf didn't come up out of the pasture for Liz'zle was because Lizzie didn't look Fight. "Maybe he was taking his breakfast from me just to do nye• a favour," he said. "Now Lizzie, tomorrow morning why don't you put on my overalls and Together - without him (Continued from page 1) Committee of Adjustment which is now in charge of minor variances within the munici- pality since the county land divi- ton board took over the respon- sibility of land severances about two months ago. She is chairman of the North Wellington Planning Board; as well. Mrs. MacLellan was charter member of the Horticultural Society in Mount Forest in 1953 and soon • afterwards secretary, treasurer, first vice-president, then president and is now past - president as well as chairwoman of public planning for the Society. Still, with all of these de- manding interests, her son Peter says, "I have never once felt ne- glected." Her community efforts are her relaxation, "My form of relaxa- tion comes from the activities I have outside of the business." Eike Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. MacLellan puts the emphasis on togetherness`and co-operation. "1 think complete co-operation be- tween a man and woman is most important. Only then can you tru- ly be working together for each other. "There are things women can- not do without men," she says. Operating a construction com- pany, she concedes, is one of them. Mets1.chd *MA lhi!te Phone, 519-669-2496 after 6 p.m or write WAYNE GC WING 29 Kildeer Rd. Elmira OK USED (ARS 1972 CHEVROLET 4 -door sedan, full power, radio 1972 OLDSMOBILE Delta 8112 -door H.T., P.S., P.B., radio, air conditioned 1971 CHEVROLET Impala 4 -door H.T., full power, radio 1971 PONTIAC 4 -door sedan, full power, radio 1971 METEOR 2 -door H.T., full power, radio 1971 MAVERICK 6 cylinder automatic, 4 -door, radio 1971 AMBASSADOR V-8 automatic, P.S., P.B., air conditioned. radio 1970 CHEVROLET 2 -door hardtop, V-8 automatic, full power, radio 1970 FIREBIRD 2 -door, H.T., 8 cyl. automatic 1970 CHRYSLER 1 4 -door sedan, V4 automtic, P.S., P.B., radio 1969 OLDSMOBILE 4 -door H.T., full power, radio 1969 CHEVROLET 4 -door sedan, 6 cylinder automatic 1969 NOVA 4 -door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic 1969 FORD 2 -door H.T., P.S., P.B., radio 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 2 -door H.T., P.B., P.S., radio 1969 BUICK 2 -door H.T., P.S., P.B., radio 1968 CHEVROLET Impala 2 -door H.T., P.S., P.B., radio 1972 G. .C. 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